D&D Universe: Magic

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welcome fellow adventurers to the D&D universe where we help players dungeon masters and even those who have never played the game have a better understanding of the world and lore of Dungeons and Dragons [Music] magic is present in every campaign one way or another but not many understand just exactly what magic is or where it comes from to start off I'll be explaining the tool that both arcane and divine casters alike use for magic this is a force that overlaps everything in the universe and transcends mortal creatures understanding the way we've come to best describe it is as a powerful fabric we refer to as the weave the weave is a thick barrier coding reality like a blanket that every spellcaster accesses in some way this fabric is dangerous to use and can be twisted and even torn resulting in dead magic and wild magic effects that plagued abandoned war zones and testing sites [Music] the two best understood methods of access are either by grabbing it yourself through arcane study or divine requests sent to gods and other forces arcane spellcasters must acquire specific knowledge of how to use the weave and each class does this differently wizards devote their entire lives to studying the exact movements and noises required to pluck at the strings of magic and release a powerful vibration that causes the desired effect sorcerers work like living knots of fabric and depending on their origin either inherit this power from blood or stumble across wild surges of Arcana and absorb some of it into their being bards are very unique sparking echoes in the fabric by muttering tunes and strumming chords being a fireball throwing musician takes no short amount of talent or practice because arcane magic takes so much creativity to cast the effects are often more dangerous and wild than divine spells divine spells are never directly summoned by the caster themself but rather in cooperation with an outside force for clerics and paladin's this power comes from the deities that are devoted to and is invoked by prayer and faith however in some settings the gods are absent or dead in these campaigns faith alone commands the world around the faithful to heat their prayers and is often derived from devotion to an ideal or cause for druids and Rangers divinity doesn't come from any God's will but from pleading the universe itself to tug at the weave these classes commune with the flora and fauna to preserve harmony and survival and when the world is in danger it's likely to listen to the prayers of those who can save it warlocks are very interesting in regards to magic as they dabble in both fields to an extent they research the arcane information granted to them by their divine patron now that we've covered the basics of the weave and its effects I'd like to explain what other methods of spell casting might occur in D&D forming and distinction from the weave are the powers known as key and psionics these abilities come from mastering oneself and perfecting access to their pools key also known as key or key works very much like its real-world counterpart a monk may become one with the pulsing rivers of life through meditation and self-discipline and use this oneness with the universe to manipulate it a master of key is the world and the world is their master mystics and aberrations are the polar opposite psionics come from far beyond the universe and are only usable by those who isolate themselves from it these powers come from discipline and mastery of one's own mind and break the barrier between dreams and reality a master of psionics transcends time and space and is an arbiter in its purest form rarely used and underdeveloped forms of magic exist and if you as a DM want to envelop them you'll need to form some rules of your own for them these magics are the forced divination known as binding soul harnessing known as in carnem primal magic and shadow magic and true name magic as you can see magic is a vast and complex form of power that few mortals can even begin to access but now that you understand where these powers lie and how casters use them go strum the fabric of power and create your very own page
Channel: Runesmith
Views: 267,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, spells, spell, dungeon and dragons, d&d, dnd, veil, wizard, warlock, sorcerer, magi, caster, universe, explained, tutorial, asmr
Id: yfnXr00CKlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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