DCS: F-22 Raptor Mod Vs Su-57 Mod Dogfight

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hey guys what's going on today we're flying the gern le f-22 a model I hope I'm saying his name correctly and we're going to be fighting the Cuban ace Sukhoi 57 these are both mods so let's keep that in mind as we watch the video and let's see how it goes that was the su 57 that just zoomed by us right there it's going high and so here he comes he's going high he's barely struggling in terms of speed there he goes - zooming by me didn't turn around and maneuver in relation to the Bandit that means you're gonna always try to turn into the Bandit create BFM problems for him if you turn away from the Bandit you present your six o'clock so you never want to do that and so here we are that's our second merge there were coming in for number three here and it looks like we're neutral through this one as well [Applause] and so it looks like we're both dumb for the nose and this flights gonna head towards the deck there he goes exiting cons at this point so it's gonna be a little bit harder to keep visual track of them and it looks like he's turning into us as well here he comes right over the top he's gonna scream over there he goes okay a little bit of loss of control the aircraft on my part yeah there we go he's right in front of us he is maneuvering really nice that looks like he's not struggling at all 2:57 there he goes right across the front there looks like we're on a scissor here which oh my God look at that that's not a oh a you see often guys I can't believe you just did that we're gonna continue to turn into a mere though I'm gonna have to sacrifice a lot of speed to do that yes oh here we go we're back in that scissor I am winning it in the sense that I'm behind him but I'm Way too slow to want to do anything about the position I'm in so I'm just gonna ease off I'm pulling the stick really hard he pulled too hard on the stick you're gonna bleed your your speed and so here we are on his 6 o'clock position he is attempting to [ __ ] a little bit by continually reversing turns keeps going left and right very slippery very slippery here we go okay almost out of there but no joy or no luck I guess you would say and so he's gonna initiate a left-hand Bank here we're gonna follow that I don't really have the speed so you see me kind of legging behind him here all right now I'm gonna sacrifice a little bit of that speed and try to pull my a away pull my nose Authority up see if we can get a shot off at him he sees my nose coming around so he starts to [ __ ] a little and that was a nice move and I've overshot so I'm gonna pull vertical and this is very dangerous if I get too slow he's gonna be able to easily kill me and I'm going too slow and this is the part where he is gonna oh no wow [ __ ] that we're hitting that that doesn't look good oh-ho it's a big fire yeah so the last minute ejection metaphor yeah here he comes for his pass [Applause] very disrespectful well played okay so we're back with round two back in the f-22 and super 57 off in front of us now one thing that's important to note here is that the Sukhoi 57 mod has thrust vectoring modeled into it the f-22 does not as far as I know so it's gonna make it a lot more maneuverable to sue 57 against us but it seems like this 257 goes a lot faster really quickly to the point where it's like maybe unsustainable or uncontrollable I should say and so there may be a possibility of us exploiting that in this next fight here look at as it comes across the front here a couple rounds just to make sure that he doesn't put his nose on us got to give him something to think about and looks like he's dumping his nose again so we're gonna follow that that's good for us too we can build up some energy as we go and there he goes unbelievable a away from this guy whoa guess he was feeling lucky there and so here we go we're gonna turn back into him once again manoeuvring in relation to the Bandit and reverse the turn here and we're back into that downward spiral our scissor it's a better way of explaining it here he's actually winning this one he's winning it big time so we're gonna yeah we've said to Gingka out there for a second he looked like he was gonna cross right behind us maybe because some shots off and there he goes okay so now that we're sitting behind him I had to work hard for this position here and we're gonna get ready for him to do all of his jinking [ __ ] all over again here he goes he's doing it swirls and spins and yep hit hit again and he's on fire whoo ejection and there's the pilot see ya alright guys so here's our tack view this is me the blue f-22 we got Sunday in the red Sukhoi 57 and let's just keep in mind that these are mods and they don't actually represent the capabilities of these aircraft obviously these are classified so it's very hard to make a realistic flight model so this was more of a goof more so than anything but we'll have a look through the TAC view just to see how things played out because that's what we do on this channel anyway so you can see there's the merge I go for a vertical as I turn around slightly vertical he goes for pretty much a level he comes up a little bit but stays mostly level and we come across fairly neutral in this merge here notice how he has a lot more speed than me at Mach 1.5 and I'm at Mach 0.77 alright indicated airspeed very low for me it's difficult at these altitudes to keep your speed up high and so we come around in this merge here come around for another neutral pass it's possible that I could have got guns on them it's not bad like you could have if you were just a little quicker on it he tries to slow down a little bit there and comes around on my tail and so we both maneuver in relation to each other we turn in and both dump the nose because we need some speed look at him look at his maneuverability on his aircraft so the Sukhoi 57 model actually has thrust vectoring modeled into it so son D is able to do some real crazy stuff like that and I'm just constantly just trying to the one advantage I have over him as I can slow down a lot quicker than he can it's very difficult for him he's got a very strong aircraft and so we can see that we're just kind of stuck in this scissor right now and I'm winning the scissor I'm ever so slightly behind him see and then he just Wow Wow you will never see this from another aircraft in dcs like this one that doesn't have thrust vectoring modeled like look at this oh my God look at that turn and he still is gaining speed as he does that watch that watch that manoeuvre there real quick look at this so as he does that watch his indicated airspeed as well watch his Mach speed see he's that look at that he just pulled his anyway up dramatically Mach 0.47 and as he pulls through it see he like gains a little bit at the end there so very impressive it's actually kind of scary if I'm being honest so yes what we're still in this scissor I'm still kind of behind him but it's just because he's going so fast and so I gotta capitalize on that but getting on his six and just killing him real quick but it's hard to do because he won't sit still which obviously is what he's supposed to do and so here we go we're in our left-hand bank and I'm on his 6 at this point he's kind of luring me in alright look at my speed Mach 0.77 he's at 65 and I'm within the control zone so this is what happens when you get too close to somebody you give them control because whatever they do you won't be able to react in time so you end up overshooting you never want to get this close to somebody and I've made that mistake here and Sunday is gonna try to capitalize on it as I get a couple rounds off at them and notice how he breaks left very fast and I just cannot stay with that turn so I kind of leg outside of them a little bit here my indicated airspeed very very low and he still got enough airspeed I maneuverability to do roles and stuff if I did a role here I'd hit the ground so very impressive from me sue 57 mod by Cuban ace ok here we go so there's a couple rounds right there and he's had enough of that and look at this that's all it took that's all it took to make me overshoot like that a couple rounds past them and he's gonna do that classic very not I don't want to call that a Cobra cuz it's not but he's just really slowing down his speed there and I'm just too fast little target fixated how we just roll and then watch as he rolls back and so what I'm gonna do is obviously climb this is what your first instinct is when you overshoot somebody because it's the fastest way to slow yourself down and also you can maybe roll up behind him but as I do that as I try to come back for the roll get up behind him because of his thrust-vectoring gear you can see look at him he's coming like nose up this is why I say going vertical a lot of the times gets he killed I could have got away with it if I had more speed but the fact that I went vertical at the speeds that I had up here I met it indicated air speed of 186 so I'm really slow I'm just a big floating target up here and he's just gonna like me up as we see there and I'm dead okay so we just did this tack view just because that's what we do here and I don't know somebody might want to see it but in terms of tactical significance there isn't really much because these are all just mods at the end of the day and the f-22 is modeled very well in my opinion it's very well modeled but the SU 57 having the thrust vectoring modeled in like that it's gonna be different it's gonna be a lot better so he takes the win and that's gonna be the tact for you I'm not gonna do the next round just cuz it doesn't matter it's gonna be the same [ __ ] it's not really like I said it's not a real representation of what the aircraft can do so there isn't really much for us to look at intact you all right guys so I hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 762,267
Rating: 4.8413782 out of 5
Keywords: DCS, f-22 raptor, su-57, hornet, F-18 Hornet, art of the kill, air force, military, JF-17 Thunder, digital combat simulator, dcs world, f-35, flight simulator, arma 3, war thunder, battlefield 5, ace combat 7, top gun, F-14 Tomcat, marines, navy, missile, us military, b-52 bombers, technology, hotas, thrustmaster, amazon, Hp, virtual reality, F-16 Viper, persian gulf, max bounty, money, ad, computer
Id: mkx-imRxGTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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