Defending our CORN PATCH from the naughty CATS 😂

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all right guys our cats have been locked up for a little while now because we've been trying to sprout corn and we just know that the cats are notorious for eating it up messing it up breaking it down so today is the day we're finally gonna let them out but we have a solution to keep them out of the corn so we got a motion detector sprinkler that whenever a pest goes by I have any raccoons here no spray and it scares them away it's nice some metal hoes so they can just stay on all the time I never never burst our hose well Scout and pepper are starting to explore so they won't make it over to the corn just yet but Chloe is letting Lydia holder for about five minutes all right go ahead and let her down how come it hasn't gone off yet here goes so I'm still probably gonna have bugs to fight but at least the cats are not gonna get in the corn [Applause] it's a good thing we let the cats out because yesterday this is what happened when we tried to catch a mouse to be fair we were thinking it could have been a snake so we were all kind of on edge okay hold on let it Lydia explain okay so over the past couple days me has been wandering around this basket like sniffing around it so we think she found something in there so we're gonna take it and see what it is and you've got his shoes oh my gosh anyway [Music] you ran over around me Kevin's gonna let me drive the golf cart my child Hermione she's not afraid of this thing at all the goats are ok get excited guys because this evening is Ruth's day no it's ok first things first we've got to let Nellie and fern out come on hurry get out really fast great Iverson's gonna hang out in here oh we're gonna get this done it's okay they're only gonna be gone for just a little bit okay [Music] [Applause] okay it's all done it looks amazing did you get stuck under the chair all right you're all good now it's a little bit longer Hey trying to escape on this chair that's how you got stuck okay let's move this chair out here come on I will wait you see your comments feel of a thousand kisses oh we stay [Music] your son live face [Music] first up miss Doris always first Doris is kind of a solid goat right like you know she's not gonna kiss she ever cakes she's just kind of her that's the good thing about Doris the only bad thing is she's kind of a bully ha Stella yeah she is a little bit I mean Lunas the herd Queen but Doris is a strong contender she's always fighting everybody okay Doris try to be nice today they're constantly fighting for the for the second spot some guys will realize that only one go goes on the stand but Jillian willow do not realize yeah all right so you just grab this this loopy thing and you just go straight around that's easiest to you don't do it super tight just enough so that she can't you know get out of it so we think we found the way to keep willow from kicking I felt bad because we retained a both her front and back feet yesterday and I was like oh that's sad so she doesn't really kick with her back if we're careful we watch really closely she's just kick him with those front feet so just locking those up so that she can't sneakily kick behind her and then she's fine eventually she will learn that she stands still and we won't have to use any of this he will kind of barely kicks with her back legs so I think that this is gonna be a good solution until she learned some those front legs shouldn't be kicking we basically have a goat hobble attached by carabiners to the milking stand but it works oh well oh it works how big Duke is so big they're already sore oh hi [Music] hi little Winnie knows the secret to getting out she can still squeeze out of this little area if you can believe it [Laughter] just like this isn't gonna work there you go all right bye willow no no Stella you're not ready do you don't yeah come on Tilly we realized the other day that Tilly knows her own name yeah she does when we first bought her a sheep she did know her name they called to you yeah and apparently that memory has been stored somewhere deepest go she's gonna be call her over and she just does her little funny yeah she's a good goat it's funny Tilly was actually one of our most mischievous goats she's grown us nuts and now she's like great milker really easy no problems from her super-healthy oh you guys when he got out she squeezed out so she could eat first are you proud of yourself yeah Munna is so sweet with the baby goats she totally tolerate some she's so sweet to him aren't you Luna [Music] have a good day today we're ready let him out [Music] go find your mama's Oh Duke and Daisy found doors there see so Winston and Wally that's kind of a thing they just always are mounting each other and anything in sight so a lot of you guys have noticed that the buckling Winston and Wally were mounting some of the Dolans in the last video but like I explained in the last video well they may be able to get the Mamas pregnant no matter what they won't be able to get the doling the little girls pregnant because they don't go into heat the Dolans don't go into heat until they're like 4 to 6 months old so nah nothing's gonna happen even if they wanted to so don't worry there's gonna be no little buck liens breeding little domains there is always a possibility of little buck liens breeding the mama dough's though and that's why we're keeping the buck clean separated after they have their morning breakfast how is everybody this morning huh hasn't Redfern yet but hopefully this weekend huh fern hopefully all right the roof is officially done now we're just waiting on a few last-minute details to come in the mail and then it's gonna be awesome penny penny I've got a treat for you don't run away penny look look don't don't run oh gosh look at that see I'm your friend so penny just hit ten years old and yes she has a lake problem so we noticed it when she was about seven that her legs were hyper-extended and we have talked extensively with the vet and with fellow go owners and this is really rare for them to have this we do have a possibility of putting a brace on her leg but she's really hard to catch and we can't leave the brace on all the time we'd only be allowed to have it on for a certain amount of hours in the day so we're trying to decide is it worth it to chase her forced her to wear a brace which sometimes can rub and irritate or is it better to just let her be penny is already on pain medication right now and just a little bit of meloxicam every day and hasn't really made that much of a difference so I don't know we're just gonna keep watching her and try not to chase her too much so she doesn't have to run so much for some reason although willow is super friendly her mom penny is not she's never been friendly she's always been very standoffish with us that's just her personality now that I can see what hyper-extended knees look like I'm really attune to it and I've noticed it a little bit in willow willow hasn't been limping or anything but I can see that she's not as stocky and straight on her legs like Tilly is so we're working with the vet to make sure that willow has a good balance of minerals and everything she needs to hopefully we can prevent long-term issues like penny has here and keeping Winnie is a bit of a risk but we're hoping that the leg thing can be bred out because the milking lines are so strong with this line Penny's granddaughter on another farm has your genetics and doesn't have any leg issues so we're just hoping that maybe we can phase this out of our farm but yet keep the great personality and milking lines so you may see her limping around the farm but that's just how she is and she definitely wants to get in the buck pen but penny you're too old okay [Music] powder under here she looks like we're doing okay down here getting it wet every day she's being really protective she's gonna be a good mom so we have our turkey sitting on some eggs we snuck some eggs under her she's doing really well but it's been quite a while how long has it been well I don't want to give it away but it's been it's been like 50 days over 50 days it should be really soon you didn't put an ostrich egg under there or something right I would never do that [Music] [Music] she's gonna get up on it watch and Luna doesn't even care she's like hoping that show something she'll pulls him down to her look how big your daughter is Luna she's huge I'm coming to say hi she's coming to rub against me watch [Laughter] because we're just soft and cuddly oh she's getting another one better run over there Luna it's getting pretty hot right now and while that's kind of annoying at the same time we've got a lot of things ripening in the garden we do first every day I'm gathering fresh tomatoes both the cherry and the huge heirlooms as well as zucchini tonight I'm making a dish that I actually made up myself I just thought of it I'm pretty proud of myself and I thought this would be a healthier version of a classic recipe I'm gonna start by roasting some poblano chiles and then I'm gonna mix up in my blender some crepes now normally when you make something like a chile relleno you'll make a batter of egg whites and flour you'll dip the chilies in it and then you'll fry it but I decided I wanted to make a chile relleno casserole and use savory crepes instead of deep-frying them so while the chiles are roasting in the airfryer I cooked up a batch of crepes after the chiles were done I skinned them and then deseeded them although you can leave some seeds in if you like it spicy and then I sliced them now for the sauce first you have to saute your onions and then I added one of those big heirloom tomatoes from the garden and cooked it down with a few spices after that I added a little bit of cornstarch some beef broth and let it thicken up now it's time to assemble I used mozzarella string cheese some of the roasted chilies and wrap that up inside the crepe now remember these are savory crepes so there's no sugar in them there's not gonna be a sweet flavor after that's done I poured over the blended up sauce added a little sprinkle of cheese on top and baked it for about 20 minutes this was really good and kind of healthier alternative to the standard fried chile rellenos so I'm gonna go ahead and put the recipe and is in the description try it and tell me what you think thanks for watching today's video guys if you want to see the video where we first rescued the cats they were a little tiny newborns go ahead and click here
Channel: Weed 'em & Reap
Views: 363,858
Rating: 4.9519987 out of 5
Keywords: weedemandreap, weed em and reap, cats, funny cats, motion sprinkler, comedy, farm life, farm cats, barn cats, farm vlog, small farm, backyard farm, raising goats, miniature goat farm, nigerian dwarf goats, arizona, gardening, desert, one acre farm, family farm
Id: o0MokCLmFrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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