"Not A Victimless Crime" Security Minister Tom Tugendhat On Online Fraud | Good Morning Britain

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the temporary truce in Gaza has been extended for another day after Hamas reportedly gave Israel a new list of hostages to be released uh mediating Nation Kat confirmed the news this morning just minutes really before fighting was set to start again we're joined Now by security minister Tom tuen hat I assume this is good news it certainly must be for those who would have uh been in a very tricky position should it started again yeah look it is good news it's good news for uh the Israeli hostage negotiators and I hope very much that we'll see those hostages come home they've been held many of them very young children or very old people have been held for now over 50 days it's absolutely horrific that in this day and age a raid in somebody else's country can lead to hundreds of people being taken hostage like that and it's good news for the Palestinian people who've been suffering enormously uh under hamas's brutal Rule and under the consequences of hamas's uh breaking of the seat fire on the 7th of October so it's good news for both and I hope very much that the aid that the British government is putting into Gaza will get through to the Palestinian people and I hope very much that we'll see these hostages come home and of course the question has got to be how long can it hold is there hope of a further one and meanwhile we are getting reports of this attack in Jerusalem at a bus stop and a third person being killed what what are you hearing about that so look I I'm afraid I haven't got any further updates on that uh yet I'm sure I'll I'll have them very shortly um but the reality is that this is really a matter for Hamas in many ways they're the ones who broke the ceasefire last time they're the ones who've been consistently uh attacking the Israeli people and they're the ones who can make a decision to end all of this immediately if they stop trying to kill Israeli civilians that would be uh you know that would end the violence immediately and that would bring huge relief not just to Israeli civilians but to Palestinians as well you must be concerned though about the rhetoric that is coming out of Israel about the resumption of hostilities uh from these Israelis in Gaza there's been some quite Punchy language coming from the Israelis hasn't there look I think what we need to see is we need to see a new uh renewed effort on the peace process and that's something that I'm afraid has fallen into a bit of a bit of abeyance now for for a few years and it's something we need to see uh restarted and there are many people who are making some very important uh noises around that in the region and and talking about how we could restart those those talks because I think what we need to see is absolutely clear we need to see the Palestinian people able to live in peace uh and dignity uh in their own territory and the Israeli people able to do exactly the same in a free and sovereign state of Israel uh closer to home immigration uh the home office uh doesn't know the whereabouts of 177,000 Asylum Seekers and at the home office committee yesterday conservative MP Tim Lon suggested that actually this was rather convenient just when figures uh were there was pressure to show that figures were coming down where are those people so this is uh look Tim asked a very good question and and and he's absolutely right to ask it and that's exactly why the new Home Secretary James cleverly is uh completely focused on making sure we bring down uh the number of migrants we we stop the boats and we make a a difference in making sure that the uh repatriations go up and we've already seen in the last year forced repatriations of those who failed the Asylum process uh have gone up by 50% and the number of voluntary repatriations have gone up by 75% so we're making a difference figures Mr dug hat that that that are being challenged haven't they so do you have any idea where these people are and the implication of his question was that that in some way they've sort of been lost and sort of slid away in order to make it look as though numbers were coming down do you agree with that do you accept that do you have any knowledge of that no Kate the his point was uh and it's entirely a fair one uh that we should know where these individuals are it doesn't change the figures whether we know where they are or not the figures are the figures and the because I've just given you are not uh being challenged at all the reality is that we have uh repatriated 50% more last year and voluntary repatriations are up by 75% that none of that is changed by the fact that we do or don't know where individuals may be but the point stands and Tim's absolutely right to to ask it which is we need to make sure uh that this process works more smoothly and I'm I'm very pleased that Rob jich the immigration minister is all over this and that the new Home Secretary James cleverly is making sure uh that we deliver on our commitments to stop the boats and and uh and and get the figures down you say that Robert jenrick is all over this we learned over the last couple of days that as the immigration Minister he himself has had a plan uh for immigration since last Christmas uh which it seems that the Prime Minister has been ignoring is that the case look I'm afraid you'll have to ask him I've been very very focused you I'm sure you can understand on counterterrorism and on the radicalization that we've seen emerging in uh the United Kingdom over recent months and making sure that I keep the British people safe and that's why I've been focusing on not just terrorism but on fraud which sadly does so much to bring misery to British people's way we will absolutely come on to that because that affects both Kate and I and number of these people on the on Good Morning Britain but can I just ask you about Lee Anderson on that point which is much more relevant uh to to your personal take on this he's the deputy chairman of course very vocal on the issue of immigration says there should be a cap on immigration there was a clear divide between us and that lot over there was his phrase uh he has to go back to his constituents who can't get uh homes they can't get appoints with their doctor they can't get into schools do you agree with him look I agree with him that the numbers are too high and Lee has been a friend now for a number of years and that he's absolutely right that the numbers are too high but there is a difference between uh students who are coming for a brief period there's a difference between Ukrainian or Hong kongers who've come because they need uh Asylum either temporarily or or for for a longer period uh and those who are coming over for different reasons and that's why we need to get this right because what we need to do is we need to make sure that those migrants who are coming to the United Kingdom are not only benefiting from us but we are benefiting from them it should be an absolutely Fair exchange uh and I think that's what we need to get to cop 28 gets underway into du byai today the Prime Minister has been accused of rowing back on green pledges and is traveling by private jet to cop 28 uh uh the king also on a separate private jet and Lord Cameron foreign secretary on a separate private jet uh what is your view on this look I think it's really important that we work together with International Partners to uh deliver some really important commitments and the UK is already uh leading in the decarbonization of our economy you know we've gone further and faster than almost every I think than every comparable economy and faster than almost every economy and and that's a really important success and it's not just about uh making sure we're fighting climate change which is hugely important but it's also about making sure that our economy is more resilient look my job as the security minister is to keep the British people safe and as security minister would you argue that they're on separate private jets for security reasons or do you understand because you haven't actually answered that question H do you understand that it looks very bad look there are many reasons why travel might be separate and it would would be unusual to put it politely uh for very senior members of government to travel on the same aircraft for exactly the reason suggest commercial flights though couldn't they look I'm not I'm not I'm not going to get into the travel Arrangements of the Prime Minister and His Majesty the king um because that will be decided by Buckingham Palace and number 10 but there are very often reasons why they can't travel on Commercial and and I'm sure that these uh the costs and the and and the implications will have been considered very carefully uh just before we let you go we would like to talk about the the reason you wanted to come on which is the action you're taking on the online fraud agreement now anybody that works on Good Morning Britain whoever it's K myself or Susanna or or Richard or certainly Martin Lewis has been uh used our images have been used in some of these fraudulent adverts where they'll take make it look like we've done an interview with somebody trying to sell a financial product of some sort is absolutely uh fraudulent they are using our images without any permission for us just to try and fraud people defraud people um what is the scenario now with the tech companies and actually forcing them to take these adverts down because I know Martin Lewis has campaigned tirelessly on this for a number of years look Martin's been brilliant on this and Ben you and Kate have have been really important in highlighting uh the fact that the British people have been scammed robbed uh online now for far too long and part of this responsibility does come down to the uh to the online platforms you know the reality is that what they code what they write into their algorithms determines what you see and how you're seen online uh and what we've done today and this is what we're launching today is the first time in the world that these companies have made a deal with the government with our government uh in fact with any government to have their commitment uh you know to to take their responsibility seriously and what they've agreed to do is they've agreed to make sure that people's identify people's identity is verified and that's hugely important we've seen romance scams leaving people uh really distressed you were talking just earlier about um mental health issues and things like that and fraud can leave people absolutely mentally broken and it's incredibly serious this is not a victimless crime it's a very very serious crime they've agreed to make sure identity is verified so that it's harder the second thing they've agreed to do is they've agreed to take down scams now you're talking about the scams that sadly have used your image you know I'm sorry to say but mine has also been used and it's absolutely acceptable and that's why identifying these scams and having them taken down quickly is so important and the third thing they've agreed to do is they've agreed to block fraud uh before we even see it and so by making sure that their algorithm doesn't just promote the things that we're interested in but also protects us from being robbed online I think is incredibly important I'm very pleased that meta that eBay and others have signed up to this because this is enormously important in protecting the British people particularly as many of us are about to go online I'm about to buy the kids presents online uh for Christmas and I'm sure many other people are going to do the same well look uh from our experience and from the messages that we get from people constantly saying is this really you have you recommended this product it would never be us recommended product we're not allowed to do that sort of thing anyway but it's really do it anyway yeah it's really important it's being tackled uh so we we're glad that that's happening and we need to hold them to account as well which I'm sure is something you will do thank you for joining us this morning thank you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 2,516
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Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, climate change 2023, climate change, israel, israel vs hamas today, israel news, israeli war coverage, israel war, hamas attack israel, hamas hostages, hamas video released today, hamas israel news, hostages, hostages released, hostages in gaza today, hostages released by hamas, immigration news, immigration news today, fraud, fraud uk law
Id: Wo2XuxaAFCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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