Every Type of Necromorph

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welcome to world of monsters everything monster yes we're back with Necromorphs today covering all the different types featured in the entire dead space franchise I made this list not just for the fans of the games of the creatives and monster creators out there as a source of inspiration reference a guide if you will to these entities that dwell in the shadows of nightmares these Necromorphs are of the assimilated alien species native to the planet tau volantis they are large bony and not very dissimilar to their original alien forms they also have the ability to spawn their own version of alien crawlers like the human base crawlers alien crawlers resemble infant forms of the Tavel antis aliens embodying a large sack that creates four powerful self-sacrificing explosive mobile weapon the boss refers to the final Necromorph boss in the mobile dead space game it is a huge very mutated Necromorph lacking any real resemblance to humans or any other known creatures it has four jaws lined with teeth an enormous tongue that uses to bash the opponent and two tentacles that fire spiked projectiles also known as brother or Necromorph moons actual moon sized organisms that are responsible for controlling Necromorph outbreaks directly and through creating and utilizing obelisks known as markers they have parented the Necromorph quote-unquote species for millions of years this is a halting Necromorph heavily armored with calcified skin and protruding bones it is formed of several human corpses and exercises extreme physical power the bulliest most similar in appearance to the regenerator and hunter Necromorph types the cost of did not make it into final production and so was replaced by the uber morph in Dead Space 2 the commander was another early that was later scrapped it's supposed purpose was to be a mini-boss it honed a more bug-like or non-human alien appearance which was the ongoing Necromorph look before the company took a different conceptual direction a Necromorph exceedingly harmless fleshy smelly growth that transforms oxygen into a poisonous gas as well as aids Necromorph regeneration it also appears that the corruption is a necessity for the creation of several Necromorph types all in all existing to facilitate the Necromorph epidemic crawlers are twisted reanimations of human babies they each possess a large yellowish sac which they can self detonate to create a small explosion creepers are disembodied heads from divider and Necromorphs they walk on three tendril like legs and feature a long tongue they are able to decapitate a corpses body and situate themselves into the new neck and therefore reanimate a new body creating a sham blur and Necromorph type a slow mass of nickim or fat tissue that devours anything organic it comes in contact with including other Necromorphs the creeper appeared in the prequel novel dead space martyr cysts are bulbous forms that appear upon corruption growths they fire explosive pods at anything that moves within range tall creepy humanoid and that corpse that upon death will separate into two legs two arms and a head these body parts then grow fleshy tendrils which they use to quickly crawl like the arm and leg parts the head is able to attack but it is also able to decapitate and take over a new body another yet notable of the corruption that leaps out grab slams and pulls foes in using its three fanged finger tentacles an adult more versatile version of the crawler exploders are highly deformed Necromorph mutations with explosive sacs grown into their twisted appendages which they strike with to cause explosion as an additional mode of attack they used their split heads as jaws to bite a truly horrific entity feeders appear as immensely emaciated animated human corpses with some distortions such as elongated clawed fingers they are the result of the slow change that takes over a person that has eaten Necromorph infected meat featured only in the dead space extraction fliers are winged Necromorphs capable of flying but unlike infectors they are more agile in the air and attacked by biting and slashing with their tails this Necromorph was to appear in dead space to fly traps are humanoid Necromorphs that attach themselves via their repurposed hands and feet the front of their bodies remains skinless exposing the tentacled entrails used for battle fathers also known later as wasters are the leftovers of humans that journeyed on and around the alien planet of tau volantis they have retained most of their natural features as well as much of their clothing and are capable of using melee weapons upon certain destruction sharp bony tentacles grow out of their pelvic region and if the legs are removed projectile firing parts are revealed variants based on different hosts include the EarthGov officer SCA F Navy personnel SC AF pilot s CAF scientist seaf snow scout and of the Unitologist soldier a humanoid Necromorph with a repurposed lengthy spine blade and an extremely long neck and head with mandibles designed to latch on to unsuspecting victims the grabber was initially cancelled from inclusion in the first dead space but did make an appearance in dead space extraction a large quadrupedal neck with an entire upper torso composed of dead bodies merged into the monsters mass it also features two slasher like blades three connected large heads a long tongue tusks just pause a moment and get a better idea of the monstrosity you're looking at unfortunately or maybe fortunately it was cut from dead space downfall guardians are highly mutated human torsos fused with large corruption growths the entrails have become tentacles that can decapitate and even fire explosive pods a gigantic net can Worf able to communicate broadcasts from brethren moons and markers to lesser Necromorphs similar in function to the Nexus the hive mind was found on Aegis 7 and is human based created by dr. Calais Mercer the hunter is similar to a slasher the larger bulkier and has enhanced a regeneration even able to regrow any dismembered limbs the bacterial microorganism largely responsible for the existence of Necromorphs in essence the smallest of the Necromorph types we need an echo morph capable of flight albeit not that advanced in it it exists to spread the Necromorph contagion with its long proboscis turning victims into either slashers and hand slashers or twitchers a common Necromorph whose lower body has been fused into a single tail type organ design tipped with a hefty blade the math holds some serious fangs that dig into action as soon as the leaper pounces onto its victim a mess of shapeless Necromorph seemingly the result of corruption overgrowth it has a huge mouth which is accompanied by three tentacles that it uses to attack with as well as is also able to spit out explosive pods like crawlers lurkers are also reanimated infants though unlike the crawlers they have been repurposed for ranged attacks being noted that can also be the result of adults and infected docks when aggravated three spiked tentacles sprout from their back which can be used for melee attack or ranged firing sharp projectiles markers are used by the Brethren moons to broadcast signals that give life to and direct the Necromorphs they are in fact crucial to their existence yes markers may not be dannika morphs themselves but that still does remain unclear the black markers are the originals and the red are human-made copies a floating Necromorph found in zero-gravity areas around the planet towel volantis they seem to be based on some native creatures to the planet the attack with tentacles and projectiles that they fire as their floater sacs are destroyed the other Necromorph that is found in zero-gravity environments although this one remains stationary it is another sort of corpse fusion with large corruption growths the nest is similar to the Guardian and attacks with large tentacle with attached sacs as well as fleas homing projectiles for ranged attack the Nexus is a hive mind Necromorph based on the biology of the tau volantis aliens it communicates signals from the brother moons and markers to the Necromorph population it spawns feeders attacks with huge claws and attempts to devour its victims Necromorphs created from the bodies of children they have a few physical distortions but overall retain the childlike appearance and due to their smaller size and overall power usually appear in groups a highly mutated sluggish morph that forms and holds organic explosives it uses a long tentacle to fire these at their phones like the slasher Pregnant's bear two large bladed arms but our overall thicker particularly in their midsection where they have large sacs that hold swarmers damage these sacs and release the crazed critters pukers are disgusting humanoid Necromorphs with long distorted claws and a third improvised leg that helps balance them as they spray they're highly corrosive vomit at their foes in turn damaging their own frontal exteriors regenerators are quite similar two hunters with a little more muscle and mandibles they attack with their long bladed arms and exercise extreme regeneration to the point of replacing lost limbs shamblers are the combinations of a creeper the detachable head Necromorph and a host body the host bodies being those of dead soldiers or Unitologist extremists they're able to use their firearms but with very very bad aim these are the most commonly encountered Necromorphs they possess the long-bladed arms as well as small arms with hands in their gut region in addition to slashing with their organic blades they also attack with a powerful bites able to rip off a person's head slashers can be divided into these subcategories for easier identification the armored slasher circle slasher civilian slasher male and female forms doctor slasher EarthGov security guard and slasher flight crew slasher male and female versions frozen slasher miner slasher of Saturn's moon Titan mummified SCIF slasher naked or nude slasher Norton slasher patient slasher scientist slasher tavill and his research compounds scientist slasher twisted slasher and Unitologist slasher a huge amorphous and Necromorph that attacks with its five tentacles by ripping off parts of the ship and hurling them at its disturber found on towel entus the snow beast is a very large crab like Necromorph with four legs it has a powerful charge and stop is intelligent enough to retreat and uses its a very long tongue and tentacle appendages for capturing and doing additional damage a very big mega morph that moves upon tentacles while using another set for firing projectiles with its enormous tongue it can inject organic bombs and even birth leapers this is the dead space extraction version in the novel martyr it has a self destructive explosion attack and has the ability to spit skulls spitters are like slashers but based on female hosts in addition to being able to attack with their now newly fully mutated blade arms in crazy bite they can also spit toxic bile a nikkor more featured in the dead space novel martyr it is described as having a body composed of human torsos two heads seven sharp legs and a black and yellow underside bulge but can also appear with an additional head and spike covered body it can detach an attack with its head launch its spikes and explode stalkers are greatly mutated Necromorphs with the J degrade legs each with two large toes they have three large grotesque fingers and a strangely shaped skull reminiscent of a goblin shark being a fairly tactical in their attacks makes them quite dangerous adversary swarms are composed of small Necromorphs that look like giant mites they have an ability to quickly reanimate corpses a single one can jump from corpse to corpse rapidly creating a handful of Necromorph ik foes i've latched on they will do significant damage and will eventually turn you swarmers are reanimated bits of flesh they usually move an attack in numbers they attempt to latch onto a victim which they then pursue to bite to death they can be found in independent groups or birthed by Pregnant's another early conception that was canceled prior dead space release that held a less humanoid look supposedly it was to be another wall crawler with great leaping ability tentacles can be found as single or multiple outgrowth of corruption and fest ations they can have a variety of appearances and generally either capture and pull victims into their lairs as do drag tentacles and or bad or a foe and grab and slamming about a very large and intense mutation of numerous corpses it has a bony or chitin like or chitin this exterior and travels on multiple limbs which it can also use offensively it attacks with powerful bites using its huge fangs and mandibles it also stomps kicks and is able to grab enemies with its smaller limbs tripods are three lint Multi corpse based monstrosity x' that come in male and female forms the male versions have a leaper like appearance though larger uses its powerful arms pounce and bladed tongue for battle the female variant on the other hand can decapitate with her even more horrific tongue that has an infant fused into it the nest can barely be considered in that car morph as it's just that a birther of tripod type Necromorphs it appears to have no attacks and overall remains as yet another advanced outgrowth upon heavy corruption builds twitchers resemble bulkier slashers they are formed of personnel equipped with status modules upon assimilation and transformation these devices are fused into the monster making for a faster Necromorph with stronger attacks the uber morph appears has an uber version of the slasher instead of a single blade it is armed with claws 2 of which are immensely elongated and some other more alien differences such as a strange head with five glowing eyes these dreadful Necromorphs just kidding though these adversaries when infected may become fodders shamblers or slashers the urgent is another huge shapeless Necromorph it has four long tentacles that it uses to assault and grab enemies into its enormous mouth within which we find another mouth upon a thick fleshy tongue and for further ranged attack it fires explosive chemical filled pods Weezer's are stationary humanoid Necromorphs with nasty large lungs that have formed upon their backs to serve and poisoning the air other than that they don't seem to pose any immediate threat some of the above listed in the morphs have enhanced or upgraded versions they are as follows the brute the exploder within the dead space mobile game only the feeder the fodder or waster the effector within dead space to only the leaper the lurker the pregnant within the dead space mobile game only the puker the slasher the stalker and the twitcher to learn all about Necromorphs you have to check out our recent 3 part episode covering everything you've ever wanted to know about Necromorphs of densities let me know below what you think would be a cool concept for an eunuch are morph if they were to release a dead space form and if you enjoy monsters be sure to subscribe being that bell below for latest videos join us on discord and other social media for further monstrous visuals and info and don't forget to stop by monster right.com for my latest monstrous creations thank you
Channel: World of MONSTERS
Views: 259,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monsterite, every necromorph type, every type of necromorph, all necromorphs, dead space necromorphs, all, necromorph, type, kind, necromorphs of dead space, slasher types, brethren moon, undead, zombies, necro, morph, list of necromorphs, list, necromorph list, necromorph kind, dead space 4, necromorph vs, markers, moons, ubermorph, unitologist, all types, creatures, monsters, world of monsters, top necromorphs, greatest necromorphs, dead space 2, dead space 3
Id: tgEa_OOy1dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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