Dealing with πŸ…±πŸ†„πŸ†πŸ…½πŸ…ΎπŸ†„πŸ†ƒ in Classic HC

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hey guys and gals with so many new people jumping into the hardcore challenge into this small YouTube channel that I created I thought this would be a good time to talk about something that affects most hardcore veterans and it's something that will eventually affect even those brand new to the challenge burnout and no I'm not talking about the hit racing game from 2001. holy this came out 2001 I feel old I think it's fair to assume that most people understand the concept you've done something so much to the point that you can't even bear to look at it anymore it's not all that uncommon and there are various reasons for it burnout is something that can happen with almost every part of your daily life including work and games in general but today I want to talk about it in the context of the hardcore challenge but first I want to ask a question if you've been active in or at least paying attention to the Discord this past month did you notice that something was missing something that's been there since near the beginning I'll cover that towards the end of this video but for now let's crack on so what are the main causes of burnout in hardcore well there's two the biggest one is constant failure followed closely by repetition both are linked together with failure causing repetition but the latter has an easier in-game solution there are a couple easy signs to be aware of that can help you identify that you're starting to feel burnt out with a challenge you're having trouble concentrating on the game even though there's nothing to distract you you start to feel really tired or fatigued while playing despite the fact that you've got energy to spare you know it's your day off or you had an easy day at work there's no reason for you to be tired or you get seriously frustrated at the smallest things and I mean seriously frustrated there is a big difference between man I've got like 15 zebra and I've only got three hopes what's going on here and why the are these guys not dropping their Hooves this Quest and of course the biggest sign of all is boredom games are meant to be entertaining there's no reason you should feel bored while you're playing I've mentioned this before but it's called a challenge for a reason as such there will be people who just never complete it and even those who do finish the journey will experience failure after failure after failure hell even the quote-unquote pros and founding members like cargos Grays Nom Nom and tactics have about a 10 to 15 success rate across all of their characters maybe even less and here's a little known secret for you even though I was a mod of the community and despite my own extensive knowledge of the game and of the challenge itself I've never actually completed it I've gotten close multiple times with Tunes in the 50s but I never hit that end goal shameful I know so what's the best way to deal with failure well the first step is typically backwards away from The Challenge I've talked about myself stepping away from the game multiple times for a month or so and that was always because of burnout and during that time I find it's best to just play a different game for a bit something laid back relaxing for me that game is satisfactory it's a factory building game where the only challenges are math and Logistics probably one of my favorite games of all time if you're also like me and you've only played hardcore as a completely solo challenge jumping into another multiplayer game with friends can be a breath of fresh air [Music] constantly failing the challenge will just lead to frustration when playing and that in itself will cause you to make more mistakes you feel this sense of urgency to get back to where you were especially if you've died at a lower level so when you hit that point stop and take a step back uh sometimes you don't need to step away from the game itself sometimes it's best to just step back and look at what happened why did you fail what went wrong is there anything you could have done differently this is honestly a great reason to record or stream your gameplay gives you the opportunity to go back and watch yourself to figure out exactly what happened and how you can learn from it and if you're streaming as much as it sucks to lose a tune this is a great way to engage your chats clip it replay it and talk about the depth chat may have noticed something that you didn't there are lots of small things in terms of game knowledge that can make a world of difference in how you approach The Challenge and the only way to learn is to fail and go again in fact here are two freebie pieces of info for you one is a not well-known game mechanic and the other while possible to learn on your own is something you typically need to be told about the first is that like you mobs have abilities now that's common knowledge but did you know that some mobs have execute just like the Warriors ability it's a safe bet to say that if you're fighting one of these mobs that have executes they are going to use it the instant your health drops 20 and you are going to die thankfully these moms are easily identifiable by their names typically having things like Slayer Headhunter assassin or executioner in there something that just screams Danger if you didn't know this then it might be a shock to see your Tune Drop from 20 percent dead instantly and if you didn't check the combat log to see what happens then you wouldn't learn anything and you might make the same mistake than your next attempt the second freebie is about using camera manipulation dotted through Azeroth are plenty of small houses or hobbles that contain chests or Quest items and depending on their location within the building it's possible to grab them without going inside by simply placing your tune on the outside wall directly next to the chest or item and turning your camera you can actually click on them through the door frame the best use case for this is during everyone's favorite beginning Westfall quests the Forgotten heirloom where farmer fur brawl wants you to retrieve his pocket watch from a wardrobe in his Farmhouse to the West now typically you would just rock up to the house slaughtering whatever got in your way but in this case there's two mobs inside a level 12 defias and Benny Blanco a level 15 named mob and these mobs are leashed together so you can't just pull one keep moving and hope the other one deagros and this is where the problem comes in this will probably be the first encounter where mobs are leased together for you and given that you get this Quest at a lower level Benny will probably have a few levels on you so you try to fight them things go south and you try to run away and that's when Benny gets you typically when you're running if a mob hits you from behind they have a chance to Daze you reducing your movement speed but Benny here has an ability that guarantees A Daze so now you're trying to run at a slower speed with possibly both mobs whaling on you it's not a good time and this Quest has killed plenty of players throughout hardcore but you can avoid all of this by standing on the left side of the house turning your camera and clicking the Wardrobe through the open door avoiding the mobs entirely sure these freebies were a little long-winded but that's kind of the point I'm trying to make here the challenge tests not only your skill as a player but your game knowledge as well and that's all this was a few pieces of game knowledge passed from me to you stopping after a failure to take the time to learn what went wrong will help you immensely on the next attempt when you go again and going again brings up the second part of burnout repetition and I mean that in the literal sense of the definition repeating the same things over and over so you started an orc Hunter and failed then you made another Arc Hunter and you failed again and you make another work Hunter at a certain point you're gonna get tired of seeing the exact same starting zones the exact same Quest running the exact same path through durotar sure you may know it like in the back of your hands at this point but it's going to start draining you mentally leading to frustration or boredom and this is again time to just step away from what you're doing take two or three days off and recharge play a different game go outside God knows some of us need to see more sunlight in our lives just change your scenery for a bit and when you jump back in keep changing your scenery in game going with that work Hunter example if you want to stay on horde switch over to Undead or tauren but instead of going to the Barons go to Silver Pine instead or just switch factions for a character go Alliance sure you've played plenty of humans and done Westfall a lot so change that up too start a gnome and go to dark Shore you can make this easier on yourself by always playing two different characters at the same time I have one horde and one Alliance have a solo tune and another that you play in a duo or Trio switch back and forth every couple days this is a great way to let others catch up to your level for Dungeon runs and if the worst happens and you fail on one tune don't just immediately jump onto the other give it a day get the frustrations out then come back with a fresh attitude work on your second tune for a few days then start the other one back up and keep following the same advice change your scenery sure you're still playing wow you're still grinding through the lower levels but now you're playing it a bit differently and it will be refreshing and help to combat repetition even if you don't realize it speaking of recognition did you realize that this is essentially how hardcore started take this sentence replace the word scenery with meta and you've got the initial idea that helped kick-start this challenge so I've talked about stepping away and changing your scenery whether in-game or out but there's something else you can do and it's something that may be hard for some people to do I know that a lot of wow players a lot of hardcore players gamers in general and people who watch this video are of my generation and I won't be the first to say this but it's something not said enough we have problems talking to people when it comes to things that affect us mentally and at its core burnout is a mental thing that can start to affect us physically if it goes on too long but talking to your friends your fellow players really is one of the best things you can do to help yourself sure the conversation might go something like hey guys I'm feeling a little burnt out right now I'm gonna step away for a few days and they might say hey what's going on everything okay and you'll give you reasons maybe they'll say okay see you in a few days or they might press the conversation on Long curve and depending on how long you talk about it the things that have been frustrating you will come up and that'll Kindle the frustration up even more and that's okay you're still going to take a few days off and instead of letting that frustration out slowly over those couple days until you're refreshed and ready to jump back in you're flaring it up now by the next day you'll feel a bit better about it because you got it off your chest there's a reason why therapy is just you talking to a therapist sure your fellow players might not be trained medical professionals to know how to engage and pinpoint a person's psyche through conversation but the simple Act of talking about something is enough to get started the truth is this video is my way of talking about it I've been burnt out before and I always took some time off and came back into the challenge with a fresh mindset and had fun with it again but given who I am as a person somebody who was diagnosed at a young age as mentally handicapped I've suffered through anxiety and depression and borderline bipolarism most of my teenage and adult life there are only so many times that I can be burnt out on one thing before I have to say enough is enough this is really starting to affect my mental health and I'm fortunate enough having lived with these problems I can tell where these things are going south and how to cope some of you are lucky enough to have never experienced burnout to the point that it affects you mentally and my hope is that this video can be a word of warning as well as a word of advice if you haven't gathered already the answer to the question I posed in the beginning what's missing from the Discord that's been there for a long time it's me I finally hit the point where despite the fact that I love this Challenge and the friends I've made through it the game itself is just boring it feels like a drag I feel exhausted just playing it even after taking time off I jump back in within 10 minutes I just want to stop so I left my leadership position I gave up my mod status and I ultimately left the Discord and at this point I'm not sure if I will ever return to it this will be the last video that I make covering the hardcore challenge so that brings up the question of what am I going to do with this channel I like making videos that I don't really plan on stopping in fact as I'm writing the script out I've already started jotting down bullet notes for another video something Loosely related to the hardcore challenge that if you've liked the content I've done so far I think you're going to like the next one as for after that I've got a few ideas and you may like it or you may not time will tell so I hope you'll stick around to see what happens to all those who've recently found and jumped into the hardcore challenge I hope you have fun with it I hope you learned some new things about this near 20 year old game that we love and if one day you find yourself frustrated bored or burnt out of the challenge I hope you'll listen to some of the advice I've given here even if you step away for an extended period of time no matter how long the challenge will still be there when you come back as long as classic wow exists in some capacity this challenge will still exist for you to tackle and to the community at Large thank you for letting me be a part of it I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Knics
Views: 5,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 44pmG6Bra64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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