We Try Shocking New Soda Flavors

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Welcome to Good Mythical More. We're trying some new sodas, including Coke Spiced, which I'm interested to try. But first, let's donate $1,000 to The Jed Foundation to aid in their mission to reduce the youth suicide rate and improve the mental health safety net provided to college students nationwide. You can be a part of this. You can join us in giving at jedfoundation.org/donate Ooh, I'm gonna slide this out without spilling anything. Spilling is something that we decide later. Yeah, but we're about to get spilt pretty hard because. We lost. Oh, KG's gonna Baja Blast us right in the face. How's it going, guys? It's going great, KG. Yeah, today's a good day. I'm always happy to see you. Yeah, I'm having a great day. You're doing such a good job. Oh, I see you brought your fish. With your fish friends. Yeah, you know, it's just show and tell day. You guys ready? Oh, wow. No questions asked. Just went for it. Yes, I'm ready. Thank you. It's cold. It's cold. Baja Blast. It's cold. Is that everything you thought it would be? Well, the thing is, is that, you know, we have the mountain clue. And it, like, it would be fun for you to read that clue, and then find the prize, and then not get to keep the prize because you didn't win. So maybe, okay, I was going to say maybe if you're good, but you already got it, so. We already got it. Okay, well let's, you know what, let's hold on to this clue. Let's get to this, Coke Spiced. And let's try. So, I was at the theater. They're pushing it hard at the theater. And I saw the commercial, and I gotta say, the commercial was very off putting to me. Like, zooming in on everyone's mouth. - Yeah, and then something. - No, it's more like, and they open their mouth, and they zoom into the mouth. I don't like zooming into people's mouths. You know what? Now I know why you didn't want to look into my mouth. Yeah, cause of these Coked Spiced commercials. Coked, coked, spiced. Raspberry Spiced. Interesting. It's a lot better than Cherry Coke. It's a lot like Cherry Coke. But it's milder in it's berryness. Much milder. Where's the spiced part? This is marketing, man. It's not spicy in the least. I mean, and they didn't say spicy. I understand that. They said spiced. But what would the spice be? Raspberry flavor? Is that all? Is that what it is for all of it? Or are there multiple flavors? This is it. Spiced is a raspberry. That's what it is. Well, how would you describe it? Like Coke with a little bit of berry. Oh, I thought you were gonna open your mouth and we were gonna zoom into it. Like, not much, not much to talk about. I wouldn't zoom into my mouth. It's not worth zooming in for. It's not worth, I like it compared, I mean, I don't like a lot of, newfangled soft drinks, but I actually do like this one. I like Cherry Coke. Because it tastes like Coke. So, I think I would chug this one. I just thought it was going to be spicy. Well, you don't, hold on, you don't know yet. We gotta try the other ones. Sporked agreed. I think I'm putting it at chug. I like it. That it was, it was, it was mostly raspberry, a little spice. And why not just go raspberry? Because people, people like spicy stuff. And they think it might be a little spicy. It's not supposed to be spicy. It's supposed to be aromatic. But you can't taste that. But it isn't really. I don't, there's no oregano in there. Yeah. Right. Can I try another one? Yeah, man. You can try Canada Dry Fruit Splash. So, this is a cherry ginger ale Made with a splash of real juice. One percent. - I really like this. - Of course, caffeine free. I like ginger ale and I like cherry flavored things and I don't think this has the super mediciney cherry flavor that a lot of cherry flavors have. This is the best cherry soda i've ever had. Yeah, see, I'm chugging this, man. This is, I don't like any cherry soda. Did we find something for you to drink in disguise? Canada Dry? It's, it's so tangy. Oh my goodness. It's like sour cherry almost. Yeah, it's, it's, yeah, it's very sour. Ooh, that's good. I'm a fan. I'm a fan. Well, but, but there's going to be. There's more. We're tasting more than three. So what we're saying is both of these are chugs. No, we're making a decision from these three. And, yeah. That's why I was like prematurely placing things in chugs. I understand. I didn't, I didn't, but I do. Yeah, I gotta, I gotta agree. Well, but we still got 7UP Tropical. Dang, these are all good. Tropical what? Look at this one. It's just tropical. I like the 7UP logo. Do you? Yeah. I really do. Got that red spot. Tropical flavored soda with other natural flavors. Of course, caffeine free again. Pretty fruit punchy. So is it like a Sunkist? It's honestly, it's not bad at all. It just tastes a little too much like, actually I don't want juice when I drink soft drinks. - Do you know what I'm saying? - What about lemon juice? And lime juice? I don't think Mountain Dew or Mello Yello taste like lemon or lime juice. I think they just have lemon and lime flavor. This actually tastes a little bit too real. It's not horrible though, but it's, it's my least favorite of the three because. Agreed. Your opinions on all three of these aligned with Sporked opinions on all three. There you go. Like opinions. We deserve a clue for that. Yes, we're feeling good about these. That Cananda Dry. I mean, if it were zero calories, then that would be, that would be something that I would have to keep in the house. It's 140 calories. Oh, I see. It's full. It's full cal. Around you now is a Dewy prize. Dewy capital D. We will leave these out here. A golden can hides from your eyes. Eyes. Though mountains are high. You must search low. Under a place a hairy beast would go. Under a place a hairy beast would go. What's the Dewy part? It's a can of, it's a can of Dew. Mountain Dew, right? It's Dewy with a capital D. Dewy prize, golden can. It's somewhere low. And a hairy beast. So, that's really the only clue is that it's something low where a hairy beast would, what? Would hide? Hide. Is it under the desk? Where's a hairy beast gonna hide? I bet it's in here. No, a beast wouldn't be in here. Oh, look at this. I looked in here. We got drawers and drawers. Link, don't smash anything. Look what I found. I found in this cooler. Oh my gosh, y'all. There's a toy chair. Yeah, you've already broken it. Well then. You can't re-break it. How disappointing. What is this? Toy chair. What's this? No, that's a beautiful handmade piece of. No. I can't break that. What about this one though? What if I broke that one into that one? Why you gotta break things, man? I don't have to break anything. I won't break anything. I want, I want people to like me. Did you find the can? Maybe. Amidst all that, you found the can? Where was it? Where was it? I was gonna do a trick. Where the can? I was gonna do a trick. Do it. Look away. And I was gonna be like, I was gonna hold it behind you like this. And I was going to get you to do things and everyone, but you would know that I had found it. It was going to be so fun. That's why you had that look on your face. Can I be honest with y'all? I found this can 25 minutes ago. What? What are you talking about? I reached out to adjust my seat. Felt a can, and thought, that's something. And then I began to think of all the things I could do with it. And then you saw me. Well, wait, if, I mean, Link, he wanted to use the mallet. Well, it was really hard to get in here, but yeah. That's what I'm saying. You want him to bust the can? I'm just saying it's something for him to bust that we won't be sad about. Oh. Oh, is it full? Yeah. Oh. Sorry. Don't give him any ideas. Can I, I want to poke at the lineup that you have going on because, you know, it's a, it's a bleep, marry, kill situation and so in my mind, sip is like marry. You know, and it's something that you. Like, really enjoy. You want to sit with. Exactly and so based on what your descriptions were I just don't think that's accurate of, you know what i'm saying? Yeah, I get what you're saying sip means you really want to savor it. Yeah. Okay, all right, we'll switch it up then. Yeah, okay. Monster Energy Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red. Ultra Fantasy? 10 calories Very pink lemon. Grapefruit juice. Very sour. Don't love it yet. Don't love it yet. We gotta see. We gotta go to the next one. Oh, we're still, now we're just in this. Peaches and Cream Reserve Monster. Oh, Reserve. Yeah. They held this one back. Okay. Mango. Very mango. No, peach. Very peach. That's what it is. That's pretty good. It's tough for me to drink any of these. You have to sip all of these though. Ooh, this is tough. I mean, hey! I mean, hey! I like this one better than that one though. This one just tastes, having cream in my Monster drink is a little weird. I don't know. I want to spill the Monster cream. I feel like I could go a little bit further with the pink one. And then we've got Rehab. Monster Green Tea. Well, this is for like recovery? Yeah. Refresh, revive, 15 colors. That's like a sweet green tea. Like almost like an Arizona Tea. I kind of like that. Yeah, it's the best one. Yeah, I like that. So, we're gonna sip on this tea. We're gonna sip on it forever and ever and ever. But we're gonna, we're gonna, like, voraciously chug. Yeah, we're going to chug. The Ultra Fantasy. And then we're going to spill the Peaches and Cream. I just did not like this. It's not for me. It's not for me. It feels like it might be a bit polarizing. Yeah. Be afraid of the Reserves. Are we in line? With Sporked on this. Oh, I'll have to look it up. You didn't seem like you were, you know, begging me for. It's the only thing that I'm interested in and. She wants you to beg her for it. Okay. Stevie, please, please tell us how we compare to Sporked. Well, now I need a moment. So talk, talk amongst. Look at the butyl on this can. Oh my goodness. One of the things I love about my job, is that over the years, I've learned words that if I had just stayed in the creek, I would have never learned. Like, butyl? Butyl! And duvetyne. Duvetyne is my favorite! Hold on, we're not allowed to? We're not allowed to say filmmaking terms? I just said butyl and duvetyne I thought it was over. I dried myself and everything. It only got one of your eyes. It's like when you wipe and then you have to get back on the toilet. Yeah, sometimes it happens. Oh, I guess I'm not done. I don't like teas. What's the chug one? We want to chug. The Fantasy. Pink fantasy. Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red. We thought that was pretty good. Yeah, Sporked liked that one the best. And the other two, they didn't really love. They didn't like the Peaches and Cream, and the green tea is kind of in the middle. Okay. So, still pretty consist. Okay. These are interesting cans right here. It feels like Easter. It feels like Easter. Look at, all of these cans in this next round, we're going cray cray with some. You clearing these out? Yeah, let's clear them out. Just to feel like we have some sense of control here. All right. So first up, We are trying Baja Laguna Lemonade. Laguna. 170 calories. Dew with a blast of natural and artificial mango lemonade flavor. It is, it must be the case that constantly churning out new flavors that are slightly different, appeals to a large segment of the population. Like, how many of y'all like drink all these different sodas all the time? Where is this happening? I don't think it's happening in Los Angeles very much. Is this happening here? I don't think so, but it's fun, I guess. You know, find a little something else to drink. People are really into soda. Soda always hits on Sporked for sure. Soda sells. - This is. - Interesting. I wouldn't have called it lemonade at all or mango. It's weird. It's still kind of Baja-y. There's something in there. It's blastedness. There's a little coconut. There's a little coconut. Which makes me hate it. Oh, now that I pointed it out now that you're able to place it. Well, I wanted to ignore it, but now that you see that it's there. It has a little bit of a tropical, I'm not a, I'm not a huge fan. I'll say I'm not a huge fan. Okay. All right. But we got a pink one. Let's try this one. Baja Point Break Punch. Tropical punch flavor. It's a beautiful can. They've done good work. And here you go. Better. What's that got in it? It's, it's very fruit punchy, but it's also. It's got a little pineapple. Yes. And. Let's put that at, I don't think that's the one I want to enjoy the most. If I drink it fast, I'll like. Pineapples and some other kind of berry. Now this is, this is the one that I'm excited to try. Oh, is it grape? Is it grape? Mountain Dew Purple Thunder. Blast of berry plum. I want grape. Berry plum. Y'all need to do more grape stuff. Mythical Beasts don't like grape. Grape's the best flavor. It's dry. It's a dry grape. It's almost. Almost like it's not a grape at all. More of a plum. It's growing on me. The more that I sip it Oh crap, we have one more round? Okay. Alright. We gotta make a decision. It is the best. It's the best one. We're sipping that thing. We're making mouth love to it. Please, Stevie! Yeah? Tell us what they said over at Sporked. Laguna, I can't, they haven't tried yet as far as I can tell. Not great. The other two align. They're both a 9, 9.5 as expected delivery on flavor. Oh, there you go. All right, and then to wrap things up, we're gonna try the Tropical 7UP Zero Sugar, the Coca-Cola Spiced Zero Sugar. So, we're into basically zero sugar of the same thing we started with. Oh, yes! Look, they have it! Oh, this could be a life change for you. A Fruit Splash, man. Fruit Splash. Get the boys Fruit Splash. Yes. So, what we're gonna do is I'm just gonna do this. I don't know why I just didn't bring the whole thing over. As we are making this final decision, you know what? As we've already demonstrated, our opinions are somewhat reflected at sporked.com Because we've got a team over there that has even better tasters than we do and tastes even more stuff than we do. So go over there and check out their new product reviews. They got a new section for, they got a section for new sodas. Taste test. They're just tasting sodas all the time. You got to adjust to the zero sugarness of this. Tropical flavored 7UP. Not bad, but. I prefer the fake sweetener because I'm, I've dialed into diet drinks, you know, my, so my palate has adjusted to fake sugar. I'm going to like these two better. So I just want to get to it. So, Coke. I'm gonna say this is the worst and then we can move it in a minute. I'm just predicting that. Spiced? Spiced Zero. I like this, Coke Zero and I like the Spiced so. It feels like it's, it feels like it needs, it needs the sweet, sweet a little bit. I don't know there's something. Yeah. It's not bad. It's, I'm a little disappointed. But I'm definitely not gonna get that over a Coke Zero. Is this not? The Fruit Splash that we had, the Canada Dry, was it fruit? Was it? It's the same one. Yeah, cherry. It's the same thing. Cherry and ginger ale. Yes. I was saying I wish that it existed, and here it is. It's still good. It's still good. It tastes very similar. Because it's so tart. There you have it. Looks like you've just changed up your little, soda routine, Link. That's trouble right there. You've done it again. Yep. You've done it again. And, I gotta take note, Canada Dry Fruit Splash Zero Sugar. Welcome to my life. I thought that came from you somehow. Yeah, I wouldn't get that excited. I thought you did something. Welcome to my life. Head to sporked.com to get the deets on all the new sodas as well as other new products. Check out their new product review section for their take on new foods and drinks.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 511,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, blind, taste test, tournament, stevie, wynne, levine, josh, scherer, chase, emily, jordan, cotton candy randy, international, dart, game, test, experiment, challenge, food, feuds, snacks, shuffleboard, what’s the best, what’s the worst, frozen, fast, fancy, we tried every, gut check, discontinued, products, flavor match, food crimes, find the name brand, scornhole, cheap vs expensive, naked foods
Id: _MJhF61_0mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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