Voices In the Graveyard Of Your Mind by Carter Conlon

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god o god o god lord this is an incredible moment in history this is an hour lord where we are asking you to show forth your glory once again oh god and to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves my god help us lord help us help me today to go into the inner prisons god of people's minds their hearts lord as paul and silas once did and would you bring my song into this situation would you let your voice over right mind for my voice is powerless but yours can create a universe god you can call back things that are dead to life you have the power to open prison doors you have the power to heal broken bruised and wounded hearts you your words are a treasure that give the poor man a way forward god almighty god almighty god almighty we ask you lord to do miracles today tonight lord as people are listening in whatever time zone they're in god do miracles miracles in people's lives we don't we're not going to settle for less we don't have to settle for less you're almighty god and you proved your love for us on the cross and you told us when you rose from the dead that you took captivity captive and gave gifts unto men and you told us that we can speak to mountains and command them to be moved and cast into the midst of the sea you told us you gave us power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and you said that nothing would by any means hurt us and so lord we take you at your word we hold you to your word o god and we thank you lord that we can stand before your throne today with confidence we can stand with boldness we can stand to find grace to help in our time of need and we're not here to pray for ourselves today we're here to pray for those who can't pray for themselves for those who've lost their voice for those who are a whisper in the dust for those who are on the edge of giving up oh god do miracles today do miracles today and father we thank you for it in jesus name amen and amen thank you caitlyn thank you worship team thank you for all that have joined with us online from and you're part of this prayer meeting today or this evening from all around the world and we thank god for you and i thank god that you're taking the time to come in with us and believe with us for your situation because we're here about you this sperm meeting is about you it's about your home your family your body your mind your future it's about the healing of your past it's about all the things that we know that god is well able to do for you and it's i believe in my heart that the lord is raising up a testimony of the miraculous again in this generation only the miraculous power of god is going to touch this generation we're out of arguments and we're out of all strategies and all the rest of the things that so many have tried to incorporate into the kingdom of god all of these things have come to an end and we're now at the place where we need god more than we ever have in our lifetime i'm reading prayer requests this uh this afternoon and this evening i'm reading prayer quests that that are just there's so many people that have lost heart they've lost hope for their families for their children for themselves i'm reading prayer requests to those who are just saying i can't go on like this anymore my life is coming to an end i can't live under this torment any longer i can't live in this marriage situation i can't go on with the sorrow in my heart about my children or my grandchildren or whatever the case is and there's those who are sick and body and we understand that can take a deep toll on you spiritually and mentally as well and so we're going to lift you up in our prayers this evening as well and we're going to believe god for great great miracles in your life i want to take a moment and talk to you about voices in the graveyard of your mind voices in the graveyard of your mind now when i talk about the graveyard of your mind i'm talking about places in your life where you've just given up hope you've buried your hope you buried your hope of ever being healed from your past you buried your hope maybe of your marriage ever being restored maybe of your children ever walking with god of ever feeling sound again in body or in mind you buried your hope of ever perhaps amounting to anything in the kingdom of god or maybe making a difference in people's lives or perhaps being an influence even in your own home your own family your own society your own city your own town whatever it is that you're part of and that's what the gospel of john chapter 11 is all about in this particular chapter of scripture a man died the scripture says he was a man that jesus loved and i have no doubt that he loved jesus he could he could boast that jesus christ the son of god had spent time at his home at his table with his family and it was it was a true boast as as many of us can we say i did invite the son of god into my life i invited him into my home my family and he has sat down with me as he promised as he would do in the scripture and he supped with me that's what it says in the king james he sat at my table we've talked together he's fed me from his word one day this same man his name was lazarus he got sick and a word was sent to jesus that he was sick and i can just imagine he's telling all his friends and everybody that's coming in to see him no need to worry jesus is my friend he loves me i love him and he's going to come and he's going to help me and every day he just seemed to get sicker and sicker he seemed to get more distant his hopes seem to go farther and farther away until one day he died and he was placed in a graveyard and all around him were these voices the scripture tells us there was voices of weeping there were voices of comfort as best as humanity can comfort without the presence of god in their midst there were all kinds there were voices of doubt and unbelief there were voices of accusation actually against the faithfulness of god and then there were others who were quoting scripture and hardly believed a word of it voice is everywhere and when you're struggling anytime you find yourself struggling you're going to find these voices all around voice is telling you why it's too late imagine if this poor man was able to hear their voices there'd be people around talking about trying to comfort one another at such a tragic loss that he'll never come back and it's too bad we'll never hear the sound of his voice again and he'll never sit at our family functions and he'll never amount to he'll never amount to all of the dreams and aspirations he once told us he had none of it will ever amount to anything and some that are online you've you've actually heard those voices about you spoken you've heard them in your mind you've heard them in your own heart and sad to say some of you have actually heard them with your your natural ear as people around you have have tried maybe to bring comfort to one another talking about your hopeless situation and the reality that you will never amount to anything in your life and never fulfilled perhaps even what god's called you to be there are voices there accusing god that will come into your mind when you're in a struggle in a battle and say where where were you when i needed you yeah yeah now you show up but you weren't here when i needed you now it's too late now it's it's too far gone i'm too far down i'm too deep into this dark place there's a there's a huge stone rolled across this entranceway to where i now am and and i i'm at the point now i don't want to be disturbed don't bother me uh i i trusted in you once you didn't come you didn't show up and so i i'm just not interested in your help there are there are voices accusing god of his unfaithfulness or voices saying if if if you didn't show up then i'm not going to trust you now there are voices quoting scripture i remember when jesus came finally to where this man was laying in the graveyard the scripture tells us that he was trying to tell them your brother will rise again and his uh his sister martha said i know he'll rise again in the resurrection at the last day so in other words they're they're putting away the immediacy of god and there's a grave danger in that you can get into a struggle in your life and you can so make peace with failure and defeat and death and darkness that you you you say you still believe in him but it's not for now not now i believe for another day there's a day coming there's a day when i'm going to be free there's a day when i'm gonna and it but it's all way way in the future it's not gonna be in this life it's gonna be after this life is over i know that in the resurrection in the last day he's going to rise again jesus looked at her and said i am the resurrection and the life and he who believes in me though he may die yet he shall live and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die do you believe this and so the sister of this man responds and says yes lord i believe that you're the christ the son of god has come into the world it's amazing she just quotes scripture back at the son of god he's trying to tell her i'm here i'm well able to bring life out of death i can bring strength out of weakness i can bring joy out of sorrow i can bring purpose out of aimlessness i can do things that only can be done by the hand and the voice of god and i'm here i've come i've waited until you have no possible strength of doing this in yourself and i'm here because your death as it is in your weakness was preordained for the glory of god god doesn't take us when we're strong god doesn't do as great as miracles when we can give him a hand when we still have one leg that works and we can kind of try to get ourselves up and our testimony will be me and jesus did this now the glory of god is most wonderfully revealed when we have come to a place where there is no chance of going forward there is no chance of victory we're never going to get out of this prison when our character is never going to change the the struggles in our mind are never going to go away the entanglements in our lives are never going to come untangled our hope for the future there's never going to be a hope without the intervention of god and it's at this time most often that he comes so that he gets the glory so that our testimony in our generation is not about look what me and jesus have done is look what he has done for me look what god did for me i was dead and now i live i was blind and now i see i was a leper and now i'm healed i was in prison and he set me free this is the testimony of god and this is an awesome moment in history because he has come one more time yes he has waited for a season he's waited until we exhausted all of our strategies to advance his kingdom in our own strength he's waited until we've we've run out of gas he's waited until the darkness is so thick that our little feeble lights don't shine anymore it's going to take a light a whole lot greater than anything we can produce he's waited until we've run out of thoughts and reasons and such like even to try to advance his kingdom in our generation you see the good news my friend is that he's come again he's passing by in this generation i know this in my heart i'm not guessing at this and i'm not just trying to hope it happens he is here and he is passing by he's waiting for the sound of your voice or may i put it this way he's waiting for you to hear the sound of his voice calling you i believe you're the christ the son of god has come into the world and then jesus said to her where have you where have you laid him and then the next thing comes up says well he's been there so long why don't we just leave him there and move on to something else you know we can get that way in our lives sometimes let's not deal with this let's let's move on and deal with this i i'm i'm relegated to the fact that this will always be part of my character this this depression will always be in my mind or whatever it is that we're fighting with and we we kind of just say okay let's let's just leave that where it is let's roll a stone over that let's go over here and let's deal with something else because you see this is impossible so let's let's deal with what our natural minds can lay hold of and think still is possible and he said where where have you where have you laid him and all he could get from the crowd or from those there well surely god by now there's a stance she's been he's been there for four days jesus you don't understand this has been in my life a long time you don't understand i i've been a long way like this and oh i believed you ten years ago maybe for victory or five or four or three or two or even up to a month ago but i've i've given up there's a stone across it uh and the voices all around me and even in my own heart and head are just telling me it's it's hopeless the whole thing just stinks as far as i'm concerned so can we just move on from this and can we and we deal with something else then jesus said did i not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of god now i'm speaking to everybody online that can hear my voice now i'm speaking to you the exact words that jesus once spoke did i not say to you that if you would believe that you would see the glory of god that you would see that done which only god can do and he told them he said roll away the stone and he cried with a loud voice lazarus come forth i've always found it so interesting when i read this passage of scripture that only a dead man could hear him think that one through for a moment nobody else the scripture quoters couldn't hear him the mourners couldn't hear him the people with all the reasons and excuses why it didn't come at their appointed time couldn't hear him all these people with all the religion and trust me they were the most religious people on the face of the earth at this time they couldn't hear him only a dead man could hear his voice now all these other voices are going on all around at the same time but suddenly suddenly suddenly this dead man suddenly this man who knows he can't get up without the strength of god he can't go forward unless god leads him forward he can't amount to anything unless god gives him the strength to amount to something suddenly this man starts to hear the voice of god that's why the scripture says today if you can hear his voice don't harden your heart if you can hear the voice of the one who created the universe by the word of his mouth the one who stood up in the boat and commanded the wind and the seas to be still and they were still immediately the one who had the power all power all authority is given to him his name is above every name every knee bows every tongue confesses that he is lord he sits as king over the flood he is almighty everlasting eternally the one and only god and if he's speaking to you today if you can hear his voice don't harden your heart if you find that measure of faith even if it's like a mustard seed as pastor ryan talked about today it's just a little wee bit of faith take that faith that god has planted inside your heart and by the grace of almighty god get up and start moving towards the sound of his voice he has come for you he's come for your family he's come for your life he's come for your future he's come to give you a hope and an end this is who god is i love the fact that the scripture says that lazarus came forth bound with grave clothes his face was wrapped with a cloth he was all wrapped up with everything that everybody had ever said about him everything he'd ever thought about himself every every everything he'd ever felt about himself he was all wrapped up in it and all he could do probably if he could even walk it was just like an inch at a time i could just see him coming out so slowly out of that grave all wrapped up and the very first thing that jesus tells the people to do is essentially this unwrap him and let him go unwrap him in other words take off those clothes of death that that old those old reasonings those those old thoughts that that bound this man for so long and this is what god will do for you if you can hear his voice he'll unwrap you and set you free set your mind can you imagine as the those bandages started coming off and the very first thing is is he can see and then he can smell then he can taste old taste and see that the lord is good he can start to move his head again he starts he's able to look to to the future can you just imagine as his heart is unwrapped and he reaches down and it's beating again it was dead like a dead marriage like dead hope for your children suddenly your heart is beating inside your chest again with hope for the future can you imagine as his arms are loose and he can suddenly raise them up in adoration to almighty god and start giving thanks in front of all the the people that just thought it was too late it was too hopeless and all this guy did was stink and be buried best to be put away can you imagine as as his loins are are released and he now has a hope and he has a future and he can have a family that he couldn't have before can you imagine as his legs are unwrapped and he can now run the race that god has set before him you imagine as he gets to the finish line and say only god could have done this only god could have done this i called out to him in my grave i heard his voice crying out for me and i called back to him and i walked out of that place of darkness into the most marvelous light in life that could ever be given to anyone in the universe i heard the voice of god that will be your testimony in the future many who are listening online right now it won't be i did this i read this i studied this i tried this no you'll be saying to your friends who ask you what happened to you you will say i heard the voice of god calling me and in my living room he was all alone in that grave there's nobody there to help him nobody to lean on nothing to give him strength but the voice of god and just like you listening in your living room right now if you can hear the voice of god stand up where you are move towards the voice of god and you watch the miracle that god will begin to do in your life you will become a testimony of his grace and his glory in your generation your family will be stunned at what god has done in you people who formerly knew you will say he will say about you while he he looks like the person we used to know but he doesn't act like the person we used to know he doesn't speak she doesn't speak like the person we used to know they don't think like the people we once knew something has happened to them not just born again by the spirit of god but raised by the spirit of god if the spirit that raised christ from the dead be in you he who raised christ shall also quicken your mortal body he will bring you to life now i'm not talking about back to life some of you have never been alive before you've had life but you've never had the life that god planned for you that god can give you today if you can hear his voice and i was just a young person i was only 24 years old when i came to christ as my savior and i was bound really bound and i began to sit in church and i felt in my heart i had this push all the voices away the ones that were the old voices from the past the present voices in my heart and even some of the voices around trying to tell me what my life was going to be or not going to be i had to start pushing them away because i heard another voice calling me calling me farther than i could go calling me into more than i could ever be giving me much more than i could ever possess and taking me places i could never go i heard the voice of god so i'm not bringing to you just a theory it's not something i just studied out of a book as wonderful as study is i've actually lived it i've actually know what it's like to come out of the grave i know what it's like to be unwrapped by the hand of god i know what it's like to be be given a new heart a new mind a new spirit a new bounce a new song a new direction a new life i know what it's like it's not a theory with me it's been my experience in life and this is my prayer for you online today those that are listening it's really time to get up it's time to get up because jesus is passing by and he's calling you now he's using my voice today but his voice is stronger than mine and so push mine away if you can and listen to the voice behind mine that's calling you out of your bondage and out of your weakness into this marvelous light and life that can only be given you through jesus christ praise be to god i'm going to ask everyone who's dealing with death in your life to stand up wherever you are just stand up both in this sanctuary here the young people that i'm speaking to today and the people online i'm going to ask you stand up in your living room stand up stand up a part of your life you've given up on you say i'll never be healed i'll never i'll never get rid of this memory the pain of it will never go away the the hopeless feeling i have about myself will always be a part of my life i'll always be wrapped up in this area my uh my heart well i'll always have to protect my heart i could never be vulnerable before people i i don't believe that god will ever have a journey for me that will be of any effect for his kingdom's sake you see the lord's calling you now and the first thing he's going to do is unwrap you he's going gonna and you just have to let lazarus what could he do this that's all he could do he was all wrapped up all he could do is let the voice of god unwrap him and that's what you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to let the voice of god just take these these cloths of death off of you and in the next chapter it says that there was a supper and lazarus sat at the table with jesus and i love the fact that in psalm 23 the psalmist david says you prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies it doesn't mean your enemies will go away it just means that you're sitting at the table with jesus and having a great feast in the midst let them say what they want to say let them do what they want to do but your life will become a living testimony of who god is and so father in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name lord we've called your name out so many times today and we've had a sense in our heart as we called it out that you're a god of incredible love and mercy and power we believe that you raise the dead not just in the future we believe that you do it now we believe that you bring freedom we believe that you do it now as we step towards you we can feel your hand beginning to unwrap our minds our hearts our mouths our eyes our hands our middle sections and our legs my god we can feel you literally unwrapping us and letting us go free [Music] bring us now to the table my god where we can partake of this incredible provision that you won for us on the cross my god my god i'm asking you lord in this sanctuary and online tonight that you would raise up powerful testimonies of who you are lord not who we are who you are that your name would be on our lips your song would be in our hearts your strength would be in our limbs god almighty would all be about you and not about us thank you for freedom freedom is our freedom is the children's bread thank you for a new life thank you god for for hope for the future thank you god for there's no prison door can hold us there's no wound of the past can continue to bind us there's no hopelessness that can dictate our future thank you we are brand new in christ jesus thank you we have a hope we have a future we have a song we have a divine purpose and thank you lord you you came to us when we were dead and you raised us in the power of your love [Music] and thank you in jesus name now we're going to spend a moment just worshiping and while we do we're going to prepare for communion together both here at our bible school in in pennsylvania and also for you at home you can you can get some juice and some crackers together and we're going to partake of communion which is really us saying jesus i believe i believe you i believe i believe that you died so that i could be forgiven by trusting in you and brought back into relationship with god and i believe that in that relationship i am a new person i have a new future i believe that i'm free god almighty i hear your voice oh god i hear you and i thank you in jesus name we're going to just sing one song we'll be right back we'll have communion together god bless
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 18,390
Rating: 4.9403973 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Carter Conlon
Id: o0r6P9wTB0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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