DEATH STRANDING Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (FULL GAME)

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so ever since silent hill's got canceled I've been looking forward to hadiya's next project and death stranding is finally here so I'm really happy for the guy I don't know if he's ever gonna see this but if you do man I'm really happy for you and you've shaped my childhood with the first Metal Gear Solid game ever since then I've been hooked so anyways thank you Playstation for hooking me up with the game early and thank you guys for an inning I'll support you drop on this it's really just a game that has a lot of hype behind it I didn't really get it early per se but I will be playing it probably I'm gonna try to beat the whole game we'll just see how how the game is I've heard it's like a 60 hour game so you never know but it's gonna give away two copies of the game both for ps4 obviously if you want a chance to win see the like the video leave a comment of when you found my youtube channel I'll pin the winners in the top comments a couple of days after the videos up so if we had like 50,000 likes expect a hundred and ten percent out of me on this game we're kind of near the end of the 2019 craze of gaming so you guys are awesome about to start it up let's get this oh wow check it out alright uh statistical analysis has indicated that dooms abilities vary according to the sufferers date of birth oh man this games getting personal already the fact that it already knows and I didn't internet it's kind of scary actually February 10th I'll be 33 then alright we're good confirm your birthday high levels of Doom's see this is all new to me so abilities have been observed and those born under constellations such as cancer Pisces okay so that's kind of a cool start of a game [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so this was kind of a part of the video I didn't want to leave out but all this is is just like a music montage and if I leave the song in my video might not exist anymore so I'm just gonna leave this in and kind of talk over this I kind of muted the audio it's a cool song and it plays a little bit here and there there might be a few parts that I've muted during gameplay just it the song seems to randomly come and go but overall I guess my initial thoughts on the game I've been playing for about an hour I know as you're seeing this video or only like a couple of minutes in but I'm doing this like post editing and all that stuff so I just didn't want to leave this out cuz all this really shows you it shows you like the casts name which by the way that guy right there and you have Troy Baker you have Norman Reedus so you had the guy that played hannibal and the TV show hannibal he's also in a lot of great movies Norman Reedus obviously from The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon you know and then Troy Baker he was the voice of Joel from The Last of Us just a lot of like I feel like had a OH picked like a Super Saiyan Squad to be the actors in this because you look at most games and they'll you know have a good voice actor here and there but he actually got like actual movie and TV show stars to be in this so overall the game is nice I know the reviews were kind of polarizing I'm leaning towards the positive parts of that right now I really think this could potentially be a game of the year type video game but I'm only like an hour plus into it this opening all it shows is him just kind of riding through this area you can kind of see a storm kind of following in him and echo the birds this is stuff you'll see in a second thought it was about to cut back in but anyhow pretty dropping this guy's is really appreciated of and here we go [Applause] [Music] oh great ha all right nice sorry recover your cargo then find shelter from the rain all right yeah this is my first time actually playing this game I don't anything about all right so here we go cargo for the smart draw here again tap the scan yo this is the game it does feel a lot like Metal Gear Solid 5 did alright scan for cargo tagged every piece of cargo has a scanning post them over here apparently this game do a lot of walking so it's really cool seeing Norman Reedus in the game like ever since ever since silent hill's got cancelled you know I don't know like how you jump in this game okay jump I'm guessing circles okay yet is most of the basic controls and games are you know kind of a similar aspect dan is our one we've got that thanks for getting used to the controls okay get here here we go run okay you can double jump oh I think I was running too fast maybe I don't know oh boy yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] I think you're gone what the hell didn't mean to grab you so hard Cheers a chiral allergy so you have dooms like me I've got the extinction factor I'm gonna think you got me what's your level you can see them right no but I can sense on a little - then what are you doing here trying to stay dry same as you time Falls setup my name is fragile yeah I've heard of you that right some porter preaches the man who delivers [Music] you want it a crypto buy it a day keeps the time fall away would have come work for me must be tough out here on your own yeah I thought the fragile Express had plenty of people plenty of traders not much left of us now save for a few and his folks in the top of that not much left of me either but soap for me to toe and I can't help you with that I make deliveries that's all headed into town watch yourself those things never stay gone for life [Applause] the time for fast-forwards whatever it touches but it can't wash everything away the pastor's won't Michael I'll see you around some Porter bridges - give me Stan cargo therapy overloading myself right here huh yeah I don't know what this game reminds me of it's definitely different it's kind of chill actually cuz it's like you're there's not much to it just yet but I can see the elements oh my god just wait Brad ship wait oh god oh all right yeah I think we're supposed to go in here and we're good to go I overdid it only needed for okay permit required so going up steps is a challenge in this game it seems like can't run cuz obviously that would just be bad news bears alright we're good activate terminal alrighty make delivery here we go deliver requested cargo specifically requested by this client okay order number one we're essentially an uber driver that's what we are I just on foot all right Oh see I mean yeah I guess we're good apparently the chapter first chapter this games like 15 to 20 hours long so I mean rolling the prologue right now so I don't know we'll find out had to wait out the storm lost my bike sounds like you've been through there luckily our goods are in perfect condition well you did keep us waiting but everything else seems to be in perfect order so great work we'll be awaiting the next delivery all right results uh order number one smart drug delivery so people can like interesting average cargo damaged 36 all that stumbling I did distance traveled really s for awesome my first mission let's get it alright it's probably gonna be not as good on the grade on this one you know there's so much stuff popping up on the screen look at all the likes you're getting do you paid in like stuff Porter grade okay overall rating quantity one or more average damage okay this all gets put into I guess some kind of stat list let's see miscellaneous oh so it just puts them in there for you okay nice we're five whatever that I guess the porter grade is Yegor ridges corpse disposal Sam Porter I presume right not the touchy-feely type Giacobbe you said you had some kind of phobia richest corpse disposal what happened look gotta get a move on I'll explain as we go come on I'm gonna take a look he's got a date with the incinerator how long since he flatlined you don't know the exact Tod but I'd say it's been upwards uh 40 hours he wasn't quarantine not sick this is just suicide Jesus we're just lucky we found him at all got him on ice they set but who knows when he'll go necro why are you taking on both senators to the north this routes crawling with BTS sure he can't use another I wish I could but there's no time and just burn the poor bastard right here you put all that Kyrie lemon you're so close to town can't do it better that trying for the incentive writer hey we can do this we just need someone like you with dooms well he's already in the first stages of necrosis if we don't hurry this place is a crater so how about it can we count on you then bridges hereby enters into a contract with Sam Porter Sam Jeff Sam and I can't spot Petey's just sends him that's why we came prepared I'm Bridge baby huh with it's helping you will be able to stay one step ahead of them if you feel like [ __ ] every time you're plugging into the other side freaks me out to roll out [Music] now the world was different when I was a kid America is a country anybody could go anywhere they damn well pleased no need for couriers like yourself we had highways airplanes you can even visit other countries hard to imagine it now as you can see the death stranding poked us full of holes [ __ ] us beyond all recognition and if you were lucky enough to survive the time fall came and washed you away in those freaks for the beach showed up worlds of the living and the dead all mixed together and that's when folks started pulling up in the city's couriers like yourself camera movements kind of cool I want to zoom in too much daily enough son of a [ __ ] rainbow how much further to the incinerator this guy's about the pot [ __ ] we're up to cut to the beetee's yes a rainbow will be bad possessed considering like rain that's effective [Music] engine stalled decimals got a sweat with him want us get us out of here say anything no nothing this baby must be Buster something that's not supposed to happen [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] falling down London Bridge is falling down my fair lady [Music] [Music] you know that was like watching a movie all right here we go meaning that he can return to life from the place known as the seam when killed okay I like what it was watching that nose like yeah I don't know what's going on I'm still like taking it all in [Music] [Music] once there was an explosion a bang which gave rise to life as we know it and then came the next explosion an explosion that will be our last all right blood and stamina gauges red bar is a blood gauge when it reaches zero Sam will die the blue bar is a stamina okay it's pretty self-explanatory as the gauge depletes moves more slowly all the he'll only go back and maintaining his balance is harder okay car goes scanner oh these are all loading screen tips I don't know I thought I was reading something notes so I have a lot of questions more than I do anything I'm sure a lot of you do as well so I don't know maybe we'll get some masters down the road [Music] oh you're awake so how does it feel to be back in the world of the living don't worry I'm a doctor well accordin originally call me dead man I'm well acquainted with the dead not like you of course contrary to the name I've never actually died I would advise against that I'm no expert but I can assure you it's for your own protection see so I'm a prisoner these aren't handcuffs they're cutting edge devices that keep us all connected us oh us yep bridges humanity's best hope for the future or avoiding the extinction if you prefer alright where am I what time is it watch me try pressing it against your skin like this relax that just means your body's got a good connection to the conflict no no cops will watch over you 24 hours a day that is to say we will we're here to help what are two days during that time we took the liberty of collecting fluid samples from you you're a repatriate that makes you very special what happened to the CD guys central not was obliterated in the annihilation game over man place is a crater the only ones to get it continue were you for obvious reasons and your broken bridge baby is it all right it's been marked for disposal didn't work anymore why keep it we lost everyone not just corpse disposal my team 8q all of ready for every soul in central not City we're at our base in Capitol not City now or should I say our new headquarters Sudbury seemed the logical choice but our implementation team has been decimated and there's only so much they can do in two days things here are a mess fortunately the director and his support team were out of town at the time so the chain of command remains intact [Music] I hate to do this so soon but I have a job for you this stencil is from when you repatriated uh what's the other mark from a Klingon woman in a cave hmm I see a fin Fossum phobia no wonder you were out there alone where no one could touch you I'll try to be more careful Sam so the job is an urgent delivery I need you to bring the president some morphine what president America's gone you talking about the mayor central ma no no no ma no not the mayor a miracle lives on Sam a president is in the final stages of cancer in critical condition but there's still time why me look Sam do as I ask and I promise it will all make sense why don't you do it because I'm not really here apologies this is just a chiral gram and here come the tears allergic reaction to the chiral transmission I'm actually over in the isolation word in the big triangle building here is the morphine bridge is here by enters into a contract with Sam Porter come on you got morphine there what's this about tell me the truth the truth Sam is that America's last president wants to see you in person are you really about to say no [Music] very good I'll see you in the isolation ward [Music] scanning bridges ID alright guys so here's where we're at Colonel we got to deliver morphine to the bridges isolation ward okay Sam's right here I like that that's is that the same director guy that was actually helping today Oh with silent Hills we're not mistaken that is like a bike become like a request transport a 14-2 isolation ward for immediate administration's of the President we're saying I wish I could get another one of those bikes he had in the beginning awesome I never go have a pleasant journey let's get up out of here probably a long part one thank you guys enough for you drop on this I know that definitely just a unique type experience the isolation were should be pretty obvious if you're not sure how to get there you can set markers and draw routes to try it out and you'll see what I mean so you can set routes okay open cuff links to view map okay so if I just place the marker I mean it wasn't already place says you want to hold it down okay yeah I mean there we go beeline that's what that is I'll think any game ever did it as well as dead space where you just he just puts his hand like facing down and it shows a line you know just the most basic concept ever but it works so good alright hold on this thing's staying off limits so obviously I can't go that way let's try going this side my routes all messed up hold on dead man did tell me to take hold on we can take yeah we take this little side road right here that's fine check your compass it'll members do you bro all right compass mode here we go oh wow I gotta change the inversion on that yep we're good the inversion compass was completely opposite I have to play inverted I don't know why I just this is how it is for me you know game overall plays really well I know that as far as Sony titles go this year just what IQ it was also the seat of the reconstruction is opened if the president hadn't required a special treat we had days gone earlier this year which was amazing medieval not only not presented I just saved like all the good stuff for next year like like The Last of Us 2 PS 5 at samurai game they have a prologue was really good so I'm really curious how the rest of the game goes if it's gonna be his cutscene driven reminds me with like Metal Gear Solid 4 it was just like watching a movie theater [Music] [Music] vital signs are all trending the same way no chance of a recovery then none that I can see now we should start my preparations Sam it's me dead man sorry my mistake I'm afraid the president's condition has deteriorated thank you this will help to ease the pain and allow her to speak with you in his final moments the first and last female president of the United States surely you remember her she raised you you're not exactly dressed for a reunion take that off before you come inside all right we're gonna get some likes for this one I swear that's a Facebook hand you can't tell me otherwise I've seen it all right skip I think I'll just yeah I just skip it individually I'm still kind of yeah 50% less damage okay you got an s4 awesome that's pretty straightforward like if I'd mess that up something's wrong cargo condition see if he's overall like we're building out into a star it looks like so I'm sure you can max everything out eventually president's office there goes the strands oh that's the president's right-hand man the director of bridges the I heart man oh you were with bridges one so I guess no introductions are necessary what's it been Sam ten years look at us a bunch of deathless freaks meeting like this yeah well good to see you too president's waiting it's your mother Brigid she's a bit out of it mud I know she'll recognize you Madam President we've brought Sam we'll leave you two alone Sam I knew you'd come back [Music] are you doing alright [Music] yeah I know you hate me [Music] Emily normally you remember homily went west took her three years to cross she's trying to rebuild the country still going on about that huh you're the one I wanted to sense them time's running out help Emily she needs you [Music] together you can help us reconnect you can make America whole Sam if we don't all come together again humanity will not survive we don't need a country not anymore we do alone we have no future no America's finished Bridget you're the president Josh Sam listen to me [Music] please [Music] so you are willing to help me no I [Music] I love you Sam I'll be waiting for you on the beach madam president doctor [Music] [Music] [Music] moving her [Music] I'm a death [Music] [Music] [Music] listen no one can know that the president is dead if word gets out bridges is finished now what happened here does not leave this room do you understand yes director but there's still the matter of the body without corpse disposal we've got that covered Sam before she died the president made a contract with you when are you talking about as a member of bridges you're gonna work with the rest of us to rebuild America you think you can recruit me like she tried to what she succeeded look at your wrists if that's not symbolic I don't know what is director the cancer spread throughout her entire body harvesting organs is out of the question and there is no need for an autopsy her body needs to be cremated before she necrotize this and if we don't this place will turn into another crater we want me to do we don't have any porters right now and the CD team you went into the field with are dead but the president's body has to be burned the road from Capitol not City to the incinerator was compromised in the void out the only way there is on foot through the mountains but the Cairo density there is off the chart it's gotta be BTS this job has requirements tomes repatriate so main why Sam you're already on the clock now get it done Sam order bridges [Music] can I have a moment president strand believed in American reconstruction ISM she worked tirelessly to bring the nation together again and without her there would be no bridges she deserves a funeral with full honors but we can't give her that if she dies America dies without her bridges will cease to be listen her cremation must be carried out with the utmost secrecy even if we pull it off what then who's gonna take her place face it America's history Sam America isn't dead yet he just said that it does have Bridgette dies she may be lost to us but we still have an America worthy of the presidency hardwired let's not get into it now what matters is that we're going to finish your mother's work and rebuild America as she intended that's the reason Bridges exists so take the first step Sam and deliver the president's body to the incinerator if we don't humanity will not survive you're the one I wanted to send soon I was running out I love you Sam [Music] how do you really Pro you on the beach [Music] the facilities to the southwest remember that you'll be passing through BT territory we built the incinerator way up in the mountains so that the Carroll matter in the smoke wouldn't reach the city it won't be easy carrying a body up there [Music] they'll be monitoring you around-the-clock if anything comes up we'll offer you support buy the cufflinks [Music] alright guys that is it for this first video probably probably one of my longer part ones I've ever done probably one of my longest videos I've ever done over an hour so uh and you know it's pretty drop on this to feel like 50,000 likes in 24 hours I'll lose my mind but if you guys want more of this game just let me know I'm definitely gonna play more of it I'm gonna try to probably treat this kind of like I do like God awardee trip become human days gone where I upload a lot of parts each day but I'll just kind of see how this first video does for now so alright guys I love you see you soon peace
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 6,327,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Death Stranding, Death Stranding Gameplay, Death Stranding Walkthrough, Death Stranding Part 1, Death Stranding Review, Death Stranding Gameplay Part 1, Death Stranding Walkthrough Part 1, Death Stranding Gameplay PS4, Death Stranding Ending, Death Stranding PS4 Gameplay, Death Stranding Full Game, Death Stranding Game Gameplay, Death Stranding Gameplay Walkthrough, Death Stranding Video Game, Death Stranding Mission 1, Death Stranding Game Walkthrough, Death Stranding PC
Id: ohIUD15dypk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 50sec (3830 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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