Debunking Nicki Minaj’s Swollen Balls Claims | The Daily Show

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I really can’t believe this is a thing..

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Heyitsgizmo 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well look how we reach! 😅

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I feel so much less ashamed now 😅 Thanks for sharing!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/HolaKola55 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trevor is a better ambassador for the country than most of the people we claim

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/kxxxxtxxxxxxx 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just love Trevor!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JT_the_Irie 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

This only makes Nicki Minaj look bad not Trinidad I don’t claim her. Terrence repped us well tho.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/andiooper 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why is it that whenever we make ‘international news’ is always for the wrong reasons.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Key_Ad9207 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

This story is so blown out of proportion, it’s so clear that the media has nothing to publish but nonsense like this

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Visual_Perception_92 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Who's listening to Nicki Minaj's advice on any subject other than making shitty music and taking dick?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SoUpInYa 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
there's a lot going on in the world right now but there is one story that is more important than all of them combined I'm talking about the ongoing saga of Nicki Minaj's cousins friends swollen testicles as everyone on the planet has heard by now Nicki Minaj tweeted out that her cousin's friend in Trinidad took the covert vaccine and then his balls swole and he became impotent now people say wild stuff about the vaccine all the time but most people don't have tens of millions of followers so this tweet has caused a giant up roll so big that even Dr fauci had to weigh in I wouldn't normally even ask you about this but is there any evidence that the Pfizer the moderna or the J J vaccines cause any reproductive issues in men or women the answer to that Jake is a resounding no there's no evidence that it happens nor is there any mechanistic reason to imagine that it would happen you know can we just appreciate for a moment how crazy Dr fauci's life has become I mean for the first 78 years of his life he was just minding his own business you know decades working in a lab trying to fight diseases and now in the space of two years he's had to stop Trump from drinking bleach convince Americans he's not trying to microchip them and now he's weighing in on some Trinidadian guy's balls I can assure you as the nation's top scientist that your nutsack is gonna be fine so this story has blown up bigger than a I don't know a pair of Trinidadian testicles because what happened next was that Nicki Minaj said that the White House read her tweets and invited her to the White House to talk about it but then the White House said nah we just said we would do a phone call to answer Nicki Minaj's questions we never invited her over and that response from the White House rarely pissed Nikki off Nicki Minaj defending her claims she was invited to the White House to discuss her concerns about the covid-19 vaccine Minaj took to Instagram saying she would never lie about the invite do y'all think that I would go on the internet and lie about being invited to the White House like what do you guys see what is happening right now oh my goodness if they assassinate me and assassinate my character and make me look crazy or stupid guess what no one else will ever ask questions again don't you see what's happening I'm not lying guys my cousin's friend told me I was invited to the White House look I'll be honest with you I I can see both sides of this thing I mean it would be kind of weird for the White House to invite Nicki Minaj for that tweet you know because usually someone gets an invite to the White House for like winning a gold medal or saving their entire platoon you know not for tweeting about their cousin's friends scrotum that's not usual on the other hand Nikki's story makes sense too why would you lie about going to a house that's not even as nice as yours so I don't think Nikki is lying necessarily it was probably just a big miscommunication which wouldn't surprise me Nicki Minaj in The White House are from two completely different worlds I mean put on Monster put on that track and ask Joe Biden what he hears hotter than a middle eastern climate Violet Dobby matter I you know what I give up can somebody call Kamala to come help me with this but as pissed off as Nicki Minaj is at the White House it turns out a lot of people back in Trinidad are even more mad at her for making their country the butt of jokes I'm sorry the ball of jokes this is almost like what you would hear about Apollo where somebody will tell you well the cousin friend neighbor c x y z I mean come on Nikki you have 180 million followers people listen to you I mean it's irresponsible on all all fronts one a responsible based on the misinformation that is going on there regarding this vaccine um you know there was no verification of the story and furthermore to expose your cousin friends flat tire in the public domain like that every man have a flat tire okay he will work on that you know there's herbs and and punch and suddenly man could eat and bring back our vibes but don't come now and talk that kind of talk all right all right wait wait guys guys can we just all agree that from now on impotence should only be referred to as a flat tire because erectile dysfunction it's so clinical you know it comes with a stigma I have erectile dysfunction but a flat tire I mean that sounds like something that can happen to anyone yeah you can pay a guy in a truck twenty dollars to fix it for you you know what was crazy is when we heard this news clip at the show we all thought that this guy should be the official voice of Cialis and then this next part of the story is completely true but you're not going to believe me and that's fine but this news anchor his name is Jason Williams he is actually my trinidadian's friend's cousin yeah cousin friend friend cousin so we called him and we actually got him to redo the Cialis ads and honestly I think it's a pretty big Improvement do you or your cousin's friend have a flat tire well you do have to tell everybody just take this thing called CLS trust me it have all the herbs and punch to bring back your vibes so ask your doctor about CLS just make sure and don't tell Nicki Minaj because she go for John blast and the whole world gonna hmm now I'm craving Cialis and doubles oh anyway the people of Trinidad aren't happy the news anchors on happy and Trinidad's government is definitely not impressed a waste of time Health officials in Trinidad and Tobago are responding to rapper Nicki Minaj her Claim about the covet vaccine as far as we know at this point in time there has been no such reported either side effect or adverse event and what was sad about this is that it wasted our time yesterday trying to track down because we take all these claims seriously oh man you think Dr fauci has it rough the health minister of Trinidad had to spend the whole day going around asking people about their balls how are your testicles and how are yours and how are your balls everything fine one thing you got to love about the Caribbean though is how the people that can politely cuss you out without using a single swear word because he seemed chilled but he was telling her off you know that might be the most dignified telling off I've ever heard from a government official it made me feel ashamed and I had nothing to do with this I was sitting at home like yeah I should be ashamed of myself but I will say this as funny as the story is and we have been having fun with it unfortunately this has turned into a real problem in a real country being handled by real health professionals and so we thought at The Daily Show you know it would be great to have these people on the show to actually find out the full story not from our cousin and not from our cousin's friend but from the people who are there to see what's happening on the ground and since we don't actually live in Trinidad well we thought it would be helpful to have a conversation with the actual minister of Health for Trinidad and Tobago so Minister Dale Singh Welcome to The Daily Show how are you doing I'm doing well thank you so much for taking the time today I know you've been inundated and I really do appreciate it so I really really appreciate it anything for honorary tree [Laughter] I try my best I've been told if I don't attend the next Mass I'm going to lose my citizenship so exactly Marshall has told me I need I need to play his band and make sure that I that I that I fit into my outfit for the next Mass so lovely um a few days ago Trinidad and Tobago was thrust into the spotlights in in not the most favorable way because of what could have been an innocuous tweet where it's tweeted by anybody else but Nicki Minaj tweeted something that is trust yourself and your team into the spotlights and I think it would be great for you to come on the show and and just to help us work through some of the misinformation that that is swirling in and around the country right now so you held a press conference that has now gone viral worldwide where you you you had to come out and state publicly that there is no case of testicular swelling happening in Trinidad well it's vaccine related at least um and so I I wondered from you know uh your ministry side do you have any concerns in and around the vaccine is there anything that has made you say oh no people need to pause or or is there a rollout of the vaccine that you are comfortable with right now thank you for that question so as part of our work communication strategies from day one we had press conferences every day right now we have them three times a week so that was part of our normal Communications um uh process yesterday to date we have administered over 1 million doses of vaccines in a country of 1.4 million people you're a small but proud country small but proud and we are confident that we have brought who approved vaccines to Trinidad and Tobago and with those million doses we have administered to date they have only been five cases of Adverse Events all reported to who none of them includes testicular swelling and let me just reiterate when one will start against the ravages of covid-19 around the world we have close to 4.6 million people have in fact died the advantages of vaccination far far outweed the minuscule risk and then what of what of Nicki Minaj's further claims that nobody in Trinidad can work if they are not vaccinated is that true I welcome the opportunity to put your approach Street in in simple language that is simply not true our vaccination program is voluntary but highly recommended vaccines are not new to the region to the Caribbean to Trinidad and Tobago into the powerful region this is not new what is new is social media uh trying to uh throw doubt on this vaccine but globally 5.83 billion doses of vaccines have been administered globally and it will save lives and Trevor if you want to come back here to play Mass get vaccinated and come back I mean that's a great way to get people to come back um I'll personally take it to Tobago you know so let me let me ask you this if you were to send a message to Nicki Minaj what would that message be my message to the Trinidad and to be a good diaspora anywhere that you are is that vaccines are safe vaccines are effective and I if I may broaden the conversation to the Caribbean diaspora the Caribbean is one of the best places in the world to live unbelievable it is one of the best places to bring up your families my message to the Caribbean diaspora is spread the word that get vaccinated to save your life so we can get back to what Caribbean way of life with Ahsoka whether it is ready whether it's please Japan um all these lovely things Cricket football right Chutney all these things the way out of this pandemic right now is simply get vaccinated well I'll tell you now Minister you had me at doubles and playing Mass I'm going to try and lose a little bit of my covert weight and then I will I'll be back maybe we'll be playing in the same band you never know we'll make it a special occasion on my children with you thank you so much thank you so much for taking the time Minister I appreciate you you're welcome my friend thank you so much again for joining us Minister Dale Singh before we go to the Break um I just wanted to also say thank you to the people of Trinidad for being such good sports because I know that everything has become a joke these days but I hope that everyone remembers that for trinidadians this is a very real thing right Trinidad is a real place with real people that is going through a very real pandemic right now one that has decimated the economy like many countries in the world so this issue is something that they didn't need to be dealing with right now and I mean not to mention when you're from a small country it's so easy for one negative story to Define you to the world you know I think Trinidad should be known for its culture its food it's Carnival you know not just as the home for one guy's giant gonads and as a South African I get this you know like when Oscar Pastorius happened every time I went to the bathroom after that people would run out screaming so to all my friends in Trinidad thank you for sending me information thank you for correcting me and for keeping me in touch with what was going on and to the people of Trinidad we wish you the best we know that this won't be the story that defines you and hopefully soon everyone will be vaccinated nobody will have swollen testicles and we'll be back at carnival celebrating Mass I mean I've gained a few pounds during covert but I I still think my outfit is going to look pretty dope [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Views: 1,231,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, Terrence Deyalsingh, trinidad, nicki minaj, coronavirus vaccine, covid vaccine, tobago, trinidad and tobago, caribbean, vaccine, covid, coronavirus, nicki minaj covid, covid news, health, nicki minaj tweet, nicki minaj covid tweet, daily show interview
Id: sYD9LRa36hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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