Decisions - Patricia Bootsma (Sunday, 27 Aug 2017)

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[Music] the one who is worthy of all of our worship and all of our adoration in all of our lives Jesus you're beautiful we honor you in this place we honor you in our hearts jesus take preeminence take preeminence take three evidence you know he died to give us life he died to give us abundant Sozo life Jesus you're so beautiful you know David said he said one thing I ask one thing I desire that I may gaze on the beauty of the Lord and there inquire of him just gaze on his beauty for a moment just gaze on his beauty cuz he's about to break out right now he's about to break out with some miracles he's about to come and step into this room and a whole new level just gaze on his beauty and then we're gonna inquire of him gaze on his beauty David said I one thing what a gaze the beauty of the Lord gaze the beauty of the Lord who is like you who is like you there's nothing in this first heaven realm there's nothing in this this earthly life that compares to your beauty compares your splendor with gaze and your beauty come and break in Holy Spirit come and break in the power of the cross released in this place the power of your resurrection life Jesus is released in this place Jesus you died to give us abundant Sozo life we say yes Jesus you're beautiful man adore you we worship you we honor you know during worship I saw it was a strange kind of picture I saw like a spinal condition like a almost like an S or there's something in the spine that's curved that's not right and I saw Jesus heal it I even saw like a spirit coming off it's like this snake thing coming off of spine right now in Jesus name we speak healing it to spines healing it to back we're the the vertebra me just straighten straighten in the name of Jesus straighten out that spirit comes off Holy Spirit pour out your power now there's a breaking of demonic entities that have caused physical problems in the name of Jesus Lord common break in spirits leave that have caused physical problems not every condition has to do with the spirit but there are some this morning you're being healed of a condition healing in your spine healing right now just check it check it back pain is leaving there's something of a straightening somebody scoliosis is being healed in Jesus name scoliosis you straighten out through the power of the blood of Jesus there's a straightening of a spine how come Lord break-in break-in I saw depression leaving discouragement there's been like assignments of discouragement and depression there's a cloud again there's a breaking of discouragement there's a breaking of depression Lorton now in the name of Jesus break that thing right now there's a generational for some there's a generation of component is like that's like what your mother was like so what your father was like and the Lord is healing you now healing you of that cloud even suicidal thoughts suicidal tendencies in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name break forth holy spirit just break forth there's a breaking of suicidal thoughts discouraging thoughts come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit neck back be healed be healed be healed be healed in Jesus name the pain leaves there's a straightening I saw that stink leaving in the name of Jesus that asks where are you in the room you knew you use I want you to check yourself something is happening in somebody's spine or back just check it and run up here if you feel a difference but even even if even if you have scoliosis I want you up here as well I just want to pray for you because I and I also if you identify with that word about depression or discouragement want you to come as well there's a breaking it's like a spirit who feels something is shifted in their spine though I want you to something is is happening Lydia was happening I know I was diagnosed with a bit of scoliosis before and I received forever before but I know what a lawyer is gradually and investing the healing but when you were praying I did feel something from up there just stretching me and it starts to kind of turn like this so I feel that is just strictly come on thank you Jesus fire fire fire thank you Lord you know I I feel that too that where there's been some partial healings of scoliosis in the past God's gonna finish the job there is an S coming off in Jesus they happen you're a solid er you're a ministry team please come up please come up and just begin to pray just let's begin to agree with what God is doing because there is an anointing of healing in the house there's an anointing of miracles it's time to step into the impossible because nothing's impossible with God Lord break forth break forth break forth just check it out check it out if you've had pain what happened and it's fine I had a like a pain in the spine because my spine little bit curved and I felt light in sight and my leg come on do you have any pain right now no I don't have to come on let's praise Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for that light and all the pain gone in the name of Jesus fire fire break forth break forth break forth the neck the spine be healed in Jesus name in Jesus name there's a breaking of every generational component here Lord close every door that the enemy has had Lord fire fire fire something's happening with this girl coming fire fire what what have you would have you had darling what's isn't your Spiner yeah I have like minor scoliosis a number and then my lower back a lot of pain what's happening right now what are you feeling it feels a little warmth a warmth sure you feel a warmth yeah it's a good that's a good sign that's a good sign Lord increase the heat the warmth of your fire of your glory upon her back in the name of Jesus straighten this spine Jesus we say yes we say yes we say yes thank you for that heat keep coming keep coming keep coming more of you feeling something's shifting something shifting just check it out check it out wave your hand at me if you feel a difference just wave if you're sensing something is happening something is shifting can you come up here don't if that's you just come up here I want you to testify what's happening with you darling what happened I feel when you'll pray for this the bag to spend I just feel the power it put me down to the chair so I feel be filled and also I want to keep the Testament for last time you pray for the neck I said I still feel I love what you said praying for the older situation bow down to Jesus that my neck is totally healed come on somebody praise the Lord yes God thank you Jesus fire fire fire more more let's just pray for a few minutes can we just this gays gays gays on his beauty gays on his beauty Jesus we gays on your beauty miracles pour it out Lord poured out healing Jesus it's beautiful [Music] it's beautiful you [Music] thank you [Music] his beer [Music] [Music] see [Music] see [Music] you [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus your she's the object of affection to Idaho never setup sessions [Music] shoes [Music] thank you for your healing anointing thank you for your fire the power more MORE I just feel we need to hear from one or two more check it out check it out even even out there if you're sitting in the seats just just participate and what God is doing what's happened wave at me if you're feeling a difference something is shifting something is different just give him the glory pour out your spirit pour out your glory just to check it out check it out check it out because it's all for him to him because of him you had a car accident the doctor said I pinch see and five six see five and six and when you started to pray I started to feel like and then I moved out here and then possibly an imposter one of the other guys breeding and I feel a lot of it come on thank you Jesus we forgave that guy in the car accident thank you fire on grace and Jesus name total total total how are you what's happening with you something good energy the energy fire fire fire fire thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus totally healed totally healed [Music] so I'm just feeling heat on her what's going on so can we just say thank you for you doing let's just keep praying God thank you for whatever is going on in this name with this scoliosis we just command it to come into line right now in Jesus name and we say an end to headaches an end to the curvature of the spine we just speak a complete restoration right now in Jesus name keep coming Holy Spirit's keep coming keep coming thank you Jesus come on up here what happened to your what happened to your arm well like I couldn't do anything with like my right arm for like several months I used to do push-ups all the time and then I did a bike race and I they said I injured it and I had to do him like with my fists close and like you were praying for something else and then I just realized my arm doesn't hurt so then I was praising God for a while and then I was like I wonder if I can do push-ups and I told my friend okay come on let's see yeah let's see you do a push-up come on give Jesus brace oh my goodness we should all be able to do push-ups like that come on Lord we love you Jesus gaze on your beauty gaze on your beauty how are you David amen I've had scoliosis for like 40 years spine is curved like two different ways and to two disks were like totally once come on and one was like very bad condition and the power of God's just definitely come on me it's gonna continue come on 40 years of scoliosis all of it all of it all of it all of it Lord let it be proved now even this week that his spine is straighten in the name of Jesus whoa Oh Lord you're so so good ah somebody's getting me healed of jaw problems of some sort just take it in Jesus name his presence is here to heal miracle working power is here he is here you need a miracle just close your eyes for a moment you focus on him it's all because of Jesus the price that he paid on the cross you need a miracle whether it's whatever body part whatever miracle you need in finances and relationships God we take it now you paid for it you paid for that miracle we receive it now in Jesus name in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord Healing all over this room through the internet healing healing healing healing that word about suicide somebody on the internet somebody watching over the web stream you're being healed of depression right now those suicidal thoughts will not conquer your mind in Jesus name healing healing by the power of the blood of Jesus I feel like that I see the name Tracy I think it's somebody over the web stream Tracy take your healing now in the name of Jesus let your fire fall let your river flow come on somebody give a shout to Jesus isn't he awesome [Music] come on give him a real shout Jesus you're so awesome your son [Applause] [Music] [Music] Thank You van Rycke Rachel thank you worship team why do you come to church to meet with a Living God and then meet with one another Oh Lord we love you thank you Jesus be glorified that the word of the Lord runs swiftly father I pray that you would change hearts and lives and God give us lasting fruit from today lasting fruit fruit that remains God take us deeper take us higher take us further in your will for us in Jesus name Amen and amen you know this is kind of an unusual topic to talk on but as I was praying about today I felt like the Lord said he wanted me to talk about decisions how we're making decisions how ought we live how are we to live our lives to know that life is filled with many decisions and choices and important ones and not so important ones and Joel 3 talks about multitudes in the valley of decision and that is referring to salvation and many will be coming to Jesus and are already there's a trickle which is going to turn into a flow it's just gonna turn into a flood as we enter into the great harvest of all time but there's decisions decisions the end result of your life here on earth will always be the sum total of choices you made while you're here choices are the hinges of destiny and just in a practical sense how do you make decisions how do you make decisions in your life and I just see question marks question marks over people you know what am I gonna do here you know the little ones big ones what am I who am I gonna marry and what's my job gonna be where am I gonna live or who's Shem but what should I habits be or what should i do today or what should I do with my my down time this is guy called Olinsky who said do not plant your dreams in the field of indecision so indecision is a decision decision to do nothing don't plant your dreams in the field of in decision where nothing ever grows but the weaves of what if as well as decisions become easier when your will to please God outweighs your will to please the world you know nobody wants to live with the regrets and yet you know there will be some many who live with regrets you know when it says in the book of Revelation when Jesus comes it says that many they will mourn because of him it's like oh no when he comes and splits that sky believe me he will it's like some say oh no he is who he said he was Jesus really is the Redeemer the Savior oh no what a regret we don't ever want to be in that position of regretting that day but you know that there's times where where we regret wasted years or wasted time I'm reading a book right now who just picked it up in the Christian bookstore in Kansas City by a girl Beth Williams but she's she's a gal who's now working with children's tall child soldiers child soldiers the Lord's Resistance Army that has you know devastated so many nations in Africa but she was a broken woman you know raised Christian but had a terrible marriage fell into an affair and regret after regret after regret and just had you know just hated herself do you know that sometimes what we need to do we need to forgive ourselves don't we come on somebody needs to hear that forgive yourself forgive yourself for messing up I've had to forgive myself you know for things in the past and it's like just get up and go on because Jesus forgives you so anyways so finally she came around to you know forgiving herself and then when she was on this mission trip and saw these kids you know sometimes sometimes it's like what grips your heart what are you called to do well what grips your heart and she saw into the eyes of these children who had not only lost their fathers and mothers but many of them had killed their fathers and mothers why because that's what you know Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army make them do and so anyway so it's a long story about how she's just in now helping just thousands and thousands you-know-what grips your heart God wants to grip your heart Church not only for him but he wants to grip your heart for why also are you on this planet you're on this planet to love Jesus but you're on this planet to make a difference you're here come on to further the kingdom of God trust me we all have a part we all have a place and we all have different callings so prioritizing is important you know it was so I was just mentioning I was in the Kansas City for less ten days we have another daughter that's just left the house she's gone to university there Zoe is her name so I just helped her get settled and started into University and oh my goodness another kid leaving the nest ah good thing we started with six hey yeah down to two at home now but so I don't know by the way how many university students are here you're about to start come on raise your hand real high we just want to bless you guys bless these students about to start in the university and colleges and yeah come on let's just bless them bless them bless them bless them let it be an awesome year of you growing in God not falling away but growing in your faith so but I was in the House of Prayer and I was you know feeling the Lord saying to speak on this thing about decisions and then all of a sudden the worship leader who was Jay Tom Thomas he began to break in his prophetic song and he's saying I've made my decision I've made up my mind all for the sake of love what once was gained I now count as loss all for the sake of knowing you my lord and there's the first decision is is to is to know him is to love him is to you know it starts with a choice it starts with a decision David said this King David I will set my heart to love you i choosing jesus i'm choosing this and and so you know flippy ins three talks about where paul said what things were gain to me these have kind of loss for christ i indeed I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord whom I've suffered on loss of all things and out them as rubbish that I may gain Christ what else compares to Jesus seriously there are rubbish them and gain Christ I've made up my mind I've made my decision all for the sake of love so prioritizing love prioritizing this you know if I'm if I'm gonna get anything right let's get this right you know the great commandment love the Lord with all your heart all your soul all your mind all the strength are you growing love I know I've said this before are you am i growing in love are we growing in love or we grow in love for him but are we growing in love for one another keep reading 1st Corinthians 13 what is love patient kind I need those reminders so this is prioritizing now you know obviously you want to prioritize God then you want to prioritize your marriage and your prior if you're married and you prioritize your your children and then your vocation or your ministry after that you know I I have a lot of great friends a lot of friends around the world and an amazing women of God and ministry and I I just think they're awesome I love them all but there's one thing that you know I've looked and I've I've thought I thought I don't want to lose my kids in the altar of ministry I don't want to win the world and lose my kids so there's been choices you know that we've made through the years and I remember years ago when one of our kids wrote this note to John this is the height of revival here you know six nights a week people are coming from all over the world and and how many nights he was out in the you know in the work of the ministry and one of her kids wrote this misspelled note it said dad I want you to come home and it hit like a sword it was the word of the Lord and it was like you know what we don't want to be super spiritual and lose our kids and so we made choices and I think you know I don't know maybe we've lost opportunities for advancement doesn't matter to me I want kids that love Jesus come on church let's prioritize god I want you first of all I want my family my marriage in good order and then what have you called me to do what have you called me to be and so that the Lord I believe in the power of prayer parents that are praying for prodigal sons and daughters you don't give up I believe with all my heart that God's gonna send out the hound dogs of heaven on them and that they will come to him before they leave planet Earth okay believe that with all my heart seeing it again and again and again so areas that were like you know we have our spiritual eyes our time in prayer and the Word of God and you know at church come to church and we have our relationships including of course marriage and friends and our kids and whatnot and our health you know you want to take care of your health you want to eat right you want to exercise you want to sleep you on a vacation our finances are giving or saving or paying bills in our book in our job your vocation so there's all these different areas in our life but when we see imbalance you know the imbalance that's the thing I think that sometimes our decisions have to reflect a good balance for example the executive climbing that corporate ladder but losing his marriage or the guide the gym that's working out you know got the big muscles and you know and really working out but his spirit is shriveled you know the spirit of struggle so just bringing a you know a God balance and time what we do with our time you know there's I think there's something on this even right now how many you know that September's are really good it's like a new beginning isn't it come on it's just like it's like January's but really in Rosh Hashanah like in the Jewish calendar in September is the new year and so I think it's time to make some adjustments now I think it's time to make some decisions come on Church talking to somebody it's time to make some decisions now as we enter this new season in September schools start Rosh Hashanah all that to make adjustments to make decisions that set ourself on a course for God you know it was a few years ago now can't remember um three four years ago when I was passing this gym it's huge somebody knows what it is it's called lifetime fitness like the gym of all gyms and I just felt like the Lord spoke to me said I want you to go back to the gym I'm like you got to be kidding right God because do you know how much you know how busy I am so and it was like I felt this whisper recent you do a lot for others but I want you to do something for you and so it was just this challenge about my health and about so I thought well that's god I don't know I I went to the gym and and and got a membership and by the way they have one in Kansas City that was nice when to the gym there too but anyways but it's like there's something that makes you feel good it's the endorphins by the way do you know that when you're working your body you can you don't have to be a gym member you can go on a walk you can just exercise your body guess what God is into that too it was like I was spending so much time as spiritual thing and kids and cuz it another oh it's an alarm wake up at church I don't know that's one example but my point is this now's a good time to make some adjustments to make some important adjustments so here's three questions I implore you to ask when you are making decisions number one is a biblical number two is it the leading of the Lord and number three is it practical or wise is there is a practical wisdom in this all right so let's look at this so now obviously if there's the Bible by the way is full of wisdom for how to live our lives so in other words well who we gonna marry well I love this guy so uh so he's got big muscles and he's really funny and by the way he's not a Christian but you know after we get married I'm sure he'll become a Christian till my missionary dating does not work okay so anyways well that's not according to the Bible which says don't be unequally yoked so I don't know how about other things like my taxes you know well jesus said give to Caesar what Caesar give to God what's God so is it biblical you know look at the scriptures in light of decisions that you're making and if there's an overemphasis on riches and wisdom and and empower I love Jeremiah 9 which says let not the wise man glory in his not the mighty crore Eunice might let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him a glories glory in this that he understands and knows me now God wants you to you know be smart and go to school if you're called to do that you need to just you know there but is it biblical there's biblical answers choosing forgiveness when you've been wronged integrity in business fidelity and marriage generosity and finances on and on that's in the Bible here's the next one is it the leading of the Lord well how do you know I can hear you say well how do I know if it's God or not there's multitudes of decisions we need to make is it God or is it not God Isaiah 28 says this and twenty first 29 this also comes to the Lord of hosts who's wonderful and counsel and excellent and guidance God is excellent in guidance he wants to guide us through the decisions that we make in life he's excellent in guidance so I've said this before but if you knew all the facts you'd always choose God's Way so if you knew all the facts of where your life is gonna be in 10 years 20 years 30 years you'd always choose God's Way you know um David King David he almost didn't make a move without enquiring the Lord he inquired the Lord is this you God is this you I encourage those here you know and by the way I just want to say this I feel a spirit on this that we are to bless Christian businesses there's something right now that I believe God is releasing on Christian businesses and I think that even for those of you who haven't even thought of yourself as businesspeople there's going to be some ideas that are coming to you business ideas that God has given you and I think of Daphne Clark you know she used to be the children's pastor here that girl is making all kinds of money in doTERRA this business that she has but it's like it's not about the money but I do feel like God wants to bless Integris godly businesses somebody say Amen and so I think there's something on that like in other words if you're debating if you're trying to choose do I don't I now you need the wisdom of the Lord and this is the leading of the Lord do I take this risk you know what it is sometimes it's high risk high return her and sometimes low risk low return so sometimes there is risk we need to take that that God is on in order to to really bless us and to into you know want to take us in that I come from a business family in terms of you know real estate and and farming and all the sort of stuff and it's almost like lately I just feel it's percolating like you know it's almost a goddess thing I want to bless Christian businesses can you just raise your hand if you've been in you're involved in Christian business or you're involved in business I just want to pray for you and or if you have ideas that are sitting up here you know that God's about to land them father we speak the spirit this spirit on Christian businesses God you're about to launch financial provision and Cyrus's and joseph´s and anointed ones in this house and for business God you are about to take off Integris Christian businesses father we receive that now in Jesus name and where those ideas are percolating where there's been like you know floating floating you see these ideas floating right here and Lord says it's time to land them it's time to make choices it's time to our ISK risk take some risk if you know it's the Lord because God is putting his spirit right now on people with these ideas for businesses so let's carry on David inquired the Lord and he and he received the leading Lord do I don't I by the way there's times in the Bible where they did not inquire Lord remember Joshua number Joshua is going into the into the promised land and then the Lord says utterly destroy remove the ungodly in the Lynn what happens the Gibeonites come up with a plan right you know this part in the scripture the Gibeonites come up with a plan they said hey let's dress really ratty let's have moldy bread let's have our sandals worn out so these Israelites think we came from a far country and so that they will not destroy us because hey you know even from here so they come to the other lights that give me nights they have their moldy bread they have their worn clothes they say you know we're fine we're not even from this land so how about you make a covenant with us because they know if there is a covenant that was made they're gonna be protected Joshua enters into the covenant a peace treaty and it says this in Joshua 9 says the men of Israel took some of the provisions but they did not ask counsel from the Lord they did not ask counsel from the Lord so he made a peace treaty with them and that they were fooled they were fooled because they didn't ask counsel Lord come on Church I think we need to ask counsel the Lord don't you think for big things and those things come on business people start your day hey God I welcome you into the workplace today can you help me as I'm dealing with these people can you give me wisdom give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation I found something God's the best businessman he's the best mathematician he's the best scientist he's the best financier guy he's just brilliant so you asked the counsel of the Lord in your office in your workplace tomorrow is Monday great day to start give me wisdom God I'm asking for your leadership in this situation and see what God does welcome him in ask the counsel Lord all right how do we know the guidance of Lord well first of all one of the things I think you watch first piece right piece do you have peace with that decision do you have a deep-seated gut peace and so that's a that's a big thing right there do you have his presence do you feel his presence on that decision and there's sometimes I I just feel his presence on certain things I don't know how to describe it just oh the presence of God is on that I need to do that you could maybe call that like his there urgings or there's this gut sense or this this desire I was actually driving this week from so our other daughter Gabriel and her husband live in this house in Kansas City that they're buying from us but anyways I was going from there to the prayer room and I had this gut sense I needed to turn around I'm going to the prayer room but it guts I've learned to listen to that nudge so I turned around went back and found out because of the heavy rains the night before there was flooding in the basement and so Gabriel and I worked hard to remove the felling by the way have you heard about the flash floods and wall of Texas god bless Texas Jesus help them help them and protect them and but there's flash floods there was somebody that lost their life in Kansas City while I was there from these flash floods that come so fast and I saw the devastation afterwards of trees down and anyway so the basement was flooded it was a gut sense to turn around and then we discovered this worked on it whatever but it's like listen to those nudges walking with God we're learning to walk and hear his voice is another or think of leadership the voice of God the still small voice listen to the whisper it's not usually a booming light the whisper you've heard us before but but I just feel like the Lord is saying he wants to guide us he wants to lead us he wants us to make decisions little ones big ones in line with his well I like what Mother Teresa said she said this she said I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God I'm a little pencil in the hands of a writing God so it's like that obedience to you know let him make that beautiful script the leading of the Lord Rama it's the still small voice the urging Psalm 25 talks about show me your ways o God teach me your paths lead me in their truth then he goes on to say this it says the humble he guides in justice the humble he teaches his way and he who is the man that fears the Lord he shall teach in the way he chooses and he himself shall dwell in prosperity and his descendants shall inherit the earth you know what these little things big things decisions you make there's not just about you obviously it's about your children it's about your children's children it's about the people that you're called to affect you know I think about my parents my mother was 19 years old when she came across the boat from Holland by herself by the way my parents are both from Holland but they met in Canada my mom was nine didn't speak a lick of English came across and she worked for a doctor at first as cleaning their house and I remember the story she went she was asked got to eat with this wealthy family and she had no idea what the menu said she just pointed to something ate it and thought its tasted really strange and found out later was frog legs oh my god so and then my dad you know he at first was a logger in British Columbia and a log fell on his back I remember him having back problems our entire childhood until the Lord healed him praise God he was healed of back problems so anyways but I think the sacrifice that they made I am a beneficiary of I'm glad to be a Canadian come on how many people here you've emigrated can you raise your hand you've immigrated I'm sure there been trials look at that Wow trials Heather has it been all smooth I mean I'm sure there were trials and sure there were times of adjustment and all that but bless you because it's not just about you it's about the lives coming after you and and what God has you for Canada come on God's bringing in people to help fulfill the disc the destiny of Canada I believe it godly immigration lore a bit Lord so he guides and he blesses our children after we're beneficiaries and so here's the third question is it practical or wise you know because I've had times in my life where I'm like okay I feel I think this is God I need to do this okay then is it practical and how do the doors open there's another thing so in our marriage you know John is very practical he used to be a banker he's got a lot of wisdom and finances and so there'd be these times you know I'm feeling God's saying and he's like that doesn't sound practical I've learned he's learned my way and I've learned his way do you know that churches that are led by prophets tend to blow up okay not explode because if we're just led by every you know prophetic word so is it practical is there is there wisdom on that don't just make life-altering massive decisions based on what you think God is saying if you have not had confirmation and if there's no practical wisdom to that by the way I just heard the story of the US Army did you know that they spent millions of dollars somebody made a decision to spend millions of dollars on uniforms for the US Army soldiers in Afghanistan which is mostly desert to have their uniforms camouflage as in green like meant for jungles and and so I saw this guy saying who made the stupid decision to have millions of dollars for camouflage when they're in the desert for heaven's sakes yeah so it's not practical and I think maybe there is a lot of spending out there that happens it's not practical but how about take it to our level is it practical is there wisdom practical wisdom on that so we don't want to just be led by you know things are natural but at the same time it's like what doors open what doors closed proverbs 24:6 by wise counsel you will wage your war and in a multitude of counselors there is safety and I have found that you know even this week there was making decisions I was doing things you know there's a lot a lot of business things I had to do as well and it's just like I'm getting counseled for my kids and getting counseled for my husband getting counsel from people in the know and I found you know that helps to guide so what doors what's the stewardship the little much principle I want to talk for a moment that why don't we make choices here is the next thing diligence to make them over and over and over and over again diligence what does it say in Proverbs that says diligence is man's precious possession he's a precious possession so when we choose to forgive we choose to forgive over and over and over again when we choose to you know put our hand to the plow and work do it over and over and over again like what Joyce Meyer said when she said how can we expect to take authority over the devil if you haven't taken authority over the sink full of dirty dishes so and by the way parents I think we need to teach your kids and I'm still working on this too because you know it's so much easier to do it yourself anybody knows that parent Sara I can just do it myself and be a lot they're making this kid do it but there's something about diligence getting them to be diligence diligent in working you know the Bible says go to the ant you sluggard and get sitter her ways and it goes on to talk about the diligent working of the ant but diligence to make decisions over and over forgive over and over again choose rightly over and over and over and over and again let's have the worship team come back up you know Einstein I like sometimes just reading stories of lies but Einstein Albert Einstein is called the father of modern physics he had speech difficulties he had to flee Germany because there was a $5,000 bounty on his head because he was Jewish but he just you know experiment after experiment after experiment until he finally broke through and he was asked did you know he was asked to be the the President of Israel the very first president and he said no he said I'd not have neither the natural ability of the experience to deal with human beings that's Einstein Thomas Edison he had 3000 different theories to develop and failures before he invented the light bulb or Alexander Graham Bell who finally on a march 10th of 1876 said the words mr. Watson come here I want you that was the first words spoken over a telephone there is a diligence that God is calling us to make you know I just I found myself thinking about this this morning some of you know my story that I had a lot of difficulty with my dad and forgiving and forgiving again and forgive I think somebody just needs to hear this so but I just remember even like so I had worked through forgiveness for staffing and I remember in 2003 when we went back to Stafford for eight years to Pastor there you know what my dad said to me he said this is my greeting to Stratford which is in my hometown he says this is my greeting he said don't be thinking your mother's gonna babysit those six kids of yours that's what he said I'm like welcome home so but I remember the Lord sing for a game and forgive again and by the way honor him and by the way go out of your way to bless him and show up at that coffee shop and uh you know I just remember choosing choosing-choosing choose somebody needs to hear this come on somebody had to forgive your parent like a thousand times am I the only wanted that search no all right choosing choosing-choosing and you know what would happen in 2011 when we came back here my dad cried he cried he wept he said ah no don't go and he said I heard those words I've never heard I love you I'm so proud of you and Wow what a turnaround but it was choosing choosing-choosing forgiveness choosing life diligence everybody stand the stand come on church multitudes in the valley of decision is it biblical is it the leading of the Lord is it practical what's God telling you to do it's not just about what socks you should wear you can ask God about that if you want to but it is about how do I live my life what do I do in this situation [Music] you know I'd like to pray for people I can't shake this feeling that there's one or two or more that should have been up here for that altar call for when when there's opportunity given to give your life to Jesus and it's like there was hesitation I just since there was hesitation you know and I feel like the Lord is saying you need to say yes to me you need to choose me so it's just close your eyes for me I know there's one or two maybe three I don't know who you are but you were supposed to be here when that altar call is given earlier about giving your life to Jesus choosing him saying I'm asking for forgiveness Lord for the things I've done wrong I'm asking that you leave my life I want to choose you I want to give myself to you I want to follow Jesus if you know that's you you were supposed to be here there was a hesitation there I want you to come up right now just real don't hesitate don't just just say yes the Lord that's you just come up here real fast maybe you need to come with somebody maybe you need to come with your mother you need to come with your your friend you need to come with the person that you brought to church just just do it there's I feel like there's one or two you were supposed to respond and there was a hesitation and the Lord is saying don't let the day pass don't let the time pass say yes to him choosing multitudes in the valley of decision the valley of decision the most important choice is to say yes to him his will his way ha ha ha breathe your life over this place God thank you lord and over the the webstream as well just choose him now just say Jesus I choose you I choose you I say yes I say asked you break forth yeah come on that's it come on it's it's it's an appointed time [Music] it's cuz it is an appointed time this it's an appointed hour yeah I just feel like come on Donna yes right Jesus it's too important to let this pass by you know why because it's the it's the end of the old I really feel like there's gonna be death to the old the old you ah life to the new life to the new life to the new how old are you darling you know what I gave my life to Jesus and I was 12 come on that's so cool thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus let's say this together okay you guys Jesus and if you're supposed to be here one more person you're supposed to be here run run don't think just run say this Jesus Jesus I say yes to you I give you my life I give you my everything I'm not holding back anything I surrender I surrender fire fire you know I bless this little girl I just bless you to be a prophetic voice I bless the anointing on your life i blessed you to be a burning and shining lamp in your school fire and her God fire on this precious one Lord it is death to those old destructive relationships I think that message and forgiveness spoke to you forgive and forgive and forgive and forgive and forgive and forgive again fire [Music] if you need to be up here because you're making choices choices decisions I want you to what I want you to come up here just we're just gonna pray a general prayer but it's it's I feel like the Lord just saying just come and bring me or your your questions bring me your bring me what you need answers for and I'm gonna give you answers so if that's you in this house you need you need answers you need wisdom you need God's guidance for important decisions life-altering if should I marry that person or not should I do that visitors or not should I go to that school should I go to that program whatever it is just come we're just gonna ask for wisdom [Music] come on this world would of of decisions I feel like like I woke up this morning and I saw this picture of us on our knees and I feel like God is calling us to a deeper place of surrender he's like we're in a season of surrender and I feel like there are people here who have been disappointed as we heard before in the in the in that season that has passed but we're entering into a new season now surrendering the things that we were disappointed for in the old season because God wants to start afresh and I feel like there's unforgiveness towards God for the things that we felt in the last season that that we were supposed to things were supposed to happen and so I just want to lead us in a quick prayer of surrendering the old to God and repenting for the ways that we've been disappointed with God and with people and all that so father in the name of Jesus we ask for your forgiveness we ask for your mercy Lord God where we became disappointed in the things that we believe that you were supposed to do in the last season Lord God where it didn't work out in the time that we expected and you all you didn't do things the way we expected it Lord God father we ask for forgiveness we answer mercy Lord God we are we forgive you Lord for all the disappointments and everything in the last season Lord God every time we think oh we're not gonna hope again we're not gonna believe again because it didn't happen oh my god we repent for that we renounce it we break our agreement without today in the name of Jesus and we choose to the poor we choose to enter into the new day with you God to look for the things that you have in store for us are good we choose to forget the things that lay behind us what God and we press on we look forward to all that you have coming for us Lord God thank you for the new day thank you for the open doors my god thank you for the opportunity Lord God thank you for the answered prayers Lord God thank you for your faithfulness and your goodness towards us father in the name of Jesus amen father I thank you for something I don't know how to describe it I feel like there's gonna be kind of a good kind of blanket of the presence of God come upon people and there's gonna be decisions I feel like decisiveness there's even some you need to repent for indecision no decision is a decision it's a decision to do nothing and that's not good and I just feel that some of you need to repent of indecision some need to repent of overthinking your thinking is like smoke coming out of your ears it's too much thinking thinking thinking sometimes you need to act Lord I pray right now I just bless decisiveness that's the leading of you that's practical that's wise that's biblical father let it come let it come I just pray right now even now even now that God is just coming with revelation pour out the spirit of Revelation pour out a decisiveness I'm choosing to forgive I'm choosing this path I'm choosing that vocation I'm choosing this school I'm choosing that person I'm choosing that friendship I'm choosing to love come on in the name of Jesus we break the spirit of indecisive and for penis and lack of clarity in Jesus name break forth break forth break forth come on just receive I think we just need to worship is that okay let's have a worship time for the Lord is pouring out an anointing to choose life choose him choose the spirit Jesus name [Music] how I'll be Oh give me vision I want things like [Music] you're where my help comes from give me wisdom consume y'all just wanted to god I love [Music] bo [Music] Givi vision see things [Music] you're where [Music] just was [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] hi [Music] forever ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I just remembering the story of Bill Johnson phenomenal pastor but how he's so struggled with a melancholy depressive type personality or episodes or whatever and he would pull his drapes so nobody would see him he'd put on music and he would dance in his living room he would just worship he danced and he worshiped when he was feeling the opposite he danced and he worship when everything in him just wanted to scream and go to bed but he just began to dance and worship and a spare worship broke that yoke and now he's leading one of the most phenomenal worship centers worship over every issue worship turn worship on in your house turn it if you can on in your business turn it on your car sing his praises pull the drapes and dance he's worth it all [Music] he's worth at all we don't worship because we feel like it we worship because he's worthy jehosophat faced with all those enemy armies fell on his face and worship the Lord and the Prophet said the battle belongs to the Lord and the Lord wiped the enemies out worship God's gonna give answers God's gonna give truth God's gonna give healing God's Turing it all around as we worship Him gaze on his beauty and then inquire be blessed church go out to lunch with somebody don't just go home and be a couch potato ask somebody out for lunch meet somebody new go for coffee I don't know we need each other - we need the body of Christ be blessed
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 1,419
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire, Toronto, Sermon, Teaching, Wisdom, God, Learning, The Word, Bible, Patricia Bootsma, Decisions
Id: ghlp0y_9zdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 12sec (4092 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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