Elizabeth Taylor: Her Search for Love (Jerry Skinner Documentary)

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Elizabeth Rosemont Taylor was born February the 27th 1932 in the Outskirts of London, England and to a prominent family Her parents were both Americans from Kansas They've moved to England in 1929 Mr.. Taylor [Francis] [Lynne] was a prominent art dealer and he was owner and operator of an art gallery in London Her mother Sarah Viola was a stage actress Elizabeth had one older brother Howard Born Nineteen and Twenty nine Elizabeth Helped Dual citizenships British and American and Young Elizabeth was born with scoliosis That will cause her pain in problems her entire life in 1939 when Elizabeth [was] seven the American ambassador to Britain Joseph p Kennedy Father the Future President John F Kennedy will ask Francis Taylor to move his family back to the United States for their safety as War clouds were looming in Europe Sarah and her two children will return to California and move in with FrAncis's father in Pasadena While Francis stays in London to close his gallery He returns to the us and December of that same year and in 1940 he opens an art gallery in Los Angeles and the family moves to Beverly Hills the art gallery had a clientele [of] movie actors and Producers and they arranged for Eight-year-Old Elizabeth to have a screen test because of her striking blue eyes she was offered a short-term contract with universal through her parents connections and in 1942 at the Age of [10] Elizabeth Taylor got her small part in There's one born every minute The next [year] contract with universal was terminated Her casting director said [that] she did not have a [kids] face, and she spoke way, too [recked] for a child after losing her contract were universal her dad asked his friend MGM producer Samuel Marx if She could audition for MGM It just so happened that they were looking for a young actress with a british accent To play opposite Rowdy McDowell and Lassie come home She got the part and the two young actors became great friends for the rest of their lives That same year she had a small part in Jane Eyre that starred, Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine [A] Year later in 1944 it was the white cliffs of Dover starring irene dunne and with Elizabeth's friend Rowdy McDowell These were filmed during world war two and they utilized her british accent Also in 1944 at the age of 12 Elizabeth Taylor was starring her first lead role National velvet although, she was only 12 she became the studio's most popular teenage star unfortunately during the filming of National velvet Elizabeth broke her back and although she suffered [with] severe pain It was not discovered until some years [later] Here she is with her co-star Mickey Rooney Taylor said that she had no childhood Working at the studio was like working at a factory They had a strict schedule and when she wasn't attending school on the studio lot she was filming and in the afternoons it was practicing dancing or singing or Studying [lanes] for the next day's shoot by 1947 when Elizabeth was 15 the studio started cultivating her image as a young woman Now this is Elizabeth in 1947 with her parents at the stork club in New York City She looks older than she actually is at the beginning of production of the spy movie conspirator with [Robert] Taylor who was in his late 30s at that time and Elizabeth who played Taylor's love interest was only 17 years old during this time Taylor becomes lifelong friends with actor Montgomery clift also in 1948 Liz plays the part of Amy in Little [women] along with June Allyson [Peter] Lawford and others The movie was released the next year in Nineteen and Forty nine in 1950 the beautiful [eighteen] year old actress had just graduated from High school on the MGM lot When she marries Conrad Nikki Hilton Jr.. On may the 6th at the church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly [Hills], California Although Hilton was the heir to the Hilton hotel fortune MgM took charge of the expensive wedding and making the most of the publicity for their star Taylor stated years later that [she] wanted to Marry young so she could get away from her parents and MGM studio She had always lived a sheltered life and wanted independence Unfortunately the Fairytale marriage only lasted a short eight months Elizabeth discovered that her husband was a heavy drinker and had become abusive towards his wife They divorced in January 1951 While married to Hilton Taylor starred in the critically acclaimed movie a place in the sun with her friend Montgomery clift She also appeared in father of the Bride with spencer Tracy and Joan Bennett in 1952 MgM began casting her in B movies as Punishment for her divorce in Nicky Hilton so soon Believing it would hurt her box-office draw And she became depressed and threatened to quit the movie business entirely She had been divorced from her first husband one year when she married her second husband British actor Michael wilding [on] February 21st 1952 While in was 20 years older than liz they met when she was in England [Femine] ivanhoe again with Robert Taylor With wilde and she will have two sons during their five year mate Michael Howard will be born January the 6th 1953 and Christopher Edward on February 27th 1955 during her marriage to wilde and she will negotiate a new contract with mGM for 4,700 per week the studio will lend the newly married couple alone to buy a house and Now she was entirely dependent on MGM Taylor negotiated a three-year contract for wilde and in order to help his career in 1954 she starred in two movies Rhapsody and Elephant Walt would Dana injuries at the end of 1954 she was star with Van Johnson in the last time I saw [Paris] During this famine Elizabeth was pregnant with her second son Christopher The studio punished her for taking maternity leave by extending her contract for one year in 1955 Taylor Persuaded Director, George Stevens to let her star with her friends James Dean and Rock Hudson [in] the Epic Western Giant One week after James Dean finished filming his part in giant He was killed in an automobile accident on a 30th of september 1955 This picture was taken a short time before his accident The entire cast of [Jive] was greatly affected especially Elizabeth She had to continue filming her answers and reactions to joint Scenes with Dean after his death. She [was] [often] ill on the set and causing numerous delays the next Year in 1956 Elizabeth had a spinal [disc] removed and replaced with Donor Bone also during the filming of giant on location in Texas Elizabeth leave that wild and was being unfaithful back home in California they began to grow apart and Separated they eventually divorced in January of Nineteen [Fifty-seven] two weeks later after the divorce was filed She Mares Producer Mike Todd on 2nd February in Acapulco, Mexico They'll have one daughter, Elizabeth Francis on the 6th of august 1957 during 1957 she Will star in Rain Tree County with her friend Montgomery clift Although she did not like the film she received her first nomination for an Academy award in 1958 when Elizabeth Francis Liz and Mike's daughter Was 7 months old and two weeks after Taylor have started the feminine of one of her most [successful] films cat on a hot tin roof with Paul, Newman Her husband Mike time boarded the private plane [that] he had named after Elizabeth the luckily is for a testimonial dinner in New York City in order to Honor him for his academy [award] in Around the world in 80 days Elizabeth wanted to go to the awards ceremonies, but stayed home with a high fever On their way back from New York on March 22nd around 1:00 a.m.. In the more The luckily is crashed close to Grant's, New Mexico It's believed the wings iced up And it was way overloaded Todd had tried [to] get his friend [curt] and uglies To make the trip with him and Kirk's wife refused to let him go she felt that the flight which is not safe She was right Kirk stated that he was still arguing with his wife any about not letting him go Were tied on the luckily [is] When they heard on the car radio about to crash When friends heard the news of [the] crash they rushed to liz and Mike's home at [1330] [Shuler] drive in Beverly Hills Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds were close friends with the Todd's Eddie Fisher stated that the casket of Todd was not open that The remains were almost on identified Now this is Liz [and] her brother howard at Mack Todd's funeral There were three others on the Lucky [Leah's] movie [Writer] art Kohn Pilot Bill Burner and [Copilot] Tom Barkley [Mag] Todd was very in the bath [Aaron] [cemetary] [enforced] Park, Illinois He was 50 [years] old [some] [time] later grave Robbers broke into Todd's grave The rumor was that Liz had left diamonds behind in the casket. It was not true a Plastic sack with Todd's remains was located under a tree not far from his grave He was then buried in an undisclosed location While friends were trying to console Elizabeth for her loss The studio was trying to force her back on the set of cat on a hot tin roof She was only given three weeks to Mourn Todd's She later stated that she actually believed that [Maggi] the can't help to keep her from going insane She also needed the work because her husband had accumulated large debts Before the feminine of the cat on a hot tin roof was finished She had become involved with one of Todd's closest Friends Eddie fisher The studio used the opportunity to push her next few films They changed her image from Grieving widow to homewrecker after divorcing Debbie Reynolds fisher and Taylor marriage may the 12th 1959 at Temple Beth Shalom in Las Vegas Elizabeth will say later on that she married Eddie due to grief the publicity fuelled by the studio will Destroy Eddie [fishers] career His singing career was suffer and he will lose his weekly television show He will never be able to recover Lee is [and] ad will remain married for five years? During their marriage a livable star in Suddenly last summer by Playwright, Tennessee Williams She will be nominated for Academy Award and win a Golden globe She will be paid a half a million dollars for her part and worked with her friend Montgomery clift the next year in 1960s she was star in Butterfield 8 She betrayed a high-class call-girl now the studio knew that her home breaker image which served the part well and Elizabeth hated the part and knew what the studio was doing by giving her this type [parks] She had no choice But it would be her last film with MGM She insisted in a sympathetic role in the movie for Eddie fisher Hoping to improve his image with his public although it was not much help to fisher hit one Elizabeth [till] cat Millward for best actors after butterfield late Elizabeth Began with her new contract under 20th century Fox It will be the most expensive picture ever made [up] until that time cleopatra She'll be paid 1 million dollars and 10 [percent] of the profit It will take two [years] to complete They'll start filming in England in the [late] 1960 with bad weather and delays in March of 1961 Elizabeth will become Near-Fatal with pneumonia. It will be necessary to have a life-saving Tricky ottoman performed During the filming of clear petrol. They will move the location from England to rome and Elizabeth will begin a romance with her co-star Richard burton although Elizabeth was still married to her fourth husband Eddie fisher and Burton was made to his first wife [silver] Williams Against studio wishes they will flaunt their romance in public Cleopatra finished filming in july of 1962 financially it was a major flop and almost driving the studio into bankruptcy the studio filed suit against burton and Taylor claiming at their open romance damaged the film so in 1963 Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton agreed to make a movie similar to their public romance in Order to help make up [for] the financial losses of Cleopatra. It was called the [vips] the next Year in 1964 Eddie Fisher had been replaced by Richard Burton and Liz's life after their divorce Richard and Liz was Married March 15 1964 Through their marriage the couple will star in Eleven movies together in 1965 they made the sandpiper directed by Vincente, Minnelli This is Elizabeth and her brother howard in 1965 that same year the next year in 1966 of Taylor receives her second academy award for Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf and? in 1967 Taylor and Burton played and the taming of the shrew also in 1967 Elizabeth Starred without Burton, and Reflections and a golden eye her reason was to try and help her longtime friend [Montgomery] [clift] [cliffs] career had been in decline for Years from substance abuse The studio was afraid to use cliff So Elizabeth offered to pay his insurance So that they would accept him unfortunately Montgomery clift died of a heart attack before filming started Marlon Brando was called in to take his place in 1968 Francis Lee and Taylor Lee as his father dies in 1973 the Famous couple did their last movie together divorce his divorce hers and on the 26th of June 1974 Liz and Dick divorced for real However within a year and a half they will try it again on the 10th of October 1975 they'll Remarry Unfortunately within nine months [on] the 29th of July 1976 they will again divorce Richard Walter Jenkins, Jr. Richard Burton Will married two more times after Elizabeth? the same Year 1976 He divorce Elizabeth He [made] suzy Miller They will divorce six years later in 1982 The next year in 1983 he made sally. Hey They'll remain married for one year until his death on the 5Th of August 1984 One Year before Burton's death he will team up with Taylor the last time in a play call private lives The play was a financial success however both Stars were in bad Health Taylor Committed herself to the Betty Ford Drug and alcohol rehabilitation Center when the play finished She was the first celebrity to openly admit she was in treatment during Elizabeth's managed to Burden She accumulated one of the largest privately owned collections of diamonds and jury in the world news media said the Richard Burton appeared to be in good health But he began feeling healed that morning while staying at his [villa] Just outside of Geneva, Switzerland He died later that afternoon at a Geneva hospital of cerebral hemorrhage Richard Burton is buried at a cemetery located near Geneva, Switzerland Richard Burton was 58 years old after Elizabeth Taylor divorced Richard Burton in 1976 that same year she marries her sixth husband [senator] Jack warner of Virginia They married on [December] the 4th while married [to] warner. She helps during his election campaign however political life in Washington becomes [Laurie], and she begins gaining weight and becomes depressed She became more dependent on drugs and alcohol they divorced in [november] of 1981 two years later in 1983 Elizabeth Taylor acknowledges that she's been addicted to painkillers and sleeping pills for some 35 years partly Because during her lifetime She will undergo 20 major surgeries and in 1984 she meets Michael Jackson for the first time they form a lasting relationship They both have problems with drugs [and] both careers were fading She became a mother figure [to] Jackson she felt that she needed to protect her troubled friend Elizabeth became his staunchest supporters when he was charged with child abuse and Jackson looked on Elizabeth as a second mother and she saw him as a troubled son also in 1984 she was told by the granddaughter of J Paul Getty the Billionaire Eileen Getty her daughter-in-law Who was married to her son Christopher and mother of her two Grandchildren? That she had been unfaithful to Christopher and had contracted hiv aids expecting Elizabeth to scorn her Elaine was surprised When elizabeth showed sympathy and supported her and her fight for life Taylor was the first celebrity to support aids victims and the beginning age was only in the gay Community the [Nation's] religions believing it was a disease brought on by a sinful lifestyle Was slow to Force the government to move on the issue? Going against her hollywood friends and fans Elizabeth tried to bring the aids issue to the Forefront not until her friend and Star Rock Hudson in july of 1985 Announced to the world that he had aids did elizabeth begin to see any results from her efforts She stated about rock. I always knew he was gay, but I thought he had cancer the same Year Elizabeth founded the American foundation for Aids research three years later in 1988 Elizabeth relapsed from her own addiction of alcohol and prescription drugs She checked herself into the betty Ford Center for treatment While there she meets fellow patient Larry port in ski a truck driver and construction worker For ten skis union paid for his treatments after [a] few weeks of treatment Larry is invited to move into the home with Taylor The next year in 1990 Taylor again has a close call with pneumonia Almost died she will spend three months hospitalized after her recovery Elizabeth the next Year in 1991 While mayor her eighth and final time on october the 6th to larry for 10 ski who is 20 years? Younger than Liz It will be a huge event behind the secured Walls of Michael Jackson's, Neverland Ranch there will be a prenuptial agreement stating that he will receive 1 million dollars if the marriage lasts five years It lasted five years and 25 days they were divorced on a 31st of October 1996 Plus the 1 million she will later give him 50 thousand to pay off his house note that he was about to lose He'll lose it anyway, and in her will she left him eight hundred thousand dollars The year she married Larry 1991 she started the Elizabeth Taylor Aids foundation That same year she supervised the creation of a line of perfume called white diamonds It has been reported that Taylor made more money on her fragrance than all of her movies combined helping her accumulate a fortune of over 1/2 billion dollars in June of 1995 Elizabeth will enter a local hospital at an undisclosed location to replace her right hip 15 months earlier [she] had been operated on to replace her left hip two years later in February of 1997 Elizabeth Taylor Undergo surgery to remove a benign brain tumor by 2000 Elizabeth rarely attends public functions Because of back problems she was confined to a wheelchair also in 2000 Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain Will Honour Elizabeth Taylor with the title of Lady Dane Elizabeth Taylor in 2004 Elizabeth was diagnosed with heart trouble She will use a wheelchair for the next six years Now this is Elizabeth with her four children Michael and Christopher wilding murray Burton and Liza Todd celebrating Elizabeth's 75th birthday on the 23rd of March 2011 Elizabeth Rose might Taylor will pass away at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles of congestive heart failure She'll be buried in the mausoleum close to her friend Michael Jackson at the Far [sly] Memorial park in Glendale Elizabeth Taylor was 79 years old at Her request the Barrell ceremony will start 15 minutes late For years, she said her friends had been saying that she'd be late for all funeral She said she didn't want to make liars out of her friend
Channel: Jerry Skinner
Views: 1,513,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Cleopatra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2016
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