Impaled!!! It's a Ringer!!!

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hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching today Mike was called out by the Missouri State Highway Patrol or we sent Mike out for a vehicle off the roadway on the two-lane highway down in the ditch Mike fell back and said that he needed this truck because the vehicle had impaled itself on a fence he sent me pictures and it appears as though the fencepost is sticking up through the hood between the belt somewhere in the engine compartment so Darley and was notifying me of something there anyway the vehicle has impaled itself or been impaled however you want to say it by a fence post and the Midcoast is sticking through the hood and mike it's too far away Mike can't get it for the rollback to be able to lift [Music] and since it's on a two-lane road in the middle of the curve they'd really prefer that we use this truck this may be a job and we don't get paid for there are quite a few of those but I don't know what will happen people might have coverage insurance might not don't know never know but regardless your call we have to get the job done whether we get paid or we know it's irrelevant we have to do the job you gotta take the good with the bad just like everything else in life and I'm not letting komen because this is not is not blocking the roadway there's somebody trapped I know people have asked about some of the [Music] coloured response videos I'd like to see more of them have really had a lot of up recently which which is good I mean I don't like seeing people hurt it don't like seeing people trap we have had a lot of code response recently courses been hot and dry so there have been a lot of cracks in but say this is probably a bad Ted Bennett drive and a 12 minute drive something like that I may edit part of it out I know some people really like the wall worship [Music] past videos ahead of a great truck where I towed it from the rear and I sewed the whole thing beginning the end and even bringing it back to the shop and unhooking got a lot of positive response like that I'll try to do that whenever I can on some of the where the drive is you know spring a little Drive I guess we'll just take the viewers suggestions and videos get to lawful comeback but everybody seemed to really really like the multimedia formats we'll stay with it a little bit and see what happens also right now it is June 14 2018 around 11:15 in the morning 90 degrees Fahrenheit on its way up to around 100 but by committee we have heat warnings and effects pretty David awfully hot to me right in here for being anyway another farmer with a grain truck a very large farming community around here pods farmland our industry - but there's a lot of our plan we've also got the Mississippi River and a river for yeah two major rail lines that run through the area one of runs right through Scott City we have Oh major pipeline that runs through the area pipeline petroleum pipeline there's one of the tanks coming tankers coming from one of the pipelines [Music] I find out that way by the river and there's another one up in cake [Music] [Music] it's just a spur line that's not a mainline track this overpass I'm getting ready to go crosses the goes over the main line for Union Pacific Railroad this is this town was built around the railroad in the river [Music] big agricultural tank farm there for agricultural chemicals broad arms in area going over the overpass for the railroad main lines there's a little Depot down there give you a brief little history this part of town it's all been consolidated into Scott City in this part of town and what time called Elmo spelled hi Elmo and the reason for that a lot of people don't even people who lived here for a long time never really understood the name why it was called Elmo but on the Braille today if you're down again the niebo with really felt there's a sign / in Illinois Missouri because you're going across the Illinois Missouri line whenever you cross the river railroad tracks so it just developed the name long time ago for short because this was the ELMO rare Radhika Illinois Missouri River deepened and I'll stay with little trivia facts should make too far out here my web troll said about three miles south of town on brown hand if you watched any of my motorcycle videos one of the rides we took was out here on this road there's a lot of curves on this road so there are quite a few car accidents out here kind of unusual for what to be impaled by events but this may be interesting to say anyway got to begin Bettis down this next curve I think there's a dance the opposite side that's worth yep for somewhere close yes lights action sorry yeah Terry [Music] I don't know let me look and see but you need to cool off man you need to cool off [Music] I know cherry very well he just sweating like crazy now let's see what do we have here [Music] while [Music] talk to the trooper and see what he wants to do here how solids the ground here let range yeah a lot oh my goodness Wow ladies at the bumper covers I reached No maybe definitely it with always there de slingshot it back there's on me really way back tire Oh sure can wow it grabbed ahold of it and did like a horseshoe when you ring a horseshoe its what it did it grabbed a hold of it and spun that thing around sure did oh my goodness roofs already caved Brooks already caved we might as well just strap the dadgum thing and lift it up out of here get it do it quick do it quick and get it out of here yeah we'll just grab it with both lines both lines one on each side like we've done before let me get little bit a little bit off the road Oh going after in somebody free-spool all the winch's people ask you can do multiple functions at the same time the answer is yes it will slow down the hydraulics a little bit but you can do multiple functions all at once okay we don't need anything except this passenger side out and no more the net cars going away we don't need much probably wouldn't have to put the outriggers out at all but you know go up I'll get this set up go up and get turned around and come in yeah just pull in right here behind me yep we'll just set it right down on the deck buddy and will not even touch him there darn it [Music] like I said we don't won't need much for just this car but still want it therefore stabilization if we were doing a heavy lift I'd had to put all kind of cribbing under there well not so I don't all right girl let's get fired up and go boy darn it I should already sprayed myself better late than never again it's chick another ticks and chiggers mosquitoes they all love me it need to unlock my boom and lock fold that back up so I can get in close well now he'll be backing in so he won't need it that much we'll fold it up anyway I wonder if anybody was hurt airbags deployed anyway I was always always asked for prayers for everybody involved I know I have viewers who don't believe as I do I fully respect that your well wishes are greatly appreciated I don't expect people to believe as I do I'm not trying to push my beliefs but for those that do believe I ask for prayers [Music] I'm Ike I'm gonna bringing this over to you told me some slack down [Music] I didn't want it to hit my hooks to hit the side of the bed and I couldn't reach it without grabbing a pole that's good thanks sir [Music] [Music] yeah I don't think we're going to hurt this cool car is there oh man did you hear how the occupants were did not hey be careful there dude careful careful wow there's one heck of a drop-off on the other side it wow I didn't see that oh my goodness right over top of your head hey where's your hard hat you ran off without it I know left in a hurry yeah I'll let it slide this once just watch your head all right you got our snugged up [Music] yeah that fence held up here didn't it come on girl you know come on you know what's gonna happen it's gonna break free there we go I just need to boom out and get a little bit different lift on air we go Oh beautiful beautiful beautiful got it yep staff money you know you know the drill the slider back I don't know their to roll back when it got that I don't know that a rollback would have got that unless you cut the post off cut the post off and drag it with it and cut the fence at the same time you may have come back just a little bit yeah come on back a little bit in a row forward some as I let it down [Music] at good your hydraulics in hydraulics are an [Music] all right you tire down I'll get everything else I'll get my truck you take care of this just just toss it off the back yeah be good enough roll the carriage forward try to clear this road thankfully there's no no a lot of traffic right now change my winch speed winches sped up [Music] [Music] [Music] all right turn it down to eight there's always three winters in a little bit first that should be getting pretty close pianos club all right there we go straighten this out when I get back up to the shop hang that back up all right you back grademark got yours good here to put that block up for me and I'll be good to go as soon as I get that outrigger stowed the trooper Spain gave you anything okay I'll go up and turn around you want to stop and tic-tac wedding just set it in there well straighten it when we get back yeah I know what I got to go through and straighten everything up I got too much stuff it's like what I was doing with the rollback earlier all right but and go through and see if we can help Mike get unloaded I know a lot of people wanted to see the full video again so we'll go back and now he just about got it you don't need my help you just back out oh yeah all right things in rough shape ain't it I didn't really realize how bad a shape it was in see this time I was more concerned about getting it loaded and getting out of there NBC shut the road down for me well I turned into burgers burgers farm there and turn around the first one went past and went sideways and then the engine teri with the engine come up behind shut it down let me turn around get back out I love those guys alright let's get this thing unloaded yep I may have to do the shake you're good Claro my side [Music] all right thanks bye alright guys her she said hopefully the people were okay again and like I said we'll ask them my believing gears to prepares everybody else non-believers whatever belief you have belief system you have non bleep your well wishes good thoughts are greatly appreciated as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 262,512
Rating: 4.9287429 out of 5
Id: nTAaD6S9cho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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