Death on the Farm

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so we have no idea how this happened we literally just came out here right now and it's just dead [Music] all right so Monday and today we have just normal stuff going on today so I woke up this morning and Lydia's out here playing with her puppies they're being so cute oh you're not giving that one love oh he's gonna run off to Dora they both loved or indoors likely alone trying to go potty here oh she does not like to but she's always been like that she's just like not interested I'm playing with him hi hi mister hi she can tell the difference from the boy and girl because the boy is a lot bigger than the girl here is tiny oh oh they're gonna fight [Laughter] they just they can't run fast enough where'd he go hey you can't run fast enough can you just keep following in this what do you have a little stick hello I'm so happy so happy this is the best age he's like biting her he's so dominant Hey come here okay so we just came out here to milk and there's a dead duck right here um so we have no idea how this happened we literally just came out here right now and it's just dead and it is one of our ducks it's not a wild duck or anything because there's only two babies you must have just been sick out that's the only explanation they can't drown well don't touch it mom doesn't I don't say mom would want us to that's too bad at first I thought it was the male duck where is he where's Leila so one of our ducks just died and I wanted to go to the chicken coop and there's a flippin chicken dead in there too today is dead day can you get it out of there dad predator coyote can't get through our little tiny chicken doer here I don't think a coyote to get through there and a coyote would eat it [Laughter] okay so we got weird stuff the goat somehow open the gate and got out God doc we've got a chicken and then we've also got somehow the daddy duck is in the garden I guess it's a possibility if the coyote or something came in here and scared all these animals to death that this duck flew into the garden because it can't really fly but it's really scared it can get a couple feet off the ground so what's the deal duck did a coyote come and get you and scare you into here or what okay there he goes oh my gosh anything in the garden duck probably ate Tomatoes choose any tomatoes mm-hmm somebody ate it tomato hmm all right guys Kevin finished at the door knob so that's really cool burying it oh sorry it doesn't go that way does it well this is the way it shuts oh yeah then you did that but it's gonna have a thing to stop it and obviously obviously don't know how to open it's still not too hot in here it's just hot out on the driveway out there yeah so hot out here like you can feel the heat as you get closer then you open it and it's like ah oh very cool this is gonna be my introvert room where I can go when it's quiet when everybody's driving me nuts and it's loud I can sit in here and have quiet I've been doing that already but it's kind of hot all right guys so what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna try to solve the mystery of what happened this morning and so basically one of our chickens was dead one of our baby ducks was dead and then finally one of the Daddy duck was in my garden so what we think happened was that maybe a dog like a neighbor dog got into our yard in the early morning and had a chasing frenzy and scared the duck enough to maybe fly up to get into the garden what do you think Ethan yeah I mean it could have been a coyote we have had coyotes before but thinking it might have been the dog so we're gonna check this back fence and make sure it's locked see like no no no pull that up no not yeah and pull that other one up I'm just showing how see oh yeah I bet you that's what happened like strong enough had just been barking and just so what we need to do is get a big poll instead of this thing right here they get a big poll we have a ton of them and tie it to here and tie it to there so that can't swing open okay okay we're heading back out there and we've got pliers some baling wire and then Ethan's got a broken T post an old T post we're gonna sit and hook it up here at the very back so that no neighbour dogs eat our chickens or ducks we've actually never really had a neighbor dog eat anything when it's come over here but we've also it's been pretty rare that they've actually come over here alright so we just talked to our neighbor and he said that he's pretty sure there were coyotes a couple days ago around here so it probably was coyote instead it's good thing that we lock that up so that just in case the neighbor dogs were getting in there yeah yeah and they don't usually come in here yeah so it really could have been the Coyotes so he said a thing too that we could do is pee or put urine at the back fence that we have and then that way that would deter the coyotes he says he used to do it all the time when he was hunting so I'm gonna try that I don't think we're gonna video it but we're gonna definitely try it whenever there's a piece of bread the animals all fight over it here comes the Ducks fight over it fight over it here comes the Ducks and comes a chicken the chicken takes the lead here comes four ducks here comes the more chickens there's a dock here comes the dock nope the baby ducks are too scared the old chickens there's a chicken there's a duck and that chicken takes the lead runs away that's where Minnie's getting through all the way down there we're gonna need more than this now Minnie should and be able to get through [Music]
Channel: Weed 'em & Reap
Views: 368,924
Rating: 4.8948426 out of 5
Keywords: arizona, death, ducks, chickens, coyotes, desert farming, desert gardening
Id: fctPNw15oOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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