Decadence and Downfall: The World's Most Expensive Party

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They drove far into the desert - - and suddenly you saw a forest of skyward pillars. And beside them a city of tents, which had been erected for the occasion. And it was already quite adventurous. It was the perfect backdrop for a James Bond film. Immensely extravagant and exclusive. In two days they used the one that answered to Switzerland's state budget for two years. A huge event with guards with machine guns everywhere. It was a big responsibility with all the heads of state. Historically and politically, it is the only time everyone has been together. East and West - - industrialized countries and developing countries - - communist countries and monarchies. Everyone was there. The party is somewhat similar to a debutante ball. Iran enters corporate life. The idea was probably to enroll among the leading nations with a bang. But it was the wrong bang. When you spend hundreds of millions, you must be able to vouch for it. One day you will be asked to account for it. If you watch morning TV today - - you can see the heads of state arriving to Persepolis in Iran - - on the occasion of the 2500th anniversary for the foundation of it - - which was once called the Persian Empire. I'll turn it over to Barbara Walters. There is so much at stake for this - - both historical and in modern times - - that we just take a review of the context of things. Who? Our host is His Imperial Highness shahanshah - - which means 'king of kings'. Shahanshah of Iran Muhammad Reza has been shah since 1941. He is among the world's richest men. Iran is a constitutional monarchy. The Shah appoints the Prime Minister, can dissolve parliament - - controls the army, can declare war and conclude peace agreements. He controls the press and does not tolerate much criticism. His word is simply law. I feel convinced that that I have a mission to perform. I believe in god, and that's why I say - - that I believe I am called by God to do what I do. Furthermore, there is a close relationship between the Persian people and the king - - that does it to a very special relationship - - which people from the outside may not understand. It was for the coronation of the Shah and Empress Farah. Back then I was very fond of art - - and enjoyed the embroideries and the needlework in their suits. I went to Shah Reza Street to see the shah's carriage. I remember, that the empress sat in her long dress - - next to the shah and looking tired. I was not politically engaged at the time. I was more busy of poverty and social problems. No elections were held then. The people the Shah surrounded himself with - - was a blast of sloppy saliva lickers. As time passed - - we felt the urge to learn more. Finding our place in the world, but we were prevented from doing so. It was difficult just to be allowed to to read a book. If one was caught with a forbidden book - - you were beaten half to death. And if it was a weak person, that person would gossip. I was his servant. His minister. His son-in-law. The shah was principled. The Shah loved his country. The Shah was a family man. He was intelligent and kind. All those qualities he had, and today he gets blamed for everything. The new shah arrives at the parliament to succeed the father. The former crown prince Shapur Muhammad Reza - - now sits on the peacock throne. The new shah has promised to be smaller German-friendly than his deposed predecessor. The former shah exploited the people, while his own coffers abounded. The new shah will not have it easy. Iran will probably continue to figure in the news. It came right behind the shah - - when the father abdicated. When the father left, he wept and said: "Take me with you." He was beside himself and had no idea, what it meant to be king. He was different from his father. The father was a military man and took power in a military coup. Shahen went to school in Switzerland. He was wrapped in cotton wool. He had a completely different personality than his father - - but tried to imitate him. There are two things that can destroy a weak man: Money and status. There are two things that make one blind. Who is here today? 69 heads of state are participating or have sent deputies. The list includes an emperor, eight kings, five queens, 15 presidents - - five emirs, four reigning princes and dukes - - a princess, two governors-general, two heirs to the throne - - four princes, three vice-presidents, including Agnew - - four prime ministers, seven sheiks - - and a First Lady. Then it won't be much bigger. Had we known what we were getting into, we would never have agreed to it. I entered the picture in October 1970. The Shah's sister summoned me one day. She said, that the shah had decided - - to celebrate the 2500th anniversary the following year. "You must be in charge of the party - - and join in, until the work is done.” People thought the party was a joke. I went to the Minister of Justice Mr. Alam and suggested - - that he used the influence of the court to show how important it was. A few days later, the shah reduced - - a planning committee led by Mr. Alam. And then it was taken more seriously. The Tourist Board had selected two hotels. One in Shiraz and one in Persepolis. Sir. Alam suggested, that we went to Shiraz. The streets were dirty, and the houses were neglected. Then we went to Hotel Cyrus. There was no actual hotel, but only a steel skeleton. Then we drove to Persepolis. It was a two-lane road full of holes. Back then, Persepolis was a wilderness. There was nothing. Suddenly it dawned on us, that we were out in really deep water. We drove back to Shiraz. Sir. Alam said: “This is of national importance. If it is not finished on time - - I shoot you all - - and afterwards I shoot myself. It concerns Iran's reputation." A few days later I pointed out - - that the place was teeming with snakes and scorpions. And that you could well forget to invite guests to Shiraz. "The invitations have been sent out," Alam said. "We can't cancel." It was too late. It had to be implemented. Then we had to start over to make the area safe. We sprayed poison in a radius of 30 km around Persepolis - - and filled a whole truck with creeps. Green snake: dangerous. Intellectuals had the side last in the 19th century claimed - - that the background of the colonization and Iran's weakness was to be found in Islam. Then the Shah's father and his ministers took power - - most of them were educated in the West. They were adamant about introducing modernity and Western values ​​- - as well as to search back to the country's roots. So cultural resurgence was part of a larger plan of - - to secularize Iran. Once upon a time there was a shah tall and handsome was Shah Reza. Don't mention his name. He had a quick temper, people were terrified of him. A man of few words. He said 'J', then he got railroad tracks. A man of few words. He said 'S', and then the blur was gone. A quick temper brought progress a quick temper brought progress... Throughout his reign was the shah aware of the legacy of his father. But he probably wanted too excel in relation to the father - - and just like saying: "I can do better." I did not see him while he was in exile. We wrote together. He never tried to give me good advice. He only gave me one good piece of advice: “You should never be afraid for something." It is not possible. Purely physical I am never afraid of anything. Death does not frighten me. I have seen it in the eyes so many times. That day will come, and then nothing can prevent it. But mentally I am constantly afraid of something or the other. If you look at Iran in the 1950s - - can the clash between Mossadeq and the shah is summed up in one sentence: The shah was to rule, not rule. Mossadeq was not like other prime ministers. He wished to enforce the constitution - - so that the shah was reduced to a figurehead. The Shah felt that he was losing power. PERSIAN Uprising In the Middle East have incidents in Iran taken a dramatic new turn. The shah and his empress have had to flee from Tehran to Rome - - after the Imperial Guard had to have tried to arrest Mossadeq - - when the shah had refused to disband parliament at the request of Mossadeq. I hadn't lost hope. I was lighthearted. After all, only two days passed, before the people called me back. Mossadeq was overthrown in a coup supported by Great Britain and the United States. Until 1953 - - I only experienced pain - - suffering and humiliation. He returns in 1953 - - knowing that it was a foreign staged coup d'état - - for his benefit. And knowing that he will come to one country where he is basically unwanted. He had two options as a politician. He could try to become the people's monarch again - - even if you were him hostile voice. There is a lot of radicalism and dissatisfaction. Or rule with a heavy hand. With rising oil revenues - - and increasing trust to the alliance with the United States - - he established a militarized security state - - and tried to find a way to remain seated as monarch on. It was Iranian New Year, and Mr. Alam went to Europe. When Mr. Alam came back, he assembled the committee. "Why don't we set up tents?" he said. "Just like the old days. The French company Jansen have suggested - - that we set up prefabricated houses. And then we cover them with plastic, so they look like tents." Sir. Alam was very efficient. He was the type to get things done. He found the simplest solution. He brought in professional people to deliver the tents - - and to cook the food and procure servants. Back then, Maxim's was considered as one of the best restaurants. The Vaudable family had made it world famous. We were in Boston because Maxim's was standing for a gala dinner at the Boston Opera House. Here Mr. Vaudable confided to us: “I can't say much, but You are going to experience something great.” I was both worried and excited at the thought of - - to have to play a small role in this world event. The idea was that it should be a national event. There was no talking about royalty and the like. When Mr. Alam had signed the agreements with Jansen and Maxim's - - got the party a lot of attention and was suddenly on everyone's lips. At an airfield outside Paris two giant tents have been erected. They must stand in that camp, being built in Persepolis - - for the celebration of Cyrus the Great founding of the Persian Empire - - 2500 years ago. Cyrus the Great has a religious and political symbolic value. Is allegedly mentioned in the Koran, mentioned in the Bible, and the Greeks love him. The Persians also valued him. As one of the few, he has a tombstone, which has not been destroyed. A figure that all political wings as well as can vouch for. He is a humanist and is in favor of information. He set the Jews free, he thought minorities, treated people with dignity. Cyrus becomes the blank canvas, the shah projects its own image onto - - so he can share in the glory. He introduced as the first justice and human rights. We have the roll. Or it is in your museum, since you have taken it away from us. Had these values just been prevalent. The longer the shah was in power, the worse the oppression became. It was the opposite of what Cyrus stood for. The secret police raided. Mom woke me up. They looked everywhere, but didn't find anything. I couldn't understand that with everyone the forbidden books I had in the house. Then I started getting into politics. "What kind of system is this?" The problem was that the White Revolution in many respects the top management was - - and primarily aimed at to position the shah - - as the philanthropic monarch, who distributes alms to the Iranians. So it was more propaganda than anything else. If you are unhappy with that country say goodbye to a feudal system - - and with half the population, the women, get their freedom - - then I can't do anything about it. Khomeini was a cleric. The grandfather and the father was rooted in Islamic theology. The idea that Iran not first and above all was an Islamic country - - was completely unacceptable to him. Khomeini's first reaction was to write to the shah. "Stop it. It is against Islam.” The Shah does not answer, but lets the religious school in Qom storms. They slam the doors, and there are people being killed. It is a declaration of war against the priests. Older politicians, who had collaborated with the father - - said to the shah, that it was dangerous. He dismissed them and never cooperated with them again. None from the new generation dared to say to him: "It is wrong. You're leading us straight to hell." I have found myself forced to... ... to send one of the stubborn, clerical dark men abroad. He had to leave. "The disgraceful White Revolution, who in just one day was guilty of - - that 15,000 Muslims were killed of tanks and machine guns - - has made the destiny of our people even more unhappy. In many of our cities and most of our villages - - there are neither doctors or medication. There are neither schools, bathing or drinking water. In certain villages are the children so hungry - - that they eat grass in the fields. But the tyrannical rule spend millions of dollars - - at various disgraceful parties. The worst is the celebration of the 2500th anniversary for the foundation of the monarchy. Let the world know that noble, Muslim Iranians have nothing to do with it. Everyone who participates in it - - are traitors to Islam and the Iranian people." I'm probably more religious myself than those people. I have been all my life mystic and religious - - but I believe in the true religion - - The religion of God and the Prophet. Not that, it has been supplied by them - - that will make their religion into a profitable business for themselves. On the country's southern plains The biggest problem is water. You wait impatiently for the train. What is your biggest wish? A better life, lots of money and to be able to amuse me. Isn't there a certain thing? Anything would please me. I do not know. - Isn't there anything you want? - A sewing machine. - Have you seen the shah? - No, I've never seen him. But that is my greatest wish to make him see. Who is the shah? The shah is the god of the people. We pray for him and love him very much. In Iran, the word shah was associated with the perfect. The Iranians could really like the shah. At least when I was young, did you feel connected to the shah - - and with a country, who had a shah. The Shah was part of our everyday life. The world's greatest show will be for a selected company. The Shah has invited 60 heads of state - - from places like Norway, Nepal, Lesotho and Liechtenstein - - on a three-day stay in the purpose-built royal village. Also a British delegation. When Princess Anne and the Duke arrive at Persepolis - - they must like the others 60 heads of state live in tents. In this tent, actually, unless you switch things around. Each tent is equipped - - with six crystal glasses on a tray of tortoise shell - - a scented candle in a glass cylinder with a decorative hose in - - and an ornamented one Iranian ashtray. When Princess Anne wants morning tea, she rings the bell by the bed - - sleeping too close to the tent her private maid in the kitchen. It is, like the rest, fully equipped. The tents are tastefully placed in a forest of young trees. 15,000 pieces flown here from Versailles - - and 15,000 flowering shrubs. In the top secret party tent is kept four tons of food, also from Paris. There is also a French royal nightclub. Are you satisfied with everything? here before the party? It was a bit like the coronation. There was so much to see, and it was such a big responsibility for us. We must celebrate the country's 2500 years of culture and history. Make sure it goes well, and have control over all details. You are so busy that you don't have time to think about it. It is only afterwards, you think about how it went. Right now we're just scraping by. I had worked eight seasons at the Palace Hotel in St. Moritz. I was called that the shah of Iran was going to throw a big party - - and that we should therefore to Persepolis. We were 40-50 employees from Hotel Palace. I took the train home from my valley and brought a swiss sausage and bread. My friends stayed at the Hotel Hilton in Tehran and had caviar and champagne. When we boarded it was quiet - - too many were afraid to fly. Most had never been on board a plane. I remember, that there was one of my friends with - - and he said: "Down there underground is full of oil." The royals from the three Scandinavians countries had chartered a plane together - - and I brought that with me my Greek cousin King Constantine. I remember the queens talking about, what jewels they brought. Queen Anne-Marie had them with huge Romanov emeralds. Everyone brought something, and I said: “Compared to Empress Farah’s is it for nothing to count - - because she has the world finest jewels." At first I just thought, that it was blingbling - - and as they say in Germany schicky micky. Smart and snobbish, but not very interesting. However, I had other thoughts. The trees were planted out in the desert - - and I thought it was a story, but it turned out to be true - - that you had imported over 50,000 birds - - who after the three days would die, because they could not stand the climate. They ordered a lot of sparrows from Spain. There was not enough water in the area to so many birds - - then suddenly one of them was dragged down, and it wasn't very nice. But he wanted it to look like a forest. I do not know what all those trees had to go out into the desert. They built a golf course with bunkers, greens and fairways. It was unusual out in the middle of a dry desert. I didn't think you could set up such a kitchen - - with bakery and cold room. It surprised me a lot. Day after day a plane delivered a large block of ice out in the desert. A large block of ice came the size of a carport every day - - and we went out into the desert to it to be cooled. Only the last day it occurred to me - - that the ice was chopped into pieces for the ice buckets with white wine. I guess I had read about it - - and when I was employed for to write about social life - - and that was the end of the party all parties, I should be there. I stayed in Tehran for several days. An interesting thing, which I have since written about was - - how dissatisfied many were with the party. There was criticism of that so much money was spent - - when there was no money to send children to school and feed them. I met some of the critics, who said: "You're going to an underground meeting, but we blindfold you.” I sat in a room, where there were only men - - and they were very angry with the shah. "This is a false empire," they said. “His father was a farmer. He is no emperor. They spend hundreds of million dollars at a party - - which we cannot afford in this country." We were suggested three different commentators. James Mason - - another guy, which was very well known from TV - - and Orson Welles. Cyrus, King of Kings - - who fought for human rights and liberty long before the Magna Charta. Cyrus, the founder of Persian culture and the father of Iran - - a country five times its size like the UK - - where this shah today reigns. It has fallen to him after one period of decline in the country's long history - - to remind the world and his own people about the Persian pride. It was incomparable. I got chills. It was unusual - - when the shah spoke to Cyrus and said: "Just sleep. We're awake." "Just sleep, Kyros. We are awake." They weren't awake. The unusual thing was, that when the shah spoke - - was suddenly there on both sides of the grave... ... a dust devil, a swirl of sand. As he repeats his words, starts it again. It was quite unusual. "How did they do it?" I asked. I thought it was arranged. It was like a play, a variety show. It was like an opera, the scene... And I was moved. "O Cyrus, great king— - king of kings, Achaemenid king, king of iran - - I, the Shah of Iran, greet you - - on behalf of myself and my nation. In this glorious period in Iranian history - - I bow and all other Iranians, children of that empire - - you founded 2500 years ago, head in reverence at your grave." Those were very bad times in Iran - - with terror and repression. So it felt very artificial. When he said: "Just sleep, Kyros. We are awake." - - was it a joke. From that moment the shah became - - a symbol of absurdity and hatred. Even after all these years - - is it conspicuous, what a beautiful speech it was. The opposition focused only on one thing: "Just sleep, Kyros. We are awake." People joked about it: “Just sleep while we ruin the country and uses the oil money. Just sleep while we waste all wealth gone.” They were merciless. The day before it all started - - Mr. Alam gathered us in the great vestibule and said: "From tomorrow you are on your own. If something goes wrong, you have to improvise - - and solve your problems yourself. Imagine you are at war." I still get goosebumps when I think of his words. Mid October 1971 - - 62 heads of state gathered at the airport in the fairytale city of Shiraz - - in a patchwork of colours, where was saluted and bowed and refused. Familiar faces from the world stage stepped out on red carpets - - surrounded by honor guards in the pleasant Persian sunlight. That's how it was. Too much happened, that you got all the details. Ceremonial and etiquette should be observed for all arrivals. None of those present saw everything. This is how one of the most started historical cultural meeting ever. I was the only one sitting back in the headquarters of Persepolis. I could not sleep. I was scared out of my wits. This was so extensive - - that even the smallest thing could trigger a scandal. One of the African countries requested our embassy - - for permission to to bring ten people. Five was the maximum number. He said it was his bodyguards - - and that two of them should sleep under his bed. And His Majesty said, "Good, then let him have his ten companions." And he had ten with him. Haile Selassie arrived by plane together with 75 people. I was completely on the floor - - for who should take care of 85 people? It was nothing completely ordinary camping tent. They were small, beautiful homes, where everything looked like something from a housing magazine. Some of the kings and queens sat outside their tent - - or left their tent open. Imagine Prince Philip waving to the king of Denmark - - and Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier. Everyone greeted each other and stopped and chatted. I haven't seen anything like it neither before nor since. Everything was done extremely tastefully. It was by no means nouveau riche with gold and marble everywhere. It was good taste. They were very beautiful tents, albeit simple - - and in the drawer there was, if I may be so free - - an effervescent tablet and a Tampax. After all, so were the distinguished guests just people like the rest of us. You couldn't walk three steps without tripping over a security guard. The King of Denmark tried to come passed a place and was thrown out. They later found out, that he was the king of Denmark. They were very strict. We heard that up in the mountains - - were guerrilla forces, who was out to sabotage the party. In 1971, the guerrilla wars were increasing also in places other than Iran. There were the Vietnam opponents, revolution in Cuba, Che Guevara. It wasn't the middle class there were worried about their deadlines. They wanted to bring about changes in their country and leave their mark on history. The Shah's rule did not distinguish - - between political opposition and armed struggle. So let's fight. All universities were closed - - for safety reasons during the party. All student representatives got arrested. Each and every one. Is it true that it is forbidden to demonstrate at the university? What were they demonstrating against? Our policy? National independence? I don't think that's the case at all. Critics in the West considered the shah as dictator rather than liberal. Five Monarchs and five presidents did not attend. Their excuses were not trustworthy. They were under a lot of pressure in their home countries - - for not participating. Some were bad at fashion over the Shah's pretentiousness. The British were not much in favor to send the queen away - - when he carried himself like that as the world's leading monarch. "We don't want a situation - - where it is perceived that our monarchs pay homage to the 'king of kings'." When you gather all the countries of the world - - is it in an attempt to to legitimize themselves through them. The festivities are not for the people, but for them. They are the ones who are important not the people. They arrested me a month before the party. I remember they were on to put up lights in Shah Reza Street. The prison was so overcrowded that man could hardly lie down and sleep. No one else could lie there, where I lay. Even though I'm small, my legs stuck out. Your Majesty, some believe - - that Iran should not spend millions of dollars at such a party - - when there are still people in need. What do you answer them? and why was the party so important? Firstly: What do they know about what it costs? The only costs in connection with the party - - are the two official dinners, we invite our guests. It is the least we can do on such an occasion. Everyone arrived at the entrance of the big tent at 20. It was absolutely fantastic. It was the greatest experience of my life to see all those people. There was so little space. Not all ministers were invited. The Council of Ministers was not involved. Many Iranians were not invited. There was simply no room. Simply. You hadn't thought about what you had to stand up with all the monarchs. They were installed in the tent city, but then what? No one had considered what was needed happened when everyone was in the big tent - - where the shah and the shahbanu received the guests. They began to be pressed together, because it was too slow. The problem was, that everyone didn't come on time - - and that everyone didn't get in within two to three minutes. So after a while there was a queue. The label prescribes - - that kings have priority before others and must enter first. There were too many of them, and more came to - - so there were two queues. One with kings and queens and one with ordinary mortals - - as presidents and prime ministers. It was absolutely incredible. And there was a sandstorm, so the hairstyles got messy - - and the crowns were kept, so that they wouldn't blow off. There was a rustle in the skirts, people got sand in their eyes - - and they tried to squeeze in sheltered from the sandstorm. The sandstorm came at an inauspicious time. I feared that someone would get the large chandeliers in the head. It was horrible. Not exactly like that, he had intended to open the party. People didn't know where they had to do by themselves. Several of the Europeans were related - - but many did not know each other, and there was no one who said: "It is the Emperor of Japan, and that is Heile Selassie." So people just stood in the corners and looked at each other. How did the royals come and the communists ...? Brilliant. The communists and the royals got out of it so well - - as is often the case. The Russians had killed, I don't know how many, royal - - but it was forgotten. The butler passed out at the party and had to have sedatives. Five people had to hold him on the way to the medical tent - - where he was given a sedative. He couldn't handle the pressure. He didn't know what he was doing. He stood with all the heads of state, and the food was not ready. It's not so nice when you are an overserved employee. I don't think the guests noticed, for they had so much to talk about. Half an hour from or to. Then they had time to talk. I don't think they realized that there was panic. It was very hot in the kitchen area, so the employees were almost naked. They had taken off most of their clothes - - and many of the men stood in thong underpants. The menu was in the big book here. With a nice little mirror, so you can see how you look. First course was quail eggs with caviar from Bandar Pahlavi. The best of the best. One thousand kilos of caviar. And it was caviar. Not bread. There was caviar for the big dinner, but not around the clock. The etiquette around this was a real nightmare. Everyone saw where everyone else was supposed to sit, and whether they sat in a nicer place. So it was on at the same time. It was very interesting to observe all the intrigues. There were three waiters at each table, and they watched each other. The army came and checked, if we smuggled poison in the food. It was France's greatest wines. The best vintages of the best wines. Champagne: 2500 bottles. Château Haut-Brion, Château Latour, Château Lafite. Bordeaux: 1000 bottles. Burgundy: 1000 bottles. The next dish was crayfish mousse with Nantua sauce. Loin of lamb from highland lamb - - stuffed and fried in its own juice. French lamb. Boneless and stuffed with minced meat of mushrooms, truffles and foie gras. And the dish was decorated with a ram's head. I actually almost got it nothing to eat. I just sat and looked around at people. The tablecloth was one piece of cloth, which was over a hundred meters long. "Imperial peacock surrounded by his court." Peacock. Who eats peacock? The peacock was only for decoration. We deboned and stuffed small quails with foie gras and truffles. And the quails were then served with a peacock in the middle of the dish - - so that the court should look beautiful. The sound and light show ... I remember, that it was very cold and windy - - and everyone was tired and wanted better have gone back to their tents - - instead of being crammed together on a hill to watch sound and light show. Open the gates guarded by winged bulls with human heads! When the show was over, the light did not turn on. It was pitch black. Three minutes is a long time. I ran up to the control room to investigate what had happened. As I ran away - - the fireworks started and scared everyone out of their wits. They thought, that it was a terrorist attack. In San Francisco set an explosion in the Iranian consulate last night - - the three-storey high brick building on fire. No one was hurt. Numerous Iranians had demonstrated towards the Shah's lavish celebration - - of the 2500th anniversary of his dynasty. We cover that event live via satellite later in the broadcast. It was shown on television all over the world. What you don't pay for that kind of publicity? So it was an excellent thing. It was only at such an event - - that you could collect 70 heads of state in Persepolis - - and induct them into Iran's history. In what the country had been and was now, and what it had gone through. They came in - - and began to beat their drums and blow the trumpets. It was so beautiful - - that everyone sat and gaped. We stand firmly on our feet - - and God willing, we must develop. With or without other countries and people's approval - - we enter the magnificent age of civilization. Regaining the respect of former times. And I hope you know that I don't speak - - from vain motives. I am full of humility - - but I feel very safe on my people and on our destiny. 'The Magnificent Civilization' was a concept that was repeated - - in all speeches and in the newspaper headlines. The intention was to give us a sense of pride - - and help us get started with the modernization of Iran. To make us confident as Iranians. As an Iranian, it touched me deeply. It still does today. Iranians who were not accepted - - and which was considered as backward. When I saw that… It affected me greatly. The first thing they did was to lead one into the torture chamber. If they found something on one, for example a forbidden book - - they beat one until they got it out of someone they were after. I can only say that we are now sufficiently advanced to - - to use the same methods, which you use - - to question the persons, to be interrogated. - Who exactly are you alluding to? - Any advanced society. They have effective interrogation methods - - which are more psychological than physical. We just do as you do. - Is it justified? - It depends on the cases. If one has betrayed one's country, everything is allowed. They tied one's hands and feet. They had different whips for different purposes. They started with the thickest. When one's feet swelled, they used one that was thinner. If they used one that was too thick, they broke one's toes. You watch movies and hear stories about - - that even at police stations - - are officers and investigators - - it gets so furious about the detainee's behavior - - that they lose their temper and beats the guy - - or smashes a chair in his head. These are human reactions, you are almost not in control. I told the presidents - - that they should not teach me on human rights. We were the ones who taught them on human rights - - and can you spot anyone today? Screw you. Why spend all those millions? The history of Iran is the history of Iran. You're not fooling us. Your rule is a police state, and the system is corrupt. You want to be considered as Cyrus's successor, but no. You have not made Iran more magnificent. What makes one Iranian? What quality binds tribes thousands of kilometers away - - together with one, Who's partying in Tehran? What is it, what binds Iranians together? It's not for propaganda, but I think it is their king. Is it them? Yes, right now it is. The highlight of the party. The first glimpse of the illuminated monument - - outside Tehran airport in honor of the current shah. You can say that the monument is a moment in the iconic use of images - - who acts for them about the good life. And the sad thing about it is - - that the good life always belongs to the past. When the planes took off - - Alam summoned me and asked me to take care of the tents. I went into each one of them - - and made a list of the inventory. Many of the things were gone. They had taken them. - Who had it? The heads of state? - I have no idea. I hate to accuse anything head of state to take a radio. We ordered 50 pieces. One for each tent. And there was only one left. Maybe it was them who worked there who took them. I don't have the exact numbers - - but it must have been about 650 million ... dollars. If you believe that the entire country's wealth was spent on some tents - - then it's a lie outright, that springs from a lively imagination. You pitch some tents, invite a few guests and they leave again. It doesn't swallow the wealth of the entire country. I went to London to cut and create split-screen effects. And then I sent the film to Tehran - - so that the Minister of Culture could see it. Instead it was displayed for His Majesty. When the shah saw the film - - he said: "Where are all the Iranians?" You have built an island in the middle of Iran - - and offer your people nothing else than prison and poverty. He turned everyone against him. The opposition gathered in opposition to the party. All right from the left - - to Khomeini, who was in exile. "God Almighty sent Moses - - to kill the blasphemous king - - who sought away from the right path. And showed us that we have to to enter the country's governance and politics - - and overthrow all the kings of our time. If we decide to, will we succeed. God holds his hand over Muslims, which are united and agree. Foreign leaders and kings eats like vultures and wild animals. They all come to to burn in hell." I'm ready. There is format above a person, who comes and says: "I apologize and ask you to forgive me." Those are beautiful words. As your king, I would like to repeat my oath to the Iranian people. I swear that the mistakes of the past - - evil and corruption will not repeat itself. We should have apologized. Everyone from the Prime Ministers to me, who was his personal minister. It wasn't him. We neglected our duties, and he paid the price. It must feel lonely to be shahanshah. It is a very special ... situation, if you can say it that way. How special? To be the king of kings, as you say. Does that mean you are lonely? because... ... You have no one over you, with whom you can consult. There is always God. It was not exclusive his fault. I blame myself and know that my husband also does it. We started to forget our own traditions - - and imitate the modern countries. I remember - - that I asked until I was 15-16 years old. When I got to high school, I stopped it - - and somehow forgot about religion. I blame myself - - that I didn't think of, that my cook was Muslim - - and prayed three times a day. I went out into the kitchen to tell him - - what kind of food should he cook, in a bikini. He turned his back on me and let like he was up to something. I was not aware, that it was to avoid looking at me. We didn't think about that the country was Muslim. This was once a great land, and despite ups and downs - - is it one of those countries talked about all over the world. Whether you want it or not. And that makes me proud. I do not condemn that party. I'm proud of it. We never had our freedom. We never felt safe. We wanted to read and understand. We wanted peace. When I look back, I see that they arrested all the best people. And for what? To read books. And to criticize the shah. They said we should chase girls have fun and make money - - and they offered us money - - to keep us out of politics. It cannot be done anywhere. Neither then, in The Islamic Republic or in France. Young people always want to seek explanations.
Channel: Best Documentary
Views: 2,167,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, shah of iran, the most expensive party ever, shah of iran party, iran 1971 party, iranian monarchy, 1971 iran, full documentary, yt:cc=on
Id: ymq6BAd3amg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 12sec (4572 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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