Dean Martin Celebrity Roast Frank Sinatra

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the Dean Martin celebrity role coming to you from the MGM Grand Hotel in the entertainment capital of the world Las Vegas Nevada ladies and gentlemen from the beautiful Seefeld Rome tonight star-studded roast has brought together some of the world's greatest entertainers they've come from all over the world to be here tonight here in Las Vegas in person joining Dean Martin as he honors tonight's very special band of the hour Frank Sinatra run the yours Red Rock dad what money the one to pay No tonight man of the hour Frank not far I'm truly fortunate to be counted as one of Frank's friends I'm pretty lucky every night I get on my knees and pray I pray that I can get off my knee Frank's been a real Belle Wow he helped me when I started saying in Pepe's and changing the cafe all right help me with my recording and motion picture career and Frank thanks for your support thanks for your support I swear I'll word til the day I die if you like serve as an inspiration to every American boy Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken New Jersey as an unwanted child and now he's wanted in five states especially the state of New York as you know New York City has been having its financial trouble nobody knew Frank had lent money to New York until they found the Statue of Liberty with her arms broken oh we had a very lonely childhood when fruit was a his father took him aside and he loved in there in high school Frank never participated in extracurricular activities like nature's 30 paintings or ceramics Frank's hobby or the most interesting one he was an amateur gynaecology the minute when he was out of high school he decided to become a boxer he fought 26 fights I thought were with the cops now they have open photographer Roger car exhaust and his orchestra was playing a nightclub and Frank audition for him tommy was really impressed the way Frank attacked those I knows and for an encore Frank attacked the cocktail waitress luxuriant Frank I once played one of those albums and you got my record player pregnant I know where the MedicAlert bracelet on his wrist which means I'm a section boat in case of an emergency give me a girl Oh for runaway girls and he ran away with us before introducing our first guest well I just want to say that the who doubt that when Franco dies they'll hang his zipper in the Hall of Fame George Burns is surely one of the great comedians he's gonna be 81 years old over here and for the last three months he's been saving up his breath to blow out the candles they're gonna put him on his birthday cake and he's going up and blow him out and here he has old sugar throat himself mr. George you know Dean my sister Goldie is one of your biggest fans when I told them that I phoned to the Ceph no night old I was dressing right next door to you let's go hole in the dressing-room between our and she told me to look through the hole and tell her exactly what you look like he boldly got all excited she says please look through the hole and I did and she's now a Frank Sinatra fan the right business so is Tony Bennett and Perry Como and Andy Williams all us great singers lot of made you see when you're singing you don't have to worry about getting laughs see nobody's laughing on that word it's out on the stage the girls scream and there we have something in common I get the same thing from the nurses when I go in for a checkup after taking a shower I took a look at myself in the mirror and I found out it takes a very little and making those scream by the way you wouldn't make it the girls scream well you ought to know you peeked through the hole I don't know where they post it but as singers Frank and I have very much alike it's it's not that we praise the same way and it's not that we sing in the same key and we said you don't have the same range but there's one thing we have in common we both open our mouths when we say come to think of it we have another thing in common we both make records he sells his I buy his records he makes us so sexy my secretary Trixie Hicks she buys every one of them that's so sexy every - plays a record she's got to fill a bucket of cold water on so I never try to dictate a letter with a wet secretary city it's exciting no wonder that women still idolize Frank Sinatra now that he's always really a good-looking guy takes a long time to get the be good-looking as I said when I place cut up here a singer doesn't have to get laughs and when you're an 81 year old singer you don't have to have a finished my next guest is the distinguished former governor of the state of California ladies and gentlemen the Honorable Ronald Reagan Thank You Jean I'm pleased to be here tonight honoring my very dear friend Frank Sinatra I must say that when this program was being planned the producer hadn't decided what political figures would participate it was a choice between me and Governor Brown and I lost again seriously this is Frank Sinatra's night and I'm here out of gratitude Frank worked for me in all my campaigns he was with me all the way to the governor's mansion without his help who knows I might have been president it's my considered opinion that the two gentlemen who flanked me would make quite a political ticket Franca's president dean is his crawling mate franksen after make a good president let's look at the facts he has many friends and I'm sure he'd appoint only the most qualified to his cabinet who better than Sammy Davis jr. a secretary of health education and jewelry was in politics there's always gossip and ugly rumors I'm happy to expose one for the falsehood that it is he has not granted a Pizza Hut franchise at Camp David it'll be in the White House where it belongs canasa will make a president who is strong on defense but again will have concern for humanity scientists it is urging have developed an intercontinental ballistic missile that is not a weapon of mass destruction it only hits photographers I asked him what he thought of the energy bill he didn't hesitate a second said pay it Franca's innovated his mind is always working but he's also willing to admit when he's wrong like wanting a comic like Pat Henry to open for him when he addresses the joint session of Congress and he realized speak to Congress the real comics are in the audience we won't have any trouble with Congress they'll pass all the legislation he sends over just to get his autograph and he'll settle that canal business to animal wants a canal you give them Venice and you probably gathered by now I think Frank Sinatra would make a fine president but I don't know whether we can get him to run is it worth it if you have to give up being a king down on Frank Sinatra and find out what he really liked well nobody is closer to Frank than our next guest ladies and gentlemen his Frank's personal chef mr. Dominic tenderoni hi Sofia that's a nice to see you hey so much pathology for the layman the best cook in the world because it's true that is judgment approved please breathe on the prune mynique the mr. Sinatra came into my restaurant he had linguini Montessori and cannolis three of the biggest broad you ever saw in life very particular specially Frank you know with his sound he like pizzas I want fresh tomatoes I want personated so I gave my beautiful waitress with a filling by the way I just want you to know that I have written our pizza cookbook 400 pages the first 300 pages are napkins I got a lot of famous quotations of one of the best quotations is from Julia Child who once said to her turkey that she was nothing you're embarrassed how do you think I think and great happening very few people know that he is one of the greatest swimmers in the whole world it just drove and you know that Frank should be very grateful to the press because it was the best who taught him the Australian court I go back a long way but Frank a long way but over time I go back on him this far back they proposed it for me he wouldn't be the king he is today remember when the girls were swooning and painting I'm responsible Colette yes at the Paramount they even the screaming pain I used to give him before he went on a meatball sandwich with a lot of garlic and he would sing night and day we will see with singing that was due he was in the recording studio he was singing strangers in the night he was just coming to the end and I took a spoon full of hot possible with a little bit pepper and he opened it man I suck at anybody with who scooby-dooby-doo it's connected to me it early things in their part I chewed it up he's eating my food Thanks six on this album you can see is probably the most popular Frank's ever taken everybody remembers Frank alone at night standing under a lamppost holding a raincoat I'd need to see this yet could I take a look standing here near this ramp are seen this I could cook the whole thing and the photographer's photographer was all set when Frank said you know something the land pose the suit and the Hat that's nice but something is missing I don't know what but it needs another touch something I don't know is it's foggy misty and at that moment some fellow was walking by in a raincoat and Franklin at the guy and said that's it recoat know this guy with the raincoat was a nice fella and over to Frank for this picture he's in the audience tonight as Frank invited guests and we'd like him to stand up a bigger ball from the LA Police Force homicide division lieutenant Columbo that you remembered me after all the years this is I'm flabbergasted I mean I'm just flabbergasted I thought that the you know the album came out good no I liked the picture and you know the Rinku never looked better I know you're not other speak so I'm not going to take a lot of time I wouldn't do that you know I wouldn't do that I want to I want to tell you with a beautiful introduction speech thank you for the introduction oh one quick question if you don't mind those shoes then I rent now I feel a little self-conscious being here because I'm not ready but well I knew was a big affair but I didn't know that I was going to be brought up here I mean if I had known well I don't know what I would have done because this is all I got you know when I got the invitation I was at home I was about oh five o'clock in the afternoon you know that they come in the form of a telegram they don't come in a regular mail though they send you a wire and I counted the words sixty-three words you can imagine what that cost I don't know I don't know if they know that oh here it is I got a right here with me this is the way you get invited into this now this is not a night letter this is a regular Telugu it's not the original this is a Xerox I wouldn't bring the ready the original my wife she took that right away to the bank and she put that in a safety deposit box so we could get the blue train it goes right up there on the wall next to the album cover you got that frame let's see now usually one moment sir are you through with that cocktail napkin and no thank you sir if you don't mind sure you know I figure you can do it now and you get it done that's all we play no footnote sir if you don't mind would you put two lieutenant Columbo Frank sauna that's all you don't have to write a loop and lt clear my foot you put sort of missus lieutenant Columbo and mrs. and mrs. Franks are not sure that's really where the good that's it good when I say love love mobs and love yeah all right could you put the midgets first appreciate this come on Bobo on double time even better gets put to lows if you could have been at the house you wouldn't believe this what happened there when this invitation kind you know the family they went crazy once had asked them this and the other said ask of that and but you know on my wife's side when they go without show business there oh yes my god Dominick well he's from Hoboken I do everything yeah not that he knew he didn't know you oh he knows so business no fraud way well he sold bobble supplies in the Time Square air which is born right here you can't lose this it glows in the dark anyway he married this girl to raises she's also from Hoboken and when you Frank you know when you in those days when he was singing at the Paramount she worked in the in the Orange Julius there in the corner she was on he was a hostess there you know showed people to their stools so then what they want me to ask now remember this is dumb ask not me I'm out of this what they claim they claim a few years ago when you retired was because your voice you got a little tired see they claim now that when you make a record that Jerry Vale does the singing let me let me give you this this this is a bitches from my wife lasagna you know it's all fresh tomatoes and he made a pot to herself and I hope you thank you very much for your very well listen don't bother washing out the pot because that's Teflon you see you the steel wool that scratches the bar I could rinse it out with water when he's done and then can I dress in there then you just drop it in any mailbox I have to return the gentleman for the bar on the time that's right thank you very much odd delicatessen we did oh that's a wonderful place where was it depends uh oh that would be our thank you very to go in jobs like Nolan they got their a an early bird dinner you get there you could get there before 5:00 you know you get the main course and your choice it's super solid in the feather into government I want to ask your master this is very hard to hear so you know my wife went crazy when she got the invitation all you need amount of nerve - they said you know my wife is watch you know and I don't even know if you'll permit it to do this well you see in my family we get together every month we all sing and you know I understand you're the greatest thing and they're all out there watch it would it be possible not a whole song god bye-bye blackbird they get a kick out of it they're all Rosie you just won a ticket back back you asked for and then whoa Harry it is indeed a great pleasure introduce our next guest one of the most respected citizens in Hollywood a fine gentleman magnificent actor ladies and gentlemen mr. Jimmy Stewart I can see and it's always nice to be invited one of these roads free because it means that I'm able to see you Dean now I just hope that in your condition you will be able to see me I'm awful glad to be here tonight because for a long time I've wanted to tell a little incident involving prank now the Western movie he made through years act of course I feel sort of qualified to talk about Western is because I've made my share as a matter of fact at one point my career I was making so many westerns I was the only actor in Beverly Hills who had a saddle on my Buick of course but we do those westerns we usually go out on location to one of those small towns way out in cattle country and I remember on one occasion we went out to a little place in Utah to make a picture and we thought the good citizens would be thrilled to have us all it would people talking rubbing shoulders with him and and as a matter of fact they hated the whole thing and later on I found fire it seems that a Western had already been made few years earlier something called sergeant 316 you Frank and the rest of the guys you used to call the Rat Pack now this little town Utah used to be a very quiet decent little town in fact it was so moral they didn't even have a town drunk the men of the town had to take courage you know every night it was a sleepy little western town where the big excitement was watching the sunset about 5:30 or so the fascicle for Frank and the guys all got there and start throwing wild parties after that the Sun begins Sutton later and later 10:30 11:30 midnight you know the Sun was no dummy it didn't want to miss any of the action either a couple of times didn't set it all just stayed up all night and tried to fool around with the moon yeah that's Frank you you and your Rat Pack did a lot of wild things like not movie and when I met the mayor he told me that he was willing to overlook all those beds you took out of the hotel and the statue from the front of the library there's one thing he still can't overlook he sure wishes you guys had put back the library Franco so this day your exploits are talked about in Uptown they've become kind of a legend and every night at the saloon the bartender gets up on the bar and recites an epic poem is much like the pace in the barroom floor or the shooting of Dan McGrew and about your guys and I'd like to read the poem you don't mind and it that it goes like this Frank and the boys came into our town but not to do ridin and Ropin these sergeants three soon went on a spree and they started in grabbin and group the girls school at the Long Branch saloon for each sang a love song so pretty then one by one when their song was done they tried to make out with Miss Kitty Dean bought some grain had a feed store because he had just heard the news that if you let the grain stay out on the rain it would turn into next year's food yes our little town was turned upside down when Frank and his clan did their thing now the cows they don't move they go scooby-dooby-doo the school bell goes ring it in deep Oh I've ever seen my brothers and sisters up here on the dais they're all doing quite well even though on the page or a big mouth red fox is doing great he held out the window in his dressing room he got the window but he can't find a woman to come in and clean it Sammy Davis found out how people of doing so well he's trying to pass for black always be grateful to Frank because it was he who got me in the shoulders we're playing played the paramount New York I was an usher and he was such a smash hit the girls got excited through everything upon the states the stockings high-heeled shoes browsers girdles and ease after everyone left my pond up on the stage picked up all that stuff and that's how Geraldine was born I think it rather appropriate that to introduce a woman who knows Frank Sinatra as well as anyone she's the original president of the first banks and not the fan club ever formed please welcome mrs. Gladys they're so calm and cool when left like you were gearing for my body learning that were yawning tonight the world is going to find out what kind of a man you are I've known him since he first won in show business I was the one who first believed in him he told me I was his one and only Sagar promising you'd marry me for years I've had a hope chest I've seen your chest ain't no hope boom and you really should not spare this man over these are the food pain scars and fuels but tonight tonight you'll learn the truth about Frank Sinatra tonight i spose myself toy with my affections I was hurt I am feeling G though I am a human being wanna bet I was in Atlantic City with Frankie here is a picture of me in front of the 500 club eating a hot dog oh man i beautiful phalanges opening girls I spent so much time on my makeup I didn't have to run to shave my legs so I put them up in curlers city he opened at the Paramount Theatre in New York I was in the audience and all the other girls yelled and screamed but I was different Frankie I didn't scream listening to music French horn represent nice English horn records by the day he was I've got something to tell them I see yet but you are going to have a series of big hit does that make you feel good projection what can you say about Milton Berle anybody who says he isn't funny he's seen his act would made a major contribution to the world of comedy mr. Milton burrow Thank You Dean thank you of all all my introductions that was the most recent and it's a great pleasure ladies and gentlemen Frank all right enjoy yourself it's somebody and by the way I forgot to another all of Frank's pals couldn't be here tonight half of them couldn't find time and the other half of doing it there's red fox red box Oh blue ice say hello to Oh blue jokes five Sidney beautiful his grandfather picked cotton and it went to Reds head my friend Flip Wilson flip recently went to Africa to search for his roots and he traced his family all the way back to Detroit let's get back to our guest of honor this gentleman here this aging Paul Anka Frank I am really glad that you came out of retirement too bad your voice didn't join you remember Frank remember when you could really hit those high notes one day Sinatra was singing at home hit a high C and spayed the dog I'm sorry flip I shoulda said Spade today this man cuts a record right away it's a hit remember I did it my way I tried it his way and I was in faction for three weeks Franks and others the king today he speaks to God not in prayer but on a one-to-one basis all style of prayer to see if he got any messages I understand I don't know if this the truth if I understand that Frank is going to Rome he's going to speak to the Pope he wants to poke to make him a cardinal and that way we'll only have to kiss his range no propriety and even a bigger surprise for our guest of honor tonight elects bodyguard ladies and gentlemen mr. Carlo cappuccino first of all I like to say from a prankster I like a safe oh my xbox he has no feeling the 30 is I was his bodyguard was easy it took me five years just to find his body you shoulda seen the way he looked then he looked like he was given the kiss of death no brake system the perfect bodyguard I was fearless because I was brought up in a tough neighborhood and it was really tough could walk 10 blocks and I believe the scene of a crow cerise widow i really had a tough job keeping up with this man one day he's in England next days and friends Jenny's in German I can't tell you how many times I found him abroad keeping all these were women away from this Italian expert and somebody's women Oh while we're in brokerages room and threatened them in order to protect myself I threw myself on a body being a son Manley's mo mr. red every day no RV no whatever gets stuck it up tonight this must be the road and all roast because as I look around the beers I see a lot of heavyweight hunky right with the exception of Flip Wilson I'm on the page in myself everything as much like me since my Thanksgiving turkey exploded what I'm happy to be you tonight Donna Frye's because this man like me came up in the toughest part of show business the trenches the battlefield in other words the nightclubs and remember those saloons right they always had the same lineup of girls singer comedian the tap dancer and a juggler the done was a guy who kept the books was even covered for me least he worked in the factory nightclub in Las Vegas with Dean joy sanding the rest of the guys I had to play small clubs in Mississippi while he was singing him dancing with the Klan I was running from it there was a time long ago when prank I both played Atlantic City but what a difference Frank for the difference what a ban Frank was at the 500 club on the main drag I was at the club Harlem which Nashville was in the black in the back of the beach now in that part of Atlantic City of anything white came in it was a shark in the black sooty was a loan shark BRAC a lot of nice things we said about you tonight but if I had say one thing and it's this I think I was outspoken and that's you baby that's you you say what's on your mind you say what's in your heart and you don't give a damn about consequences and because of that is the best compliment that I can give you as far as I'm concerned you are the white Andrew Young gentlemen my good buddy mr. Gene Kelly the great pleasure for me to be here to honor Frank Sinatra because we've been friends for what I love no I won't say how long but for quite a long time we both came to the coast in the early 40s and each of us were filled with hope and ambition and we started out together in that fabulous faculty of film fantasy metro-goldwyn-mayer studios of course at that time Hollywood wasn't as built up as it is nowadays for instance Hollywood Boulevard which today has an entire sidewalk of stars had only one star on the pavement celebrate' era that Frank and I made our first MGM musical Anchors Away there were many musical numbers in Anchors Away which required Frank to do a lot of dancing now trying never danced before that's true you never danced before and he needed plenty of rehearsal plenty I must tell you really truly now that he trained for that film like a fighter going into the ring and he turned into a hell of a dancer by the time we had tonight three wealthy and she lives alone you we forgot to be good and the studio executives liked it so much they wanted us to play sailors again and the film called on the town so weary enlisted by that time we become really good friends it was a special kind of guy and very generous kid martyrs tides and you--it I just like it if you said I like his suit Frank would send you a suit she said I like your girl he sent over two guys named carmine and Lindsey well here we are in white uniforms dr. yards the one we roll my we are we manehattan women are all it's open sat me so the palace say there's just one thing necessary in Manhattan when you've got just one day gotta pick up a date maybe seven or eight on your way in gentle one day around we are feel tell you being an activist proving we got a little tired of playing sailors so we asked the studio to take us out of uniform and they did they put us in to take me out to the ball game and we wore baseball uniforms and I'll tell you Frank being a swinger it was pretty tough convincing him that baseball was the great American pastime I think maybe take me out to the ball game was our favor right we will one thing more you know and that last TV special we did together you sang and I dad to a tune called nice and easy and I bring that up now because as I try to sum up our relationship over the years that seems to say it nice and easy and that this battered old Irish Wofford says thanks from the bottom of my heart the star of Kojak mr. Ellie is the most exciting i think that's ever happened in Nevada no Italian has ever received such distinction as a matter of fact in your honor all the pizza parlors in Las Vegas are closed forever Marcus busy writing his autobiography the reason I'm here tonight I do admit there is an ulterior motive he's making a major motion picture on his life he's already purchased to write this major motion picture company and I must say I would love to play the part of Frank Sinatra in that film I mean if I may the story of Frank's life I can do everything Frank does with one exception after the stories of her dear tonight I need a stunt man for all the love scene may be wondering why Frankie doesn't play the lead in his own stuff okay Frank doesn't get along well with photographers this first picture for MGM was Anchors Away he had a love scene with Captain Grayson he slugged the Cameron for trying to take his picture we know that nepotism runs rampant in our business we know that when you run out of relatives you take care of your tagging friends fresh so what chance does a little Greek boy have the streets of the yard I haven't know they're considering a your buddy Dino for the role last night at the bar he took one of the chorus girls up to his room and one minute later he was back as what happened he said I did it Frank's way lovely ladies wonderful and warm person miss lon pretty wild I saw in the casino last night man you were so smashed you took a flat machine by the arm and try the smooth target into coming up to your room land up with lately lemons turn on my studies with him hi honey hey you do that again I'll teach you so hard you'll be where your jockeys short that has made yeah loader look at all these white faces could make a latest noble quickly read Milton Berle with those buck teeth you look like a chipmunk and what you said Dom DeLuise I want no jazz of you fatso you look like a Pillsbury Doughboy don't you start nothing George Burns you old geezer hey he's no aunty he keep his water bed filled with dares home whistles and challenge the ballast laughing look at you and Kojak didn't sit next to each other the NBC censor would have made YouTube altars where bazillion you're here what you learn about Ruth Buzzard you ain't exactly a sex symbol honey you just roll naked through a camera alone and lumberjack and all you pick up with Beast Clinton and don't you go camping of gum Jack Klugman everybody who's been five years living with Tony Randall man I like to hear you explain back to Anita Bryant and now we get to you mr. Francis Albert Sinatra you always been holding and stressing you supposed to be a big man well let me tell you something turkey I hear the wheel Chamberlain could slam dunk you and still have wound up on a watermelon I know you got your foot sense in the fourth quarter of the Chinese Theater so what's the big deal everybody figured some day you'd wind up in cement none of us will ever forget Frank's oscar-winning performance as the tragic little soldier Maggio in that immortal movie From Here to Eternity well we have a big surprise for you Frank because with us tonight is that brutal sadistic boss of the stockade who made your life so miserable fatso I mean Jill tofu's babies no you weren't with us in Hawaii on December the 7th but anyway you look like you were bombed before Pearl Harbor I mean again I'm Asha sit up straight check out Sheldon backs up in your gut oh my god and now Marshall I hated you from the very first day you walked into Schofield Barracks you were pale pasty it was skinny I looked at you and said to myself the army must be desperate I drafted linguini having you in a platoon is embarrassing every man in it on a day when General MacArthur left the Philippines and said his immortal words I shall return I shall return how you made us cringe when you yelled when you do bring booze and broads my show always for the good old days but if I ever had to do a job on you again to be all different boy no more punching a kid ninh nah none of that I got a torture that's even worse day I threw you in a stockade lock you in solitary for 24 straight hours I'd make you listen to nothing but Donny and Marie records orson welles a over there having known him a good bit longer than most I respond with some trepidation to this opportunity to speak of history's first finger snapping Pope began yet on the bad old days when I was on the radio playing the shadow and Frank was at the Paramount looking like the shadow shadow said who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men believe me Frank knew a few seasons ago you remember that he announced his retirement sad day every Motel in America fluid sheets at half-mast I guess I'm here for reasons of seniority that's for the other speakers well it's certainly a lot of them ex governors and secretaries of states a tattered emilion grab bag of distressed comedians and a bald-headed Greek tragedians chief claim to fame as that he gave new life to the lollipop you know I made a little documentary film of this occasion but I see there won't be much time my subject was Frank's home the royal residence in Palm Springs I opened the film of the palace gates bearing as it does the family coat of arms it depicts the entire Sinatra family pushing Wayne Newton into the sea absurd after the humanitarian and philanthropist what can I say he's endowed some fascinating scientific research the new birth control device stresses so much surer than the pill at that time the couple is shown a print of Frank's movie the kissing bandit Brenda's reproduction of our species impossible since it's difficult to make love when you passed asleep now I'm closing I'd like to speak as an Italian and I am an Italian the hard way by marriage while I can't claim to have risen to those loftier circles of high society where the bed nose and a slight color flowering of the ear signs of chic what I have learned is that with all the Italians there's some questions it's healthier not to ask certain things that should we say arranged that's I do not know and I don't want to know how in the world it came to be that when my daughter was brought to the fount to be baptized it was Don Francisco here who was he should excuse the expression the Godfather this is the joke who joke about a thing like that my own Beatrice is sitting right out there really is Sinatra's godchild believe me if otherwise I would have been a lot sassier tonight Theresa mojito beside you Grandin thank you simply translation whatever I've been saying here Don Francisco it's strictly fun absolutely Godfather like at you watch your lip it is surrounded by Italian singing have you noticed folks our business supposed to the singers or Italians roaster comedians of Georgia which is ridiculous it's very little difference between of Jews in the Italians one year a high school the man himself Francis Albert Sinatra singers swinger actor director producer businessman tycoon and on the seventh day he rested Billy Graham the one said about this man there but but grace of me goes God yes my friends why why are we giving this man why are we giving this man a dinner when some of the greatest Italians and in history the world never got a dinner a new baby who said to Sophie is that all for me you Christopher Columbus said the Queen Isabel I keep telling in a world is round you're the one who's flat never got a junior apprecia cause who said she was cited green sports media poison Geri Markel said to Yogi Berra repeat after me oh hey Oh whoa true Julius Caesar who said his being stabbed by Brutus well I guess you know you just moved a Christmas bonus he ever got a sinister bolo Marco Polo set to us why they are you crazy I just traveled 10,000 miles and China to bring the spaghetti you want me to go back for the meatballs Venus de Milo who shut the Colonel Sanders but sure it's finger-licking good roll the old set the Juliet for a better romance get off the balcony and get on the pill again first baseman Joe Torre who was too chicken to play catcher because he said who wants to be known as chicken cacciatore my regards back she's a self-made man all his life Frank did what he wanted to do and he did it his way cause he had to check it out with the boys first Born's why did they call him the boys you ever see any of the boy ah tough looking guys I saw one guy who can make a fist with his nose he had a beautiful he has a beautiful home in Palm Spring he often plays golf with like dirt lands because he won't let him keep school remember when he won the Oscar for From Here to Eternity that was a terrific performance and then much much later he retired he said he wanted to spend more time with his friends when they found out he was out of work he didn't have any friends left I want to say gift one moment if see I did one picture with Frank the detective which was one of the most memorable moments in my career I loved him for tonight being in here and betting and I love him for that picture and thank you all my next guest is not a member of the Advocate profession he has been closely linked to Frank in the past he is the man that drove the bus when Frank went from city to city on his concept tours ladies and gentlemen mr. Elwood break it boy we both age a little bit on yes I put them warned you did I remember when I could grab you clear around uh around uh very under the bone in your basket my mother the I did Drive Frank Rico I called him just Frank two other guys would say Frank Francis Albert and I just very great and Samara the man here what's him I know the RFE on dude but Martin I know how close you guys are all time flying around in a crop duster right I did I I didn't prepare nothing I just all these people and children is everything only people that I've ever seen was Frank here and I did see Helen Forrest one time one diner in Boise I remember I remember Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey always called a mister mister mister D and mister D and Frank call them things boy and I tie and everything getting salutes I've never seen those days I was just driving him and instruments and we had over 75 the horns packed in the back I've seen frankly a space up to the window like this all the kinds of sacks is crowd me he'd have little booze and I'd have some of my brother made he's Catholic as you know I'm nondenominational I've joined everything here is I don't want to bend anybody but what kept things going is still if I look at his fingers along with it that man has fingers on these two fingers I'm talking about that that's a thumb and this but see the rest of what he's just that made his career I don't care what they judge you had the power of burner anyplace else this rendered no black magic does the innocent but he is always good to me he'd give me five or ten when we hit a major town don't need no money here in Blaine builders down there he picks me up with girls one girl in that but but one did I young were tripled and my boy should look at the rest of the machine room I tell you he said he did a thing I just wanted to leave you with one thing which I think is just a little segment of humor and a picture of what a beautiful man this is and why this dinner which it's probably never going to be served I have seen no food at all usually you just get I guess it's all going to hit it real quick be the plan to do it Frank is in but what we did this is our last thing I'm saying it I get off Frank love you boots you got on there clear up to here and he's got a knife and one there on the right I'm just too scared Frank and I Drive route 55 I've got a military boy k-bar on me I got a guy the day boy just stuck him against a sheet aluminum I'm not proud of that but I had to violence but if it comes my way I love it that's reason I'm never doing any one religion I guess me I know where to kill a man or grab me very coming out st. Louis endorsees they was always one of them had a Cadillac another one who the Duesenberg and they had chauffeurs they changed off all denominations and and Franken me was in the instrument but all the instruments in there and Frank could purchase a dog he was the only time I'd ever seen him really bombed in and really just where he was out of it completely and he was using his hands with him off like he hadn't closed his fingers and he said I got a little dog here and he pulled out paper bag it was this is the black and white dog and a little spot I'll hip heared tail wagging the retros light and he said let's put the dog on the hood that regular thing we pulled off Rob this is Rob 50:59 I believe you and I never lost I'd read get off the road and just stay off the road mostly people phone anyway you know brothers would go by first and be enough snow on you you couldn't see for an hour you just walk down the highway like it yeah but here are strange people alive Franca's all right II knew where he was all the time the guy's lapsing 37 of them stand up one time and a major benefit there was no instruments in their hands people I guess why why and frankly that old black magic can you stay to a length but this dogwood dog was up on on the hood and it would come back and forth on the hood and he said to me he said Elwood got it all down and I said well it'll make it all mad and I said it's no one said and it's loaded said in law heavy and the dog we was doing that was doing about 80 in those days e to 80 and we just had home money off the windows and guys grab it in motorcycles and Warren Bastion Frank had a lot of jewelry - a lot of times in his hands he just didn't from some quick dice you know in here but area dog come back and got caught into the wipers yeah I know I know I animal people are because that's where I was a dollar bill the Boise at night thank God to think that we might and I just look at that happen because kept the dog from freezing to death follow all the things that Frank does for people he does a lot for animals because that's always eat him alive but that dog you put the dog back into the bag.if just as hard man as the car vocalizes back again I hope him who is always back that just always I had more some to give yeah I had some but I was rolled and tell him he's Bogart he's Wayne he's everybody but actually mr. rich little I don't believe this my whole act alive and well and living here at the MGM Grand had this Airness for tonight down there I don't want to go out with no girl to my mom and you want to know why because I'm ugly and you wanna know why I'm ugly because you and Paul were ugly that's why Oh King Kelly there - I'm saying look look at this hockey puck we're in the middle of the Nevada desert a man singing in the breeze it's good to be here as an honor fine tonight but not everybody I know shared that opinion for instance Truman Capote said hi there Sun seekers mostly Frank Sinatra gets ridiculous all he ever does is go out every night and brawl and punch and get it's disgusting it's degrading in a strange way it's rather exciting and George Burns told me since the map from roasted that that's like putting Fonzie in the white house now it's a nice gift and as a single it's hard for me to put him down she can't put down another singer but he doesn't know how to put over a song you say Frank the song should go something like this one somebody loves you nor so good unless he loves you all the way jog me like a flower top to me Aloha learn let's ask one of Frank's neighbors and Palm Springs to say a word in your behalf Gerald Ford oh I'm Gerald Ford you remember me if you don't I carry an American Express our next guest comes as a special surprise to our man of the hour the audience may not be familiar with the name j9 you people don't know Julius it is always a famous word well with us and it mrs. Sinatra you've never even heard it jillee problem well maybe a query is here is there's no prank without said I came out of respect I came out of admiration for most of all I came out of fear I remember the night Frank came into my joint about 3:00 in the morning yeah I just left the Elmer off of a big deal I think what some of his friends with him they were very high class the a group you know the pilot wash their hands before they danced by the headphone looking for cash spot on a roller power I know you got a lot of important people up here so I'll just say what I can say to you for the past thirty years I'll be waiting in the car the CDC's GPO shocky which is a big hit on the NBC network this is the hundred right may I say publicly to you is the palm of the year James would have had a turn-off we don't like to hear that gone to my black brothers Rick Fox the question the one page which a whole life if dear wonderful wonderful new wife Barbara Barbara one with the diamond on her nose a Jewish wife she doesn't do that she has so much jewelry on she can't keep her head up enjoy jingyan 90 lay down annoying the people voices Wendy what is London give me a break in Miami Beach guy said you stink that chilly walked over they kill the Don it's a man that's in charge of the time people the cup of the captive under bending for positive and a woman and a choose don't do that we make a phone call give a few dollars and they all go away so they store up in the Polish peak of the mini trouble my dear friend Jack Klugman from Quincy one of the great actors who said to me kept me a brought a monkey a dog anybody it all moves anything Ronald Regan our great former governor who set me give him a cookie and they went away all the great stars pop up couldn't be here tonight he's looking for a war you know I never I never tell the truth I exaggerate I make fun of blacks whites Jews tat well Jews we're the chosen people we had a few bumps I must admit that the Red Sea trick the morning shop everything good Oh enjoyed it my heart to all of it into wonderful Peter for over here Peters look at the side Ruth Buzzi everybody laughs at about a looks good dog and also well thirty years ago you a handsome and now I'm going to put Goodyear on your face and fly over the beach forever checking with annoying is that funny lovely milk it's over the one on Tuesday just the furniture Marie Franklin to the big lights of Las Vegas this wonderful gentlemen that we honor tonight was in my corner then he's in my corner now we do not dance together we do not break bread every day together but when I'm in his company Dean knows this and you know this I speak of him with love and I tell you we have been blessed to have such a man good night and now it is my privilege and very pleasant duty to introduce our guest of honor I'm a good buddy what can you say about a guy that's already a legend the accomplishments of Frank Sinatra have been documented in the history of show business you can find them listed in some books as a singer in others you'll find them lesser there's an actor but in my book he'll always be listed as a friend the best this business isn't as easy as it looks you endure a lot of hurts and scars along the way and whenever Frank found out I was hurting he was always there for me there's lots more I could say but at this moment my emotions prevent me from translating my feelings into words so to say here's the man of the hour the man of the year and my personal vote for the man of the century mr. Frank Sinatra mr. ladies and gentlemen Thank You Dean and all of your Roasters and our roast ette I'm here tonight for a very simple reason I will repeat what Dean said except change it around I love Dean Martin have more years and we want to mention that upsets Anita Bryant so be it and Dean I hate to spoil your image but I have to tell the people the Dean that I know a little bit about a good deal about he's not a drunk and he is so far from the fumbling he would have you believe he is it's all a charade really but it entertains people so he carries on with it and Dean is probably brought more fun into my life than anybody I know that's for this evening I've enjoyed every week of it I enjoy the jokes and I enjoyed the serious part that Don Rickles did everybody doesn't have to be funny all the time and on prove again tonight as how to express my thanks to all of you on the dais for being my friends we don't have time tonight or this year for me to put it all into words but you may believe me if I knew how to hug get this I would do it everybody on the stairs by your talents you bring light into darken worlds and lives and by your work you change the world subject from sadness to laughter and that is a rare gift that I cherish and admire and all of you people you're cheered America and in my book that's win place and show because without the laughter you provide without the escape you create without your songs and your entertainment the brilliant colors you add to a black and white world that world would have more time to cry you get applause but never enough but what is enough if only once in your life you cause the friendly smile of why bother strangers tear I love you all thank you very much may I say that I hope you all live to be a thousand years old and the last voice you hear is mine you you
Channel: Ovadia Eliyahu
Views: 1,920,506
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Id: viDnOz12BFM
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Length: 98min 52sec (5932 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2016
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Starts at 9:30

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