DCS: Raven One M03: Close call, on call

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recreating the events of chapters 21 onwards of the raven one book this is a big one carrying live ordinance for the first time we're out for a long on cool close air support mission expecting about two and a half hours of flying we'll be nail flight with myself and smoke with dutch running up the rear as our spare we'll be flying to great where we'll top our back padres and then move on to our assigned area and await the call all right smoke is running up his engines he's about to take off we did the same waiting to clear the deck and then we will salute as well salute let's check afterburners ready gear up flaps up outer burner [Music] coming right now we're going to join up on smoke in 410 so let's climb up to meet him we also have dutch in 407 behind us who is our spare for today so if any of us have troubles he will take over all right we're now up with smoke and we're off to our first objective i believe it's the tanker although just before that we also need to do a countermeasures checkup which should be at waypoint two if i'm not mistaken [Music] which we're coming up on in a bit [Music] smoke leads with you take position all right so now smoke will come back and join us taking me his lead in position once he figures out how to get there what on earth is he doing [Music] are we good smoker are you going crazy [Music] let's see the autopilot on for a moment [Music] all right smoke is now settled up left stand by for items checks from lead all right cms is in bypass that'll do for the check [Music] ready good checks leads fenced in [Music] all right with our flatman then nails go button two for magic button two two raven one from magic heads up two movies to go from walmart rock two six two nine three track northwest [Music] and speaking of which i really should set up my bullseye before i forget about it so hsi data i need to set the waypoint up to where is it rock set earthware waypoint on and now we set our bullseye turn to the hsi and i'm gonna switch back down to waypoint two so now we set our bullseye and we can use those on the sa page and the radar for reference for what is being called out over the radio we're up at 32 000 feet with my wingman smoke dutch of course has departed being the spare aircraft we have no problems he's gone home we are on route we are now [Music] 156 miles to go just listen to the radio traffic seeing what's out there so far pretty calm just a couple ships and aircraft reported in as well as i think it was an sa-15 on red one five roger nail switching red one five all right red one five that is channel six that's our control we are tuned [Music] for one flight with you on root padres [Music] [Music] switching to button eight let's be our tanker joining roger all right we're reaching waypoint two now so we're gonna switch over to our attack and steering i'm gonna head on over to our tanker he's down at 22 000 so we're going to start descending i'm very off to the right where our tanker is cut this flight should just be finishing up and we're going to come join them and now 10 miles out in the tanker you can see him i've got on the flare he's in a left-hand turn as we come in to join him he's at 22 000 feet at 260 knots so as we close we're going to start slowing down all right we have joined the tanker you can see on the right of the text there the mission progress has been saved so if we quit or we can't air to every fuel we can quit and rejoin the mission with a complete tank of course we're going to go for the full [Music] refuel so spacebar when ready to start refueling exxon five five nail four one flight joint on your left wing is fragged nose cold switches safe contact roger there's two [Music] so he's going to tank before us so i'm going to now come out and down behind him and we'll go for this drug on the right cut the power a bit to drop back [Music] exxon five nail ports himself get the power on and get behind him lost our radio menu six one okay then we need to play catch up and get back with the tanker after two fumbled his first approach i guess there's always no rush let me get chance look at two as he sets up so add a little power because we're now only the same speed as the tanker [Music] mom a little more there we go zoom out a little alright so we're just going to try and align ourselves up with the nacelle and the drug loss 2 does the same bring it round to the right of it keep on closing [Music] here comes two contact the two okay i just slide on in there a little out of control just calm it down okay that jumps a little bit not perfect but not terrible i think that snap to us a little early in my opinion all right now we just sit here and take our fuel we're at just over nine thousand pounds we've got about was it fifteen thousand four hundred for a full tank a little bit forward there's two four five fourteen thousand fifteen thousand complete [Music] and we're disconnected i do wish those basket would stay attached to our probe when we are done but never mind right fuel probe in close the radio menu remove the message com1 10 refuel complete one roger 12. we're on button 12 which is falcon magenta 13 is the code good and flight departing padres with you as frag 89 alpha 10 to 13 k eight and nine hot switching goal string on indigo five nails go okay indigo five is pattern fifteen one two three button fifteen indigo five double check that indigo five is fifteen spacebar low nail four one in flight mission one three one one mark 38 j dam and one gpu 12 each plus 20 mike mike [Music] roger all right so we are on to 89 alpha which is 1.3 change the scale on that quickly so we can see it it's a little ways off we've got 62 miles to go to reach the area we'll turn our radar back on while we're at it let's increase the scale [Music] all right we'll head on to our next waypoint then okay uh yellow get a 14 is channel 17 channel 17 set double check yellow 14 17 spacebar two bowser nail four one flight checking in mission one three one as frag with two mark 38 j dam two gpu 12 and 20 mike mike for you need a suitor [Music] yeah i need you now nails for a show of force roger bowser be there asap for a show of force wilco we are still is that 30 miles out 32 miles out out here somewhere i can't see anything it's just a whole lot of desert really but uh oh me you can see we've got the raven one logo on our helmet that's pretty nice what was i saying we were yeah we're pretty much just in the much desert really so i hope this town sticks out i don't see anything yet and i'm hoping it'll be somewhere near our waypoint number three i'm gonna stick my autopilot on hopefully that'll hold okay map so i'm gonna increase the gain just a little bit let someone go there we go all right let's zoom in to 40 miles so we got our waypoint uh this text is a bit blurry really what's that one i think that one spazzer so that means to the right of our waypoint should be the term we're looking for let's go on to the f10 map back to our aircraft switch over to satellite yeah you can see all these objects here is it map we want map okay so that's shabar basra is here it's that must be what we're looking at i think our waypoints are showing on the map unfortunately we are see 23 miles so if i measure that from us about 23 so that's probably where our waypoint is so yeah that'll be our target area [Music] which is just here okay now we just need to spot the damn thing oh there you go in fact right there i reckon what we got we've got the town and we've got something else to our right and i don't know what that is never set buildings out further [Music] all right we got them in sight i guess it does look a bit too uniform for a city though so i'm not 100 certain on that just yet how far we got we got two minutes 17 miles it must be it must be the target area so we're still about just over nine miles out you can see on here azra should be out in front of us and we've got that town i spotted earlier just off our right so that's definitely not the objective so i'm glad i didn't call that in so out here somewhere as we carry on looking should be the area but we still got a little ways to go yet [Music] there we go that must be it there's a radio master stuff in there as well look when i'm at just off our front now i think that's the town ambassador so space will be on visual nail for one contact a firm visual we're near a small outpost on the southeast [Music] [Music] on which way is north so north is that a way south that way so let's try and orient ourselves we've got the power plant with the town so we're looking west all right so we've got radio tower just the one [Music] no correction two radio towers i think that's if i look north so there's a reference point we've got one radio tower two radio towers southern one northern one that's our north to south line okay i'm gonna tell let's see i think i'm gonna go and do the show of course so i will select one to lead take high cover i'll do the show of force roger we're coming down altitude right quite a bit dusty down here when you get down [Music] so almost supersonic here back 8.8 as we cross over the town [Music] rise open [Music] yes sir see the crossroads on the town's southern border next to the red white comms tower all right so we peeked out yeah we picked out those radio towers already as landmarks so let's just get eyes on again so they can talk us [Music] calm the aircraft down all right so we've got the northern tower southern tower looks like that's the crossroads just here so spacebar that leads southwest connected with the corner of a so is that perpendicular here uh it's in the palm particular road no that's west so this way dirt road about two thirds of the way down from the city is a red truck parked in the field [Music] i found one object there there's no one up there and we got one more over there just off the road a building i can't see a red object though so i think we can get the tgp on for this so clear page we're going to go for velocity vector slave and i'm going to reorient myself so there's the town crossroads there's the road let's try and padlock on that guy in the aircraft round so where's the devil's job spotting ground objects in dcs so that was the building not the vehicle there's one so what is soy [Music] and tag what we got just got a car all right what's next is this the guy we want that's moving as well that's another car probably yeah all right so we haven't managed to find it yet we're getting a little bit low i'm gonna come up we're all right let's see if we can't visually acquire the guy so the building town [Music] should be right on top of it really it's a car another car there you are so that's the guy so we got what we got we got those drums [Music] it's that buildings that's my reference point to find it again so we get some distance to come around put the targeting pod on him all right so we got our reference points again we've got the tanks sorry tanks just ahead of us we got let's see there's the building that means this guy here no that's actually a moving car this guy just here should be our truck so we'll get him into the velocity vector and tag him zoom in yep we have eyes on the truck captured switches set armstrong two has contact visual roger armstrong [Music] all right well we did the show of force so let's get to to do the attack on this run so we're going to say you will drop on the truck which option no we want option two tell smoke to drop smoke go ahead and drop on a zero nine or zero running two roger engaging and they'll set up as high cover [Music] bowser nail port ii in from the west okay so it's set up then [Music] roger cleared [Music] unfortunately there's two civilian vehicles on the road right next to that truck at the moment so i have their gather way okay there's that's a bus in fact and a car going past perhaps it's a good thing he didn't drop he doesn't look like he has he's flown too far now the bomb hasn't gone off oh no he has here we go quite a few explosions we still have some play time left what do you need all right okay we need a nine line wonderful come on autopilot up your gum get you back into level flights we're ready for this there's quite a few secondaries when that truck went up luckily the two chaps the bus and the car could have gotten away just fine so i'm ahead of the site in your rearview mirror i'm gonna get to my hsi we're gonna set up a new sequence we have a sequence 2 go to data sequence usc yes insert i'm going to create waypoint 11 set 11. gonna use 10 upwards well 11 upwards for our target points i need a piece of paper for this my pen all right we are ready to copy the nine line go ahead okay head wizards and stand by for briefs wizards three two eight zero four not applicable southeast 1200 egress southeast back to wizards advisement ready to copy everything remarks over all right okay uh i think we're good that's andy just in case all right so i'm going to enter in the coordinates when he does the re-back let's set that up quickly ufc no i want ufc position ready to copy remarks zero zero four east four seven four eight zero four [Music] east four seven four okay we are set hsi point designate all right we'll hit the compound so let's set our weapons i'm gonna warm up a j damn for this like they asked for it's going to take a few minutes unfortunately set air to ground and reopen the flare page see if we got a visual it's the problem with carrying fuel tanks on both sides of your pod can't see squat all right let's try and get better view just come around all over there we go we've got a view so it's a compound we're looking at [Music] just a compound i don't see anything else in there at the moment if we switch over to flare no i can't see anything yet just a compound all right let's warm up our joe damn we've got a couple minutes to go okay we are set up for target opportunity mode and start our run in now so we'll tell bowser that we are indeed ready to go 4-1 target in sight okay getting stamped on there we are cleared hot on our target [Music] and don't see oh here we go so we got uh infantry in that compound so let's just try and target the middle of the compound because j dams are not the most perfect accurate objects of destruction we are in the zone ready to release three two one pickle all right let's come out to the right there goes our bomb see how this goes it's in the pod out a little bit i don't get time to impact unfortunately so just have to watch wait and see [Music] bingo we're right in the middle of the compound [Music] oh okay [Music] they're storing something explosive in there near bowser's deposit yep there's an impact flash there's many and our pod is masked again you can see it all the way out from here let's make some noise south to north follow me after i come off all right south north roger that's a little awkward because i need to shift over to this side we're not in the right position for south to north house but never mind we're doing north to south instead i'm sorry south to north end of town [Music] now you can see i think there half from an explosion i assume that's the mortars going off right it's coming from the south over the town [Music] the vehicle there in the middle moving [Music] i don't see anything down there just yet okay [Music] that guy did not want to be defeated that was a lot of flares and they did nothing [Music] how are we doing on countermeasures we have none go ahead bowser gets your heart going green military moving out of town heading bad guys in there heading west bowser nailed 4-1 that guy just launched a man pad at us request clearance to engage with 20 mike mike [Music] i don't like this i've already spent all my flares trying to beat that missile passing the northwest corner of the city yeah i'm visual on it all right because i'm out of flares i want two to take this on so other tell smoke to attack the vehicle to lead he is all yours is what's taking too so long oh here we go talk to the devil we missed it all right it looks like he's dead bowser vehicles neutralized and burning approximately three miles west of your position where you from bowser [Music] you guys okay down there [Music] too not just that fast food on the highway roger that and safe trip home soldier you're a damn good jtac thanks sir right here today nice so that's a little scary i am now out of flares which really worries me we packed far too much chaff time to head back home let's get one more drink and then go back go button 12 i'll report check us out with falcon all right button 12. set contact falcon falcon nail for one now nail four one is at the end of ball and checking out nail 4-1 you're included switching to button eight press space file for radio check nail check all right so what i was saying is we only have 30 chaff on the default loadout which is not enough in my opinion for close air support and we've got sorry for 30 flares and that's not enough so next time i think i'm going to rear myself before we take off and i'm going to bring probably 30 chaff and 60 flares no i said 40 plus or 40 40 something something like that they don't divide evenly evenly and i'm also considering very strongly if we have to carry two fuel tanks again like we did today switching out the loadout because i absolutely hate carrying a fuel tank on my left station when i've got a targeting pot if i jump outside [Music] you can see we've got our targeting pod on the left cheek and then we've got a fuel tank right next to it which blinds it from everything in this direction which is not very helpful so i think we'll change out the loadout next mission [Music] right then we need to get back so hsi and we want to switch back to sequence one show the sequence and we're gonna go back down to i think it was waypoint two was the beginning of the tanker track but we still got the attack hand on in fact so we can see the tanker just there so we head direct to him so i'll catch you back up at the tanker we are now crossing just about feet wet coming out of kuwait got two of me once more we are 16 miles to the tanker just on our right so we're gonna go down and meet him in fact i think i can see him right now just over there back at the tanker once more press spacebar number information with her exxon five five nail four one flight joint on your left wing is fragged nose cold that's a no roger two's gone there he goes i assume he's gonna do the same thing as last time so we'll just stay here and watch it's too high he's backed off [Music] exxon five nail port ready pre-contact tanker one and now i gotta get myself set up so let's cut the power fill up to eight thousand pounds okay [Music] so we are at 5000 pounds right now and we've been in the air for say one hour 50 minutes so far it's quite a long one [Music] coming now to refuel uh i should set myself up so he's almost made it to the basket really too low something to come up it's getting better almost there it's about the right height now a little about to start closing two has made contact once more ourselves a little better than this and we don't need a full tank since we are going home let's bring it to the right i feel like we're playing in the wake at the moment just come over fast no okay the basket's gone two's gone even all right so we've run into a dcs bug i think they're not gonna give me this basket they're gonna give me the one on the left so let's just give it one more shot of taking the basket and i suspect we'll have to go for the left hand one two was very quick though with the tanking yeah okay so we need to switch over to the left hand one because two was done before we requested ready pre-contact so we get to take his basket i really ought to carry him with the right hand one but never mind all right setting up on the left remove that message right get myself saddled up set up a little left looking good contact you're taking fuel now we're giving ourselves some room to play with set up our references and tank up to what was it 8 000 pounds six thousand six six let's get a little close now so i'm gonna back off the power just gently there we go we got slow right backwards a little power back in get a little wobbly seven five without neutral again going back just a little bit speed up all right we have passed eight thousand pounds so we're going to disengage come back release abort refuel close the probe we are done refueling we've got 8 500 pounds two's on our right and we're gonna head on back home now that should be the first waypoint with their luck roughly so one more time 4-1 in flight is off 89 alpha with mission 1-3-1 with after-action report we performed cavs working with bowser confirmed hits one ammo stash in a car insurgent stronghold an enemy vehicle fleeing the scene [Music] now for one magic i'll copy we will transfer you to a ship [Music] nail for one flip push button seven on com1 you're going to take it really what's going on there say you won't believe it shotgun flight acknowledge nine line can you clarify the target north three one five eight one seven east four one two six five target is open field west of the hamlet uh still not clear on the target um all i see is a field uh there is nothing in the field i need a bomb in the field now where in the field one quadrant anywhere in the field you want go ahead just need a bomb in the field asap you're cleared hot come on in what's in the field troops in the open yes sir troops in the open yeah were encountered with all division of al-qaeda cleared hot i don't see any troops on my flare shotgun do you have the field west of the village south of the tree line voted by a north-south route to the west hey firm roger shotgun bomb that field with any weapon and any delivery you're cleared hot rodger where you go what crop is in the field sir just bomb the field now hey soldier watch the language on the radio do you know who this is [Music] sorry sir it's a soybean field shotgun flight this is carl johnson of the 2nd battalion 144th regiment 56 infantry brigade combat team of the 36th infantry division if you fast movers can put a weapon on the field we've requested do it roger sir much obliged shotgun 2-1 is engaging shotgun to one cleared hot goody sir roger bomb impact assessment please um 100 over 100 sir great job shotgun two one copies ready for another tasking no further testing shotgun clear to deport how do you paint a soybean field on the side of a jet don't you dare ask exo that question smoke switch back to magic [Music] so we're just crossing about 80 miles from home and that was our first combat mission we got to drop a bomb we dropped the the j dam with two dropping at laser gunner bomb i still got mine obviously and we very nearly ate it there on the the infrared missile launched us on the second show of force i think i'm getting a bit complacent being used to the a-10 where you can just dump a metric ton of flares and you expect it to be defeated i should have thrown a mover maneuver in there with the flares initially still we managed to beat it just at the last second with a but that could have gone a little better i'm glad they pulled us out and we don't have to do a second patrol out there as i don't have the flares for it which is why i sent two off to take out the truck afterwards says i don't want to risk going down there with no flares to defend myself still we survived got a couple of kills to our name one bomb drop each [Music] so i think we're head on down now to the carrier and i'll see you for landing a little power left line up and touch down that mount mid 201 two wire all right we're down with mission three complete we'll be going on to mission four this is the mission i did on my preview video for the riverboard campaign so i suggest you hop over to that i'll leave a link in the description and the next video will of course be mission five so until then i hope you enjoyed and take care
Channel: RedKite
Views: 14,248
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Keywords: Raven one, Close air support, Hornet, Dogfight, CAS, Jtac, Fac, Air refuelling, Long mission, F/a-18c, f-18c, f-18
Id: Vc0XVKd61pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 44sec (3044 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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