DECORATING the MEMORY Level! - Part 3

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it's memory level time it's memory level time hi it's memory level time yep it is that time of the week once again on a Saturday where I'm going to be doing a little bit more work on the memory level we've got two more videos of this and in today's episode I'm going to actually start decorating this if you haven't seen the previous two episodes basically I spent those episodes Building an entire memory layout here it's about insane demon I think some parts are a bit harder than others it might need a bit of balancing but today I want to start decorating this and the style I kind of want to go with for this is I want to do kind of like a club step type style but like kind of enhanced club step so a little while ago I made this which was kind of the style I want to go with I really really like it it's very simple it's basically just like 1.6 plus Globe plus like a couple other like just slopey bits that would kind of fit in with the update you know just add a bit more detail but still kind of fit within that 1.6 Vibe right so it's kind of the style I want to go with here I don't know if it'll be exactly the same but considering I really really want to get half of the decor done in today's video having a simple style like this is definitely going to help with that a lot so like any bit of decoration really um I think the first step is probably to replace all of these with the outline blocks instead of these just like default blocks here all right and for these fakes in here what I'm going to do is I'm going to use these 3D lines here because these actually don't have a hitbox but they kind of look the same as regular lines they work pretty well as like little fakes right that's why it felt really weird I was building it I'm like it just feels slightly slower I don't know what the deal is is because I had speed hack on for some reason hacking in the editor dude what's happened to me bro oh no all right at this point I've got all of the outlines in place now so I'm gonna go back to layer zero and then just delete all of this block design here so the outlines just kind of are the only things there right why don't instead of just selecting each thing why don't I just use the delete yeah that's a genius idea dude the delete tab's awesome next thing I think I should probably do is change the background color now what do I want to go with here do I want to go full club step style where it just kind of changes colors a bunch to like random stuff goes to a nice green here because why not you know I could probably be a little bit wacky with the colors uh I'll get a little bit more wacky with them in this part I think but for this first part I might just like fade between these type of colors here and now for the block design I mean I can always be boring with it I do want to have a lot of bricks how many bricks is too many though I think for the pillars I want to go brick but then for these like smaller structures here I can kind of go a little bit you know more a little bit more wild just do a different block design really but a little bit more wild I guess and do that and then maybe I can even layer some of these slabs on top like that but maybe if I make them a little bit darker what I'll do for color two this is very a me moment I'm going to copy the color of the background brightness up a bit and saturation up oh no saturation down a bit I think that works yeah with a bit of glow and stuff as well that'll work pretty decently and then for structures like this one over here what I can do is I can Chuck one like that yeah that works pretty well all right the next step I want to go with here is I'm going to head on to this layer and I'm going to put in some backing blocks I'm going to copy the color of the background again saturation right down and brightness down a little bit as well yeah something like that I think and then I'll layer it below all of those blocks and then that gives it just like a nice backing which essentially means that I can Chuck stuff like completely behind that right now I just got to Chuck that behind all of this Glock design here all right and now finally we have the glow which I think is what I'm going to put on color one I'm going to copy the color of the background not the objects the background as usual and give it blending oh looks a little bit much I feel like this needs to be a little bit less bright like 0.6 or something yeah that looks a lot nicer you can see like compared to this it just gives it a bit of almost depth right so that's for all of the brick structures and that looks good for those what about these I feel like I could oh I have an idea for these let me start off on a bit of a simpler design here but what I also want to do here is I'm going to use these tiny bits of glow I've done this technique in the past and I generally love it I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna copy the yeah I'll copy the object color I think and then make the brightness a bit lower maybe 0.6 and then give that blending of course and then so this little bit of glow across the top here make sure that's laid on T2 yeah it just makes this top of these feel a lot more like there I guess I don't know it just makes it feel a lot better nice all right well I'd say that is just about all of the lock designs in place these spikes what I kind of want to do and I don't know if this is going to work but I kind of want to color them a little bit differently that doesn't work I think just making them half opacity is probably the way to go I don't know I might come up with something a bit better later on but I just don't want them to be like as in your face as they are at the moment right I was like I'm just gonna do this small bit and then like finish off the rest you know what I may as well just do the rest because it's not that long of a part right I'm trying really hard not to get too caught up in just like trying to add little details because it's a simplistic level it doesn't need to be that detailed right but God I want to add just a couple little like maybe bricks in this guy because it just looks a bit too simple right oh yes yes but maybe a little bit like darker just for these yeah and it just incorporates like a little bit of the brick but it's still like very simplistic I really really like that actually okay awesome and then for these bottom bits I'm probably just gonna Chuck regular bricks in there nice all right I'd say that's a pretty decent club step monster I can give him like some ears or something as well if I wanted I like it I like it alright awesome I'm going to decorate the rest of this part real quick it shouldn't take too long I don't think surely this is already looking really really cool I'm not gonna lie like I'm super happy with how this is turning out dude all right now I think what I want to do next is I want to do some pulses and the great thing about like what we've done here is that if I just copy the color of the background here and then like shift the Hue a bit it's gonna like fit with the level super well because everything is copying the color of the background right look at my colors bro see the black or is copying the color of the background of the object color so you know we can change this to bloody blue if we wanted and it still looks pretty decent right I think the first thing I'm going to do is change to like that so it's gonna like and then maybe I might even do like an object color pulse as well and then it'll go to a completely different color over here like I don't know a green or something just some like very very basic pulses you know just to kind of get the level going all right cool so now that I've got those pulses in place I think it's about time we do a little bit of I guess ground spikes yeah what I've been really enjoying doing recently is just chucking in just a few of these bushes around the place right not necessarily like every single block but just like a couple of them here and there and then I'll fill in the rest of the space with just these normal ground spikes and just putting them every now and then just gives like a lot more detail and I don't know it just looks cool I like it maybe I can chuck a couple of these around the place I want to make sure these are a bit far away from the orbs though because I want to put some orb design as well I'll just use these I think oh that kind of works and then maybe Chuck a couple of these that are like actually colored like that yeah I like that I like that I actually I think I used that design recently where did I use that Yep this is a level I use that exact orb design bro oh my God maybe I'll Chuck one of these all right well getting distracted by all designers side I'm going to try and finish off this round Spike design here now I'm not gonna lie I kind of love ground spikes because you could just blindly add detail I mean not completely blindly but like I don't know there's something very be specific about ground spikes where they're allowed to be messy because they're ground spikes block design you don't want to be too messy but ground spikes who cares bro it's literally ground spikes I'm going to speed through a bit more of this as well because we've got a lot of stuff to cover in this video and I don't want it to be like 40 minutes long so what I decided to do next in a classic me fashion is adding some rotating objects sticking outside of the block design I use these little saw blades and slow down the rotation a little bit and I thought that looked really really nice so I applied that to the rest of the level now because these have a hitbox you do have to make sure they don't obstruct the path where you actually have to go through because there are fakes and stuff and so to add a bit more detail where they are fake so it doesn't look super bare on the walls it had fakes in them I added these little fake spikes on the side that are colored just to add that little bit of extra detail to it right and so once I was satisfied with the amount of detail in this part I wanted to have some sort of an indicator for where the fakes were I messed around for ages trying to work out like what design I want to go with with these like curved objects maybe making something rotating and I eventually landed on this pattern with two curved outlines like so and I think it looks really cool I made it red and then I set up a spawn Loop to make it rotate like so then I went ahead and pulsed them on and off just so that they're not constantly there but there's still like a slight indication so it makes it a bit easier to learn and practice and also make it a bit easier to find the PATH because that's kind of important as well I think this part's just about done to be honest with you like I don't think there's too much more I really want to do with this right I could make a couple of these objects move slightly okay so a couple things first of all it's too quick and second of all it's the wrong way yeah that's actually neat I really like that okay it gives like a very interesting like slightly moving Vibe and to fit in with that now I want to like make a couple of these structures move uh please stand by all right I made a couple of the structures just move ever so slightly into place not all of them just a couple of them right I'm gonna call this part done I think this part is just about complete I think it's really really cool I'm really really happy with how this turned out dude all right well moving on to the next part then I guess alright so I think first step for this part is I need to come up with a bit of a design for these bits here I kind of want to use these bad boys here I think these guys could work quite well for these I kind of like the vibe of these structures a bit more than these ones though the only issue is it looks kind of dumb having these spikes on that right I could use these ones again with like just regular outlines like I kind of use them in the previous part here maybe have them rotate around so it creates a bit more of an interesting design yeah I'll do that I'll do that that's a bit better okay and then of course gotta go down the pipeline of adding some backing blocks like so plus maybe what I could do in terms of glow is just chucking one of these quarter pieces right layer that T1 and then give that the group as well it's very simple but I feel like it just works you know and obviously I'm gonna have a lot more in the design than just that I think maybe instead of having these spikes here what I'm gonna do is have invisible spikes yeah so it's just a little bit more hidden right I don't know if I want to go to green by the way I kind of want to go to Blue first and then I'll go to a bit more of a green but that'll be a bit darker all right I've just added in a couple like basic pulses here to you know shift up the color a little bit every now and then I think that works now in terms of the ground spikes ooh the ground spikes what I kind of want to do instead of having gaps like this I saw a comment I put it on screen if I can find it but I saw a comment about using these like objects instead of just having a gap in the ground spikes using these objects which I really want to do actually and then I want to use maybe these ones yeah it like sticks out a bit but not that much yeah all right so after I got that worked out I applied the design to the rest of the par and started work on the rest of the ground Spike design so the first thing I did in terms of that was adding this rotating object here I scaled it up and just made a background blending and I think it looks pretty decent there like with the previous part I started working on the orb design just to make sure it didn't Clash at all and I used these little like Club objects that swing around I don't know why I just always see these as clubs but I made them black and I added these like swirly objects but I already had them in the ground Spike so I got rid of those and made them little Cog Wheels then for a little bit more detail and I guess height variation the ground spikes I built these little things here which are basically like these little ground spikes sticking up with some glow behind them and I think they work really really nicely once you like add a bit more depth using free move then I kind of decided this part still looked a little empty it's just looking a bit sad I don't know what to say man I don't know so I went ahead and made a bit of a custom background I used a very similar design to what we had for those like floating blocks that we have but just made them in the background and a little bit more transfer parents just so they weren't super obtrusive that actually adds to the confusion quite a decent bit I'm not gonna lie dude I like that that works pretty well I think all right the ground spikes still need a bit more Deco but that's that's all right I could do that I could probably get away with just a couple clouds as well honestly one other detail I'm tempted to do is just using these little tiny things and have like a kind of antenna bit that sticks up kind of like this right yeah that works I think and then just to make these look a little bit better because this always makes them look better just adding a little bit of blending glow onto them and then boom look at that all right so I think there's one last thing that I need to do in this part and that is these structures here I still haven't touched like their main structures which is kind of funny I'm not gonna lie now first thing of course is I need to do the outlining I could probably save a lot of time if I just build my layouts out of these outline blocks I'm not gonna lie now for these thin pillars I'm gonna go with the bricks again I want to use like a lot of bricks in this um but for these bigger structures I want to do the same as this club step monster because I think it turned out really really nice right all right cool well all of those designs are in place now I'm gonna give this a play normal mode see how it looks see how I feel nice six to one hundred let's go half like most of that is a layout but you know it's fine I think one last little detail that I kind of want to do is I want to like Chuck a couple more invisible spikes on some of these structures obviously I want it to still be possible but most these structures don't have invisible spikes and the ones that do either have like one or have them going all the way around which I think is kind of boring so I just want to add a couple here and there right just to make it a bit more confusing but also just a bit more interesting right all right well I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to call this part complete as well which I think is quite neat and now we're moving on to the wave part oh this is going to be very interesting to decorate I mean I think it'll be fairly straightforward I'm going to save this transition part for after I've like decorated this Wave by the way because I kind of want a title card in there maybe still don't know what I'm going to call this Level Club something or something step I don't know I think it's something eventually but for now I think we need to come up with a design for these like sloppy bits here would it be cool if I did like these ones I really want to use these objects I'm not going to lie dude and then just kind of took out a couple here and there like that maybe and then sprinkled in some colored ones this looks a bit Garbo at the moment but if I go ahead and what I'm thinking is I want to make these like a really bright blending like that yeah but then I can add these bits of glow I really I want to make them like glow and stand out right like really really glow but I can't work out how to do it really alright so this took a lot of Trail and error because I had a very specific image in my mind of what I wanted these to look like but after a bunch of tweaking the colors around and adding some white pulses I ended up getting it looking like this which I was quite happy with all right I've set up a spawn Loop the perfect delay is 0.48 apparently but that seems to be syncs pretty well with the music with these which is quite neat and a really good thing about this structure design as well is that I can mismatch these however I like to make more Unique Designs right so anyway what I also need to do is just do all the stuff with the backing blocks and everything the just the usual bits to make it look a little bit nicer right I think that works yeah I still think it needs something behind it though but anything I add I feel like would look really stupid maybe what I can do is Select just like a few of these around the place right similar to what we have on the main layer and then just make these like a bit brighter yeah you know what that helps you just break it up a bit I kind of like that all right that works I'm going to use that then all right well that's that design done then uh now I want to come up with a bit of a design for these little tumors uh I was about to say without context that sounds really dumb but it just sounds dumb anyway dude and you know what I'm kind of tempted to do some colored spikes for these inside I want it to be maybe the like not quite black color but nearly black is that going to look really stupid or does that look alright I'm not sure look it's simple but I feel like it could work right I think as well if I add a little bit of glow which I can just simply do some slope glow right yeah it's simple but it works I like that all right cool all right so now I've got the two like main designs that I want to go with for everything right now I think the next step is just to implement this because of like how these are a bit randomized along with like the backing blocks also being a bit randomized I don't want to just copy paste the structure across everything I think I just want to kind of reconstruct all of them so the first step of that is of course gonna be the outlining all right outlines are in place and now it's time to go down a layer and delete all of these so that the outlines are like the only thing that are there all right old blocks have been deleted and now I just gotta make these down a layer I also am just realizing I completely forgot to put in the fake blocks here all right fake outlines are now in place and this is already like a lot more difficult ah I think there's meant to be a fake there somewhere I tried really hard not to patch over any fakes dude but I I guess I got one by accident all right now I'm gonna go ahead and Chuck in all these top blocks here all right and the next step is just to randomly go through and cut out a few of these like so all right and now just gotta replace them with the colored slopes and the color blocks all right and now it's time for the backing blocks which is a multi-step program you see I've got a place in all of these here and then I've got to select this copy the values of the darker one and then just go through select a bunch of these like so and then just paste it in color and then boom we've got a bunch of variation in there nice and then finally we just need to add this slope glow in here and then we should be good to give it all the appropriate groupage all right and the slope glow is finally in place yes now I can oh whoops now I can give this all the appropriate groupage that needs to be given all right well some of the layering is a little bit off with some of the fakes but other than that this actually turned out pretty decently so far I'm actually pretty happy with this block design see how you kind of go behind the blocks in the foreground but in front of the blocks behind I kind of like that because it feels like you're going inside the structure in a way right like you're actually going inside of it you're not just like going over the top of that one specific part right I don't know I think it's neat okay now I think just real brief real quick real quick like just said real quick twice um I'm going to replace all of these with these oh no I need to give them the right groups yep almost forgot about that whoops all right now all of those are in place and the parts should be starting to come together a lot more yeah I feel like it is there's still like a lot missing obviously because this is only the block design but once we add like more elements of this part in I think it should start to look a lot nicer and add more elements I did I started by adding some of these basic pulses in like so I wanted to go a little bit more saturated in this part just to accentuate the colors of the part a little bit more and I also decided to stick within the blue to purple range because I I don't know it's like my favorite color range the whole game I don't know what it is man blue and purple GD levels they're awesome I love them now an issue I did run into were these color blocks here because they weren't actually copying the color of the background I made them their own color and so I just converted those to copy the color of the background I'm actually really happy that I've gotten a lot better with pulses because pulses like help so much with make a level just like feel good by the way we're doing all the block design here and stuff it didn't seem like a long time with the way I edited it but I watched like two different YouTube videos while doing that it took quite a while but it's dumb now alright so moving on to the ground spikes here I decided that I wanted to lay them above the block design because it would be kind of hard to lay them behind with like the slopes and stuff and for the ground spikes themselves I decided to alternate between these ones and like these little animated ones because I don't know I saw it in a Nas Gob level ages ago and I thought it looks really cool from there I wanted a detail in there that kind of flashed with the colors of the blocks so I added these little bits in here and gave them the same color so they pulse with the music as well from there I wanted some more Deco that was just background blending so I put in these like regular ground Spike Deco that's in like stereo Madness and I think that worked pretty well with the spiky kind of feel of the ground spikes and the other decoration and finally of course the little monsters it wouldn't be a Triad level with other little monsters I mean let's be real and then finally is one last thing to kind of separate it from the main block design is I added a little bit of blending glow behind it now while I'm applying this grounds back design to the rest of the part I want to really quickly mention glow not that glow but the glow that's around the objects because I decided to actually keep it on for this wave part I just thought it worked really well with kind of like the bright neon block design and I don't know I just decided to keep it on maybe I'll get rid of it later it also shows The Fakes a little bit but I think that's okay I know it's a general rule of thumb for a lot of people to just turn it off no matter what but I think it looks good here so let me know what you think next step in classic me fashion as well is adding some rotating objects sticking out of the block design just to add that extra little bit of detail from there I figured it just needed a little tiny bit more of decoration and kind of something to fill in the background so I made a custom background now I spent quite a while trying to come up with what I want to do in the background of this part I started with these basic slopey structures like this and I tried adding some little like outline bit at the top up and a little bit of glow and I just couldn't get it feeling like a background but eventually I realized they kind of need to be simple if they want to blend in with the background and just kind of sit back there so I just kind of ended up settling with them being one solid color in the background with just some lower opacity black glow going around the outside of them just to make them not completely blended with the background of the level and I thought they looked pretty decent in the end maybe I'll come back and change it in the future but for now I think that's pretty good alright cool that is this part completely done then I'm going to do this transition part probably like between episodes I don't really have the time or energy to do it right now but I'll probably do that like whenever I feel like doing it and you know polishing up a couple more things and you know cutting the bottom off some of these structures all that kind of stuff right just the little bits um for now though I want to finish decorating this part as well and then probably end the video there yeah I should probably do this as well I've just realized uh foreign 's already gone for this part awesome awesome awesome all right one more part left to go I've been recording for three and a half hours now this uh I'm not a quick Builder I have ideas though I have ideas for this part first of which is these outer blocks here I'm going to replace these without lines of course but I'm going to have it be Hollow in the inside because if you remember from the previous I think the first episode actually I said I wanted to have platforms and stuff on the inside here which I still stand by that I still really really want to have that so I'm tempted to use these objects here because I feel like it could be good to add a bit of color too right and in terms of like the color I want to go with for this section how do I make it not look like poo nice tasty I'm not going for poo I'm going for tasty orange you know delicious I have the mind of a toddler dude all right I don't really want these backing blocks to be like that I want them to be a lot more saturated what about that and then here I can like have a little bit of gameplay that kind of comes through here right something like this with a spike on it a couple platforms that go along that have a couple other spy likes on them I don't know maybe a jump orb in there I am just realizing I don't want this to go across the top here as well so I want this to go all the way down so you don't really know where you're going in yeah see that okay yeah this is what I'm thinking you look at this and you're like what the hell do I do here but if you know what to do I need to set a stop pause you just go through there right so that's where the memory aspect comes in yeah okay I'm really excited for this part specifically because my my vision that I had before is going to come to life you know from there uh it's just a normal design I might go with should I do more bricks I might just do more bricks honestly yeah I think bricks would work for these like just bits of gameplay in here right all right cool well now that I've got this like base design in here which I kind of want to do a little bit more with actually just looking at it it needs something else to kind of break it up a little bit in the background because the background is very flat right okay okay this is gonna be very controversial I get that that's not the right word to use in this situation it might not might it might not work if I take one of these right if I make this a little bit brighter so it stands out against the background a little bit and I don't know if this is gonna work because I've never done this before but if I do something like this right and then flip it right and then if you move them in opposite directions it looks like something's spinning I'm gonna do this in a spawn Loop I'm doing a lot of Spawn Loops today dude I don't know what's coming to me I just I really feel like doing spawn Loops I guess so you can see if I zoom into the middle of the screen it looks like a constant movement but if I zoom out you can see they're constantly just moving down and back up right and now I'm hoping that if I combine forces oh that is super weird dude I'm gonna layer this one above that one and then make it slightly brighter and now I want to see what this looks like actually put into this bit here oh that goes inside of the blocks as well oh that actually looks now despite how cool this looked and looking back I'd kind of maybe want to change it I don't know let me know if you think it looks better before but I did go ahead and fix the layering because I didn't feel like a fit in with the rest of the level a huge amount I don't know it's a very like effect heavy bit and this is like very clearly not an effect level is Club 7 effect level I don't think so man but after fixing the layering I was actually really really happy with how it turned out it didn't quite feel like a cylinder rotating like I originally thought it might but it's still a really interesting kind of animated background to give a little bit more movement and make it feel less static while also being not super complex right it's still fairly simple at the end of the day right now I gotta design these middle bits here first of all I might select these like smaller spikes here give them a group and then have them like rose head around slowly yeah that's cool I like that for a background here the idea that I had earlier is I want to take a bunch of these like smaller spikes here right copy paste them upwards so that we have more of them going to give them a group 34 and I'm also going to give them the no I want them to rotate the opposite direction that's so crazy looking but I also want to go ahead and move them downwards yeah like that dude so they're just slowly falling in the background and that'll kind of hopefully make it a bit more confusing as well which will be good instead of like completely black I'll make them that so they're a little bit less obtrusive I had people suggesting that these structures move up and down but I don't really want to do that like just for the gameplay's sake but having like a background that moves up and down I think is kind of cool I might actually start it by moving upwards because I feel like this part makes more sense to have them moving upwards and then for the next one I could do moving down next one moving up because I kind of alternated how the structures work right just this like Spike moving up thing and they're like movement in the background of the pillar it adds a lot of movement to this and I really kind of like that it makes it feel a little bit more intense right which I kind of like now I need to go ahead and come up with a design for these structures here I think that looks kind of cool yeah I'm gonna do that um I'm having to turn the grid off for some things just because you can't really tell sometimes where there's like a line if that works with the Grid or not you know I don't know and then and I I kind of want to put a colored Spike here just go a little bit crazy with it not not much but just a little bit you know have something like that and then maybe I can join them together somehow maybe a structure a bit like this have them both be not black but almost black and then in between laid above something like that I don't know about that one I kind of like this design I was like uh it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the level but you know what I don't really care I think it fits in fine add a bit of glow on there cool and oh God orb Deco um might just do a couple lines I like that jump orb Deco I think that works okay hear me out right this is gonna purely be an experiment but I really really want to see how well it works kind of awesome I'm not gonna lie dude I'm not gonna lie you know what I'm just gonna keep him I think it's Nate um let me add jumper of Deco to these and then oh my throat's starting to go I might have to yeah you know what this is the design I'm gonna use for this whole robot part here I'm gonna go away do all of this and I'm gonna show you once it's done [Music] foreign [Music] ladies and gentlemen it is done yep I finished decorating this part I actually went ahead and added some pulses in and stuff as well just because I figured I may as well do that off camera I've shown you my process of making pulses with all the other parts and I just kind of wanted to get it done to be honest I'll be recording for I think five hours at this point in total um so yeah it's gonna take quite a while to edit but that's all right um definitely worth it you know in order to make it turn out like a decent video but yeah anyway I think that is just about this whole part done I I'll show this part off to you in terms of the pulses I kind of went between orange and this more like reddish pinkish type color right and I think it's pretty decent all of these structures with like these bits decorated in here I tried to make like as um I tried to make them all like as different and unique as possible while still staying the same theme and I think I did a decent enough job with her something else I also did with these is you might be able to see I added some black glow on the edges and that helps like sell the cylindrical feel on the inside a lot more but it also just adds a bit of shading and I don't know I think it looks a lot better than it did before so yeah anyway I think I'm gonna go ahead and end off today's episode here it was a very long one to record and hopefully it's not too long um once I actually turn it into a video but I'm really really happy with the progress you managed to make today and um yeah I'm hoping that in the next episode it won't be too too difficult to finish all the rest of this off anyway thank you so much for watching really really hope you enjoyed as usual replay is on the second channel uh up in the top corner should be there now anyway I'm going to end this video off here thank you so much for watching really really hope you enjoyed huge thank you to members as always especially column really really appreciate it and just yeah thank you so much to the members seriously and uh yeah thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one to the hollow s [Music]
Channel: Tride
Views: 115,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, top 1, top 0, memory demon, memory, maymory, gd, extreme demon, top 15, hardest, impossible
Id: 5jMLcv1O4JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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