A Ghillie Suit On The Coast? The Bandit ManZ In DayZ!

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[Music] hi guys this is the running man's thanks very much for checking out this video it takes special circumstances for me to end up in electro with the ghillie suit and m4 in a mozian and that's what led me to here before we start this video which is a lot of coastal fun let's say kind of coastal banditry in a way - but I've been playing on my own Running Man server on the first day of 1.08 for 6 hours 6 hours of 20 minutes on this particular server at this point and it had been very quiet very very quiet I'm going to give you a little bit of a recap of what led me to be here so that you can sort of see where my frustrations came from this is going to start from earlier in the day and then we're going to pick it back up as the fun starts to happen in electro catch you later on guys running straight at wolves cuz you're hungry it'd be an it's an interesting dynamic that could come back to haunt me they sound pretty close now I should think we be getting them in descent I'd really like to kill at least one before they get on me but the visibility is very very narrow at the moment I'm not really seeing very far away [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I did get the first one yeah I did so that we got three and then they [ __ ] off which is kind of cool [Music] that doesn't bode well SKS nice a proper firefight I don't think it's at this base I think it's at the actual other one yes north of here I need to check these these things here because this is so this is PU scope kind of potential the shots actually sound like they're not at the base they sound like they're oh [ __ ] they're closer to our bollocks I hope I didn't miss a scope in there but I really need to loot these I don't want to not loot these but I want to get to that firefight as well [Music] more mazing rounds I saw it too late bollocks now we can't go for the fire fight I saw it as I went in that's so annoying I'm now flashing red and shoes ruined absolutely [ __ ] and I saw it as I stepped in that sucks so hard these dudes that are up there as well if they come my way I'm dead there's no way I can win a fire fight against those that suck so bad [Music] all that struggle in all of that struggling how hard was that life and then we died two bear traps that really sucks and we've got [ __ ] same spawn pretty much as we had before berezino again the hair really sucks that was such a hard life to keep my character alive and it was an utterly pointless struggle which is got I guess this kind of story of Daisy fire sounds cool isn't it I've put more logs on that fire because if we can go it there's a deer up there I might be able to kill that maybe or whatever but if I can keep the fire burning it just safe save tiny bit of hassle might keep the axe as well oh [ __ ] that looks like my yellow dry back from before I should have hit that shot I think just as he stood up I missed him ah that was a hit I think that was a hit the click the click of doom that's not good news that's amazing it's running away if that clique shot was a hit on him unfortunately you tend to know when you get the hit or not that I really I kind of nearly died there this is my gear this is my my mp5 with the suppressor on it my mozi rounds this is my gear my vitamins as well my meat my cooking pot with me all in it the first couple of hours were pretty eventful I'd say it was a real struggle to survive it took me some wolves to get some food to really keep my character kick in get him going and then sure enough I just sort of get a foothold in the server and step on to bear traps and die I was really salty but I was rushing so much to try and get to the firefight and if you rush you can die I don't think I've ever died actually straight to a bear trap before but I was salty as hell about it kind of offset by the fact that I managed to kill a dude that did have all my loot and he really did have it all right down to the backpack all the guns the cooking pot full of my food how I'd left it you had the lot so it's kind of lucky that I managed to get that and get that kill and get that loot back after that what followed was four and a half hours of kind of slow going really I did pick up an m4 you just saw me looting there at Troitsky military base which was really nice to get nm4 is very very nice I then traveled the map went to the new locations that the new ski locations and the Northwest eluted a helicopter crash site near La Pitino you can see me looting here where I managed to get a full ghillie suit so I've managed to pick up an m4 from troitsk oh I've managed to get that the ghillie suit from this heli here but other than that nothing's happened the service being wiped like I say so I kind of came to the conclusion that everybody was starting as a new spawn and they're really far-flung areas of the map where there's normally lots of high geared players and maybe PvP were empty it felt like I was the only person there so I traveled back from this heli all the way to electro all the way through didn't see a soul I didn't see a single player didn't hear any shots maybe some really distant shots from Cammy Shova when I was in steroid but nothing it was really really dead so as we joining it back now on a mid electro I've got a ghillie the reason I'm back in electro with that ghillie is that I just never saw a soul it was so quiet so I was like well if the players aren't coming to me I'm gonna have to go to the players and that's what I did just before we pick it up if you enjoyed this video and you want to subscribe please do so if you're not subscribed to my channel already please think about subscribing it really does help me out and it'll make sure you get to see another video thanks a lot for watching this one goes we're gonna pick it up just as I'm in electro desperate for something to happen after being in this server for six and a half hours thanks a lot for watching guys I'll catch you in the next video love you boy pretty cool gilja go bruh yeah stay away from my car if already now I just killed someone and if you okay we won't get rid of the zombies I'll give you a lift somewhere I think it's time to run away for a minute rather you didn't come in here from there we load my mag the dude could just take that car if I'm not careful sake there is somebody else other than the new spawn I'm really worried that the cars going to get nicked kid it's anyway yes got that he's got that that's cool where is he gone maybe ghillie suit or the drive what could possibly go wrong oh my god I can't see [ __ ] did I just bust the engine do I went too quick in Reverse thing today it should have the red engine suppress this one in the flavors there he died two zombies always got some food for us though what a nice fella go on son you can do it you ain't got a sparkplug if you're that car needs a spark plug then it can be driven yeah both me before your landing above my body I'll ask you is it no food I didn't I didn't take your food I didn't take take anyone's food I didn't know you were dead I thought you were trying to find us but I have I compared man all right I would imagine the pay was probably ruined well I'm gonna go to Cammie and get killed so good luck if you get the car going it's yours man there is a little bit of loot on that dead guy there I think he might have been the driver I don't know I think he probably hit this thing here and died or something I don't know I I didn't hear an assault rifle yeah love you bye there's like nothing left I just took two I'd hope to come on and die and lose all my gear but the forever reset before the start of the month yeah yeah reset today cuz of the new patch so yeah yeah there's a dude way : coming up here maybe ease guard maybe he's got one dude there's quick talk to him you do the talking I'll back you out come on hey [ __ ] I don't have a spark plug unfortunately man Huey bro thank you are you trying to get my car going are you wait what's your name what's your name my name's my name's Dave ah I think I know you me yeah like thank you a lot of Dave's there's a lot of valuable called Dave - uh I'm ago she died mother hippy well you do it how many melee weapons do you want [ __ ] me did hey you're a running man thing no I know your name shoveling shoveling I know your voice team wants me but I know you're with my helpmate my way my brother's gonna come hey hey alright wait to me I can't wait I'm gonna have to kill this one don't get too close right because that shovels don't get you caught ya deadly why is he not shoveling him right who's this one what and he wants to perform a monkey Denis this one to do my yeah no no heads no hooks today come here [Music] take all their loot Thank You about how you doing if you have if you have a pair I'll gladly take take everything I don't mind I made a fire at one or two many bullets there but never mind oh there's someone shooting I'm Way out of bullets now bollocks I really did fire too many do take the loot quick before they get back no no they kicked give me a load of bollocks about being some other dude so I told you to shovel him and you didn't I tried to shoot you no no you can look them I'm gonna kill the guy with the gun for Cimiez in the PD I think the guy shootings in the PD but yeah help yourself to their gear dude I don't care I told you I don't have ammo I don't want to die take his load he's dead quick you can move in quick take his shotgun it's yours dude it's all yours the gimmies make you invisible we've actually got that guy a little bit geared up now he was the guy with the shock yeah it was on his back but he was the shotgun dude why is that door not shutting Alex I think it's time we left now time to leave electro I could eat beans now and not even feel guilty [ __ ] that was like why is that gum that's not a shotgun is it what was that alright just when we thought we were out what is that gum eyes a ditch rifle maybe that's our friend because you're doing I think that's the gun we heard I think that's the eyes yeah because they kill people and [ __ ] get away with it where are they go coffin to the hill I murdered him for you so you could take his loot he was chasing you I saved your life dude I saved your [ __ ] life you're not getting out like your guardian angel hello careful that's really bad to keep shoot everyone in the town be careful okay it's not it's not that killing no it's not honest it's not me you're a dead I know yeah well it's not me then you know I think he's all right I think he's all right dude he seems like a nice fella his social skills are a little bit lacking though you know there's another dude quickness going in let's let's go and get the other dude what's another dead body what hunger well flushing veggies are very fair they got got well it wasn't me dude I'm good I'm coming to get this guy come on come on dude we can do it maybe this one will have a spark plug where is he yeah yes fine dude don't worry it's all good I want to point out though wait what's the guy didn't see me did he at least doors are closed maybe there's a guy in there maybe Amy could be the police cops can someone help me I want to report a robbery someone's up to no good in there man this guy's gonna repeat and why don't you take it I mean man I've got like no [ __ ] wait I drop my shop are you helming I'm kinda near you you keep looking for the bad dude okay how long was that body pain there holy [ __ ] I don't see him who knew on a first with no Luke all I needed was a man with a Killian and em fun the force found him here he comes I saw him hey buddy yeah you look pretty naked there why do they do that okay take his shoes take his shoes to take him you might need a spare pair you might need a spare pair you never know you just can't be too careful are they clear like a dream I thought they were they looked really comfy yeah oh my goodness I didn't quite understand yeah there's nothing quite so light walking in a dead man's pair of trainers you know what it may be that shot will attract the bad guy well I want you to go down to just attract him you know I'm on a roll I spent most of today in Western Hospital getting injections in my eyes so I can barely see any way myself a bloke down the road Barry st. Edmund's dude you lucky man yeah I live in very vain oh you must be [ __ ] rich well actually no I live in Thurston which is outside of Barry I'm even more Oh blimey let's go and find whoever did that it'll be a bad guy it could be a friend you're a friend that means I actually means a lot to me it's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me yeah cereal friend I reckon that that smoke was maybe the flashing red guy perhaps I dude I'm gonna run to kami and have one final goa ridding the world of these bad guys and then I've got to go what hey what what's having an injection in your eye light is it okay ah no it's terrible they they were trying to put drops in it and the drops didn't work they were like they kept mentioning needles and at which point that's when I thought you know thought punching doctors oh oh they tie you down and just forth it they tied you down the faucet ended a blimey yeah Jesus Christ dude that doesn't sound good well I hope it won't quench and it worked fine if you need bait and kami yeah you can you could come along you're getting pretty good as it's going right you never know there might be more just make sure you stay on the road and that way they won't see you come in you know I probably shouldn't have done this though but they asked me like how you get home and then darlin my mom's driving me home oh you bad boy and I'll be honest I couldn't [ __ ] see well to be fair though dude it's okay for Dominic Cummings to go for half an hour's worth the drive to see if his eyes are okay there's no way to live I said where I don't see anyone there's no one by me oh [ __ ] he's got Gilly that's really not good [Music] fight ah dude you bear with the knife you know gums for sho knife for a pro you know I actually haven't well fairy no uncle I have friend there'll be a doctor oh wait he's got these awesome stay scar nice knife they do can I have that I've had a [ __ ] knife for ages oh come on let's go let's get back to the car right stick it in dude hold it down and stick it in just like the doctor only you know but whether it you just put it in there if you open oh you got it oh no yeah you let me take the old one out I've done it yeah you've done it right stick that down right get yeah they'll be okay just get in get in quick quick game quick I'm carrying I'm carrying I'll try not to [ __ ] it up this time see that this oh that's a lot of dead dates around here in there to know what's been going on I have to turn the sound down I can't hear you now the engine so loud I can't hear what you're saying okay Oh Wow the Carmichael shoe rack you want I opted if you drive a nice car so uh it's rather hard to talk and drive at the same time dude they don't work I did that purpose no stop no loose don't know new drivers no pickups sorry about that I didn't see him [Music] yeah I couldn't say sorry I wish there was a flex on myself and there isn't [Music] oops that might be all she wrote dude I think that's it sorry I didn't make it very far I've got to go now dude I wish I didn't have to go but I have got to go as I've been playing for like eight hours that's that's as long as I've got in me when did the ferry start three hours ago but I think it's got quite a long time until it restarts now so you should be right yeah there's some loot in the boot I don't know if any of us any good though I think it's all [ __ ] it is [ __ ] yeah so [ __ ] oh don't shots let's go and investigate those quick right quick though okay fine maybe fire one of your shots see if you can bring them bring them our way it's not gonna feel like bait on top of me maybe that's the way dude that work to JUCO in front use the use the use the like skills you have you know you have good interpersonal skills you've got they're really good oh no no no no I'm not stupid I saw you shooting the other dude yeah you really didn't get a [ __ ] anywhere did you well from electrode to churn oh yeah from electrode to general I think the shots might be it's probably gone to the PD isn't he but there's a dead thing there I reckon we're on the right track I reckon he went over towards the coast somewhere see ya Lee Dale mr. Duke behind us right he's behind us quick look into his quick knew him new team around he's got he's got a shotgun he's paranoid shells I've got fall to replace your daddy oh nice I just ran out of silence shops as well that's a villa right I'm gonna make that in here okay you don't get killed my specialty what other guns did he have to be O'Neill did he have any other guns there have begun at the bandoneon yeah that left shotgun shells I've been good shotgun I want lemons I think you're one you've got bout did you have any other pistols though what was that kind of weird that was going to call what was that I aim to em for ages before I killed him I don't think he realized I was aiming in in those trousers there's six more shotgun shells in those shorts here you've got more idiom in here you know what you're doing sometimes loot spawns in one of these cheer that noise holy [ __ ] are scary now did it what do you want pasta it's like a sea of another body so we're better for a while you like that dude from CSI you don't have a backlight do you know I'll go play when it flies coming out the [ __ ] out I can tell they've been there for a while I see okay but when the I have been eaten by mandible why did L what's a mandible isn't that a monkey you know our mandible ooh yeah I think it's like the Lowell you know when I and chews on something has little mandible okay what's this door but yeah get the Thor thing and I think pill from Norfolk happens what dead zombie there that that's that's different dude done that you know not the same one no way this way this way maybe they went this way I really should be stopping but this is kind of fun dude dude up ahead now oh come on oh he could be could be he could be from quick look this year havin to looking looking quick look at this yeah that guy you could have something you need tell you what there is no way this is going anywhere because people will destroy well I've got a gimme and I'm in Cherno you know everyone's gonna try and kill me anyway I didn't yeah well you were defenseless when I met you you know this guy he's got some really like mentally looking blown debris though fried yeah this guy looks like a right bandit look at EMPAC I know the last guy had no clothes on this guy's got a battery and everything you know I take the battery to be honest he looked more geared from a distance than he does from close up I probably helped him there I reckon he got a bear spawn you know he probably got a bear spawn than the one he did F I I can't pay the little fellows now he's probably got like berezino where he's had like for the last 10 times he's played you know I'll back to Cano berezino same as always he'll be enjoying the Huracan now they're pretty deadly to be on it you can it's poured into them have you got some he's got a food if you got some food I've got some hang on I don't I don't need it it's okay I've got these I got these from a dead guy near a shed in electro they were just sitting there they were well you don't need that he noted that you did take my pen I suspect maybe he died from zombies I don't know attracted by a [ __ ] m4 blood enough I don't know I don't know what happened to him really but it's his pair was ruined oh yeah well I had two pairs well I didn't see the other one I don't know it may matter no weapons no he made that one maybe I ate it I don't know he ate the other pair and realized there was only ice beans left to his name I do need some bullets in one half and take up with the other here what do you need em for bullets I find quite a lot in electro attracted a hell of a lot um BZ did oh there's an eight tox scope there I don't want it but you can have it if you want because it'll go on something right I've really got a go but let's just loop the Laura and then we'll I'll leave you to go on your merry way dude okay buddy I wish you'd not drop that double-barrel shotgun it's so much better than the one you've got there you won't avium feel I get filet all the day before the plate six other guys we know I don't like that that many guys is too many guys for me it confuses me what I tried to do is latch on to one dude and then I just kill everybody else they're quite good at that it reminds me that there's a film with Mel Gibson where they like open his eyes like using some contraption to force them open it's cool like it's a conspiracy theory or something like that did they have to do that do they have to strap your eye open so you could shut it now they just kind of like put anaesthetic in it like drop and then just needle in right open I wouldn't recommend it right I've really gotta go dude I know I don't need this right I'm not gonna be on this earth for ages so do you want to trade your shotgun for my m4 you can have it if you like I'll just take you sugar laughs I picked up a big crate dude I know but I'm not playing anymore tonight I don't need it who'd you can have it look I wish you'd kept the double barrel but the double barrel goes so well with the Mosin right if you just wrote me the shotgun and a couple of red shells I'll take that and you can take that one dude you've got the a tock scope right can you just drop a summary chels oh yeah now you're lovely I think that's all the show and they cream ones in there or are they red ones they're red they're all that buck show the a table on it and there's a as your primary you'll be [ __ ] well away with that oh there is a space cope as work sorry spared suppressor on the ground as well well I'm going to the trees I'm going to the trees to call it a day dude stay safe okay don't forget if you see anyone you have to shoot them and loot the [ __ ] out of them right Luke the [ __ ] out of them you do you've also got except me yeah grab that alright okay this way stay safe - all right dude love you bye that was fun I enjoyed that a lot that was [ __ ] fun I wish you'd kept the double barrel [ __ ] hell I hate the NP 133 that was so fun holy [ __ ] not my usual play style and maybe I killed lots of people I shouldn't but so what you know it was like that guy was cool so we just used everyone else to gear him up some you know that's fun I enjoyed that a lot [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheRunningManZ
Views: 420,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, DayZ Standalone, DayZ Standalone Gameplay, TRMZ, TheRunningManZ, running man z, PVP, Action, Car, 1.08, Interaction, Sniper, Hero, Bandit, Base building, Expansion
Id: eHjYdhJnVVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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