What happens to our FARM ANIMALS when we go on vacation? πŸš—

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[Music] well this is why we weren't able to put up a video last Thursday because we're going camping and we're gonna take you guys along with us alright I think we're ready yep we got like this much room but we're good any time we leave the farm which isn't very often we have a farmhand come by and take care of all the animals she's amazing she milks for us and comes by twice a day so we make sure that everybody has their food and water filled to the max and then she'll just check up make sure that they've got everything things or owes and they're eaten there you are the Buckley's are okay in the Bucks and the chickens are okay in their coop the breeding goats are okay in the buck pen and all the Mamas and the doline and all the other goats are okay in the main area all right be safe now we recently had irrigation so it's a little bit wet out here that's okay Hermione you will love it right are you okay with us leaving Luna we've also got the meat chicks and kiwi and the meet chicks good to go as well the pond is good and the gardens just gonna have to survive while we're gone so let's get going think we might need a bigger car we can do it we can do it alright guys we're off you excited yes citement daddy sunglasses ready to go there's a place in the shade all the brown troubling sound when I to be by myself only need know there's okay guys we got here and we're roughing it we're waiting for our trailer to arrive we found this really cool company that's gonna bring a trailer up here and we can rent it without having to pull it up here since we have a smaller car so while we're waiting for the trailer to arrive we're gonna eat our lunch we're gonna rough it out here and it's nice and cool it's like 109 down in the valley it's probably 85 or 80 or something right so we're gonna eat lunch and hope that the trailer guy arrives otherwise this is gonna be our campsite we're gonna sleep in the car [Music] two bars hurry tell them you're still alive Oh everyone they're still alive we're pretty excited about our little fun RV rental they've got a little bed here but turns into a table you've got a little kitchen or you thing's gonna cook all of our food yeah and we've got fridge and then back here is the bedroom this is a bit that's supposed to be bad so people let's see if you can fit in on it go ahead can you and Lydia fit in that together we just sleep with our backs to each other all we get to stare at this no I think Lydia's gonna sleep with me and Ethan you and Dad can share this or dad sleep on the floor whichever happens yes day one we decided to explore the lake you like it Ethan nice and cool up here closes by itself well guys Kevin really wanted to buy these pre-made pies and try to bake them here not sure it's gonna work you found like a local shop that makes these like frozen pies for you to bake he got a regular pie and he got a pot pie and this is how he thinks he's gonna be able to cook it even though it says that it takes like an hour and a half oh that's done gonna do anything no I think you got to keep it high alright it looks what gets cooking it's working it's baking mmm with the hair dryer on high okay will it be done what do you think Ethan make your bed hopefully okay let's take it out we only have one Powler so good look alright alright how do it look it's way pointer and pop eyes are really good because they have your vegetables already in it and so your emails and your anything with the meat and it tastes good and then you don't even have to eat your vegetables afterwards we're looking worse as we go now we're gonna play code names our favorite game of all guess what that is the funny thing about dad is that he always tries to get us to constantly play games like he never lets us stop em and we're so tired of it but we keep going on for him anything you miss technology and now Lydia shall explain the game of code names you guess there's all these weird pictures and you have teams and you can only give one-word clues to try to get your teammate to guess that's fun because they're ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous images and it's incredibly hard but we like it there's a butterfly a critter it's a seahorse a critter is a fairy a critter just guys bear toy critter that is not alive not Toy Story ok then I will say extract to extract track okay so you extract the teeth with the pliers that's the most obvious one so sorry about to pick this one okay let's keep going how about ring two BAM there's always an obvious one and then the nice this one no there's a rain dad that is a circle yes well done the one that make sense should I guess - wait let me guess guys one more so you're all mine you guys critters are animals games that we forgot about them oh it's good it's pretty good it's not black like I thought it was all right well at least we didn't burn it down about three things I was absolutely positive first Edward was a vampire second there was a part of them and I didn't know how potent that part like me thirsted for my blood and third I was unconditionally and irrevocably in all right good morning we had an eventful night last night with coyotes howling and didn't get as cold as we wanted it to but we have a fun day because today we're gonna go fishing all right so far Lydia has caught a crawdad but no fish yet you got to go out on the lake if you can catch things out there all right you guys ready to head out there [Music] are we having fun family well we've been out here all day but we got only got one [Music] alright we're done with our camping trip about to head back to the animals we thought we'd just show you how beautiful it the highest elevation in Arizona [Music] these concrete walls they said my bad you don't make notes said I'm not sure so much more [Music] so [Music] well we're back from our trip we're rested up and the animals are happy to see us hey we're gonna give him some treats we even got him a treat my knee is the most hungry Rinku Tilly they really like him okay here comes Luna she's lumbering over he's all eyes let's see her she says she's a little picky she has to smell it oh that's yummy come on Stella we brought you a treat huh she's gonna go headbutt Winnie come on kiddo let's see if you like them come on she's like so close there you go [Music] that's yummy right yeah I think they all do give her another one is that yummy come on Winnie she's like putting their feet up come on you can't just lick up you'll eat anything yeah she will I bet that yummy take her Stella would you miss us oh wow y'all big bite there you go is that good see look oh these are the treats we need to give her to get her to come next to us oh good she likes them too you guys want a treat did you miss us oh they're so big look how big Sora is still take small bites oh come on I think Dukes not smart enough don't bite my fingers there you go oh he's gonna try to head back why is he tried to headbutt my hand [Music] okay are you guys both pregnant Ethan has the longest arm so he can reach over the fence she likes them let's see a fern like some fern c'mere there you go ever since pretty shy I'm not sure he's gonna eat out of Ethan's hand no you'll have to put it in the little feeder drop it so the cool thing is that I've been talking to l from l'm not Akers and hope was bread literally the exact same day as fern so they have the same due date October 21st you guys don't know we sold hope to Al they live all the way in New Hampshire and we shipped her across the country and she's one of their favorites so we're really excited to see her deliver babies so it's a race now who's gonna deliver first and how many babies are they gonna have what we're gonna do is in about a month we're gonna do ultrasounds we're gonna do an ultrasound a fern and he'll do one of Hope and we'll see how many they have and if everything's going okay in their pregnancies look Ethan he's eating it he finally ate it I think you were right they're really doing fast she's like protecting them and she's taught them to hate me that's what happens when the Mamas raise them oh if you go over to them do they run underneath her the cool thing is that Kiwi if she can raise them herself that means we won't have to construct a whole electric fence for them as they grow up she can just take care of them and protect them from hawks and things so that's kind of cool if it worked out I think you guys may have too many in the bucket I mean I'm not an expert on chickens in buckets but musically buckets can't talk about KFC while you're moving chicken okay got a trash can lid good job Lydia okay watch how fast they imprint on her oh forgot one so since we had such a good result with these chicks imprinting on the turkey we're gonna try all of them cuz then she'll be able to protect them as I grow up to the point where if editors won't be as big of a problem while we wait here the birds and see you son I decided I feel done oh the girl times just begun [Music] boom way no but we have let's hold on tight we're looking my come as Peggy when things are funny right do you enjoy the future that's right all right so we have a lot to do to get ready for these little buck lanes to leave the farm now we're gonna keep sorrel and we're gonna keep Winston but Wally and Duke are gonna go to their new homes in about a week so lots to do to get ready and we'll show you everything we do so that they have everything they need when they go to their new homes just went off and he was just laying down in the grass just to hang out like the animal whisperer yeah I'm back on the wall okay so cool well thanks for joining us guys on this fun camping trip we definitely had a blast getting away from the heat now we're back in the thick of it and we're just gonna have to deal with it all summer but we have a few projects we want to complete we're gonna get in the pond and swim first before we do any of them and a few of the baby goats are gonna go to their home soon so that's a big thing if you want to watch a video on what we do for each of the animals when we go on vacation go ahead and click here you want to have them like looking at the camera like he's talking no no I am reading this is reading it okay go good I can't stop smiling
Channel: Weed 'em & Reap
Views: 366,484
Rating: 4.9536738 out of 5
Keywords: weed em and reap, weedemandreap, homesteading, small farm, goat farm, goat farming, farm vlog, urban farm, farm in the city, backyard farm, one acre farm, sustainable living, arizona gardening, raising goats, raising chickens, raising turkeys, raising pigs, vacation, camping trip, woods canyon lake, white mountains arizona, arizona camping, baby goats, family vlog
Id: 7lrVwE4jxZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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