Deadpool 3 Ryan Reynolds Teaser Announcement Breakdown - Marvel Phase 4 Avengers

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Oh hello i know right Welcome back everyone it's Charlie this is  going to be my new deadpool 3 movie video   marvel and ryan reynolds just did this big super  post explaining what's going on with the future of   the franchise under marvel studios so grab your  chimichangas we'll break it all down if you're   brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to  get all the videos we'll do a new amazon giveaway   all you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and  let me know which other mcu movies you want to see   deadpool cross over into during marvel phase  4 marvel phase 5. but big stuff first grab   your chimichangas this past week marvel and  rhine rentals announced that they were finally   finally moving forward on deadpool 3 under the  marvel studios banner it's about time they gave   us an update they've been talking about the movie  all year long ryan reynolds has been going on talk   shows since last christmas like he did his ugly  sweater interviews where he was telling people   yeah we're definitely working on the movie right  now that fell apart quickly this is just you and   me logan i guess so you know uh you know what that  makes this a reunion for x-men origins reunite   yeah you listen to that now and you're like well  wait a minute if they're just talking about it   now what was happening this whole time what  was going on behind the scenes we saw him go   meet with marvel he even posted these funny  jokes about trying to audition for tony stark   so during this past week in the big announcement  they talked about some of the big changes that   have happened to the movie since ryan reynolds  was talking about this earlier since the fox   disney buyout started there have been a couple  different versions of deadpool 3 that they've   been working on so behind the scenes things have  actually changed quite a bit since the beginning   but now we have an idea for where the movie  is going to fall during the marvel phase 4   marvel phase 5 release schedule so i'll explain  that too in a lot of the avengers crossover   questions like how is deadpool going to be brought  into the mcu will he be rated r thankfully they   answered all those questions so first things first  deadpool 3 is confirmed to be rated r at least the   theatrical cut the one that we'll go see in movie  theaters i'm sure they'll ponder doing a once   upon a deadpool version of the movie later after  the rated r cut hits theaters because they want   as much content on disney plus as possible and  there's a reason why you don't see the deadpool   movies on disney plus right now because they're  rated r there been rumors that they're gonna roll   out a special adult section of disney plus at some  point in the future that's password locked like   if you remember old cable boxes having special  passwords that your parents had to put on them   but if you remember once upon a deadpool when  they were doing the trailers for that they   started taking shots at disney they made a whole  big joke of it because they were making deadpool 2   while the fox disney buyout deal had started so  they knew that it was going to happen eventually   owner rent spoon why the mask ugly why the jokes  insecure why princess bride i'm a fan why celine   dion i'm a bigger fan by the holidays thought  it'd be fun rpg 13. it's a family movie also money   also disney taking all the shots at disney that's  like the easiest thing that they could possibly do   there were some disney jokes though ryan reynolds  said that fox people made them take out of that   and the screenwriters i'll explain that in a  second because normally you would expect they   let ryan reynolds do whatever he wants with the  deadpool movies because they're so much cheaper to   make than traditional big mcu movies so it's not  quite as big of a financial risk but the first big   change with deadpool 3 they just announced though  is they have new screenwriters working on another   new script with ryan reynolds if you guys didn't  know ryan reynolds actually produced the first   deadpool movie he didn't just act in it but he  also got a screenwriting credit when it came to   deadpool 2. meaning that he helped write the story  for that the same is going to be true for deadpool   3 when he was talking about the movie earlier  this year like yeah we're working on deadpool 3   right now he was talking about writing their early  pitches for deadpool 3 with kevin feige and marvel   in the original writers of the movies i write it  with two other guys rhett reese and paul wernick   who are geniuses and amazing in you know in so  many ways and and we just have so much fun we   actually ride it all right in here in this room um  where i'm sitting and um and we just have the best   time doing it together so we hope that we're gonna  there's a lot more to a lot more story to tell so   we hope we get to do that there's a couple jokes  that you told me about i won't say now because i   don't want to ruin if it's in the third one but it  didn't make it to the second one but it was really   really funny thing that was going on i  was like oh don't never let you do that   yeah you could fill a gymnasium with some of the  jokes that got cut out of deadpool one and two   that would get us all arrested or turned into some  sort of disney liquid he has way more power at the   studio now just because the deadpool movies have  been so successful so marvel really wanted to lock   him down for long term it's the same thing  with robert downey jr in the iron man movies   they blew up big time he got paid big time and  had a lot of say in the future of his character   recently this past year when ryan reynolds met  with kevin foggy after the big fox x-men fantastic   four buyout was done part of them signing him to a  new contract reportedly involved a bunch of extra   cameos in addition to the traditional films in the  crossover mcu films that they want him for when we   all heard that everyone just kind of assumed that  he would be like the new stan lee type character   just popping up in funny post-credit scenes or  funny one-off cameos or just really silly things   in the backgrounds of movies when he's not an  actual main character that kind of meta humor   is just baked into the deadpool character so it  would make sense they would use him for something   like that but when i talk about the mcu crossover  movies i'm talking about avengers 5 or the other   bigger movies that they would put him in as  a main character they haven't said anything   about deadpool 4 but if they're doing four thor  movies i think it just depends on how long ryan   reynolds wants to do deadpool movies it sounds  like he wants to keep doing them for as long   as marvel will have him but one of the biggest  changes they just announced this week is that   they actually brought on new screenwriters that's  a pair from the bob's burgers tv show that's why   all the deadpool social media accounts posted this  picture of bob from bob's burgers with deadpool's   katanas i think a lot of people were confused  by that like what is bob gonna be in deadpool   3 i don't understand what's this now i am kind  of wondering though if h jon benjamin is going   gonna have a cameo in deadpool 3. he's the voice  of bob he also does archer and a bunch of other   stuff he has a very identifiable voice there's  also the very famous hydra bob in the deadpool   comics but they already did that character during  the first deadpool movie they just didn't do the   hydra part because at the time fox and marvel  still had the whole rights issue but fun fact   if you re-watch that first deadpool movie and you  look at the final battle in the scrap yard there   that actually took place on one of nick fury's  shield hella carriers which was just their way   of making fun of marvel referencing the avengers  movie but the even bigger news that most people   haven't really registered yet though is it part of  the announcement they said that marvel studios is   going to release a rated r deadpool movie which  no one thought that they would do ever because   it's disney and anytime disney has released rated  r movies in the past they usually do it under a   different studio banner like touchstone so people  just assumed when they said that deadpool 3 would   be rated r that they would do the same thing for  that and they wouldn't release it with the marvel   studios banner but apparently they're doing  it here's the thing though deadpool in the mcu   the mcu is firmly pg-13 meaning that even though  marvel studios is doing a rated r movie deadpool   3 will probably mostly be self-contained you won't  see a ton of mainstream avengers characters show   up like spider-man captain america the hulk you  get the idea they'll just do whatever they want to   do it'll be this self-contained little bubble of  continuity and you just hear deadpool taking a ton   of shots at disney avengers endgame jokes making  fun of iron man the infinity gauntlet jokes about   him dying remember him making fun of hugh jackman  at the beginning of deadpool 2 for dying in the   logan movie imagine him doing the same thing for  robert downey jr in tony stark when it comes to   proper mcu movie crossover though because they  also confirmed deadpool would cross over with the   avengers eventually they'll probably save a moment  like that for the deadpool 3 post-credits scene or   one of the post-credits scenes something really  easy to do but explainable him actually showing   up in some clearly identifiable mcu location like  spider-man's bedroom or showing up at the avengers   tower in midtown only to find that they've already  moved out or even showing up in the sanctum think   about it this way too doctor strange 2 is probably  the best way to explain how marvel can reference   all the fox x-men movies and keep deadpool around  long term while also doing brand new rebooted   versions of the x-men characters in fantastic four  in the mcu like how do we keep some of this stuff   from the fox x-men movies but not everything and  the answer to that is the multiverse it's the big   arc of marvel phase four starting in wandavision  things get crazy in the title of doctor strange 2   is literally multiverse of madness but because  they just hired the deadpool 3 writers officially   the timeline usually goes like this by comic  con next year they'll probably announce who   the new director is going to be and they'll  start filming the movie at least by early 2022   then release deadpool 3 in theaters during 2023.  they could release it a little bit before then   like at the end of 2022 it just depends on  when they actually start filming the movie   but either way it still comes well after doctor  strange 2 so there's plenty of time for him to   fall through one of dr strange's portals in a  deadpool 3 post credit scene and then cameo in   a couple other marvel phase 4 marvel phase 5  movies or they can even do the weird captain   america non-diegetic post-credit scene like the  spider-man homecoming post-credits scene where   he just shows up out of nowhere to lecture  the audience on patience and then walks off   then just in terms of other future mcu crossover  movies i think we all expect deadpool to show up   in the future x-men movies once marvel gets around  to making those and then of course avengers 5. but   the next really big marvel thing that's happening  is obviously the Wandavision episodes those are   going to start january 15th i'll be doing videos  for all those episodes and that's really when   the big marvel phase 4 stuff is going to start  spinning up everyone click here for all the new   black panther 2 movie announcements they just made  this week and click here for my full mandalorian   season 2 episode 4 video thank you so much for  watching everyone stay safe maximum effort!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 1,068,386
Rating: 4.8881044 out of 5
Keywords: Deadpool 3 Trailer, Trailer, Emergency Awesome, Avengers, Thor 4 Trailer, Spiderman, The Boys, Deadpool, Deadpool 3, Doctor Strange 2 Trailer, Mandalorian, Doctor Strange, Wandavision Trailer, Venom 2 Trailer, Thor 4 Teaser, Black Panther 2 Trailer, Marvel, Iron Man, Venom, Black Panther 2, Avengers Endgame, Marvel Phase 4, Teaser, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Spider Man, Clip, Movies, Movie, Avengers 5, Morbius Trailer, Thor, News, 2020, Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool 3 Teaser
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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