DC Young Fly Ain't Stand A CHANCE ๐Ÿ’€ Wild 'N Out

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go out Danny lay you are doing a great job she really is but DC show my aim last night [Applause] just in to take this with you [Applause] you know what I'm thinking right DC so I was just back there watching like damn you should kiss Justina that means you gay [Applause] I know you don't want to look at yourself twerk just look like the main Auntie on a Tyler Perry movie [Applause] thank you [ย __ย ] thank you [ย __ย ] [Applause] oh man I said Danny been holding that water I don't have long enough to make some roma noodles she's dribbling so I went to a restaurant the other day right and I waited forever for my waiter don't that make me the [ย __ย ] waiter 72 [Applause] it's alive excuse you focus how you doing DC [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] so look you know what I'm saying I'm a beautiful big one [Applause] you are beautiful you are beautiful that was a crazy game djg right let us know who won that one yo that was real close but DC spit the most so the ladies win Make some noise for the ladies y'all you want more wild and out Clips make sure you click right here here you'll see right here and also make sure you subscribe to the new YouTube channel right here right here
Channel: Wild 'N Out
Views: 3,720,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WNO, Wild, Out, Nick, Cannon, Justina, Valentine, Timothy, Delaghetto, Darren, Brand, DC, Young, Fly, guests, favorite moments, vs, DC Young Fly vs. Guests, best of, mtv, wild n out, wildnout, wild n out full episode, wno games, Nick Cannon, Justina Valentine, Conceited, Chico Bean, Darren Brand, Charlie Clips, bullspittin, talking spit, wild style, battle, championship, Wild 'N Out, best of wild 'n out, squad, best of wno, wild 'n out full episode, full episode, wildstyle battle, games, rap battle
Id: ZC7tUzBE6Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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