Are They Real? Testing 6 Viral TIKTOK FOOD HACKS Recipes

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from the makers of tic toc trends and producers of tic toc ads we now bring to you take top recipes yes you heard today we're going to be testing out six tic toc recipes and since I'm not quite the foodie I figured I'd summon someone it's pretty good at eating and so joining me today is my sister Sica what's up guys and as I mentioned we're going to be doing a viral tik-tok recipes some of them look a little questionable and the others look pretty gross so we're gonna test them out to make sure that we waste our recipes and you don't for those of you new to this channel don't forget to subscribe otherwise I will wave a sharp pointy thank you so we're going to be starting with this recipe that went viral in different ways the first video we're checking out is how to make dunkaroo dipping thingumajig for those just thank her there's no dipping mixing but there's only one kind of dunkaroo well don't they have chocolate yeah doesn't matter they're both dunkaroos for those of you who don't know dunkaroos is pretty much a graham cracker that you can dip in a sweet vanilla loving facing thing gonna take that so here's what the video shows us so it's really simple all it really requires is pretty much three things we have the cake batter the whip cream the Colquitt Cool Whip and then there's something that they're putting in there we have no idea what it is so let's pause that frame looks like they're sprinkling something we have no idea what it is but we'll just have to test and find out and the last thing we need in is now cookies one of the things that bothers me with the tic-tock recipes is that many of them don't even tell you if it's good or if it's bad they just eat it they're like mmm we're here to tell you the truth and we're gonna be very harsh with it right yes but just in case the first recipe is too thick we can see in the second one they do use milk so just in case if it is way too thick we can use milk because this seems like the right consistency although dunkaroos are a lot thicker though they are hard to scoop out generally okay so we might make it a little thicker - all right so we're probably not going to use the entire are you okay I love done for us and I'm really love with Wow okay we need it stopped all right so we're going to use maybe hat because we don't want to waste it so max what half this bag I have a feeling that this cloth is gonna buzz good smell like the truth I haven't had them in forever by the way I'm not sure if they smell like dunkaroos fun fact we don't have dunkaroos anymore and it's handed out so why I don't know because they call it sold well what no but like for real okay darling don't get angry at me I'm just the greenness Oh nothing good in Canada oh you got rid of gushers too which makes me Oh gushers were so good okay ready yeah did we get a spoon no you know what that means go get the bus before we continue with our at tick-tock recipes today's video is sponsored by June's journey for those of you who don't know June's journey is a murder mystery game for your phone think of it as the game i spy but instead of just looking for items you are looking for items in order to solve the murder mystery the premise of the story is set in the 1920s and we try to uncover the culprit of who this mysterious murder is now despite the fact that this is a murder mystery the absolutely relaxing and gorgeous music and the sceneries in those games that pretty much look like paintings I would hang on my own walls give this game a really relaxing feel to them so it's definitely not one of those games where you have to wrestle creatures of destruction but rather it's kind of when you want some downtime normally after a review salty crafter is pretty much on edge I mean look at her yeah she does not look happy uh-oh so in order to get her relaxed I give her a game that she can take it easy with I mean look at her look at that face it's going from extra edgy to just slightly edgy that's just how salty cracked her be don't ask me questions so make sure that you check out Jun's journey the link will be in description box below thank you again for sponsoring this video really this is one of those gains that you have down time with all right back onto tick-tock I have no idea how much to put ok so you want to put it while I mix it no good circle my hand isn't strong enough to do it Oh lower get lower okay hang on it's time to mix I why are you my letting you mix it keep it somewhere it's still very powdery when we pull out of cake mixes I only put half okay stop we need that top it I'm looking with good job okay this is getting this is a little too dry it's puffy it is puffy but it's really dry look at all the popcorn a good idea yeah oh it's so Airy though oh that is really Airy no we're supposed to try it put the cookie it's a gross I don't eat when we were supposed to try out the cookies why didn't I couldn't taste it like it was like hovering in my mouth no I think we're gonna need milk what do you think yeah we could try this milk it looks like a hyena okay we're discussing animal crackers obviously I have a camel yeah why is it why do you think have holes in them you southern wall - it's probably just the mold but this looks like a bison it looks like maybe a lamb no it's not hanging on it looks like a hanging it's not it's a fairy cracker oh wait this is a camel well it's an animal cookie okay hang on before we duck it by the way we did not put and you know milk so this seems to be the right consistency which is nice and thick we also use about half of the whipped cream so half the whipped cream to about half of the cake batter time to taste that you ready yeah you're so weird well that is a lot I don't know if I went up there there are you standing because I got excited like this yeah it's sour that's gross this is not good okay so this is legitimately gross it's not the cookie that sour right oh no my cookie fine this is really disappointing why is it sour this is gross no there's something inherently wrong with everything hang on so this is probably one of the biggest disappointments we're guessing maybe because it's the confetti instead of a birthday cake one but that really shouldn't make the batter sour yeah it's really I just the batter and it's like super sour it's actually super close it's gross it's gross on so many levels so like they made it with something that's expired even though it looks perfectly like dunkaroos it is gross it really does taste like expired sour lemony yeah lemony and just to be clear this cake batter is not expired it's just whoops so I'm gonna go pick up another batter and I'll try it why is it sour it's gross I know I know I'm very disappointed it's either the entire recipe that sucks or this specific batter will only know once we try the second one attempt number two is with these guys [Applause] why do I always keep getting careful and does it look like dunkaroos yes it does now the question is does it taste like it by the way we are early the next day and yes Sika did leave so i am tasting this on my own Bon Appetit I know I look like food it's early in the morning we're gonna do this and no no no no no gross no I think the verdict of this is that uncooked cake mix is really sour so those tick stalkers are liars you might as well just pick up some frosting to be honest mess so for us this recipe is definitely absolute absolute trash okay that way they get it right yeah so for us this is absolute trash all right after this disappointment our second recipe is going to be at starburst popcorn I'm excited about this one because we have the saltiness of popcorn and technically the sweet and tankiness of the sweet charts sweet tarts ah starbursts I was thinking I'll see charts because I have some the other day so let's check out how this recipe is done grab some starboard separate them by color and unwrap each one you'll need about 20 each just to be clear we're not going to be doing as many as she did we're probably going to do only one flavor because it's not like we're prepping for a party right I guess we're not fight we'll do two I had plans okay says the girl who goes to bed at nine o'clock him excuse you 5:30 5:30 yeah so now that we have our servers might take a minute you'll need 1/4 of a cup of light corn syrup and then one tablespoon of butter you'll need a pot on medium heat and add your ingredients add your first color in constantly stir it until it's all melted while that's going pop 2 bags of popcorn 2 bags of popcorn but that's hang on the two bags of popcorn for all the other colors too I hope so yeah yeah for sure just keep going add it all Fortis cups of popcorn into a bowl and a pour your mixture in lightly start your popcorn and then put it onto the parchment paper when you're done it's gonna look like this let that call for about 10 minutes repeat the same butter and corn soup recipe preach color like this once it's dry start breaking it into pieces so I think the idea is pretty straightforward it's a quarter cup of corn syrup 20 starbursts and we just mix it into the popcorn with butter with butter you keep forgetting I keep forgetting the butter it looks so good alright so let's do the doing all right if this isn't the biggest disappointment I don't know what is cuz we got so many yellow and so many red and yet the best flavors we have like nothing and we only got 7 orange and about ten eleven and the one in Sneaky's mouth open your mouth this whole way so we really have an uneven distribution of color look at this like the tumors flavours I mean sorry let us know what is your favorite starburst vape flea flavor English so great today doctor please walkie talkie walkie talkie my favorite is orange pink but then I don't know a few grains like these too or not let me know in the comment section below but we don't even have enough to do half the recipe with orange so I might steal a couple of these so first things first is we're going to pop one bag of popcorn since we're really doing only half of the amount for each one we're not going to make much and you know it is all puppeted now I'll let it cool up yes I said cool up and not cool down because we need to morally bring each other up that's why right so we're doing one eighth of this with some booty and we've already preheated to about medium there you go alright and we're starting with pink there we go so let's see how long this takes before it melts apparently have it on low heat alright so here it is pretty melted and it is on low heat and that took us not even two minutes yeah it really didn't take long alright let's go just pour it just pour it and start stirring and that's as good as it's gonna get I think your stir stir ooh super sticky that's gonna be a pain in the butt to clean oh yeah oh yeah I can feel it already oh no all right and here's the orange one there goes and she mix them quick you have to know I highly recommend getting a disposable Bowl yeah this is not going to be good going down your drain and here they are time to try them yeah I would say definitely use a disposable container because this is a night mare thanks for nothing alright so here they are they do look kind of yummy since it's candied popcorn but Sica is very skeptical oh oh can you actually lift it and we did separate it it just it just got sticky again you're happy with yourself why I asked you a question and you totally went in a zone all right I'm gonna take orange so this is what the orange coated one looks like it's still pretty sticky even though it's been sitting for like 20 minutes yeah yeah I'm still having trouble you ready wait this is the pink one alright here's the pink smells like starburst and let's go hey I'm sticking to my teeth does not go nope no you got it up so in the same way it was sticking to the containers think of it exactly the same way that it's sticking to your teeth because at least with starbursts you can kind of let it melt in your mouth but this year you have to chew it so what ends up happening is it's getting into all the crevices in your teeth okay I'm gonna try the pink one no even with less is still sticking your teeth yeah oh you took a big chocolate oh no too sticky there's no way you can eat more than five six pieces without maybe at some point hi I'm Kip floss we're gonna give it a fashion loss I don't even think my floss will get there mm-hmm no it'll break my floss our verdict so even though they do look delicious delicious that wording a one good job good job Jackie so even though they do look delicious and you would think that the salty and sweet balance would be spot-on the stickiness is a huge turnoff yeah it's it's way too intense of a stickiness it gets into your teeth and it's not just a little bit it really gets in there like it's really hard to get out I personally wouldn't be surprised if it got deep into your your gums and your teeth to the point where you added like irritation exactly some kind of infection or something this is bad for me this recipe would go straight in the garage straight in the trash [Applause] the third recipe we're going to be trying has 41 million views holy moly 41 million views must be something good well I'm glad you asked the idea behind this recipe is it pretty much looks like a cookie cake let's get int you know that'll take a recipe someone Mary hi woody for some reason this particular recipe reminds me of the Pizza Hut Chipettes yes right like that cookie cake yeah but we're getting layers on that one yeah because the one from Pizza Hut is just like one cake cut into pieces Isis it's a cookie it's just a large cookie so we're gonna try to mimic the editing style which is pretty but we're not going to go with four different chocolates instead we're going to go with two simply because we're using a smaller container and we're only going to use one of the cookie dough's not to I don't think we could eat all of this anyway I don't think so but we're gonna try anyways will not eat all of it but we're gonna do it I mean we could eat all of it if we alright so even though on the tic-tock itself it didn't show a greased pan this does say that we should have a greased pen so we did go with the Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies you told me I wasn't allowed to oh wow I haven't done that in years that's good I don't like this mistake it's too sweet though mm-hmm all right so we're gonna grease the pan and then let's do some fun editing in the way that this tik-tok was done [Music] all right so we're going to put this in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 12 to 15 minutes that's what the packaging says although this is a bit thicker so we're gonna go chill they're kind of golden brownish we're gonna keep an eye cuz goodness knows I can't bake you can't bake let them know what happens when I try to bake my father goes behind and goes when she offers to bake something nobody wants me to bake anything cuz everything turns into a frisbee alright so I put our on this side because this is where the Reese's Pieces are and em because this is where the Mars bar that way we can try and test it I don't know if it's gonna stay but we're trying it anyways a little longer than a few minutes later so here we are about how about 27 27 minutes later so definitely it takes way longer than the instructions of the package say for sure it's a lot thicker no you have to heat it up no no okay so it's still pretty warm so I figured that a go beachside the gooeyness should be spot-on you ready are we going right in the mill you can't even see the the letters yeah that's art that's M oh yeah look there it is our M caramel in here oh my god so here's the breezes pieces one and it's not mrs. pieces yeah there are reefs yeah but not pieces it's a reefs pieces of candy stop correcting me uh-huh look that looks good so this is the Mars bar and this is the Reese's there you go okay ready yeah hot hot hmm it's really scary but yeah I was about to say it's really sugary but if you cut them in little brownie sizes it's perfect it's perfect with a plain coffee more tea with no sugar milk this is okay you want to try the side I let right in the right area okay I know I know like my fight better yeah I think I'd like the Mars bars better just because I feel like a little bit of a saltiness in the chocolate itself balances out the rest of the sweetness whereas the rhesus it's all just sugar it's all just sugar so definitely I could recommend the Mars the Mars bar take a cookie or a chocolate that is less sweet that's really good you'd expect it to be worse though because it has a caramel in it mm-hmm but it's actually really good yeah so how do we rate this recipe I would say a thumbs up as you say it's capture its gosh yeah definitely a thumbs up it's easy to make it's quick yeah and if you are enjoying them yes it is worth your recipe the next recipe on the list is rainbow jello grapes we have to admit we have this much hope on with these grapes for these grapes because it's the same girl as the popcorn are you done interrupting me I don't trust her anymore so so far this person has proven that their recipes is not that great so let's see how we how we fare with those grapes mm-hmm how much helping them let's watch the video grab some drop is put them in a bowl wash that fill the bowl with water grab five floors of chaton separate them into bowls just like this you'll need some toothpicks I accidentally got bamboo forks take a toothpick into the fork I meant grape not for now dip it into the gelatin it should look something like this what worries me the most about this recipe is that yes the grapes are wet but the jello powder isn't on the outside so it looks like dry yeah I just looks dry and weirdly like clumping English yeah that's my guest too is that it's going to have a weird grainy crunchy texture why are we putting it in the fridge anyway this is it to kind of let them dry on there I'm like once it's dry is it just gonna like pull off I guess we're gonna find out all of that because I would say that even though this video got over 400 yeah 400,000 views I have really high doubts and let's continue why do you dip them put them on a baking sheet once you've done that stick them in your fridge for one to two hours it's been about an hour and a half let's take you out of the fridge they'll end up looking like this and you're done now you know how to make rainbow grace let's try them okay it's still pretty crispy looking part of me feels like it's fake mmm I guess we'll find out no yeah he didn't even get a chance to say what he thinks so that guy's reaction he has no say in what he thinks so he's probably sneeze like crap you're so judgmental already we're gonna try so let's go get our graphic so here are our gravis we have about 20-ish of the green benefice but we're not going to go with the rainbow style we figured we would take two colors that kind of contrast yeah sure contrast to complement the art people are gonna come after me I decided to go with orange because I love orange flavored things if there was banana jello I definitely would have gone for it but I don't think they make them and Sica I like for a berry blue because I usually like blue raspberry kind of things so let's give them a try food you're supposed to be gentle I fed you pizza before this it was alright so we're going to be pouring our jello powder in here oh it smells really sweet was I supposed to pour it all that's fine I didn't pour it all but close enough all right so our grapes have still been soaking so all we have to do is poke them what did you do nothing I'm offering it to you ding NAB it I think gotta get it in that's what all right now I'm going to dump them into the powder I think them oh that's that's not bad that's not easy to coat you're gonna have to burn them so I stabbed myself there we go so as your greens can see it yes the grapes were soaked but at the same time it's hard to cook them properly yeah and it's not like a gloop right there and not just that but it's still pretty what's the weird crunchy why aren't you looking anyways that's what it looked like on the tic-tock so let's make a couple you know somebody's gel on your fingers I know I did you know I wrote room it's like crunchy jello is it good yeah so it seems like Seekers having technical difficulties it's just great and jello look great and jello what if we just take the grape as is and just put it in and just put it in there and then poke it out and yeah exactly there that's good enough for now we'll see if it makes a difference so I'm gonna poke it this way and onto the parchment paper so the process of making this is really simple so if it does taste good would it be a quick and easy activity as a party type snack yeah but the question is is it good let's find out and as you can see from the close-up it does look very powdery very clunky and chunky and crispy which is not necessarily how I like to describe my grapes yeah but you start out wrong because you picked up very sour grapes but we're gonna go through the whole exterior and grab one grape stick that was sweet and if you bought them and you don't I think that was the only one that was sweeten the whole bag because every one I've had has made my left eye twitch but we're gonna go through the recipe itself and how it tastes in general stop being salty mm-hm isn't as the points not to me have to be salty it's everything or nothing go big or go home go hard or go home don't go don't go home all right so we're gonna shove it in the fridge for about two hours right two hours late ale alright so here we are two hours later with our solidified jello grapes they still look the same they still look pretty crispy I don't know how I feel about them yeah look oh that crunch yes this is what they look like which is pretty much exactly the same way we put them in so you ready like jello Cheers it smells bad I hate jello so much let's see if this is any good Betty somebody you know why boy no it's gross the blue ones pretty good it just tastes like jello powder on grapes oh the only ones terrible I find the blue one tastes better than the orange one the order was really gross but still it's a crunchy texture it legitimately only tastes like jello powder yeah on top of grapes it doesn't taste like jello rat grapes is jello powder grapes really there's nothing unique about this other than the fact that it's colorful what I eat this absolutely not for me this is definitely not worth it I would throw this in the trash because it's gross how would you rate it the orange one was really disgusting the blue one is a lot more tolerable but it's not something I'd be like I'm craving bees today No would you make them for a party no these I would say would go true I think it has one more thing she wanted to add about this I just wanted to say that the texture kinda makes me want to gag because it's very similar to something basically I have an issue our whole family has this issue we do where when you eat something that's not supposed to crunch and it crunches it makes this guy kind of like eggs if there's a piece of shell that's the ellonija like you I literally will gag and throw up this is what this makes me feel like because grants are not supposed to crunch this way no it's just gross all around the only reason she likes this is because of then the blue on the top exactly but as an item and it's so and it's not something I'd you craving yeah so eat it into the trash - whoa it's awesome yeah are you sure 100% guys are you trying to I just turn it back recipe number five so we just had Reese's peanut butter cups so we can judge it yeah tell if it's the same thing now so let's watch the video submit so far what I like about this specific tick-tock is that he does give very specific measurements so bonus points let's do it I just love you 10 moments today we're gonna be doing happy nut butter these cups okay so hey we all make those typos online and by the way I shouldn't talk because I do a lot turkeys all right you ready yeah all right so this the recipe is hackers did you call it graham crackers I say grab attackers your English igloo peanut butter I think sugar and we opted for semi-sweet chocolate chips because milk chocolate chips would've been just too much all right let's do the do it I'm gonna say let's get the game let's get it let's get the doing that's good let's do the getting let's do this that's when we're shopping though let's do the getting I'm having worried it is all right just to be clear we are going to be doing this recipe in half because we're not gonna really eat all that much but we came on to our first issue which is this cord for the blender is not long enough so we're just going to blend under my desk I'm not a Cooking Channel I do not have the cooking space for this and I do not have extensions so where is seeker you might ask okay you're gonna have to plug this in there you go look at this weird hand that's gonna all right so we're going to be putting five graham crackers so that's one what the watch my sorry I'm gonna let it three right alright so here I would like to open this but I'm worried it's gonna be powdery powdery all right CK you know where the pulse button is yeah all right go for it ha is this thing on oh hang on there's a back button here [Music] all right so here is our graham crackers remember we did it happen okay let me take this away from you hey I forgot my leggings and then we're going to June it says half a cup but I feel like this is a lot are you done no wow potty mouth this one that should be enough we don't want it too sweet it's not for sweetness it's for texture I'm not really afraid to okay we're good like ever go mix it all right I'm gonna mix this while you add more this is interesting [Music] so far this mixture looks interesting I don't know if there's any other liquid added on there but we'll keep going so here we are after about three to four minutes of mixing and this is the consistency it seems pretty much similar to the one in his video all right let's make the chocolate since we don't have a measurement for chocolate all right so we have our method to chocolate and we have our peanut butter filling I am so curious to taste it don't do it we should taste it all together yes don't do it hey I will pull your hat over your head all right let's scoop some in you can scoop yourself scoop I'm left-handed help yourself alright so here we go at the bottom of the sister down make sure you put on the sizes in okay how much peanut butter is too much better first there's such a thing okay so here's the first cup looks good looking good alright it's impossible to get these as clean as possible but that's as good as it gets off to the fridge for I would say about half an hour a little longer than a few minutes later and so here are our peanut butter cups I am really excited to try these let's cut them in half and see what they look like should we cut them with a knife or let's just break them let's just break it okay when the guy was eating super crunchy they did look crunchy but we didn't leave them in the fridge for too long we left them room temp at at some point because I don't like cold chocolate yeah no me neither oh look at that looks really good so the texture on the inside really does look like a Reese's Cup yeah pieces okay oh it's so milky in eggs I just take it you got it yeah Oh too much gray blur it's all bad though honestly it's attributed oh this is really good and the fact that we chose dark chocolate well semi-sweet I put a lot of peanut butter this is really good the inside does taste like a peanut butter cup yeah the recipe is very nice very easy to make so if you want this at home well I want to say that this recipe so far so good yeah it's chocolatey mmm good yeah if you like room temp chokolate definitely don't leave it in the fridge for too long so yeah worth your time with your recipe or at your recipe I would probably give it an 8 on 10 yeah our sixth one is no no we've had enough everything sucks today except for one that's true just finish it no but I am praying with you which means one of two things or both tick doctors are liars or am i creating enemies possibly or tick stalkers just really suck at cooking and baking probably both yes so good all right so this tick-tock recipe is no different it promised in the minute 2 ingredients 2 minutes for chocolate mousse all right so let's watch the tick tock 2 ingredients 2 minutes the best chocolate mousse ever get some chocolate and get involved that's important water instead so they so far like I feel like it we didn't do that like it's not gonna like I think it's just gonna sink to the bottom it's not gonna combine water that's the thing is I don't know if water and chocolate will melt well together I could be wrong but usually I was told that water shouldn't get in your chocolate otherwise it seizes I could be wrong however the biggest concern for this grant cooks food is you put zero measurements this is a chocolate and water that's it and ice and for a recipe that got over 360 6666 3000 okay 366,000 is that what you want to say there we go I say it for you go on it's kind of said that we don't get any measurements after 37 chocolate any male and they look like this take some ice that's a meter then pay for chocolate on top and start stir again really quickly you see chocolate cool you'll start picking so so far the first part of the chocolate should melt within 30 seconds and then we put icy water continue stirring it this way take down one minute I might stay like this that's much time stuff play up and enjoy it so that looks like ice cream that totally looks like ice cream it looks nothing like the out nice yeah can you stop interrupting me I have things to say okay go ahead no but like every time I see them like you talking over me so I have to talk over you and as we're saying this here looks like ice cream it definitely doesn't look like chocolate mousse at all we'll see if this is the result we're getting we're going to follow the instructions as closely as we can what instructions he gave us none he gives her a measure water chocolate stir put them ice stir turn up two minutes let's just do it I'm pretty sure really makes me feel like 30 minutes know if it doesn't go past if it goes past two minutes it's me out of my alley are you ready yeah all right here's our bowl let's put some chocolate yeah oh okay that's good enough yeah boiling water he said 30 seconds right so we don't have measurements by the way check out my limited edition birch this is not it by the way make sure you check my merch shop there's limited edition of foil designs until March 21st once they're gone they're gone they're there to celebrate 1 million grain subscribers all right so here's our hot water that's enough yeah I seems legit ok and now we stir for 30 seconds like a madman okay yeah it's melting all right so here's our chocolate and water melted ice water bowl on the inside and let's keep going and this should be for about a mint and a half Seco put your timer on all right so here we are stirring after three minutes and if you look at the beginning we technically put it seems about the same amount of water to chocolate ratio yeah and even though his looks very watery at the beginning it looks thicker right before he starts completely starting to mix it so there's something a little off there I'm pretty convinced his face cream too yeah go ahead it feels like such a huge line that looks like an ice cream scoop let's look at it again yeah does not look like a chocolate mousse that he made or whatever was in his container so you sir are a liar you land and now I'm sad because I would throw up chocolate I can't do anything look at that it's still very watery you know I did nothing and so this recipe for us would go in the trash I know but everything today did not work well except for one recipe I understand come here I'll make you pizza and now we have two questions for you grades the first one have you ever tried any recipes from the interwebs that was a complete flop and if so which ones and let us know in the comment section below and the next one that I have is have you seen any tick tock or online or Pinterest recipes that you think are just a little weird and you would like me to try them out let me know in the comment section below as well sometimes posting links might get the comment deleted not by me this is an automatic YouTube thing so feel free to leave the name of the recipe and I can I can browse it if you want to watch the previous tik tok video check it up here and if you want to watch a crafty video check it out down here until then we will see you grains in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 1,614,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crafts, tiktok, tiktok hacks, tiktok recipes, testing tiktok recipes, tik tok, tiktok trends, tiktok hack, tiktok compilation, tiktok life hacks, sssniperwolf, sssniperwolf tiktok, food hacks, how to make dunkaroos, candied popcorn
Id: -PpeMgNuTiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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