The MOST FUN Rifle In DayZ!!! The New Pioneer Rifle!

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it's up by the atc so it might be a bit risky i usually spawn large sometimes so it might be worth worth the risk i reckon it's probably been looted it's probably being overwatched right now we're getting the atc we can have a look see if it feels like there's anyone around a real bad feeling about this you want to go on the compound i think we should go in the atc and have a look roger i'll go in first i'll go with the shotgun just change guns yep yep yep it's me that's me i thought i heard someone change guns that might have been closer than you i don't know that would have been me just just outside the building i changed guns okay but maybe not i'll die first yeah i'm using a 9mm pistol at the moment two guys two guys two guys fully geared are you dead or wrong i'm con they're waiting there do not go up there there's two guys to sit there full again there's two guys fully geared second floor second floor [ __ ] i can't yeah i can't push that with a pistol oh please go kill me have mercy oh that's me dead dude [ __ ] you've been bad shot me from above [ __ ] to red health maybe it wasn't the smartest to talk there yeah i'm kind of in trouble i'm red health but yeah i'm gonna try and flank around but with no scope i'm gonna struggle like [ __ ] here yeah one guys in the cabinet prone just sitting there on the cabinet just prone oh well [ __ ] it we don't need to live anyway i'm red health i'm going for it you'll be fine good luck brother good luck so um uh i've got them both at the first grade got them both [ __ ] beautiful i have some of that that is cool vengeance right hi guys this is the running man thanks very much for checking out this video you might realize that on screen right now there's no dayz and there's a good reason for that that pc that you can see right there is available as a prize for this week only never been able to do this before and i'm really really excited to be able to offer this as a prize so the pc specialist built pc you can see on screen right now is available as a prize if you live inside the uk or inside europe then this prize is open for anyone in those countries unfortunately it's not a worldwide prize so apologies everybody else but if you're in the uk and europe please listen on that pc there has been built and supplied by pc specialist they'll be delivering it direct to the winner's door with a three-year warranty as if they bought it at full price and the price of that pc as built there is approximately 1600 pounds it contains amd hardware so it's pc specialist built but amd hardware powered it has a ryzen 5 5600 xt processor and an rx 6700 xt gpu it's a hell of a prize this guy so uh please do enter uh i'm gonna put the very top line in my video description will be the link to how to enter the giveaway for this guys all you need to be is a resident of europe or the uk and you need to be 16 or over click the link in the video description and go and enter and then come back and watch the rest of the video right there's a few ways to win extra entries into this so if you follow me on twitter you'll get an extra entry if you follow pc specialist on twitter you'll get an extra entry the full t's and c's are available in the link in the video description go and enter the prize guys it's a hell of a thing i'm really pleased and very proud to be able to offer this to be honest it's worth 1600 quid and somebody's going to win it this is only running for one week only starting right now so go and click the link enter the competition and then come back here and watch the rest of the video the winner will be contacted by pc specialist hopefully i'll be able to announce it on twitter as soon as possible as well the prize is only running until next sunday check the t's and c's get entering that competition and now let's get on to the daisy so this video is all around how i had an adventure to get a pioneer rifle and actually get to use the damn thing as well i've had a pioneer rifle a number of times in the game since it was introduced in 1.12 it's been my bogey gun i've really done badly with it this time not so much i hope you enjoyed this video guys i had a hell of a run on essica this week has been so much fun on esseca again uh we're going to pick it up as i'm in the edge of posestra i've got some basic gear i have a pioneer rifle but with no scope and i've found an ak-74 that was damaged at the military base just north of pizastra i'm going to pick it up just as i'm sorting through my inventory uh just on the edge of posestra and we'll start right now thanks a lot for watching guys i'll catch you in the next video enter that competition if you're in europe love you bye the code word if you want someone dead is ask about bases what about basis [Laughter] laughs i actually meant to get my ak out not the pistol but hey oh dear that was [ __ ] cool is that all i had i thought i had more bullets oh well i think we're best holy [ __ ] no wonder he was pierced holy [ __ ] i have to sort out this this loot they can actually spawn back quite close to here so we got to be a bit careful this is not exactly hiding it very well so ah so we can leave the uh we can leave that this bash of guns here if we die i suppose i could probably leave a little bit of food in there as well we've got a chance somebody might end up on that but oh no i'll [ __ ] off going to stand on it and she no way i don't [ __ ] believe it i can't believe that's just happened he's looking at me so there's a dude with a shotgun at close range i can't believe that mine just did that i don't have the best of clothes for uh hiding he sounds was that him he sounds really close where the [ __ ] is he just seen someone over there for a split second in the in the bushes i think he's looted the stuff is that the bush i was in i've got to move now was looking at me i've got to move now because we're open to the sniper i think he's looted my stuff out of the [ __ ] bush oh god there he is i see him i see him he's level with level with me across there i've just seen the dude [Music] [Music] oh no he really got no scope holy [ __ ] in hell [ __ ] was the dead guy saw the body before [Music] maybe he wasn't maybe he was on he might have been unconscious maybe i did need to yeah maybe they both lived maybe they both lived took my ak but they already had blazes so they've not bothered with those right actually sounds like it's more on the front corner he's there he just went behind there he may have already got the kill i don't know there's somebody dead on the road he's killed someone on the road i don't think it's i think it's more like 300 to there it's got a plate carrier on i think they might have hit you know i think they might have hit yeah maybe i didn't hit him then he wouldn't be sprinting like that if i'd hit him oh wait no is that two or what i feel certain i hit him and he's limping away i could be wrong but i think i did first shot hit the metal sorry the stone i can't believe that second shot didn't hit him to be honest and i know it was going low that's why i'm aiming high right i know it was the shots were going low on him so i'm aiming high it should be hitting the other one's closer now i've changed i have changed the angle of touch he's going to peak for his mate let's try ranging to four now i think we probably should see someone then god how much lower than four is that now holy [ __ ] more like five maybe more all right five is good i'm not got many shots at this oh it might that seemed to go left i'm kind of puzzled as to where that shot went to be honest just got killed just got killed from behind i don't have the bullets for this anymore i think we should i think we should relocate onto the other hill and see how we go now that was kind of cool to get him with he had a pistol and he didn't hit me once that's kind of cool for me good but it's not the one we need to come up this way more there's two dead guys on the rocks i think the shot that killed them was actually behind oh it's a killer that's got a is it two or is it three i think he's looted them both already [ __ ] yeah he's just he's limping away like i think i dropped him i think i dropped him he may not be dead i hopefully that second shot kill hit him but it may have hit him low and it might have broke his leg which we've been mothering about all day but that might have worked in our favor on that guy he might we might get there if his legs broken he's going to be unconscious for about 30 seconds if that's what happened he's still unconscious right now and then when he wakes up he's got to fix his legs so we've got half a chance we'll just run over and see how it goes i think the two other dudes are dead i think this guy's picked them off but i don't know there might still be one alive in which case we're kind of in a bit of hurt right now we could be in trouble oh [ __ ] there's a dude there look there was a dude there he might not be dead but i don't think he had a chest protector on i think he was i think he should be should be down he has a plate carrier holy [ __ ] he has two m4s who needs two m4s oh [ __ ] you know holy [ __ ] oh this scope is so good i actually think we might drop the blaze probably never going to find this again but so be it didn't i have a red dot oh he's got one of those the pioneer is not as good as the uh the blaze power wise but we have to use it i still haven't had a good go with the pioneer maybe this is the day so this is a modded scope it's not in the rig oh look two dudes it's not in the regular game this one i'd like to get some cover from in front and behind if possible that's the kind of cover you really want oh my [ __ ] hell can you not do that it's kind of disconcerting that i know they've heard the shots they must know that i'm around they're probably just snuck around because they need the gear you know i don't know if that hit him or not let's try ranging to three ourselves it can't be more than three i don't think it is they don't know where i am that's that one hit i don't know if i've killed them or not but i've definitely hit them both more than once i think this is insane it's so happy they just don't know what to do i think i think i killed one of them i think i hit him in the head i don't think i've killed both of them but i'm pretty sure is that is that dead there there's something there i think he's dead i thought the other one dropped as well i don't know it's so cool holy [ __ ] i don't know if they're dead or not that he's definitely dropped now but oh no i'm never going to find out no after joining back in there was no sign of those two guys i waited around they never logged back in i'm pretty sure they were both dead and got cleaned up on the server restart to the left on the window there you could see a purple taloon on the ground i think there was a guy dead on the left and then the guy bandaging had been knocked out woken up and i'd hit him in like the shoulder and it knocked him down again i think he was dead as well so anyway after that it was kind of a bit quiet and i decided to push on to the east and go towards the airfield really wanted to test out this scout just as i got to the airfield i saw this smoking helicopter crash site there just saw me killing the zombies i uh i looted that and found an svd which i grabbed even though i don't need it so i've got an svd on my back but i don't need it but we're going to pick this up a little further along as i'm in the trees over watching the main part of the airfield and things start to unfold from there this is one of my favorite ever firefights guys i hope you enjoyed this it was so much fun a little hair raising but a hell of a lot of fun thanks a lot for watching guys i'll catch you in the next one love you boy oh look dead zombie on the airfield oh there's a dead player there as well there's that's a dead player i'm sure he's a dead player i might just carry on getting one of these big trees here try and make it so it's more like 200 meters with this scope i really have to hit someone in the head otherwise i can't really kill him yeah i saw him running to the building josh yeah i saw the player i called out the dead player because i thought he was more oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you stand still he might not be dead he might only be unconscious [Music] [Music] run one pull that's good enough that should kill him if he was on i think i just seen him coming running out i think is that him he what the grenade didn't kill him so he's hit in the head with a 556 scout and he's tanked here oh my [ __ ] hell and then he i've hit him in the upper body that grenade unfortunately didn't kill him this gun feels so satisfying to use i have to say like the way it like the bolt action that the sound it makes with the suppressor on it and stuff it's really really satisfying to use i think he had to go in there he was so injured i don't think he would do anything other than go straight in the nearest cover surely we don't know where they are there's there's like umpteen buildings in there all i do if i go with the grenades is leave myself open to them being somewhere else like in the trees in the near wall there and they're not even awkward [Music] i think that was the same dude same helmet that has to kill him now surely [Music] that hit him in the [ __ ] face as well not much point changing position really because they can't hear where i am i don't think middle window i could push down to the wall i could lob a grenade in there he might try and drop the loot off that feels more worth a grenade that's so unlucky i don't think that'll have killed him but we can go and check in a minute just got the ads bug and he likes showing himself to there possibly on the stairs [Music] tell you what you move while you're aimed in sight with this it makes you go dizzy as [ __ ] i'd love to get on that little platform and try and shoot in from there how cool would that be there's no way he would expect it and i don't see the dude wanting to peek i think he's up again i would imagine he thinks he's up against way more players so uh [Music] uh is there three players with gorky helmets or what the [ __ ] didn't die are you [ __ ] kidding me how many i hit them both in the head like holy [ __ ] i must have hit the opposite ones in the head like i must have shot at them unconscious bite like both different ones holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me that was so fun holy [ __ ] that was cool that was fun that was really really fun i'm not gonna lie like with the current like game mechanics as well you know is my point and that was fun with those too oh we could take that for the svd holy [ __ ] he's got a scout oh nice spare mount spare mag for my scout i didn't think they were this good they are incredibly good they are incredibly good all right let's get some more m4 rounds anybody got any m4 mags got another scout mech right let's go holy [ __ ] that was cool they were a lot more geared than i realized they were like top top gear dudes i'm more ammo than man yeah and i only took this ak-74 so i had something to kill zombies with no too many the the please attract zombies go on they don't know i'm not dead i think i killed one i think there was two in there come on wake up i think i killed his buddy wake up i need more zombies he's going to kill me now he doesn't know him wake up there's some don't be stupid okay you didn't kill my boy i didn't kill you too late i'm sorry i i had no choice well i don't think i had any choice there they fired at me first they fight at me first there's been a big fire fight i don't think i did anything other than the right thing there know what no [ __ ] time for pissing around there i did kill his mate as well [ __ ] hell i haven't seen that bug in forever he's got like a oh it's the zombie it's not a bug my bad he's an m4 what oh he's got a 20 round mag for an akm on his back i actually think he thought i was dead and on this patch it's going to take a lot of sinking in for us all like i think he thought i was dead like he'd sprayed me down but i'm wearing a plate carrier i think he thought i was dead right i've chucked all the guns did i get hit in the head no all right let's go [ __ ] hell that was [ __ ] hair raising holy [ __ ] all right let's go i i absolutely don't feel i did the wrong thing there i think his max loaded he realizes i wake up i i get killed because he's loading his mag and he's had to deal with all the zombies and i don't think he had another gun that shoots what was his other gun it was an m4 with no mag in it wasn't it pretty sure his other gun was an m4 with no mag in it that i threw away so he's loading his gun and obviously he's like a [ __ ] but he's got a mag in his hands what's he gonna do you know he had to talk there and they'd already fired it was too late pot committed what about basis [Music] oh [ __ ] there's a dude there look there was a dude there he's so cool holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheRunningManZ
Views: 645,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, DayZ Standalone, DayZ Standalone Gameplay, TRMZ, TheRunningManZ, running man z, hero, bandit, action, interaction, adventure, base building, Namalsk, Deerisle, Livonia, Chernarus, base raiding, sniper, expansion, modded, helicopter, survival, video game, twitch, gaming, lets play, PVP, Dayz PC, Dayz Console, Dayz Steam, Dayz Highlights, Dayz PVP, Dayz Streamer, Dayz Twitch, Dayz Cheats, Dayz Movie, Dayz Trolling, Dayz Tutorial, Dayz Base, Dayz Tips And Tricks, Best Of Dayz
Id: nTA5zXCS9nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 42sec (2802 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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