How To Build A Deck | Bench Seat Storage | Start To Finish

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hi guys in this video i'm going to show you how to build a deck so i basically cleared this section this used to be all shrubs pretty much like what you see there cleared all that leveled it off and i'm going to build a deck and then a stood a frame and have like a bench seat i'll show you that but more importantly how to build a deck by yourself so there's two ways where there's quite a few ways of doing it really you can lay your bearers down and then lay your joists across and then your decking timber on top you can do it that way it is a bit awkward it's difficult to get all level especially if you're on your own um one way i do it especially this works really good for large decking areas it's basically a builder's stud frame so imagine like pretty much like a stud wall so you've got your bottom plate top plate and then your common studs imagine that laying down but what i do aim is cut it into depending on the size of it whether it be in half or in four sections and then that way you've literally got a massive deck area split it into four and you've got these small stud frames that you drop in now and the beauty with that with doing it in the frames is when you have got your two studs together you sandwich them together screw them up bolt them whichever you want you fancy you can then use syrups or timber um posts to support them so they when the two studs meet you've got double thickness of timber and essentially that creates your bearing rather than laying bearers across and then your joists running across them so i'll show you that i'm going to get this bit out it's only small you could probably do it in um just one piece but then if you did that in one stood frame where you've got your joists running this way all the way along you'd have to support each one or you'll get bouncing it so what you do is split that frame in half i think that's about 1200 so it'd be 600 split it down the middle and then where the two stud frames meet that's where you support um the australian standards for your centers of your joists when you're decking is i think it's you can say you can go up to 500 if you're using hardwood decking boards that's the planks that go on top and i always go and if you soft wood you reckon 400 i go 450 for everything 450 centers where your joists are and that i found that the sweet spot for no bounce in the deck regardless of whether it's soft wood or um jarrett hardwoods and me about and stuff like that so i've cleared that area out i'll measure up i've got my drop saw cut all my timbers and then i'll show you from there see here these are my ends these are my stubs and what i've done what i mentioned about the 450 centers it threw it out by about 150 mil one end so i basically split the studs up over the three meter distance which was 425 mil centi studs which is a little bit more and then it's equal and the reason i didn't want a short one at the end is when i'm fixing my decking planks on top of the frame i want my screws to all be in line and nice and neat whereas if i go with the 450 i'd have a short stood at the end and then it wouldn't be equal over the distance so that's why i've shortened them to 425 so what i'll do now i'll stand these up i'll put the top plates on and now screw you can nail them if you want i've got i've just got a heap of um class 4 galvanized bugles so i'll just scroll my viewable mullet and then i'll show you once it's all together now we level it up this is h3 timber so h3 is for outside basically above ground occasional wetting and then i've got one length of 200 by 50ml h4 treaty timbit which is for in-ground and that i'll show you when we get to that that's going to be my post for the supports and a tip with when you're doing these pick a um face edge to work to so where i've marked out the center lines here and where my studs are going when you're screwing up always work to that edge so you get that nice and flush because you'll find there's um there's variation in the timbers like the backs here some are a bit proud somewhat not quite flush so if you always work to this face edge that's where your boards are gonna where you're gonna lay your boards so you want that nice and flush and flat so we'll drop him in there see what he looks like and i'll build the other one and put them together right so we'll drop this one in so as you can see that's the deck split in two and then the two ends there the sammies together that's where we'll screw through and that's where we'll put the supports as well what we need to do now is fix that off check that for level lift it up get it square get it have it get it all perfect and then we start digging and we'll dig in and we'll put in some um post supports and then offer pack a quick set around the hole i'll show you took the level on it you kind of get the idea and obviously if you're building a large area deck you can see how this is a lot easier to do by yourself because you can basically manhandle these sections on your own so what we'll do now is along here we'll screw these up you can screw these up you can if it was a large deck i would probably drill and put some 120 bolts through i think bugle's fine just for this fix this off get it all level and then we'll level the back drill and plug that to the limestone block and then we can level from the back let me know the blacks level the front's all fixed we can just bring a level this way and adjust it and start digging for his posts right so what we're going to do now this is all fixed off down here that's all solid that's going to be our mentos center main support what we're going to do is it's currently sitting on the ground which is what you want so we can get the levels you don't want to fix it and leave it sitting on the ground you want to get an air gap underneath underneath it which we will do but the beauty with this is you drop the frame down you get it levelled and you use the ground to hold it for you so we'll fix this back end off lift it up a bit we'll fix that back end off and then we'll come through and we'll lift this pack down underneath get that nice and level and then we'll start putting the posts in just going to use some off cuts as well to pack it up we just use the blocks there just to lift it up and there we are on the level and we'll start fixing this big scenes for the back plate fixed to the solid retaining block limestone with these hilties big beasties be using them probably do one every other space also a bit of a tip when you're fixing that length get it level fix off one end first i'll just fix that one off then fix that end and then fill the center ones in [Applause] fixing these in you can use a big dugga duggar but what i find with that is the friction will go in because these will bite as this goes in expands as it bites in there if you use this and you go too far it rounds it loses its grip and it sort of strips it essentially so this just spins it doesn't have much bite so what i like to do is doing by and old school then get your bolt in to the bolt you'll hit the bolt so it pushes the plug into the brickwork not in the timber hang on level and i'll just ratchet him off that back plate's all fixed off and i'll show you one of the beauties with um doing this frame is if you're using a drop saw or chop saw a few cuts and everything's nice and square and true then once everything's screwed together and you fix off one line you're not far off level you're not messing around with bearers trying to level them corners and all this that's literally just lifting lifting this up a touch to get that level i've had to go because you don't want to go smashing this ramping up that seals all the pavers in around the edge i'll put a block on just to pull it out a bit of a tip when you put your bearers in compost sorry fixed to your bearers just chuck a few golf bugles in that way that goes in there you fix that off to there like i've done that end just over there bugle that you go through this way and then these when this filled with concrete in here will bite onto that stop the sort of lateral movement up and down let's see hopefully i use this stuff quick set concrete coming off off a bag to a post probably a little bit more got three bags here in the back with water 2.2 liters 20 kilos all your sds and msds sheets and stuff in all right guys now the deck's all done i'm gonna build the frame for the bench seat which is this front section it's gonna be from here up and then the sides on and this same senses as those and what i've done worked out the height so the decking board on the 19 mil by 90. so there'll be one on the face and then they'll be spaced all the way along here and then the deck the next piece coming up this way i want each servers i've got the timber sitting on the top of this decking and then five mil gaps in between 19 all the way up which was 470 so then my last um plank of deck will finish at the top it's not going to fill any cups so it'll be even so that's the backrest done i went from 100 to 50. these sections i just need to put a support under there and fix that to the back and then what i'm going to do here because obviously this is going to be open in two sections so this will effectively be the bench sheet in two sections so these will be mitre corners fixed and i'll go all the way along there and then the infill will be hinged and that'll open two separate sides [Music] fix this button to the wall which will be there support this backrest so what i've done i've gone ahead and put in some 120 ml golf bolts i put three in one on each end one in the center i've also chucked over this polyurethane it's just because i had a bunch of it lying around to stop any of the weeds and stuff coming up through there through the deck and i'll lay that now on top all right guys just start screwing the deck down this one's almost done i've i've got one joint one end each one staggered i'll show you and what i've done is i've gone along and screwed the ends and then in the center each board and then i'll go through and that's what i'm doing now go through drill mode drill and countersink but i can't sink bit it's just easier to get them in place put a few screws in hold them then go through and pre-drill them all and then go and screw them all up mighty all my ends put a miter all the way at this edge as well they're in 2.7 meter length i've got one join one join one join one joint and the other end is opposite to that i've got about five mil gap you want to leave a couple of mil gap on this edge as well because you don't want this swelling and then this all bowing so give that a bit of a gap and like i said i've gone through and drilled and countersunk all the way along nice straight edge which on the center you joist center there and then you can just go along and you see where you've got pencil lines here you just go along and just tiny little hole just drill each one of them pull it off one of the most rewarding parts of the job and also one of the most painstakingly glorious tasks just drilling and if you've got a large area deck and you're going through drilling you're going to literally be drilling for hours absolutely nightmare enjoy because i enjoy the finishing side of the job but i can say yeah it's pretty tedious and if you end up rushing and you snap it in there or you snap your screws off in there because you maybe you hit some of the fixings in the framework which is more likely to happen if you're using bugles like i am and if you're using nails a little bit more forgiving deck this section that's all fixed down i've just got to screw off the front edge i haven't done that yet and that back edge i'll do that after i'm just working my way up the face of the bench i'm monitoring the ends and obviously i'm staggering my small joints on each end here worked out at five planks for this top section rather than getting five mil five mil and then whatever this may be adjusting that and cutting it down so what we're gonna do another way of doing it put your bottom one in put your top one in fix it off flush with the top and you see you've got this finger gap here you can just split the difference of that gap over these three boards to even it out so then you get a nice um finish on the top that's one way you're doing it now guys so almost finished just got the sides and the back to do up and there the top planks are in which are removable for like the firewood storage and everything so basically just marked all these rather than only up you probably could just finish this edge here and then butt jointed this one up but then you'll see the end grain you can see you have sort of framed sort of picture framed the bench seat area and then these left out just left out i didn't want another stud down this side see i've got this stud here sporting this and i didn't want one down here because it's going to just restrict the amount of firewood and stuff that i can get in here and then a bugle screwed this out here picked up that end the timber goes all the way along got another support under there and this i'll show you this so just re-fix this with the button underneath so now we'll just do this back back section all right guys i've got the backs on nice that's the top done to take off that sharp edge right guys final walk around all done it's all finished i just need um i'll show you a little walk around now but with this move out i've got the sealant i'll show you what i've got to oil it up but you want to um hose this down for two or three days before you put your final seal on because what you'll find and i'll show you up close got a lot of tanning in this and it bleeds and it just all runs out marks you see all this here see this there and down here and you can see how it sort of lightens it up a bit it removes all the dark tanning you see all the watermarks there hose this one parted this off last night i finished the back this morning so do that for a couple of days and then but she's all done oh my gosh all right guys so now i'm just going to hose this all down i'll show you what i bought just this cut lots aqua deck comes in this can go and treat it with the oil all right guys that wraps us up for this video hope you enjoyed it and then got a few takeaways from it um cost wise 1200 was the all australian dollars that was the total spend that was the timber the mobile hardwood deck the ceiling and all their fixings the stainless screws and everything so all up 1200 so yeah i hope you learned something and and don't forget like share subscribe all that goodness really helps us out cheers guys you
Channel: CRAIGS list of PROJECTS
Views: 2,136
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Id: Y2leQboLJRs
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Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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