D&D players, what's the best moment you've had in a game? Part 1 (r/dndstories)

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to D&D Player's what's the best moment you've had in a game part one had a wizard with a pet frog he carried the [ __ ] frog around with him and would occasionally get a little weird with it real intimate with this frog if you know what I mean he liked this from one night we get stopped by some Highwaymen on the road their leader approaches the party and tells us to lay down our weapons or die and points a sword at the wizard the wizard reaches out and casts a spell to banish this guy to another dimension temporarily while simultaneously sleight of handing out his damn frog he holds the Frog up and goes put your weapons down I'm the greatest wizard in the world and I've turned your leader into a frog put your [ __ ] down or I strangled his frog and do the same to the rest of you then he looks at us and whispers wrap this [ __ ] up quick I really don't want to kill this [ __ ] frog I was the DM and one of our players pulled something off that turned the entire campaign on its ear and started a whole new campaign to make a long story short one of our players had met and married a female NPC she then became part of the party but had very limited skills the party had to be in two places at once so they decided the NPC in the rogue would go to this nearby town for a meeting they were set to be at and the rest of the party would go free and Ally of theirs that had been captured the rogue ended up selling the NPC wife to a slaver then told the group that they had been attacked and she had been taken after he was knocked out the party rallied together to go get her back they rescued the girl and she told them the truth the rogue ran and the party went after him both sides had allies so it started a war between them but ultimately the group had to come back together to face the main villain after they defeated him the rogue left and the rest of the party gathered up the treasure and went to an inn to celebrate the rogue however had planned for this he poisoned the barrel of ale killing most of the party and the other people in the pub and seriously injuring those who did not die with the party dead and dying he gathered up the treasure and left in the last campaign I played my tiefling fighter was being eaten alive by a group of giant birds but was spit out and left to die in their nest while the rest of the party were isolated on a group of stone pillars aways away our dragon born sorcerer attempted to save my character's life by throwing a red potion like a football aiming for my character's mouth he rolled in at 20 and the potion foot balled into my mouth and a crack in the glass caused the potion to heal me I'll always be fond of utilizing a goblin colony's lesser intelligence against them with a few wizards in a very charismatic rogue me we were able to convince these goblins that I was a God seeking their help with a mission in return I was to give them powerful weapons required to defeat the land goblins that these cave dwellers hated so much so imagine with the use of thaumaturgy silent image ghost sound etc a 100-foot black-robed figure rising from fog in a flash of light and yelling at them with a voice that caused the cave to rumble fires flared and dimmed with my words and these goblins were putty in my hands with a little skill and a lot of luck we managed to convince them once we ended the spells that might now normal-sized 5-foot some rogue girl was the human form of the powerful God that just spoke to them and they listened we then went on to siege a town that was overrun with villains this was done with copious amounts of alchemists fire strapped to each goblin as we catapulted them over city walls causing major distraction wherever they landed these goblins truly believed that this was their path to the ultimate goal of being the one ruling goblin colony and all the better because at this point our team still despised - those little guys but more on that later ultimately my character died in the onslaught struck down by our own weapons 12 alchemists fires at once in a closed room we had these goblins believing I was their God so strongly that in our nice little world I actually did become a god of the cave goblins my character awoke from death in her own ethereal plane aptly named gob hala with her main goblin advisor gob gob but by her side to this day whenever I'm DMing a game even with totally different people I'll always try to slip in a small tidbit about a black-robed goddess that players may or may not pick up on it never means anything but it's the way of keeping my very first Pathfinder character close to my heart not a single moment but a feeling days after a session a player made the offhand comment that things are going really well and they are having a lot of fun that's it they've had such a great time that it comes back to them later and moves them to comment on it those moments where the players are laughing so hard they forget to actually play because of their running commentary on how the quest is unfolding that's one of the big ones I don't interrupt them but sit back and watch them yeah I got months of material written up that I want to get to but this is what it's all about these moments the goat forget manticores the goats in this area are what you got to watch out for I'm not immature I'm seventeen and a half you're trying to start dirt on fire it's not going to work we should have an affair role to see if we make out oh it - I guess we don't a group has had three dm's now one moved another just wasn't enjoying it and then I gave it a shot and things really clicked I got my brother-in-law my wife my college buddy and my long-lost middle school friend all at my table it's literally the best thing in my life right now because it's bringing some of my favorite people together to really just sit around and have as much fun as we can it's like those images you see of characters around a table bantering arguing plotting counting coin you know sort of Rockwell Ian but in fantasy only it's happening in reality right in front of me I don't drink nearly as much because I got to stay on top of initiative and plot I'm shuffling through papers my wife cooks everyone a dish a pot steaming in the background she loves watching them mow down the food taking seconds and thirds my longtime friend goes on and on about his life it broke me out of my shell in grade school and we've reconnected through this game my brother-in-law pages through the books pointing out neat things he reads yes we know it already but it's great to hear him excited my college buddy tries fishing his dye out of his beer bottle he wasn't sure it would fit in there but it did I just sit back and watch it's perfect I love D&D and I love my life so we were playing third edition D&D in the mid-2000s and I decided I wanted to drag the poor players through the Tomb of Horrors not in the third edition reissue but the original one that I fell in love with as an early teen in the early 80s written in the late 70s by Gygax himself if you're not familiar it is a ridiculous dungeon crawl designed to kill characters and be more fun for the referee than for the players the boss at the end iserror act the dummy lich is stupidly hard to defeat and has a save or have your soul sucked out of your body attack every round just to spice things up one player dereck the cleric requested that the old style a D&D rules for which the module had been written should be in effect for the duration of the adventure to the extent that it was convenient to do so sure why not I said oops but more on that later the players consisted of an old friend of mine who knew the dungeon from back in the day Derek a younger friend just learning the game and two other experienced gamers I had recruited online because my two friends did not a party make recruit number one we'll call her patty was a nice girl about my age I still game with to this day along with Derek the cleric but this story is about recruit number two Darren was rather older than us late thirties and had been playing D&D since the late 70s he was one of those players who had bad habits borderline min Maxine questionable died roles but not so bad that we couldn't cope and we really needed another body to round out the party so we put up with it so fast-forward all the way to the end of the dungeon yep they had survived the ridiculous traps indeed they had killed the stupid boss a ser Iraq himself now it was time to inventory and requisition the treasure Derek pointed out that I had agreed we were under a D&D rules he apparently remembered that the treasure specified a magic staff would be present but not what it was and was hoping to score the party a staff of the Magi again for those unfamiliar that's essentially the be-all and end-all of magic items and only finds its way into the hands of player characters if the GM is foolish or if it's a silly Monty Hall campaign the only one that ever showed up in a published official adventure was in fact right there in the tomb of horrors and that one was broken and unfixable just to tease the players with what they should not have well [ __ ] now I have to determine what kind of staff it is among the treasure there wasn't chart that just only listed staves for me to roll on so I made one on the fly made the stupid staff of the Magi harder to land on with the die roll than any of the other stuff and I still [ __ ] rolled it naturally it went to the mage in the party great now Darren the men maxing wizard and has a [ __ ] staff in the Magi and the dude is freaking out he is so happy he's making plans to seize control of a small country and rule with an iron fist and he now has the firepower to do it then out of the blue Derek the cleric says I cast resurrection on the shattered skull of the deme Lich what no seriously what what yeah as a good cleric I believe everyone can be redeemed and this guy is probably no different to be fair that was in fact how he'd been playing his character throughout the campaign lots of diplomacy and non-lethal sub dual attacks to talk people around [ __ ] okay now resurrection brings you back at full power combat-ready of course we roll initiative the newly raised 20th level cleric 20th level wizard goes first and promptly casts time stop he follows up his time stop with mass domination now the time stopped and only he can take any actions he then uses detect magic to divine who is and who among the party is not under the influence of a powerful enchantment spell and learns that everyone but the rogue watched their save on the masked domination before his time stop can run out he casts power word kill on the rogue now he can safely allow the time stop to run out because everyone else is under his mass domination he politely thanks a cleric for resurrecting him and equally politely requested that the wizard hand over his staff of the Magi well Darren didn't want to I reminded him that domination isn't suggestion its domination Darren scowling indicated that he hands the staff over the deme leches era rack then thanked them all very politely indeed proceeded to lay a mask quest on them to go away and leave him the hell alone for a year and a day while he reset rebuilt and relocated his lair and the party did exactly that at least he let them live as he had more important things to be doing Darren is in shock 25 years of gaming he says with good competent groups and I have never even seen a staff of the Magi in legit open role play I had one I had it in my hands it was the pinnacle of my D&D playing career and as soon as I had it it was gone he went home and he never came back again I intimidated a pile of wood into becoming a boat I was playing a half-orc fighter whose back story was that he was a carpenter before a fit of unstoppable rage led him to smash every piece of wooden furniture in his village hot damn it dude why is this [ __ ] so funny he was ostracized after that and took up adventuring as a way to pay the bills and get out some of that pent-up frustration anyway the party comes to a river that we need to cross but the rogue mage that were chasing has destroyed the bridge I asked if I can search the area for wood nails pitch etc I roll investigation find a decent amount of stuff that wasn't totally blown to smithereens by the mage well I roll to use my carpenters tools to use all that spare crap and make a boat I rolled in at 1:00 and break my tools my character is so infuriated by this that he starts yelling at the pile of miscellaneous debris I'm talking the full spiel here he insults the woods mother questions the nails manhood the whole shebang I ask if I can role intimidation I roll in at 20 with a-plus for proficiency skill bonus the wood is so terrified of the angry green carpenter with the broken tools that they formed themselves into a boat party sails across the river and our campaign continues unimpeded
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 265,216
Rating: 4.9595389 out of 5
Keywords: dnd campaigns, dungeon master tips, role playing, dungeons and dragons online, role playing game, dnd, dnd stories, d&d lore, d&d story, d&d podcast, dnd campaigns playlist, dnd campaigns funny, dnd campaigns for beginners, dnd campaigns ideas, role playing asmr, role playing game meme, dnd music, dnd stories animated, dnd stories 4chan, dnd stories reddit, dnd stories greentext, dnd stories necromancer, reddit, d&d podcast adventure zone, dnd stories funny, ask reddit
Id: 1ykYNX-tPNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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