The British Grannies Preying On Gambian Men: Granbia | Only Human

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[Music] foreign remember them before the pandemic Gambia West Africa was a go-to destination for Europeans in search of winter sun sea and sex it's Paradise you could have a different man every night from one night stands to Whirlwind weddings stories of older women hooking up with younger gambian men have been making headlines we started dating after about three days but behind the Tabloid stories what's really going on it is being marketed as a place for easy sex is it just a bit of harmless fun in the sun there's about 10 grand mental woman I call it Granville or is it more complicated so your girlfriend gave you 60 000 yeah does the age race and wealth Gap always get in the way I'm a poor guy you understand I don't want to marry to a poor gambian and is it ever possible to find true love thank you my name is Shea Rhodes I first went to The Gambia 15 years ago and I still remember the shock of seeing so many older female tourists with much younger local boyfriends recently the subject's been making headlines more often but I never feel like I'm getting the full story I searched for answers starts today hi Isaac Michelle where I'm meeting two women who regularly go to The Gambia on holiday nice to meet you nice to meet you yeah already a 60 year old P has been married once before and is now single breakfast morning 58 year old Michelle has recently married a gambian man did you introduce Michelle to Gambia Michelle new Gambler okay yeah so you bonded over a shared experience then yeah how long have you been going out there for um two years right two years how many times I've been there three times in one year really four times in one year so you're a fan then yeah I love it if you read the newspapers it does make out all the older women who are going out to Gambia are all going out to meet young men I'll be honest with you I have fun I'll say why not go there and have fun remember woman I go there and have fun do you feel don't you feel a bit more really like no I don't feel morally nothing really nothing you've got many prints before you find the right one you know I've done it many times and you're gonna have fun have a bingy drink have a little one night stand by later take your socks and everything and go blind but could it be more is the right person oh really yes but you've never met the right person no not yet I've got to ask them she's just got married to you to a gambian man I am so happy for her you know why she has found the right person and how long have you been together um two years now so these your wedding photos the two of you looking very loved up there yeah yeah why have you decided to get married it was a real traditional wedding that all all his family and then all his people from work came we just thought that getting married would secure our relationship how old is he uh he's 50 on the 11th of November what's his name sorry um yeah I'm sure everybody calls him ever so when are you going out to Gambia um when I'll be out there when she'd be out there okay so I'll see you when you're there yes swimming trunks it's really weird packing for a hot country when it's winter here a few weeks later I leave the European winter behind The Gambia it's less than a seven hour flight and it doesn't take long before I get a first look at how things work differently here so there's a nice couple over here lady was actually on my flight um and I spotted a few people on the plane and I thought oh single lady single lady and it's not interesting to note that coming out the airport every single one of the women who I spotted has been picked up by a young attractive gambian man which is interesting nice car I came out here about this time of year nearly 15 years ago came out to visit a white female friend who was teaching English and the two of us had an awful experience as friends we were constantly treated as if I was a young gambian and she was my Madam people kept coming up to me and saying oh get Madame to come to my shop get Madame to come and buy something from my stalk that kind of thing which was awkward but then when whenever I wasn't with her and there were sort of older white women around they were incredibly they were grabby like I got grabbed and pulled onto someone's lap once she had a hand up my t-shirt she was all giggling and laughing with her friends um she sort of stopped a bit when she heard my accent but really she carried on I mean she would have carried on if I didn't stop her and that was my first experience that's the first time I realized that this country is a place where the rules are completely different Gambia is a former British colony once at the center of the slave trade now tourism is the main industry before coronavirus over a hundred thousand European tourists visited every year 300 years ago Brits mostly came here to buy slaves now they come on holiday I catch up with Pete who's halfway through her statement [Music] yes it's new meal New Year how are you doing I'm loving Gambia so far so good so good so it hasn't been going you met any nice men I met somebody actually 49 years old not too young where did you meet him I think Bailey's Bar and we've got talking we met a couple of times and cool yeah he's really nice how did you see in the new year oh his name is above the Builder Bob the Builder so Bob took you out New Year's Eve yeah we had a lovely two days yeah yeah New Year's Eve News New Jersey it became two days nice yeah well I needed a soak goodness gracious he's not asking for anything I put my foot down for the day one what do you say to him if you ask me for anything you won't see me again I bet that must be a bigger problem with these younger guys though very much so that's with them mommy they're thinking if you've got money and they start asking me for things oh I like this I like that he pissed me off I've seen a lot of white women older white women with young young ambient guys out here I know what the gambian boys are up to but I live in because all of them are living not so good in a room no cupboards just a bed nothing so if they can find a woman that they can all the woman wants his love and they can give them love they're gonna do it they're just looking for a way out foreign [Music] as night falls I head off to the strip of bars in town to check out the scene for myself many of these women are out for a night with their mates but others seem to be looking for Mail company this wasn't here 15 years ago there wasn't a big strip with this many places but I think down at the corner the place with the veranda that was basically the only nightclub this reminds me of like Spain or something this is like a tourist trip in any country that you go to it's got that slightly seedy feel if I'm honest [Music] you can already see lots of young men positioning themselves outside bars it's almost a bit degrading like watching all these guys standing outside literally just standing outside waiting kind of what I hope for looks on their faces women look like they're having fun they're enjoying a bit of a night out they don't look like women of the age who are out regularly back at home so they're having fun it's nice thank you for it's inside the clubs where women and the locals get much more intimate [Music] when I read the papers back in the UK I thought there might be an element of exaggeration but then I get here it really is the case hundreds of older white women with young black men [Music] hello I want to find out more about how these relationships work seven-year-old Jackie moved here from the UK three years ago and has had several relationships with gambian men thanks for having me round that's all right thank you yeah thank you so on my flight there was loads and loads of women yeah and when I got on the flight I was like the ratio of women to men on this flight tells me something well they're coming out on their little sex solid isn't they do you reckon that's what they're all up to yeah yeah they leave their husbands in the UK come here and have fun with a black man yeah and then go back to their husband in the Ukiah yeah it looks like a pretty good time you come out here if you just want a good time yeah yeah it's Paradise you could have two three different men in a day if that's what you want is it that easy it's that easy you only have to be walking down the road you can be wearing your scruffy clothes it doesn't matter they see the white skin they want charms and then what does he ask for money straight off like I'll come back home with you if you give me eggs no they're not that blatant but it's not long after you've bought a moment that they start saying oh well my mum's a bit sick and she needs to go to the hospital and I haven't quite got the money and or my children's school fees are due and I ain't quite got you know they'll come up with some excuse um every time that class is a job they've just got to put up with her for a certain amount of time let her think they're in love with her she's gonna go back to England oh I found my soulmate blah blah blah because they're good at talking yeah they're good at talking it's just the way they are and you ain't never going to change them it's the mentality that they've got of course not every gambian man is looking for a European woman but when you stop to think about the massive wealth gap between tourists and locals it's not surprising that many are [Music] so what's really going on and what do gambian men have to say about it I'm on my way to a craft Market to meet 32 year old Alka over the last 15 years he's had a string of relationships with European tourists [Music] how are you man I'm Keen to find out how it works from his perspective so um do you get a lot of female tourists come down here to meet guys yeah of course what do you mean holiday makers someone who comes to you and leave you and when you go he drunk about you I made a lot of them I was here soon for 2005. like a sex tourist the Jew they just come for the sex don't you so how does it feel then when women come they have sex with you and then you don't hear from them again really really hot to me even if they paid you some money I don't like it I am looking for a good reasons so from the start you're thinking I'd like to have a relationship with school yeah it's an opportunity are you attracted to them yeah of course of course even when they're like 20 30 years older yeah the one I have right now yeah it's more than you know 85 years now 85 years old 45 years and are you sexually attracted to her yeah of course I do everything with her do you enjoy it nice to be nice my umbrella nice to be nice to be nice limits wow did you ever ask for money never don't ask for money they just give it to you the woman admit now you know how much you see send me 60 000 Euros wow sixty Thousand Years 60 000 Euros what do you give her happiness what about sex yeah I do yeah she's my woman if I'm really going to get to grips with how relationships work here I need to find out more about Alka and his 85 year old girlfriend [Music] sex tourism is a controversial subject in The Gambia and the government has claimed that it doesn't exist hey man good to meet you yeah nice to meet you killer race is one of the country's most popular rappers and he's been outspoken on the subject I want to ask him why he thinks Gambia keeps making tabloid headlines around the world so obviously one of the things here with the Gambia is it's there's not much opportunity there are very few jobs there's very few Industries and tourism dominates yeah it is how does tourism affect Gambia Gambia as much as we do promote and Market the beaches and all that other stuff you know it is being marketed as a you know place for easy sex I really think it's probably a lot of them you know are just doing it in the name of seeking better opportunities you know expectations from that of a party you know which is really messed up when you really got to rely on somebody else for survival no matter who it is the main way that we find out about sex tourism in the Gambier is in the newspapers when we read stories of older women who had a young boyfriend in Gambia who took all her money and ran off you can't just laughs savings no I'm not I'm not laughing because I'm trying to be cold right it's just it's just the fact that she got scammed my man she just got scammed and that's the fact you feel what I'm saying that's the fact she got scared I'm not laughing to be rude but she got scammed you see the way it comes across in the U.S these guys are exploiting older women no why don't the headlines be that the older woman was exploiting a younger man and then she lost then she lost why I mean it's it's a it's a it's a 50 50 narration here but I'm advice to all tourists coming into Gambia like if you got all that money like instead of just trying to be selfish with it why don't you help the communities why don't you try to help the people why don't you try to do something else with it who's exploiting who I mean if if you've got old ladies in in the UK losing all their life savings all their retirement money you've got young gambian men desperate for some kind of opportunity running after them who's exploiting who both the young ambient that is following her is probably desperate for an opportunity and the party on the other side is also desperate for something Killer really opened my eyes to what it's like to be a young gambian man it can be is an incredibly poor country like you can see it when you first arrive but the longer I spend here the more obvious that becomes and yeah people are here are going to have to hustle you know you're not going to get by just hoping that life provides for you you're gonna have to get out there and take it and that may be something that I think a lot of European tourists don't quite realize your 70 year old woman from the UK and plenty of black men around and you've never had any interest from them and you've never shown any interest to them then then why is it suddenly Happening Here you've really got to ask yourself that question and I think many people suspend that reality [Music] back on the beach I meet up again with Alka what's the name of this beach oh that's Poco Loco you know okay are there still guys hustling on this beach of course of course of course hey we're joined by Karl Marx he's been working on the beach for the last few years trying to make a living from tourists can I show you the action here just tell me just watch it he's Keen to show us how he goes about his business hello boss ladies hi how you doing well you know you are very beautiful I love talk to you you know we're exercising you're exercising oh can I join you please you guys are appreciate it man you're beautiful man what's your name I love us to be more friends you know how no no no no go on we really are late you know what happened you know we were late you know you were too late yes they were very busy you know there was not you know giving me the chance to talk to them definitely me I don't follow toys like this no because I feel like it's it's letting myself down you know what I mean really always come in a good approach yeah give you a hand yeah and tell you the services that I do but you're more kind of run down the beach I was running because they were going fast yeah so just to you know catch up with them and just to just talk and give this guy some tips man you need to help this guy out yeah I have a white woman yeah all right that's nice of you you know yeah I want to be like you yeah yeah it supports me a lot yeah a lot I mean a lot but I learned for me both the cars for me but I didn't make it like the way you do yeah just come to him now he saw him Smiles you all right which country are you from tell him your name I am here as a local tour operator I take tourists for excursions escorts on in Gambia is it does it easy does it yeah it's like that it's not a force on anything no no no if you're trying to talk to somebody the person did not want to talk to you yeah you have no right to force the guy soon you will get what you want and you will live here thank you for the good advice Carl tells me more about his ambition to find a long-lasting relationship what is it that you're looking for every day I keep on trying just to make sure that you know I am I I have a right guy who is going to be there for me you understand a woman who's going to be there for you who is going to be there for me yeah yeah who's going to take care of me and take care of my family can you not find a woman in Gambia there are a lot of governments who love me but I don't want to marry to a black I'm a poor guy you understand I am a poor guy I don't want to marry to a poor guy in the next level I cannot take care of her so the money comes from European we are from European women and old ladies obviously they really help black peoples you know it's an appreciation that we appreciate it a lot a lot it helps us a lot do you want to marry her you know if I have a wife whom you know that she appreciate me I love me I would marry the guy obviously from my heart I will not even wait till tomorrow if it is today we make it tonight I'm gonna get married Karl Marx and and I guess for most of the guys out here this isn't like a short-term thing about sex for money this is a really long-term goal they want to get married they want someone who's going to support them for life for them that's the reasonable thing to do and to expect and to go out looking for [Music] so is marrying a European woman the golden ticket I'm on my way to meet Michelle and her new husband last time I saw her was in chingford and obviously this is my first chance to meet him I'm told that they've moved into a house together and uh while Michelle's been in England her husband's been doing up the house here she said she hasn't sent him any money so I'm Keen to see what it looks like stop here this looks very nice looks like some sort of Italian Villa [Music] hey all right I'm Shane nice to meet you hi yeah [Music] you've arrived yeah yeah loving it loving it look at this face very nice thank you man thank you so how's things going yeah it's great we've never had an argument we've been together two years and we've never argued not once and that's really that is unusual that is unusual because people argue but when people say oh we don't argue but we really don't it's so sweet [Music] very sweet how old do you know um 46 46 okay 46. did you tell me how was it yeah enough I said 48 hour 46. what is the age gap between you guys then about 12. 58 so 10 about 12 years 12 years how long have you been working on this house two to four years three to four years oh okay so use this is a long-term project yeah yeah how do you afford it it's so nice how do you afford it you know I mean I'm an engineer okay I work as a plumber at the President Office okay for two elephants now right so can we have a look around yeah but this we haven't done everything in it yet so this is a kitchen it's building it it's got a big comment on buildings so you've got this one it's our room we've got another balcony there cool when you first started planning and designing this place why did you make it so big but no it was only you at the time yeah yeah if you have to make it a comfortable yeah yeah because you're not in future maybe a family when they wanna public you didn't know her yeah but you know I just built it as maybe my family also when do you want to come and visit me you know have a place to sleep how much do you think you've spent on this house yeah at least five five to six million five to six million what's up about about 80 000. it's amazing but if I was in England and I met a guy who's a plumber and he said in you know five years he managed to do all of this I'd be like where did you get the money from but even more in Gambia I'm like how did you how can you afford this I have a big contract my own right I believe like this okay so outside of outside of the government work yeah you have your own Sidelines yes that's amazing I do printing also yeah as far as my king the diamond no let's say if you lose a diamond you pick up a rock you know I mean you're not going to do that thank you very much lovely to meet you man please take care of yourself just see you again I'll see you soon yeah yeah all right yeah yeah look after yourselves guys it was nice to see Michelle again she seems relaxed and happy and comfortable and I can see that their relationship is quite close they do seem similar personalities thank you but I'm yeah he tells me he's 46 but Michelle was adamant before I came out here that he was 15. but when I add all the other inconsistencies the size and luxuriousness of the house and everything else the speed with which it was built and the fact that she said she didn't pay any money towards it yeah I don't think I've got a full picture here [Music] the longer I stay in The Gambia the more puzzling the issues surrounding sex and relationships become I'm going back to see Alka who's recently purchased an acre of land with his 85 year old girlfriend's money I want to understand who's getting the most out of this relationship yeah so this is your place yeah that's my place man that's my alarm man where's the house gonna go the house the house is going to build here but again this is the security room at this moment okay and how much was this I bought it for 6 000 Euros so your girlfriend gave you 60 000 yeah 6 000 Euros so I bought this land yeah and I built the wall and these two security room on my small ghetto you have you're going to sit and we have our drink okay and has your girlfriend seen this not seen it yet but she knows she knows what your bill she knows that his money is coming to Gambia but he don't know where the money is going oh but he's coming in February on the 7th February yeah when he came he will know where where his money is going does she send you money regularly of course my food money how much you send me every month to 300 Euros just made a big commitment to you so give me Big Dreams do you have photos what does she look like yeah I have photos 35. she looks good for 85 but his body don't look like but she is 85. yeah she's going to start to get older I mean my grandmother's 87 so you know start to get diseases start to get problems are you ready for that of course I want her to die in my arms and she's happy with that she wants to die here yeah she wanted to die here with you yeah with me in the UK a lot of people would look at your situation and they would say that you are scamming this woman that when you've got everything that you want you'll leave her you'll be married half of it will belong to you anyway right I'm very sure of myself many men have done that though many games those are the people that spoil the name of Gambia me I will never do that yeah because adamant he is honest and his intentions are good I do believe that he feels it now he believes it now but I also know that in a few years time when his wife is aging and things start to get difficult he could change his mind I hope that he maintains his good intentions and genuinely supports this woman until she dies as he intends to is an incredibly ambitious young man I wouldn't be surprised if life takes him in a different direction [Music] hello P I've come to CP and meet her new boyfriend Bob she said she didn't come to The Gambia looking for love but I'm interested to see and she thinks she's found it this is Bob the Builder he's been telling me a lot about you yeah yeah cool so you've been taking care of her showing her around yeah I'll be feeling like a lucky guy very lucky good luck is so far taxi it's actually not a horse driving I was driving yeah so what was it about P made you think she could be the right person it's like a miracle to me I don't know how to say it you know I feel something when I see pee and see if he'll jump in too yeah we both looked at each other yeah yeah oh yes he walked past me she looked we looked at each other together and it was like whoa click click I love her I know really of course it's love at first you know can you handle all of this can you fix this yes I can he says you got two bodyguards today I'm relaxed [Music] being out with P tonight I can see the positive effect her time out here has had on out she seems totally different to the 60 year old I first met in England being here it refreshes you it makes you feel alive when you go out and somebody says yo you feel good if you got someone who's beside you no matter how old you get you have someone beside you to share that almost as long as these old legs can keep going I'll still be that AE but still [Music] next morning and my driver Kunta has made a surprising discovery about ebu's house this house it's for rent it's for rent yeah how do you know that I saw the billboard really the real body is outside he hasn't mentioned trying to rent the house out um okay even before I asked you things didn't check out like he owns this big house but you know there's no clothes there's no belongings there's nothing inside it it looks like somebody just moved in yesterday like maybe they rented it you know the sandwich is there that's the ouch where's the design if he built this house he's renting it out and he has not mentioned renting out a house so he's either renting out the house that he's built which he hasn't mentioned looking to rent it out or he has rented this house from whoever's phone number this is and told Michelle that he built it one way or the other this just doesn't add up I pay a visit to ebu's family home where he's invited me to meet his relations I hope that while I'm here I can find a moment to talk to Michelle by herself about my concerns so who lives in this house my mom my grand and my sister's four of them and four sisters he had four sisters okay and the other house on the other house is only me only you and my wife okay yeah I see Hi how are you how's it going yeah how are you good man yeah cool thank you so Michelle what did you think the first time you came here I liked it I was happy like they're all my family now as well I love her because he's a nice woman it's a bit of an adjustment for you guys though to have the new person coming to the family yeah everything was new because you know like a lot of joy and happiness was good to the family yeah welcome this is my family welcome thank you man if you want to know about me my family yeah yeah you are welcome it's nice to meet everybody eventually I managed to get some time with Michelle on her own so how are you feeling about it about it all then um I feel great yeah yeah has this trip changed anything for you no it's maybe made me more closer yeah every time I come I get closer I saw that outside your house yeah that was before when that was that was up there from long long time ago when it was going to be rented out that's what that's what it's meant to be rented out that house in the beginning the Billboard's just still there yeah two years later been like no that people's been there not for not to well yeah it has been there for a little while now because it's been there ever since I've been coming to Gambia yeah yeah yeah sometimes it's been there do you remember when we first met in your front room and I said how old is he yeah and you told me it was 50 because I said that it was 50 on his birthday he said before that is going to be 50 on his birthday but obviously that's because I kept saying about the age Gap in it really so what he kind of blurred the age of it yeah he just said to me because agent goes because you're the one who's always saying about the age Gap when did you find out he wasn't 50. um I found that he went 50 when we got married really because he told me he was 15. he put 50 he said he was 50. he was said he was going to be 50 but I knew he went 50 because I even said to him before but I wasn't sure but when we got married I was looking at the paperwork it tells you the age in it on the thing so it told me that it was 48. but as I tell him I said to him last 10 that's like 12 years or 10 years age Gap really each story said 46. yeah because in these papers yeah I mean we're still like yeah well even if it's 46 Whiskey I'm not yeah he did because I said we're 12 years ago yeah yeah that's right yeah I know you're not yeah none of them none of the women that got scammed out of the industry because some of them were very experienced in Africa as well I really knew what they were doing I just wanted to know that you've got everything straight I worry about you you can keep a check on me I will do I will do we're so happy to see you guys nice one you did a lot I can't pay you guys you know no it's so good it's all good really it's um the pleasure is all mine thank you [Music] oh I'm just done oh my head's completely blown um I don't know what's going on but Michelle insists she's in control and I hope that she is and if she's not I hope that I've sewn enough seeds for her to go out and regain control if she's not um and that's I guess all I can hope for I'm nearing the end of my stay in The Gambia I've been trying to find out how relationships between European women and young local Men actually work I've come to alka's family home to meet the people who depend on him for financial support hey my brother you're welcome to my home thanks man here is the place where I'm born and brought up yeah this is your family compound you know what I mean good it's an honest come on see how the local people live you know what I mean that's the world that I built you built the whole wall around this country and these two toilet before I leave really yeah yeah yeah so the money that you get from your fiance yeah do you spend it here as well of course everybody is proud of me sure how many people in total are you supporting in this family right now I have five of them whom whom whom I am definitely related the same mother and father right the older one the same father but different mother how many of those two so there's seven people here relying on you yeah yeah Al Capone's his fiancee Francoise in Belgium hello [Music] hi hello he's in his house don't worry don't worry he's in his house he's safe he talks a lot about you he says he loves you very much and he says he loves you that you've helped him a lot you've changed his life what do you like the most about about him about ahaji [Music] how does he make you feel second life really uh newborn baby I just friend she's human cancer and you know you know relationship with him as I had with my friend he tells me he wants to care for you Alka takes me to meet his mother who he says is the same age as his future wife your son's been taking care of us showing us around let me come and sit down here next to you Alka tells me he's going to be getting married what was that okay um Alka didn't inform her yet that she was gonna get married he wanted that to be surprised I'm sorry oh I thought I thought she met yeah I thought you told your mum about your wife yeah yeah I too had it I met someone because he seen a lot oh okay Mom since a lot how did they make us if they're always coming this is complicated to her I'm sorry man I didn't realize how do you think she's going to react when she realizes that the woman you want to marry is the older woman the 85 year old same same age as her yeah how do you think she'll feel maybe he's going to feel upset yeah alka's poor mother doesn't have a clue that he's planning to get married and I've just gone and dropped Dropped a Bomb on her I mean I didn't dare mention the actual age that This Woman's actually only two years younger than you madam because like I just feel like you know I'm just stepping into a whole Minefield there the poor woman but at the same time a poor woman is being supported by the other poor woman oh God my head's exploding I don't know who I feel sorry for anymore I'm just I feel like I just hope Alka is going to manage this and keep everybody happy it is possible for everyone to be happy in this situation but it's a really delicate balance to get I hope he's prepared to walk that line for a number of years peas last night in The Gambia enter if you're good looking hi darling how are you I'm fine you know I need a dress thank you that's not what I'm wearing no no just to stay cool in here so is this the last of the packing yeah everything's done yeah I've just got put my clothes on yeah suitcase there yeah just put my clothes on put this in your hand luggage put me tracking under me boots I'm good to go when do you think you'll come back probably in a probably now that I've met him um next couple of months really yes I mean yeah I got some things to do okay yeah I really do I really do uh care for this young man yeah I can't wait to see that is a nice is a nice guy he likes all the the bits okay do you know when you get someone who likes a bit snack dog too I used to feel uncomfortable self-conscious yeah yeah self-conscious not confident I mean you can come to Gambia and realistically find love or on the right basis what do you like most about The Gambia first of all the weather second of all how people are so friendly and nice and warmth here um how does it make you feel young really youthful that's interesting very youthful because every time I've seen you out here you look younger yeah I do I feel I feel you feel I don't feel I'm the person who suffers with knee pain and back pain and when I'm here I don't get that anymore but I know as soon as I like me you came back in pain thank you you have another time if you could have a lovely time anyway thank you thanks for sharing it with us thanks [Music] finding out about relationships between tourists and locals in The Gambia has been an eye-opening and sometimes confusing experience I started off thinking that it could be harmless Funk but uh as I've met more gambians have started to understand like how tourism is affecting their culture and changing people's expectations of life and changing their moral kind of boundaries I'm not sure that there is such a thing as harmless fun when it comes to sex and relationships from this country what I find troubling when I see a lot of these unequal relationships on the beach is that kind of racial imbalance in the history of this country it's a kind of center of slavery you can't ignore that because when you speak to people here in Gambia they say over and over again it's only because we're poor this is only happening because we're poor [Music] in the last couple of months since I left Gambia at coronavirus's hit which means the UK is now in lockdown and since I left alcoa's got married I've missed the wedding he sent me the wedding video but uh unfortunately I wasn't able to be there so I'm just gonna have to watch that to try and get a sense of what happened and and what his partner France was like this looks like Alka and Francois about to say their vows I call upon these persons here Francois does not look 85. [Music] they do look happy she looks really happy [Music] this is one of the things people told me to look out for you know a wedding where it's just you and your boys and the partner that you're marrying is not a real wedding that's what I've been told because just it's got a wedge of cash out and it's just chucking it around [Music] [Applause] [Music] faralka this is proof that he's made it this is this is it he's got the money he's got the fancy clothes um he's got his his European wife uh from what I know of alka and his friends this is a culmination of years of work this is proof that he is everything he set out to become it's good to see your face man it's the place of married Alka in the wedding video you looked really happy yeah all these friends were when I saw the video I saw your wedding videos oh she's 68. I thought you told me she was 85 man you know really thank you would you say she's changed your life and listen man you guys take care and uh maybe next time if I ever come back to Gambia I'll get to meet you and get to meet your wife okay bye [Music]
Channel: Only Human
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Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, amazing humans stories, life journeys, extraordinary human documentary, full documentary 2022, full documentary 2021, documentary movies - topic, tv shows - topic, sex tourism documentary, granbia, sex tourism gambia documentary, sex tourism in the gambia explained
Id: KSR2looY4go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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