Deaths Hand | Old Hammer & Bolter Breakdown | Episode 1 Breakdown & Lore

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this episode is brought to you by atlas vpn more about that at the first break [Music] hi guys welcome to counterpoints my name is connor and today we're going to be reviewing episode one of hammer and bolter death's hand i am a science fiction political and philosophy nerd marine corps and law enforcement veteran and we are gonna be following a new format for these breakdowns because games workshop did politely ask us to alter our format so what we're gonna do is we're gonna be watching the key dialogue and action scenes i'll be breaking down the maybe less quick dialogue scene uh dialogue scenes with some stills and some artwork and i'll be only interrupting during this portion of the plot summary uh with a little bit of lore breakdown i won't be going into vast fast fast lore breakdowns but then after that if you want to stick around and get a little bit more information as far as what we actually saw on the screen then please feel free to stick around that way i can give you a little bit more lore knowledge than you might otherwise get so i appreciate you coming along for the ride let's go ahead and get into it [Music] sundering the emperor's light is the only light that which he illuminates the only path the harbinger and the fool which is it reader which am i either turn both last card the faceless void an ignominious end death is coming even now he waits at your door measure your next steps with care inquisitor [Music] my thanks guys andor you have served the emperor as we all must this cruel universe will not remember your name but trust that i shall what did he see lord the same as the others burn it burn everything [Music] all right so what did we just see [Laughter] well um so death sundering sundering means to be split apart basically meaning that the only thing that this guy is seeing in the tarot are negative things this is an astropath who is a sensitive psycher who is in the service of the imperium of man he says the emperor's light is the only light he eliminates the only path in this universe the world is like snuck into by hell there's a different plane of existence the emotions of living creatures fuel the dark gods and the gods of this other plane of existence as a result uh basically what ends up happening is these guys become more powerful less powerful et cetera et cetera and there are certain human beings who can see through to this other plane and as a result divine little elements of the future or they're able to communicate over vast distances with other psychically sensitive people and these people are kidnapped brought to the astra the adept astronomica on holy earth the weak ones two powerful ones and undisciplined ones are sacrificed in order to keep the god emperor of mankind alive with his psychic beacon that keeps the imperium of man uh capable of dewy to interstellar traveler or travel and then the uh more disciplined ones become astropaths and as a result are you know uh prophets and telecommunicators within the imperium of man so this very clearly from what we've seen already the interrogator is trying to get a uh divination he's trying to get a revelation about his own fate and uh so far it seems like nobody's had any good news for him uh on that front so in uh you know am i the harbinger or the fool well you know there's an ignominious end ignominious means deserving of public shame meaning that he's implying that the interrogator is basically gonna butcher his own death and it waits for you now even at your own door measure your next steps carefully inquisitor thanks guys and or the cruel you this cruel universe won't remember your name but trust that i shall and then you know this psycher isn't able to see his own death and as a result catches a bolt shell to the head so um the the inquisitor burns it and we see the the sigil of the astropath uh on fire we see the scrolls on fire we see the catacombs on fire and so this is to show that an inquisitor is invested with incredible political power but he is literally butchering valued members of the imperium to serve his own fatalistic self-interest and that flows into the next scene will there be any astro pass left the female uh compatriot asks and what's actually interesting is based off of her demeanor and kind of her armor and the way that she talks i'm presuming that she's a former sister now that could be wrong because she's putting up with a decent level of heresy but uh within the sister lord i won't get into it too much but sisters are so devout that they tend to be hyper loyal and follow uh let's just say even in their original canon they're known for following the wrong person for the right reasons so they have this argument back and forth between these two characters where she insists not all futures can be divine you cannot see every path to conclusion and the inquisitor uh rebuts well the eldari believes so and uh maybe we should seek them out the ex-sister who's a part of this inquisitor's retinue robots uh you know basically do you think that they would really help us and the interrogator says we have an enemy in common the reason why this is interesting is because eldari and humanity have worked together in the past but generally speaking it does end in bloodshed because aldari manipulate humanity for their own ends and humanity understands this and as a result still has a zenocidal opinion of the eldari where you know the only good eldar is a dead eldar with very rare exception so um they continue this conversation as they move on but a another uh another [Music] inquisitor has arrived in order to escort the our our main character keo moro to tara for his investiture ceremony doing research for this episode investiture is uh basically promotion it's a promotional ceremony and within the inquisitorial ranks there's only a few ranks there's like acolyte interrogator inquisitor and inquisitor lord and interrogate or excuse me uh interrogators and acolytes are under studies of an inquisitor an inquisitor is allowed to recruit think of them as like a combination of an fbi cia agent a nsa agent and the medieval inquisition that's what they are and with that very high level of power they're allowed to recruit any number of imperial forces to their retinue in order to achieve their goals as they investigate and prosecute crimes against the imperium of man so the investiture is very likely since he's already been referred to as an inquisitor is moving him to an inquisitor lord meaning that not only will he be responsible for himself but if there's ever a dispute between inquisitors because they're all viewed as a pseudo-equal rank um as a lord inquisitor he would be able to break decisions and also direct other inquisitors as his social clout and his title would invest him in so um you know the the female mentions that uh he uh keo moro asks is he alone and no he has a retinue of four i'll need my effects are you expecting trouble wake turk and reset his kill count and so this is where we're basically seeing that how do i phrase this this inquisitor knows that what he's doing is wrong on a certain level but he has his own reasons for it and he fears because of what the astropaths have been telling him he fears judgment and so i will look over here get it edited and we'll go ahead and [Music] pick up with the violence greetings and welcome it is good to see you my old friend old friend it feels like yesterday we were wasting our evenings with amersek and dice it was a century ago and now you stand on the precipice of greatness investiture on terror no less bureaucracy comes for us all in the end you shouldn't have come you knew that someone would eventually and the investiture is this just the cover you needed to board my vessel it's as real as anything else but what difference does it make you know then about your obsession with the tarot about the eldari yes i know we almost died at antioch arturo the arch enemy knew our every move we handed them a hundred worlds billions died even with your limited psychic ability tell me you cannot still hear their screams there was nothing more we could have done but what if we could have what if we knew we are not gods we have only the certainty of the moment only the emperor can define the future and yet he has given us the foresight to wield such tools as might we cannot stack the deck kia moro we must play the hand we are dealt very well no damn you kiamoro you invite rowan you've come to see it done yeah someone must stand in your way must it be you who else [Music] i wish you'd understood [Music] all right things are about to go haywire but i basically in order to avoid copyright strike we have to break down at least a little bit what we've already seen so the battle of the retinues i thought was a very awesome opportunity to show a variety of skills and my frustration with the series is of course that they didn't animate it as well as they could but going back and watching this in detail frame by frame is actually really fun you get to see a lot more details than they are so uh they at first seemed friendly and talking about ammo second dice ammosec is this uh universe's version of wine uh but it's made from a variety of grains and it's supposed to be stronger like a port and uh this arturo tha this fellow inquistor who confronts neomorrow or kyomoro on his obsession with the tarot and the aldari the reason why obsession with the warp in particular with psykers in particular can be so bad is because through obsession it's like be careful when you stay stare into the abyss because the abyss also stares back into you that is the problem with this and while in a uh inquisitor is invested with incredibly uh he has a lot of latitude with his actions there is a lot of potential for corruptions and or corruption and as a result inquisitors themselves are only the most trusted loyal strong intelligent disciplined members of the imperium but through their ventures oftentimes they have a very negative reputation because they do treat other imperial forces as expendable and also they are liable for corruption just through the nature of their work so antioch i wanted to bring this up as well antioch is the the holy world that's brought up in a different sisters of battle uh sisters of battle hammer and bolter episode and that was an interesting uh connection that i didn't realize the first time and in the real world there's a hellenic city meaning a greek colonial city in turkey that was called antioch that later became a crusader kingdom during the the crusades of the middle ages and as a result whenever you hear antioch antioch anything like that you're basically uh being told to know that this is a holy and sacred world and we are not gods we only have the certainty of the moment uh you know kiomoro is trying to say we lost billions of human beings what if we harnessed uh foresight through psychers in order to uh in order to do this or in order to prevent billions of deaths and he's haunted by his own work which gives him a semi-justifiable thing but arturo objects saying like we only have the certainty at the moment the reason why this is so interesting is because you see the pre-step forward the reason why the pre-step forward is because this is heresy psychic power is supposed to be used in very prescribed and controlled environments because of how volatile and dangerous it is and the people who become corrupt and turn against the imperium of man and who are the most dangerous are often corrupted through either zenos meaning interactions with aliens or interactions with uh chaotic forces or warp creatures so even to suggest this thing is heresy which is why the ecclesiarchal pre-steps forward and as a result is the first one to die and this was an interesting thing that i found while i was doing research is that the balance of opinions between inquisitors actually involves uh like clout so while keomoro could have his opinion and arturo could have his opinion and normally they could sit down and have this conversation what kiyomoro has done is so heretical in by opening with violence he's basically damned himself damned his retinue and also you know damned the other retinue because you know they're basically getting bushwhacked over this so um you know the kia moro kills the ecclesial member the sister in the arbeitus exchange shots damn yukio moro they do have their duel which i thought was interesting because uh when i was re-watching it again i saw more detail if you actually go back frame by frame there's little like blue slashes that go across kyo moro's armor and while it's like a little corny or whatever i did appreciate that the arturo was getting more sword slashes in than i had originally understood because of the way that they animated this which is uh frustrating also kia moro has a kick-ass like big-ass power sword you if you go back through the stills it actually looks great and uh the ranger uh who is an eldari which actually shows that like there are eldari who are part of inquisitorial retinues but it's almost like a black mark to have an alien on your team so it's only uh reserved for the most fanatical of inquisitors who don't mind the dirty looks that they're gonna get and considering keo moro's obsession with the tarot and psychic power and all that kind of stuff it's just gonna be another condemnation against him that he has an alien on his team but the uh the the ranger takes a pot shot at the munitorium clerk and this is our first hint that the munitor unitorum clerk is not what she seems so uh let's go ahead and see as the violence continues [Music] it seems you're not the face of death today [Music] [Music] ah [Music] turk now hmm [Music] is [Music] what shall i do with her take her to the cell [Laughter] love me some good violence of course i again i do wish the animation quality was up but you know whatever so um you know i wish you'd understood kia moro says as he stands over arturo and then stomps in his chest that was actually like a really sad moment for me i get that uh kyo moro is a man of will and that arturo knew what he was doing when he was boarding the ship but one of the cool things about the warhammer 40 000 universe is that you can every character on the screen obviously this isn't totally true but every character on the screen could be their own main character the amount of detail that goes into it the amount of like uh pre-narrative and post narrative and all that kind of stuff and there's so many books like this like god's ghost and the dan abner series in particular uh dan abnett he's the best warhammer 40k author in my opinion and just an excellent author in general he will give you these insights into every character and then kill them off but then you fall in love with characters and then they get killed so it's all the more emotionally shocking and damaging but the clerk uh shrieks as she uh dodges a grenade round from the gunslinger and it's revealed that she's an assassin even arturo is shocked by this and doesn't know that he uh that he had an assassin in his retinue before he catches a gauntleted maybe not gauntlet but a steel-toed power armored uh uh you know uh beheading kick that likely either takes off his head or crushes in his chest and kills him uh so the clerk shape-shifts and she's a calydus assassin uh countess assassins are they are armed with phase blades phase blades are capable of cutting through anything including invulnerable saves and as a result uh she is a lethal threat is capable of shape-shifting which is how she got in the room in the first place and then also is obviously quite the gymnastic ninja style athlete as well and [Laughter] you know she dodges both a bolt round and a laz round as she closes the distance and then uh cuts right through the eldari ranger literally bisecting into the point that you can see like the spot like the spine in the the vital organs and the bisected sword and all that kind of stuff so i really i really wish they had invested in a few more frames because good god would i have to love to have seen this in its uh full glory equally the gunslinger is taken out and as a result it seems like keomoro is on the back foot at least for a second but turk uh who was mentioned previously as like resetting his kill counter he is uh i don't even know what he is he looks like a biomechanical cyborg mutant who apparently his only programming is to kill so he follows a certain amount of directives from his inquisitorial retinue and he easily dispatches the arbeitus member literally just backhanding her like taking a shotgun around to the arm and then backhanding her exploding her body and then the catechin is equally easily dispatched which sucks um i'm not gonna lie like i wanted more out of the arbeitos i wanted more out of the the catechin because these are all very lethal creatures in and of themselves and i'll go over that when we get to the breakdown portion of the episode um but you know they're they're just as easily dispatched and uh when the uh you know the the assassin chops off keomoro's bolter but then has to contend with turk she loses her xenophobes xenopho's phase blade which is impressive that turk was able to take that out uh but then as a result you know he he has a bomb strapped within himself and this is to show you that the inquisit the inquisition excuse me the inquisition views everyone as disposable especially their retinue everyone is a pawn to be played in the great game against uh the forces of chaos and the xenos of this universe so uh pretty great and we see the tarot cards before uh before we move into the next scene and for the next scene i will be you know narrating rather than uh watching it of course you're free to go subscribe to warhammer tv you're free to uh get a vpn if you're in a non-service country and you're free to uh basically take that on and go watch this without me so you don't have to check out the breakdown this episode is brought to you by atlas vpn and for the people who are outside of the countries in which warhammer tv is available they can absolutely help you out so uh gamesworkshop obviously sent us a little bit of a letter asking us to reformat our content and some people were disappointed with that because they were really enjoying our commentary and our breakdowns but they they requested how do i see this you know i'm not even in a country that can do it atlas vpn can help what they are is a service with a very aggressive discount right now and if you choose to go with them monthly for around ten dollars a month if you choose to go with them for a year for around five dollars a month if you pre-pay or if you go for three years which is their most aggressive deal right now you can basically get their services for approximately three dollars a month and what the service does that enables you to watch warhammer tv is change 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this reputation the assassins not to be trifled with though literally going so far as to demonstrate that she is capable of healing herself capable of injuring herself and uh basically stabs her own hand in order to show that uh she she will be able to withstand whatever kyo moro throws at her additionally uh the reason why she can't escape is because she's in what's called cellular inhibitors they basically prevent her from shifting as a result of not being able to shift uh whenever she tries or tries to escape the gauntlets the gauntlets shock her basically keeping her in position to the point that she can't do it well who sent you here to kill me uh i'm not here to kill you kyomoro she muses which gets even more like curiosity out of the inquisitor and he says this uh tell this tells a different story dropping a poisoned blade in front of her so the this teta tet between the two characters results in the assassin asking for the tarot cards that way she can basically answer his questions not acknowledging that she is about to be tortured to death so since keomoro can't help himself the assassin plays the cards out similar to the astropath but also tells a story and the story indicates that there are things more horrible than the inquisitor himself to which he scoffs because he has for 200 years faced heretics aliens and demons but has he ever faced a child the assassin ass orphaned by war uh in the following show which actually is more unfortunately more slideshowty showy than anybody would really want and the art is fantastic which makes it even more crappy that it's uh it's just like stills you can see keomoro fighting in the background but there's a child who's obviously been orphaned with his father dead in the background so the child uses a laz rifle to hunt rats and even kills a man who is scavenging and tries to kill him so death is this child's only companion the assassin continues to muse he's plucked from his world and taken by harsher masters than that of the skull of progenium the school of progenium is the place where the orphans of imperial notables go to in order to get trained to become the next generation of warriors and leaders of the imperium of man whereas this young boy ends up with the officio assassinorum so it shows uh the assassin initiates going through a series of blood sports and physical augmentation and deadly obstacle courses resulting with this young boy now a man being the only one who's left but also having his humanity obliterated away from himself as a result uh he does have uh you know forced alterations forced psycho conditioning to the point that when asked to execute a bunch of innocents he does so without question he is then given a holy weapon and we'll take it from there avoid death but it's [Music] you've spent your life trying to avoid death but its child is here now you are a lethal thing that fact i do not deny but you like all the rest have failed have i then where is your armor as i said inquisitor i did not come here to kill you for all that you see and have seen you are blind to an obvious truth that here where you see most in control you are also at your most vulnerable my mission was simple to bring you here to have you sit there across from me the famed interrogator in the chair of his office lure witness i came to play both roles and i did not need to parse the schemes of fate to do it [Music] so you should have paid more attention to the tarot readers you burned like some trash hubris is the weapon the fool uses to cut his own throat and don't worry we will finish out the last little bit of the episode but um you spent your entire life trying to avoid death but death's child is here now you are a lethal thing the fact that i don't deny well she already knows the game plan there's a vindicator assassin who's in a suit that's capable of protecting him from the void on the other inquisitor ship and as a result they uh not as a result but they've already approached an angle through which they can see the window in the interrogator cell this is the kind it is a little elaborate it is a little ocean's 12 ocean's 13 but at the same time you know maybe it's possible that they would have had the schematics from the ships because they are inquisitors after all maybe they need to get him out of his armor that way uh a rosarius can't protect him i think a zen or not a xenophase i think a phase blade would have done the same work but there is a little bit of a twist in a moment that i think is kind of fun one of the quotes that i really like though is you're blind to the obvious truth that here where you're most powerful you're most vulnerable and earlier she was talking about how it's not the uh you know it's not the many that fall empires it's the cracks in the wall it's the smaller things that bring down the big things and so i'm a lure and i'm a witness i came to play both and i did not have to mess with fate in order to do it vengeance is played and what's going on is while this vindicator has become a the sniper assassin well has he's become a raw instrument of the imperium of man he also gets the kill the inquisitor who led a zealous war on his homeworld that resulted in his parents death and his path down this brutal brutal life so the vengeance of the vindicator is for his own motivation despite uh ultimately being just a tool used in the great game so the vindicator is so talented that he puts two rounds through the the same hole in the three-inch thick uh you know glass window able to kill uh kyo moro and also able to free the assassin one of the cool things about this that i was thinking previously is i thought it was a little silly for him to be in the void in order to do this i was like why couldn't the calydus just kill him um that that will be kind of answered in a moment but uh also one of the things that i was like how did he shoot the shackle without hitting her she's a cowardice she can heal herself it doesn't matter if the bullet goes through her hands so not too bad and they also showed that earlier where she stabbed and split and healed herself as a part of her shape-shifting ability she can also heal herself so kyomoro is the fool because through constantly trying to track down his own fate by constantly obsessing over uh his own life and death what ended up happening was he pissed off so many people that he was a worthy target for another inquisitor and the officio assassinorum so now he's been taken out [Laughter] so finally let's watch why let's watch why uh keomoro was not only killed for his own hubris but also why he wasn't killed by the calydus originally did you get what you wanted yes good your investigator awaits well then let us go and change the future so i'm actually really enjoying re-watching the series because basically what it does is it allows me to kind of notice things that i would have noticed before or have some confusion on and kind of like think in my own head like why did that work out the way that it worked so having the calydus instantaneously kill peop uh kill kia moro within his own uh within his own ship i think that they could have just killed everybody within their own ship had the calydus copy uh had the cowardice copy kyo moro and they would have been able to achieve the same result but it's a little bit more poetic with the vindicator assassin who's able to show off his skill set in order to accomplish the goals so still ocean's 12 ocean's 13 but then with the uh kyomoro killed in private his corpse burned within his own inve uh his own interrogation room and him still retaining some level of his retinue who can basically vouch for who he is as a person the calydus who's pretending to be keomoro can now gain access to even more powerful rooms there's no room within the imperium that a inquisitor can't gain access to of course an assassin can just as easily gain access to it but who's to say that there's not a even more important target on holy terra that this calydus is being sent after you know i mean just a little just a little head cannon for me of why the ocean's 12 ocean's 13 thing was you know necessary and by that i just mean like an elaborate heist but for that if you just wanted to break down the action scenes a little bit of commentary a little bit of this a little bit of that and you didn't you know for whatever reason you didn't want to watch it on games workshop maybe you wanted a little bit of detail to go along with it maybe you're boycotting them maybe you're in a non-access country and you don't have the ability to access a vpn right now i hope that was a quick enough mix of violence and summary where you feel like you got your bang for your buck and it should be sufficiently transformative that game's workshop should leave us alone but now in order to transform it further i'm going to try to briefly go through some of the details that i find interesting from a lore perspective the original episode was uh opened with the dictatus vindicare and you know the dictates of the vindicator dictates our orders and the vindic so order uh and then like uh the way to conduct yourself and then vindicare means uh is very close to vindicate which means justified in action which is obviously shown here because this assassin is seeking personal vengeance while still doing his job the sigil of the astropathic guild one of the interesting things about uh learning and googling these things was the fact that the astropathic guild in order to become an astropath you actually have to do a soul binding ritual with the emperor of man himself that way you can stay pure as a psycher psykers are prone to corruption and they're prone to being possessed by you know demons and xenos creatures and this that the other so as a result by binding themselves with the emperor it's supposed to be a very painful process but they gain a bit of his pure psychic power in binding which makes them more difficult to possess and more difficult to corrupt meeting the rett news the ecclesial priest he's literally a part of the church and as a result he would be the most defended by keo moro's uh heresy which is why he stepped forward and took a bolt round first the adept of the adept of the munistorum who was obviously the cowardice assassin she's not necessarily a uh i don't know necessarily a violent member so the priest and the clerk are not necessarily violent members so there could be this faint of we're not here to screw you over kyo moro i brought two people who aren't necessarily fighters although ecclesial priests do fight all the time and on um you know on still on arturo's retinue the catechin jungle fighter he was born on a planet with apex predator predators that make australia you know look weak [Laughter] the arbeitus member is a judge federal law enforcement officer and as a result having the hitters could send the opposite message of if there's trouble we can handle ourselves so um on the other side there's the ganger he's a hitter obviously the tempesta scion sun sion means sun and tempestus means storm so literally a son of the storm he's a special forces shock trooper who's armed with a very powerful weapon and then he has what i believe to be a former sister of battle in the eldar ranger so all of these very like i said very cool characters are awesome in and of themselves and could take their own like little details and that's why i get a little bit frustrated with um the rush nature of the animation is because if you allow these things to breathe you wouldn't be like hey look at this cool thing look at this cool thing look at this cool thing look at this cool thing uh from like almost a powerpoint presentation like you could actually let it breathe and enjoy it um so you know that's really all i had to say oh hold on uh there was also um some really cool stuff that i noticed back in the uh the assassin uh montage was that the there was kind of like a kill team vibe and a training vibe to this art that i'm showing on the screen right now and it just kind of it was fun to think about the officio assassinorum set there's um there's a book series called the last chancers it's where penal legions basically criminals are sent on suicide missions in order to prove their medal and to be boiled down into a coherent special forces team that is then in turn sent on a suicidal special ops mission and i thought that was a really cool thing implied by this art where maybe the way the officio assassinorum that gained some of its recruits wasn't just through hardcore training the execution of uh innocence but also by sending them on difficult missions in order to cull the weak and unlucky so i really did enjoy uh that and then finally the ultimate irony i think this is something that we we face ourselves as individuals is egoism versus like fatalism so egoism being looking at moral philosophy from the perspective that our self-interest in the self-interest of others are what motivates everybody and as a result we can use our own self-interest in order to achieve positive ends for ourselves and for others and being like very realistic about that and while it's not like stated i do think keo moro falls into this philosophical um this philosophical venture where he views his own importance and his own contributions to the imperium as the only thing that really matters and since he does know that he's basically biologically immortal then all he needs to do is to be one step ahead of the dark forces that face him and he can literally fight the imperium's battles forever but through that self-obsession he becomes corrupted and ultimately kills himself through his hubris whereas uh you know arturo while he does die he i would say philosophically he's more of a fatalist meaning that he believes that what is going to happen is going to happen and we can play our roles within this great game of uh the warhammer 40 000 universe but ultimately it's not our job or our role or even possible to manipulate the fates always within our favor and that was what i think is the core the thematic core of the piece that i deeply deeply enjoyed so if you did enjoy this obviously please go support our sponsor atlas vpn uh you can also support me at counterpoints you can also go to counterpoints period gg in order to figure out what we're all about we are live streaming and doing political debates again i identify as a centrist or center-right person and i am going up against predominantly far-right people at this point so if you did enjoy this piece i invite you to like share subscribe dislike all that youtube nonsense please support us financially if you can subscribe ring the bell all that baloney i want to hit 100 000 subscribers by 2024 and i want to have an engaged active and fun community that enjoys science fiction and violence but also enjoys good spirited and a heartfelt debate and wants to make the world a better place so if you feel like you can help us in that project please do whatever you can in order to assist us i appreciate you and i'll catch you in the next one bye you
Channel: Counterpoints40K
Views: 332,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counterpoints, connor, based individual, politics, review, warhammer, 40k, veteran, marine, cop, pig, Deaths Hand, Hammer and Bolter, Breakdown, Warhammer TV, Warhammer Plus, Episodes
Id: zQdD9T5wJjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 0sec (2820 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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