D&D Players, What was the best way you saw a DM shut down "That Player"? part 4 #dnd #dndstories

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hi everybody Brian von va here and I just wanted to say one thing before we jumped right on in me Mr Ripper and the team all are happy to say that we have hit 200 000 subscribers yeah of course we hit it long before this video is gonna even go out but I wanted to say something here because I thought everybody out there boys girls and anyone and everyone in between deserve to know that we acknowledge all of you and we love all of you for it and there's a lot of good things coming so stay tuned for all of that until then what was the best way you saw DM shut down that player part four oh I've got a hell of a good one but beware this one might be long that's what she said so me and my party were doing a completely home brew campaign written by my DM and myself and we arrived at a Dwarven town where my tiefling Berserker got into a bar fight and our Claire kicked ass at karaoke to the tune of our barge shredding in a magical electric guitar the party consists of myself as the primary DPS a cleric a rogue a Bard a fighter and that guy that guy has three goddamn characters first his normal form a half tiefling human with Fire magic and passive battle regeneration as well as Proficiency in all manner of combat here we go in addition he has two different creatures inside of him that he can choose to become at will a violent overpowered Balor and an immortal Angel note that guy during every encounter or cut scene had to make it about himself like he was the main character unsurprisingly he is also very much The Stereotype of attack first ask questions never this will be very important very shortly anyways outside the bar the DM described a thunderous boom and a flare of red light we go outside and see a large black rock surrounded by a purple Mist the meteor landed on a small group of people so the surrounding area was covered in blood as we walked up to the meteor to investigate that guy runs up and slashes at the meteor with his sword for some reason completely unknown to us the DM begins to laugh and describes how the meteor split open and a shadow Spilled Out of the crack unbeknownst to him that guy had just Unleashed a monster the DM designed specifically to kill his character this was a primordial Shadow Demon with complete physical and magical immunity that guy runs up and tries to slash it to no avail he turns into his demon form and keeps trying to attack it as he's getting his ass kicked we all collectively agree to not step in because it appears to be completely invulnerable eventually The Monster slashes at that guy with its claws instantly putting him to 7 HP so that guy switches to his Angel form and is immediately eaten by the monster and spat out in his human form the monster having completely absorbed The Immortal angel that guy begins to freak out and turns back into the Balor to send out his strongest attacks but obviously nothing happens that guy's character has a special Quirk though if his human form dies his other creatures come out and have two hours to find a living host to possess before they completely die so that guy's human form dies the shadow monster escapes leaving that guy's bailor completely distressed so he attempts to possess a dwarf Guard Captain and gets us all arrested one very long interrogation and prison fight later Baylor possesses a rat and starts hitting on our cleric so my tiefling who is married to said cleric grabs the rat and takes him into the forest where he crushes it and it explodes into a colossal Pillar of Fire completely annihilating that guy's character this is a very powerful and costly home brew ability my character has sorry for the long story this was just too Priceless to not mention he threw a tantrum and started screaming and pointing fingers it was so funny the DM just told him to get out and not come back I mean honestly could have been avoided if you just would have told him to piss off way earlier in the campaign but this was a good send-off to an otherwise crappy character decent concept though before we continue with the video let's talk about the eternium these fantasy playing cards are a clash of Titanic elements such as sea monsters combined with the beauty and power of Fire or the horrors of the undead fused with medieval Punk Styles these playing cards are printed on a high quality 310 gram blackcore paper with artwork done by the amazing Eddie Whipple you have three mystical decks to choose from the dawn The Dusk and dead center of fusion called the Twilight these also feature your standard two to Ace playing cards flavored within four unique fantasy races the bastions the Restless the abyssals and the Imperium and by the way there will only be 1 000 decks in production not a single deck more you can also purchase their limited edition coins too which come in a variety of colors like bronze copper and silver as well as the black noir coin which will be limited to only 100 units and not a single unit more with all of that said and done if you're in the dark fantasy like you've never seen before with beautiful art work check out the eternium links are in the description below back in college we had a DND club that would frequently run one shots to teach new people how to play and to provide games for people who just want to hang out and have fun I would later be the treasurer of this club but that's a different story this is a story about one such one shot where we had a relatively new player or at least one I'd never seen before at the table it was a simple Mission kill a group of goblins terrorizing a village I enjoy the plane shift stuff that crosses over with magic the Gathering because well I play that a lot so I talked with the DM and she let me play a Naga from plane shift amanket and I was a neutral evil sorcerer the new player was playing a lawful good human Paladin and I can't rightly remember what everyone else was playing but it's not important to the story I can't remember what he was doing but the Paladin got separated from the party for a bit while we went to handle the Goblin and during that time my sorcerer ended up crushing the tribe Leader's skull in his fangs and declared himself the new leader of the tribe which is when we found out about a second tribe on the other side of the village that's when he had the idea to sick them on each other and then finish off the rest once one side was wiped out so he started putting that into motion he didn't want to do all of this effort without getting paid though so he went into the village with the corpse of the chief Goblin to prove the tribe was wiped out then bargained for extra gold when we kill the extra tribe this is when the Paladin regrouped and saw my character covered in blood at 2hp dragging the corpse of one of the Goblins he knew was terrorizing the village that was when he did what any reasonable Palin would do and tried to kill me immediately because I had a corpse so I was obviously evil which was half true but not to that degree now the DM who has no tolerance for has the town guard attack and kill him saying he can bring a new character in if he wants to keep playing oh the new character he decides to bring in however is literally the exact same character but his younger brother and he walks up after the guards left my character was still standing somewhat near the corpse of his last character and he immediately says that person killed my brother I have to avenge him and he immediately tries to kill me again this is when the DM God smites happen where his character literally gets Smitten by his God and he then has to explain himself to them not only does he try rolling deception checks against his own deity but then he tries to pledge loyalty to any deity who would get him out of this situation which goes just about as well as you could expect Andy didn't play for the rest of the session yeah people like that if he was a younger person I would just sit him down and teach him this is not the right way to play the game sunny and if he was an older person I'd say you shouldn't be playing this game if you have this much of an attitude problem in our old high school game we had two players who could just not get along they were constantly arguing in and out of character and they're loud squabbling God on everyone's nerves RDM put a curse on them that merged their characters into one party the merged body could only act if they both agreed on what they should do otherwise they just stood there eventually they learned to work together out of necessity honestly that's a brilliant way to handle an otherwise really crappy situation it wasn't a DM handling but a player me we had a group of players that was half adults and half teenagers this can't go well one of the teens got fixated on saying fist instead of punching he was playing a monk this is the group that has my horny Bard who would be that character but all hanky-panky is handled by saying you have a fun time by Mutual decision of me and the DM the monk player was constantly saying I fist them the other teens were asking him to stop he's a way of Mercy Monk and my Bard went down he said I fist the bod to heal him my Bard replied on waking up half Works do it better well he stopped saying fist also this gets kind of creepy if they're teenagers and you're an adult I don't know about this one boss I was that guy this was one of the first sessions of DnD I had ever played and our party had split so it was my dwarf warlock a human Rogue and a Cobalt our group had to go get the help of an island populated fully by assassins against an invading force or something of the sort it's been a few years the leader of the island was an Elven man who was in my opinion being very rude though that might have been clouded by my knowledge that elves and dwarves don't normally get along you're not wrong anywho it came to a head when my dwarf finally spoke up and called The Elven assassin out on his rudeness he responded with oh please don't oversell yourself my men train from a young age to be the best they can be why I bet even my daughter could defeat you my dwarf stubborn as he was decided to take him up on that needless to say the dwarf lost with just 10 HP left with the only time he caused any damage being AOE effect on a fireball I still play with that group but the campaign fizzled out after that incident so now I'm an earth janasi Barbarian but yeah since that trouncing by a seven-year-old my dwarf is now known across the land for his stupidity and stubbornness that wasn't actually a that guy moment that was your dwarf being in character as a dwarf and I'm really proud of you for playing that through in my party I had a rogue who would steal anything from anyone his attempts to steal always took lots of time and got the party off track so one session I baited him by saying there was an old Blind Lady a hag who was wearing lots of copper jewelry and had lots of copper coins on her they had seen and heard several stories around town about her too when the party finally ran into her in the Town Pub the Rogue asked about what seemed to be the most valuable thing this old lady owned I asked him to make an investigation and an Arcana check he only passed the investigation I told him she seems to have a small dagger at her side the daggers made entirely of copper and the words turn all that is to riches are engraved on it you can feel some magical power coming from the dagger well the Rogue stole the dagger the next morning he discovered that the dagger was cursed every metal thing he touched turned to copper and he slowly began to age as the day went on he went back to the old lady she was hard to find as she had become Young and Beautiful again she informed him the only way to get the curse lifted was to have someone steal the dagger away from you stealing the dagger would also steal the curse by this time the rogue's gold and weapons had all turned to Copper now I Ruled that any Weapon made of copper would break if it rolled the max damage on a damaged ice he kept this curse for two sessions before managing to fool another Rogue into stealing it from him at one point he did use the curse to turn an enemy's armored from steel to Copper which drastically lowered the AC of the bad guy so at least there's that again doesn't seem to be more of a that guy moment more so a klepto Maniac who doesn't know when to stop I do have a that DM story to retell from a friend back from when D D 3.5 was the latest thing story from a long time ago originally told by a friend I haven't seen in over a decade so expect paraphrasing this is at the very start of the campaign rolling the character's stats while my friend and two of the other players are considering what to do with their characters the last player asked the DM any chance I could get a re-roll on my character the DM replies with no whatever you roll is what you get normally I'd be fine with that but you might want to make an exception for this the player says and shows the DM his roles the DM looks at the numbers and shrugs ah sucks to be you the player lays the sheet down in the middle of the table and starts Gathering up all his gaming stuff I'm out y'all hopefully I'll get to play with you the less unreasonable DM sometime then he's out the door there's kind of a stunned silence for a few moments everyone was just staring at the door closing behind him and then my friend reaches over and picks up the character she left behind dude his high his role was a nine again the damn shrugs and says yeah and my friend stands up shoves his dice into his pocket and crumples up his character sheet screw this and hen he heads for the door one of the other guy stands up picking up his stuff and says well he's out I'm out he's my ride here the last thing my friend heard from that aborted session before the door closed was the last player saying Ah hell no I am not soloing this from what my friend said a few years after that debacle the DM still thought he was in the right and the players were all being unreasonable listen buddy the DM is actually here specifically to make the game fun for the players if you're trying to battle the players like that you're literally doing nothing but making the game worse thank you for nothing hey everybody Brian Von Vie checking in after the vid please make sure to leave a like subscribe and ring that Bell of course leave a comment down below letting us know the best way a DM has shut down that player in your campaign and of course if you'd like to keep up the uh 200 000 sub hype please continue to spread us around all over the Internet and let us know where and when you found us we love you all and we're very grateful to be here may we be here for many years to come giving you all the d d stories that we can find toodaloo everybody we'll see you later
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 91,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, how to play dnd, one dnd, one d&d, how to play dungeons and dragons, dnd character creation, dnd 5e, asmr
Id: svEvPEwAktw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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