IS IT POSSIBLE? I Tried Making Crayola Crayons Candles

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[Music] introducing the first-ever saltshaker plushie looking absolutely adorable but extra salty you're looking for something to spice up your life yes this pun was on purpose and sometimes you feel insulted stop being so insulting then this plushie is perfect for you this plushie is so salty that even salty crafter hugs it to bed hey grains in all honesty thank you so much for supporting my projects or supporting me through watching commenting and liking the videos as you saw this is my first ever plushie release that's been in the work for many months this plushie release is limited time so the pre-order link is in the description box below as well as in the opinion to comment and since they haven't been fully made yet these are pre-orders so we'll be taking pre-orders until the end of this month and they're going to be ready for the holiday season so we're working hard to make sure that you get them before Christmas all the information is on the website down below so what are you waiting for get your salt shaker blush cuz when you're a grain you come in like a hurricane what you've never seen me sniff crayons before it's true though I think Crayola has definitely encouraged my unhealthy behavior of sniffing crayons and art supplies hey greens welcome to I'm curious episode 1 today I have a really curious question whether or not we can turn Crayola crayons into a working candle I've been asking myself this question for at least the last 24 hours quite some time I've seen a couple of creators that try to tackle this question one of whom is Amanda Nicole DIY and in the video called pinch I where she tries to debunk whether or not Pinterest pins actually work she does make a mixture of both Crayolas and wax to see whether or not they will work and the answer plain and simple is no they did not they break a heart and they definitely did not work and what ended up happening is that the wick just completely died down as you can see next is 5-minute crafts and we all know at this point that 5-minute crafts is just a troll of channel nothing there works do not try them many of these experiments that 5-minutes crafts has done have been debunked and even been considered dangerous so look at me and the other video about 6 years ago by so craptastic was an experiment that she did but as we can see again the wick and the flame just kind of died down and so today we're going to try and make this work it has been about four years since the last time this experiment has been done at least in my knowledge don't come at me do you want to fight me come here fight actually don't don't I'm very fragile so I'm really curious whether or not Crayola has actually changed their wax formula maybe it is a better kind of wax or candle making maybe not but the only way to find out is to do it ourselves and if that doesn't work I got some premium wax for candle making which is for a jar so our gold by the end of this video is to be able to make a candle whether or not with wax out of a base of Crayola crayon marker not markers Crayola Crayons English I got you let me know in the comment section below whether or not you think that Crayola Crayons alone are going to be a good enough base for candle making I'm really curious I'm hopeful but doubtful so I'm going to say yes for now until I change my mind by the way for those of you new to my channel don't forget to subscribe otherwise I will wave a pointy thing at you and I might wave a crayon I mean make sure you click on all notifications while you're there so in this box set of 96 crayons we do get a variety that I've never tried before one of which is as you can see here metallic crayons and if we look a little more closely it looks like they have some kind of glittery effect do they appear on paper I don't know but I'm curious as much as you are which is probably as much can't even see it the next kind is the one with the black label and they're called gel effects not sure how they're different they look like every other crown but I'm curious so I've prepared the different kinds with similar colors to see the differences so with the gel effects and the regular both in pink and blue and then the comparison with the metallics in both green and purples before some of you say pinky this is a candle-making experiment what are you trying to tell them it them stop it stop the whole point of testing the different crayons with the originals is to see whether or not they have a different waxy feel so that we know whether or not you're going to burn it the same way so yeah I'll be using this too so here's the regular pink color not the gel effects and it colors like a Crayola crayon and the gel effects oh oh wow okay that is way more pigmented and a lot smoother than the choppy colors that we're getting from the regular so I'm curious if there's a little bit more of a wax type of content that's good to know let's test it out with the blue regular very normal and the gel version oh yeah oh wow so if any of you are interested in getting Crayolas to do any kind of art probably the effect seems to be a more premium version of their original brand doesn't smell any different those metallic here's the non metallic green and I tried to match as much as possible the colors to each other obviously it's normal and now for the a metallic sheen green as they cut look at that Sheen green I love with the rhymes so much and feels very normal oh oh so I don't know if I can make this show up on camera but there's a slight so hang on there you go those little black dots that you see all over the green depending on the lighting it actually turns a silvery color there you go so interestingly enough the glittery part of the actual metallic does show up on paper ooh and here's the purple version on the right you can see the little sparkles that are there so now let's try to focus on drip rate I don't know if this is going to work I don't even know what I'm not even a scientists what am i doing I'll say but I love me some experimentations so we're going to be using a lighter to see how quickly or easily each one of these starts dripping into a melted wax I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it but bear with me and yes we're gonna remove the paper don't worry about me I appreciate it don't worry so the first one we're going to start with is a regular Crayola and let's see how long it takes before Oh oh wow okay that is that is quick way quicker than I expected and holy moly it solidified very quickly look at that next is the gel effect and it's a little slower but still quicker than I expected it's like a millisecond difference maybe it's in my head quite possible - and last but not least the metallic ooh so feels about the same I don't think there's that much of a difference in terms of melt ability so I think we're okay for now I think it would be safe to assume that all of them will probably react the same way whether or not they're being burnt by a little wick flamie thing now for the fun parts in case you didn't notice I'm feeling very sarcastic because this is not gonna be fun I have to peel all 96 of these crayons and organize them by color group and because I'm just a little extra I want to make sure that I do separate my greens versus my yellow greens yep or go in that route one eternity later than expected by the way for those of you who are wondering why am i more hopeful that this is going to work more than the previous versions is because recently Crayola released a crayon melting mechanism and I did review that this mechanism is actually decent but not that great but since they did release it it means that their formula for crayons should be a lot more heat sensitive which means it should be melting a lot easier which again means that the wick should burn through the actual wax see where I'm getting here sometimes and smart most times I'm not but sometimes I am so here all the colors that I did I organized and that's just one box have um two more two more to go but if we look at the color variety I separated our deep purples and then what seems to be a very light if they feel like lipstick I don't know if as me they kind of look like lipstick shades next we have really pretty pinks and then we go into our greens and then lighter greens and somewhat yellow greens the only problem I have with this box is we only get two true yellows and I feel like these will make maybe three but two of them more specifically look like real yellows that we could probably include in a kind of rainbow so I thought that was really interesting considering the amount of colors we get next we have the ocean e-type blues and sky blues much deeper blues and then we're going on to red and again I feel like these are lipstick e-type reds on to oranges which is and last but not least we get a huge variety of beiges and browns I love my browns so much let me know in the comments section below which colors are your favorites for me it's predominantly oranges and purples so if I really wanted to go with a rainbow theme it's going to be a little harder trying to make my yellows so it definitely means I need to go fishing into this other box oh and we did get Gray's this is kind of like a blueish gray that's why I put it with the grays and whites and blacks kind of together for now now for the actual fun part I have wicks I have a glass container and I have a camping stove thing because we need to melt it I said that's better so essentially the first thing I'm going to do like any other candle that should be a candle is glue the wick at the bottom of the jar all right since we are working with some kind of heat we don't we don't look look at me we don't want no issues Hey okay so the first thing I'm going to do is use this here to do a double boiler method but when we look at the other videos of the other creators attempting to melt Crayolas it really seemed like a pain in the butt to need to remove wax from any kind of surface and so this is where this comes in this here is a silicon mold which means that when the Crayola wax dries up all I can do is just bend it and it should come off easily which means cleanup should be very easy I don't know if this method is going to work but let's assume I know what I'm doing I don't let's pretend because I think that's the fun part I'm pretending to be an adult how do we how do we heat this up again okay so since this is our experiment I'm going to try and use I would say Pink's first so let's cut it up that's really not no okay the heat is mostly up here so I think we're okay so I have this going at the lowest heat possible and we have about ten crayons so it'll be interesting to see how much of a candle pen ten crayons make all right so about a few about 40 ish seconds in we're starting to get our first melt this is exciting we might need to put more we'll take it from there I'll start with this much first oh yeah that is really cool come on yeah y'all need to separate it really looks like a super colorful student part of me does not want to blend the colors so I think I'm gonna keep it this I'm just gonna wait for this one for some reason it's really hard to melt that little tiny bit being stubborn we have to act pretty quickly my god I put it on the chip I make me be gentle be gentle it's one of my gentle the answer is never okay so here we go and this is exciting Karen it is a really pretty pink I have to admit I think I know how Sofia and Nygaard feels melting all these different kinds of lipstick we need we need our wick to stand there you go this specific wick wants nothing to do with me it is being extremely stubborn I tried to block it on both sides but it is like me I will not move and then I asked why we need to learn to negotiate you can't just have no I would not move I'm gonna hold on to it so according to my calculations we get about a third of a candle this whole thing that cost me just under $5 so let's round it up to $5 so it's five dollars a box of 96 crayons which means that every crayon is just slightly slightly above five cents each and if it took ten crayons to do a third this is 50 cents worth of crayons so the whole thing is about a dollar fifty for a candle if it works I have to admit the colors are absolutely gorgeous very vibrant and deep so if this works I don't see why we can't make this into a craft or DIY that would be fun definitely for adults one of the things I find a little weird is that if you look at the side of the candle there seems to be a cracked layers I'm not quite sure what that is or if it means anything but I guess we'll find out once we start to light it so for now we're going to go ahead and do a second layer let's go ahead with blues but before that let's see if I have regrets probably but let's find out so the reason I went with a silicon mold is because I'm hoping I can peel this right off or at least make cleaning easier and the answer oh so crafty ASMR and well yeah not bad not great but not bad listen to that oh of course I would mess it up and so after cleaning up my mold I went ahead and took the light blues to put as a second layer so I went ahead and did the exact same process except this time I want to try adding scent fragrance oil this one's watermelons love what a minute it's watermen old side a water ballon you can't tell me these color layers are not gorgeous it really reminds me of an acrylic for your really pretty so let's see what it's going to react like once we put the fragrance I can't I know you can't see me but let's pretend you do I'm gonna put a couple of drops of this I don't know if it's too much and I don't really know candle-making but you're gonna have to forgive me for those of you who make candles let me know oh that's smells so good smells like hubba bubba watermelon that gum right there it's on the screen here is our blue watermelon mixture um cat what a beautiful color and you can see that there's some of the glitter from the metallic version right on there so here is our Crayola candle that smells like absolute watermelon I let it cool down for about 40 minutes just so that it stays at room temperature so we get a real result when we burn the wick and I have to say if this does work the colors are absolutely gorgeously vibrant but part of me is not was a little skeptical but wait wait what did I just say Wow English what can't talk it's beyond me I don't know why anymore alright so we're going to light it and leave it for at least 10 minutes if the wick doesn't just disappear and get smaller and smaller then we're on the right track however if it keeps getting smaller and smaller and just disappears we have work to do all right WIC do your magic disappoint me I figured I wouldn't do a third color because we need a little bit more space on top oh and since the whole point of a candle is to illuminate lights up pretty nicely lit and the surrounding area is pretty lit so that's good news so far a few moments later Oh No yeah it's only been about two minutes and look at that look at that flame pretty much is almost gone it's still pretty low it's still going this is interesting we fail but it only means we have more chances to succeed yep this is not this is not it we turn the light off oh let me turn exposure up yeah this is look at that let's back up a little yeah that's gone that's gone that's very disappointing dang it why again so now we need to get to the bottom of this what did you do why are you making me why do you think I don't think you're gonna get away asset stop so we're going to get to the bottom of this by using a candle wax premium candle wax not just any wax on this channel only the best for you grades that's it only the best so I have three colors of Crayola Crayons right in front of me and I'm going to go with these measurements a third of the Crayolas to wax ratio that's going to be for purple for green we're going to do half the amount of the Crayolas to wax ratio and finally for orange we're going to go with the one-to-one ratios equal amounts of wax to crayons and as you can see the best way for me to do that is to use a scale [Music] [Music] I have to admit the nuances in the different colors absolutely make my dark and evil soul so happy very happy so this one here was the third next we have the half ratio mmm this one doesn't have that many differences in colors and last but not least we have our one-to-one ratio let me know in the comments section below do you think any of these ratios will work and if so let me know which one I'm hoping at least the one on one ratio but I feel like maybe none of them will work so the way we're going to measure whether or not this is a success or failure can we make candles with criolla without it being mostly a candle less is I'm going to light all three of them up and we're just going to sit and wait and see which one's flame keeps going and that just keeps going but goes well enough so that it lights up its surrounding time for lights off [Music] so here are all three kennels after 15 minutes what does this mean that adding wax to Crayolas can definitely create a small flamed candle however this is how much a real candle illuminates I'm not even kidding this isn't even an electric one this is an actual flame candle let's get another angle here it is let's remove the actual flame candle that's not Crayola you can barely see around the candles no more candle back yep much better lit so what does this mean it means that Crayolas do not make good candles no no no I'm pretty sure if we played with a higher wax to crayola ratio we can get something as awesome as this one but at this point my hypothesis is that we can only get colors into the wax ratio otherwise we're going to compromise on light ability so even though this experiment was a success in finding an answer unfortunately it's a failure as a DIY of course if you're using candles for lighting things don't forget to check out the limited edition the plushie oh and there goes there goes that one that one just went off or is it back I don't I just gave up it gave up on it as mentioned the plushie will only be on sale until the end of this month after that it is gone for the rest of the year the only way I can have it for you grains for Christmas is really to release the pre-release right now so there is a limited time all the links down below as well as in the pinned comment I really I'm excited this is my first plushie ever so this week's shout outs go to creators of color pelvic gaming shift row art Elizabeth Marquez and mini small let's help promote these creators and get them much love I will leave their links as well in description box below until then I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 490,611
Rating: 4.9278851 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, crafts, crayola candle, crayola hacks, crayola crafts, crayola, crayola crayons, crayola diy, how to make a candle, candle diy, colorful candles, colorful candle, easy candle, funny, candle making, i tried following a candle tutorial, candle art
Id: Wb6dqIIt-A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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