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all right everyone welcome back this is Hardcore Heroes episode number 32. the hardcore series in which we analyze the best and the worst of all of the Hardcore gameplay here we go episode number 32. we are in we're level 60 and we are in Strat live these polls are brutal there's that big AOE fire blast I think yep there it is I got you [ย __ย ] yep yep yep oh we did yeah I think we leave that holy [ย __ย ] holy [ย __ย ] is right did they get two packs this is this is they have more mobs than they should have can I rewind this I want to see the poll here initially they got the Pat and also the stationary pack so this is a double pole they did the right thing they know okay the sorcerers are very scary we need to Nuke those down first but it was too late and they have two Rogues I think we leave that yeah they said rest in peace rest in peace oh we're in duskwood aren't we yep he's trying to get up to uh morbin fell yes okay so he's kiting around the house Morven fell can't get his casts off he's running he's getting dazed he has the crippling poison on he can't he's crippled for another eight seconds oh no he's correct three seconds crippling poison there's a potion okay no more crippling and we're dazed okay he puts on a sword and shield maybe they reset soon oh they reset oh that was like a 15 second crippling poison that is rough yeah if they didn't reset then he was dead that was very close very close so this is The Horde quest in Hillsborough and he went in the room and pulled every single mob how did this even happen we've managed to pull every single one okay there's our potion bro you need to leave maybe try to Los the Caster yes smart he's doing what I'm thinking okay he has like one HP though he's so dead if he jumps on the ledge here it's like a little reset spot he's bugging the mobs out oh do you see how that's working a little bit just a little bit yeah wow wow he got so low and then it resets off I don't think he tried to do that intentionally I think that was random but it worked out for him very well okay back on The Horde we're killing the foreman in the azureload mine okay literally never there I mean he realizes he can't kill those two mobs he's gotta go he's waiting for a dueling on he checks the corner he sees there's no way out yeah this is the same guy by the way we're in the cave there's no way out okay well what do we do now he was really far away from over she like there's our big potion he's he's in too deep so he was dead at that time but here's the earthbind if you're dazed you need to get out of days oh those two leash off no they're still there in a second I don't know it's not gonna help against fireman okay it's over he's done he's done he has to be done there was no way he makes it out of this life I'm calling it this is impossible 75 hp yep dude it's always the caves if something goes wrong and you're in that deep you're just screwed you're just screwed it makes all the noise when somebody gets uh oh Shadow thing keep up they had a big pull the Mage was like okay oh I know this guy dragonauts he's gonna handle it he's AOE farming his mobs like he's back in zulf Rock or maradon perhaps hey we Farm hey we Farm you know what if if the group plays with him and listens to him then they will survive this that's a lot of mobs though they need to let the Mage kind of do his thing no they're fine there's a coat of cold oh there's another mob behind them there's our Target dummy he evocates we got more mobs he's got thread on a ton of mobs just use a wing oh yeah I'm thinking like if they were to kite back up the tunnel maybe they just have to go back and forth up that tunnel they need to let this Mage do his work me oh he has 52 HP is so close that was a stupid pull there a little blizzard to slow them down why is he fighting that one I I actually think they can turn around and kill these honestly I think right here they could kill these I don't think they need to run I think they could be fine if they let the Mage spin these mobs out I think they're funny now I'm out they can do this dude Mage are Mage is the most overpowered class in the game I think they are having having a good Mage in your group is the most clutch thing in the game like if if the Mage really and this guy's playing well this guy by the way he was in my guild uh he was on my speed run roster in the guild power in vanilla I know this guy um he's he's he's like a 99 person good Mage I know this guy um he's fine enough if you have a good Mage in your group they can carry an entire run really they can it's really they can't oh boy and it's over and they did it it's all good so for instance if they I'll say this as a warlock player if they had a warlock in the group instead of the Mage here they would have died if that was me on a warlock because there's a warlock what can I do what can I do for you I can Fear One mob that's it if they didn't have a mage then they would be dead Mages are good you know what do I even need to say it he's chewing power gum and so he saved his entire group's lives because he's gaming paragon because I already did it grow okay when you guys are doing hardcore comment on the YouTube comments down below YouTube viewers do you guys go inside the cursing cave do you do this Curzon cave Tom Foolery these Shenanigans I say no I am not going inside the cursing cave no thank you sir he's doing it good boys listen if that vanish had failed you would be [ย __ย ] these mobs are three levels higher they are orange mobs also if your vanish had not worked you would be dead it's not worth it now what happens does he make it out alive now what's going on no no no we're doing wait five minutes we just need to wait for the distance how long is this clip oh something is coming I'm telling you something is coming oh my goodness dude oh no oh no look behind you sees me as well okay you gotta go should wait this way popping Sprint in stealth when he wasn't in combat that was a mistake because now he doesn't have that oh [ย __ย ] escape button anymore right now you just gotta sit here there's our Target then we going down okay gotta go go go go we pop our potion we are you good I'm over here yeah baby that's what I'm [ย __ย ] talking about holy yeah how did we get out of here there are invisible mobs up at the entrance you guys know about the invisible ones yeah everybody was so close what happens oh okay invisible yeah oh [Music] no no no no no oh no oh no man you saw that one coming from a mile away it's like you just you're just sitting here waiting for it you knew that was coming oh no that was rough that was rough you shouldn't have been in there should have done it you shouldn't have done it okay Fenris keep we're level 18 warlock or something we just have a couple too few mobs the void Walker goes down we do not get off the voidwalker sacrifice we've got some curse there's our potion we're days no dude I love this guy okay I'm from the Pacific Northwest I guarantee you what this guy did after dying on the hardcore challenge he goes and he he uh plays frisbee golf and then does some slack lining at the college campus uh Park okay that's what he goes and does and he places acoustic guitar I know guys like this I like guys like this okay rest in peace Brother rest in peace rest in peace dude no dude rest in peace man man rip bro rip obsidian I know where we are we're in the slag pit in the steering Gorge [Music] why did you do this so both of these are Elite they spawn together this is an elite Quest there's a dwarf here and obsidian the elite like you weren't even close on a level 59 you literally were not even close can I replay this I want to replay this replaced okay he opens listen mccarrow I'm gonna say this because I love you I'm going to say this out of compassion for you my man you are Level 59 and you do not have name plates on what in the [ย __ย ] is going on here okay let's play the clip that's the first one um okay he does pop evasion evasion is up right now you see it there it's up for another four seconds they kill him through evasion he had evasion up during that okay that was a lot that was unlucky but also miraculous of him to do that but also unlucky both okay od4 if some hardcore player has a number in their name what does that mean her name is od4 that means she has died three teams three times prior is what that means okay will will we be seeing od5 soon let's find out oh it reset she was oh my God she was so close she had a bark skin pop that bark skin kept her alive that little bit of extra armor kept her alive on like one percent HP you want to replay let's Replay that one too okay she gets a root on the low HP one the root is going to kill that one actually she pops and innervate I mean she's not even um though she's not even him what she should have done is probably root the high HP one and just hit the low HP one with a moon fire once root this one Moon fire that one once and then you're just then you can heal yourself you can take your time you can relax you can watch it go watch a show on Netflix you come back okay you're good she pops barkskin a moment ago that bark skin saves her she would have done she made it she is freaking out I'm not gonna grow him often once but oh it's the Sony clip okay someone said stay safe you have to watch the Sony clip okay I'll tell you I've seen a lot of clips of horde players up at the top of this thing and we know how they all die they fall down and they die okay Sony let's see what's going on here I haven't seen this okay so this warlock is here oh did he just set this warlock up banana brings us up here he says I'll aggro him off of you once you pull okay so the Warlock goes in and pulls because he thinks that Sony is going to help him once but he pulls okay the Warlock says you to goat oh no no okay so the Warlock is gonna go in the Warlock goes in with the void Walker the Warlock is opening and Sony okay this one summons a monster wait wait do I help him you said you would help him bro bro oh God I'm coming oh [ย __ย ] dude if that is not Karma I don't know what is if that is not Instant Karma I don't know what is oh my God oh my God look at him oh man well I want to know if the Warlock lived does anyone here know does anyone know did What's that warlock's name what's the world like this guy I have banana brains did banana brains he died okay listen I like Sony but listen he deserves what he got let's get some apps in the chat for banana brains okay banana brains F's in the chat ABS in the chat for our man banana brain so if he died rest in peace bro oh my God I already know what the thumbnail of this video is going to be it's going to be Sony's face like this that's it and if the title is going to be he got what he deserved is the name of this one okay oh man okay Summit yeah I've seen this I'm dead he pulled dust wing and Summit was on a level 57 hardcore Warrior 57 hardcore Warrior ah I think on this day I think Summit had been streaming for like 18 hours he had been playing all day you get a little bit tired you get a little bit careless you're not paying attention to your surroundings so much and then you walk and then you walk into duskwing and you're dead and you're dead now ready what are we burning 38 burnout okay here we go it's my man Otto at the top of stromguard keep so this is a Duo it's hardcore Warrior hardcore Paladin the Paladin is dropping big kills in the world the warrior has wore one to acts and he pops retail keep that Warrior alive we pop a Mana potion you think they can do this I think that I think they got this done I think they got this you need to heal him yeah he'll keep healing that Warrior heal that Warrior you need to kill Otto that guy needs to die oh okay Lord Falcon Crest is Gonna Keep On smashing we've got we've got the swording board out Leon handsome oh boy okay Otto needs to die kill Otto killado he's got a guy he's got a guy he's Gotta Die watch bandage bandage bandage oh that was a decent Bop okay now the red Paladin is having threats disarmed that was a good bandage call okay bro you need to go Auto attack okay this red Paladin has probably missed like 15 Auto attacks that's true he could have done so much damage dude that's a big hill good oh boy you fear he got a fear okay oh the Paladin is bandaging um himself actually uh yeah he couldn't have banished The Warrior oh boy there's our Hajj that's our first Hodge we could have had another Hodge earlier probably too okay oh oh and there's a respawn Elite dude I think they're Brothers like you can hear them in the same house I think I think their brothers playing together in the same house maybe that's what it sounds like that's kind of cool at least well these mobs were respawning anyway like even if they had played this better and they could have I think they could have done this still you shouldn't this is like not worth it this is not worth even trying but yeah they probably could have done this if they changed a couple things but then but then you have respawns that would have almost killed you anyway it just uh just a no-go this whole situation is going to be a hard no from me rest in peace I'm gonna pass on that no no I hate to be that guy I do think that they probably could have pulled this off if both of them had been shooting power gum using promo code hardcore for 10 off discount oh princess third drops what no way rewind that get a rewind we all know what happened here yep we'll do okay so what happened here okay so when she does the AOE she still can Auto attack but she can't move during that AOE cast okay and so the warrior tank he dips out because he wants to get out of the AOE and he's now out of melee range and so she snaps on to the next highest person boom it is our Rogue friend and he's getting one shot muerto has muerto no way dude that's a good face too look at that face that is a good one [Laughter] rest in peace bro rest in peace all right cool oh [ย __ย ] I would like to quickly go on the record here I have seen this clip before and I do want to say that there is nothing that this Warrior player could have done differently he is surely a victim of circumstance and he did everything he could have done and he did everything right and there's no there's nothing else he could have done okay here we go there we go all right by the way okay I jumped off that ledge because I didn't see the mobs down here I would not have jumped if I thought the mobs were down here so anyway there's two mobs and now I'm half HP okay here we go here we go I'm gonna die I'm dead I'm dead so I'm trying to get hamstrings on both of these to kite them away I'm dead I'm hamstringing I've got the mob on the left there's two mobs right here padding away in front of me okay don't pull those guys I should get a couple bandage ticks don't pull those guys here's the really unfortunate thing you'll notice right as I aggro these mobs I'm like you know what I'm gonna have to keep going the only way out of this is I need to keep going I still have my fear okay maybe I can fear these and run out right as I egg wrote These mobs what happened the other one's reset off don't pull those guys like the exact set the exact second they turn around okay Universe okay well we're gonna keep going okay we fear those mobs if this mob had feared in any other direction I would be alive right now but even now I'm thinking okay that's fine he's here I'm gonna hamstring him and I'm gonna run out and everything is going to be fine I get one little hamstring it's all good A little hammy Hammy uh 10 second net the dark iron slaver has made me his slave do you see that's a 10 second net now there's a lesson here if I was playing gnome I would be alive if I was a gnome I had escape artist I would be alive right now but I'm a female night elf Warrior oh [ย __ย ] so I stayed here for five seconds more and we all know what is my face embrace it [ย __ย ] yeah oh [Music] bro you're gonna follow up with the Waka Waka you're gonna throw in the waka waka now two this was a brutal two days this happened two days back to back that was my level 47 Warrior and now we're on the 30 warlock okay this time for Africa [Music] shadowy assassins let me give you a background story on the shadowy Assassins these mobs I don't know it's like a six to 12 hour random event spawn they're not always here they spawn every six to 12 hours it's something like that they're not here all day they're sort of a rare spawn and they spawn anywhere on the perimeter of the village of South Shore the odds of them being right here at this exact time as I'm running through 0.0001 there's two of them and they're both five levels higher than me oh okay kidding you're kidding this is yeah this is uh you're kidding honestly I play this very poorly I'm gonna be honest I play this poorly I'm getting dazed back to back to back okay I couldn't even believe it I was like dumbfounded in fact the first like three seconds of this in my brain I'm thinking to myself like am I getting stream sniped like what is this it takes me Pro like three or four seconds to even realize what is going on I'm like is there someone stream sniping me what is going on here and then I'm like and then I realize ah no no I'm just the unluckiest person in the entire world okay and then what do I do you're kidding so I pop a hellstone and I pop my potion there's the potion my goal I'm going to kite them into the South Shore guards so now the guards are here okay the guards are helping me but I have two poisons the poisons kill me the poisons kill me I guess happy boy wasn't so happy after all was he and the music is fitting dude I went from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows I was running that character I'm playing warlock I'm having so much fun the time of my life waka waka hey I'm dancing I'm singing I'm listening to my favorite Shakira music and then boom I was up here and then immediately boom I'm down here in the in the absolute pits of despair unbelievable okay finito our Rogue friend that was a brutal two days okay we are in the ruins of Ander Hall and we are fighting a skeletal executioner this is fine oh he pulls a searing ghoul the Searing ghoul has that big AOE fire explosion and it does a ton of damage you need to zoom your camera out my friend it's listen listen zoom out oh there's the explosion and it has a DOT okay so he's getting Auto attack he's taking there's his potion maybe maybe pop evasion there's another one oh he vanishes but the dot will kill him he's sprinting he evasions the dot kills the dot kills him I I guess he should have popped evasion earlier right I'm telling you listen that's a lesson you only need to learn once those searing ghouls do a ton of damage they do so much damage it's the fire explosion itself and then the dot they put on afterwards it will kill you it is bad bad bad bad okay we're in Diamond North and we're trying to do the skip I think we're trying to get to Diamond West through the library uh skip here yep I was gonna say that guy jumped down too early and he's gonna pull all those mobs our Korean friend you're supposed to rap all the way around he jumped down and now we pull all the mobs okay so we have a pack of hyenas and all of the elite ogres these ogres they hit so hard they hit so hard we just saw two players die three players die is our Warrior friend going to escape we don't know those ogres hit so insanely hard and that guy jumping down got them all killed oh bro zoom out Faker zoom out oh my okay he actually he tried he tried to be clutch you guys are pogging that was not clutch no Giga gamer he tried it but it failed he still took the fall damage it just wasn't enough damage to kill him if he had done that 0.1 seconds earlier casting the levitate then he would have taken no damage but he did take damage which means it was too late it just luckily was not enough damage to kill him okay but he lives he made it he made it he made it okay we're in the spiral Thorn area in what is is this is this RFK or RFD I always mix them up I think this is RFD two rugs there is there is the boss dude I have seen this happen so many times you push up too far the boss pads and the boss ass pulls another pack into you this has killed so many players okay our Warrior tank oggs is popping retail he says guys we can do it we're in it and you know what well our healer is pretty much um the Healer has maybe 15 Mana and our tank is dead and the problem is all of these mobs are Undead meaning they can't be feared the warrior couldn't even have feared them the priest couldn't have psychic screamed rest in peace that Warrior died and the Healer still had Mana though so I don't know what was up with that bro what is coming what is coming you should not stop here oh wow orb of power oh wow the fireproof orb oh well the pattern red roll and bat red what red bag bro wake up snap back to reality run he's fine he's fine that was close that was pretty close that was pretty close dude what would have been really funny is if because you can see him thinking about potioning he's his his cursor is hovering over the potion If he if he dismounted the potion and then the mobs caught up to him and killed him where it's like if he just stayed on the mount he would have lived he did live because he stayed that would have been funny though anyway he lived he lived and that is the final clip of Hardcore Heroes episode number 32. dude this was a really good episode listen you guys need to share these videos around comment like subscribe go share the hardcore Heroes videos the number one hardcore react content also go and support every single one of these streamers and YouTubers we have a link to their to their content in the bio in the description down below and go buy some power gum go by Paragon the number one gamer energy uh supplement in the world it's going to replace all of the other caffeine stuff you're drinking or consuming power gum is the best use promo code hardcore 10 off and uh stick around and come back for episode number 33 in the next couple of days thank you very much and as always stay safe thank you [Music]
Channel: StaysafeTV
Views: 11,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, world of warcraft, classic, wow classic, wow, twitch, warcraft, staysafe, staysafetv, world of warcraft gameplay, classic era, vanilla, hc, hardcore, hardcore wow, classic hardcore, wow classic hardcore, season of mastery, leveling, wow hc highlights, wow classic funny moments, wow classic highlights, world of warcraft classic, clips, clip, griefer, grief, react, reaction, classic wow hardcore, dead, died, death, wipe, highlight, hardcore heroes, heroes, classic wow 2023
Id: t3kfIiLoNvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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