Debloat Windows 10 AND Remove All Apps - Windows10Debloater

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what is up guys I'm back with another video today and today I'm going to be showing you how to debloat Windows 10. now if you don't know what I mean by Deep bloating Windows 10 if we go to the start menu here you can see Windows 10 comes with a lot of uh pre-loaded apps that you might not want you might not ever use I'm not sure it all depends on how you use your computer you can see there's a bunch of tiles over here but more importantly it comes with things like 3D viewer alarm and clock uh calendar camera feedback hub uh get help Groove music mail Maps Microsoft Solitaire collection mixed reality portal the list just goes on this is all stuff that came with a brand new Windows 10 installation so I'm going to show you a little script today that somebody wrote online um that will take care of most of that so we're gonna go over to uh let's go up to the search bar up hello I'm gonna go up to the search bar up here and we're just going to type in Windows 10 dbloader all one word uh you're gonna go to this top result right here the one that says sickness um I think that's how you pronounce that it's got like 15 000 likes on there so anyway we're gonna go into here uh we're gonna go to code and go to download zip once our ZIP opens we'll go ahead and extract that and now we'll get rid of all this other stuff back here so we're gonna go to our Windows 10 Deep bloater right here and here's the script that we want um any one of these I'm gonna use the one with the GUI just because uh it's a little um more pleasing to look at we're gonna go to start and type in power shell I'm going to right click on that and run as administrator once this comes up we're going to type in uh we're going to type in set Dash execution policy I press the wrong button do set excuse execution policy and then Dash execution policy unrestricted and I'll just do yes doll so now we are able to run uh unsigned scripts because the this is one of them I'm gonna go back to our folder right over here uh where we have the scripts in here we're going to just copy the uh path to it and type in CD space and then just do right click and that'll automatically paste the directory in and just type in when and then hit Tab and it'll automatically uh AutoFill in for you so we'll just go to the one with the GUI hit enter uh do run once and now here's the Windows 10 Deep bloater um so up here you can customize your block list or just remove all the bloatware and we're just gonna go ahead and remove all bloatware [Music] so now we are going to uh go down here we'll disable Cortana because we're not going to be using that disable this Edge PDF thing because I don't even use Edge I usually use Google Chrome or Brave uh Dark theme that just enables and disables the Windows 10 Dark theme you can do that and personalize other changes down here um we can go ahead and uninstall OneDrive and now we're going to go to disable Telemetry slash tasks that'll disable all the random Telemetry stuff in Windows 10 and then unpin tiles from start menu that'll just unpin whatever uh tiles are left on the start menu and then we can go ahead and remove bloatware rag Keys uh just removes any registry keys uh that were left behind by the bloatware that we removed so anyway let me go back to our start menu here and now you can see there is a lot of stuff that's missing however we are still left with uh some of the apps I talked about earlier like the 3D viewer alarms clocks and all that stuff so I'm gonna go back uh in here well actually we're going to close our Windows 10 Deep bloater and now we are going to type in this is going to remove all your uh apps so proceed with caution I will show you how to get some stuff back later like the Windows store and your calculator app because that will also get removed you can remove them one at a time but we're not going to be doing that today we are just going to um we're just going to be doing this so we're going to type in get uh Slash appx package space we're going to do one of these uh bar things I forget exactly what they're called remove dash apbx package and then hit enter uh you're gonna see a few errors in here but don't worry about it [Music] all right now that that script is done running we'll go back to our start menu again and you can see now it is completely cleaned up we have very minor things left like Windows I'm sorry Microsoft Edge uh the settings app and Windows security if you'll notice in there the windows store is missing which is kind of a vital part of Windows uh because whenever you don't have an app installed it's going to suggest you to go to the Windows store and the Windows store isn't going to exist so to get the windows store back we're going to type in get apbx package and then a space and we will do in a Stars Windows store um we're gonna make sure that's case sensitive just in case all users and do another one of those bars um tomorrow I'm talking about it's the uh it's the one that's with the backslash key above your return key for each and then the squiggly parentheses add Dash FX package Dash disable D development mode register space and then in quotation marks we will put a dollar sign parentheses another dollar sign underscore dot it's all location backslash app X manifest.xml alright so once you have all this right here we're going to hit enter you'll see it flash up there for a second it'll disappear now when we go to our start menu again we will have Microsoft store here so now you can load up the Microsoft store you can go and type in calc bring up the page here just type or tap get no thanks just want to download our calculator again and go ahead and install [Music] and then once we go back to our start menu here we'll have our calculator back so we have the windows store on the calculator and um since we have the windows store we can download any other apps that we might have removed with the script but needless to say the start menu is a lot cleaner now and uh you'll just see all the apps that you installed and that you'll actually use so uh yeah thanks for watching comment like subscribe and we'll see ya
Channel: dogbunns
Views: 108,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, tutorial, powershell, debloater, windows 10, windows10debloater, dogbunns, add windows store, add calculator, github
Id: PkEJgT3n6jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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