Can We Taste These Fast Food Swaps? (GAME)

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- McDonald's, we have the finger licking fresh. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Of all the fast food chains, McDonald's probably has the most unmistakable flavor profile across the board. But we were wondering, what if we disrupted that McFlavor McHarmony by tasting McDonald's menu items, that have had other fast food chain ingredients, clandestinely wedged within them. - Yeah, could we pinpoint the difference, and might we even stumble upon a brand new, dare I say, improved fast food creation? It's time for Fast Food Frankenstein, McDonald's. - Okay, so we'll taste McDonald's menu items that have had one or more ingredient swapped out, and another fast food chain's ingredients Frankensteined in. And if we can identify which ingredient is different, we get a point. And if we can also name the restaurant that it's from, we get two points. And then we're gonna taste the O-G McDonald's recipe and decide if we've made an improvement. - The winner gets a Franken-toy, which is a monstrosity of a toy made of multiple fast food restaurant kids meal toys. - Bring in Frankenstein's monsters! (creepy music) - [Stevie] Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so what better way to start than with a sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddle? - This is one of my favorites. - [Stevie] In this round, only one item has been swapped out. - Okay, yeah. - Now, we both enjoy this sandwich. - [Link] Yeah, we do. - So, it seems like we should be able to, - I'm gonna give it a little bite. Dink it first and sink it laters. - Mm-hmm, it's still good. - Something's jumping out at me. - I'm trying not to just look at it and come to any conclusions. - The egg would be tough. - I'm trying to think of the taste. - That's a good sandwich. I love this country. - The things that we have to choose from, and we've got these like, we've got these cool magnets that we can throw on there, are Burger King, KFC, Wendy's, In-N-Out, Dunkin Donuts, Subway, Popeye's, and Jack in the Box. We can choose from any of those, over the course of the whole episode. - You got a little McGriddle on your McLipple. - Did I get it? - You got it, okay. - Okay. - I have-- - I think I know what it is. - I think I got it, too. - I think I tasted the thing that's different. - Okay. - I don't want you to know what I'm, all right, I got mine. All right, three, two, one. - Oh ho ho! - Ooh, look at us! - We think we got Burger King sausage on this! - The reason why I feel good about it is 'cause one of my other, I'd say top five breakfast sandwiches-- - Is Burger King. - Is the croissant. - Croissan'wich. - With the sausage. - Croissan'wich. - And I do think that's what it is. - Tell us how right we are, Stevie. - [Stevie] This Frankenstein sausage, egg, and cheese, McGriddle contains another fast food chain's sausage. (bell dings) - Yep. - [Stevie] But that sausage comes from Dunkin' Donuts. - Oh, come on. - Oh, really? That's a good sausage, Dunkin'. - [Stevie] So let's fly in the actual McDonald's sausage, egg, and cheese, so you guys can compare the two to decide, which sausage is better. - I just wanna see if I can remember. - Oh, the sausage is smaller-- - It sounds like also, something you-- - Look at that. - Do in your private time, but go ahead. - [Link] If you look at these sausages, Dunkin' sausage, McDonald's sausage. - Dare I say it's better with Dunkin'? - A little bit, yeah. - The sausage is better. - That's nothing we learned. - It's bigger, it's juicer. Juicier. (laughs) (audience laughs) I can't even speak, I'm so excited. - Yeah, so you can improve it. Hopefully, they're right next to each other. (eerie music) - Quick reminder, you can join the Mythical Society for our incredible April quarterly collectible. Which is an exclusive stereoscopic viewer, themed to '80's movies Link has never seen. Which is a lot of '80's movies. - Yeah, but this is my way of getting back in the clout. - Right. - I get all the references, I get my clout back. And you can too. - Yes. And there's also an exclusive surprise. But what is it? Well you're gonna have to be a third degree member for the quarter, by signing up by January 31st. You can sign up at - If you take it out of the box, you can see more. - It's even more fun out of the box. - I ain't gonna do that. - All right, what we got, Stevie? Quarter pounder? - [Stevie] For this burger round, you may have expected a Big Mac, but that would be way too easy, for a couple of Big Mac aficionados such as yourselves. So, here you have a quarter pounder with cheese and bacon, and two of the ingredients have been swapped out. - Two of the, I've never ordered a quarter pounder with bacon. - I have not, either. And I'm kind of a, I mean back when I was burger man more than I am now, the quarter pounder was a popular choice for me. I'm trying to get an eye on these onions. You wouldn't just swap out the onions. You wouldn't do that would you? - That's an option, everything's an option. - First of all, this burger's been sitting a little bit, and it is nasty. - Well, I think that they ordered the ingredients separate, and then put them together, in order to be able to do this. I'm not trying to get into the behind the scenes here, but because it's really hard to take apart McDonald's burgers, so they all kind of congeal into one thing. - Does KFC have sliced cheese? - I'm going out on a limb here. - Man, This is tough. I couldn't have told you that there's two slices of cheese on a quarter pounder. I'm just not a quarter pounder man. Could you have told us that? - I don't keep up with details like that. I just eat but, - Okay, okay, all right I know what I'm doing. - Me, too. All right, here we go. So place your first one. - I think that's Subway bacon. - I think it's well, I'm guessing Jack in the Box bacon and I think it's Burger King onions. - And I think it's Wendy's pickles. - Is that right? (laughing) - Yeah, I don't know why. - Aren't the onions diced at McDonald's? - Oh, you're right. Too late, I've already guessed. - [Stevie] This Franken-quarter pounder with cheese and bacon contains another fast food chain's bacon and another fast food chain's pickles. (laughing) - Oh, dang it! - Yeah! - [Stevie] So the bacon is from the Wendy's Baconator and the thick crunchy pickles are from Subway. - Ugh, man, hey, listen, I got those two ingredients. - That makes sense. All right, you're pulling ahead. - I've still impressed myself. - [Stevie] This is the actual McDonald ingredients, a burger. - It doesn't get any better than this. - Yeah, so I'm gonna try again with the bacon, their bacon to see if it makes it better. - I could have sworn the onions were diced but they're not. - McDonald's bacon is different. I'm not saying it's better but I'm saying it's more McDonaldsy. - It complements McDonald's more. So this is not an improvement. All right but hey, we're still having fun. (creepy music) - [Stevie] We've reached the chicken round with O-G McDonald's buttermilk crispy chicken sandwich. This menu item has had two ingredients swapped out. - Oh, it's got, - Yes it has. - It's got 'maters on it. I don't need to taste a 'mater from anywhere because I never taste 'em from everywhere. - Look at that chicken. - You think the chicken's been swapped out? You think this is that Popeye's chicken? - It's not. This isn't easy. - The chicken's taste burnt. - But what does that mean? - I'm just trying to figure out if they put the chicken from somewhere else. Okay, So mayonnaise isn't part of this so I don't have to worry about that. Lettuce? Seriously, you could do, I think they have fancy lettuce at McDonald's. - You've seen the fancy lettuce? - Yeah, they've got like leafy lettuce on some stuff I think. Man, is it that bun? Where the crap would that come from? - Okay, I've got some answers here. - Okay, all right. I'm ready, I'm gonna put, you ready? - Oh, I'm still eating, yeah I'm ready. - I'm gonna put my first one up here. I think the bun is from Jack in the Box. - I think the bun is from Popeye's. - Oh, yeah? Well, I think the lettuce is from Popeye's 'cause I think they are just messing with us. - I think the tomatoes are from Jack in the Box. - Are you just guessing? 'Cause I am. - It's educated guessing. - [Stevie] Okay, this Frankenstein buttermilk crispy chicken sandwich contains another fast food chain's crispy chicken. - What? Oh man. - [Stevie] And bun. (bell dings) The bun is from the famous Popeye's chicken sandwich. - Yup, I recognized that. - [Stevie] And the crispy chicken is from Burger King. - Oh, that's Burger King Chicken? - [Stevie] Yeah, and here is the original McDonald's Sandwich. - Oh dang it I should have, I can taste the Burger King in that chicken now. - Yeah, you got to taste the Burger King in the chicken right from the get go. - I mean it's not good. - Look at that, McDonald's. I mean, what is this? McDonald's, It's off. Everything is from McDonald's. - I mean look at that chicken. This is the McDonald's chicken here. - Look how much bigger that chicken is. - It's like a-- - I can get just a, I love when I get just a straight up chicken bite. - I think that's a chef hat. - That Burger King chicken is sad. - It's weird, it's odd. - That Burger King chicken needs to be taken out back and put down. (creepy music) - [Stevie] And now the saucy saucy final round, where you must try and identify the non McDonald's sauce using McDonald's french fries as your dipping tools. You're welcome. Laid before you are six sauces. If you can name the non Mickey D's sauce, you win three points. And if you can also guess what restaurant it's from, you win the entire game which means none of this has mattered up until now and it's all on the line. - That's fair. - You know what, I was kinda feeling like nothing was mattering, until now when I win. Now that tangy barbecue is good. That ranches tastes odd to me. - I think it's odd ranch. - But again, McDonald's stuff, It's not like, Everything you taste at McDonald's you only, you just think of it as it's own McDonald's thing, You don't compare it with the rest of the outside world. - First of all, we're both doing the same technique. We're not eating the fries, we're licking the fries. - That's 'cause we're divas. Now this fry here, this pickled thousand island sauce, - That's what they put on the big Mac. - that's the big Mac sauce. So these aren't just dipping sauces. This is any sauce you can get your hands on, or they're screwing with us, and that's an imitation. - Whoop, I just put a fry in there. - What is this, some sort of? - I think that might be sweet and sour. - What is that? - Is that szechuan? - Szechuan? - Is that szechuan? - You says what? - Is that szechuan sauce? - Man, it's been a long time since I've run the nugget dip gambit. - I've never licked so many fries. - Woo hoo, that's a good sauce right there. - Oh, I'm familiar with that sauce. - It's like a hot wing sauce. - Now what's a this one over here? - Can you dip McNuggets in a hot wing sauce? But there's no hot wings at McDonald's. - They had wings for a while. It was called like, crazy wings. - And this honey mustard, this honey mustard's got a lot of brown specks in it. - [Stevie] Mighty wings. - Mighty wings, see I knew I was almost right. - Mighty wings. Hmm, yeah, I'd like to have some of that at home for my wings. - That's a really good sauce and I do know where it's from. - The honey mustard is also really good. But again, I just don't know if McDonald has like, the brown specks nowadays. Because back in the day the honey mustard-- - Honey mustard was just uniform, totally homogenous. - But I do think they changed it. - They've updated it, but I don't get honey mustard. I'm not a honey mustard man. - At first I thought that this was-- - I don't dislike it, it's just-- - the caramel sauce that you can dip apples in. - It's not. - But it ain't. - Okay, I have a guess and I don't feel good about it at all, and I hate the fact that I brought a substantial lead into this and it doesn't matter. - [Stevie] We're gonna do like a three, two, one on this one, 'cause I feel like chances are high of some cheatin'. - The ranch, the ranch is just, - Oh, you going back for the ranch. You're revisiting the ranch. - That's weird. - [Stevie] You guys ready? - Okay, I have a guess. - [Stevie] Here we go. In three, two, one. - Oh, you think it's the Big Mac. Oh, I totally forgot about In-N-Out! - I think that's the animal style. - Animal style! Fries, oh! - I think so, I think that's what it is. I think it is, I think it is! - [Stevie] Okay. - I don't know though. - [Stevie] Starting on Rhett's side, you have Mcdonald's tangy barbecue sauce, then McDonald's creamy ranch. - McDonald's ranch. - Well shoot, I've lost. - [Stevie] Then McDonald's Big Mac sauce, - Oh dang it! - [Stevie] Then McDonald's sweet and sour sauce followed by McDonald's spicy buffalo and honey mustard from KFC. - KFC, I've never had it. - KFC. - I've never had it. That is the best sauce for dipping at McDonald's is this buffalo. I love it on the nuggets. - Yeah, that's some good stuff man. - Put that on your nugs. So we both got it wrong, which means that my lead does matter. - You get the Franken toy. - Bring in that Franken toy. - Bring it out. (clapping) - Hey guys. - You've been through the ringer. - Oh, yeah. - What's your name? - Franken Lucas. (laughing) - I like how you just kept your own name. (laughing) - Colonel Wendy McDonald. - We made that for you. - Look at that, we've got, yeah. Lots of things happening here. - He's got a goatee 'cause I have a goatee. - Oh, yeah, just like the Colonel. But you're not the colonel, you're-- - I wanna be the Colonel. - Franken Lucas. - Lucas, you are weirding me out. Remember to sign up as a 3rd Degree member of the Mythical Society by January 31st, 2020 to receive this collectible stereoscopic viewer. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Yeah, you know what time it is. - My name's John. - And I am Kate. - And we're in Hanoi, Vietnam about to eat some McDonald's fried chicken. - And it's time to - [Together] spin the wheel of mythicality. - When in Hanoi, get McDonald's. - That's weird. - Click the top link to watch us match the toys to the fast food chain in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Narrator] Embark on a cinematic journey of visual discovery of 80's movies Link hasn't seen. Coming soon to all 3rd Degree Mythical Society Members. Join by January 31st.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,227,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Can We Taste These Fast Food Swaps? (GAME), mcdonalds, fast food, burger king, subway, wendys, in n out, in-n-out, carls jr
Id: fBE1Sc9v1tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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