Best Episode Yet! | Hammer & Bolter Breakdown | Episode 13 - A New Life

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this episode is brought to you by Mastermind models and Miniatures and lever to Monica guys welcome to counterpoints my name is Connor and today we are going to be breaking down the new hammer and Bolter episode a new life it is excellent and I'm very very excited to break it down for you it's by far the best episode produced yet the writing is 10 out of 10. the animation is 10 out of 10. the action is 10 out of 10. the voice acting is 10 out of 10. it is a solid piece of art and I am so happy to bring it to you today so it's what we've wanted all along as fans of the Warhammer universe and it's great to finally get what we're looking for I'll be breaking down the episode so if you want to watch the whole thing in full go ahead and subscribe to Warhammer TV and if you're in a non-service country go ahead and use a VPN the episode begins with survival is no Birthright but a prize rested from an uncaring Galaxy by forgotten Heroes tactical imperialis inferring this from a tactical Doctrine book considering the threats the Imperium of man faces it's only logical that they would teach their men to be willing to sacrifice themselves for the survival of humanity something that most living creatures understand and something demonstrated to the maximum degree in this episode with a shocking twist at the end objective by the authority of the god Emperor this city is Undercover y died [Music] Maria is here what's happening we have to go now go where Caleb there's a curfew they're shooting people on the streets shuttlepot K1 gamma hello we can the administer Adam have kept it quiet but soon they won't be able to when that happens there will be no safety it's real my love is going to kill everything how do you know for certain from family can't be soldiers have already locked everything down no one will be able to get out who are being left here today you me everyone all of the important people are getting out we can't go out there the baby is right no no will be protected they can't afford the baby media we have to go [Music] A New Beginning New Life all right you can get us to the shuttle Port now your street running sister doesn't seem so bad eh I can get you there the question is how do we get onto a shuttle and then a ship without being sure it's being taken care of Nathaniel has got us a place on a lighter papers all of it how long an hour maybe less hard route and we'll have to move fast fast is something I left behind a long time ago I have lived a full life and do not fear its ending I knew this day would come get them to safety new life not old that's all that matters [Music] let's go remained inside all right let's start the breakdown process so what's so great about this episode it's it's rich with details that get deeper every time you watch the Guardsmen seeing a trespasser running through the streets has to decide between executing a civilian and standing their post standing in a post as a deterrent to more trespassers is a useful way to spend your time but hunting down a scrambling civilian could be dangerous not just because it would potentially involve executing a civilian that you don't want to but because desperate civilians in a Siege might fight back street running sister isn't so bad eh just out of a few lines we already understand that the sisters role has been that of the black sheep in the family and that she has underground connections and is viewed kind of with a little bit of sense of place playful distrust fast is something I left long ago I've lived a full life and I'm not sad about its ending we understand that Grandma is being self-sacrificial because she knows if she comes they won't be able to save the baby because new life is all that matters everyone gets armed including the grandma who disappears into the Mist as the old life this world is going to be leaving behind but during this conversation they mentioned that they're being left to die that it's the important people who are currently getting out and it's family who are looking out for them this shows the stratified classes of the Imperium largely accepted throughout the Galaxy but while the society might view these workers as disposable fodder they do not see themselves that way which adds a new flavor to the universe that helps color anti-imperial rebellions and heresy the wife needs a little bit of convincing to save her child but ultimately will do what's needed in order to avoid death the valkyrie transport in Imperial Guard are shown as menacing and uncaring about civilian life with the undershot of The Valkyrie not just being a perspective but also showing the guard as a predatory force and a potential threat to their lives [Music] now [Applause] to get through [Applause] we'll have to go around you know another way yep it will take longer than let's hurry [Music] foreign [Music] Ty of the god Emperor this city to curfew anyone on the street without authorization is subjected to execution there's an old smuggling tunnel entrance at the other end of the plaza leads straight to the shuttlepore but they'll see us before we can get close I thought you said you said you hush now if this is the way then we have to take it we go out there they'll kill us you saw what they did have faith my love [Applause] [Music] let us pass [Applause] thank you follow me [Applause] no no [Applause] thank you [Music] nice but yeah God I love this they did such a good job so they can't get through they have to go around in the tyranid hive ship is shown in the sky which is obviously a press for the time the smuggling tunnel flavors the underworld in the fact that obviously their the Imperium is a dominant force in everybody's lives but there's all these forces even for civilians that kinda play with those powers and manipulate those Powers even even though it might be humble so the chameleonic lichter which is the uh nearly invisible tyranid that you see you know crawling in the background is shown as menacing as the valkyrie where the shot shows it as a threat from above the lichter is a chameleonic scout often the Vanguard of a tyrannid fleet stalking trapping and hunting while locating important targets worthy of tyranid attention by showing the liquor the narrators are showing that it's already too late the invasion is far past what anyone could have predicted or defended against you have no right in armed civilian cries and they're shown as partially justified in trying to save their own lives but the Imperial Guard are uncaring heavy Bolter effects are amazing ripping off Limbs and throwing bodies across the entire Plaza the Guardsmen also when confronting our main characters does what's called a tap rack bang which is a real immediate action that's actually a military thing where if your gun doesn't fire and you're trying to get another shot out if you have a bad round what you do is hit the bottom of your magazine to make sure that it's properly seated rack the rifle in order to get it back into battery and then pull the trigger again in order to see if you can get the gun working so seeing that level of attention to detail in this episode just makes it all the more Rich all the more beautiful all the more dark all the more messed up and I love it so much the tunnel was revealed to be a Smuggler's passage responsible for scoring amisec to celebrate the birth of the baby an old Guardsman corpse long long dead is shown as how the Smugglers have kept their secrets Guardsmen can hear the scurrying of the family but Gene skealers have already infected the tunnel very intense dramatic music is plain as you can feel all of the threats closing in what's awesome about this story is how it enriches the Galaxy you can feel the humble Pride of the workers the tension and relationship between the useful but black sheep sister and her family the old but wise grandmother the anxious new mother the protective father the varied threats that face them and how each character event and action on screen is just the tip of the iceberg of a deeper and darker Universe with tiny shots and words giving you insight into that broader picture Guardsmen guarding the port are only allowing in important folk civilians clamoring to escape are cut short by gargoyles and bio pods and Guardsmen cutting them down so Spore mines save the trio while slaughtering the Guardsmen who are preventing their path and more civilians are in the way the trio have now made it but are stuck outside of the landing pad [Music] get back last three we are please we have a child Stand Down sergeant Leatherman now he's on that lighter you'll need this for when you reach the freighter in orbit two in the child that's what matters thank you for everything hold yes why aren't you at your post ing this group to their designated invocation point commissar commissar the craft departing from Landing Pad Epsilon is reserved for members of The Emperor's blessed adeptus ministerum who added these citizens to its manifest they do not look like priests goroshat there must be some mistake perhaps I have the correct information here foreign foreign [Music] they're there little one you're safe now you're with your family to Genesis prepare for docking procedures [Music] we made it for us now Abbott they will tend your wounds on the Genesis [Music] foreign awaits us all [Music] no [Music] so this entire sequence has so many Rich details that it makes me love it every time I watch it I think this is my third time watching it now so the flying Hive Tyrant trashes a Lander showing the power of the tyranid invasion gargoyles and Guardsmen battle each other showing the endless swarms that make everything seem hopeless Guardsmen sell their lives dearly for a precious few moments for others the epitome of the guard that makes them incredibly Noble and self-sacrificial while also being cruel to those not important enough to save there's only space for two in the child uh Nathaniel States the sister chooses to sacrifice herself and they are confronted by a jerk commissar that commissar notices the suspiciously lower class plebs being escorted off world Nathaniel has explosives rigged on the tarmac for an unexplained reason that distracts the commissar resulting in the Nathaniel's death and the commissar's death now this is confusing but still has some explanations that not always as it seems why would Nathaniel Rigg explosives would it be to distract you know the the gene Steelers or distract the tyranids as they came over into the tarmac what's going on it seems weird that somebody would basically sabotage the interior of the Space Shuttle port so new life we will live on the sister States so it's the horror in the terror on the first watch through when you don't know the twist as you're seeing you're trying to see whether or not they'll survive the takeoff but ultimately they do and the family is revealed to be Gene Steeler called this draws everything back into question and makes you revisit every single moment prior in the episode The flashbacks show the gene skill the gene Steeler Uprising they show the baby being a pure strange Gene stealer and then there's implications like the lichter the the tyranid the chameleonic tyranid ignoring them earlier in the episode could it smell that they were uh cousins through the gene Steeler cult which I promise I will explain in a moment so the new life is not human beings escaping for a new generation for the human population to repropagate it's a gene stealer which gives new meaning to everything in the episode the family they weren't innocent miners they were cultists trying to avoid The Purge of the Imperials and avoid being devoured by the many armed God for the uninitiated the gene sealer cult are iterations of tyranids designed to infiltrate subvert and Destroy enemy planets a pure Gene stealer described as a pure eye will infiltrate a planet psychically lure a host and breed with it infecting it with a host of biological information this original Gene stealer has a psychic link to all of its creations and grows larger and stronger as it oversees its slow Corruption of the planet ultimately becoming a brood Lord over a series of monstrous Generations hybrids are created that are both malformed monsters and replications of the target species capable of blending in the final of the five generations is the re-emergence of pure strained Gene Steelers capable of infecting new planets the reason the cycle is so important is because the family that we've been rooting for the entire time is the second generation of hybrids who have generated a pure strained Gene stealer they're not sympathetic Wayward adventurers clawing for survival but a new threat to the Imperium of man the Guardsmen slaughtering civilians screening escapees and by impression and buying precious moments for important people to escape might be somewhat villainous but the threat they face and that they're trying to confront is real Nathaniel the sympathetic Guardsmen who saved this family is not a hero but a villain an imitation of a human being who has now doomed another planet to horrific death The Jerk of a commissar who I had and probably you had a reflexive disdain for was actually correct in his paranoia and if anything he wasn't paranoid enough to prevent the infection of another planet finally this family that is a part of a process that doomed this original Planet are seeking to escape the acid pit of the many armed God to which all tear in its return and the brutal Judgment of the Imperial man to the hammer and boulter team I want to say Bravo this is what we've been looking for and I'm very pumped for the next episodes there's one tiny quibble which is not every episode needs a Twist sometimes I just want to see factions vying for power and killing each other and one winning and one losing but again this was so well done I think it's my favorite episode so far if you enjoyed 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Channel: Counterpoints40K
Views: 444,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counterpoints, connor, based individual, politics, review, warhammer, 40k, veteran, marine, cop, pig
Id: UULYf6-jFWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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