Cash Or Trash? Testing Plushie Craft Kit ToysRus

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and did you just lick the air now it looks photoshopped to me today's video is sponsored by kiwiko where fun and learning meet go to dot com forward slash nerdy crafter to get 50 off your first month of any crate hey greens welcome to cash or trash the episode where we review multiple craft kits to make sure that i waste my money and you don't joining me today is my lovely sister y'all love her so much but you should see what she does to me behind the camera i'm just as gentle and i'm not gentle in camera no so i'm not gentle no okay hang on hey no no no she actually wanted to smack me with a with no tortilla no that was your idea i just transformed it into a frozen tortilla if you're interested in seeing her slap me with the tortilla make sure you follow the vlog channel nerdy jackie and we're gonna do a bit of a challenge yup and i'm gonna i'm gonna be a very big winner okay i'm gonna win this challenge i know it get ready to see her get slapped with so many tortillas maybe a frozen one link will be down below today we're going to be testing out two craft kits from toys r us and um the topic for the first one is really interesting because some of you greens may or may not know my sister hates knitting i hate anything textile sewing crochet it's true knitting you also hate balloons balloons but that's not textile whoa i said texture i said text so salty crafter definitely went to toys r us and i think it's a toys r us somewhere in the forest because you know that's usually where she goes yeah she loves the forest she's a she's a creature that belongs in the woods kind of like dragons and fairies and then there's salty crafter amigurumi knitted friends this kit promises that we can make easily a plushy i don't know there's a mechanism they do look adorable it kind of looks like a like a pushy mechanism pushing pumpy yeah it does it does have this like pump action thing and the characters are absolutely adorable i feel i feel very emotionally attached to the bulbasaur wannabe yes i knew you were gonna love that one i'm really i really like the panda with the unicorn um topper headband yes thank you the topper are you hungry no it's not like cherry it looks like ice cream look i screamed it nope yeah and did you just lick the air now now if you think these characters look really cute and they might be a decent size no they look petite yeah let's look at the let's zoom in yes to the girl's hand they look minuscule like this big she can fit two in her hands like this and that's it two of them we i was just trying to make my face [Laughter] and the second kit is a sand type jewelry kit we've done something similar to this before didn't turn out very good so i don't know it was a galaxy charm yes i don't know you don't know and this one is supposed to be a glow terrarium i have to admit it does look really pretty we'll see i mean it's sand it really shouldn't be that difficult to layer although it does look photoshopped in the pictures does it i think so oh no yeah yeah yeah kind of it looks photoshopped to me and last but not least we will be unboxing this weird thing that keeps glowing in my room and it's really distracting zika yeah it's like in that corner and then just randomly glows and like as you guys can see now on screen yet it's very glowy and just makes all these little sparkles and you think there's fire fireflies yeah the bugs that are you okay yeah are you able to talk maybe just a little bit by the way for those of you new to this channel don't forget to subscribe don't forget don't forget to subscribe otherwise we will wave sharp pointy things at you and you will because i don't have one because you're too dangerous but let them know when they subscribe what do they become a little salt shake or green thingy magic become a green a salt shaker green thingy magic look at all notifications while you're there and so at 40 our first victim is amigurumi knitted friends my worst nightmare if i had a personal punishment room it would definitely be knitting and crocheting and sewing yep that's true it's just just like baking yeah add some baking in there yeah i suck at baking i'm a good cook but you suck at baking i bake yes she doesn't she makes good muffins i knew it and they make the process seem really simple which is knit assemble decorate and display so i mean let's get to knitting no not yet oh when we turn the box around oh okay okay where are we going you can see that we do get a lot of material and it seems really interesting so i'm a little excited and hopeful about this one i don't feel like anything that has a mechanism usually works very well let us know in the comment section below which one of these two kits are you least hopeful on i'm going to say the sand i've been disappointed by sand too so but i've also been disappointed by machines so i don't know are you okay honey oh no oh tortilla slab all right time to see what we get inside oh my god i got it oh wow here's what we get inside we get the mechanism-y machine thing that rotates i expected it to be much bigger for some reason yeah but i mean we saw how it looked like in the person's hand so it was pretty tiny we get five different strings with two different textiles so one of them i don't think we're gonna be touching yet yeah these ones are super floofy it's probably gonna confuse us yeah i don't think we're gonna do these right away so we're gonna probably go with one of these guys yeah we also get the characters individually sealed and wrapped up we're not going to start removing them simply because i mean we don't want to lose anything but i do have my heart fit on bulbasaur yeah set on the bulbasauri type character we get the five bodies yeah so these are like gummy gummy s look at that they kind of look like imposters imposters oh from okay from um among us yes they do oh oh they have booties they have booties no i don't want the booty and the fit no booty face okay we also get a threading needle is my guess i'm not sure this is a crochet thing a scoopy crochet thingy so we're basically doing it ourselves it's gone though [Laughter] we get a nylon string instructions that are very long and double-sided by the way oh that is making me nervous oh oh whoa okay okay let's stop it stop are you okay we're trying to fold it okay i'm not helping you nope and we also get a tiny spool so that we can wrap our uh color thing yarn yarn can you tell can you tell we're not very good all right so i really have my heart set on little bulbasaur so we're going to go ahead and take this yarn do you think spread it i don't think it's a good idea we start with the make belief bulbasaur you know why why you're gonna it up wow you suck what i'm knitting no and then your bulbasaur is gonna look really pathetic wow so i think we should practice one first and then make your bulbasaur as perfect perfect perfected it as much as we can because well you suck at knitting i probably am not very good at it either so we need to oh so is that going to be the fox okay or the panda i guess if we're going to have to do anything it would be the fox okay we can do bulbasaur later do you really have to out me that hard well i can out you more if you want like you really suck at baking oh no why you gotta hurt me and your memories yes so what we noticed is that the panda is dual colored both purple and white however we don't get any kind of white yarn yeah i like thread strip thread string yarn all the words for stringy majiggy so it's interesting because there's none nope we have purple purple orange and then two kinds of dual colors did you know that turquoise is french it's turquoise in english that know what i just said no you said turquoise what's the difference turquoise turquoise turquoise okay like barely yeah i have people correct me non-stop in the comments because i was here and people like turquoise can't you speak and i'm like no no no i can't thank you for helping me no it's i i'm saying it in french well we are french canadian and it's turquoise tabernacle whoa it's close you're making all right with that said keep that in mind we're not getting any white which is false advertisement but i'm gonna go ahead and start spooling this don't know you're starting with the wrong thing we're supposed to spool this no you're supposed to start with the thing first nylon yes i'll let you do the nylon okay i'm gonna spool this all right so we're gonna take this here and wrap it all the way around until we finish our entire bit of orange a few moments later all right here's my fully wrapped yarn interestingly enough it filled the whole thing all right so now what we're going to do is thread a nylon piece in between and i'm letting sika do that because she has nimble fingers and i have sausage fingers so all i could do is hold it in place you okay yeah you have nimble i'm trying no no stop do you want me to do it wow wow you're holding it wrong no not yeah you're holding it crooked i think you're messing up i don't think so i'm trying to see trying to show the grains what you're doing yeah i think this is it okay now you have to do it twice yes this is look as shown and then it just starts talking about the spool are you mumbling like i don't know i don't understand what's happening okay hang on we'll be right back okay bye hang on no nobody will be right back okay okay we'll be right back okay all right so now we're going to remove this put that one in here and just two inches out about you know how long to it just i'm probably gonna do that there's a blank look on your face just like i'm probably gonna need a ruler so i think that's what it needs to do and then two inches are these two here for me i actually measured it really yeah so it's good so like this you already threaded it yeah no because it's you're supposed to close this put it under here and then thread it you're supposed to be controlled so did it say like hard knot or not hard not or not sorry that was funny to me can you answer my question right not or not oh wow so like this i'm pretty sure it is a hard knot okay all right now that we got our knot under control we also taped the nylon here because we were afraid that it would bounce right back out so here it is one of the things sika noticed is that this is not for left-handed people yeah it's just not lefty friendly because it rotates a certain way which makes me have to hold it with my right hand to pump and then my left hand just like pick it out so i'd have to kind of work like this yeah which is weird it's not like it would be better this way yeah i think so i'm just gonna be honest are you sure you want me to do it no oh i want to try okay because neither of us can knit no but we're gonna do our best okay let's try this ready so we we pump once yes good is that enough pumpage i don't think it is so which one do you take is it like no i don't think so either um what about like like this again yeah so now you're going to take the nylon that's in here and pull it above this one what is happening you okay yes and pull it above that okay oh i just do i want to like here put it back if i pull okay okay yeah that works okay pump again and do that again don't help again my hands shake too much for this okay this is a two-person job okay i got it okay okay so we're good what do you want me to do it's coming apart oh no okay oh no is it okay now i think so all right we're gonna try and get at least one round oh my gosh look stop moving oh no it keeps coming apart okay should we tape it further and like this is annoying is it like this yeah it's like this okay let's tape it closer i don't like this one eternity later all right so we were able to get the nylon around it was challenging are you okay you look at it look empty on the inside it was hell mm-hmm and it's really not made for left-handed people no it's kind of infuriating for me and for us it required two people to do it because it definitely hang on it definitely required a skill of hand dexterity manipulation that i don't personally have just yet so it feels like this is probably not beginner friendly i also have very shaky hands so i'm having trouble actually uh threading it i'm just like hold on a second let me just let like a year and do it because i can't i ended up doing oddly enough even though i'm the one who doesn't have that many skills and we're like super focused on it like this to make sure we've got the right one going through so this is going to be interesting at least it has our attention yeah definitely it's forcing us to focus very much alright so we're going to continue putting the thread on the other side and this time zika is going to hold the camera and i'm gonna do it i'm gonna thread it you're gonna thread it i'm gonna thread it all right we're gonna do this bring it over oh my gosh oh my god oh my god it's too tight hang on there we go okay and then you have to pull loosen this yes exactly a little like that yeah and then twist and then do that again oh my gosh okay over loosen okay yeah we got this all right how many adults does it take to dry did you get it yeah but how do i loosen is the top when i'm loosening um the one on the outside yeah so this is definitely not left-handed friendly at all it's good to know do you need me to go no no you got you got the other way no from top a few minutes later so here we are about 10 minutes later we've been taking turns going back and forth tag teaming and it's coming along so far pretty good sika's found her lefty wayne's ways and i'm pumping this for her but right now i'm filming you okay yeah and i found my righty ways in case your grains are wondering what it's like to do it as a well righty you basically pump it grab it turn it okay sikka needs help see that's that's where we say that sometimes you need an extra bit of help loosen pump again grab sometimes you will and will not need help so this is basically what it looks like you constantly have to loosen twist and this part i don't think i'll need help for this one there and you go round and round we've gotten quite a bit of distance for so far for so far so far eventually so here we are about 40 minutes later and we've gotten to the end of the thread so now all right so one of the things that we realized we messed up is that this here we might have skipped one yeah i think we skipped one or we just kind of knotted it yeah it's so weird so we're gonna take a pair of scissors i don't think it's gonna do it because it's supposed to be a tube shape like this right oh okay it didn't mess it up too bad no i think we just got some of the strands of the yarn attached to the other parts of the yarn so there we go so we have a tube now it says that we need to pull these two closer okay but it says to leave i think point 15 inches which is four millimeters okay which is a little under half a centimeter okay what for i don't know it just says to leave that little space okay so we just asked so just pull yeah and then leave some little spaces and then you have to make a knot but you have to leave that little point for centimeters space i'm a brain i mean you're the naughty one so before we go on let's talk about today's sponsor kiwico for those of you who don't know kiwiko they are a monthly subscription box that combines engineering creating innovating allowing kids and adults alike to see themselves as makers which inevitably creates critical thinkers and creative problem solving they have everything from panda crate so 0 to 24 months all the way to eureka and maker crate which is up to 104 or more there's no stopping anyone who wants to be creative this month i have two boxes the kiwi crate and maker crate and as you can see these boxes come with everything you need to make these projects you don't need to run to the store and get extra stuff so when they say it includes everything you need they mean it i'm extremely excited for the creator crate because we get to make an electroluminescent sculpture so stay tuned for that because most likely i will be doing it off camera but you'll see it in my background but let us make the kiwi crate air hockey time tighten the elastics we're gonna go for a mini one make our mallets with this this and that magic poof and there's two all of these over here are turned into this connect the pump and let's see what happens and let's look at it go oh my gosh that is so fun and what i love about these crates is that they provide you with a new skill to learn something and also develop on it many of you know that i love learning experiences and this is where kiwiko is just delicious because what you learn from the box doesn't just stop there the little magazines that come inside provide interesting facts and information but also possibility to elaborate and do more types of experiments so what are you waiting for because even as an adult i had fun with the air hockey it was so much fun check the link down below kiwico dot com forward slash nerdy crafter to get 50 yes 5-0 off your first month of any of your crate choices thank you kiwi coo for sponsoring today's video i nodded it naughty okay we good yes and then i think we're supposed to cut the rest off okay a little longer than a few minutes later here we are 40-ish minutes later with lots of cuss words later from zika you can see she's done it gave me a migraine i had to overthink this and not just that i think it's a little complicated because the way that they're explaining that we have to re-thread the nylon threads was just so complicated for nothing and they didn't give us the proper angles so the instructions are not friendly for the age group that they're saying it's for which is over eight and up yep over eight and up eight up over eight and up eight up oh this kid is so hard i'm never doing any more textiles on this channel again you say that but it's probably gonna happen again you got it yeah and then it says to put it inside out stupid kit can you pull this i can't my stuff's not long enough you pinched my finger i didn't mean it and i was trying to help you okay there you're good can you pull it again and we're supposed to stuff in the egg now i think oh is not gonna wait wait hold on yeah you're supposed to stuff it in i think wait hold on it's not gonna fit hold on so once you do this i think you're supposed to like stretch a little bit like a sole okay wow that's really tight yeah i don't think this is gonna fit okay and now we fit it in once gently flip the knitting inside out okay push the foam insert into the the knitting as shown so like oh my insert yeah it's calling this foam it's calling this foam really yeah it's rubber yeah i know see it says here foam this is the most chaotic kit we've ever done oh it is calling it foam but it's not foam i know and it says push it in butt first oh oh no oh that's oh wow watch your mouth that is not gonna fit oh my god that is no way hold on what wait maybe it has to be tight wow maybe if i squish it okay oh wow yeah i think it's supposed to be tight i feel like i'm gonna rip it i don't think so let me try it let me try it okay did we make it too tight we can't make it too tight it's a set circle we didn't decide how tight this is gonna be oh my god there's no way this is fit my thumbs six hours later we got it on it was but you can hear the defeat in our voices and it's like got extra too like i got it on and it had like this much longer so then i had to like smoosh it back into each other you're annoyed yeah i really don't like this kid i don't like this kid so far at first i was like oh i'm in the zone and that was the easiest part because now we have to put this stuff on there and we can't even see how to get to that little face yeah we have to feel it out yeah we have to feel it out where those little holes are gonna be like why have a heart here i think the face is here i can't tell all right let's let's just try and shove that stuff in there first thing wait you're going too fast no i'm done no jackie oh my god you need help what did you do this is not four millimeters i'm just saying don't touch me so enjoy it i know and here it is and we had to kind of put this in between because it was going to just unravel is it here i don't know i don't know why isn't it is it there is it this okay maybe i think so all right let's let's try and shove it in there okay pick up yours watch your finger i'm trying yeah okay hold on surgery zika's got this concentration's real okay you got it i think so it feels loose though what's with all that forehead all right so here is the expectation of what we're supposed to get which is a bigger face to a proportional type body but ours has a big forehead a very big forehead a tiny face yeah and um nowhere near it's not as cheapy no it's nowhere near as cute as what they advertised so for me it was frustrating on so many levels except for the you know twirly part that one worked fine but for forty dollars it is amount of frustration yeah for me would go in the trash for me it's skeptical if you have a base because if you have a base it is very doable although it is still very expensive because if you do have a base you would be able to buy cheaper materials to get it done yourself except for the plastic pieces but i guess you can figure that out so for me it would be skeptical if you're a beginner i would say still stay still so wow we're so frustrated we cannot even talk no more talkie talkie in the trash for me skeptical for her all right since sika doesn't believe me she's gonna have some homework to do and do my bulbasaur one i got this all right so i did it looking like this i'm gonna flip it inside right now i'm gonna try and stuff it in jesus oh what is this sorcery someone like won't go into this knitted part so i'm trying to just stretch it with something which is two scissors so i've been trying to get this in for 20 minutes now i tried butt first at first and i couldn't even get it in and now i went head first and this is as far as it goes and my fingers are literally cracking so hard okay so i have to pull so hard that it's literally like all the fuzz is coming off i've been officially at it uh for longer than i'd like to admit it was really hard to get it in like really hard like to the point where like my wrist is pretty stiff so hard to get it in that it's actually curving the toy for how hard it is to get it in here it's not worth it guys it took way too long so despite the fact that the bulbasaur is absolutely adorable so you can take some pretty cute pictures i'll leave the floor to you it's whoa garbage no i don't even want to explain why it's garbage is just garbage at this point like i've never done knitting before this is not a good first experience the instructions no that's all i have to say no so this kit for both of us now goes in the trash bye-bye on to the next one make it real bringing creativity to life dream glow terrarium i feel like things from toys r us now are more disappointing than good especially when it comes to the needle felting kit i tried the needle broke the foam was so hard i might as well have been hitting concrete yeah you could see it on the screen if you want to see that video i will link it down below however this one here should in theory be simple enough it's a glow terrarium scent layering shouldn't be frustrating right i don't know i'm just frustrated oh no honey come here the kick what did it do it frustrated it it didn't mean did it broke it in your heart like a small fracture a small fraction a little fracture oh no it's like it's not it's a big fracture wow that's a break no just like a just like a a little tiny factor okay for me this is a little fracture i've been hurt a lot this is little you're so dramatic similarly to the previous kit the image on the front is absolutely gigantic but let's look again at the person in front and how tiny it is in their hand because it's supposed to be a necklace so it's going to be very interesting to see how we can get the scent in the tiny hole i am a scared i am a scared too just one scared not many just one uh scared are you okay i hit your thumb no my ankle oh i didn't i didn't on the wood of the chair you grain saw she did it to herself and as you can see the price is written on it by one of your grains which is 10 usd don't mind the um paint on top of it and in the back it does say that this is from a romani green yes romaine greenian rogranian rograiny rogranian all right the back of the box doesn't tell us anything but you know what that means time to see what we get inside i don't get it what's happening okay gentle oh i feel like that's a waste of a box i don't want to shake it out because i'm afraid there's sand and i hear something moving okay though we're good what was that here's what we get inside five colors of sand i'm not quite sure which one is glowing but we'll find that out later i'm also wondering which one's open because we did realize one of them was spilt i think it's just factory okay what i realized also is that this is sand okay okay not resealable bags which means that you have to use every single bit immediately or cover it with tape immediately so not appreciated make it real make it functional should be your name no make it unfunctional no make it functional so that they can you know not function but they need to respect their brand make it functional that's not their brand you just made up their brand for them yeah me yeah we get three little containers with their caps we've got a little star a little ball and i think we get a heart yes a heart it's hard to see i can't see it's hard to see it's hard to see we also get mini charms that are supposed to hang from the bottles we get a small little funnel and generously they give us a working station so we don't drop sand everywhere you said and but i still have something oh okay let's hear it string string alright so the instructions oh we also get the instruction sheet there's not a single word it's all images it's very straightforward very self-explanatory the only thing that we realized is that they do want you to use nail polish on the ends of the string and my guess is that they so that they don't pray so that they did that they don't don't pray wow so that they don't pray try faster so that they don't fray so that they don't pray pray so that they don't say that so they don't pray okay yeah so then they don't pray so they don't fray all right here we go all right so we noticed that it's not necessarily very stable and especially if you're pouring something in it uh so we're gonna probably don't don't do it yeah yeah it's very very wobbly i tried to see like maybe it'll fit there but it keeps popping out it's not doing it now obviously wow it totally turned you into a layer there you go so like yeah it's not really holding anywhere and we don't know what this is um but it's not holding yeah i was thinking maybe string so we gotta use tape we're gonna use it we're gonna use it we're gonna stick it we're gonna tape it so it's already holding much better at least it won't topple over yeah and get your funnel going there you go and now we're going to do the snippy snippy and what colors do you want jack oh what happened it's leaking is the yellow leaking ah yeah from here look look at this here oh no my felt yes you look oh no my belt oh no so i guess we're going to snip it from there yeah go ahead zika let's see how black the black is because it's very oh no it's contamination yeah i think there's too much static going on in there yeah oh no okay yellow oh my god hey why don't we try and give it a little like wave in it or something yeah but we definitely have some contamination on the edges which kind of makes it so that it's not as clear as the picture and pink is cute huh oh the funnel yeah you just have to there you go that is not as clear as they made it seem all right i'm gonna try and get some of the black let's see okay okay okay look at sika get all creative she's doing a half seas very nice look at you with all these angles i need we need more pink though i'm getting there fixing it i'm fixing it oh okay oh shake it what really shake it okay and here's what it looks like i realized we didn't use the other colors so we're gonna have to do the glow test right now so even though we filled it to the top and actually had to really press this down to make sure i could fit it because there was so much sand the other side uh it totally moved they look like hands they look like grabby hands yeah right yeah it moved it moved you're not impressed but i mean it's sand filling so and in the spirit of being fair we're going to use a uv light to make sure the sand gets enough light and then we're going to test it all right so this is going to turn off there you go oops oh oh it actually glows that is impressive i did not expect that the black doesn't glow yeah but the rest do that's true and the blue well we don't know what color is this one but this looks like glow blue yeah and these two glow green so let's put blue on the right green on the left this one's weird though it blows two colors oh do you see that yeah it's like mixed colors in there so weird is it just me nope like part of it isn't glowing too actually like somewhat pinkish yeah green green this one's like a light blue dark blue and then like oh no focus so these two the purple and blue are blue pink and yellow are greenish let's say does it do what it's supposed to do yeah is it interesting is it fun took us a minute yeah it literally was about a minute activity plus or minus the shenanigans do you think it's worth it no no no no i honestly feel like most of these materials can be bought from the dollar store and you could do probably way more and more interesting things but the globe part was pretty cool yeah but i think you can buy glow stuff at the dollar store too no yeah so i'm pretty sure you could just buy like glow glue you know what i mean right yeah okay sorry i was interviewing yeah um and then kind of like make your own sand with it so you can just spread a really small amount on your sand let it dry and then crumble it back and then you've got glow glow sound right there i think that would work no i don't know how your crafting mine works we've never crafted together like an actual craft yeah i think it would work so yeah i'll take your word for it okay so i think the kit itself does work it does do what it's supposed to do but at the same time i don't see the value in it so i would say for me skeptical cap oh okay in that case for us skeptical cash and just for giggles something that's glowing and i have no idea what it is again because you grant sent it to me and i don't i don't know what to expect it definitely caught both of our attention it keeps randomly glowing like on the side there and i'm like that see you just gotta touch it but we weren't even touching it and it was just glowing in the middle of your room yeah so i'm i just what this is just gonna be an unboxing because i have no idea we don't need this we know it's fairies zika we don't need the bag it's a crown is it oh look at you such a fairy queen oh oh it's an actual doll hang on wait look at my crown you have three crowns now crown of trash okay okay all right so sika i'm gonna let you pull the fairy out okay i'm not a fan of the look but she does have a ariel little mermaid look that's what it is on the inside oh wait is can we can this come off no it's her hole oh i feel so cheated i think she has wings though that light up that's what i read okay all right so here she is she does again look like the little mermaid i love the red hair is it red or orange it's orange it's like a burnt orange yes so it's a little on the reddish side looks like she has a button oh oh it's like a necklace press it oh press it okay so here are you have to keep your finger on it oh so there's no way to keep it glowing no and there's no timer well i mean if you put tape on here it might be engineering okay cute and then it comes with surprises so i did snap his hair like i don't know wow look at how orange it is on the camera look at that okay yeah i'm looking see it yes i see it okay she gets bff bff hair things go ahead you could put that does she have a brush can we brush her hair i don't know it feels oily oh she gets fairy dust or some kind of glitter thing so i'm guessing that's a necklace and yes a brush her hair feels really greasy i don't like it that's nylon she needs to brush her hair look and it's got it no it's not her hair's ah did you what that's not how you're supposed to breath okay you can tell we did not enjoy dolls as little ones i played with ninja turtles and she played with uh i played with with some dolls i had like one or two brats yeah see you're not doing any better yeah because i played with ninja turtles okay i think we are curiosity has been fulfilled these are glowy dolls there's no articulation none whatsoever and um i'm sad because now we just have a glowing jar what do you think we should do with a glowing jar i don't know what are you doing who's trying to get it open is that a motion sensor i think there's a motion sensor right here what are you doing why is it my hair what are you doing look you're such a weirdo but you love me i do but remember if you want to find sika you can find her at nerdy sisters nerdy sister underscore sika watch instagram and you can find me on twitch and twitter i've been there more often than more other than other places if you want to watch more cash or trash make sure you check up here and if you want to watch a crafty video make sure you check over here until then we will see you guys in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 1,708,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafts, testing craft kits, sewing craft kit, sewing machine review, craft sewing kit, sewing kit for beginners, beginners sewing projects, amigurimi for beginners, make it mine knitted friends, sewing for beginners, craft kit review, easy amigurumi
Id: cuITirsFPpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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