Su-33 Flanker-D Supermaneuverability Dogfight Vs F/A-18C Hornet | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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the sukhoi 33 nato reporting name flanker d is an all-weather carrier-based twin engine air superiority fighter designed by sukhoi compared to the sukhoi 27 the sukhoi 33 has many improved features such as a strengthened undercarriage and structure folding wings and stabilizers also the sukhoi 33's wings are larger than that of the sukhoi 27 for increased lift another feature you may notice on the sukhoi 33 is the addition of the canards canards were added for a number of reasons the principal one being that they reacted to the pitch down forces generated by the aircraft's leading edge and trailing edge flaps their addition reduced the aircraft's approach speed lowered the drag caused by pitch trim and improved short takeoff performance all of which were very important as the sukhoi 33 was designed primarily to operate from the kuznetsov carrier which had ski jumps necessitating good short takeoff characteristics canards also vastly increased control surface area and often increase the critical angle of attack of the wings as the canards direct air towards the leading edge of the wings they can also be designed to operate independently that means counter rotate thus also acting like ailerons canards are not a requirement and they can have disadvantages including reduced pilot visibility increased mechanical complexity and fragility and increased radar signature although radar cross-section can be reduced by controlling the canard's deflection throughout flight using control software as is done in the eurofighter the sukhoi 33 flanker d was also designed with super maneuverability in mind the key difference between a pure aerodynamic fighter and a super maneuverable one is generally found in its post-stall characteristics thus super maneuverability is the capability of an aircraft to execute maneuvers with high angles of attack beyond maximum lift the concept of super maneuverability was researched in detail by the united states air force which even went so far as to create concept aircraft but nonetheless super maneuverability was abandoned by the us as counterproductive to beyond visual range engagements as the idea was that super maneuverable maneuvers left the aircraft in a state of near zero energy which in effect is a death sentence in beyond visual range russia did not fully agree with the idea of dropping super maneuverability and it thus became standard in all of russia's fourth and fifth generation aircraft it's important to note that the flight computers of russian aircraft need to be disengaged to allow the aircraft to become super maneuverable therefore it is optional to the pilot to use super maneuverability to bleed off all of his energy or not depending on the situation he or she is faced with the concept of super maneuverability remains a controversial one with some people claiming it's useless and others claiming it has a time and a place well let's go ahead and test it out and see what conclusions we can draw alright guys so we're here in the sukhoi 33 we're going to be fighting a hornet the hornet being one of the more maneuverable nato aircraft when it comes to one circle fighting high aoa kind of stuff and we're going to pitch it against the su-33 here today flown by long shot in the f-18 me obviously in the sukhoi 33 and we're gonna see what the super maneuverability offers us here today into the merge one circle and he's out in front and i think i can put guns on him [Laughter] he just dejected right there dude that was insane yeah so if you could time the super maneuverability thing and hit the cobra button on time uh you can do some damage that horn is still flying so i'm gonna go ahead and finish them off here even though it's got no pilot fox 2 splash one hornet so didn't even need the high off forsyth missiles that time finished him off with guns he's not going to be happy about that one for sure so last round went pretty well i'm still kind of laughing about that but uh yeah so i can already kind of see the problems with super maneuverability i can see that the first turn it's pretty huge in my advantage but after that i can tell that i'm gonna be too slow to really do anything if i fail to kill him in the first turn so i kind of see what the states were saying about you know leaving yourself near zero and it's not really as advantageous as you might think especially in bvr it doesn't make any sense um so you know we'll see here as he learns to as long shot here learns to merge with me too much separation for him fox two splash one hornets you can see he tried something a little bit different there but you know he did save himself from the guns but you know then there's the high off four side archer but you can tell he's learning so we'll see what the next round so can we just take a minute to appreciate how beautiful dcs is now in 2.7 with these clouds it's so stunning uh so one of the things i wanted to talk about the aim 9x in dcs we did a video a little while ago talking about the uh you know updates that ed did to the 9x made it more dangerous the flight path is a little bit smoother which actually allows the missile to turn a little tighter we discovered that jamming the west was going to be between 1600 feet separation in order to achieve that i i feared that the 9x is now very superior to the r73 so you know it could definitely be problematic for me if he survives the first turn and he's able to jam the wes i think he's got a higher probability of kill there than i do into the merge again that's a much better merge for the hornet i didn't even manage to get a missile off here [Music] i'm already feeling it i'm too slow to really keep up with them what all right let's go dude that 9x looked like it was gonna go around me they really did upgrade them i guess that was weird hmm what what the so i had a look at the replay for the last round and it seems that the 9x has some teleportation technology that was previously classified that e.d has now added to the 9x i guess uh i don't really know what to make of that last round i think he would have got me anyway let's be fair uh he still had two more nine x's and he was moving more and more into a superior position i could clearly see losing cues uh especially when we got into the deck transition i was gonna be slow so there's the merger again you see how much i'm struggling if i don't kill him in the first turn i just don't have the energy to continue to fight you see there's those losing keys again that 9x those are some pretty serious oh no there's no ejecting from this so all right guys so here we go with the attack view me and the red sukhoi 33 uh long shot in the blue f-18 uh here we go into the merge and there's the lead turn and so look at this turn degrees a second from the sukhoi [Music] 36 is the highest i saw there 36 point something 0.2 36.2 uh a second which is pretty impressive here oh we'll keep that because that'll show us the ways and so you can see the super maneuverability is really nice especially if the hornet you know messes up his merge even slightly you do end up with a pretty uh serious advantage but as long as the hornet can jam the wes which isn't too hard if he can time his lead turn correctly even if you end up with nose on you can't get a missile off because the wes is jammed anyway so it's a really nice way for the hornet to take away the advantage of the su-33 and so once that first turn is passed you can see that my energy state is way too low i'm at 20 mach 2 uh 2.3 with the nose down now for a little while and still way too close for any of these missiles to have any kind of effective uh you know track on on the hornet luckily for me the hornet is in the same situation here none of his 9 x's can hit me because the jam that was is jammed so there's that missile you can see they're just not tracking however as we move down to the ground you can see oh yeah this is yes yes yes yes this is the one where the missile okay so as we're going down to the ground you can see i have to dump my nose pretty significantly here to gain some energy back as i'm preparing for the the deck transition and a couple more turns however dumping that nose like that opens up the angles for the hornet so i think if this had continued the hornet would have won but looking at this here look at this missile even tak view thinks that it's not correct and you know we did experiments with the 9x this should be a jammed wedge we have a long shot to me come on what's going on here there we go it's a thousand feet a thousand eighty one feet it should be around sixteen hundred is where the the uh aim 9x should be hitting the target inside of that the west should be jammed and you can see here at a thousand feet that 9x and it does the teleportation thing like i wonder at first i thought maybe it's a desync issue but it doesn't make sense with the wes like that 9x should not have hit the target anyway and if you remove the labels and you look at that flight path like this thing should be ending up you know going around me like all the other ones did i think i don't know i've never seen a 9x in a nose-to-nose fight hit something at a thousand feet like that seems really tight so and then you know we got the issue of the teleportation and you can see here even from this flight path that doesn't look like it's gonna you know all of a sudden do a turn like this to hit me anyway this looks like it's going like this and remember i'm coming in the entire time so by the time it crosses here i'm over here like that 9x would have to do a turn like this in order to hit me so very very strange behavior from the 9x there we may have just discovered a bug of some kind all right guys but that's my conclusion for you know the super maneuverability thing it looks really cool it is difficult for the uh you know other aircraft uh because of that first turn it's hard to to really jam this opportunity for the sukhoi in in this situation but if you can do it then he's pretty much the fellow defenseless because he's lost all of his airspeed and he's completely defensive after that all right guys so that's going to be the video for today thank you for watching and a big thank you to longshot for helping out with this video don't forget to check out his channel alright guys i'll see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 405,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Military, army, air force, navy, fighter jet, USA, america, funny
Id: kGJTthQlpWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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