The House of Grimaldi | Monaco Royal Family

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The gales a noble house made of the stuff of fairy tales Monaco's princely house has gifted the world A Century Of Love and celebrated dream weddings tragedy and Scandal however have rocked their lives The gales have attracted the media and just can't be rid of the paparazzi over more than 700 years they've ruled over their glamorous Mediterranean city state a warrior stemming from Europe's richest Noble Dynasty what is the secret to their success will the Monaco fairy tale last house of galdi nobless [Music] oblig January 2005 and a moving entrance into the Monaco circus Prince Ry the third stood flanked by Crown Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie in a touching moment for over half a century he led his people the Monas meanwhile the Eternal Prince was terminally ill with there also being Strokes of Fate to have broken him seeing a childhood friend suffer like that I regreted his life having such a difficult end severe illness and the well-known issues with his daughters who didn't fulfill his expectations of them I have the impression his soul suffered at his life's end he'd never got over the loss of his wife either that deeply touched me such was the Autumn of the patriarch whose dreams ended in tragedy here was a prince who seemed to have it all Grace Kelly Grace Kelly was the Glamorous princess to give him beautiful princesses and a Crown Prince the Mediterranean princely family was every photographer's darling making people's dreams it all began here at the beginning of the 50s the Mediterranean principality stood away in Slumber from the huge developments after the war tourists were not to be seen and the economic miracle was yet to pass in 1952 a multi-millionaire set up on the Monaco Coast Greek shipping Tycoon Aristotle Onasis he and Prince Raina were to become friends and business partners onas this new Monaco lacked not only finances but also an attractive profile galdi land needed a princess of stature per Onasis a Hollywood star like Marilyn Monroe would fit the bill however American World Stars didn't meet up in 1950s Monaco but did at the can film festival nearly 40 miles away in France in 1955 a newly crowned Oscar winner Came Calling Grace Kelly beloved for her charm elegance and subtle 50 sex appeal during the can Festival the film star stayed at the hotel carton if only the Hollywood queen would be convinced into calling in on Prince Grimaldi of Monaco that would have been the stuff fairy tales were made of not to mention the front pages of the tabloids a reporter for a French magazine gave the prince's search for a bride a helping hand a Paris match journalist arranged everything the meeting between actress Grace Kelly who just visited KH and Prince reer still a bachelor that was this reporter's idea arranged for the 5th of May 1955 the meeting nearly fell through because of a power cart at Grace Kelly's Hotel none of her dresses were ironed and her hair couldn't be fixed meaning the film star didn't want to be seen before the prince instead reporters bombarded them in the lobby before they drove to the Palace the Scoop from this rendevu with the prince goes International the scene is set for Grace Kelly as if she already were the princess on the monagas [Music] throne in the end they met resulting in a love story and Monaco's royal family as we know it that blossomed from that with their three children all their drama their happy moments their marriages and their scandals after the photo shoot Prince Raina wooed Grace Kelly and in the US asked for her hand in marriage the actress said yes the role of Princess for her was a dream come true she left her Native America in April 1956 to marry in Monaco previously undiscovered film material from a German industrial family's archive shows the principality in wedding fever from an ocean Nina Grace Kelly came into Port from New York all of Monaco stood ready to receive her Tinseltown stream Factory continued where the amateur film left off Kelly Grace Kelly in her new role as Princess Grace Patricia Hollywood studio bosses contributed a remarkable $8,000 towards the wedding dress it was Prince raina's idea to sell the family event like it were techn color film television was also involved about 30 million viewers watched it in Europe alone Monaco resident rol Palm witnessed the princely wedding through his television in Germany although delayed by two hours the broadcast was almost live for that period rain a and Grace's wedding was therefore a sensation of course being one of the first great televised events you have to cast your mind back to the 50s when TV was still in its infancy it actually was the first time a really huge Sensational show was broadcast around the world then of course it was exactly what struck a called romantically with millions of people a prince marrying a princess from the movies you can't get more beautiful than that however for Raina there was a dampener journalists the Jet Set and industrialists did accept his invitation but European nobles were conspicuous by their absence also invited to the wedding in Monaco with the gues a German Noble family who were providing Germany with Kings when Monaco was still a fishing Village today through the marriage of Princess Caroline galdi with the guf prince Ernst Augustus of Hanover both are related at the time however The gales were deemed anything but socially acceptable by the old nobility so our family had absolutely nothing to do with Monaco or to a prince now marrying such a Hollywood Diva that was that something didn't fit in somewhere and nobody wanted to go had rner asked for the hand of a Bavarian Duke's daughter in marriage I believe the then Duke of Bavaria at first would have turned his nose up at it for centuries the Grimaldi stood well below Europe's nobility with their dukes and kings on their Rock they served as Customs men hurring themselves out as mercenaries only in the 18th century were they in their palace would since be rocked by Scandal upon Scandal even during Prince rea's childhood his mother princess Charlotte divorced from her husband in 1933 this is footage of raina's parents in happier times his mother herself wasn't a legitimate Grimaldi in European Noble circles that added insult to injury within the German Royal House of anhalt the grimmales were also looked out with great disapproval at that time back then being illegitimate and divorced by itself was just impossible this was still a time in which Bucky and Palace would not admit a divorce officially if that were the case today the queen and the Duke of Edinburgh would have Bucky and Palace Al to themselves when named Regent in 1949 Crown Prince Raina was only 26 he was however prince who felt his micro State could only get moving again with capital from overseas at the beginning of the 50s he struck an economic deal with his benefactor Onasis the multi-millionaire would hold shares in the meat on the principality's bone the casino hotels and restaurants of Monaco's upm Market District Monte Carlo [Music] it's only with Grace Kelly however that glamour arrives the Oscar winning movie star and the European Prince a fairy tale seemed to come true with many wishing to play their part the grace Factor Drew American stars to Monaco here is Frank Sinatra visiting the princ family high class tourists in Europe's Jet Set followed letting Casino balls roll and cash registers ring to this day the galdi realm maintains the image of a modern glittering country jalas journalist Thomas Specialists knows the secret of self-made Prince's success Prince raino was the first to realize this in the 50s the press and also New Media were exerting their great power he worked this very very smartly and with sophistication I'd say Monaco in fact is a media and advertising product the fruit of clever investment today investment in tions the world over are ever adding to the princely family's assets above all the Grimaldi cashow is real estate with the state less than a square mile in size space is of course a scarse commodity the family controls the majority of its real estate via a stock Corporation affording them access to large sums of money at will the Grimaldi family are estimated to be worth2 billion Euro that's capital alone not taking into account property art Treasures jewelry and so on all of which they have the queen though is the richest of the monarchs but I don't think she could raise two billion [Music] Euro an easygoing princess could do work for Charity she allowed those in need to share in the family's riches Grace Kelly was what in other countries would be called a social minister or a health Minister she renovated the hospital to the point of it being one of the most modern hospitals there are she took care of social concerns having put into place a geriatric care plan we're talking a real mother of the nation here this mother of the nation would soon bear her princess Offspring Princess Caroline was born on the 23rd of January 1957 not only to the monagas was she presented on a silver platter but to the media too at the time for 7 million Franks the business savvy Prince sold a scoop on the baby princess to the tabloids the ghosts he evoked here would n to haunt his children [Music] one year later the newborn Prince Albert received a 101 gun salute not long after the birth Raina made it clear firstborn Caroline wouldn't be heir to the throne but his male offspring instead seven years later came Princess Stephanie she would only be third in line to the throne her blue-eyed girl role was however secure the family pce still seemed to be intacted at the beginning of the 70s as these holiday pictures of the princey family in southern Germany show she continued to maintain an open relationship with the media even providing very private insights to a Munich tblo journalist I quite easily got an insight into the family A little birdie told me we'd just be having a royal visit to Beres Garden if I could get there in 20 so I drove up there we drank tea and we all had a real chat as if we'd known each other a while then we also went to the park in the enormous Garden which Grace filmed Caroline had grown up so much by then and Albert too but there was still kids Stephanie was the youngest they were such an adorable couple they really enjoyed this time away in amongst this was a really loving motherly Grace still the princess's Carefree stance wouldn't last in the mid-70s the children were slowly growing up Grace Kelly found her duties as Princess more and more of a burden instead of Raina himself she took care of the prince's day-to-day business dealing with Monaco people's taxes and ENT treaties Palace routine replaced exciting Hollywood backdrops for 20 years Grace Kelly hadn't stood before a camera for any Hollywood film Austrian cameraman Carl Coffer noticed back then that she didn't give up her film career all that willingly it went without saying that she'd still get offers people were convinced however that a princess as a r as it were couldn't kiss other men this happens in films sometimes which wasn't desired either that or she'd immerse herself in another role and they'd only give her a prince-like part in 1976 Grace Kelly met a young director with whom she could again pursue her passion Austrian Robert dornhelm won the princess's patronage for his film about a Russian ballet school the film you're going to see is about the children of theater Street in Le dornhelm the director witnessed the transformation of the princess before the cameras from Princess Grace Patricia to actress Grace Kelly once more when we were first shooting I was naturally very nervous and said your highness it's hard for me to communicate she then just said just call me Grace to which I said I can't I can't go hey Grace do another take that wouldn't fly at all and she said oh please it's easier for me and for all of us when we're working because I'm not the princess here but the actress she'd regained her appetite for acting the princess also wanted more freedoms for her eldest daughter she sent Princess Caroline off to Paris to study for her to learn of a world away from the principality the princess had her digs on the Avenue forch where she didn't go unnoticed for long photographer Xavier Martin got to know her in 1974 I remember her walking her dog on Avenue F so I spoke to her and asked if I could take a few photos she said to me nicely no problem I then took these photos and offered them to a Paris News Agency and to my great surprise they sold themselves very [Music] well both were almost the same age and became friends Martin could sense the princess yearning for freedom here was this young woman wanting to lead a normal life in Paris just like her peers above all she wanted her Freedom I'd hear about her nocturnal Fay of course especially to that high-end discotech the Shay Castel where there was always many artists such was the drama of a young princess the first Paparazzi were already swooping in on her nightlife not to mention on a princess's love for Parisian Playboy Philip Jano when I was first invited to hers Caroline was still single but y not was there suddenly the paparazzi with him she couldn't leave the house without having two or three motorbikes chase her being photographed and filmed in all manner of situations that was a major irritant and she felt very unfree Princess Caroline wanted to marry him the princely couple was shocked nobody was sure of Philip Juno's livelihood rumor had it it was from construction in the summer of 1978 her parents relented giving the couple their blessing the media also had their part to play in this Grimaldi wedding the fact that she married you not has something to do with her wanting to be with a man in whatever way without at once inventing an affair whenever she glanced at one for the sake of peace I noticed at least from onlookers Paparazzi and the speculation that came along with it she just went into a marriage that may have been false but at least photographers speculation and their constant harassment were at an end princess Caroline's hopes however for the marriage being a safe haven from Paparazzi were mistaken the new you know himself betrayed his n and joy during their Southeast honeymoon the fact is he marketed Caroline in secret then came the honeymoon and it went like this he gave the paparazzi orders doing business at his own expense she wasn't to know a thing about it maybe that meant those were the traumatizing moments for her during a r the couple split being Catholic the prince sought an analment from the Vatican the cracks were starting to show in this Royal Family's Ideal World at the start of the 80s Grace Kelly fought to regain a freedom she'd long lost she'd be back in front of the cameras with the leading role in a feature film 2010 the house of galdi released this film for the first time to German television in this comedy Grace Kelly plays both her life's roles those of actress and princess she was playing herself and Princess Grace of Monaco she meets a scientist who get into the wrong car by mistake and doesn't wind up with astrophysicists but a flower show this is a pretty straightforward form of entertainment how are you doing well uh I still have some problems but uh very interesting oh I think it's lovely even Prince Raina had a small Cameo as a flower ranger initially the comedy was to be shown exclusively to mono's people during a Gala but the film would have also been a new start the princess wanted to be well prepared for a comeback I do believe the film's purpose was to get a feel of where she stood now so to speak what else could be changed or better done by getting started and this thought had to be phenomenal phen negotiations with American television were near success but things turned out quite differently mid morning on the 13th of September 1982 Grace Kenny was driving home to the palace with Princess Stephanie when she went Offroad at a he in Bend the car flipped over falling 130 ft Monaco's people would linger in uncertainty hearing nothing of their princesses and her 17-year-old child's fate something like a black veil hung over the whole city somehow it was strangely quiet it was all a little gloomy I'll never forget the moment the new came through at 10:30 at night that Grace had passed away the casino Lights Went Out downstairs which had never happened before with its palacial hotels nightclubs and luxury restaurants the principality has almost been paralyzed since a brief statement was given on Tuesday night her highness the Princess Grace has died of a brain hemorrhage everything has changed since everything's now different and will never be the same again princess and Stephanie Princess Stephanie still laying in the hospital but would recover from her injuries just weeks later would the young princess be seen in public again at a memorial service for her mother because no exact explanation of the accident would be forthcoming from the palace the Press invented stories speculating that the underage princess was at the wheel at the time being in a monst that is Dreadful when your mother dies never mind how or what Stephanie had a great cross to bear that means however much you speculate if you wanted to act in her best interest you should leave things be the princess's pain became Rebellion within the family teenage Stephanie was regarded as erratic dropping out of several courses in one of her few interviews she mentioned wishing to be known as more than a princess people should recognize I've not come out of a fairy tale but I'm a person instead just like everyone else she fancied herself as a pop star and in 1986 landed herself a surprise worldwide hit single irresistible photographers now became her constant companions as seen here at an appearance at wdr studios in Cologne even in the principality were papari on the prow all over her friends since childhood Prince Hubert Von or experienced the meter pressure on Princess Stephanie firsthand I was over a few times and always noticed that somewhere and somehow there was a huge telephoto lens constantly trying to take photos of her from afar when we were on a boat or having lunch whatever we were doing you get the feeling you're constantly being watched It's Like Big Brother's cameras are always on you or on her and like can't act in complete Freedom that or she can't help them onto the boat she does nothing so nothing odd happens those are the situations you think of when they're there much to Prince raina's shagrin Stephanie now gave the media plenty of fodder plunging into ope affairs with men preferably commoners including a gardener a cier and an artist in 1995 she married her bodyguard a fishmonger son front pages covering the princess's flashy wardrobe and Affairs helped the European tabloids increase their readership Princess Stephanie found public attention and her Noble duties a growing burden she was born born into a princely house and didn't actually want to be a rock star or a film star she think to herself oh God this is terrible all these photographers all the time standing on the balcony people waving I don't know whether Stephanie has got lucky by now she did try I think she failed somewhat but now I believe she's found a sort of balance Princess Stephanie wound up being the only galdi family member to have a middle class career having trained JW she developed successful fashion brands from her music career she has generated millions in income alongside his glamorous sisters was one constant Crown Prince Albert he also enjoyed the life he'd been offered however seeking challenges in any wi sport I like Endeavor a lot and especially exceeding myself and going further Prince Albert represented the principality five times at the Olympics as Captain of its bobsled team when he got holder and was still unable to Reign he received the Prince Charles likee Monica of the Eternal Crown Prince from the media but from early on Raina had dispelled any doubts as to his only son's Destiny even at Albert was present at official events the prince apprenticed his son into the secrets of Palace business he knew what was expected of him since I was very young I've been prepared for taking responsibilities making public appearances Affairs of state and taking part in Monaco's projects meeting different people and above all to convey the message of the true Monaco abroad and it's existence this meant Albert became Monaco's de facto foreign minister he got involved with the third world establishing diplomatic and economic relations at the end of the 80s however evidence emerged of a power struggle within the house of galdi succession to the throne was disputed among the siblings with Princess Caroline also accepting responsibilities after her mother's death she dutifully discussed it in this interview this is how I Define a princess's role it's a title almost like any other it's our job to continue with a tradition that's over 700 years old since 1983 second husband Stefan karagi had been standing by her side the son of an Italian entrepreneur he was deemed ambitious it said he told journalists he could see himself one day becoming Stefano of Monaco which wasn't necessarily to the princely Court's liking still the couple gave Raina his first grandchildren and possible successes Andrea Charlotte and Pierre Stefano karagi wanted to put his family in the media Spotlight in 1988 he asked caraga fell to create a photo collection that caused quite the stir this collection really was masterfully orchestrated by Lagerfeld Caroline clearly posing as Princess down to the clothes there was a bombast great robes the big evening dress that was interpreted as a clear signal of Caroline on the attack it has been shown the prince was was very very cross and even considered disowning her others considered the power struggle a media stunt purely for a glamorous lagerfelt production this photo artist was friendly with all the Gales warmly received at their annual Rose Ball on the 3rd of October 1990 the prince the family was again struck by tragedy Stefano kazari was practicing his favorite Daredevil sport this would be his last speedboat race that day sea conditions off Monaco were perilous kari's boat capsized at over 90 mil an hour his co-pilot would be rescued but all help for him came too late [Music] butra Princess Caroline retreated from Monaco seeking Solace and seclusion In A Country Village house in remote provance however in the summer of 1993 Paparazzi were hunting for the princess's retreat they took photos of her children from her marriage to kasari and speculated as to a new relationship the princess was horrified since this breach of trust Princess Caroline has been swarming European magazines with complaints she also turned to the European Court of human rights in 2004 this court of last instance ruled that snapshotting Caroline violated her rights to privacy this hit the tabloids that once helped establish galdi glamour when Spirits are invoked you sometimes can't be rid of it principalities sought legitimacy via the media with whom Raina worked he called the media and these spirits and as far as he was concerned he was rid of them but they lingered in his children that was because of course the media kept pursuing them and investigating their private lives over and over in 1996 top Society reporter Michael greater caught wind of Princess Caroline's new relationship with a guf prince Ernst August of Hanover the sensation this was because it was a major German Noble and even better known individual gracing front pages all over Europe it was a super scoop for a society reporter to get their hands on Indo almost until Wednesday night we kept the newspaper under wraps and it was a worldwide sensation every daily it was in it and on every TV station it was sensational not long after the wedding between the GU and the Grimaldi was held it was sensation of the year for the tabloids but European nobility appeared unmoved by the union my brother's present relationship with Caroline as I see it today it's 20 years too late of course had it started 30 years ago it would have had more significance constitutionally for the principality where it may have been a lastingly impactful cultural social event Prince Raina however saw a Long Harbor dream of his fulfilled the joining together of the Grimaldi Dynasty with old world nobility the same not to dignify his wedding to Grace Kelly with their presence all told the gu's European properties are about 30 times the size of the principality of mon itself in the 1800s the gues were still providing Germany with Kings in accordance with aristocratic law Caroline is now a princess of Hanover and therefore the only galdi to be a Royal Highness however there was no fairel wedding Al Grace and Raina this time the wedding and reception both took place almost behind closed doors a solitary photo of the wedding would be given to the magazines for publication from now on the couple would only permit filming for public appearances Alexander charlot their daughter would grow up in strict isolation the guf prince also gained notoriety for the fierce offense of his private life against all two curious reporters then on the 15th of April 2005 the galdi princey family reached a turning point after over 56 years on the throne Prince Raina followed his wife life to the Grave this time Europe's royal families including the Swedish king and queen and Spain's Juan Carlos came to pay the prince their last respects Rainer III died full of concern for the future of his house his successor Albert hadn't fulfilled one of his father's greatest wishes for him to marry a princess for his country for many years Albert enjoyed himself as a Playboy Prince being seen with one beauty or another sometimes in fathering two illegitimate children each of his lady companions attracted the media's full attention and that of monos when Albert's been with the same woman twice in a row there's an immediate feeling of Hope of course there are these encounters at functions he then sits with some on for quite some time and then rumors fly of course everybody's hoping there'll be a nice wedding there has been a most promising candidate former Olympic swimmer Charlene wittock a South African of German descent since 2006 she has been at the prince's side on official occasions and seems to many to be Grace Kelly reincarnated [Music] were the prince not to marry without a legitimate successor a merry dance for succession would ensue first in line were Princess Caroline's two eldest children Charlotte and Andrea karagi however being the children of a commoner they'd have to be ennobled first the daughter from Caroline's marriage to Ernst August seemed already destined for the throne instead by 2010 media had been speculating about her parents marriage difficulties since summer 2008 Prince Caroline has most often been seen in public without herw Prince fueling further RoR Stephanie's children are rather seldom seen and Albert's only children are illegitimate at most we get to see Caroline's eldest children Andrea and Charlotte it seems Caroline's already preparing her children to inherit there are unmistakable signs of it at Monaco's public events like those Rose Ball where her children are very much present they've already taken on their duties as future prince and princess the monagas however still look back to their principalities Heyday to the time of Grace KY and Prince Raina the succession issue therefore put a question mark on the principality's Fate financially all is well but the fairy tale is slowly coming to a close this means that after 700 years modern times are suddenly here a Monaco is no longer becoming a fairy tale but like a service chain with its parties receptions and buffets no fairy tale Monaco however does need a fairy tale its marriage of marriages began with the entertaining blend of noble tradition and modern day Hollywood glamour in the past Grace of Monaco's glamour Drew Stars investors and the international Jet Set to this rock of estate for their Dynasty's success story to endure in the 21st century The gales clearly need a new glamorous firework only then can the fairy tale go on and dreams still be had
Channel: Royalworld - Nobility & Dynasties
Views: 59,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimaldi, princely family, monaco, aristocracy, jet-set, prince rainier, prince albert, grace kelly, princess caroline, free documentary, glamour, full documentary, free docs, royal family, royalty tv, documentary movies, free movies, free movie, movies, movie, free full movie, free movie on youtube, free movie on youtube full movie, full movies, full movie, free youtube movies, free full movies, royalty, full length documentary, full documetary, royal and fame tv
Id: jCr-EHycIg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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