Debunking FAKE Crayola Hacks Viral Videos from 5-Minute Crafts

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today's video is sponsored by buksu check the link in description box below and use code nerdycrafter10 to save 10 off that's up to 47 on your own japanese snack subscription box also makes an awesome gift grains and welcome to the first episode of don't you lie to me the show where we're going to be looking at art and craft hacks and debunk whether or not they are true or they are going in the trash you know the trash was going to come somewhere don't pretend like you didn't know i was not gonna throw something eventually in the garbage because that's what we do here today we're going to be testing out seven crayola craft and art hacks and these hacks are brought to us by our favorite channel five minute crafts and it's this video over here as you can see this is the thumbnail and the title that they use for those of you who don't know five minute crafts they are a huge channel here on youtube that really just focuses on recycling their own content but they're also really well known here in the youtube community to be sometimes misleading and dangerous so basically they do lie about their content just to make it look good there are entire channels that are dedicated to debunking them so if you're interested in seeing some of those i will link them down below and so of course when they want to show us that we can use crayolas in different ways i am like i need that because crayola and i are best friends in the trash in the trash one of the reoccurring craft hacks that happens quite often in this video just in different forms is making crayola crayons into a candle i actually spent an entire video trying to do a different ratio of just crayola with actual candle wax to see whether or not this method works if you're interested in watching that video i will link it down below so today we're not going to be doing any of that we're going to start with the first video which is turning raiola into nail polish but before we do that for those of you new this channel don't forget to subscribe otherwise i may wave a sharp pointy thing and if you don't pay attention i may actually wait both if you don't click on all notifications when you're there so let's go back to that thumbnail that really caught my attention this thumbnail is for this video shows crayolas and a rainbow slime and i'm like ah i want to make it but if there's anything that you know about five minutes crafts is that they are they are liars and they break them hot and every time a craft kit or a channel they break them a heart all i do is cry and i cry and then eventually i get over it and i get really salty about it all this to say that i watched the entire video and nowhere do they actually make slime so yes they they click baited us so i did use the thumbnail because i wanted to show you what five minute crafts does to us okay that's all i wanted to put it out there asap so the first diy is basically taking crayola crayons breaking them apart melting them so i'm guessing it's going to go into the microwave and then pouring clear nail polish in there mixing it all up and using it to color your fingers i really have no idea how this is going to be beneficial instead of just buying colored nail polish but let's see it's probably going to be very gross that's my guess so i went ahead and picked up a clear nail polish and i think i want a super kind of darkish color so i'm going for blue and purple i want to put these two colors together because the purple has some kind of glitter so i was figuring you know what why not and instead of using a glass bowl that i'm going to end up throwing out because i don't want crayola residue all over my bowls i have a disposable take out microwavable safe full that's what we're using let me know in the comments section below if you think this hack or any of the other hacks are going to fail or pass before i do them i'm going to say that this hack is probably bogus that's my guess but we're gonna see and i think the salt shaker agrees because it just turned red red means no bueno so first things first is we're going to remove the paper from our little crayolas voila and the second one voila it's very satisfying to do it this way and off to the microwave they go the issue with five minute crafts is they really don't give any instructions whatsoever so you kind of have to guess what they're doing so if they put something that looks warm you have to guess the temperature you have to guess the duration so in this case i still don't even know if we look back at the video how much of this i'm going to be putting in so i think i'm just going to wing it until it just stops hardening my guess is the entire thing we'll see just to be clear they've been in there for two minutes at about 15 second intervals let's look again and still not melting i don't understand let's try this again in case you're wondering i do have it on a slant so that everything is falling forward let's try another minute or two here it is after three and a half minutes in the microwave not a single bit melty just a tiny bit over here but you really can't see anything in terms of meltiness so i feel like at this point we have to do the double board double boiler method i'm not happy about this at all in case you don't know the double boiler method is basically what i used to make the crayola candles so as you can see here you have to put them in a container and that container in some boiling water or really hot water until it melts so i'm gonna do that off camera because i don't want to bore you grains but good thing to know is that crayola in the microwave is alive eventually and so here we are the color is really pretty the blue didn't do much but we have a very small window before it starts to solidify so let's go ahead and put the nail polish right away so our time here is really short i don't want it to start solidifying because it does so very quickly so i'm just going to pour this in here and mix right away so let's oh no yep that's what i figured so the temperature the color temperature not the color the temperature difference is already starting to make it chunky look at that yeah i didn't think this was going to work but let's let's just keep going maybe it will gonna pour the entire contents just so that ugraines don't say that i gave it too much time but i really didn't it was literally basically from the time i turned the camera on oh no oh no oh no oh goodness that is that is cottage cheese crayola here cottage cheese crayola put a little more yeah i think i think i kind of guessed that one i'm going to say that this hack is probably bogus that's my guess five minute crunch what are you doing why are you gonna do this junk it's supposed to be a new type of nail polish and look at this gloop look at that oh no oh honey no you know when you think about it this texture is actually really normal what was abnormal was the way that they did it because let's say we're taking chocolate and we want to make it into a very melty chocolate we have to heat it up let it turn into liquid and then add a lot of milk whereas here even though we added a lot of nail polish it's still in its very clunky form but let's try anyways and see what it looks like on our nails and um yeah i i didn't i didn't think so it just yeah no i would say that this hack definitely is an absolute lie so it goes in the trash the second art hack that we're going to try i thought was a really cool method this here shows us that we can heat up a pan put a piece of paper and draw on it and the crayons will melt i thought that was really cool for someone who wants to do kind of paint effect without real paint and just with crayons my biggest concern is that the pen will actually cool down before we finish our illustration so my guess is they have probably a heated element underneath that's keeping the entire thing warm that's my guess so my pan has been in the oven for the last hour just to give you grains an idea it's been in there for the last hour at about 375 degrees fahrenheit this much in celsius so i'm going to go ahead take it out and let's see if this method really does work a few moments later and here it is but obviously if you are a younger person or someone who requires supervision don't do this this is hot this could potentially be dangerous why do i not have someone supervising me because i get myself in trouble quite often help me looking back carefully at the video i can already tell that it is fake look again as soon as they take it out of the oven they have oven mitts but when they're putting the tape on to secure the paper they're using their bare hands and pushing it down i'm just putting my hand above it like this as you can see and it's hot i do not want to put my full hands on there so we're going to have to use a popsicle stick or something at least to try and secure it how do i do this they use their entire hand that is absolutely false and extremely dangerous you can easily get third degree burns from this i think okay it's been less than a minute and already it's much cooler to the touch which again means that it might be too cold to actually use the crayons yeah forget it nothing's gonna melt on this let's put it in right away so your grains can see it's legitimately only been one minute look at that there is no melting going on wow five minute craps are you even trying are you even trying like the second it just came out it was hot and by the time i just took the tape out obviously it's cooled down to room temperature these kinds of pans do cool down very quickly holy carp even though it's been in the oven for one hour this art hack has been debunked and it is a lie yep absolutely cool to the touch so so far two out of two that's a hundred percent of the art hacks from five minute crafts are absolutely garbage however i have to say that the next one i have a little bit more hope on even though i haven't tried it yet i think the salt shaker also might have a little bit of hope so it might actually change colors but we don't know for sure salt shaker how do you feel do you feel okay there's some hope the idea of this one here is that we're taking rocks heating them up for 15 minutes and then using the crayolas to melt on top the reason i have more faith on this one is because the rocks should be able to hold on to the heat for longer periods of time and yes i've had them in there again for one hour same amount of time as the pan i really hope this works because the end result looks absolutely phenomenal it looks cute i mean it's just a cute project the only downside is you can't do both sides because if you try to reheat it it's just going to melt the other side too and of course we have to remove the paper just so that we have no wasted time to make sure we use as much of the heat as possible so here are our two hot river stones that have been baking for at least the last hour i'm going to close up as much as possible we're going to just touch it with the crayon and see oh what it is just inevitable that when you start with something and it's garbage you you just end up thinking that all of them are going to be garbage oh my god grains it works that's insane i mean technically everything should have worked but i mean the fact that this does work is blowing mind yeah that is cute this i like oh that is so satisfying is the middle still warm yeah look at that you can make some really fun effects i wanted to add some whites here and there it still is melting the crayons oh my god oh my god let's do the second one all right so it's been exactly one minute so that i can remove the papers from the other colors that i wanted to use and i'm going with pink and gold yep it's still hot look at that pink and golden blue why not i definitely feel that it's a lot less hot and i feel like you really only have a very small window opportunity to work with here look at that that is a really neat technique and i love this let's get some close-up satisfying shots so as you can see it is really satisfying the meltiness of it is really cute you obviously don't have as much control because it depends on how flat your surface is mine are kind of slanty so i really couldn't do any kind of straight lines and i even went back on the first one because i was like it's ugly let's see if we can change it and it was still warm enough that it actually melted the crayon i really like the way it looks right now because it has all this swirliness to it and it looks like a galaxy i feel like if you really wanted to make some really cool effects here it would be really awesome you could probably even sprinkle some glitter at this point because the rocks they're going to stay hot for quite a bit so we're going to set it aside for a couple of hours come back to it and then give our verdict because if the crayon just chips right off of it then it's garbage but if the crayon actually stays then oh my god the opportunities to play with this are amazing again if you're a young person or someone who requires supervision don't do this unless you are sure you will not get burnt these are hot rocks there's no other way to say it two hours later here we are two hours later with the rocks and oh my god they are adorable i know these are just rocks but it legitimately just took swirling around a crayon on a hot rock obviously you can't do the other side you could probably use acrylic paint at this point but over here it has a nice waxy texture to it and as much as i'm pushing it it is not cracking it is not breaking so it is solidly there on this rock same for the gold blue and pink again really pretty so if you have crayolas with glitter they would still look really cute so this five minute craft really is five minutes except for the heating time of the rock which i think was 15 minutes but i left it in there for an hour i would say is a pass more like success not just the past it was it was fun it was relaxing and it is really pretty this next hack seems basic enough but my trust level in it is really low low enough that i'm pretty sure the salt shaker itself oh oh yeah it does not it does not agree because the idea as you can see now is that we're going to be making designs on a shirt and we're going to be using an open flame on the actual crayon and putting the dots and colors everywhere around the silhouette and it's going to maintain the shape now the question is are those actual crayons going to stay on the shirt itself the answer is i doubt it but we'll see so of course i do have my flame [Music] and i did pick up a t-shirt from the dollar store that says mom a title above queen i think moms should be called lord rulers and i only picked up one shirt to do all three of the hacks that require t-shirts which are the ones we're going to be looking oh that is a lot of fluff why is there a lot of fluff this is from the dollar store i didn't want to create too much weight so yes i am only using one shirt for three hacks that is a lot of fluff what's going on for this one we're going to go ahead and take a unicorn i'm really curious if we can get the shape but again i really don't think the crayons are gonna save but i could be wrong obviously don't put it in your wash don't do it i'm gonna say that right away if you're going to make any of these designs don't put it in your wash especially if you're going to be using hot water it's just going to melt everywhere it's going to ruin your clothing these should only be looked at as temporary designs so if you wanted to do something for halloween or even something that is disposable don't wash them now i know that five-minute crafts chose to take a silhouette of a heart but these guys are amateurs we will do something with a lot of edges this is probably going to be a bad idea because i'm spending a lot of time probably more than it's worth cutting this unicorn and it's probably not even gonna work but we go big or go home we're no amateurs here we do this for real the only difference here is i made the horn slightly thicker because i thought this was just already way too thin definitely prefer my unicorns thick corn thick horned here whatever you thought differently is on you not me it's on you i think we can put it right over here and that would be cute let's look at the clip again and have an idea of whether or not they're using any kind of protective gear for their hands with the open flame and the answer is no no protection so let's try here's the flame and the crayon and here okay so far so can we do more than one dab no one dab per flame so far i don't feel in danger i do feel dangerous though and we're going to do a mixture of blue and pink because heck why not it is a unicorn and i am a curious fella yeah so far the process is very quick i'm just going to there you go make sure it stays in place then i'm gonna come in with the pink yeah simple process let's keep going so as you can see the process is pretty straightforward at no point did i feel like i was in danger from the heat so as long as you keep a good distance and your flame isn't too big i did notice however that for some reason i think the fumes and the crayola made it so that my lighters didn't want to light anymore after a bit so i had to switch back and forth between two different ones and give them a rest i'm not sure what it is but i've never had that happen before 20 minutes later so it's been about 20 minutes again five minutes craft doesn't tell us how long to wait before we can remove our stencil and let's do so hopefully it works oh that is just tearing come on let's okay okay yeah no what the heck did the tail just pull itself out from underneath the actual crayola there's our paper i mean it does work i do see the silhouette but now the question is how well will this hold once the t-shirt actually starts stretching so let's say you're putting the t-shirt on yeah you see it's starting to crumble and we haven't done anything let's say you're running i don't know who runs like that but let's pretend you're running and okay it's not too bad but it is extremely stiff look at that so unless you really want to do some kind of super temporary piece that you know you will not use past a couple of hours the crayons and the pieces and the bits here are just coming off i basically don't see this lasting more than a couple that's it just a couple of hours did it work yeah could you ever use that t-shirt again or wash it no so i would rate this trash this next t-shirt crayola hack has me a little intrigued because it seems like a combination of the rocks heated up environment and the first method which is basically melted crayon and what it shows is that instead of using a silhouette we're doing the inverted putting a an aluminum foil on a what's it what's the thing called iron board and then melting the crayons directly on there now let's just pause two seconds because when we look at the fact that they're putting the markers well the crayons on there and then they put it on the t-shirt look at that pause right here you see as soon as they put it on top you can see that there's white empty spots so it does not go on smoothly however when they remove the iron and show us a different angle it looks like the color has gone on smoothly so i feel quite skeptical again especially because if you look at the border of this paper it looks absolutely drenched in the crayon but nothing is on the t-shirt i'm pretty sure there's no stopper there and then once we remove the sheet of paper it should be basically whatever colors you decided to put down so this is interesting especially if you want a gradient or multi-coloral multi multi-coloral is that a word multi-color effect multicoloral can we even say color no no we can't say that where did i get color all from english number one i can english very well first things first aluminum and i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to put this like so you just kind of scrunch it all the way around i don't even know if this is safe but i'm going to hope that it is i'm doing it so that you grains don't have to there it's nicely firm oh yeah that's a good sound yeah and i'm putting my ironing board to a cotton since that's the t-shirt temperature that we're going to be using and for this image we're going to use a cute little dinosaur and voila and here's our tape so nothing moves from where it should all right now that we're working with heat i am standing up because i don't want to mess anything up and we're gonna see if this were oh wow okay i'm not i shouldn't be surprised because it is an active heat so it should keep everything basically the same and i am using both of the same colors that they're using which is orange and green let's go a little crazy orange here a little bit of green it's probably two very pukey colors probably shouldn't have used these two colors but you know what let's just let's just try the same colors they did there we go and i'm gonna cover the entire surface just to make sure that we do catch everything that we don't end up with white spaces like they did off-camera and then they try to patch it up we don't do that stuff friends we do it right the first time okay okay okay i think this is enough very liquidy this is my worry is that it's going to spill okay and here we go i have no idea how to do this just going to press it on there and that should be it oh no is there anything left no there's nothing left let's try it again my guess is this technique probably takes some practice but let's see what happens because it does melt so it means that the second you put it onto your surface it's going to melt whatever you already put down so let's go here and uh so far it's still going i'm gonna move it closer to the edge here yeah you really can't see where you're putting it i have no idea what if i do this the t-shirt hot enough kind of oh the t-shirt is hot enough look at that i don't know if your greens can see but the t-shirt is slightly hot enough okay so let's let that cool down and see that oh no no contamination i knew it you see i knew this would happen it's okay it's okay 20 minutes later all right so it's been 20 minutes and we should be okay to remove everything oh interesting so other than the fact that we did do a bit of a mess up here because it's hard to see where you're going the design and layout itself kind of looks cool there is some residual kind of leakage on the edges i guess it's just called feathering in this case the design itself is stiff but look at that it's not bulgy it is pretty flat look at that so unlike the first method where we're melting it and splotching it down kind of like uh wax seals this design is absolutely flat and probably a great idea to use for costumes or something that you're going to use again temporarily i would never wash this in your machine so the question is will it crack and the answer is no not as badly you can't tell if it's cracking immediately i don't see any cracks i don't feel the cracks because usually when it gets you know the feeling when when crayons crack in between your fingers and they become all crumbly this is not the case so i would say that this crayon hack is definitely fun there are great ideas that can be done with it and it's definitely going to last at least an entire day but again don't use it in your wash i would give this a pass surprisingly kind of like the rocks this next t-shirt hack is more promising i feel like it might be on the same level as the iron on with the aluminum foil it's as weird as it sounds and as you can see the idea is that we are coloring inside some sandpaper and then turning it around and using that as a transfer sheet i'm not sure what the point of the sandpaper is but i think it's just to add texture but we'll find out i don't think you need a stencil in this case i am using just a cute little heart straight onto the sandpaper i'm going to make it a rainbow and see how well that actually translates one of the things i forgot to mention and show you grains is that be sure to put some kind of paper underneath this because it does bleed through look at that so unless you don't want it to bleed through put a sheet of paper in between or a piece of cardboard that way you're safe all right so this is pretty straightforward enough here's our cute little heart we turn it around and just keep ironing it until it transfers and it does seem like in the video even though they did speed it up that they've been on it for quite some time so i'm guessing it really wants the crayons to melt so i think this is we're on to something of course i don't want to burn the t-shirt though okay this is really hot and i feel like it's stuck on there and oh yep that's that's pretty transferred and it does have that pointy texture let's let oh wow interesting okay hang on let me show you grains a close-up so the first thing that i noticed is that there's a yellow orangey outline around it which is from the sandpaper however the texture itself is really really cute and it doesn't feel like it's going to fall off like this unicorn and i'm even trying to scratch it off and it's not scratching off that is good and so the question is did it work yes look at that it feels even nicer than the dinosaur print it really feels like it's in there actually did it go underneath is the other question and the answer is no look at that it didn't transfer on the layer underneath it so this is wonderful an absolutely great idea for a temporary design again i still would not put this in the washer especially it is crayons it will melt but as it is as a project i would say this is a success this next crayon hack really isn't anything new but it's something i've always been curious about and at the same time never wanted to do because i don't like wasting or ruining my only craft supplies and the idea is that you can use a glue gun put crayons on the inside and make basically a dripping effect illustration but again i'm wondering how clean this looks if we look back at the painting that they did there's no leakage of the other color it looks like every color is new there's no mixing of let's say if we do green and then we put the blue and there's not like this muddiness in between so i went to the dollar store and picked up a whole new glue gun to see if it works and whether or not you actually get some kind of leakage that ruins the glue gun and whether or not it can be used for glue after that so there are a lot of questions in this little braid but first [Music] and for the purpose of this here we're not going to make an entire painting i just want to use the different colors that we use today to see if there's going to be any contamination so if i do pink will i be getting gold after i put it in how much of it do i need to squeeze before it can be clear those are some important questions and to avoid you grain saying you're doing it i'm going to cut both sides into flat flat edges kind of like glue gun sticks okay okay so i'm going to go ahead and feed the oh why why is this not going in this is a standard crayon to a standard glue gun okay all right so the crayon is just not having it and it's not going in so i'm just going to gently shave the sides until it is thin enough to fit i'm pretty sure you could do a really cool project with the shavings but for now let's just shave it until it's slim enough to fit so here are the three crayons shaved down i'm sure you could probably get the thicker piece of the the glue gun so that you can just use it immediately but at this time this is the only one i could find at the dollar store and cheapest i didn't want to do something too expensive so we're gonna put our pink in there right away okay there there it goes and then we'll see whether or not there's going to be any kind of contamination and whether or not our blue will be able to function afterwards is this going anywhere oh okay there oh oh it's leaking okay so let's go ahead and use this as a glue gun it's definitely leaking and even though this is totally okay it's not pushing it forward oh there we go what a mess what's this what are you why is this a whole chunk what's what's happening here why is this a chunk okay so we don't really have much control for obvious reasons this is hot wax and it's just dripping and i'm pressing the button and all it's doing is the heat isn't strong enough so it's giving me chunks look at that so you can't just do this with any kind of glue gun you oh look at that more chunks it's like it's like it's pooping crayons and also by the time we get to the other crayon it's already melting into the other one so i highly doubt we're going to get any kind of pure blue look at that yeah this is not working i don't know how they gamed this but i'm just going to start pushing the colors in there and see what happens oh my god oh oh look at that it's like crayola diarrhea let's replay that again oh my god oh oh oh my god okay so here we go with the blue and then we have more chunks and just to be clear my other glue gun that gave me second degree burns is also from the dollar store i just didn't want to ruin that one because it was a really good one and uh nope it's just not heating up quickly enough okay so i'm gonna push it out manually by doing this we are getting a pure blue but it is more oh no what is that what is that no oh oh i'm not even pressing i'm not even pressing no for those of you who've tried this hack before let me know in the comment section below am i truly doing it wrong or is there an a method to doing this because at this time i feel like i've just ruined this glue gun i mean we are getting solid colors but at this point the green is stuck it's not going down it's too too waxy too slippery and it's just not working for now i'm going to give this hack a fail the holidays are really close and if your grains are a little stuck on that person who seems to have a little bit of everything why not consider the gift of experience that's why today's sponsor is buksu i can't tell you greens enough how much i personally absolutely love baksu i'm actually going to be gifting it myself to someone and maybe for me too for those of you who don't know boxu is a premium japanese snack subscription box and it's not like all the other ones out there that just shove what's called dagashi which is just overly sweet and sometimes just plain cheap snacks baksu focuses on quality and gourmet they also love working with companies that are well over 100 years old established in japan one of my favorite snacks actually comes from one of those old school companies which is the black sesame snack and for those of you who are like me and you love snacks that are not too overpowering and just way too sweet and it's like no too much sweetness then i feel like those of you who are like me will definitely enjoy japanese snacks because they are subtle so whether you're getting this as a gift for yourself or someone you know first-time subscribers will get something called seasons of japan which will include anywhere between 20 and 25 snacks that are both curated based on location and also season so you'll have a good idea of the types of snacks you'll be getting throughout the year and then after that you will be getting themed snacks every month so for example the one i have here is winter in hokkaido let's try some snacks sweet corn and mochi soy sauce corn snack did i say corn twice yes i did oh oh what a shape very cute looks like popcorn oh yes like a corn soup white peach mochi smells like peach peach juice so delicate give me a minute you'll also get a really cool i don't know why i love this booklet but i do 20 page booklet that is both cultural and descriptive of the snacks you're getting they let you know what comes from where whether there are common allergens and if it's friendly to vegetarians pat and i personally appreciate the common allergens because he is pretty allergic to quite a few things let's share a snack with him here you go pat what kind of potato thank you [Music] so check the link in description box below to get 10 off that's up to forty seven dollars using the code nerdy crafter 10. thank you boxu for sponsoring today's video let me know in the comment section below what other hacks from five minute crafts would you like me to try that i can debunk i know there's quite a few resin ones a lot of them look very questionable if you want to watch more crayola type videos make sure you check up here and if you want to watch a cash or trash make sure you check down here until then i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 586,639
Rating: 4.9083996 out of 5
Id: N0AhrdhRfgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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