Debunking the Pre-Wrath Rapture

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[Music] I'm cutting one of my broccolis before it's mature because when they got start getting ripe you there's no way you can eat all of them and it's organic so it's got a little book on it no waking you all them at once and they're really good at this stage so we're gonna go in and have this first I'm going to answer your Bible questions so follow me to the den all right here we are from the garden to my man cave where I'm going to answer your Bible question this is a painting I did a while back back in the winter about maybe two three months ago and here's what we're discussing is the book of Revelation a painting I did many many years ago I'm going to be doing another one by the way a timeline painting of the book of Revelation which is going to be even bigger it'll take a while okay we've been asked the question about the Trump of God what this has do with is the view of the pre-wrath rapture like Rosenthal wrote a book years ago I think he was Jews for Jesus or Israel my glory or something he was he was head of the magazine I used to get the magazine and he quit resigned and came up with this novel idea of a pre-wrath rapture he did it because he lost his Bible and found several pieces of Bibles that were poor excuses for Bibles and came up with a different doctrine so I examined his writings very carefully I didn't leave anything out I studied it thoroughly and found out that he was totally off-base so that's what we're talking about is pre-wrath rapture or the which is supported by the idea that that the Bible says the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first then in the book of Revelation you've got seven trumpets so when the seventh trumpet which is not called the last Trump but it's called the seventh know when the seventh trumpet is sounded they say okay that's the last of the seven so that means that the rapture doesn't take place until after the seven trumpets and so there there is clearly in the book of Revelation we're shooting the scripture some wrath that takes place upon the nation's upon the people after the seventh trumpet but there's also some wrath that takes place before the seven trumpets the seventh trumpet and so their idea is that the rapture cannot take place prior to the first trumpet certainly not prior to the seventh trumpet so it must be a during the tribulation it can't be pre-tribulation rapture that is that rapture can't take place here before this seven-year period so they say that here's your trumpets right here here's your seventh trumpet in chapter 11 is blown and so what they're saying is that the rapture takes place here at this point when the seventh trumpet is sounded and that's right going to be right toward the middle of the tribulation when that takes place or earnt is be on the back side of the tribulation anyhow and so the idea is that then that must be the rapture and they call that pre-wrath the only problem is most of the wrath takes place after that trumpet is blown you've got the you've got this is the this is the third this is the third woe right here and then out of that comes the seven vials the seven vials come underneath the seventh trumpet seventh trumpet blows and that releases the seven vials and then the seven vials have the most horrible worst plagues taking place here but prior to that you've got the hundred and forty-four thousand being killed you got the wormwood star falling polluting the waters and you got the Sun becoming half half put out and Moon not showing it's like men begging God to die got fire falling from heaven he got one third of the trees and the green grass burnt up one third of the oceans destroyed you've got stars falling from heaven lightning you've got people being decapitated by any Christ I mean there's a whole host of things you've even got these locusts being released here from the from the in Chapter nine and going out and stinging men and men beg to die and they can't I don't know how you could possibly have the rapture take place on the seventh trumpet and call that pre-wrath that would be mid wrath that'd be good news new doctors probably somebody come up with that now that I've mentioned that mid wrath rapture okay let's look at here is the most popular verse on the rapture this is in 1st Thessalonians 4:13 he said brethren I would not have you be ignorant concerning them which are asleep that's dead Christians most most Christians sleep through church that you saw not even as others which have no hope for we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus that's a term used you should look it up in the Bible for dead Christians their bodies are sleeping their souls are not the present conscious with Christ I discussed that other places for this we send you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain remain on the earth alive under the coming of the Lord shall not prevent go up not be raptured out before the dead those which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend them heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air so shall we ever more be with Lord wherefore comfort you one another with these words in other words if you if you're going through hard times in life life is better life is cruel be confident about the fact that when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back that you're gonna be raptured out caught out from all this and you will not go through the tribulation that's going to come on the earth to try all those that dwell upon the earth he told them back during the church age they said but of the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord cometh as a thief in the night no way of predicting it no way of expecting it now if all of these events right here occurred the or the seventh trumpet which they are and you see the white horse rider of the Antichrist you seek death sweeping the earth you see famine destroying all the crops you see blood from war many people being killed you see people getting the mark of the beast being decapitated the moon turning becomes totally black as sackcloth of hair a moon turns into blood and you see one-third of the trees of the earth being burnt up by a star falls from heaven ships destroyed one third of the ships in the sea die and one-third of sea is polluted destroy wormwood if you see those things taking place you can say okay trumpet one trumpet two trumpet three trumpet four trumpet five okay six there it is that good just like the Bible said alright here it is Christ is coming back get ready I mean who wouldn't know you go you got a clear pattern here revealed but he said the rapture will take place and no one will know then sudden destruction cometh upon them and travail upon them with child they shall not escape sudden destruction upon them not the church its upon them them not us sudden destruction upon them and we shouldn't he said no okay now here's the passage that goes with that this is first Corinthians 15 this these two passages together is where this question about the Trump of God the last Trump comes into play first Corinthians 15:55 I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep that means will not all be dead at the time of the rapture of the church we all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye this second coming is not in a moment the Bible describes that the kings of the earth see the things coming on the earth and they see Christ coming back and the armies gathered together in the valley of Megiddo to defend that piece of territory Israel against Jesus Christ coming back to sit on the so CNN will be rally rallying and British broadcasting will be rally and probably Fox News to the Troops to get together and support the military support our men in arms let's prevent this assault upon our planet from this man and they will gather together and bring all the best weaponry to defend Israel against the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ because they'll see that's actually going to take 45 days for his second coming to take place from the time they become aware of it until he gets back so then that event cannot be confused with this event you could flate those two and you've got absolute nonsense you've got the Bible saying twinkling of an eye pop is coming it's gone no one knew and then you've got it with all these detailed descriptions but the question remains what about the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound you know what most people don't do is they well what most people do do is they get their Bible knowledge in their news from internet from social media pop ideas circle around and they get them from some book that someone wrote like like I write books and so people will read those books or they'll go and they'll listen to one preacher and some idea strikes their fancy and they attach on to it but there really are they're placing faith in the man I don't want you placing faith in me I try to turn you to the Bible if you come up with an idea different from mine because you're a Bible student I will discuss it with you but I won't fault you for it because you could be right and I could be wrong you might throw some light my way if you study your Bible so if you take the Bible and look up this Trump and trumpet actually study it you'll find something quite amazing now the word trumpet appears in the Bible 116 times have you read all 116 of them then why do you have a opinion on what the last Trump is if you felt bothered to read the Bible itself then how do you know what the last Trump is okay let's look at the passage before we go into this this is this is layered what up in this answer I'm giving you you've already got the gist of it if you want to go look at something else you can but if you want the proof and that's what follows okay notice that the context again in a moment in twenty of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound most people read that and think they just read that at the last trumpet oh seventh trumpet that's the last trumpet it didn't say at the last trumpet it didn't say that it's not the last trumpet to ever sound it said at the last Trump a trump and a trumpet are two different things a Trump is the noise that our trumpet and makes the trumpet is the instrument usually a ram's horn about four feet long that the Jews used maybe three feet long I bought one when I was over in Israel don't know what happen to it I made an awful noise when you blow it wake everybody in the house up so these trumpets would when Israel if you go back and read those a hundred and what I was 16 times in the Old Testament that speaks of trumpets you'll find that the trumpet called everyone to holy assemblies it also called them to war it called them when there was a tragedy that took place and that people need to be gathered and they had different sounds that they made some sounds started off at a low and then with higher and higher and higher and longer and longer some of them were series of blasts doot-doot like that they had different notes just like a bugle would make different notes and so there were different sounds just like the military used to uses the bugle for charge or retreat two totally different things and you have to be able to hear the difference so the Jews could hear the difference in the sound that the trumpets made and know what that signified it was their communication could be heard all over the city or on a hillside could be heard for seven miles now there were there was never occasion where just one toot went off on a horn people what was that it was a series of blasts it was repeated blast it was something that sometimes would occur all day long with multiple trumpets and so the sound that they made was a trump now look at the verse again sure throws a little light on it at the last Trump that means that there will be a series of blasts on the trumpet and when the last blast occurs that's when the dead in Christ will rise so it'll be a distinct sound that probably a Jew would understand that we wouldn't be familiar with those that are familiar with the different sounds would probably be able to properly interpret that sound now let's read on last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound Trump in a trumpet two different things okay let's go to the Old Testament and look at just a few of the usages of trumpet Exodus 1919 and the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder and louder Moses spake and God answered him by a voice so Moses blew the trumpet in order to get God's attention at least he had his people blow the trumpet to get God's attention and they they got louder and louder and louder until it just filled the entire plane up below the Mount and then God spoke to Moses exodus 20:18 all the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet and the mountains smoking when the people saw it they removed and stood afar off so here was quite a show with all of this noise and the trumpets sounding Joshua's six and ye shall compass' the city this is when they surrounded Jericho all the men of war go around bout the city once the shove adieu six days and seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets so seven was a common number four trumpets and priests blowing and many things that God does are in sevens and look at my series I did on numbers the meaning of numbers it's rather long but I go into every number in the Bible it's its own line free thereto the numbers in the Bible okay the seven priests bare before the Ark seven trumpets of rams horns and the seventh day you should compass' the city seven times and the priests shall blow with the trumpets so here the priests blowing blowing blowing and finally it signifies the attack upon the city and it should come to pass when they make a long blast with a ram's horn that's the last blast that they'll make and when you hear the sound of the trumpet all the people shall shout with a great shout and the wall of the city shall fall down flat and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him so you see how the trumpet played an integral part in their conquering of the city and it came to pass when Joshua had spoken unto the people the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of the ram's horns passed on before the Lord and blue with the trumpets and the Ark of Covenant of the Lord followed them and the armed men went before the priests that blue with the trumpets and the rearward came after the Ark the priests going on and blowing with the trumpets therefore it is highly significant that whenever the rapture takes place there'll be a trumpet sound during the tribulation at various points when God brings a new judgment there will be trumpet sounds at the second coming of Christ there will be trumpet sounds and so with these series of blasts that always occur it's at the last Trump of the trumpet that the rapture takes place okay let's keep going that was in Joshua chapter six alright now here's here's another very powerful point when the seventh trumpet is blown here in the book of Revelation it does not produce the second coming of Christ what it produces is judgments it produces the seven vials so to try to link the seventh trumpet to the rapture or the second coming is nonsensical in the context it's time to give up that that view you hold revelation 10 7 but in the days that's plural of the voice and the voice is often used for the sound of trumpet makes from the days of the voice of the seventh trumpet when he shall begin to sound notice that begin to sound even this seventh trumpet takes place in days and there's a beginning of its sounding and a continuation so it sounds throughout these event they're taking place it's not just one toot on a horn begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished as he hath declared with servants the prophets so the seventh trumpet stretches all the way to the end of the tribulation and the second coming Christ will come at the end of the sounding of the seventh trumpet but the trumpet begins to sound long before the final sounding all right the seventh trumpet or the third woe followed by the seven vials new revelation 11 says the second woe is past behold the third woe cometh quickly and the seventh angel sounded so it's one of the woes that's like bad at the kingdom of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ and he shall reign forever and ever now that does foreshadow the second coming it speaks of it it speaks of it because it will eat that's how this whole trumpet blowing will end but there is this intermediate part when these seven vials are poured out that brings us to that end and the four and twenty elders which set before God on their seats fell upon their faces worship God saying we give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty which art was and given when you've rain got great power and the nations were angry and thy wrath is come that's what happens when the seventh trumpet is blown the nations are angry and thy wrath is calm that they should the time of the Dead that they should be judged and that thou should us give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the Saints and them that fear thy name both small and great should have destroy them which destroy the earth so this introduces God destroying those which destroy the earth this introduces all of those events and the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in the temple the Ark of the Testament and there were lightnings and voices and thunders and earthquake and great hail and hail stone weighs nearly 60 pounds some of them that will fall during this time and kill men so that's what the seventh trumpet introduces is all these heavy judgments now that's that one of the pre-wrath rapture if you got it said they say okay it's before these judgments it is but it's not before all of these judgments that put it actually the most of the tribulation takes place before the seventh trumpet hits down toward the end then revelation 12:12 therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth to the sea for the devil has come down to you having great wrath I'm we went from chapter 11 to chapter 12 speaking of the devil coming down to them so that happens after the seventh trumpet this is the third woe revelation 13:1 us to the pond the sand of the sea a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads ten horns and that takes place right here that takes place after the seventh trumpet are throughout the seventh trumpet revelation 15:1 and I saw another sign in heaven great and marvellous seven angels having the seven last plagues in them is filled up the wrath of God so that's part of this during this seventh trumpet sounding revelation 15 and then I looked and behold the Temple of the tabernacle of testimony heavens open seven angels came out of the temple having seven plagues golden vials full of the wrath of God the seven plagues of the seven angels he speaks up chapter sixteen seven angels seven vials grievious soars up on men poured out their vial upon the sea and it became his blood dead as a dead man every living soul the sea died third angel rivers the fountains of waters became blood even my spring water I've got about eight or ten Springs on my land I get all my drinking water from the spring at gravity feeds to my tank and it will it too will turn into blood and the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the Sun powers given him to scorch men with fire fifth angel poured out his kingdom under the Beast they gnawed their tongues for pain six angel poured out his vial and the great river Euphrates and it released some devils bound up there which went out to torment men and then verse 16 you gather them together in a place in the Hebrew tongue called Armageddon that's where the final battle takes place in Armageddon and the seventh angel poured out his vial under the air there were forces thunders lightning is a great earthquake and mighty earthquake so great every island fled away the mountains were not found to fell upon men a great hail out of heaven the weight of a talent men blaspheme God because the plagues of the hail for the plague there was exceedingly great then revelation 19 the voice of much people in heaven now we finally come down to a good time frame in chapter 19 we're going to see the second coming take place but I want you to see the timeline of events in chapter 19 there it is written 1911 through 1600 my painting my a handbook that goes with that has these verses and additional markings and references and comments that will help you go through this painting when you look at it and I heard the these things I heard a voice of much people in heaven so if I could paint a hundred million people that's what I'd have painted up here much people in heaven saying hallelujah salvation honor power under the Lord our God true and righteous are his judgments so these people already raptured in heaven and judgments are taking place and they're complementing him on his judgments judged the great that's right here the woman riding the beast which did corrupt the nation's and I'll skip some stuff and the four and twenty elders that's the church and the four beasts fell down worshipped him that sat on the throne that's the group we find in heaven before the tribulation starts let us be glad and rejoice give honor to him for the marriage of the lamb has come here is the marriage of the lamb of paint up here chapter nineteen seven through nine for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife that's Bride of Christ Ephesians chapter five has made herself ready and to her was granted she should be read in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints and he said unto me write blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb Jesus gave a parable about some five lines five foolish virgins being called to the marriage of the lamb and a five of them took all and five of them didn't that's tribulation Saints here he's talking about not church age Saints get my book eight kingdoms to get the clarity on that and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse this is just continuing the reading and him that's telling it was called faithful and true and in righteousness he does judge and make war in his eyes was a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man could know he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood that's because he's gone through the valley of Megiddo where blood as deep as a horse's bridle he got off his horse and he took off his garment and he dipped the tip of it into the blood of his enemies and put it back on to finish his triumph that ride into Jerusalem that is a different God from the modern God that we have and I saw an angel standing the son cried with a loud voice saying to the fowls of heaven come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the Great God this occurs at the end of the tribulation have the buzzards painted right here they've come to the supper of God what is the supper it's the flesh of Kings flesh of captains flesh of mighty men flesh of horses of them that sit on them flesh of all men free bonds small and great so God feeds the buzzards the flesh of those that he slays and the Beast was taken with him the false prophet here is the the Beast right here and here is the false problem where is the false prophet the beast and the false prophet is painted here somewhere I just don't remember where the beast and the false prophet and wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that received the mark and then that worshiped the image and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that set up on the horse so when he comes back he slays all of these so that is the second coming that takes place there and that is not something anywhere like the rapture in book of first Thessalonians chapter 4 and first Corinthians chapter 15 it's nothing like the rapture the church is nothing like the thief in the night coming of which Jesus spoke they knew not as in the days of Noah that ate they drank they married gay gave in marriage knew not to the flood came and took them all away it's not like that this is a well predicted well anticipated event it said men blaspheme God because of these plagues and it says Satan knows he's got a short time so releases his wrath upon the earth so people know what's going on they know they've missed the rapture in fact you may be looking at this video this YouTube you may be looking at this after the rapture is already taking place if it has what you need to do is what it says here fear God and give glory to him unless you've received the mark of the beast or his emblem and if you have your damned there's no hope for you just try to stay alive as long as you can because you're gonna die and go to hell and there's no hope for you but if you've not yet received the mark you're hiding away somewhere then just worship God give glory to Him bless his name praise him for his judgments on the earth and look forward to his coming back again if you do that and you are caught and martyred you will be raptured up at the end of the tribulation and join the saints of God alright Revelation chapter 20 now saw an angel come down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit the great chain in his hand this immediately follows what I just read he took Satan and bound him a thousand years and I have that painted right here right here right here Satan bound a thousand years and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and all the tribes of the earth and they to see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he should send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other that's the tribulation Saints that survived will be gathered together at that time brought in to Jerusalem and the kingdom of heaven will begin so I think I think that's sufficient I've made my point on the there's no pre-wrath rapture you might conceive a mid wrath but you couldn't possibly there's no way to place a pre-wrath in here and i think i've explained well enough the of God for because the I'll just let it go at that alright so if you have any more questions contact me send me a question and I will I will try to answer it for you okay that's all I think I'll go eat my broccoli now [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Door
Views: 247,924
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Keywords: Debunking the Pre-Wrath Rapture, Pre wrath rapture debunked, pre wrath rapture, pre tribulation, Revelation bible teaching, christian teaching, Michael Pearl, THe door, How to study the book of revelation, Matthew 24, Revelation, the book of revelation, Joshua's last video to upload on The DOOR
Id: s0qmD5PIHVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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