US Constellation Class Frigate vs Chinese Type 054B Frigate (Naval Battle 128) | DCS

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40 sounds fired by America uh 12 SS fired by China One might get through here yeah the rounds coming through oh my goodness gracious me hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing wonderfully well it's a great time to be alive our friend CH just released a new version of his us assets pack in DCS hello CH hello amongst the new assets we now have the brand new US constellation frig which is very exciting and so of course we're going to have a battle with it a nice simple battle the US get four constellations the Chinese get four equivalent frigs the 054b each has an awax and we press go and we see what happens usually we do these battles with 1 to 200 miles in between the ships and that's because of certain restrictions on long range weapons but both of these frigates do not have such restrictions so I thought it would be fun this time if they were set if not at a very unrealistic 25 M so this time it's going to be nice close very Punchy before we press go we need to learn a bit about these ships so first CH let's talk about constellation this is a brand new US ship in fact have any actually been built that you know of yeah I think they have uh one Harless I think it's in the water but no nothing more than that Roger let's go straight onto weapons so we have sm6 block 1 a eight of them sm2 uh medium range block 3C 16 of them essm block two 16 of them interestingly it's got Rim 116 a very old or fairly old small weapon 21 of them Talam this is an interesting thing it's the first time I've seen a t Lam so that is a anti-ship Tomahawk block five isn't it no this that's the the uh Tomahawk land attack missile block five but it's not the VA the VA as you will see then on the flight three is the anti- ship version this is the land attack missile ah right so the block five is anti-and the 5A is anti- ship yeah Roger was unaware of that well it's still the first time we've seen this in DCS but it looks like the next battle we'll do we'll have to have the uh anti ship version of it interestingly Naval Strike anti-ship missile 16 of them so this is its anti-ship missile why Naval Strike missile I actually thought this was European these are as you know the the more stealthy ones uh but since they uh decommission the the harpoons they have it looks like they have been thinking a lot about how to to get some sort of anti ship offensive weapons going again I mean since they had the sm6 with the the second seek which wasn't optimal for it then they have the nsms which they have for a couple of types of ships and now they also have the MS or the the 5A as we talked about the the LM so they might in the future get the LM in VLS configuration but that's nothing we have seen they have done tests with it but it's not set yet so they have a a lot of different uh things going on there finally nula counter measures can you tell us a bit about that yeah you can see the launchers uh on the back there it's I have as as usual we can't simulate these perfectly but I have them simulated as they no in in the middle uh sorry I should said in the middle yeah exactly these so they they will take care of uh missiles when they get to close a couple of them it's it's the best thing we can do to simulate counter measures for ships in DCS right now Roger in real life are they active counter measures like the kind of thing you would have on a tank that no no think a like cheaf yeah gotcha ships right I'm going to test myself here if I look at the 3D models I'm going to guess that's a rim 16 116 I'm going to guess that's an e SSM I'm going to guess that's an sm2 that's an sm6 that's an NSM and that's a t have I got that right that's correct and uh as can see on these versions you will see then because I have made different time era versions of the ships also so this one since this is latest it also have the latest and greatest missiles the sm6 block 1A is the one of the latest SM sixs and the 2mr block 3C actually has the active Rider Seeker so that's newest one and the ASM block two also have the active seeker and as you mentioned this is the rim 116c it's the latest version so the this is the SE whs for this ship SE doesn't have fail lanks and then the latest block five of the tlam and also the the new NE strike missiles but so this one doesn't need any terminal Guidance with for semi-active missiles at all so everything is fire and take care of itself I wasn't aware aware of that and that's very interesting regards to the ship otherwise my understanding is it's really there to be affordable as compared to other ships I mean Tao a modern Tao is what 3 and a half billion a modern Ary Burks over 2 and a half billion and this is only just over 1 billion so it's much cheaper than the other ships in service um anything else about it before we move on we could mention that it's a very large frig like we see a lot of frots now it's around 500 ft so it's almost just as big as the uh I forgot to mention 57 mil gun on the front which is actually really small 57 yeah we're seeing a lot more 57 to 76 nowadays because we don't need them for for Shore bombardment like in the old days so it's better to have them for anti- drone and so forth you can load a lot lot much more ammunitions on these ones and programmable ammunition right let's move on to the 054b we've looked at this before but just so the viewers know we have a 100 Mil artillery gun which may actually come into play today we'll see we have a massive sea whz the 11 Barrel 30 mil Chinese standard issue seawe which is which is just nuts that guy there we have um short range Sams hq10 24 of them hhq 16 fe uh longer Range 32 of them the anti- ship element is a yj12 this is a mar 4 capable supersonic anti- ship missile very dangerous and countermeasure launchers um anything about the 54b before we move on no they are very comparable as you can see with them with the loadouts but the difference as you mentioned with anti chip Miss which will come in play here is the two different doctrines here where these go for Speed and want go for stealth and onto the battle CH is super simple we'll press go and see what happens at 25 miles if you had to put money on it who's going to win uh there are a lot of anti- ship missiles with nsms and they probably can't be spotted until they get pretty close so I I think uh the Americans would have the upper hand here stand by Ona viewers you can see the scoreboard at the top right it will be in small format today but I'll try and read it out let's watch the American brand new ship viewers not even in service yet constellation class looks beautiful as ever all right we could mention that this is uh based on the FR oh is it really European yeah but but based on the FR then the Americans made a lot of changes to suit the American way of making things and they are also made in America as per US law I'm sorry I've got to pause there cuz that's just such a bigit thing big thing you just said a frm I thought frem was a European standard yeah they won they won the procurement yeah but as I said they are a lot of you can't hardly see it because they have made a lot of changes to it and they are of course as I mentioned built in the US that's that US law making unaware viewers but anyway off they go what seems to have happened is the Chinese have in fact I don't really know what's happened let's go and have a look Chinese have F there'll be lots of pausing I think today viewers because we can it's going to be a short fight so YJ 12's are out from the Chinese uh I've put them close to each other so we'll have to do a little bit of pausing uh this can be fired high or low and it's in low mode up to Mark 4 maybe not quite that fast down here they've fired a barrage of the mountain as you can see constellation is now replying with probably well you can see at the top right essm sm2 sm6 and 116 have we fir any Naval Strike missiles yes we have it's all come out in one big blur the anti-shipping from the constellations have come out these are the equivalent they are slow subsonic but they're stey let's see what happens um are we going to interceptions straight away yes we are ooh 40 sounds fired by America uh 12 sounds fir by China to one might get through here yeah all the rounds coming through oh my goodness gracious me boom oh my goodness gracious me we've had a hit but we're still serviceable so let's keep going it's the problem about these fast missile fast low missiles they're very hard to intercept very hit and miss it's just a different way of doing things so we got some damage on an American vessel but we're still in service right 22 handy ship missiles fired by China and 12 Sams four an ship missiles fired by America and 85 Sams it's all defense from America and all offense from China at the moment and the next bunch of yj2 are out I apologize for my bad voice today viewers but we will see how far we can get look how wonderful that looks in fact we can probably see one set of ships from the other but look from the constellations here yes I can yes in real life there'll be Over the Horizon there they are 27 anti ships fired by China 12 uh defensive missiles four anti ship missiles five by America 105 uh Sams 28 sm2 31 essm 32 sm6 and 14 Rim 116 uh Naval Strike missiles are getting nice and close now can trying to pick them up in time one down two what the hell was that me too right just went by yeah H1 okay they've all been taken down and let's pause let's have a chat about how that can happen viewers although they are stealthy like lzm they're not invisible ships don't just have Radars they have Electro Optical systems they can see heat they can see visually so all of these things are detectable once they get close that's just a it's just a thing and we saw it right there right um more yj1 12's coming out I think they had eight per so that's 32 all 32 are out in that case then so these are the last ones that's all the offense China has so they've shot their load early as usual yeah and the Chinese ships also for defense actually have the Dual seies system with both the the uh 11 Barrel gun and the uh now look also how they slide these missiles in around the flank it could have some effect especially if they sent them from different angles they're drifting they are yeah 100% drifting boom all right all 32 aggressive anti-ship missiles fired by China and China tends to do this in DCS they tend to fire all their stuff to begin with and go for an early win and and they almost got that this time one got through um but after that point it becomes incumbent on the other side to start aggressing so we'll see how that goes all right cost so far to America 3 oh God 313 I can't read that what is that a third of them million that no third of a billion it's a third of a billion God I can never do these numbers they get so big and 0.12 billion cost to China right next batch of Naval Strike cells are going in so now China has got to defend they're using hq10 and hhq uh 16 Fe 50 60 defensive missiles Fire by China 133 fired by America oh this is a great looking battle C8 I love a good both great frigs these are more smashing in they haven't been uh close enough so that we have to see an tracers yet no you're absolutely right um we just haven't got that far yet we need to run them out with missiles at this point and that's what we're going to do now can you remember how many enal strike missiles each constellation has it's l 16 wow that's a lot 16 64 so China only has 32 aggressive anti ship missiles we have 64 I'm going to say we because I'm on the blue side today but yeah right so it's really a case of attrition now wearing them down now what would probably do in real life viewers is fire more at once than just Sal those of four but again we just don't have control of that so it's fine don't worry it'll have the same effect in the end it will just be a little bit slower right so far 98 defensive missiles fired by China 133 fired by America so China almost fired as many defensive missiles now when will they run out is the question amazing why do they explode like that in mid it it's because they've canceled viewers because well whatever reason they've had to cancel the shot lost radar track whatever what I get through it's going to get through oh that I I that was probably within a mile viewers that shows the stealth the use of the stealth or should I say low observability I don't know whatever the right word is nowadays getting closer 140 uh defense missiles fired I would not want to be Chinese right now and demonetized I love these Naval battles view you literally never know what's going to happen every time you run them because there's so many variables in here every time you run them you will get a different result I swear so me and ch ch and I uh know as much as you at this point viewers we we also to see how how much better two or four ships is than one it's not two ships it's more than double the effect when you're trying to defend yourself you got it yeah there's so much defense going on cost to China uh nearly quarter of a billion with a Bravo dollars um and America still a third of a billion American stuff is just more expensive it's just how it is just life okay they're really pumping out now they're stepping up interesting yeah it's controlled by the AI or the game Brain it's it's out of our hands viewers he does what he thinks is best at the time 191 defensive missiles fired by China now some clever SS can s work out when they're going to run out unfortunately I'm not that clever but they will run out it's it's an impressive amount of missiles in total that's been fired I mean with eight frigs I mean these these are just impressive anyway think how far Naval Warfare has moved from the 1980s when youve had would have had a Ty sorry taond deroga would have had oh seaw yeah here we go that means they're getting closer that means one thing he is they're getting closer that's a really good sea that is debatably the best in the world it's a really really powerful weapon but 11 barrels 30 mil yeah let's see if they shoot each other yeah they did will happen actually yeah look at that look at that oh mama trying to getting desperate look at that let's go for an outside it still takes a second to reacquire a Target so yeah yeah nothing is perfect viewers that's fun that's a lot of Steel there a lot of Steel oh look they just keep coming just keep coming yeah I think they may have run out of missiles they fire 224 or I suggest they're getting short of missiles and don't forget how fast you run out of ammo on the 11 barrel uh SE whs yeah no se whs much ammo all C have just a few births of ammo viewers they're really a last ditch Resort they're not a primary weapon oh o Oh's going to they all they are all firing which is good at all missiles but that also means they will run out F unfortunately the stealth has no use against sea viewers it can see it elect optically what you need is a fast missile you need a Chinese or a Russian weapon now an onyx or something that will get through sews as you saw at the beginning of the match could we have our first Chinese turn boom a funking great Warhead in the NSN it's all kicking off now viewers we got one through and it really is just luck if it gets through or not is a bullet or shell boom Oh yeah and you got a good spread there did you see that they actually ose different targets we like that probably more luck than judgment bang another absolutely we have a win we have a win CH they're out of ammo like I said they have a few bursts from anyc W viewers and then some poor s's got to go and reload them yeah they really are for and you might have missed all that yeah not for these bares yeah that is a 100% American win I'm afraid viewers oh my God and they just keep coming yes I said the the numbers that will be an issue here even if they are slower no you call it I would I must admit I would have guessed China uh it's those those yjs are just mean but I was wrong yeah the Norwegians are happy mhm sell a lot of missiles it would have sell a lot of missiles viewers if if you absolutely have to buy a modern frig I suggest constellation which most of you are American according to the analytics and that is what you've bought so I guess everything worked out well total cost well don't know yet because the ships are still dying but we'll see bang bang and of course mons canot Escape oh they are yeah they are going really did WOW to well this time he did really well I love it how that works probably again probably more luck than judgment viewers um that is a total cost to China of 1.65 billion equivalent US dollars that is some price tag America the cost was still high and they didn't lose anyone they lost a few Sailors virtual Sailors but nothing else um and it was 0.42 billion so still a very high cost to do that viewers that was a brilliant brilliant battle um CH anything from y'all no bye-bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 70,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Constellation, Constelation, Frigate, 054, 054B, 054A, SM2, SM-2, SM6, SM-6, ESSM, Missile, LRASM, NSM, Tomahawk, MST
Id: ubkXFLxeE64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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