Can you be Christian and gay? — Bible Q&A

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[Music] i'm going to answer your bible questions today we got a very interesting question someone actually we had several people ask can you be gay and be a christian so we're going to give you a bible answer to that question today but i feel the need to throw a couple tommy hawks first all right now about relaxed a little bit throwing some tommy hawks let's answer your bible questions you've asked the question can you be gay and be a christian you need to define what do you mean by being gay you know if you if you mean uh committing homosexual acts that's one thing if you mean having a propensity a desire a drive toward the same sex if you call that being gay then that's a totally different question different answer altogether and what do you mean by christian if you mean can you be a christian like instead of being a muslim or a buddhist or shinto or an atheist you're a christian you raised in a christian church you go to christian schools or whatever you're a christian you uh celebrate easter that uh that's one kind of christian other kind of christian is the kind that is like christ he's he's called a christian because he acts like christ so we need to be clear so let's see what the bible has to say about the subject genesis chapter 19 is the most notable passage on it here we have god coming down in the form of two angels and an appearance of the lord jesus christ and a physical body and appeared to abraham and god was upset he'd heard some bad reports about a place called sodom in a place called gomorrah and god came down he said to abraham to see if it is all together like i have heard and so two of the angels not not jesus but two of the angels end up going into the city of sodom and when they get in there it's late in the day and lot uh abraham's nephew sees these two angels and sees their men of distinction they're not like the people who live in the area and he decides to take them in for the night so he invites them to come into his house and when he does the men of the city observe these two handsome good-looking tall strong men coming in to spend the evening with lot and they come rushing up to the house and tell lot they say where are the men which came unto thee this night bring them out to us that we may know them the bible uses the word no for sexual activity because it is an intimacy and a lot and lot went out at the door under them and shut the door after him and he said i pray you do not sow wickedly so not lot knew his neighbors he knew they were homosexual and they desired to have these two men behold i have two daughters which have not known men let me i pray you bring them out unto you that you do that you do to them as you would only these men do nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof now lot was not a highly moral man himself he was willing to sacrifice his two daughters but again maybe maybe he knew that this they wouldn't they wouldn't buy that exchange so he offers his two daughters for them to sexually abuse in any way they wanted to only leave the two men alone and they said stand back and they said again this fellow came in to sojourn and he must needs be a judge so it's not new one of the oldest arguments that senators have had against moral law and moral code is to accuse people of being a judge you can't judge me you have no right to judge and so they use that argument too and now we will deal worse with thee than with them and they pressed sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door so a big crowd of them and they're about to break into his house and rape him and these two men and the men put forth their hand to the two angels and pull a lot into the house to them and shut the door and smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great so they wearied themselves to find the door so the homosexuals that wanted to take lot and these angels are now blind but it doesn't stop them they're so filled with lust that even in their blind condition they're trying to get in the door and the men send in a lot has though any besides thy son-in-law thy sons their daughters and whatsoever that has to the city bring them out of this place for we will destroy this place because the cry of them is waxing great upon the face of the before the face of the lord and the lord sent us to destroy it so god said so so god sent the angels destroyed this city of san francis of sodom where uh lot lived and the lord went out and spake unto his sons-in-laws which married his daughters and said get thee up out of this place for the lord will destroy this city but he seemed like one that marked and when the morning rose the angels hastened lot saying rise take thy wife two daughters which are here lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city many people are being consumed in the iniquities of the cities today and so they flee the city and fire and brimstone rains down on the city and kills everyone men women children animals totally destroys the place if you go there today where sodom once stood you found rocks burnt with sulfur brimstone just in the place where sodom once stood it was destroyed so destroyed thoroughly that even the stones were incinerated now jude 7 7 refers back to this and here's what it says even as solomon gomorrah and the cities around about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication so god called the homosexual acts fornication and going after strange flesh so he defines this homosexual activity as seeking strange flesh and set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so it said they went to a place of eternal suffering because of their sin now leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 through 16 remember you asked the question what does the bible say this is not about homophobia this is not about me judging people this is what the bible says you don't have to believe the bible i i've known quite a few homosexual people and i've led several of them to christ they've become christian brothers in christ and sisters as well and so this is not a personal issue with me this is simply what the bible teaches here's what it says if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death now this was under an old testament legal system where there was a theocracy that is god ruled over the nation we don't live in a theocracy in america we live in a democracy and uh in america everyone has equal rights and equal justice and there is no no one is put to death for committing adultery as they were in the old testament no one is put to death for fornication no one's put to death for homosexuality and they shouldn't be in the country in which we live we don't live in a theocracy the satan is the god of this world and this is a kind of uh live and let live society in which we live uh people are not punished for uh false doctrine they're not punished for what they believe or don't believe they're not ostracized in this country and that's where it should be but in the old testament they lived under theocracy and god purified his kingdom and purified the land with death penalty for such things as homosexuality he said neither shall thou lie with any beast to defile thyself neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down in his confusion defile not ye yourselves in any of these things as the nations are defiled which i cast out before you the land is defiled he said because of these things he said you'll keep my statues and my judgments and not commit any of these abominations for all these abominations have the men of the land done which were before you so god calls homosexual actions not a homosexual lust or a drive but a homosexual action an abomination it does not address the drive you know humans have propensities we all have sinful propensities now i've never had a propensity to homosexuality but i've had propensities to fornication to adultery to murder to thieving to lying to stealing to a whole lots of things and you have too and so the bible understands that we're made of flesh and lust can occur but lust when it comes to opportunity and takes an action that's when lust becomes sin uh the book of james he said whosoever shall commit any of these abominations even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among the people so god was quite clear about it if you want to know what the bible teaches that's what it teaches then first first kings 14 24 there were also sodomites in the land this is in israel at a later date there were sodomites in the land this is after sodom has been destroyed the word sodomite becomes a byword for homosexual and they did according to all the abomination of the nations which the lord cast out before the children of israel so there were israelites a so-called god's people who became sodomites and deuteronomy 23 17 there shall be no horror in the lands of israel nor sodomite of the sons of israel so just as today there are people who turn to homosexual actions practices so there were in the days of israel first kings 23 7 a young man named josiah comes to the throne as king and it said he break down the houses of the sodomites which were by the house of the lord where the women woe hangings for the grove so here's god's temple and people would come from afar to worship but there was a seedy district right beside the temple there was a place where women wove tapestries for the groves which is where they worshiped other gods and there was a prostitute house sodomites dwelt there to invite people in when they came to worship jehovah god so israel became somewhat like sodom in some like what like gomorrah at a later date and then asa becomes king and it said and asa did that which was right in the eyes of the lord as did david his father and he took away the sodomites out of the land so again this is a theocracy god rules it's not based on a constitution it's based on prophets and priests who received words from god god speaks and they god rules through them it was not a perfect system because the men were imperfect but that's the way it was set up then in we finally come to romans chapter 1 verse 21 and this is a new testament passage some people have argued that the prohibitions against sodomy and adultery and fornication are all in the old testament and that now we live in an age of forgiveness and mercy and no judgment and so those things those rules are not valid anymore here's what god says in romans chapter 1 new testament book written well after jesus christ's resurrection wherefore god gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves god calls this a dishonoring of their bodies who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator homosexuals end up worshiping their bodies their own bodies even so to pornographers end up worshiping the bodies of others rather than god and he said for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature so lesbianism occurred too he said the women change the natural use into that which is against nature against nature let me let me show you something let me get something here all right i just had an idea i stepped over to my plumbing shelf back here and i have two plumbing parts here one of them is called a female and this one is called a male and they're made to screw together like that and when you screw them together that's called a union as a union that will now conduct fluid without any spillage so that's a male and a female part let me get another piece here all right now i have another male part right here let's screw these together they won't screw together they're they're not it's it's not a natural fit it's unnatural god created the woman and god created the man created adam and eve the bible says and he joined them together and in their union they produce children that's natural that's the natural way that god created man and woman this is unnatural it's not according to nature it's a perversion if all that a plumber had in his toolbox were male fittings he'd never be able to plumb a house so the passage says they did that which was against nature change the natural use into that which is against nature likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that was unseemly so he calls their homosexual actions unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meat so something happens inside the individual who commits homosexual acts now i talk about this in uh the four-part series that i did on the brain i think i call it the science of addiction and the brain i put a lot of time into that about a year actually and so i use a powerpoint and anime animation to show you how the brain changes with what we do the science has observed very carefully the functioning magnetic resonance imaging machinery how that homosexual acts actually change the structure of the brain people are not born with a homosexual brain they've proven that we're all born the same but just as drugs change the brain well any activity music changes the brain so homosexuality changes the brain but not in a healthy way it changes the brain in a way that's destructive so in my series you might want to get that from no joy ministries we we go into great detail to show you the science of of this thing so he said they were receiving in themselves the recompense of their error which was meat so the brain was actually changed according to scripture and science even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind so a reprobate mind is a mind that's been altered or changed not for the better for the worse it's it's deteriorated in its nature and it's quality it's a reprobate mind it's amazing that the scriptures knew two thousand years ago that there was an actual physical alteration of the brain that takes place in homosexual acts they gave them over to reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient that's that's a very fascinating way of saying there's nothing more inconvenient than ending up with two nipples they're both male and they won't fit together that's an inconvenience homosexuality is inconvenient what's convenient is the woman and the man coming together that's a convenient relationship and being filled with all unrighteousness names a lot of the stuff he says without natural affection homosexuality you may say well i love but the bible says it's not a natural affection who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death in the new testament no one was put to death for their homosexuality it was never commanded it never took place nor throughout the history of the church has ever taken place except by the roman catholics they did kill a number of people for different sins and for false doctrine but the evangelical church has never been guilty of that not only do this not only are they worthy of death who do the same but those who have pleasure in them that do them so he said not only is the people were or the people worthy of death that commit homosexual acts but so are the people who take pleasure in their doing it what does that mean that means that if you're not homosexual but you support uh the homosexual lifestyle by any way that it can be supported if you speak positively of it and you say well i'm not going to be judgmental i think that's just fine if that's what they want to do yes in america you can do as you please but if you take pleasure in that you view that as you would any wholesome uh male female relationship then you're as worthy of death as they are in god's eyes if you watch a tv program or a movie where you've got homosexuals in it and you're delighted with their love and you're delighted with their uh their relationship and you take pleasure in that then you're equally worthy of death now i didn't write that and i don't have feelings towards you about it but you did well know what the bible says and i've spent about uh 65 years studying the bible so i just want to let you know what the bible says for your own good uh then he says here's a here's a final passage in first corinthians 6 9-11 now you know we talked about what do what do we mean by gay and what do we mean by christian there you ask can you be gay and be a christian there is a way i can answer that yes uh yes you can be gay and be a christian how can you be gay and be a christian well you can have a homosexual drive uh for some reason somebody messed with you when you were a kid or you got uh involved with a buddy or friend when you were young or uh you had relationships with your parents in a way that warped and twisted you and so you may end up with some kind of a homosexual drive but you can become a christian and throughout your life reject that refuse to acquiesce to that drive just as there are many christians who have a desire for adultery they have a desire for fornication and uh most all 18 19 20 year olds have lust i was 25 before i got married but i had never known a woman i had refused the lust that i had it was a natural lust but it was a strong passionate drive and i was able to live without fulfilling that so a person that can have a homosexual drive and live his whole life and never act upon it and in such a case it's not sin now if you want to call him gay because he has a drive toward females towards males but if he does not exercise that if he does not do it then he is not homosexual he's not committing an act of homosexuality he's not done anything that would have gotten him killed and he lived in the old testament so another way that you could be a be gay and be a christian is have there's a guy in prison where i used to go and uh when the first time i saw him i thought it was a female look had prison garbown and everything he obviously took some hormones and uh he had a figure and but i was walking behind and i saw him walking along and i thought what's that female prisoner doing here and then he turned around man was he ugly and uh so i realized it was a male and i had some of the guys said yeah that's the girl boy and he was used by a lot of the men in there and that's what he desired to to be so used by the men now interesting thing is i i i never got to preach to him he never came to my chapel but he got out of prison about two three years later and he went into hohenwall tennessee and there he went to a little some people went to him and gave him the gospel he got born again and became a solid christian i remember sitting across from me one time as i was speaking a lesbian hardcore practicing lesbian she trusted the lord jesus christ as her savior and she was saved and she's now lived um 40 50 years i've gotten married had children and lived a life of righteousness all the all that time uh i've known other males who came to know christ and so you could say they're gay but they're christian but they're not practicing homosexuality in other words they were delivered from the practice of it regardless of what kind of drives they might have and yes when a homosexual gay person comes to know christ they may have temptations just as an adulterer may have temptations uh just as a fornicator with the male female may have temptations who's lived a life of wantness after becoming christian as you you might say well they're still gay well it depends on what you mean by the word all right here's here's the passage of first corinthians 6 9-11 know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers now those are three things a fornicator is sex outside of marriage prior to marriage idolatry as someone who uses images as an aid to worship someone has an image of christ or mary or some of the saints and lights candles or bows down and worships before them that's an idolatry nor adulterer who's an adulterer that's someone who is married and commits a sexual act with another nor effeminate effeminate or would be a man who dresses like a woman or as gestures female type gestures or conducts himself or thinks of himself as a female and says that they will not inherit the kingdom of god nor abusers of themselves with mankind that's people who practice bondage and abuse of some sort uh in a in a consensual way but it's still abusing themselves with mankind so he said that group of people will not inherit the kingdom of god nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards so if you're a drunkard you won't go to heaven nor revilers nor extortioners none of these shall inherit the kingdom of god now that's emphatic that's new testament and then he says and such were some of you in other words in corinth some of those people had been homosexuals gay some of them had been effeminate abusers of themselves with mankind they've been thieves covetous liars uh they've been all of those things idolaters he said such were some of you but you're washed you're sanctified you're justified in the name of our lord jesus christ i want to encourage you i'd like for you gay men out there to become my brothers in christ i'd like for you lesbian gals to become sisters in the lord jesus christ god loves you jesus christ came to die for you and you can you can overcome your lust you don't have to before you come to christ believe on the lord jesus christ as you are lust in all and he will forgive you he will transform you he'll put his spirit in you he'll enable you to walk in righteousness and holiness all the days of your life and you may still have some homosexual drives from time to time at first they may be just as strong as they are right now the difference is you'll have the power to overcome them and you'll walk in victory so can you be a christian and be gay well that depends on whether you mean simply the drive or whether you're talking about the act the act no the adulterer and the fornicator will not enter the kingdom of god the liar the thief but you can be those things in your seem like your nature and come to christ be forgiven and resist those temptations and yes you can be a christian then so that's the answer to that question [Music] you
Channel: The Door
Views: 134,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bible, bible study, king james bible, christian, gay, homosexual, sodom, sodomy, sodomite, lesbian
Id: GfmF3f3h86k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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