Deep DooDoo , I Mean, Deep DaeWoo

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I wonder if the excavator operator would have done any better trying to push up towards the truck instead of pulling. Basically turning his cab around and face away from the road and push back. With the lift of the truck keep the road side of the track from digging in.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nick91900 📅︎︎ May 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

I want to watch a video of AVE and this dude get a truck unstuck with nothing but two sacks of the best modern canola seed you ever did see.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great move when he arrived. Immediately acknowledged that the operator had “dug down (something, I’m not familiar with procedure)”. This gets the guy on your side and can prevent them from getting defensive. It can make things a lot smoother.

(Former medic)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/crabsmash 📅︎︎ May 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Practical tip, use 1.5x speed. It is is not edited in anyway (not that there is anything wrong with that "format" but... there is not that much happening in this case).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SquidCap 📅︎︎ May 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

That excavator operator is, to be kind, below average, has to be told to use the bucket and turn the tracks and then only turns one. You can see every time the left track turns the machine moves and then when he can move on his own he doesn't seem to know what to do.
Good thing the towy knows what's going on.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LargePizz 📅︎︎ May 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

Any guess on how much a job like that would cost?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/inertialfall 📅︎︎ May 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've watched all the videos on his channel, they are gret. Ron is such a good guy!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/CBRjack 📅︎︎ May 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hello ladies gentlemen and as always thank you for watching today we've got a task ahead of us we've got an excavator buried they don't know how big the excavator is or how badly it is stuck we're headed up there with the big truck hopefully we can get it with it but we may need to call in some additional help we'll see you on site okay we are on site there she sits and she's down pretty good and oh man look at this utility lines right there right underneath dang dang dang yep I need to get up here where we can get off the road and look [Music] you'll see what we got nice little machine here gorgeous right yeah okay you've already dug down to the pen dug down to the pen all right she's down pretty good ain't she you know I guess it it's too soft in here it won't help itself with the cloth no you can't it doesn't yeah we may end up shutting part of this road down or setting the whole road down for a little while we'll see to be able to get to be able to get straight on it and get the right pull and lift that we need we probably going to have to probably gonna have to take the road but island right now we're going to have to have a little more digging we got to get underneath that pen so we can get in into it yeah we've got big clevis and go ahead and get one of our big clevis Mike and one of our big heavy blue dark blue chains the big big boys get the big boy do what no no I don't know I mean I can try it from here I'll get off just a little bit and and run one lane only you know we'll try to keep one yeah I'd like to keep one lane open the problem is I don't want to get over here where it's gonna start pulling me down they see if I can get if I can get wiggle in here [Music] come on no sir they do not it does appear that way what it does appear that way what is that building first we got to get it up out of the hole within well you friggin there's both big and slide under here somewhere Oh lovely yeah but we got another guy those folks come out and relocate it okay all right so he can't really dig his stick his bucket in there right right we're up in here at least even with this power I was gonna say you know it might be easier just to lift it out if you're it once we get it moving if you can't roll it on up the hill but with those overhead powerlines that's almost impossible you can't do no lift with the overheads on it fully extended I can lift around 18 to 22 depending on the angle so I mean close in and then up I could lift the whole machine not easily but but but yeah powerlines big problem the only way to do that is we had to rotators I mean we're May we can get him out here or maybe I could walk in there right try gonna say maybe you know once we get him free getting freed up and then you can use that little machine and help put it down and get some rock under him all right Mike I think we're going to do rather than a duel running two lines I think I'm going to do a multi-part on this one instead of a just a two-part line we're gonna do a four which may be a little confusing we just start pulling cable let me just second here all right that snatch block will go down to our our chain and in this hook uh-huh no it's bringing on the on the high side for now they can lift the bucket and bring the bucket wherever they need it but this will bring us in a straighter line hold on just a second here we'll start with a three-part see what that new course may end up pulling the drag out on it too but we're definitely gonna have some lift it started all right I need this back up there back up on my boomer once I get that up there let me climb up there I'm hand me the snatch block and then that white hook would go back down same spot your other snatch block is into that statement all right alright that'll give us some lift take it back down that's all right I get all right that's good do what okay all right he said they were going to let me see what it feels like first and then we'll make that decision let me see what kind of forces I got on it I think I'm I think I know all right now you see what we did with the three-part line there Mike the scale try rolling your track reach up and grab and try to lay your bucket down as flat as you can and knuckle it in to at the same time sometimes just a few inches at a time yeah I gotta Oh auntie pool I'm gonna get over here where I can see him matter help watch my truck [Music] Jen with you would you helpin we're movin well nothing but slop down there is [Music] [Music] drunk saying down Mike is the truck staying down [Music] you need to get another bike you're moving on your own for a minute let me keep up what with you well we need to disconnect here and fill in first before we go farther all right let's do it swing your bucket wherever you want it and then I'll let go and we'll reset now I'm gonna let go and see if you can stay there alright leave the chain and everything there Mike just unhook the snatch block all right we're gonna reset all right we got him out the worst section of it and he was able to walk it up past the guyline wires but he's starting to slide downhill so we're gonna reposition get him get a hook on him and help bring him up the rest away we got got this book now all right Mikey I'm gonna put it back on free spool when I get ready all right now this time we're probably going to want to run a low line on it to for a direct pull instead of just a lift all right with that well yeah I'm gonna have to have it to where I can stay under the lines but we need the cable there you go all right we're going to flip that cleat know that one down leave that I meant this one yeah I meant dissing oh yeah well go ahead both cleats off the off pavement alright go ahead and start running our blind down let me put you on free spool and then I'll do what I need to do up here yes sir I want three two one in case in case it jerks or decides to slide I want that extra security in there now I'm not gonna charge you for the second trouble we just I just got him here it's planned me in case something goes haywire don't worry we're pushing well I just this close to that Creek and with the powerlines and everything I wanted to have another one here just to be safe Talon we got a three part grab the white one yep like post-reagan doubt debate hold on let me the cold will get too much pressure on there we don't need the lift now we need redirect down low get more of a pull because we lift where we're at now it's going to want taking hard hat on sync up and boom down place so I can reach this rascal okay stop yep go up to this high one right here no that will work dad Naga work 9 to 5 rig it right that's why I went 3 to 1 instead of a standard 2 to 1 nihlus 7 8 7 8 6 4 19 he's got a almost 17,000 pounds safe working load limit single line on a 5 to 1 so I got I got 20 Oh do I drag a cable down that hill Nate go to the gym I know I gotta go to the gym keep up with you young bucks though I did two and a half miles this morning when it was nice and cool I'd said to heck with the gym I just went out on the road had a nice little run this morning for Sun come up ohyeah hey Talan make sure he has the bucket up hillside that way he can grant have the bucket uphill and open that way if it does start to slide you can jam it in the ground and grab okay that's this is just a last-ditch emergency effort that helps helps bring the weight up - though because he's got that counterbalance turned they've got that counterbalance turned that way so yeah let's watch out guys this is gonna be a healthy pool again [Music] Oh No I don't think so all right nice and easy stay with my cables just walk it right up the hill [Music] oh hello let me catch up [Music] there we go oh oh we got her now we got now you missed the first part that was really fun well duh you see the mud marks on the counterweight on the back well Donna texted made one know how I was doing I said I'm in heaven right now John sent her a picture said it's making my day Marylyn he's got it now let's walk these cable off the cables wedding guys grabbing everybody grab a cable you got it now bring it on out brother watch you burn good deal good deal all right guys thank you thank you thank you thank you died it's like it's like okay we'll treat you right thank you sir now watch something on TV my way through hell and there's wrecked out of Chicago and then there's another one out of Canada Anouar when heavy rescue 401 I haven't seen that yeah rekt rekt the ol hair guys yeah get this no ha it ran like two or three seasons and it was they're still in business yeah they just don't do the TV show anymore no it's brilliant person thank you thank you I appreciate Dennis no answer we've got all the way from rollbacks up to this this is our big one we've got a single axle 2010 unit that Oh like that a little single like will dump truck no problem whatsoever we can haul your skid steers but it's pretty much whatever you need pretty much whatever you need I'll get you some business cards alright ladies and gentlemen a potential dangerous job gas lines overhead power lines I don't know if you heard but there was underground natural gas pipeline run right through there that if that bucket had ruptured would have been in deep doo-doo but we're all safe the equipment's up on the saw or shoot up on the shoulder safely it's all good as always thank you for watching god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 523,369
Rating: 4.9074798 out of 5
Id: DJBnAs4t00Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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