Helping our goat pass her dead babies.

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[Music] so it's kind of a sad day there's a bit of a problem with Luna now when I go resorbs they're babies so basically her body is aborting her babies we have to stay on top of it and make sure that she expels them properly or else she could develop an infection many pictures of us so to make sure that her body passes the contents efficiently we are going to give her a shot of what's called Luna lice which is a hormone that stimulates the body to bring her into heat and to release anything that's in her uterus right now I've been holding off on doing it and just watching her really closely taking her temperature I want to hold out hope that there is a baby inside of her but there isn't so it Luna in for her last time on the stand Oh Doris is gonna try to get in go fast Luna did you help her at all oh my gosh the one time okay all right we're trying to see how big Luna is what's the number on their 40.5 oh she's right as she's right at the end here Luna you're bigger than I thought she's like a hundred and eighty pounds this is like as much as you more okay so let's give her some treats and let's just do a final ultrasound you want to give her a little bit of treats Lydia [Music] this was she take this video and then you can send it to her Elena remember he said you could look up a little bit farther I don't want to give it to her I mean I probably would be able to see it really really clearly you can send this to all your ultrasound friends you get some this to Jamie you could send this darling I'm good like oh yeah I'm not I'm not as good as everybody else it's like determining like is that poop or is that a baby alright I don't know if I see something or if I don't so I'm gonna get some advice from some of my ultrasound tech friends alright Luna we still don't know what we're gonna do with you so so we are going to ultrasound a goat that is pregnant so we can compare their kicking around so much oh my gosh there's definitely four I see four right in that price Wow Doris you're so great sometimes they scratch themselves a lot like when things are bugging him so I'm hoping that she's not like cramping or anything what's going on with her so we'll check her there it is moving around for one little baby boy a little dirty baby that's where I'm going to be a batboy maybe we should check you while we're out here just just for fun come on you can have some more treats up here little head you see that good job willow alrighty then you can do it there you go boo nah come on they decided to run over here do you guys see the hey come on Luna goofy walk I'm gonna send the old force down to a few of my ultrasound tech friends and we'll find out if there was anything that I saw but I don't think so after seeing the other ladies I know that there was nothing like that inside Luna IMD imaging has let us borrow their scanner to see if we wanted to buy one and so far I like it I think it's really good at determining pregnancy early on but later as we try to count the babies and see how many are inside it's a little bit harder it might be because I'm not a very good technician I'm really new to it but I found that when counting the babies I really wanted to use our Lena our ultrasound tech who has over 30 years of experience ultrasounding animals so I think this might be a really good option for a community of go owners who want to go in together on buying something like this so that they can determine pregnancy real quick so yeah for determining pregnancies this works awesome all right today on the goat blog we work on some siding putting up the walls on the sides we're gonna really finish a lot of it we look finished [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys so today I was on the computer I was just practicing art and then my dad just like snuck up on me and he told me hey guys I'm going to basketball so can you take the golf cart and take these rails out to the barn area where we're building stuff I'm always like really happy to do chores so I was like yeah totally so I need my brother's help so I went over and I gently alerted him that you need to help me I made and drive the golf cart cuz like the golf carts scary and I can't drive it and he's really good at it so [Music] so I told him to back up and he almost ran over mini but yeah so we loaded these weird metal things on the car Ethan has been trying to teach the cat how to drive the cart but now is not the time we drove off into the sunset and the Sun was not bright because our like me they're like really scared of the cart so we put the metal things like down and I don't really know my dad's building but it looks looks pretty cool so I gave her my knee a little pat on a poop on her snow and off we went I thought Ethan also deserved a pat before I opened the gate [Music] so yeah we're really good at doing chores and yeah Ethan likes it so I kicked off my shoes and I got right back to doing art so it's the middle of winter here and winter for Arizona is like everybody else's fall it's gorgeous cold cold for us and there's still plenty to harvest so today I'm going to take you around and show you everything that we've gathered today we've already milk the goats this morning so we've got about a quart of milk from the goats and here's what else we've got my new Meyer lemon tree is looking amazing and I'm just picking a few for now but I'm definitely planning on preserving some of these in an upcoming video it's time to cut off the first heads of the broccoli and I couldn't be more excited broccoli that's homegrown is so much sweeter so much more flavorful we just love it there are a few carrots I think ready here and my carrot patch a few big ones just enough for tonight's dinner [Music] the snap peas are just starting to produce so I was able to grab just about a handful they are so delicious homegrown a little bit of parsley a little bit of celery I don't typically harvest a whole head of greens I usually just pick off a leaf here or there but I just had to show you how pretty it looks I haven't shown the pond much because well there's not really a lot going on right now all the plants are pretty much dormant except for a little bit of mint that I have that's hanging on for dear life so we're just kind of waiting and in a couple months we'll start cleaning up and preparing for another swimming season [Music] [Applause] [Music] and hopefully we'll have fish that's ready to harvest [Music] police fighters are getting bigger but not huge not as huge as I thought that they would get they probably still have a lot of growing to do we've still got a few chickens that are laying so I've just got about six eggs for today which is good enough for us we've got plenty of pecans this year from our pecan tree so all in all that's pretty good for a day's harvest in the middle of the winter tonight's dinner is especially delicious I found this really great meatball recipe it's called the world's fastest meatballs and I'm telling you they always cook up great they're super tender and they take really about 10 minutes to whip up so if you're not a pumpkin fan and you're not a curry fan you better just skip forward because tonight I'm making pumpkin curry it's a really great creamy dish with a lighter curry flavor so it's not super spicy and it's not super strong kind of perfect combination for a swim p-people I love this dish it's so comforting I just need one more thing to make this perfect so we've got brown rice meatballs pumpkin curry and cilantro along with the side of edg's from the garden what could be more perfect [Music] all right so we heard back from the ultrasound tech and it turns out Luna doesn't have any babies so guess we're just gonna give her the shot all right Luna we know what to do with you now come on watch out traffic jam hmm looks like mango wants to come into you guys how is she just going up on her own now it's a conspiracy all right yeah good now we're all good we'll just keep watching yeah she's doing her trick and now that she's yeah good job Luna still is like what's that know learn how to do that no just freeze when you scratch them but Luna no it was like yes do it again no loon on Kevin she deserves extra scratches oh my god all right that's the end of the Luna song I think that she's gonna be good we're just gonna keep watching her and no more Luna babies we're just gonna have to love on Stella oh my gosh guys look at fern how do they take naps with this pig
Channel: Weed 'em & Reap
Views: 966,444
Rating: 4.8762264 out of 5
Keywords: weed em and reap, weedemandreap, homesteading, goats, baby goats, goat birth, raising goats, funny goats, small farm, slow food, grow your own, gardening, chickens, urban farming, backyard farming, real food, family vlog, farming vlog, funny family, funny vlog
Id: r7LZ7coodjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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