D&D Universe: The Planes

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welcome fellow adventurers to the D&D universe where we help players dungeon masters and even those who have never played the game have a better understanding of the world and lore of Dungeons and Dragons [Music] the planes are a series of locations that you as a player might travel to they exist as massive continents completely detached from the rest of the world with bizarre rules and physics governing each one they are completely unique to one another and in this video I'll be covering the basics of every pre-existing plane in the D&D universe the way the planes connect can best be described as a giant wheel with the material plane resting in the very center as you travel further from the center you'll find planes that represent the core aspects of the physical world and further still are the planes that represent ideas there are other ways that a DM might connect the planes such as a giant tree or two oceans / central plains some DMS even hand craft their own cosmologies but for this explanation we will use the Great Wheel [Music] at the very base of everything lies the Material Plane this is where nearly every mortal being lives and where most adventures will take place the Material Plane is our plane where many adventures take place in the world of Dungeons and Dragons where grass and trees grow and oceans span four leagues all of the elements combine here to create the world as we know it you can best understand the material plane by looking outside a nearby window or googling landscapes echoing the material planes are the shadow fell and the FEI wild two planes that simultaneously exist alongside the material they are like layers on top of the material plane only leaking through tears and portals the FEI wild overlaps the material plane inside its boundaries are large forests where playful creatures wander and flowery fields of mystery hold undiscovered splendor here we find a ochres hags fairies satyrs and all the magical forest creatures from fairy tales running around in open fields and lurking in heavily forested swamps the shadow fell is the opposite being void of all color and littered with death undead creatures and melancholy spirits wander through the black dry soil covering the shadow fell in the sky is an everlasting state of gloom with storm clouds and lightning flashes these two plans are built very similarly to whatever Material Plane your party adventures in where a normal forest with a lake would be a massive Sylvian forest with a golden city built on a glimmering lake or a lifeless concoction of dead trees with a big pile of slime sitting in the place of the lake next up there are the inner Plains divided into the four basic elements that make up the world earth fire water and air are all personified by these Plains with their mixtures acting like borders between the realms where these plans touch each other in the material plane you will find the majority of its inhabitants starting with the plane of Earth you'll find a world made entirely of stones and gems at the height of this plane are mountains that climb further than anyone would dare to venture or could near the material plane you will find caverns that run through every mountain inhabited mostly by stone Genii called the Dow they will likely have a central hub called the city of jewels a settlement made entirely of priceless metals and gems I highly recommend not stealing anything from here [Music] the plane of fire is a raging deadly wasteland of burning the majority of the plane is covered by the cinder wastes and the sea of fire both dotting with flaming creatures such as a zur and salamanders the main reason you might be going to the plane of fire is for it's renowned capital the city of brass a massive city filled with riches and hundreds of thousands of inhabitants it's visitors include everything from demons to dragons the city is widely ruled by the Afridi though many fire-based creatures also inhabit this wondrous city the plain of air is a howling empty space housing hostile winds and great winged creatures strong enough to ride them more fitting a party who's used to having somewhere to stand are the stone islands that drift through the sky and in some cases clouds packed tightly by gin to call home and last of the inner plains the elemental plane of water an endlessly spanning sea of worlds on the surface are only a few islands that howl surface dwellers were constantly at war for territory creatures that lurk in the depths range from civilized merfolk to nightmarish applets at the base of the ocean lies the city of 10,000 pearls whose capital is a palace of coral inhabited by aquatic genie called murids in between each of the elemental planes our combined forces which are referred to as the plains of ash ice magma and ooze overlapping every plane is the ethereal plane a misty and faint location full of onlookers to the world's below those in the ethereal plane can observe the world around them but not interact with it you might use this plane to escape a threat or pass through walls and forbidden territories however beware many horrid beings exist in this plane ghosts and spirits haunt its dark void and can be just as deadly here as a cursed graveyard just beyond the outskirts of the elemental planes are the outer Plains each one embodies an alignment and is likely governed by the deities of those alignments creatures who serve these gods or devote themselves to one alignment might find themselves in one of these Plains after death because of how numerous these are I'll describe each one briefly first off there is Mount Celestia a single glorious mountain that embodies justice and grace by topia is a plain divided into two paradises tamed fields of crop and unkept wilderness that both represent understanding for freedom and law Elysium aptly titled the perfect place is a realm of pure good and happiness people don't just pass through Elysium it's nice there the beast lands are what Rangers dream of on a good night this is pure wilderness of every environment with no rules past nature our boria is a land governed entirely by pure emotion rage and joy are both ever present in our Borean inhabitants these guard is the heaven of heroes and war and is never calm people rise and fall on the eternal battlefield of his guard limbo is the most dangerous plane for travelers of any alignment and is the essence of chaos every element is interchanged at random and only strong minds can last more than a minute without being obliterated pandemonium is a plane of madness existing as screaming winds tearing through tunnels to torture the poor soul sent there the abyss houses every nightmare imaginable and consists of endless layers with unique horrors some say the demon kings of the abyss occasionally venture to the Underdark to rampage car Sarai is a plane that is nothing but a perfect prison it has six layers that are uniquely cruel to its inhabitants Hades has three layers of joylessness hopelessness and apathy people sent here become larvae with sorrowful faces of their former selves slugging around in the mud Gehenna is a plane of avarice housing creatures who are merciless and selfish if you pass through here and make it out alive check your pockets the nine hells of bateau are each uniquely horrible and housed Devils and themes of unimaginable power and cruelty each layer is just as unique as the planes I've noted so far and I highly recommend that dm's take the time to read about them Acheron is a very difficult place to picture but imagine it as for iron d6 floating through space slamming into each other at random these cubes represent pain and war mechanist is a plane of perfected clockwork housing a creature called Primus and all of his mechanical children Arcadia is a realm of purity housing celestial dwarves who live in harmony with the four demigods who rule the plains connecting every plane is a location called the astral plane a spatial void filled with floating chunks of dead gods and ancient evils randomly placed in this space are discs that act as portals to each plane defined by the color they hold not often included in the list of plans are the following locations that you might never travel to but are still worthy of noting the far realm exists outside of everything no one knows how to reach it or what nightmares it might hold what we do know is that horrific aberration such as mind flares and B holders originated from here sometimes used by Dungeon Master's is a location called the Outlands a vast field that has towns based at its edges each one is a settlement that exemplifies an outer plane and is a gateway to that plane and lastly there are Demi Plains worlds created at random and are freely shaped by a person or a force that comes in contact with them powerful wizards will create their own worlds and isolate themselves inside or sometimes trap other creatures for nefarious reasons each plane is uniquely strange deadly and beautiful but together they make up the world that we adventure in be weary adventurers the plains are vast and powerful but it's up to you to overcome them [Music]
Channel: Runesmith
Views: 709,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planes, inner planes, outer planes, gods, realms, d&d, dungeons and dragons, dnd, sigil, explination, explained, tutorial, asmr
Id: zpNs7rTdyRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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