Deck Seat Framing (Merbau)

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[Music] all right good morning guys welcome back again to the channel um i know this is um we're supposed to be starting decking today but we still got a bit more framing to do the first thing i'm going to do this morning is obviously lay um build uh seats the clan one seats underneath the deck there so we're going to do that first then we're going to paint the timber framing black so that we when we lay the decking you don't see it um through the gaps in the decking that we're going to leave um yeah so we've got to do through those steps first and then we can start laying decking but we're definitely going to start laying some bacon today so take it [Music] all all right so the first thing we've got to do before building these stairs is find out the dimensions that you wanted at the height that i've decided to go at is about 450 420 it's about the measurement of your shin here so when you bend over and sit on the chair it's like a natural 90 degrees so that's how you don't want to make it too high where your feet's tangling off the ground it becomes uncomfortable so that's the height we're going at and obviously the width for where what's going to be situated on i like to calculate about what size dick using so about four planks it's about 90 mil so 360. give it takes about 365 or something like that with some spacing in between so that water doesn't sit on top of the decking you want to have space in between the decking that's why they have gaps in between there so uh yeah that's our dimension that's what we're going with so i've already marked it out on the post here and now we just frame out [Music] nothing like digging holes to burn off that sunday lunch [Music] three holes dug now i'm gonna start cutting the posts and concreting them in [Music] [Music] so that's all the framing done for the seat um now i'm just going to bugle all the joists together the seat all together so that it holds right now it's just nails holding it in so um that'll strengthen it up and keep it secure these are bugle screws these are what i'm using to uh hold all the stuff together i'm going to use 100ml ones this is 75s i'm going to use 100ml ones to go into the post underneath the deck to hold the bearers up or the joists up and then these ones to hold the knobs [Music] together [Music] so [Music] so what i'm framing up now is just the the border that goes around the seat here just to finish it off this is the bit that i'm using to drill the hardwood countersink bit and that just helps sink the heads of the screws flush with the decking because if you try and use a normal um normal drill bit the because this is stainless steel screws it tends to snap off so i'll do the frame first [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there's something real cool about this looks so good even the smell of nice true chippy mate [Music] all right all done guys this is this uh seat that we were aiming to build got it done all that's left to do now is decking the top of the main deck and this place should look but it'd still be a while away we've still got the balustrades and everything to do so yeah i'll catch you guys on the next one cheers you
Channel: Cyprus Build
Views: 5,736
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Deck, Decking, Merbau, Seat, Carpenter, Builder, Framing, Construction
Id: rrsmh9eAsjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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