"Tongues" Deception

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[Music] we're going to talk about the greatest embarrassment to christianity i have to apologize sometimes when i'm sharing the gospel with people because they bring up a phenomena occurring in christianity that they understand is a pagan practice that takes place in psychology classes takes place in other religions and christians claim it's supernatural and so it nullifies all of our claim to the supernatural and that's this ridiculous thing of what they call tongues as if it were the new testament gift of tongues so we're going to talk about that i looked up some videos on youtube listen let every allah it's off to work we go we go uh now that's not a language any linguist and my daughter went to linguist college and got a degree in it tj went to linguist school got a degree in it and both of them went off to learn foreign languages and in these linguistic schools you learn that there's about 500 sounds can be made by the human mouth and different languages use different parts of the mouth to make different sounds and so in order to speak another language and do it without a lot of accent you have to learn to change your mouth and use it the way they do and so if you hear an arabic speaking person or greek or german or spanish you'll notice the total different sound that they make like this woman right here that's english words with english accents they're not really words at all it doesn't in involve a full span of the alphabet of the consonants and the valves it's very limited it's baby gibberish which is absolutely meaningless and no linguist would ever consider that to be a language in any way whatsoever so we're going to look at what the scripture says about this we're going to look at some more video and i hope you get a clear perspective so that you stop doing this embarrassing thing and start worshiping god in spirit and in truth okay where did this thing all begin acts 2 4 says and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance notice it says other tongues the word tongues look it up every time it's used in the bible you'll find it is the word language the word language doesn't appear in the bible the word tongues appears so a tongue is a language a particularly unique language that's spoken that people understand so they spake with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and they were all amazed in marvel saying one to another behold are not all these which speak galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue in our own language wherein we were born so they were amazed this was a promise prophesied to be assigned to israel there were other tongues he would speak to them he would speak to them not that they'd speak in the air not that they would jabber some incoherent syllables but that they would speak a language and glorify god so on the day of pentecost many languages were present and they all understood the gospel that was being delivered to them that day isaiah 66 18 for i know that their works and their thoughts it shall come that i will gather all nations and tongues you'll find it used over and over in the old testament nations and tongues and they shall come and see my glory so he's gathering a tongue it's not a tongue it is a language group that he is gathering now the gift of tongues or languages was clearly a gift of communicating intended to facilitate the spreading of the gospel to those who had previously been excluded by the jews now there's a word in the bible called a greek word called glossa it's uh the word for language or the word that's found the many times the word tongues appears now modern people use the term glossocya which is not found in scripture not one time some of you modern corrupted translations will translate tongues glossoceum which is a grave disservice to the word of god a great era now what is the medical definition of glossoce and this is this is found in medical journals medical dictionaries medical books because it's a common experience for people having psychological trouble or emotional turmoil to speak in tongues it's a profuse and often emotionally charged speech that mimics coherent speech but is usually unintelligible to the listener and that is uttered in some states of religious ecstasy ecstasy and in some schizophrenic states if you just knew how common this jabbering in another language is among mentally unstable people you'd be very embarrassed now ecstatic language was a common form of worship in pagan temples it was well established in ancient babylon in 1100 bc 1100 years before the day of pentecost the day of pentecost the languages in which they spoke had nothing to do with these heathen practices by virtue of the fact there was an intelligent language that was understood now plato in 429 to 347 bc mentions it as a phenomena in his time way before christ he tells us that a person under divine possession received utterances and visions that the receiver did not understand if you will look up all of the pagan and ancient religions you will find that nearly every one of them give examples of what today would be called speaking in tongues it was just a common practice among heathen now i used to think when i was young because i i followed the spirit of god but i didn't understand a lot of things i hadn't done a lot of study on it and i was around a lot of people jabbering in what they call tongues and the spirit of god was clear to me that that was not a gift of the holy spirit that they were exercising and now i've experienced gifts of the spirit i know what they are i know the supernatural and i knew that that was not one of them because many of the people i knew that spoke in tongues like one queer hitting on me uh told me that he spoke in tongues that he uh got his gift from a episcopalian priest and he said he and the episcopalian priests had sexual relationships along with other episcopalian priests in memphis they may have been lying but this is what he said and so he had this gift that he would jabber in tongues before and after the process of having sex with other men so you know a few experiences like that seeing a bunch of sodomites swaying and singing amazing grace and who speak in tongues is enough to put you off pretty permanently i suppose so plato mentions it and then these utterances were sometimes accompanied by physical healing of people present virgil in 70 to 19 bc tells us that the sublime priest when in prayer united her spirit with the god apollo and spoke in spring strange unknown tongues so the thing that you some of you christians are doing today is a it's not the devil i used to think it was the devil i thought it was satan doing it and i know there's some good sincere christians that are born again love god they've just fallen into this practice and it's time for you to chunk it all right uh rainiest 114 to 202 b a.d in his work against heresies and he wrote up this is an early church father writing against heresy speaks out against the abuse of ecstatic utterances that often lead to violent emotions and loss of chastity christianity came to a heathen world throughout southern europe and on up as far as britain actually and over to india and so it encompassed incorporated a lot of pagan religions and many of those people continued their pagan practices they had spoken in ecstatic utterances glossacia before they became christians and they continued afterwards and interpreted that as the gift that came on the day of pentecost which of course it was not now mormons like joseph smith spoke in tongues this is a quote father smith would call upon some illiterate brother to rise and speak in tongues in the name of jesus christ the order was given this is quote arise upon your feet speak or make some sound continue to make sounds of some kind and the lord will make a tongue or language of it so they created their own gibberish they didn't even need to be hypnotized do that mormon leader brigham young also spoke in tongues and interpreted his own messages now i want you to see some of the uh stuff that's available on youtube you can go back and look at it for yourself but let's look at this woman again you hear that rhythm that beat that's in there that's a pagan for your worship will rise above it your worship will rise above it for your worship will rise above it now that that that's what you call an ecstatic utterance but at this point this woman is not even in a hypnotic state uh nothing uh really is going on she's just repeating words that she learned and will say the same thing over and over again meeting after meeting meaningless jumble mumble jumble now here's a real language listen to this is it's a language that has it that multifaceted with many uh vowels and consonants put together in an order that if you didn't know the language a linguist could look at it break it down and say this is a noun this is a verb this is a preposition this is an article and pretty soon be able to interpret the language no one has ever taken this gibberish called tongues no one's ever been able to look at it and find any language structure in it no one has ever been able to look at it and break it down and find that it fits some language in the world there you should be able to take google's translation submit a real gift of the spirit speaking in another language and google would interpret it for you if not google then some more uh advanced or other computer program but it's not a language and it'll never be interpreted as such now i want to show you something here how this comes about this this is a hypnotist can i ask he's just chosen these 12 students out of the audience and he has examined them to see which ones are most vulnerable let me explain what you're about to see and why we're doing this obviously i was going through the audience looking for good visualizers and as i said before when you're in a group of teenagers who are very open-minded and haven't spent a whole lot of years becoming cynics you tend to get some really good subjects these folks however appear to be extremely good visualizers they have an ability to internalize a picture quickly and easily which is what a hypnotist is looking for a hypnotist wants to see can a person take a picture and transmit that picture into action if you invite them to imagine holding a hundred balloons do you get the arm autonomously rising let me explain what autonomous means most of these folks afterwards if you ask them are likely to tell you i don't feel like i lifted my arm on my own i felt like it was being pulled up by those balloons that's known as an autonomous motion and you know you pick up over the years how to recognize that so i've identified these folks as being very good visualizers and i've invited them to join me on stage so here he is he's identified these people as being susceptible and chose them out of audience now there were many many if you would look at the earlier part of that there are many many who were so susceptible in fact hypnosis say about half of the people in a in a group of people like that can be hypnotized and they say anyone can uh but it's very easy for about half of them okay he's going to put him to sleep now watch this you don't think so you think so sleep let's find out there you go loose and loose and lose them deep asleep loose and limp lose them so here's here's a shot of him after having gotten him hypnotized he just waves his arm and they all pass out at one time you'll see hypnotists doing that over and over again they'll tell you that they first condition each one of them and they use hand gestures and words and symbols that the people learn subconsciously to recognize so after a few minutes all they have to do is snap their fingers or wave their hand or make some indication and the people knowing what is expected of them follow suit and so you'll see the hypnotist after a moment waving like this and the whole crowd just passes out they get slain in the spirit i mean you don't have to here we are watch old benny hen here do his hypnotic stuff take it take it take it how embarrassing can you picture jesus doing that so jesus went up on a mount and he slew the people they fell down on the ground can how preposterous okay here's where he hypnotizes a girl and tells her that she can speak italian and watch what happens latest astrological research we're going to give a wonderful lecture about these little green men what they do how they live and what they're all about because you are a world famous physicist is now she thinks she's speaking italian and let's look at another one now he's going to hypnotize the girl sitting beside her and tell her that she speaks martian what's this ask her if she has an address now here these two girls are thinking they're speaking martian and all it took was one hypnotist a few minutes to get them in that condition all right here's another hypnotist doing something similar look at me look at me right here loosen it up don't make me confess no unsolved crimes now you're not going to loosen up your arm loosen up your arm just let it go no just follow my fingers look down look down look down look down look down look down sleep that's it i don't go let it go so in a moment when i count to three dark shark nasa is planning on going to mars and we've got you here our first martian when i count to three it's one two three just sit up open your eyes hey there our first martian what's your first impression of the planet earth here right now no um what'd you have for breakfast this morning meaty cake it doesn't sound good did you like it itty bitty boy what's the typical martian meal going to be whoa okay what what did he just say uh oh man i don't know he has to say it again i didn't hear it say it one more time yeah there you go and uh what do you think of the women on the planet here see oh yeah now he tells this guy he can translate any language look what happened let's go touch it now personally i'm touching now you are a translator you can translate any language even alien language you are the best translator in the world nigeria you understand personal touching now so now we're going to have the gift of interpretation of tongues planet far far away you don't speak english three eyes open hey what's your name how old are you uh sir you understand many languages all of them okay uh can you do a little trampoline for us i'd love to okay um where you come from do you have dogs we can stop there with that so they think they're speaking in martian and interpreting in martian that's what the human brain is capable of now i want you to see this this is someone explaining how they got this modern gift of tongues i have been praying in the spirit for a few months now after being baptized in the holy spirit and it took me about seven years to receive the evidence of speaking in tongues but i did it is okay here's a guy that's going to tell us how you can get the gift now this is not really hypnotism with this guy this is not an emotional ecstatic utterance this is not glossocea all this is is just fake that comes from practice and messing with your own mind listen to it she ready anybody could do this yeah so here we go now i'm feeling that i'm not worried about you i'm feeling that because that's between me and god so you can you can see that that that is not the gift of the holy spirit of speaking another language to someone so they'll understand the gospel this is a guy messing with his own psychic uh trying to stir up an emotion within himself now here's a kid telling you how to do it too watch this now if you believe you receive it just keep your eyes closed and just put your eyes under god and open up your mouth open up your tongue it's going to sound very weird it's going to sound like mudders or just when i first started out praying in tongues it was very small syllables and then it as i prayed more often every single day it got more deeper and it got more developed so wherever you are by faith if you believe you have it just open up your mouth you say gabe what do i say well let god do that just open up your mouth open up your syllables don't be afraid of what comes out and again don't think is this me is this god so the kid is showing you how to again just trick yourself into think you're doing something that's not even glossocia that's not the he's not hypnotized all that is is just practice making noises until you get learn enough of them to get them down into a flowing and uh then you can go into public and you can do that and make people think you're speaking a language missionaries i have missionaries i support in africa and they said one of the biggest problems they have with getting people to jesus in africa is the fact that benny hen has been there ahead of them and got the people thinking that knowing christ is all about having access to more money about god giving you something about these ecstatic utterances and about supernatural power but they don't have any supernatural power they don't they pretend with these ecstatic utterances and they're not getting wealthy they're staying poor they're staying sick and they're dying without christ because they think they've already been exposed to christianity and so i have friends who are missionaries in africa who've won literally millions of people to christ without going through all of this silly nonsense but it's been very difficult for them so it's an embarrassment to christianity watch this i'm gonna walk and stand over there and the son of god is gonna come and stand right here i'm going to invite him to come and stand right here and one by one you this area he told them where they'd be falling out and so they are hypnotized [Music] notice how how he fell caught himself he wasn't hypnotized he was faking it he's faking it too so so sometimes the people just have to fake it one final point here people will explain their ecstatic utterances by saying that it's not the tongue of men they're speaking is the tongues of angels uh angels must be if that's the way they talk look at what the scripture actually says about that the only time it speaks of the language of angels is here first corinthians 31 1 though i speak with a tongue of men and of angels and have not charity i'm become a sounding brass or tinkling symbol though i have the gift of prophecy to understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though i have all faith so i can remove mountains and have not charity i am nothing now these are exaggerations though i speak with a tongue of men and angels he's not saying he has he's not saying anyone does speak with the tongue of angels he's exaggerating he says and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries does he understand all mysteries no and do i have all knowledge does he have all knowledge no and do i have all faith does he have no so i could remove mountains is he ever moved one no though i speak of the tongue of men and angels so all of these statements are are superfluous they're overstatements their exaggerations of saying even if i could do that even if i went that far and didn't have charity i would still be nothing so there is nothing in the scripture that says that anyone is speaking the language of angels this is the only reference and it's a statement that if one could do so then and had not charity he'd be nothing so building a whole doctrine on something like that is extremely flimsy not to mention the outcome is predictable by psychologists by hypnotist and by primitive religions so let's stop this silly stuff let's stop embarrassing christ and the church with this nonsense and get down to loving our neighbor walking in righteousness and holiness and acting with a bit more dignity than this silly stuff going on okay so i got to get out and do some gardening and so i'm it's a beautiful day i'm going to leave here and go out and turn some ground have some fun see you later [Music] you
Channel: The Door
Views: 155,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to speak in tongues, is speaking in tongues biblical, false teachers, charismatic chaos, pentecostal false teaching, NAR, what is the NAR, new apostolic reformation, the last reformation, is the last reformation biblical, can every believer speak in tongues, are tongues in the bible real languages, is slain in the spirit biblical, pentecostal frauds, god's generals, spiritual gifts, gifts of the spirit, King James Bible, charismatic false teachers
Id: WScna3Xho3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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