3-2-2020 WTVF Nashville Tornado Coverage

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we've still got fuel to work with not just with this cell that's moving through Nashville but with the thunderstorms that are now into our Kentucky counties as well you're starting to see this is that Skynet camera that we have great vantage point this one also has the audio and the sky is just it's lighting up I just popped my head outside to take a look Bri and it's it's just an incredible light show that's going on to the west looking towards Dixon and Cheatham County and what's very relevant about the lightning that we're seeing is this is indicating that there is a lot of energy and Bri we're gonna about to get a tornado warning for Davidson County just came out with this storm so folks we have a new tornado warning that just came out breeze got it up on radar I'm gonna let you go on in and kind of take that and track that but it's moving east at 45 so this is for the southern flank of this again we've seen kind of that classic structure with these severe thunderstorms and tornado warned storms tonight so the larger purple that you see on the northern edge hail that's the hail signature very heavy rain but it's this little appendage that sort of is dropping down now on the backside of this this is just as it's coming into the western parts of Davidson County that's where you likely have some inflow occurring that's where we likely have some rotation and this is moving due west towards Nashville so it's right on top of I 40 moving very quickly to the east you said 45 miles per hour to the east all right let's put a storm track on this the short version is it's gonna be here real fast and so you need to be in that lowest most interior room putting it near john c thun airport that's where sky 5 typically takes off from Cumberland Heights in the 1244 timeframe Nashville 12:46 that's ten minutes tops so a closer evaluation of what this storm is doing a little bit of a contamination here because of the hail signature let's back this out just a little bit and switch it so we can get a better look at the tornadic signature that's starting to come into town so you started to see how that shear really picked up we'll back it up so you've got a big picture setup from it the station actually the lights are flickering weak so it looks like we're taking a little bit of a power hit here at newsChannel five don't worry we're still with you but it speaks to the power of the storms near the sirens going off in downtown Nashville as the storm moves closer to you so here is a broader picture that storm the greatest area of concern just coming out of Cheatham County into western side of Davidson County you're seeing the lightning strikes in the back there we continue to have the electricity flicker here at newsChannel five it was difficult to tell from that video if those were just lightning strikes or potentially power flashes in the distance that they were power flashes that is even more concerned that we have a possible tornado on the ground in western parts of Davidson County moving very quickly to one of our more densely populated areas so as far as where the concern is for this rotation it is up near the Charlotte Park area Old Hickory Boulevard near Cockrell Bend where you see these purples and these greens starting to come together that's where we've got some significant rotation moving towards the Bordeaux area moving towards Bri there's a funnel cloud that I just saw looking to the west from our back door on this okay so that's what we can see moving towards downtown so to give you some perspective we are near first tennessee park and where that rotation is is moving just into the northern parts of the metro area a confirmed tornado in Davidson County funnel cloud seen from our back door this is as real as it gets we've already seen what appears to be some some power flashes some power flashes in the distance from some of our sky net cameras observe tornado the damage threat is considerable the hail threat is one and a quarter inch this is moving through Davidson County again you can hear the tornado sirens sounding downtown right now the this is moving more a northern flank of downtown so to give you some perspective of where this threat is and it's looking even more impressive I'm gonna hop over and what still want to stay with the sky net camera but I also want to show folks where this is so downtown here's interstate 24 here's the 65 24 split so I'm looking due west here so you see this is where I forty comes into downtown it connects with interstate 64 it's this right here so just to the west of downtown this will likely track through the northern portion of downtown impacting where that 65 24 split is where Ellington starts to pick a Bri if you guys can hear me I do not have IFB but I am out here in the back with Dan he has got live u2 up and we are looking in the direction of the funnel where we get lightning flashes lightning strikes we are able to see this again I am NOT able to hear you guys right now hopefully you can hear me but I'm with photojournalist Dan bluml we are looking in a westerly direction from the back parking lot he's with live u2 and we have got the actual outline what has been confirmed as a tornado the frontal that we can see folks this is in Davidson County right now we've been getting power flashes out here as well at times the lights flickering so please please you need to head to your safe place it is well direction perfect we are continuing to monitor that very closely we can hear the wind in the distance starting to pick up so Dan when I start to bring you back we will end up coming back in the inside back inside Channel five so just kind of bear with me here but folks you are watching live this is newsChannel 5 meteorologist Henry Rothenberg I'm with meteorologist Bri Smith photojournalist Dan bluml with me and Dan be ready to push back we're starting to be felt the calm before the storm we're hearing the wind it is indeed heading towards channel 5 taking a few steps back and inside though yeah get inside folks this is moving by the channel 5 area as we speak as we speak this is moving by News Channel five dater you get this right now good alright folks you need to head to your safe place this tornado is on the ground it is moving right by channel 5 as we are getting close to a direct hit at the TV station see the tornado power flashes around 1st Tennessee Park right now this is live you too as this moves through the parking lot of channel 5 this is a direct hit this is the inside of the tornado right now if you are with Dan bluml and I this is the tornado it is hitting channel 5 as we speak ok right now Henry your NATO on the ground it is hitting channel 5 it is hitting our TV station at this time moving through our parking lot as it is now sliding through the area a very large the area very wide tornado base right now as Dan Palumbo and I continued at a safe distance but we've seen a number of power flashes with this particular tornado right now as we continue to watch it and of course it continues to slide off to the east you need to be in your safe place right now this is on the ground if you can still hear me you just witnessed live as channel 5 was directly hit by a tornado which would be the second time station history we have been hitting that's right so we have lost power to our lights in the studio everything's okay here at News Channel five but we want to give some location information specific you guys all right you watch it we've got we've got a backup generator out here so we are downtown on James Robinson Parkway we are across from the Capitol this tornado at this time is going in an easterly direction it just moved directly east across News Channel five is witnessed by Dan and I I'm not sure if we kept our on-air signal or not which Dan was able to record through live you too we in the back we are still on the air but to give folks some sense of the location so this is north of downtown this is this is on the north side of downtown so we are just north of Broadway it's closer to First Horizon Park but what First Tennessee Park the greatest concern for rotation now crossing the interstate we have lost lights in the studio but we still have access to the maps and I want to show you where this confirmed tornado is it has now crossed downtown it is moving into the East Nashville area this is an eerily similar path to the tornado that impacted downtown Nashville that hit News Channel five in 1998 and continues to move towards the east so zooming in with this mapping to give you some perspective there is downtown you see interstate 24 the center of circulation likely past just north of Nissan Stadium you can see some of the light in the background there you can see some of that heavy rain coming through all right this is right near Ellington Parkway this is over near the pharmacy restaurant this is moving into East Nashville if you can hear my voice or if you know someone that in this area you tell them to get down to the most interior room this is a real tornado that is on the ground with visual confirmation of this not just from our own eyes here at newsChannel five but from other sources that have confirmed this a very potent signature on radar you saw how that just extended there so to give you some storm track on this Bailey's stem magnet middle school Englewood school over towards Dellwood East and preparatory school this is closer to the 12:45 timeframe this is still an incredibly powerful storm we've got a strong hail signature on the north side of it and then we have the tornadic signature that extends just to the south side of it so to give you a sense of where this is as far as location of danger Madison through Maplewood this is this general area right here that's where the hail signature is notice how close the radar is as the storm gets closer to the radar the signature will likely decrease that doesn't mean the storm is weakening it means that the radar just can't see the top of it when it's very close to it you can't see it the tornado threat would be on the south side of this storm so it would be right here it's moving very quickly 50 miles per hour racing to the east so here's a storm track on the area of concern for rotation this is moving towards Hermitage this is moving towards Opry one and a quarter inch hail possible with this through Davidson southern portions of Sumner Wilson large extremely dangerous tornado being confirmed by the National Weather Service it does not get more real than this hear my voice take action grab your phone and get into that lowest most interior room the greatest threat for rotation is now on the east side of Davidson County the hail threat is still upwards of two inches the rotation threat is right here so it's just now coming very quickly at 50 miles per hour through East Nashville zooming in street level to give you some sense of where exactly this is Greenwood Avenue Russell Street North 14th Street so this just passed over the five points area and is continuing to race towards the East Carter Avenue Greenwood Avenue Litton Avenue firm would drive these storms are absolutely racing here's a look at tornado threat Henry has just joined me in studio clearly our number one priority is everyone here in Middle Tennessee we want you to know that the folks here at newsChannel five are also safe we are making the right decisions the smart decisions to stay safe while we let you know where this is this storm system is looking stronger on radar and it's getting closer to the radar which is very concerning here's a look at I'm not sure if our cameras have popped back up if I can walk on and show you this I can okay great so right here is where we have the Greater Hale signature it's right here as the storm system came through East Nashville so if you are just joining us confirm tornado large dangerous tornado on the ground it was near First Horizon Park First Tennessee park near the gulch area it crossed just north of Nissan stadium moved into East Nashville this is an incredibly powerful classic hook signature it's this small appendage that looks like it's wrapping around down on itself that's where the tornado is north side of it we have a significant and very real hail threat the damage from that is going to be widespread across the area greatest threat for tornado for the location of that tornado is sum'n in just a little bit tighter closer towards link Oya Hills Dale wood the Mary Oaks area over toward Neely's Bend Road what you see is this notching this notching out ahead of it that is the inflow that's getting sucked into this storm so it's this area right here that doesn't look like anything so the northern flank of this hail is coming down that's causing some downdraft bursts just on the northern flank this hooks around because warm moist air is getting wrapped into it which means the tornado is here this signature is getting bigger it is getting bigger and it's getting more impressive and it is moving closer to the radar that means that this storm system is thinning next in the past so it's coming out of the East Nashville area eventually if this is going to be near Hermitage probably within the next two to three minutes this is going to be closer to the Hermitage area when it back it up put another storm track on it again 55 miles per hour and racing racing towards Hermitage Old Hickory right around Opry opry mills power outages are now being reported in East Nashville Eastland Avenue chapel we have I'm sorry I'm getting the reports in to you significant power outages a number of power flashes let's take a look at our sky net cameras so there's still power to a good portion this is Nissan Stadium you can see what appears to be some emergency responder lights moving down Ellington that's in the upper left portion of your screen and as we continue to get those reports and we are going to bring those to you here's a look at that radar you're still concerned about this tornado the National Weather Service has expanded that tornado warning it now stretches through the parts of the Hermitage and I just want to back this up because this tornado warning includes southern parts of Sumner County but the rotation is just south of it and to me it looks like it's going to stay south of it so it's right here and it's gonna pass through Hermitage it's gonna get closer to Old Hickory eventually towards Mount Juliet now here is the southern part of Hendersonville so this is the Saunders Peninsula that's the Indian Lake Peninsula likely some very large hail there incredibly damaging winds that hail threat extends all through Goodlettsville over towards Madison even up towards Old Hickory this comes down now along Ellington but the tornado threat is right here so Hermitage you are up next Hermitage Old Hickory down Louis most interior level of your structure you remain under a tornado warning this tornado is moving at 45 miles per hour tornado warning remains in effect till 1:00 a.m. and I wouldn't be surprised if the National Weather Service has to extend this as it moves further to the east so here's another way that we look for that tornado signature it's in this territory right here we're going to zoom in and get some street-level mapping this is near Stones River Road this is really just on the doorstep of Hermitage I mean look how close this is the rotation signature likely the heaviest hail as well it's about a mile away from the Hermitage area this is continuing to race towards the east we'll take a look at the shear tracks as well and you really see how this picked up as it approached downtown so it's these little bull's-eyes that are the Blues that you see the little bull's-eyes coming through northern parts of Davidson County this is near Bordeaux and then it crossed right and on our back doorstep Henry saw the funnel cloud he saw the tornado come through our back door looks towards first horizon park so First Tennessee Park it looks towards Church Street or it looks short Spring Street as you look to the north and so they passed just north of that moving due east so it crossed Nashville just north of Nissan Stadium that's where you've got five points pharmacy burger restaurant is over there continuing to move to the east closer to the Hermitage the Old Hickory area and you can see how the core part of the center of circulation is now just south of Old Hickory at least from the lake and it's moving towards the Hermitage area significant power outages are now being reported in Hickory Boulevard train spotter in Hermitage say that again to me Jason this is say it one more time I forty at Stuart's ferry this is exit 219 and Hermitage oh man if you know anybody any of those folks that are driving on the road I certainly hope that they will pull over because this is not a storm that you want to be on the road with significant damage here we're going to take another look important that we want to show you these cameras but you got to see where the where the center of circulation the biggest concern is at this point the greatest area for concern for rotation is now just southeast of the Hermitage area the National Weather Service is planning to extend this tornado warning Mount Juliet this is on your doorstep it is moving just north of i-40 very quickly to the east it is likely possible that this is a significant EF 2 or EF three tornado that can cause significant damage we're talking structural damage walls coming down this is not a quick hitter that's going to take some shingles with it this is something that is dangerous and is moving through an incredibly populated area one of our producers I'm just reading this information as I'm getting it he was hit while he was driving in he is ok he and others on the road had to crawl under cars to take shelter as the tornado passed which is a terrifying story he is alright everyone is alright so there are already crews that are dispatched this is a significant dangerous storm that's moving through the Hermitage area at this point it is just south of the radar and that is going to cause the radar signature to look somewhat muddled don't let this cause a sense of safety here because this thing is still on the ground so it came through the Hermitage area Mount Juliet it is likely just just north of i-40 not by much it's this area right here that's moving and it's going to continue to track likely in between the lake and old 40 so we're going to zoom in tighter get you some street-level mapping and get get you a sense of where this is bottom line if you are anywhere in Wilson County eastern parts of Davidson County down interior room it's not just the tornado that's a threat but the damage that it's done power lines there will likely considerable debris that folks are going to need to to to assess and make sure that conditions are safe the National Weather Service office so that big blank circle that you see just north as the line comes through that's the National Weather Service office it is on Old Hickory Lake they have debris falling from the sky at the office that has been lofted up in the air by the rotation that is just south so it's here right in your New Hope Road will start kind of from a big picture right here old Lebanon New Hope Road this rotation street level is moving right on top of Eagle Trace Drive Tanglewood court Melvin Road Chandler Road Anthony Way old Lebanon dirt road this is going to track just north of i-40 here is a look at the storm track from where the likely rotation is again real significant concern here that this could potentially even cross an interstate so as far as timing on this this puts it in your Rutland school in five to seven minutes puts it into Beckwith school at 105 Silver Springs 105 moving it just north towards Mount Juliet Junior High School in four minutes the storm system a significant tornado threat do not go outside make sure you are in that lowest most interior room we talked a lot about what that room is it's it is a closet on a low level it's a bathroom on a low level get yourself in the bathtub put your hands over the back of your head and cover your head you don't want to spend much time trying to grab things but if you can take a blanket or a pillow and put that over the top of your head it can help protect you from any debris that may happen or potentially even sometimes the most dangerous thing in these tornadoes is if they pick up say fence posts those can be shot through the air like projectiles somewhat and so that's a part of the reason why it's important to cover and protect your body as best you can this is just south of Old Hickory Lake the rotation likely right along i-40 racing to the east here's an updated look at that scan it's where you see this curving around on itself near Chandler Road this is coming towards old it's paralleling essentially old Leben and dirt road just coming into the Mount Juliet area it's near the Providence it's likely gonna pass just north of the Providence shopping center there's also a ton of homes over there so what you're seeing to give you some perspective this is over towards Charlie Daniels Park as well likely where that center of circulation is so it's right here the greatest concern for that tornado the the concentration of small buildings that you see right here that's the Provident Shopping Center and so then this stretch is just a little further to north Charlie Daniels Park is in this general area that's where the tornado is moving the hail signature stretches up further north and that but confirmed powerful tornado on the ground moving just north of i-40 at 45 miles per hour incredibly close to the radar at this point here is an updated look at the storm track this could potentially cross interstate 24 or interstate 40 as it moves I was gonna say it's right near Mount Juliet elementary school is what even heather was saying too because of course that's her neck of the woods as this storm continues to slide east so Lebanon likely you need to be in down in that most interior room you know someone in the Lebanon area you tell them to get down the storm is on their doorstep the confirmed tornado on the ground Henry saw it outside we are inside at this point the National Weather Service continues that severe thunderstorm warning and tornado warning through parts of Wilson County and over towards Trousdale we'll back this up get another look at it the tornado signature moving close to Mount Juliet Elementary and we'll continue to race off to the east debris metal roofing not just noted downtown but near the National Weather Service office as well so yeah and also brie just kind of switching over real quick here and backing it back out actually to give you a view of Skycam Bahgat radar I glanced outside to see the damage from the tornado as it moves through here and I kind of feel like we may be the first ever TV station to take two direct hits in history of a tornado 1998 and now 2020 but that was indeed what just happened today and there is debris and there are some metal roofing and even some signs that I did see around at the TV station from trained spotters around the hermitage area in Old Hickory Boulevard reports of what sounded like a train moving over a house as the individual was sheltered behind furniture so this has become a very active night a very dangerous night the only thing that we can really hope for in this right now aside from people of course taking an in heating and warnings is that potentially that this cell that's intensified so rapidly will help take enough energy out of the atmosphere to really kind of give us maybe a little bit more of a break bottom line though the severe threat is far from over as we've still got several hours of this left and we knew this unfortunately that it had the potential to intensify as it move further to the east that is exactly what it's doing so this confirmed tornado moved through downtown Nashville significant power flashes power flickering at our own station there have been reports of debris falling from the sky closer to Old Hickory Lake I've circled the area that's of greatest concern for possible rotation and added an additional storm track on this so Lebanon you are next in line 112 this is on your doorstep Lebanon municipal we just saw another update with the scan we're still seeing this very powerful hook signature that kind of stretches around just to the south side of of the storm that's where the greatest concern would be for that tornado threat so it's right again you're seeing this kind of heavy leading-edge surge out towards Lebanon but it's this area right here near Belinda city that would have the greater concern for rotation it's actually that that little blue pink purple area that's just north of i-40 that's flashing as it comes through you get kind of an updated scan here this is precariously close to an interstate precariously close the hail signature on the northern flank of this and the storm system is moving incredibly quickly so as these updates continue to come around we'll get some street-level mapping of what this storm is doing where it is who's under the gun and where it's going so this is at near East Davidson Street Rutland Drive under the gun Hickory Ridge this is headed towards you I know we had a live shot as well Jason that you what can you tell me again what it is downtown Rosa Parks this is of damage you can see roof damage to this structure you can hear the warnings going off that is a brick building and it appears the second-story walls collapsed in or were knocked over at some point significant damage now tell me one more time Jason this is near Rosa Parks downtown okay so this is not far from where Henry first saw that tornado come through significant damage to see the second floor wall of a brick building the roof is gone I believe that's about the area that our producer who he is okay but also took that direct hit on his way in but that was about where it was when photojournalist and bluml and I began to see the outline of it my understanding was I believe we had a sky came up it wasn't necessarily that camera that was up and from our friends at the Weather Service that tornado is front about look tivity is still on the ground basically riding interstate 40 now yes so this is a look at where it is this tornado incredibly destructive we just showed you took the roof off of a brick story knocked the wall down this is the real deal if you know anyone that's along i-40 near Belinda City confirmed tornado on the ground it is just eight miles west of Lebanon it's moving east at 45 miles per hour this may cross the interstate it is precariously close and continues to inch closer to it it's near East Division Street Sullivan Bend Road here's a look at the storm track and then we're going to take it down to street level even more specifically Mount Olivet Church 104 Hickory Ridge Church of Christ one eleven Lebanon municipal 112 at this point the tornado now likely crossing Highway 109 as it moves towards Lebanon so backing it out to give you a little bit of a big-picture perspective here it's in this area it's crossing 109 zoom in tighter to give you a sense of the streets that are being impacted this is Hickory Ridge Road this is in between you just see of that new scan came through so level Pike Hickory Ridge Road very powerful tornado the National Weather Service saying that they're seeing wind speeds that would potentially indicate EF two to EF three damage that is a significant dangerous destructive tornado this is not something that will just do shingles this is going to knock walls down like we've showed you it's going to take roofs off of buildings it's right here it's just on top of I 40 this is Hickory Ridge Road it's moving in between those two so it is just crossed 109 confirmed tornado on the ground north near Lebanon Crossing 109 just north of i-40 the the bright pink colors that you see there those indicate wind speeds upwards of 100 miles per hour so to give you a sense of just how strong this might be we're looking at the potential of 100 miles per hour in either direction of shear that solidly puts us near ef-2 tornado potential strength taking it in just tighter to see where this is so crossing 109 this is moving towards Hickory Ridge Road meandering Drive near level pike East Gate Boulevard as well here's an updated storm track of that system as it comes through of course the mange concern towards the Lebanon area is that this would continue to be on the ground as we move closer towards the east significant lightning significant hail with this will take it in just a little bit tighter get you some street-level mapping so 109 East Division one of our one of our directors just came in his home is over towards Hickory Ridge Road and he knows exactly where this is and says it's near that area so it's just crossed 109 potentially on top of i-40 right now near meandering Drive it is near whispering Oaks Drive meandering drive level Pike Selden's place level Pike continues to move to the east very quickly this is the only tornado warned storm that we have but it is also a confirmed very powerful tornado on the ground moving towards the east that tornado warning remains in effect until 1:30 the hail threat with this is around an inch and a quarter so it has crossed interstate 109 here's a storm track on this eventually as it moves out of Wilson County this cell would move into parts of Smith County and a cab County it's an updated storm track Leben and it's on your doorstep you got to be down in that most interior room talk about this a lot if you don't have a basement you just want to think about as many walls as you can put between you and the outside world sometimes that's an area underneath the stairwell a bathroom is a great idea because the pipes can reinforce the structure in the walls and it can give the room extra safety extra security if you can cover your head with a pillow if you can't drag a pillow or maybe a couch cushion or something that's sturdy or thick that can protect your head you want to think about at least covering it with the back of your hand that signature now in this general area right here so again it has crossed 109 it's in the Lebanon area it is moving likely tracking along i-40 just south of downtown Lebanon so this is where the signature is right now very real confirmed tornado on the ground here's a look at an updated storm track Lebanon High School this that's going to be right on that doorstep in about four minutes here is another there's still one inch hail falling in parts of Madison at this point it's just an incredible Hales story with the system looking like this may be crossing the interstate at this point where I 40 is you can see how those bright paint colors really starting to pop here that would indicate wind speeds around 100 miles per hour potentially even stronger than that so this is right on top of i-40 here's level pike this storm system moving to the east that means anyone near the interstate just south of downtown Lebanon this is on your doorstep a storm that is absolutely racing towards you a significant history with hail and of course this confirmed tornado we have already seen significant damage across parts of downtown Nashville we've seen second-story brick homes where the wall has been blown down the roof appears to be missing debris has been reported falling from the sky from this storm system five miles away from where the core of this tornado was the National Weather Service confirming not just this tornado on the ground but it was on the ground just west of downtown on the ground as it moved through downtown confirmed tornado through East Nashville through parts of Madison crossing by Old Hickory went through northern parts of Mount Juliet and is now likely in the southern portion of Lebanon coming in just a little bit closer to tell you the streets that are likely being impacted the most from this potentially in the most danger Tuckers Gap Road Willard Hagen Drive glide pathway this is moving towards Franklin Road Kent Drive level Pike eventually to 31 this is going to be on your doorstep so as far as downtown Lebanon the core of circulation is passing just to the south of that but it is precariously close to the interstate as the system moves to give you a sense because we do still have that hail threat that stretches through parts of the northern parts of Wilson County from i-40 all the way to the northern border still having hail falling in parts of East Nashville especially over towards the old hick or towards the Opry area towards the Madison area of course the tornado threat remains the biggest concern with this and that is along that southern flank of it so the Hales on the north side the tornado signature is now right on top of Interstate 40 take a look at the shear track signature we're looking at significant gate to gate shear here that was being indicated upwards of 100 miles per hour showed you some of the rotation that was indicated with the storm still very strong very potent circulation just south of downtown Lebanon especially where highway 70 comes through town Tucker's Gap Road this is also where i-40 takes that little bend that little jog to the north it will continue to move due east and so if it hasn't crossed the interstate yet and it is likely very very close to it it will as it heads towards highway 231 and then will likely continue potentially just south of i-40 so the key corridor to be concerned with is the i-40 corridor just south of Lebanon of the downtown core area this is a very densely populated area and I just hope that folks are down in that lowest most interior room if you know someone called them tell them this is the real deal Franklin Road South Maple Street tater peeler Road brisk and lane Knoxville Avenue these are neighborhoods in this area over here businesses Legacy Lane over towards West Adams South Maple Street over towards crystal lane cedarwood Drive the path of this is going to have it potentially crossing I 40 Highway 70 in the next five to ten minutes brisk in Lane Hutchinson place as that would cross it would be near the i-40 70 interchange they're backing it up just a little bit you can see now how the the rotation signature just north of i-40 this is near highway 231 level Pike just an incredibly densely populated areas far as businesses and homes tornado warning observed considerable for Wilson until 1:30 this morning in effect it has now picked up some forward speed it's moving east at 50 miles per hour so this is located near Lebanon I'm going to increase that forward speed get an updated track on it for you as it moves towards the east so Spring Creek Lane University Medical Center Hospital this is right by the hospital it's actually just passing just to the south of it that core area of rotation Payton Road quail Meadow Drive here's a look at the radar signature as it comes through so we've got that leading edge it's it's sort of a notch that you see in between the two areas of the thunderstorm that's the greatest area it's this right here it's a little hard to pick out with the higher rotation the other thing to notice is that because the rain is becoming more widespread more rain-wrapped visual identification of this is going to be impossible don't even try it especially because it's moving at 50 miles per hour so this heavy rain and likely some hail on the front edge of it but it is this small it almost looks like a ball that kind of wraps around right on top of i-40 very real that this uh this tornado may be crossing an interstate at this point and I just hope that folks are off the road as it does so this continues to move to the east at 50 miles per hour it is picking up forward speed it has now been on the ground from western parts of Davidson County through Davidson County and now through northern parts of Wilson County here's that area of greatest concerns right where blue Bluebird Drive Spring Creek Lane Bethany Lane Tennessee Boulevard so it's pulling away from that downtown area of Lebanon but some of the stronger area of concern now moving into Tucker's crossroads the National Weather Service extending a severe thunderstorm warning now out ahead of this for hail nearly two inches inside for Davidson Smith Sumner Trousdale and Wilson County until 1:30 Henry I know you're working on getting some mapping up here so we can take a closer look at that storm system yeah just trying to I think one of my our weather computers here Bri which would maybe be the hopefully the extent of the damage of the station but just kind of got a little bit of a hard hit here so we're rebooting it while that is coming up I do want to take a look at our sky and then interrupt you real quick here so we have a trained spotter just as I was saying with the mapping that came through tornado is on the ground still on the ground it has been on the ground for what 30 40 minutes now crossing highway 70 and i-40 just east of Lebanon so we now have a tornado on the ground that is crossing an interstate so i-70 and interstate 40 right here so it's it's this area here that it just crossed over it is likely on top of or just Near i-40 as it continues to move it's this sort of notched area that we were talking about earlier so let me zoom in a little tighter give you some more streets again Bluebird Road really under the gun here Locust Grove Road Bethany Lane Bluebird Road sort of hooking just to the south of i-40 kollene Locust Grove Road with very heavy rain and the potential for hail up on the leading edge of this so confirmed tornado on the ground crossing interstate 40 it just crossed interstate 40 and interstate 70 hail remains a significant threat with this system so it has just now moved east of i-70 and highway 40 so this is highway 70 right here you can see interstate 40 here where you've got the pink in the green right next to each other reminder that is an indication the color represents the speed of the wind and it is picking up it's measuring what is being tossed around inside the storm so we're looking out of the Nashville radar red is moving away Green is moving towards so we have this very strong counterclockwise circulation that's right on top of i-40 it has already crossed multiple interstates tonight and continues to race towards the east around 50 miles per hour Tucker's cross roads you're next for this West Salisbury Road you are down the pipeline for this now i-40 will curve back to the south this storm system will likely continue to move due east and it will continue to move through unfortunately heavily populated areas the hail concern remains a big threat tonight but hands down this can confirmed very destructive tornado is the most significant threats the National Weather Service has now extended this tornado warning for this confirmed tornado through 145 the storm is now seven miles just east of Lebanon it is moving at 50 miles per hour so let's give you some perspective Lebanon you are in the clear this is seven miles to your east it is moving rapidly at 50 miles per hour and is now going to start to push into parts of Smith County potential even northern parts of DeKalb County so to give you some perspective here as we sort of back it out to the big picture can be hard to pick up these so let's look at who's next under the pipeline or uh next under the gun this is a look at that storm system if you can hold together new Middleton and I have no reason to think that it wouldn't hold together 129 Tanglewood 132 Carthage 134 Stonewall 136 chestnut mound 141 Buffalo Valley 144 this is going to push into parts of Smith County confirmed tornado on the ground it has been on the ground for upwards of 40 minutes it's near Tucker crossing Road it's right near Interstate 40 near Bluebird Road it's racing to the east at 50 miles per hour here is another look at a storm track that's going to take this just north of i-40 Tucker's cross roads Tucker's crossroads elementary school unfortunately this is headed right towards you so it's still hugging Bluebird Lane you saw another update come through here Good Hope Church grant grant Baptist Church this storm continues to raise off eventually it'll be towards Rawls Creek Road also potentially over towards North Commerce Road high 40s gonna snake away just to the south of this but the storm system will continue to race off towards the east here is a look Henry I think you're pulling up some of the another look at this storm system so kind of a big picture because there are significant storms go ongoing at this point there is a flash flood threat across our Kentucky counties you do need to know that tornado sirens are still going off in Davidson County but Davidson County you are in the clear the folks that are in danger right now our folks east of Lebanon Lebanon you are in the clear as far as a tornado threat there is likely damage there is likely debris scattered about on the path of this tornado confirmed tornado on the ground went through Western Davidson County eastern Davidson County it went through East Nashville it went through the five points area it passed by Hermitage by Old Hickory and it continues to move on the ground towards the east very very quickly surrounded by significant hail reports across the area so that tornado warning in effect for Jackson Smith and Wilson counties now until 1:45 damage reports continue to come in we're going to get those images to you as soon as we can through parts of Germantown all across East Nashville and unfortunately the work is really just going to begin for a lot of folks there so the most important thing is that we focus on who is at risk next who is in danger next and then we continue to assess the cleanup as emergency officials and emergency crews continue to work across the area yeah Bri and finally we've got mild weather computer back up getting damaged video in from Jonathan Hutton Titans radio Jonathan Hutton who also contributes to Sunday Sports Central from courtesy via Jeannette jolly around the Madison and third area near Christie's cookies where there are some damage from the tornado hopefully we'll be able to get that to you I just sent it down to the folks in the newsroom I want to take a look though at where the actual warning is at this time with our tornado warning that does continue yes the sirens are still going off in Davidson County but let me show you the Davidson County the tornado has passed it is now impacting Wilson County and continues to move off to the east Jackson and Smith counties as well so movement to the east still about between 40 and 50 miles per hour let me go on and put another track on this for folks that will be impacted with this particular storm and we'll take that speed down to again the 45 miles per hour that it's moving right now and tracking it east right along Interstate 40 can I give you a better visual than that I 40 a major interstate artery this tornado is basically just traveling right down the road at this time grant it's moving into your neck of the woods it will be there in about a minute this is not a radar indicated this is indicated on the ground by multiple people including us here at News Channel five is this tornado once it moved through directly hit the newschannel5 studios in downtown nashville shaver town at 125 new middleton at 128 133 Gordonsville stonewall at 136 lancaster at 139 chestnut mound at 141 and 144 at buffalo valley tornado on the ground a very dangerous situation we're getting reports of a train spotter reporting power lines down across a FedEx truck and the driver potentially being trapped inside the truck also if any emergency personnel can Harrison will try and find this exact location which is actually the FedEx distribution center a Golden Bear gateway and volunteer Boulevard so even the folks in the newsroom FedEx distribution center Golden Bear gateway volunteer Boulevard if you can try and contact EMS because the spotter is unable to contact EMS for a trapped FedEx driver power lines across his vehicle let me say that one more time FedEx distribution center the Golden Bear gateway it volunteer Boulevard and there is a spotter that is on scene the driver of this FedEx vehicle is trapped the spotter is having difficulty trying to reach EMS understandably so this is the time right now if you see smoke if somebody is truly hurt that's when you call 9-1-1 if you think you saw a tornado move through please do not call 9-1-1 right now is the time we need to keep those emergency lines cleared for emergencies such as this case again fedex distribution center Golden Bear gateway and volunteer Boulevard so folks in the newsroom can maybe even reached up to emergency personnel for that help that FedEx driver there they just trapped so we want to get some more information the tornado still on the ground it's now crossing out of Wilson County and into Smith County so we're going to take a the National Weather Service has released Wilson County Wilson County you are in the clear tornado warning no longer in effect for you but there is significant damage and folks that need help and so it is incredibly important that you still stay in that interior room stay with us here at News Channel five as we continue to get damage reports we're gonna get take a close look at where that tornado is now and where it's going and then we're going to check in with Chris Conte who is live downtown right now to give you some first images of how this storm is impacting the damage that it did in Nashville so here's a look at where it is again it's the red and the Greens close together that are the best way to see it so the the black line that goes from Flat Rock to commerce that is the the county border so this is Wilson County this is Smith County so it's now crossing towards Grant and the new Middleton area it is still just north of i-40 it had crossed at one point across highway 70 it's still moving to the east so we're gonna take a close look at the folks that are impacted by this that we're gonna get a live look with Chris Conte as to what we're expecting or what has happened here in downtown Nashville tonight as this incredibly powerful tornado touched the ground so roads in this pack Denny's Branch Lane Hicks Road tribble Lane Kent Lane here's a storm track of where the greatest area of concern is moving so grant 1:25 grant church 125 Bluff Creek 133 Cedar Point Church 133 this is on your doorstep we're gonna take a broader look we will get that live check with Chris contine then we're to come right back to this because this is still on the ground and it is still a very real threat so folks in the grant area you are under the gun again Wilson County Lebanon Mount Juliet Old Hickory Hermitage you're in the clear as far as your tornado threat but this storm isn't done it's moving towards a new Middleton 128 that's two minutes Gordonsville 133 chestnut mound 140 Granville 143 and then if it holds together this may push even into parts of Putnam and Jackson County so if you are in Smith County you were down in that lowest most interior room the tornado is near you it's just north of i-40 and it will be passing overhead very quickly at 50 miles per hour reports of significant damage with this system we do have Chris Conte live downtown with some first looks at some of the damage that this tornado did as it came through Chris let us know where you are and what conditions are like that three we're at the corner of Rosa Parks and Jefferson right in Germantown and I will be honest with you I have never seen damage quite like this centralized in a major metropolitan area it's it's quite shocking people are standing in the street trying to figure out exactly what happened here this hit at the worst possible time in the middle of the night as folks were in their beds I can see the second floor of some homes here in Germantown have been ripped off brick foundations are laying on the ground it's dark out here so it's kind of hard to see in brie I will say if you need to interrupt us please just go ahead because I understand things are still incredibly fluid right now we have some Metro Fire Department officers firefighters who have just gotten here the Germantown because as Dan was mentioning or as Henry was mentioning there are some people who they are concerned about might actually be trapped in their homes right now and they have been getting calls about this there are power lines down across Rosa Parks it's hard to see here but this is the funeral home that is here in Germantown you can see it took a direct hit when those winds came through about a half an hour ago there are a number of power poles that have just been snapped I've seen the where the AutoZone is Dan I don't know if you want to come this way with me back towards Rosa Parks the Auto Zone basically collapsed onto itself and there were a couple of cars here folks this is how just kind of real and raw this is people are just out here in their pajamas because they were just woken up by this terror as it came through and you'll have to forgive me I'm holding a light here so that we can get a better idea there's there's no power here in Germantown right now and first responders are just getting here onto the scene trying to access exactly what happened as Henry mentioned if you are not in immediate danger right now and you are in the Nashville area do not call 911 there are probably a lot of people who are shaken up and scared but this is not the time to call 911 a life-threatening situation where you need help immediately you can see a number of buildings here that just took direct hits brick siding that just came off windows did I don't if we could see the windows that were just blown out of this building there is just debris strewn across this section of Germantown if we can get you down to the AutoZone here you can really get a better idea of just the magnitude of the wind when it came through about an hour ago and hit directly on downtown Bri are we do it okay I know that you guys still have some active warnings now so you just need to interrupt me yeah Chris so important to know I know you can still hear sirens going off in the background there is no tornado threat for Davidson County so those sirens do not present an initial threat there is still storms in the area there is still heavy rain there still lightning and hail but the only tornado threat right now is across parts of Smith County and while the scenes that are coming in are just devastating and we continue to get reports really flooding into our newsroom of of damage like you're seeing there Chris we're gonna go back to Chris in just a second but we also want to keep our eyes focused on the the threat right now and who's under the gun so there are thunderstorms widespread across the area there is one tornado warning there are some larger severe thunderstorm warnings that encapsulate that so folks across our Kentucky tier it's heavy rain and thunderstorms not thumbing my nose at that but this confirmed tornado is the most dangerous thing that we've got on the ground flooding threats significant across our Kentucky tier avoid flooded areas there are more storms crossing the Mississippi River that will ride their way up by 40 so while the tornado threat remains across central parts of Smith County it's closing in towards the Granville area this is near Carthage it's near Gordonsville you can see the heaviest the rain the reflectivity that stretches through Carthage here and then down towards Gordonsville right on i-40 this is likely where we have the rotation potential hail signature that stretches even out on the further eastern extent of this towards Granville this may have to be extended even further as it goes in general the rotation signature has broadened out just a bit but this is a powerful tornado that has been on the ground for over an hour and we are just starting to see the damage reports come in multiple reports of people needing to be rescued reports of a gas aroma if that's something that you notice around your home don't investigate that you report it you stay in that most interior structure the most dangerous storm system right is across that eastern tier so Wilson County you're in the clear it is still storming across northern parts of Wilson County but the tornado threat is over so for folks that were incredibly hard hit I know it must just be terrifying outside if it's still storming and hail is still falling from the sky debris was reported falling from the sky earlier tonight these thunderstorms that you see are thunderstorms the concern for for the severe potential continues east through Smith County but I do have some good news there isn't much good news tonight but the National Weather Service has canceled the tornado warning so that rotation did lift it broadened out but it was on the ground for over an hour and there are some early indications that this was a significant potentially catastrophic tornado that moved through downtown Asheville EF 2 EF 3 strength possible with this Chris was saying that he's never seen damage of this magnitude in a downtown metropolis area there is a brief lull in the thunderstorm activity right now for Nashville but there are more storms that are working their way up I 40 and so there is the potential that we could see more thunderstorms even strongest severe thunderstorms in Davidson County tonight a flash flood warning has been issued for Cheatham Davidson Sumner and Wilson counties until 3:30 because of the hail the damage clearly the debris blocking drains that's going to prevent the water from being able to run off so we now have a flood threat and we have the damage from a confirmed tornado that went through northern Davidson County through Wilson County and even into parts of Smith County we're going to take we're going to check back in with Chris Conte as you continue to give us these just really heart-stopping first looks briea just stops you in your tracks is almost what one in the morning 1:30 in the morning here and it there is a silence in Germantown right now and you can hear sirens in the distance and this is what you see when you get a glimpse of light this is the Auto Zone here that is sitting on Rosa Parks a lot of you probably are familiar with where we are right now I'm trying to give photojournalist and blah will light here because as you can imagine the power's out the damage out here is stunning Dan if you want to come over here and give people a better perspective of exactly what we're talking about the entire front facade the cement front of the Auto Zone actually collapsed on to itself there was a car and someone parked in front of the Auto Zone when this came through a lot of people just were kind of stuck where they were when this happened about an hour ago we did hear that the folks that were inside of this car actually got out dan watch out there's some power lines in front of these want to come back towards the street with me here and we'll take you around kind of to show you what we're talking about so when the auto zone came down on top of itself there was a car that was right here wit was this your car okay I didn't realize that this was where you were this is our producer whit who was over here you're doing okay yeah no no we're just on right now what can you I know it's kind of hard to hear what what was it like what happened and where did you you just looking for safety yeah and just look this way the microphones on me okay yeah yeah I mean once I realized what's happened you know it took a second to process I realized I was okay and then I wanted to see you know what the next steps were smashed out in this autozone is basically gone so I'm super lucky to be alive obviously did the car move at all do were you we just in place yeah what do you think just looking around at this damage I think I'm lucky to be alive and I've got a lot of process for sure so it wasn't smart to be getting out and that and we're just glad you're okay yeah you keep get back to where you need to be and get to safety here Dan continue to come with me here you can see that power lines have just fallen down here on Rosa Parks why a number of homes in this area are without power you can see the Capitol in the distance here we'll bring you back up Rosa Parks actually where these fire trucks have started to arrive again this is a situation that is truly unfolding in front of us right now we basically got here before first responders and as we were talking about earlier Brehon will probably will keep mentioning this if you are listening to us right now somewhere in the davidson county area or anywhere where this tornado went through and you are not an imminent danger do not call 9-1-1 because right now there are situations where there are some people who first responders are simply just trying to get to we understand that a lot of people are probably terrified right now this was a very scary situation there is quite honestly nothing more scary than a tornado coming through in the middle of the night when you can't see it it was rain wrapped it was dark but again if you do not need help right now do not call 9-1-1 you can see just the the magnitude of what this wind did and when we talk about the tornado giving Germantown in downtown a direct hit there were people who were simply trying to get out of the storm's path and we're trapped as we just were talking to our producer whit here I know that there was someone in this car who is in the middle of this watch your feet are there's a lot of debris out here as you can imagine some nails I believe this is this looks like it was a number from a sign I think off of the gas station over here from the auto parts store that's just sitting in the middle of the ground here you can just tell kind of the devastation that this solves cause we've got some firefighters here from the first Fire Department who are now with flashlights kind of going building to building here trying to check on folks because this did happen so quickly Daniel let's come over this way show folks worthy this is where the Kroger is here on Rosa Parks just to give you some perspective [Music] let's let's also remind folks if you are at home right now don't go out if you don't need to this is kind of something that's happening firefighters are just trying to get their job done and they're out here and folks are trying to drive through you know this is something that probably people in downtown Nashville have never seen before Bree we talked about the rotation of the storm and I can see just kind of silhouetted in the darkness out here the tops of some trees that have just been leveled off and you can tell that they just have that that that defining signature of what a tornado comes through I've just never seen it in downtown Nashville when we've seen it in other counties and kind of outside of the city before but I've never seen it out here again a fairly chaotic scene I don't want to be overdramatic here but it is a little chaotic out here because first responders are just getting here people are kind of coming out of their homes and trying to see what happened here is the O'Reilly Auto Parts right here on the corner of Rosa Parks and Jefferson Street you can tell that this store also took a direct hit important to remember that while we're kind of in a commercial area here behind all of these structures there are homes where people live we just had a hard time getting there and so that is what first responders are focusing on right now is getting back into some of these homes then we got a lot of live power lines I believe up there used to be the sign where Kroger was a lot of folks who are just kind of out here in the Mamre okay trapped and where was she went and I'm sorry I got a light here what your daughter she was trapped the wall fell on her car where were you when the storm went through I was like yes okay as we mentioned just just a lot of time uh very fluid situation out here as first responders are trying to get out here we will send it back to you guys in the studio for just a moment kind of get our bearings out here and we will come back to you as soon as we kind of figure out another spot to show you Bree Chris thank you so much you know just the the the video images I don't know if we can keep Chris's camera up but what you really see is almost the twisting of the damage that was done there you see the metal that was twisted on the ground this is a look of the loop of radar of the storm as it came through Nashville it had a tornado warning on it as it came through Dixon County and then the rotation dropped out and then it moved through Cheatham County there's severe thunderstorm warning on it and when it came into southern parts of Dixon County right around 12:15 to 12:30 that's when the rotation started to pick up you see that tornado warning issued that was around 12:30 tonight 12:45 tornado on the ground Henry saw it passing newschannel5 were in the north part of town near 1st Tennessee Park first Horizon Park it moved through East Nashville over towards Hermitage Old Hickory parts of Mount Juliet Mount Juliet elementary school it tracked just near that the storm system continued through the Lebanon area high 40 crossing interstate 40 and interstate 70 at this point the storm the center of the storm the rotation has diminished it is something we're going to keep an incredibly close eye on especially since we've seen in the past how the rotation signature diminished and then it intensified rapidly and that's what caused what has caused significant damage to Nashville through northern parts of downtown as across multiple interstates tonight we've already seen one live look from Chris Conte Matthew Torres is in East Nashville Jason give me the location one more time he's in East Nashville I believe Woodlawn let's check in with Matthew Matthew let us know where you are and what you're seeing hey breathe that's right now we are just near Five Points area on Woodland Street right now I want to show you this was so obvious that we have to stop here this is the basement east on Woodland Street a popular music venue here in East Nashville as you can see right now this really is the result of that tornado as the roof has just been blown off the side of this wall has just been crushed and you can the water line just now gushing out water across this property this is quite the sight to see I did speak to some folks just just standing around here apparently the workers they just closed right before the strong winds moved through and they just made it to the basement 60-seconds they say right before everything started crumbling down this is the area of Woodland Street right now just within the Five Points area where we have fire crews just now traveling everywhere I just want to make sure to warn folks that there are downed power lines throughout the area just getting past this even me who lived just north of Five Points just getting to the station was a difficult task to do but as we keep walking down and it's really hard to see at this point this is pretty dark no power here right now but my photojournalist Jimmy farmer he says he couldn't help but notice the condo right across the street - with the windows just blown out right now and nearby this condo and we're gonna get to that part of the street eventually we saw some downed trees which makes it hard to move around here so difficult but again we just want to show you basement East right now here on Woodland Street just that's amazing and unfortunately we're meeting the folks who worked here under these circumstances but this popular music venue just really in the backdrop of the Lightning that you see there still it's all gone it's all has smashed in and just crumbled through and folks who are just making their way right now clearly shocked about what they are seeing here right now we haven't heard of any injury so far but that's just something we're going to have to analyze and wait to hear especially with the fire department just scattered all over the Five Points area where it seems to be just driving just from observation was one of the harder hit areas as well compared to Germantown so if we just keep walking down just from my brick preview here of my angle we just have several crews and people just walking around right now excuse me and there you see kind of parts of roof you can see there the down power line as we speak I know it's really tough to see right now emergency crews everywhere and this is kind of the shocking thing just from the front of this basement east you can see where really the roof has caved in just one of the shocking things it's just so hard to see especially with no power around this area which that's what they're trying to do right now again Bri we are focusing on the East Nashville area specifically five points but I just want to show one more time before we send it back to you what really happened to this very popular music venue the basement east on Woodland Street the kind of the juxtaposition of this popular I believe in Nashville and just to its left you could see what's left of it and all of the damage that's caused by this tornado water gushing out as we continue to see really the contents of what is left inside this bar and from what I'm told workers again were able to just sneak their way to the basement of this bar 60 seconds before everything caved in talking about a sight to see BRE we'll send it back over to you Matthew thank you so much Leland is also joining me now and you were saying that when you were driving in today that the Jefferson Street Bridge was impassable uh yeah Jefferson Street Bridge is impassable so for folks who know that area right where TopGolf is that there's also right in front of them like a budget rent-a-car and a u-haul across the street that intersection is shut down there are powerpost those big metal ones there are power poles laying across the street I actually had the maneuver of my way back around and then come down James Robertson exit off of i-65 right there there's actually on the northbound lane there is an FedEx truck that is overturned then you get off of a Jefferson Street there's a lot of debris so be careful out there right now even if not much has happened where you're at there there's a lot of debris and roadways out there are power lines that are down so folks need to be extremely careful you and you came in and immediately pulled up a school watch dorm lock just thinking schools but with tomorrow being Election Day they're all out and if that had not been the case they likely would have been out yeah some of them were out I think Metro actually was planning was still in for today yes but I did actually if I texted dr. battle I said I know she's got a crew of folks who are looking at some things but have just suggested to her that they consider a delay or just closing altogether today just because of what's out there and power outages I think we're right now maybe running on generator power here but places right around the station are without power right now when that tornado went through so we are just about a block away from first risin Park what was first Tennessee Park where the sounds play we had probably half a dozen power flashes in the studio we lost lights in the studio at one point Henry saw the tornado as it passed just north of downtown now it is important to know there are still severe thunderstorm warnings outside right now although there are no tornado warnings but our tornado threat isn't completely over so I know folks are terrified they are shocked and they are weary but it is important that you let first responders do the work that they need to do and that you stay with us because the severe weather threat has not ended and we are gonna get you through this here's a look at current watches and warnings significant flooding threat across Trigg Christian and Todd County we had a confirmed tornado on the ground in northern parts of Christian County earlier tonight in the Crofton area the lighter red shading is a tornado watch in effect until 3:00 a.m. our tornado potential is not over what's left of the tornado the tornadic storm is bringing severe thunderstorms through Jackson and Putnam County that's the yellow that you see extend eastward across i-40 out of Nashville now on the backside of it looked towards Benton County there is a new severe thunderstorm warning there we are keeping a very close eye on that storm because it looks to take a similar track of the tornado warned storm so here's a look at some of those severe thunderstorms it's right on the Sumner County Wilson County border so in between castilian Springs and Lebanon that the stronger portion of that what was the tornado warned portion of that has a warning in effect for Jackson Overton Putnam in Smith County until 2:15 the main concern here is hail upwards of two inches in size and 60 mile-per-hour winds here's a storm track on the leading edge this is what what the storm that created the tornado that went through downtown Nashville so 154 Cookeville this is four minutes don't do not mess with this storm get down to that lowest most interior level there are damage reports still coming in from Benton County when this went through from parts of Dickson County as this storm system went through this storm system traveled a good 60 miles potentially with that tornado on the ground early estimates just from visual confirmations and early damage reports are potentially EF to 2 EF 3 strength of course the National Weather Service will go out and survey that unfortunately I just mentioned that we can't turn our back on the storm the National Weather Service has just issued a tornado warning for Jackson Overton and Putnam counties until 2:15 this is the exact same storm that dropped a tornado in Nashville and moved quickly into parts of East Nashville over towards Old Hickory you've seen the damage reports that came out of there you have seen what this storm is capable of this the center of circulation is near Baxter so this is in between Baxter and Cookeville this is right by highway 70 the storm has been paralleling i-40 all night tonight and it continues to show signs of intensification as storms move in to higher elevations they can often intensify which can enhance that tornado risk so really important Putnam County down to that lowest most interior level think bathrooms then closets think whatever can put as many walls between you and the outside world as possible if you don't have a couch cushion or a pillow to cover your head with duct down and at least put your hands on the back of your head to try to protect yourself all good 159 Cookeville 156 closer to monterey shortly after 2:00 a.m. this is not the only storm system we are of clearly concerned about the tornado potential with this but I do want to show you quickly that storm that's coming into parts of Benton County because it's following a similar track so even folks in Putnam County under the current tornado warning are going to need to keep an eye on potential additional severe storms as this next batch comes through yeah exactly so we'll go to a look at a velocity 4 here in just a second and this is a look at what's happening right now with the core of that storm around Baxter you see some of the brighter colors there but also see right here up around Bloomington Springs where you actually see a little bit of green within that red so that that's an indication there again that you've got winds moving in different directions there and one color would be the green moving toward the radar the reddish color would be away from the radar so when you get them tight like that there's the possibility that you may have a little bit of rotation through here so we've got Baxter a little brighter area there along Highway 78 so those of you near Ward Mill Road those of you are near prosperity Drive along state highway 56 basically where state highway 56 and highway 70 north come together if you're in that area take cover right now the latest update has this now pushing closer to Front Street so if you are in the Front Street area back over around Eaton Road take cover also up around Bloomington Street Springs right now from Clemson Road back over to piping Road or pippin Road you need to take cover here at this particular point let me show you what is up let me put a storm path on be a leading edge of this storm sale right now and it's moving here right around the 60 miles per hour so for those of you who are back out this way this is those of you are near Pippen school Sycamore elementary school the Averett of baseball complex a Memorial Gym those of you if it stays together here back over in their Cookeville first Cumberland Presbyterian Church so this is a storm system as we now know that has a history of damage so take cover right now if you're in those areas that bring and I just mentioned this is where you need to take cover it grab the phone grab the iPad so that you still have a way to get information and maybe stream some coverage but the bigger thing right now is for your family to take cover these things as we saw a moment ago with Skycam they are hard to see so we need to take cover at this point rain wrapped incredibly quick moving 50 miles per hour that is highway speed with these storm systems as they come through so Putnam County Cookeville you are under the gun right now make sure you're in that lowest most interior level everyone inside lowest most interior levels we continue to have a dish storms develop even out to the west we are not done with our severe weather threat as we head into the evening hours clearly our primary focus remains with the tornado warned storm that's now coming into western parts of Cookeville and eventually will work towards the Monterey area about 2/10 this is as real as it gets down to that lowest most interior level also seeing some strengthening of that storm right along i-40 and there were some concerns tonight that this may have crossed the interstate a couple times now we continue to keep an eye on the severe weather threat but we are also getting our first images of the damage that has been done tonight from the storms that we have had that arson here's a live check go ahead Chris let us know what's going on yeah yeah Bree all preface this again by saying if you need to interrupt us at any time please just jump in we have just gotten to another section of Germantown here I am honestly speechless as you look down what I believe is Monroe I'm trying to figure out exactly where we are you can see just home after home here some of these tall skinnies where the windows were blown out presumably people were sleeping inside we've been watching the Nashville firefighters day if you want to come with me here you can see I mean just power poles that were snapped front facades of brick that were torn away here and of course the most terrifying thing about all this is this was in the middle of the night so people were just sleeping at home in the comfort you know of their own homes it's hard to see out here because obviously it's almost 2:00 in the morning and it's pretty dark people are just assessing are you okay in there you're okay okay there's a lot of folks out here who were inside their homes when this happened you can see decent amount of damage out here we do want to remind folks again as we've been saying before if you are not in imminent danger right now if you are not in a place you know where you need to be rescued don't call 9-1-1 even though this is so incredibly terrifying to look at especially when you think of all the people you okay yeah a lot of folks who are out here who were inside did just take a look you can see again it's hard to understand right now because it's so dark out but as I look up into the sky and I can see the silhouettes of trees that are here in Germantown you can just tell the tornado came through and snapped them down on top on top of each other there it's a bit of an odor of gas that has been kind of permeating this area so we've been trying to be careful here again this was in front of the first trying to remember which apartment building this was here 515 and you can see just the kind of damage here III think BRE what is and Leland what is just so astonishing about all this is that we were just standing in the middle of downtown Nashville right now that this storm went directly through the middle of the city we'll try to get you over here I think what it's going to be the biggest challenge of course until the Sun comes up is light once the Sun gets up here this is just going to be devastating to look at as we've been walking around Germantown and this is not an over-exaggeration this is the kind of damage that is probably going to take weeks and months to clean up from not days or hours just get given the full scope of kind of what we've seen here guys I will throw it back to you in the studio for now and we'll come back to you as soon as we get a better look of Germantown here so unfortunately we're going to continue to see images like this damage reports continue to come in we're getting reports now that the Kroger on Monroe the front of it appears to have been blown out shopping carts large pieces of metal strewn across the parking lot our eyes are now in parts of Putnam County closer to Cookeville that's where we have a tornado warning in effect until 2:15 the pinks and greens that pulled up there near highway 70 and you just saw another scam come through so the greatest area of concern for this tornado is just west of Cookeville it's the tiniest area where you see the green and the pink close to each other right on top of highway 70 so this is near Ridgedale Drive West Jackson Street Benton Young Road West 7th Street this is a highly populated area I know Henry Leland you pulled up our sky net camera in the Cookeville area as well lots of lightning flashes clearly illuminating the sky the core of this storm it's moving at 50 miles per hour it's going to be downtown Cookeville in the next three to five minutes tops and you can even see the temperature there still sick near 60 degrees there is so much fuel that these storms are still working off of typically we get into the overnight and we run out of some of this fuel that has not been a setup tonight and unfortunately we're seeing just the incredible consequences of this storm that came through so this tornado warning that is in effect for the Cookeville area so this is central parts of Putnam County this is the same storm that went through Nashville you just saw the damage that it did from Chris Conte the rotation signature diminished as it went through Smith County but it has now intensified Cookeville Regional Medical Center under the Gunn with this one same thing Cookeville High School that's where the center of circulation continues to track yeah and look at this area right here so you see Cookeville they're kind of the where they consider the center there right off of i-40 they are and just north of highway 17 north so those of you who are along a West ninth Street right now West sixth Street you need to be taking cover at this point some of this was just near the Crescent Drive area so you may OB on the backside of this from Crescent Drive I down the holder Avenue but those of you again West ninth and you see those colors there that bright or white color they are indication there that we may have a little bit of rotation that's going on there a few along North Whitney Avenue north a Dixie Avenue on North a Jefferson Street now a lot of folks know that named Jefferson Street because that's one of the the main exits for folks who do that east-west trip from here to to Knoxville and one of the streets is they exit to they get office of its Jefferson Street so if you are just on the north side there of i-40 back near highway 70 you need to take cover here at this particular point so we're seeing our skynet camera actually it just went black here so I saw the the lights illuminating the sky there was some significant lightning flashes and it looks like perhaps we may have lost power to that camera because it was well illuminated earlier the core of the storm oh I expect on right now we'll go back over there for you a second but yeah I think they take a lightning hit there for just a second and we took many lightning hits tonight there's been significant power surges that's a big concern for safety with power lines down you don't want to go outside with the system the core area of concern for this tornado warned cell is now moving into the downtown Cookeville area near highway 111 as it moves to the east moving incredibly quickly in near East Broad Street the circulation has been very close to i-40 tonight and it continues to be incredibly close to that interstate it's looked like a couple times that may have even crossed the interstate yeah and a lot of folks against what you say travel that area frequently between going here to Knoxville so they know that area along i-40 very quickly there some as you write to get into the cook wheel there's that big cross they are on the right-hand side of the roadway big exit there is exit 287 for a lot of folks to do that food stop on their way up that way so this is that area that we're talking about right now moving through the Cookeville area where there is this big area of concern also seeing a little bit of activity there just south of i-40 as well but as we look right along i-40 actually north side and south side right now are two areas of concern with this storm system as it makes its way through this area so if you are along i-40 North Side south side you need to take cover right now grab iPad grab phone something that will allow you to still get weather information if you've got an or weather ready you'll grab it take it with you as well but if you are in that area right now we need for you to take cover again this has a history of doing damage and we'll show you more activity from around Nashville here in a bit we are parts near downtown and over into the Germantown area along Jefferson Street here took a big hit just after midnight this has some area of concern and we continue to see especially Bri at that area that just under the word Cookeville and along i-40 right now is another area of concern right those bright Pink's so the color represents the speed of the wind and that bright pink color that's indicative of wind speeds as high as potentially even a hundred miles per hour so Leland has zoomed in a little tighter this is near West Cemetery Road Burgess school Road - nasty Trail Bunker Hill Road this is a loop of that as it's moving 50 miles per hour that is highway speed on a severe storm that has a history of producing tornadoes and damage the damage reports continue to come in very very quickly now as far I want to do a quick touch as to what's happening elsewhere because there are more storms and some folks are under severe thunderstorm warnings you got to know what to expect Putnam County Overton County White County down interior room you are under a tornado warning from the storm that has caused significant damage in the downtown area there is a flash flood warning through Davidson in Wilson County severe thunderstorm warnings on the edge of Jackson same thing Hickman Perry and Decatur we are not done yet with our severe weather strong storms snake from castilian Springs over towards Granville the tornado warning is in effect for central parts of Putnam County but when you back it up to the big picture there's two next areas we're keeping an eye on storms that are dropping out of Kentucky very slowly this is left flash flooding up into parts of our Kentucky counties in your Christian County this is going to continue to sing south sink southward and will bring more storms to the davidson county area Wilson County area Smith County even over towards Putnam County you're not done even when this cell clears you the other thing we're watching is this thunderstorm the severe thunderstorm warning for parts of Decatur County parts of Humphreys County and this stretches over towards Perry County as well there is a thunderstorm in the northern parts of Davidson near the 65 24 split this is towards Ellington not severe but it does mean there's still a lightning threat even for folks that are outside right now here's a look at the severe thunderstorm warning that stretches from Benton to Decatur over towards Lobo Ville this also sneaking up i-40 my concern for this storm is the hail threat that it has the wind threat that is has and the damage reports that continue to come in when the original warned storm the one that came through Nashville it went through this area first around 11 o'clock tonight that has had reports that have come in this is working its way up by 40 it's following a very similar path and it may bring additional damage to areas that have been weakened so even if there if you've taken a sneak peek at the damage outside your home right now it could get worse as these next rounds of storms come through you see how those storms continue to track along the Kentucky border very heavy rain remains a significant threat our primary concern though of course Leyland is the tornado warning you see that across Putnam County over a it's now moved just east it looks like of highway 111 just east of Cookeville yeah we want you all in this area to be concerned Tyler Smith a lot of folks in the Putnam County area know from the Putnam County M a says on north McBroom chapel area road there have been some homes that have been destroyed now what you're seeing right now is on radar just south of i-40 but mcbroom Road is actually a long 70 West that we were talking about a moment ago and so a couple of streets that I see near mcbroom Street would be B and K Auto Sales McBroom Chapel Church now again no reports from any of those places I just mentioned but those are landmarks that are New York make bloom Chapel Road so right now 201 Tyler Smith from EMA Putnam County says homes destroyed on mcbroom Chapel Road in the Cookeville area we've also got strong rotation just south of Cookeville Tyler just putting in some more information there people are reported trapped on a home Partridge trail so those of you in the Putnam County area may know that name and know that Road very well here but McBroom Chapel Road if you were just east of McBroom Chapel Road we need for you to take cover right now there is a confirmed tornado here we've got damage being reported in this area also from the home Partridge Trail Road Putnam County EMA reporting that people are trapped right now so this is a big area of concern we've got two areas of rotation just north of i-40 which is where mcbroom Chapel Road is at and then another one we were watching along in just south of i-40 they are not too far let's from the end of the Gulf ten community there for us right now so we zoom in a little bit closer you see that area of rotation right now state highway 111 I think that's the exit with that some folks might get off to go down to Sparta in the white county and now that's just pushed the end to the second part of 70 just south of Interstate 40 there so we've got Brown's Chapel Mill Road / Street Road Watson Road if you're in this area take cover right now there is the possibility that there could be damage with this and again mcbroom Chapel Road was just north of Interstate 40 along Highway 70 that's where I am County EMA was reporting that there had been some homes destroyed along with groom Chapel Road so it places just to the east of there would be the echo valley Poole creation area Echo Valley market the dipsy-doodle a drive-in those areas that are just east of that road that I mentioned if you are there you need to take cover right now there is confirmed damage coming from your area yes oh the National Weather Service confirming this tornado warning it's in effect until 2:30 the tornado is observed so this is a confirmed tornado on the ground much like as it came through downtown Nashville the tornado threat is considered considerable from the National Weather Service we have reports of homes potentially destroyed in the Putnam Putnam County area so the greatest signature for rotation it does appear that there may be two areas of rotation is just now south of Cookeville so it is closer to i-40 Leyland listed off a significant amount of businesses there this is moving to the southeast it is a right moving thunderstorm right moving thunderstorms often have an enhanced risk as far as their damage potential and this has already done too much damage to the Nashville area tonight we don't want it to get anything else here's a look at the storm track of this system so it's near the Grafton area those pinks and greens you see right next to each other that is likely potentially going to cross I 40 again as this storm system moves to the southeast at 45 miles per hour it was like I said just just south of the Cookeville area here is a look at that storm track just to give you a broader picture of where this is headed Cumberland County this is on your doorstep next Overton County this is moving towards you there are two active tornado warnings right now so one encompasses the north side of Putnam County and the other one encompasses the south side of Putnam County let me change the view on this you can pick it up a little bit better so we've got two areas of concern this the area of concern on the south side of i-40 so this is just south of the Cookeville area and then there's one on the north side as well so two possible centers of circulation that are impacting both sides of Putnam County reports of significant damage here appearing that some of that the some of the northern flank part of that storm may be across more of Jackson County the southern parts of Jackson County so we'll take a close look at the folks under the gun there this is just east of Rickman so near Beaver beaver Hill highway 84 Columbia Hill Crawford hanging limb cliff Springs that's for the northern flank of this storm system again the tornado warnings remain in effect until 2:30 we have two areas of rotation the southern area is the strongest area likely that's what's created the more significant damage reports tonight but it's not impossible that northern one could potentially pick up even in intensity these storms are moving in to some higher elevations now too so that can often enhance circulation with them it also means that they're farther away from the radar yeah so definitely I take cover and these things are in the middle of the night and they are hard to see sometimes you might hear the roaring of what is up for us right now but there is this tight area of rotation that we need to get you through here for the next few minutes because there is concern right now of more damage in this area Bri talked about the one just a moment ago on the north side of i-40 that's the one that went along near McBroom Road McBroom Chapel roba this is another one that right now was south of i-40 but right at the moment it's a long night for T and you heard of mention Rocky Point a moment ago so there's the Rocky Point community Rocky Point Road Macedonia Cemetery Road near Shady Lane at this point so if you're in this area please take cover grab an iPad grab via the NOAA Weather Radio to take with you so that you've got a way to still get information but go to the lowest point in your home I go to an interior room if you're home if you've just got a one-level but if you're right now in the Cookeville area and you are hearing this especially along and south of Interstate 40 near Jim Smith Road Shady Lane blackberry Lane this area here is under the gun right now and that you need to take cover here at this moment so some additional reports coming in unfortunately injuries now being reported in Putnam County we will work to confirm that that's Tyler Smith of course working with Putnam County EMA there there is also reports of potentially a funnel cloud in Overton County right on the Jackson Putnam Overton County lines so let me clean this up a little bit so that you can get better sense of where all of this is so Putnam County and the northern essentially it's Putnam County the northern and southern border that are under the gun right now I turned the Lightning off but that's still a big factor Hale as well so this is Putnam County the northern edge of this this is Jackson County and Overton County so the concern is right where all of these meet for the northern flank of the storm the southern one that passed just south of Cookeville that's south of i-40 and this is all moving towards the east so we have one tornado warning that's headed towards Clark range and then we have another one on the southern side of Putnam County that's headed towards Crossville in central parts of Cumberland County there are more storms that line up on the backside of this but significant damage reports are starting to come out of the Putnam County area so if you're in Putnam County get down most interior room first responders have a lot of work to do speaking of that we're going to come back to this in just a second but I believe Chris Conte now has some information on shelters yeah especially right now what is happening on the north side of Nashville just north of Jefferson Street back in the Germantown and over in the East Nashville Chris what's the latest right now for those folks who may have not have a home right now or just have no electricity in the Wright and Leland let me let me kind of stress this to you here as we're getting a better look of the Germantown area this is one of the newer apartment complexes that is on the corner of 4th and Jefferson the entire third floor roof was torn off there is water pouring down into every single unit in this building firefighters are out here and they have evacuated this building we were walking around and I couldn't figure out why it was so quiet and then all of a sudden we got to the corner of 4th and Jefferson and there are dozens if not a few hundred people who are out here who have been evacuated from this building and firefighters and first responders are going door-to-door actually inside of this building it's hard to see but there is water that is just cascading down from the fire sprinklers here this is obviously not a place that is safe for anyone to be you can see folks that are out here dan come with me here who are just standing out here in their pajamas we did just talk to first responders and here's what you need to know if you live in the in town area that has been hit so hard tonight they are working right now to open a shelter over at the farmers market we understand that there are a lot of folks who do not have a place that they can call home right now in downtown Nashville if you do need some place to take shelter the farmers market is being open as a place of refuge just people who are out here really in disbelief trying to figure out exactly what happened we were talking to one woman who was inside Jed Kinnear you can see I mean it's so hard to kind of understand exactly how bad this is because it's dark out right now but the damage out here is profound I said this earlier this is the kind of damage that is not going to take days to clean up this is going to take weeks if not months see if I can just grab someone real quick professor dog are you okay yeah would you mind just were you in this building no where were you guys what uh what was it like when it went through our ears what do you think just looking I mean looking around right now okay stay safe please Dan come with me here again we're trying to give you a better idea of exactly what this is like I know they did I know earlier we were saying that if you know you don't have to be out here looking at damage please don't be out here but here's something that I have just kind of realized in the last few minutes or so a lot of these people that we're seeing out here brie and Leland just don't have any place right now because so many buildings and homes and structures were devastated and just so severely damaged out here folks are just standing in the middle of forth in their blankets in pajamas with their dogs I keep seeing so many people out here with dogs who managed to get out safely when this storm came barreling through it is kind of very evident as you're standing here the direction of which this storm went through you guys okay yeah where are you inside this building no okay also there's where are we now we are so I'm trying to get my bearings here over by kind of one of the Mexican restaurants here damn let's go back this way Bree and Leland also if you guys need to cut into us here because I know there's a lot of weather going on back there you guys just let us know okay yeah give us a quick sense we are back here quick just to update folks in Putnam County so we know there's been confirmed damage there you've got a very telling story there we want to definitely get back to you here quick but I do want to make sure that our friends in Putnam County are aware of what's going on because we have had confirmed tornado damage over-the-air also one new Orion just out of the Wilson County area I'm not familiar with this subdivision but folks in Mount Juliet our report an earlier report there has been some damage they're in their triple crown subdivision northwest of the Provident shopping center so that's a new report coming in but we of course want to update the folks from Putnam County on what's happening exactly so there are still two tornado warnings that remain in effect one for the southern part of Putnam County so this is just now south of Cookeville that means Cookeville the north side of i-40 downtown Cookeville you're in the clear as far as the tornado threat the greatest concern for rotation is now in Monterey so it's just east of the Cookeville area and the National Weather Service has extended that tornado warning into southern parts of Overton County and then right along the Fentress cumberland county border so that means it's going to move just north of Crossville just south of the Clark range area I know it looks very cluttered because these storms are just so robust and there's so much to pick out on to warnings so one on the south side and one on the north side this is the first one that was issued for the storm the stronger part of the storm as it moved south of the Cookeville area just south of i-40 this second cell is now our greater concern as far as what's packing the most punch it's coming through the Monterey area and the damage reports continue to come in with this there are additional severe thunderstorm warnings that are backed up to the west these are working their way over areas that have been damaged tonight so you see thunderstorms from the Kentucky border down through Houston Humphreys County closer to hone wold through parts of Lewis County these are blossoming they're becoming more widespread and they are moving over the same paths that were hit by this storm as it went through Nashville and a reminder to a quick update as well the National Weather Service dropping the southern flank of that warning so one tornado warning in effect Monterey we are most concerned for you and for the folks immediately east of you so this is now moving away from Interstate 40 or interstate 40 is now snaking further to the south away from the greatest concern for rotation here still taking a path that's going to bring it near Clark Ranch High School it's going to bring it near Adkins Mill it's going to bring it near the Deer Lodge Academy it's gonna bring it near Stowers that warning is in effect until 2:45 now as this morning went through Nashville Henry saw it off the back deck as it crossed through as it moved through the Mount Juliet area and Leland was just sharing some of the damage reports northwest of Providence there was debris falling from the sky at the National Weather Service office on Old Hickory so that means there was debris falling from the sky upwards of five even ten miles away from where our core concern for circulation was so it's not just where that center of circulation is that has the risk for damage but potentially some of this that has been lofted into the air and additional thunderstorms that are now working into an area that has been incredibly hard hit to me yes and for folks who may remember remember the 98 tornado one of the vivid scenes after the hit was the flag the stars of the state flag being for the most part being ripped out of the flag that was never found but there were other things from downtown Nashville that were picked up in the East Nashville picked up out in the Hermitage area so that speaks to the power of the storms and the reason we want our foot folks in a Cookeville in Putnam County to remain alert until this storm warning comes to an end that you need to take cover with this because there's a lot of debris out there I had to reroute my way in the downtown and once I got on this other side streets in downtown Nashville there was debris or even just some lines down so be careful if you don't have to be out this is one of those things taking this topic to heart if you don't have to be out don't go out do not definitely go into those areas that have been hit no and there's more storms coming on the back lane that the National Weather Service just issued a severe thunderstorm warning for storms that are coming in to Putnam County so your tornado warning is over but now there's this new severe thunderstorm warning that stretches from Carthage through central parts of Smith County to just north of Cookeville so it is a it is this warning right here that is the newest one to come down the pipeline and it is for hail upwards of one inch in size this morning right here that stretches from Carthage to Cookeville that's our newest severe thunderstorm warning and then we have the tornado warning that remains in effect until 2:45 for a this is the same cell that went through Nashville that caused the damage we've been showing you that more reports continue to come in of of homes destroyed there was a report that came in that it almost looked like a subdivision had been ripped in half that tornado warning continues now through the eastern edge of Putnam County so as far as who's under the gun for a tornado risk it's folks just east of Cookeville that tornado risk has now shifted east of Monterey it's north of the mainland area and it is moving towards Clark range so it's going to be writing the border between Fentress County and Cumberland County it should be gone from all the news channel 5 viewing area within the next 30 minutes a problem is there are more severe storms that we're going to have to contend with on the backside of this this new one that has just been issued for southern parts of Jackson County towards the Granville area that now includes northern parts of Putnam County we have a flash flood warning in effect for downtown Nashville for the davidson county area and then you see this new severe thunderstorm warning that continues to work its way up i xl these are all headed towards areas that have been incredibly hard hit tonight yes so be be careful out there you were mentioning the the Clark range area here's a storm path on one of those storm cells there so those of you are near North Cumberland Elementary School this is still pushing and racing east at around 60 miles per hour so think about being in a car 55 to 60 on the interstate think about that that speed right now with this particular storm cell so North Cumberland elementary 229 current time is 221 so we're talking less than eight minutes at this point this would be just a long i-40 for us let me take off the other the storm path here you can see a couple of the other communities that are showing up for us right now so from near the Clark range area down to rainy and along u.s. highway 127 and then back over near the plateau community so you see Mount array so again for those folks who do that trip a lot from here to Knoxville you get to cook veal you start to go up the mountain just a bit right as you break it to the plateau before you get to Crossville you see the monterey community as another will stop there with a Burger King and a Shell station that some people stopped at on their trip between here and there so that particular storm system right now is making its way to the east and hear how they at the intersection of state highway 62 forests now back over near the hermitage farm community our farm road muddy pond Road I Jim Garrard rode a piney Lake Road for us at this point and we mentioned rainy a moment ago so this is just almost west of you getting close to Clark range so if you are along u.s. highway 127 they are coming out of Fentress County moving in to parts of the Overton County area this is our region right now where we've got our biggest concern here at the point this storm system has a history of doing damage in several communities we have seen our hard-hit area of Nashville more live reports from Germantown and East Nashville are on the way reports coming in out of the amount julián area and also in Cookeville for us this morning as well along McBroom Chapel Road there was another one where there were reports of some people being trapped at this point so if you're in this area here just as you make it to the top of the plateau there let's say from just a south air of of Clark range and back over to near Clarksville over to there Crossville be careful there is Fairfield Glade that shows up so this is just north of Fairfield blade a lot of folks that because it's a popular golfing area over in Cumberland County so it's just kind of almost north of that community at this point so clearly that's our biggest concern but we do have additional severe thunderstorms that are impacting parts of Smith County northern parts of Putnam County there are more storms moving towards the areas that were hardest hit tonight so we're not done and what may have been weakened but not necessarily taken down to the ground from some of the storms that came through earlier once the second wave comes through we could see additional damage more power lines down potentially more damage to structures we have seen roofs ripped off of two-story brick structures that are completely missing and the walls and two-story structures that were knocked down it almost looked like the building sort of imploded from the inside debris has been reported falling from the sky up it's a five to ten miles away from the center of that storm it sounded like a locomotive as it went through the damage path stretches through Benton County through parts of Dickson County Houston and Humphreys County significant hail with this system and there are more thunderstorms working towards Davidson County right now I know Henry Rothenberg went out in storm five taiidan he was headed towards Tunick airport but encountered too many downed powerlines Wow to make it to the airport all right we I can't pull up his location right now I'm not sure if we've got audio from Henry or not but this is Henry and you mention downed power lines and again places don't have electricity at this point we may still be running on generator power at the station I'm not 100% sure of that but they're places that are dark right now so we're still on generator power at the station there are places out there with no lights you can't see that until you're right up on and that blocked Henry's path to get into the airport and thankfully he did see that so it's just another reason that we really want to encourage you to stay close to us as we get through this because there will likely be more damage as these storms come through even if they don't hit severe criteria Heather Mathis has come in tonight as well how there you are I know you were texting us as the storm was coming through Old Hickory in the Hermitage area sure and are deeply deep in it with us yeah came into the station I did encounter some debris as well it's Leland had mentioned power lines that are down you know I grew up in Mount Juliet I grew up in her I have multiple family members friends who are texting me saying their house has been damaged they know family friends whose houses have been damaged so you don't need us to tell you this we just keep saying more and more and more damages coming in and Brie as you mentioned with these storms coming in on the back side of that there are a lot of people tonight who are cleaning up a lot of people who don't have power at their house people who are being evacuated out of their house as well I have some friends in Germantown at the IMT apartment buildings there they're being evacuated for a gas leak a friend who was in that apartment said the windows when the possible tornado came through it shattered all of the windows out and several neighbors were injured just from the glass being broken thankfully they were not serious injuries there but those are the people I'm thinking of when I see these storms that are starting to build in again over this same area we're gonna put up a live shot here we're going to West Wilson middle school West Wilson middle school we've got believe Jason lamb and a photojournalist Katharine Stewart there this is at West Wilson middle school right now this is off of a mound Julia drove there and the Heather again you know that area very well as far as West Wilson I think I was at West elementary mature affects the same area but so West Wilson middle school is right next to stoner Creek Elementary I went to both of those schools elementary school and middle school there our directors in my ear saying my kids go there so I'm wandering looking at this shot if the middle school has actually been damaged with that storm but that is right along that road now this particular road that it's along on Mount Juliet Road will lead you into the Providence shopping center where there have been some reports near that area as well with subdivisions in that area that have been damaged too it's looking like there are a lot of police that are in this area with our shot here from our photographer and our reporter of course we are working to get more information on this damage it does seem like unfortunately the Mount Juliet area was pretty hard hit along with the Hermitage area with these homes that are coming through we will work to get you more images just like this of damage especially once the Sun come up comes up and we can get a better idea of how bad that and for parents out there we'll keep an eye on what's happening with schools I know in Sumner schools were out today for election day there may be the case in several other communities out there if our director I don't know if he knows this or not what the plan was for Wilson County if they were going to school today I actually texted dr. Adrienne battle with Metro Nashville school saying that they need to assess what's up and they consider to do a storm day no day on that just yet they will make a decision later on that but parents for schools that were going to be in today be on the lookout because there could be a host of school closings or delays based on what we're seeing this morning and again yeah that over at West Wilson absolutely despite whether that school is damaged or not you're right because of debris they might have some delays or closures we want to go out to Matthew Torres he is in East Nashville I believe with an update on some damage that's there Matthew what is the latest that you can tell us that you're seeing where are you and what is the damage Five Points area near South Kent Street the damage here is unimaginable right now we just want to get closer to here this is the soda parlor on Woodland Street and even this juice shop next to it you can see the windows have been blown out all of the debris now scattered on the floor including the roof pieces of the roof that really just blew to the ground I just want to be careful going over the road since there are power lines throughout the area you can see where everything has been blown - this is a piece of an electric pole just snapped in half but Jimmy if we pan to the left I want to show the building across the street you can see just how bad the destruction has been for this building you can see part of this electric pole to the left as we keep panning to the left you can see where that has snapped and it's now just dangling over Woodland Street this is just one area near the five point area here in East Nashville where clearly this is going to be an ongoing problem for a lot of people one neighbor describing this to me as an apocalyptic nightmare and when just walking down the street we barely really moved anywhere on wood lestrade you can tell why the alarms in these buildings are going off still and which crazy and at some point which makes me believe that there's a good chance this area could be blocked off there is that strong smell of gas just permeating the air right now this is once again the soda parlor the windows shattered blown off you can see where this metal piece of the roof just tangled around this tree which eventually bent like a pipe cleaner but as we keep walking down here this is where it even gets worse we are now walking up to burger up this is risk right next door to it you can see where this entire roof had just collapsed you can even see it's just the little things that we're seeing a filing cabinet a chair that once belonged to you an area where it was covered by a roof now exposed after this tornado neighbors telling me they probably experienced our heard it may be within 30 to 60 seconds obviously scared didn't really think much about it until they walked outside and that's when they realized just how bad this is one resident who lives just down the street telling me he is traumatized after walking outside to see this this is after all the East Nashville area especially at five points the business owners here are close to each other they know each other we spoke to one business owner who says she received a call from a landowner and she said he told her get down here right away this is once again burger up you can see the water line just a water gushing from the roof right now and as this this is where we want it to be because every person that we came in contact with as soon as we got here to woodless Street they say go to burger up go to burger up it is gone pretty much and this is what drivers had to navigate around and we are just carefully as well stepping around all of the pile of debris I'm actually just holding one of our lights because it just gives us a better a look as far as what damage we have here I'm actually just carrying it as we're walking around we are now here at the intersection of South 10th Street were not even the heart of five points just yet but this is already the bad site that we are seeing all of the damage just walking around photojournalist Jimmy farmer with me right now just getting up close to what was what was burger up and it's just shocking to see especially for people who live around here this is normally a busy area I did speak to a police officer who told me some people we don't know the number of people but people have gotten hurt and sent to the hospital by ambulance we have yet to find an official that we can get a better understanding of the extent of injuries if that's the case and exactly the number of people this is now the corner of Woodland Street and South 10th as you've been showing you as we slowly creep up to this intersection you could see everything just scattered now cross the street from us you see where the water is still gushing to the left is boom Baz which I believe is a brewery here in the other Five Points area and there people are just gathering right now because they can't help but come here and take pictures yeah there used to be a building over here and we'll continue to assess the damage and we'll send things back over to you Matthew thank you so much the the boom box that he was just talking about that's the one that has it's right next to the YMCA it has a shared playground in the back there are a handful of businesses over there usually really tightly grouped together and so seeing that kind of devastation just a for folks if you weren't with us when this first happened right around 12:30 the tornado touched down near the Bordeaux area in Davidson County it passed just north of where newsChannel five is we're right by first horizon Park used to be First Tennessee Park Henry saw it visually on the ground we saw power flashes in the distance our station took at least six straight power hits the lights flashing we lost some power in the studio at one point that's when it crossed into East Nashville where Mathew Torres was and you see the damage that it did to Berger up to Boone Boz over there it appears that some of the structures that used to be a part of that of that that area aren't aren't standing at this point it continued to move into East Nashville closer to Madison and then towards the Old Hickory area we have significant damage reports as it moved through Mount Juliet it was right on the north side of i-40 that's where we have some damage reports north of the Provident shopping center yes the damage was reported just northwest of that it how dinner state 40 as it went closer to Lebanon significant damage reports coming out there and now what is left of that storm has cleared Putnam counties the Putnam County you were done with the tornado threat but they have extended that tornado warning for Fentress in Cumberland County which is just to the east so here's a bigger picture real quick there are three warnings still in effect there is a severe thunderstorm warning for Putnam County as this final round of storms works its way through that tornado warning as southern parts of Fentress northern parts of Cumberland so that's the far right side of your screen it's right where it says Crossville that's as that storm exits that warning in effect until 2:45 so it's got about ten more minutes to it Leland you pulled up a different look at where the greatest risk is right now yeah you mentioned earlier Clark range so Clark range would be the southern part of Fentress County and then you've got Fairfield Glade it's just north of there and again a lot of folks know that the name Fairfield Glade that's a big golfing community that is over there this storm right now is now pushing toward the east and getting ready to make its way near the the sunbright community and then pushing over toward parts of Scott County for us right now but it's this area of the storm that's just about to exit the newsChannel 5 viewing area but of course now the damage is done for many communities out there but again right there where you see got a Clark range and just north of Crossville here at this particular point this is our area of concern and you've got three counties there that are coming into play here so you've got Fentress County there and then right here where we see the brightest area that I just circled that is Cumberland County they are northeast of Crossville and getting ready to move out of the Cumberland County area back over in the east parts of East Tennessee and then make its way on the other side of the Cumberland Ridge and the Cumberland Plateau back into the valley of East Tennessee but those of you in northern parts of Cumberland County those of you in southern Fentress County although with this latest radar update just a sliver of southern Fentress County remaining in the the harm's way for us right now but it's just a couple of more communities there inside of Cumberland County force right now that we are watching I don't know if any streets will pop up here this far out but it's the Genesis community right now Genesis community then you get on the other side of the Cumberland County line those would be the Frankfort area back over around Howard's meal or Howard meal and up near Atkins meals so that's our big area concern right now with this storm system as it's making its way out of Cumberland County and getting ready to move on the other side of the Cumberland Plateau you know and power outage reports continue to come in we're gonna check in with Adam and Rory for more information on that in just a second I do have some information Jackson County being reported that the entire county is blacked out with zero power and Heather you have some additional information you know Mount Juliet was hit pretty hard and Mount Juliet Police Department actually just sent out an update and you can tell just by their wording how significant the impacts are they said our community has been impacted significantly we have multiple homes damaged and multiple injuries we have requested aid from allied agencies and we continue to search for those injured stay in your home if you can and watch but downed power lines so that was a direct comment that came from the Mount Juliet Police Department of course they are working at this hour to see those homes damaged to help with those who are potentially injured and of course we have crews there as well looking into that damage to and unfortunately more storms are working into that area so we're gonna get a quick look at the active warnings that we have in place the active storms that we have in place and then we're going to check in to get some additional information from Rory and Adams so the the storm that came through Benton County it had a tornado warning as that went through Benton County Houston and Humphreys County and Dixon the tornado warning lifted when the cell went through Cheatham County the tornado touched back down a powerful highly destructive tornado that's what we've been showing you the visuals of touched down near the Bordeaux area moved just through the north side of downtown so just north of Nissan Stadium into East Nashville you saw the damage from Matthew torrez's live shot boom Boz over towards Berger up it hugged I 40 as it went through the Mount Juliet area significant damage reported there they tracked all the way across Wilson County the tornado warning was lifted across central parts of Smith County but then it touched back down across Putnam County and at this point is now on the southern border of Fentress and Cumberland County this is potentially a significant not just tornado and strength but a long-track system and there are more storms on the backside of this so there is a severe thunderstorm warning in effect for southern parts of Jackson County and Putnam County this is going to run over areas that are hard hit this means power lines that have been weakened or trees that have been weakened or homes that have been damaged this may continue to damage those structures by bringing more wind more hail and the potential for flooding on the back side of it the storms that hug our Tennessee Kentucky border they are slowly contracting to the south that means everybody along i-40 you have another wave of thunderstorms coming through the severe thunderstorm that came out of parts of Humphreys County especially as it came out of Benton and Decatur that is now across central parts of Murray County it is not severe but it is packing a punch some quarter sized hail not impossible 60 mile-per-hour winds this is gonna work across southern areas which haven't even been touched by some storms tonight they still have ample ingredients ample fuel to work with and take a peak on the left side of your screen West Tennessee there are more storms developing there those are going to continue to slide into our western tier and so we are unfortunately not done with the severe weather threat as we head into the evening hours we're going to get a check with Adam and Rory I know countless reports power outages coming in let us know the latest yeah Bree we've been checking in with those crews Chris Conte out there Jason lamb Matthew Torres and we've seen in their video a lot of downed power lines and a lot of people are being evacuated right now because of possible gas leaks it's important to note if you are heading out and you see those power lines out you've got to stay away from those things because we're getting some big reports about 23,000 people here in Nashville without power Wilson County says over 4000 out as you look at the radar right here Cheatham County almost 10,000 people do not have power in the Montgomery County almost two thousand people those numbers are coming in to us we are updating them as they come in and as Heather said Mount Juliet pretty blacked out right now - I have a feeling those numbers are going to go up as the morning progresses Adam and I know where I was down in Williamson County obviously barely heard anything this was such an event that took place right through North Nashville some of the pictures that are coming in not only from our crews but on social media on to our website it's pretty frightening stuff it's obvious this damage is wide spread those utilities like you mentioned the gas lines folks have got to stay safe out there yeah this is one of those videos like you mentioned that is coming through on social media this is Madison East Nashville area we're looking at a possible funnel cloud in this video and of course we always ask you to send in your pictures and your video if you can if that's safe for you to do so pretty funny this is yeah this is one of the best yet that's as far as a clearly-defined funnel cloud there and as Bri just mentioned this thing went on and on and on and lasted quite a while it did and we've seen Germantown really hit pretty hard East Nashville hit pretty hard and over in Mel Julian we had some live video maybe we can pull it up in Wilson County from West Wilson middle school this is off of Mount Juliet Road and it's just been pretty devastated around that area too but as the Sun comes up you know in ours and we get a clearer picture but we're already seeing the destruction in the dark so that's pretty eerie when you know it's this bad and you can't even hardly see anything and both of us drove up from the south and I have to say it was pretty noticeable when you hit downtown right at about the state capitol coming up to the station you could see just debris start to blow into the street and the buildings where was a lot of debris and I noticed two folks and the weather folks have mentioned this stay in I noticed a number of cars that look like there were people just out driving around looking for to see some damage unless you're an emergency management worker stay in or a utility worker and obviously there's a lot of debris on the road and you know you can damage your car as well so it's safer just to stay away and let crews do their thing okay when I started this with a little bit of a couple of dates here in Nashville history March 14th 1933 tornado hits East Nashville April 16th 1998 tornado hits newschannel5 goes in the East Nashville March 3rd 2020 just north of downtown nashville germantown east nashville hit three huge days in nashville weather history and we're still just learning the aftermath of this because they said when the height comes up we'll know even more about damage that's out there especially as these additional storms continue to work over in an area that has just been savagely hard-hit tonight by the system that came through there were damage reports there were pictures of hail that came out of Benton County the size of softballs we don't usually get two and a half inch hail here in the Tennessee area these were massive hailstones that caused damage damage reports continue to come in from Benton County parts of Decatur County same thing through Hickman County and then when the rotation associated with that that caused damage to homes across the area we have heard reports I know we were just looking at a neighborhood in Donaldson this is a report on Twitter so we're working to confirm this the Stanford Estates area being quote totally destroyed I'm talking houses split completely in half and cars in pools this is again we're working to confirm these things but the the really the message that I would want to drive home is we're not done no we're not done and you know we've shown how power lines are across roads and they're not exactly the easiest to see the some of the visuals of destruction that we've shown are clearly quite obvious that something dangerous has happened there something was destroyed the power lines can be a little bit harder and that is so dangerous to drive across roadways gasps lots of folks reporting the smell of gas out there right now as you to continue to talk let's go live to Hermitage right now and you to continue to talk about what's up Heather you and I both experienced reports of just debris in the roadway and it's hard to see until you're right up on it absolutely driving in I know I once this tornado warning happened I immediately got up and head into the station and it was very hard to get through damage at some point as we are going into downtown so this is a look from Hermitage at damage that is out there this is just one of many scenes that we have out there do we have Mike to speak with ice hello hey Mike Rose I know you're here yeah okay so I'm on a general Drive this isn't Donaldson this is the Stanford Estates neighborhood this is two three houses down from mine I'm at the corner of downing Mead and Jenn we drive major major major damage all throughout the neighborhood let me gain up here a little bit so this is one house this in my neighbor Paul Brewer lives here we'll talk to him in a second and then just next door this house right here completely leveled this is just within a quarter mile of where I live I haven't gone much further beyond this but the smell of gas is high the fire department have come through twice now a police officer has gone house-to-house to verify that there that everybody survived and so far I'm unaware of any casualties and I talked to a firefighter who verified that at least kind of in this neighborhood right now but emergency officials are kind of going house-to-house just to kind of you know verify that that everything is okay let me see if I can catch up with with some of my neighbors here if you could hear us while you're all right in there go ahead while you're walking if you can hear me we're also getting reports and had some pictures sent to us on social media that Donelson Christian Academy which is I know very close to that neighborhood was also potentially damaged have you heard from any officials who are on the ground right there with you that the school has also been impacted with this not yet it's two to three streets over for me I've just not had a chance to kind of walk down there the whole neighborhood is is pitch black there's only one street in and out of the neighborhood but I'll try to find that out but but so my wife and I were woken by our cell phones and the alarms going off on her cell phones and ran down to the basement and hid and a little cellar concrete cellar and we could just hear loud thumping everywhere and I mean they're just there's there's a pair of oak trees 250 years old completely gone I mean just just unbelievable damage let me show you this war another house the gas has just been cut off to this house and the the gentleman that lives here actually plays a trumpet for this the Nashville Symphony and is his wife they're about to get married in 13 days she dug through the rubble and was able to pull his trumpet out but look at this I mean just completely gone it's just heartbreaking heartbreaking to see all this all this damage so again the emergency responders just doing the best that they can they're being pulled in a thousand different directions here they are taking off again they're just kind of checking for gas leaks cutting off the gas where they can cutting off the water there's power lines down everywhere so quite a mess but again the good news doesn't sound like there's any casualties or any injuries at least kind of within the quarter mile radius of where I've been for the past hour and a half and that's great to hear especially with these things in the middle of the night that's always the most dangerous part of this as far as people are concerned are de c.v or asleep don't know what's up this is a midnight or after storm and the injury so far are not fear we hope it remains that way after we get to first light you know and it just it intensified so quickly when the storm crossed into the Western Davidson County border it the the signature blossomed so fast the National Weather Service quickly indicating to us this was as Henry went out on the back and could see it you could hear you could hear that sort of locomotive type noise to it tornadoes are confirmed by the damage once it is surveyed by the National Weather Service but just from radar and just from the visual reports they're already estimating it's possible this could be an ef3 tornado that would have wind speeds in excess of 165 miles per hour possible with that storm as it came through and I think what's most remarkable about it as well as just the length of time yes that this was on the ground and how incredibly strong it was and the damage that continues to come in I mean it truly it looks like buildings have been split apart yeah to put that in perspective ninety-eight tornado downtown Nashville ef-1 East Nashville in the 98 tornado and ef3 so we've gotten Moll Hyder who is that he's at North Nashville I don't think he's too far from my TSU we see damaging behind us tell us where you're at and what you're seeing moe hey Lew yeah this is TS use campus someone ed temple Boulevard just right outside the accent or where the AG center was just take a look right behind me I spoke to the President and also the chief of staff of the University they do say this is one of the oldest buildings just look at the roof you can see holes on both sides and nearly half of it is damaged just an indication a strong indication rather of how strong that this tornado was that just occurred and I want to show you this look further down here this is a chicken crew and again this is what they use to house a lot of farming equipment a lot of things for their equestrian program and for other animals as well this is a chicken crew right over here you can see the walls of that even bent over even this piece of it here snapped off and also bent over and a lot of trash of it to my right but something I really want to show you just walk down with me just bear with me it's a little dark out here also just started raining but if you go over here you can see a lot of the equipment and a lot of the siding from the inside just flew here across the field as well so many pieces of equipment trash remnants all sorts of rubble and the field this about just about say about 50 yards away next to the ACT facility here and you can see again pieces pieces of the fence some siding also piece of the gutter lots of trash a lots of rubble as well again this is the AG facility that they do have on campus so again it's one of the older buildings here from what the president does tell us so they house a lot of equipment when it comes to horses and other animals you can see this seems like some sort of a fence or a cage as well this is also bent over pretty much broken as well if it looks to my right over here you can also see looks like parts of the indoors that was from from there as well it also bent over destroyed and looks like it's gonna be a take a long time to clean up I spoke to the chief of staff she does issue once a lot of this gone by this week she's being a little she says she is optimistic that they can get this taken care of but again they have never seen anything like this and from what they have told me and they do say that what they're thankful for is that a lot of students are not in students rather not in session because of the break they're gonna go check out the dorms and the other facilities to make sure there are okay they do have some people in there but again class is not in session so they're thankful no one was hurt another thing also the odor of the gas is also very strong and very unbearable here at the time being but from we're also being told no one who lives in this area was hurt we'll send it back over to you guys all right Thank You mo so again report they're out of the North Nashville area over near TSU an update we do have the tornado watch that has now been expanded in the area so again as we've talked about damage and the at least the severity of the problem not over just yet no it's not we still have more storms to get through tonight this new tornado watch that has been expanded is going to last until six o'clock in the morning so we need to continue to keep a watchful eye on these storms over the next several hours of course we do have Rory and Adam who are also in with us this morning they have been keeping a very close eye on damage that has been reported around the area what's some new information that you guys have well our producer just told us in her ear from Nashville fire we're getting reports of 40 structure collapses at least so far that they're responding to this morning we have some news for you out of john c thun airport significant damage there because of this severe weather earlier this morning and there are no reports of any injuries that were getting in right now but several hangars there have been destroyed power lines are down and they're seeing just really in the interest of safety the public should avoid the John C to an airport until further notice because the airport authority there they've activated an emergency operation center to try to coordinate this response yeah and absolutely the EOC not surprisingly emailing us just moments ago Adam they are partially activating the Emergency Operations Center in response to the damage I'll read to you what they wrote to us that representatives from om Asheville Fire Department the mayor's office Police Department Davidson County Sheriff's Metro water services stormwater I could go on and on it's all of the major utilities are gathering in the EOC to monitor damage reports and respond to emergency calls around the county this is something we know these guys train for all the time but this is a huge event with the amount of damage structure damage you know we we just hear that that there are structure collapses that's those are strong words at least forty right now so this is pretty extensive and it's going to test the mettle of emergency responders absolutely and as we were outside earlier this evening emergency response crews just everywhere you look with their lights and sirens on and you can hear those tornado sirens still going out and this is why you're just waking up with this this is a look at that funnel cloud we're getting this to us from Madison that Madison East Nashville area and if you are just joining us this morning if you miss them really the heart of it earlier what we're hearing is or what we know is about 12:30 people started to hear those sirens as that tornado touched down in the Bordeaux area it started to pass north toward Germantown really took a hard hit there in Germantown a lot of people out on the street right now they've been evacuated because of possible gas leaks in the area and the farmers market downtown that is turned into a shelter right now yeah they are working to prepare a shelter at the farmers market Chris Conte just texted me and said hundreds being evacuated in quotes in East Nashville right now I'm sorry in the Germantown area where he is Matthew Torres is in East Nashville right now and understand he's live with one of the councilmen Brett withers who represents that area obviously a pretty shocking sight for him as well Matthew definitely is shocking for everyone to be here you see them in their PJs they're stepping out of their homes just to see the devastation behind us we're here on Woodland Street near South tenth just across from burger up where it is destroyed pretty much councilmember Bret withers with me right now first off how are you doing what was your experience like through really what she seemed to be a very fast moment it wasn't fast moment fortunately where I live I'm okay I'm little bit north of the Five Points area proper so my house was okay I was able to get through it okay then I began seeing on social media from folks that I knew down in this area that needed help so I've decided to head down in what is the latest update as far as which are hearing here as far as injuries number of structures destroyed or damaged there are a lot of structures that are very damaged as you can see I haven't heard of any serious injuries in the Five Points area I'm still getting updates as they come in mainly I'm really grateful that there aren't any more injuries because a lot of the bars and five points in particular we're still open at the time that that happens so some of the bar owners were able to work to get their customers to the safest location they could we did have some minor injuries that seems like from glass popping out of the bars what's next now I know we heard the shelter at the farmer smoke market on Rosa Parks Boulevard anything as we're speaking actually the gusts of winds just really coming through anything any plans for the East Nashville folks out here I don't know but I think we might need emergency shelter over here but it's just really difficult right now for emergency responders to know even how to direct people to get through this area safely what is your main concern at this point just making sure everyone is safe and and really encourage people to get to a safe place and stay in a safe place until the morning when it's when you can see what lines are down there things like that you don't want to get an accidental injury I know we're still exploring this five points area from outside of the woodland Street area what have you seen describe the damage that you were able to witness I'm still like I said right here in five points itself just a lot of damaged businesses with roofs gone houses severely damaged Main Street has large trucks that have been turned over in the street I'm also hearing from further out into a lock on Springs proper that there's more damage but I haven't been able to get down there just yet the folks are here in this area very tight-knit community as East Nashville has become no how do you think you guys will get through this and what kind of ways do you think you'll be able to get past all of this you know East Nashville has been through this before it's what some of my friends that I came to check on we're here for the 98 tornado and so they're like Oh you know so I this community will come through we've got a lot of a good spirit and camaraderie over here folks are using social media I think very responsibly I did chicken on each other and share information so all of that helps perfect and we'll make sure to stay in touch with you in case information does change whatever may come about really within the next few hours or for the next 24 hours for that matter this latest here but we'll send things back over to you thank you Thank You Matthew absolutely devastation there for people who know and love that area we're getting some new information right now we're seeing a big response in Lebanon on lethal pike and s r109 we have a crew working on that to get some more information but a big response right there at levo pike in state route 109 you know that area out in Wilson County it's pretty big busy exit there on 109 you can go north up into Gallatin and right there along the highway is leavel pike runs parallel with with i-40 and they're reporting just like you said a big police response there are some fast-food restaurants and some gas stations right there clustered so hopefully everyone's okay and we were just mentioning this remarkably so far no reports we're gonna knock on wood of major injuries which is remarkable considering the heavily populated areas that this potential tornado hit and as you can see from all these lights this is a live look of the area we were just telling you about this is leavel pikin sr 109 a lot of trucks you see right here big response from police and emergency response crews there and this is a live look at it for you and we talked about the time of this tornado first touching down just after midnight around 12:30 that's one of the really dangerous times because people are at home a lot of people are asleep and that's that's well this house you really want to get that early alert to people starting in our early newscasts yesterday our meteorologists warned everyone about this being a nighttime event and how dangerous and Bri earlier was saying you know keep a weather radio your phone turned up and hopefully a lot of people did get that alert and get that warning a couple of things some landmark buildings we've seen reports of them damaged in East Nashville including the basement east music venue which is so popular there's a lot of damage there and obviously a lot of damage in Germantown where Chris Conte has showed us firsthand chris says that emergency response teams they are going door-to-door right now checking on people a lot of people evacuated there Chris as there's a smell of gas in the areas and possible gas leaks right Adam that is part of the problem out here as the rain has started falling on us once again kind of adding insult to injury will give you a better idea of just kind of the damage that we're talking about here in Germantown one thing we do want to note though as we have been mentioning all morning here there are a few hundred residents I'm gonna guess here in Germantown who do not have a place to go right now there are a number of these massive apartment apartment complexes that have popped up here that are uninhabitable and I do not say that lightly it is hard to see right now in the dark but the tops of these apartment buildings have been ripped off and they are not safe for people to be in we have been watching as first responders have been out here with their stretchers trying to get people who we've heard have been trapped out here in Germantown give you a better idea of just kind of where we are this is dice man I don't know if you can kind of give folks a better idea of what we're looking at here I don't know if you've ever been to Geist it's a very popular bar and restaurant here in Germantown you can see when those winds came through around 12:30 we 12:45 just the sheer magnitude of the power of what happened here the entire brick facade on the front of this building was just torn off and thrown to the ground half of the building is actually kind of fallen over here Dan watch out there's a there's a metal piece behind you here one thing that we have just kind of seen as we've been walking around and we'll take you show you some of these buildings is that Lorie I know we were talking about not people not wanting to be out that obviously we all want folks out right now kind of just gawking and looking at this but one thing that I've actually started to realize is a lot of people that we have seen or out just don't have anyplace to go again there were hundreds of people inside this apartment complex that fourth and Jefferson that there is just the sprinkler systems have been torn apart and there is just water cascading down into this building as the fire alarms are going off here we have heard a few report some people that were trapped and which is why there's a little bit of activity going on but again if you are in the Germantown area we've seen a lot of people wandering around with suitcases trying to find someplace to go the best advice that we can give to folks right now as we approach 3 o'clock in the morning is if you can and you need someplace to get to head to the farmers market that is where they're setting up the temporary shelter for folks I have seen people with their pets there so if you have a dog or another animal with you the assumption can only be made right now that because this is such a fluid situation that is unfolding so rapidly go ahead and take your pets with you but again if you see down powerlines out here in Germantown stay away from them it is when the Sun comes up and we are truly able to see the magnitude of the damage out here it is going to be profound and I do not say that lightly this is the kind of damage that is going to take months if not a year for this part of Nashville to come back from that is how powerful this tornado was when it came through about two hours ago now John all right good morning everybody we are back live here in the weather center Heather methods Bri Smith and myself we are continuing to follow this I will just say this Wilson County Schools are out today it's an election day but you just brought it up with an important information that you just got from your mom concerning West Wilson middle right so a lot of people were supposed to vote at West Wilson middle school tomorrow it is Super Tuesday so people are well I guess it is this morning it's 3 o'clock in the morning now these students have been going on for some time but there is some question I'm sure for people who are supposed to vote tomorrow where do we go if those buildings have been damaged so much damage to get through once the Sun comes up and to really see how bad that is Wes Wilson middle school we have reports of in video of damage to that school also seeing some reports in the Donaldson area that potentially Donaldson Christian Academy was also damaged so we're working to get more information on that now we still have more storms unfortunately to get through through the morning time through sunrise we will have these storms that are currently in West Tennessee working across the area so I do want to give an update for folks who do live along in north by 40 the tornado watch has been extended now to include all of the counties that you see there in that red color and that goes until 6:00 a.m. so areas that were already hard-hit more storms are on the way that will hamper any type of recovery efforts to start to clean up of course that will hamper anyone who maybe is out of a house as Chris mentioned there were several people evacuated who don't have a sturdy structure to be in you do need to think of where you're going to go from this point as more strong storms are coming in of course this is a look from our radar you can already see there is at least one severe thunderstorm warning ongoing in the Madison County area that's where Jackson Tennessee is located right along i-40 and these will be tracking eastward as we head throughout the morning time our host of schools are out today because of Election Day Metro Nashville is actually scheduled to begin I have actually texted a couple of times with dr. Adrienne battle and I can tell you this as of right now they are working they are meeting to decide a plan for the day so Metro Nashville schools parents teachers stay tuned the administration dr. battle and her team are looking at the situation right now and will have an update on their plans coming up will say within the hour or so but again that is for Metro Nashville many of the other schools like Sumner and Wilson are out today due to the fact that it is an election day Super Tuesday and just another date in history February 5 February 5th 2008 a Super Tuesday outbreak of tornadoes including Nashville and Tennessee on that day in 2008 yeah I just want to give folks an update I zoomed our radar into this particular thunderstorm that is just south of the Nashville area thankfully the hardest rain with this the heaviest rain the lightning is just south of the area that was hit by this possible tornado in his East Nashville and in parts of Wilson County but we are still seeing at least the northern edge of this thunderstorm where we do have some light to even moderate rain right along Highway 70 right along highway 40 or interstate 40 there into Wilson County so this is not a severe thunder storm warning thankfully but this is a thunderstorm that we are watching move eastward the worst of it is not near the area of damage but we have gotten some reports at least of some smaller hail around Williamson County in Franklin this is pushing into Rutherford County some mirna Murfreesboro and then will eventually work its way over to parts of DeKalb County as well looking over towards Woodbury Smithville and then even down towards McMinnville this particular cell is just ahead of that main line that we were talking about that still over into West Tennessee but if you are out you know family members who are dealing with some damage in East Nashville in Wilson County and it's raining where they're at the good news is that they don't need to be concerned at the moment of anything being strong to severe right now they just have rain showers there the worst of that thunderstorm is to the south of them but I know it will probably give people a scare once they start to see some of the rain coming down and they can probably see off into the distance the thought of the lightning the thunder as well I do want to take a live view remind me again Aaron in my ear where we're gonna be taking this live view from of potential power lines that are down that you had just mentioned this is john c thun airport at near judgment he was trying to get over to tune to co because we did have reports of damage potentially there at the airport but was unable I believe leland bre to get there right yeah because of these power lines so Henry had at you he left around 1:30 1:45 to try to get to this location and power lines being down is a significant problem across the area the hail damage as well and you can see crews working really hard you know I think there's two components to that it's the safety risk with power lines potentially gas leaks across the area structures that are not sound but also assessing the damage and starting to to make sure that no one is trapped and making sure that folks have been assured to a safer place you mentioned Chris or a Chris mentioned earlier about how folks are just walking around stunned you know this was a terrifying night and it is still storming in some spots we don't have active tornado warnings but we have had mass Hale across the area tonight clearly you see the Lightning illuminating the back of this shot and it is starting to rain now very heavy there's quite a bit of lightning right on top of areas that are already hard-hit and that is terrifying for folks that are waking up to a scene that they don't recognize definitely so and as you can see the air lights are out we at the station are on generator power and actually something that we did following the flood of 2010 when we put power in at the station and stay on there is no electricity around us at the moment with lights out street lights out it's hard to see those power lines until you're right up on them Heather and I had a couple of our detours to get into the station and even on those detours no power lines that were down but there was debris in the roadway and again you couldn't see it and feel right up on it so if you don't have to go anywhere near in the downtown area or in East Nashville Germantown North Nashville stay put till daylight and then we'll get more information out to you on that we want to go out to eric hilt he is in the Donaldson area this is another area in particular that we have heard several homes have been damaged Eric tell us where you are in the Donaldson community and what you're seeing we're on downing me drive right now and you can see there are crews here working and and we've heard those same reports of houses being leveled but I want to show you we haven't been able to see those for ourselves because look at this right in the middle of the road on downing me drive this tree blocking the entire Road making this road impassable we're being told on the other side of this road houses have been destroyed houses have been leveled we talked to some folks who live back there who have been coming back around this tree they say their house is gone we talked with one woman who said this area is no stranger to storms they've seen storms come through before she's lived here for years and this is the worst one they have ever seen another thing that we noticed right when we got into this neighborhood is when we stepped out of our car we smelled gas and that's something that neighbors say crews have been telling them to get out of this neighborhood to find somewhere else to go because they are concerned about those gas lines but again that we're being told that there are houses that have been leveled by the storm just on the other side of this tree on this side of the tree where we're at we're seeing some of those same things that are being reported across the Metro trees down you can see right over here a power line down and that's one of the other dangers because as you see it is dark here the street lights out the power out in this neighborhood it's hard to see that debris in the road and those power lines in the road as these people who are living in this neighborhood are at this point trying to find some place to go as their houses are badly damaged or they're being evacuated by these crews that have been out here for most of the night we're going to keep monitoring this and and keep up with these families but we're gonna go ahead and where are we sending it right now Aaron will go ahead and send it right back to the studio uh from dock yeah Eric thanks and thanks to all our crews who are out there we want you to be as safe as possible because there are so many power lines of how many of our reporters in different areas Adam have we heard them say the smell of gas is out there so we have obviously broken gas lines utilities are down could be live power wires everybody just be really careful speaking of people are looking for a place to stay Mount Juliet has told us they're setting up a shelter at Victory Baptist Church that's at 1777 Tate Lane one 777 Tate Lane the victory Baptist Church in Mount Juliet that's the first of I have a feeling gonna be many more shelters right yeah with so many structures impacted by this and another this is such a Nashville thing we were seeing on social media there people on Twitter right now posting if you need a place to go if you need a place to stay I have beds available for you you know I come to my house because as they mentioned our weather team we have a tornado watch right now we're in the heart of this we also have a shelter set up here downtown we have one at the farmers market for people at Germantown really impacted by this they're heading out to the farmers market we want to check in with Kyle Horan who is live it we don't have Kyle right now actually but Kyle is at Nashville's shelter we're going to check it with him coming up in just a little bit the guys as we go back to you at the weather desk just watching the damage and seeing this is it possible that after it initially touched down in Bordeaux that it could have picked up speed and power or in an urban area is that absolutely yeah you know and we saw that tonight the storm when it was in areas west so when this cell was in Benton County it was moving around 25 miles per hour and then when it got into western parts of Davidson County the forward speed picked up to 45 miles per hour when it was in Wilson County picked up to 55 miles per hour and then I went back down to 45 so not just the forward speed of the storm system but the but the strength of that tornado especially when it reified in western Davidson County when it came down and it roared it absolutely roared through the downtown area and just continued to churn as it went I was about to walk out the door and was was watching you and Henry and saw that hook echo and it started to develop a bit more over in the West out of town and at that point I texted the both of you and said I'm gonna let this hook up echo get past I 65 a little bit past downtown and then we saw what happened with that particular storm but yeah definitely intensifying as it made its way across Davidson County say it was so quick the way it happened because when the rotation weekend across Cheatham County there was nothing there you know and we stayed with it because we knew that it could have the chance to intensify and like you said once that hook started to drop it dropped so fast and it wasn't just how quickly it developed it was how quickly it intensified mm-hm I mean that's really evident just from the damage that's happening across the area that cell tracked its entire way across Wilson County even into Putnam County significant damage reports have come out of Putnam County tonight this is an important thing to know if you are hearing thunder outside especially if you've suffered damage tonight there is still a significant area of thunderstorms across the area but there is zero tornado warnings in effect and our tornado threat is going down it's not zero yet but it is going down a bigger concern with these thunderstorms they're not severe but they are packing some 50 mile-per-hour winds and the potential for pea-sized hail and with weakened structures collapsed structures damage to homes damage to trees power lines down power lines weakened you put some 50 mile-per-hour wind gusts on a city that has just been brutally hit tonight and that may bring more down so you might have seen an area outside your home or have pictures of someone that that was able to show you some images of what the what the breadth of the damage is but then as this next round comes through it might get worse so just even more reason that we continue to encourage you to stay inside let us show you what this storm has done to Nashville let the first responders do the work that they need to do as far as what's happening right now this entire cluster of storms is moving mainly due east there's a little bit of a southerly jog to it and I expect this entire line will slowly over the next three to four hours sinks south through the Nashville area and we'll continue to see more storms with it now this arc of storms that's congealing together that will continue to morph into one large thunderstorm complex ahead of it this lone thunderstorm this was the one that heather was telling you about earlier so it came out of the Franklin area it was actually in Hickman County and then went into Williamson County now the most vigorous part of the storm is in north central parts of Rutherford County so it's closer to Murfreesboro this is also moving due west this will eat up some of these severe weather ingredients that are out there so the storms on the backside may have a little less to work with but what that also means is it's going to enhance the flood threat because this heavy rain continues to move over areas that have seen round after round for what has been going on six to seven straight hours of pouring rain incredibly large hail tornadoes and damaging wind that's going to clog drains you add just the intensity of the rainfall to that we could see some more flooding concerns tonight so this line here that stretches from kandan through Clarksville so this is Benton County through Houston and Humphreys County that's where we had the tornado warning initially tonight when it came out of Benton Houston and Humphreys through Dixon this is not a tornadic storm but it is a strong storm it's moving at 50 miles per hour to east so here's a timing or at least a storm track on the leading edge of this system waverly 318 so that's right now Springfield 326 Goodlettsville just after 4:00 a.m. in general it's going to be right on top of that i-65 corridor around 4:00 to 4:30 in the morning that's going to be your last chance for strong to severe storms tonight that's going to be as a lot of folks are waking up to what has happened the overnight hours as well scattered storms continue across our northern tier right near that Kentucky border Jackson Overton County significant power power outages reported across Jackson County same thing in the Rickman area a Putnam County things should be mostly quiet now you might hear a few rumbles up to the north but conditions have quieted they won't stay that way this entire line is gonna continue to sag further to the south and at the southeast and we'll continue to see waves of storms over the next few hours so I'm going to put this in motion because I think it's really gonna tell a good story of just how this storm system is evolving so these thunderstorms definitely more of an easterly component to their movement but there's just an ever so slow sag to the south so this has to clear our entire southern counties which didn't have any thunderstorms tonight which means that the area the air there there's a lot of instability owes a lot of ingredients to work with yes even the thunderstorms that are running over the areas that were already hit there's still enough instability there's still enough fuel even in the overnight hours that these storms are still packing a punch and I think that's what so we're markeloff about these storms today that we could see such strong thunderstorms during the overnight period as so many people are asleep as people are going to be waking up this morning with this new line of storms that will be moving eastward of course we've seen damage from all across the area here I only imagine we will continue to get more reports just an update out of Fentress County this just came through from emergency managers there they say they don't have self service in the area of Clarke Grange Lila that's where you were tracking that potential tornado near Fentress County but the good news is that they say they don't have any major damage there with that particular cell and as that came out of Cookeville where there were some reports of potential injuries and also buildings that were damaged they're about to go over to Adam and Rory for a look at some live look with damage but do want to share a couple of pictures that have come in we've heard several reports out of Donaldson these have come in via either my Facebook page or the station social media pages if you can do it safely do it we recommend just stay at home and we'll get you information this is from the Donaldson Hills community this is a report we've had out of the Donaldson Christian Academy this may be the elementary school from one report off of a social media and then this is from cozy Hayslip who I said this is Donny me drive in Nashville he said that was actually his childhood home so those are some of the reports that are coming in right now more on the way as we get to daylight but again we've got crews everywhere right now and I know Rory and Adam have been in contact with them so we'll go back to them for a couple more live shots on what some of our reporters are seeing around the city right now yeah actually Leland we have some video that we want to show at these photos and videos are coming in non-stop we appreciate it this is a midtown near st. Thomas Medical Center as this storm moved through and we're seeing similar videos like this come in where you can with the lightning flashes you can really see a funnel cloud there and a lot of unfortunately power outages and explosions you could see power lines dropping all the time yeah some really incredible video coming and everybody's got their smartphone their cell phone close by so we're getting some interesting perspective from really every angle we also want to get to West Wilson middle school we have a live look there right now and we guess we're getting some new information from Wilson County's EMA they say there are sporadic major damage in the swath along the entire length of I 40 they're in their County from the Davidson County line all the way to the Smith County line just that whole spread right there along Interstate 40 they're going to update everyone as they continue to get get more information as we work toward daylight in several hours but there is a shelter set up right now we want to let you know in Mount Juliet it's a victory Baptist Church at 1777 Tate Lane so if you have been impacted and you can get to that shelter safely it's at 1777 Tate Lane that's Victory Baptist Church all right we now want to move back into Nashville Kyle Herron is set up live at the downtown emergency shelter we talked about this at the farmers market it's a pretty big space and it looks like it's getting filled in Kyle yeah I'm at the Nashville farmers market right now they've got water for people here but as you can see there's actually quite a few people here right now they're coming from local apartment complexes Germantown was hit pretty hard we just walked through there a lot of the apartment complex had their windows blown out and I'm seeing people here in socks there are some people here that live underneath homeless underneath the Jefferson Street bridge they said they were intense when this tornado hit them nearly directly and they had to hold onto all their things tents we're getting blown around over there but I want you guys to meet some people that I just talked to a little bit ago this is Brandis and Amanda right here they were in the VESA apartments right downtown and kind of tell me when you realize something was wrong it's the we and heart heard the wind and got the alarms on our phones and immediately got up and knocked on my roommates store and we just sprinted out of the building and out of our room and so running down the hallway the feeling is just caving in just breathe everywhere and water it's just pouring from the feeling and like waterfalls always here the top floor and this was just caving in while you guys were running out of the building did you guys go to the steps just run down this we surrend it down the stairwells people were banging on doors trying to alarm people to get out quickly that it was on us at that moment and if we just went down to the stairwell and just said have you have you seen your apartment complex what does it look like coming outside there are ceiling the rooftop is missing on part of the building we went into our room to grab some shoes and we don't have a door on our building there's no windows it's it's really bad Amanda you're actually chew this right now because you just you had to run out of bed right yeah so I just in my pajamas thankfully breena's cats made to grab my phone and just ran not too far so she brought me some scary stranger stop and give me socks to wear glad you guys are okay as you can see there's a lot of people here right now if you're watching this somehow people have a place to go this is where everyone's being told to go to if their apartments were destroyed or if they lost the windows or they just weren't sure where to go this is the downtown emergency shelter where they're letting people in they're having people sign in and they've got water that type of thing for people here so we're gonna keep monitoring the situation down here we'll let you know if anything changes for now reporting live Catherine newsChannel five all right we're getting some brand new information from metro police to now confirmed dead in East Nashville we know that was a area that was really hit hard by this that's brand-new to us from Metro Nashville police too dead in East Nashville and when you see this damage out there it's horrible to think of what it could be well especially I mean we're talking some of the most densely heavily populated areas especially over the last five ten years these areas like Germantown and Salem town have been built up and so many people live there in those apartments as we just saw they're trickling over to the farmers market Chris Conte showing us the damage it's it it's been a frightening evening for a lot of people and I just have to say ironically as Leyland was talking about some of the history of the Super Tuesday tornadoes we're coming up on the 10-year anniversary of the Nashville flood and the group hands on Nashville is actually doing a ten thousand for ten they call it ten trying to get 10,000 volunteers together after tonight we're all gonna have to pay attention because those groups like that those nonprofits are going to need so much help to help our neighbors absolutely an earlier brie was saying as these storms as you see right here they continue to move across our area in addition to this tornado problem that we've had overnight in more severe storms the issue we're facing now you're saying there could be some flooding issue as these storms move through right now so there was a flash flood warning in effect for Davidson County it was allowed to expire just about seven minutes ago but as this final batch of heavy rain does start to work towards Davidson County there is going to be some concern for that and I mentioned it's twofold there's been a significant amount of rainfall across the area but there's also because of the damage that may be blocking some drains I mentioned the hail earlier and we've got countless pictures this was one that was sent in so this was the tornado warned south when it went through Benton County so this was in Camden there you see the hail stone at least half dollar size it does there was a baseball sized hail that came through it we just got a report Metro Schools has decided to close tomorrow so Metro schools now closed for Tuesday the threat for severe weather is unfortunately not entirely done with us just yet here's a look at the radar Chris Conte was just sending me some messages saying how is it still raining out there and I know that that's got to be a sentiment that a lot of people are really struggling with how is it still storming this is a look at the leading edge of storms that's going to be impacting Nashville there are a few spotty showers and storms down there but this area out to the west that's in southern parts of Montgomery County and Dixon County so from Clarksville down to Dixon that's the strongest cell that will impact Davidson between now and the Sun coming up 50 mile per hour winds and pea-sized hail we have had a few reports of pea-sized hail in Rutherford County so down towards Murfreesboro here's a look at the timing on that again we're about a half an hour away from the strongest part of what's left making it into Nashville shortly after 4 o'clock in the morning this will push into parts of Sumner County Hendersonville Gallatin and then towards areas that were just incredibly hard-hit all along i-40 through Wilson County Lebanon 433 Hartsville 436 this line of storms as I mentioned not severe but it's it's it's very strong you know and the thing is is there I'm sure or so many people who are outside right now who are looking at the damage in their neighborhood potentially to their own homes and there is going to be that want to look around to try to get as much as you can done start doing some cleaning even though it's dark outside but here's the thing you do not need to be inside of a home that has been damaged right now we have storms that are on the way you saw from that truck that BRE just showed you that you only have about 30 minutes in Nashville before heavy rain Lightning is in your area yet again these storms are not severe but you don't need to be outside when they actually push back the process vitsin County in Wilson County area several shelters have been open we have a look at those shelters that Rory and Adam have been mentioning all throughout the morning we are now listing those at the bottom of your screen if you can get to one of those shelters we have one downtown at the farmers market we have another church along Tates Lane and Mount Juliet that has also been opened you need to get somewhere where you can get out of the elements for a little while while these storms pass you and then once they do and the Sun comes back up that's when you are free and clear to get back outside and look at the damage around your neighborhood and potentially around your home we do want to go back out live again remind me where which reporter that we have that were so Matthew Torres Torres is there he has been in East Nashville all morning and Matthew some very heart-wrenching news coming in that now two people have been confirmed killed in this tornado there Heather we we heard it through you guys there in the newsroom complete shock to be honest I think so far we've heard from people being hurt we even heard from councilman Brett withers who at that point they didn't think anyone was seriously hurt but the fact that now that two people are confirmed dead just really makes this whole situation it weighs down heavy on you but in the meantime though we're here on Main Street just in front of this real estate business where currently we have the business owner and his friends and just workers boarding up the windows right now the cleanup effort clearly already underway they say this is just a time to protect their belongings protect that whatever is inside the window to this building was blown out and shattered and with me right now is actually the the gentleman who owns this business first off broker but yeah how are you doing and what do you guys plan to do right now we're just trying to get this we have broken windows but this one is shattered out we're just trying to get that one secured so that we don't miss any files or have anything more damaged and and keep it from any more weather getting in there you told me earlier this is the East Nashville way folks already coming together already trying to reach out to you to volunteer for sure Griffin is a Travis as an agent here but Griffin is a neighbor and a friend friend of mine and he just immediately got in this car and came up here to and brought the wood and said let's let's build a fence so we're just gonna put this fence up real quick and and be protected but that's just how he's natural is that's one of the reasons why we like someone over here and living over here it's an eerie sight to see that there's no power it is blacked out here in the fact that two people are now confirmed that it just adds the gravity of this whole situation it's it's it's crazy and sad to hear that and definitely keep those people in our prayers and and just have gratitude for the fact that we're okay the road looks like a war zone and it's not anything that we're used to seeing around here it's it's very sad that there's that much damage but we'll come back from it this side of town always does thank you so much I'm glad you're safe he is he described this is Main Street this is normally a really busy area of East Nashville just picking up the light here as we continue to walk down the street he described it as a war zone because really at this point police and other crews have been blocking this now compared to how it was maybe two hours ago when folks are trying to navigate around all of the mess but I would just want to keep walking down further to the towards downtown Jimmy here on Main Street you can see as I'm carrying this light just to point to all the damage that we have seen as we get closer down here I'm not clearly sure what was of this structure over here but all the beams and all the metal parts to this have just been tangled and I just wedged in altogether just next to this salon again here on Main Street just across from Jim fied again the gravity of this situation you can see just how strong Mother Nature was and the strong winds just knocked all of this down I want to say this was what appeared to potentially be a billboard of some sort as we go cross or around here again councilman Bret withers who we spoke to earlier especially down on Woodland Street near the Five Points area advising folks to just stay clear because of all the downed power lines not as much as we're seeing here but it's really all the debris that's blocking the road this is really the main concern at this point again police have been blocking this road which is why it's a little bit empty now compared to two hours earlier it's eerie as someone described it like an apocalypse no one is around here it is dark and I want to point to this building over here it looks like it was a condo apartment building you see that chunk on that roof just crumbled just gone for that matter and if we go across the street Jamie I'm going to Jim five here on Main Street we see some folks cleaning up it seems like also the windows have been blown out I looks like it's just uh when you take everything in it kind of takes your breath away and unfortunately not in a good way so we have emergency crews down here I just want to point out as they are still blocking this road you see the backdrop of downtown over there we are told as you keep going down that's when it gets pretty bad this is one of the gyms I here on Main Street are you guys okay no one was hurt or anything right no so that's what we've been hearing at least here on Main Street no one was was hurt I want to see if I can talk to this fire chief potentially let's see if we can get any information from this hello sir Matthew with newschannel5 how are things going we heard two people have been confirmed yeah okay got it well thank you I appreciate it okay thank you again as we get more information we'll make sure to pass that along we'll send it back over to you Wow Matthew thank you so much and this photo just came in Adam of chief Anderson huddled with the other emergency responders in the Emergency Operations Center which we mentioned was partially activated yes they're busy working right now on these these emergency efforts here in Nashville as two are confirmed dead so far in East Nashville and we have Moe Haider who is live right now at TSU force mo you spoke with the president there a little earlier what are you seeing on the ground okay so you can hit Mike right there we are you know live in these really destructed areas so our crews are trying to stay safe as well as they work with their equipment there we're gonna keep checking in with them to get those reports from the ground but each one of our you know we talked to worried each one of our reporters that are in the field they're kind of seeing the same scene at different parts of town as far as heavy smell of gas in the area lots of debris on the ground a lot of people being forced out of their homes because of either those gas leaks or because exposure yeah and you don't want to use the cliche but you know when they say it looks like a war zone that's what they're walking into right now all right real quickly guys 3:30 in the morning 337 the headlines are that three hours ago at about 12:30 a obviously pretty strong apparent tornado touched down in the Bordeaux area and just started ripping through heavily populated areas through German in East Nashville two people dead and Metro schools closed tomorrow and we're not going to even know yet the impact on voting for Super Tuesday today I should say as the day progresses yeah we're getting those updated totals for you but right now the fire department says they're reporting to at least 40 structures that have just completely collapsed right here in Nashville and we want to check in with our weather team because we know a lot of times we see that line come through Middle Tennessee and after that the threat is gone and the storms are kind of out of here after that strong line goes through but this one seems a little different because it's still clustered all around us as far as severe weather yeah we've got more than we are watching so a radar update is on the way but just to note too that Davidson County Metro schools will be out dr. battle did know to me that 12-month employees will report so Metro out 12-month employees will report mcclain Academy is out Lebanon special was in today Wilson County is out due to voting but Lebanon special will now be out of school for today so the list right now is on our website at news channel 5 dot-com but as we know that we've got more dangerous situations out there with the weather tornado watch remains out till 6:00 a.m. now yes and we are continuing to watch these storms as Adam mentioned this wasn't just a squall line like we typically see this time of the year that blows through this was actually a singular cell that booked to come through Davidson County and Bri oftentimes those cells can be more dangerous than a line of storms especially when it comes to tornadoes yeah when we were tracking those earlier today and you know and an important to note we had a tornado around 7:30 this evening go through northern parts of Christian County there was confirmed damage in Crofton Kentucky so that was actually the first confirmed tornado that we had from this event and it was the same type of storm so it was a front one ourselves so basically kind of a lone thunderstorm that developed ahead of the cold front that's what has fueled this line of storms that's now congealed together and we knew that it would evolve we knew it would start with these single-cell storms and they would sort of merge together into this larger complex eventually that's what they did and the problem is with it we had to significant tornado events that first one that went through Christian County now I will also note to you the cell that went through Nashville so it started in Benton and Dixon County will get started in Benton Houston Humphries and Dickson County lifted through Cheatham back on the ground through parts of Davidson County look out to the east so that cell is now about 50 miles east of Cumberland County and it has another tornado warning on it this cell has been rotating for almost four hours that's how strong it was when it came through Nashville also moving due east pretty much riding interstate 40 up into Nashville out of Nashville and out of town into our higher elevations now a you know as we look at what the additional threats are tonight the main concern of course is for folks that have been displaced and for first responders lightning a key threat especially for folks that are dealing with power outages they're down around debris potentially likely some metal around them of whatever was destroyed when you've got this much lightning around that's something our first responders don't have to be really careful of in this box so there's a larger red box that I've identified from Cookeville through about Camden 230 lightning strikes it's not just the quantity of the lightning strikes but look at the negative versus positive I was talking about this earlier tonight positive strikes start at the top of a thunderstorm so they have to travel the farthest to get down to the ground negative strikes start at the bottom of a thunderstorm and so they don't have to travel as far positive strikes have significantly more voltage involved with them because of the extra distance that they have to carry we're talking ten hundred times more voltage then sometimes the negative strikes can have so we have some incredibly powerful lightning strikes that are out there and more of them are moving into Davidson County which is where we have a significant amount of crews out on scene this is just for Davidson County in the last 15 minutes 23 strikes but still a sizable note of the difference between positive and negative also the strongest part of that storm now in central parts of Cheatham County it stretches from Ashland City up towards interstate 25 this has an uptick of lightning with it also some pea-sized hail noted with some of these storm systems hail lightning often byproducts of each other's those hailstones collide they can help generate some additional electrical energy it's this light gray that comes through parts of Stuart in Montgomery County same thing down towards Humphreys County over towards Dickson that would indicate pea-sized hail with this final push of stronger storms so at this point it's just south in Carroll County south of the Huntington area it snakes right along i-40 through central parts of Dickson County the strongest cluster in central parts of Cheatham County this is going to move into Dickson are into Davidson County within the next 30 to 45 minutes we also have a cluster of storms for areas east again not severe but this is a pounding rain and a gusty wind on top of areas that have been hard hit tonight so heavy rain stretching through Smith County over through Putnam County this stretches into parts of Fentress County not as much activity in Cumberland County where Crossville is towards the cab County Smith fill a little small cluster of lightning uptick there that stretches over towards sparta towards parts of white county and it'll take at least another three to four hours for this to move through as we head into the evening hours I'll show you some computer modeling so you can get a sense of how this how this night comes to an end how we wind this down so we have this congealed line of storms these individual storms that are coming together to form one line as we head towards five o'clock in the morning the heaviest will push through Davidson I expect strong storms to be downtown between 4 a.m. and about 4:45 then as we head towards 5:00 6:00 o'clock that should clear the i-65 corridor but it will continue to work through our southern tier and our eastern tier by sunrise that's when we expect skies to clear and again we're not laying on the cliches but they also say it's always sunny after storm it's gonna be sunny and 65 degrees tomorrow it is gonna be a beautiful blue sky filled day as that light is now just showing us how much damage is here clearly we're seeing the images in Davidson County we're seeing the images out of Wilson County but you know that storm is that came through Benton and Humphrey County it was packing a punch to it as it came through Dixon County and you know we continued to just start to get reports from those areas to the breadth of the system and we're about to go to Eric Hilda and Donaldson but you just saw a report concerning DCA you know we had heard several people on social media saying that Donaldson Christian Academy was hit pretty hard and now I'm looking at DCA's Facebook page and they say the school is going to be closed until further notice because they saw significant damage and some of the pictures we saw they said it looked like the elementary school which is actually detached from the main building there at DCA it is a separate building from the Middle School in high school and they said it looked like it was damaged along with the portables that were there as well so our thoughts are with all of the folks in Donelson of course the Stanford estates which is right next to DCA does the neighborhood adjacent to that school was also pretty hard hit we do have eric hilt who is live in Donaldson right now Eric what can you tell us what are you seeing Heather as you mentioned we're near DCA I want to give you a look at what's left of this home this is on downing me Drive not a lot left and there are several homes that look a lot like this just wood possessions thrown everywhere just pieces of the house still standing that you can just barely tell it was still there this is a common sight unfortunately here on downing me drive tonight we talked with several neighbors who said you know they don't have much left that they're trying to find what they can to take to someplace else because they have nowhere to go right now I talked with one couple who said they were asleep in their bed and they were woken up by the app alerts of the tornado warning and they decided to get down into their basement and they said they're so thankful they did because their bedroom is gone right now and there's really just a state of shock among neighbors that we talked to and and there's really a lot that of houses that look like this and a lot of neighbors that are still trying to figure out what to do next I want to take you a little bit through this neighborhood and and show you a little bit more if we can of just what what things look like here in down on downing drive this again in Donaldson near Donaldson Christian Academy I'll actually take you around we'll go around this way and show you this house here over on this side and another story that looks very similar you know it's one part of the house standing most of it just absolutely leveled possessions thrown everywhere we've seen everything from children's toys to Christmas cards to things lying in the street as people are now starting to come around to try and pick things up as they move through for the night but we're gonna send it back to you as we continue to talk to folks and and try and figure out you know what exactly happened here and through this neighborhood this evening thank you Eric Eric hilt in Donelson and as we see that lightning still strike around Eric and that rain come down we are preparing for that other round of big storms to hit our area around 5 o'clock as our weather team was saying so it's important for you to stay near your safe space and a lot of people are stranded on the interstate right now according to THP we know that this tornado travel on the path Near i-40 as it moved to our area and in Wilson County they say from Davidson County all the way to Smith County there are sporadic patches of major damage along i-40 so if you are trapped on the interstate if you're watching this on your newsChannel 5 app you should hit star 8 4 7 they will get to you as soon as they can call 911 if you are trapped in your home or if you were trapped in your car along the interstate but they say star 847 is another way to get them if you need some help they say limit your travel at this point don't go out trying to look at the image and all that because this is still a very fluid situation and obviously we're gonna have to folks we're gonna have to be patient out there because you know the emergency responders are absolutely overloaded right now Rory should also mention real quick guys in Lebanon go ahead Bri we have a new severe thunderstorm warning and it is for northern parts of Davidson County so this is the cell that I was talking about earlier that was packing the biggest punch well sure enough 60 mile-per-hour winds with this hail as large as quarters this is a severe thunderstorm warning that includes Cheatham County Davidson County Robertson County and Sumner County until 4:15 so it's a little crowded on radar to see exactly where this storm is let me draw it a little bit close so this is the area in the warning so it stretches from Pleasant View to Ashland City that's where the strongest core of the storm is that's where you're likely going to have p2 potentially even some nickel or quarter sized hail with this the 60 mile per hour wind also co-located with that hail so as hail and really heavy rainfall out of these thunderstorms they drag the air with it it helps accelerate that wind speed and so that's really going to pack the biggest punch stretching further to the east it's pouring across interstate 65 at 65 24 split over towards Goodlettsville in Madison Hendersonville right up interstate 65 hasn't hugs that Robertson Sumner County border this storm will put a storm track on the strongest part of it does look to pass just north of downtown that being said there's still a considerable amount of lightning summit that heavy rain will dip down into the northern Davidson County area but it doesn't look to be right on top of the path the tornado took so here's a look at timing for AM Goodlettsville Hendersonville 410 Gallatin for 20 closer to the ridgetop area as you head towards 4:00 o'clock in the morning again to to concerns with this 60 mile-per-hour winds and hail upwards in size of quarters yeah so be careful there and as you mentioned if you look at that blue box that Bri has out there but the tornado route was actually just almost a little south of that but this is the actual part of the warning for us right now so those of you in Hendersonville Goodlettsville the earlier activity was heavy just south of you yeah you had some pretty loud thunderstorms rural way around the midnight hour but the strongest of those storms that move through Nashville were just south of you right now there is that line from Millersville to Goodlettsville back down toward the Ashland City area let's put radar back on this and we'll go into the heaviest part of the storm right now our front Mount Zion down to bear wallow at this point and just about to move into Davidson County so you see i-24 there you may see kind of a black line almost in the middle of the screen that is the Davidson County Cheatham County line all right there for us this morning so this storm is pushing East so Forest Grove joltin you got some heavy rain right now but the as part of this storm cell is getting ready to movie in the morning community inside of Nashville similar story for you you've got heavy rain but the heaviest part of the storm on the way here's a look at some of the lightning that is showing up with this year on the a lightning detection Network for us this morning we'll put radar in and let's go in just a little tighter here on some of these roads here identify a few of the streets here so we've got that Jain circle Iko Road Forest Crossing those areas right now that are seeing some of the heaviest part of the rain old Clarksville pike where you're near the Mount Zion community there's another area there latest radar update now putting some of this heaviest sail now inside of Davidson County so joltin Morgan Road Forest Grove this is getting ready to move to you Union Hill school there's an old school up there from years ago our Union Hill school in that community up here are some of the heaviest rain is pushing your way yeah there's heavy rain right now in Union Hill but heavier rain is on the way the strongest part of the storm cell is on the way let's check to see if we're seeing much in the way of Hell at this point and as we go back over near the the Mount Zion community got about a half an inch hail so think of that maybe the size of a mothball are the size of a marble but that is in this process right now of sliding East those of you northern Davidson County southern Robertson County near rich top you've got some of this heavier rain pushing toward you Hendersonville there's rain right now you may even have a little bit of lagging in the southern part of Davidson County but the strongest part of the storm cell right now is just to the west of you and won't do another storm path here on the leading edge of this storm right now so those of you back to the east of this from joltin IV Point Union Hill Goodlettsville are even up near the Gilad Ville middle school that's a new school that was rebuilt not too long ago Hendersonville Hospital as this would continue near and along Viet Nam's vet in the Sumner County so again Bree that's our biggest area of concern northern Davidson County southern Robertson southern Sumner County at this point yes so that's you mentioned the hail threat the the straight-line wind gusts throughout the 60 mile per hour threat we've been saying tonight it's you know as you think about the structures that were damaged weakened trees power lines you add some 60 mile-per-hour winds on an area that has been just brutalized tonight and that may lead to significant increase in damage across parts of the area now the center part of this storm is going to pass north of where the tornado tracked tonight so I want to draw your attention to both of those this is the warning so it stretches from Pleasant View down towards Ashland City it's actually the the strongest part of the storm has pulled out of Cheatham County now it's more in the northern parts of Davidson County and southern parts of Robertson County right on the edge there now the tornado track tonight was south of this I'm drawing an arrow in the general path that we tracked as this moved through the Lebanon area so precariously close to each other and you notice the storm just to the west of the arrow that I drew on there out into Kingston Springs that is headed into into Davidson County it will be a odd strong thunderstorm that moves into central parts of Davidson County into Nashville into the areas that were hardest hit over the next 45 minutes once you're on the backside of this leading-edge you will finally be in the clear but you have to get through the backside of this leading edge that's where the strongest wind and the hail threat is going to be there is still rain and lightning on the backside of it but the wind will decrease significantly once you get on the backside of this storm system and the hail threat will start to go down as well so here's an updated look at that entire line so the severe part of it the northern flank and then as that stretches further to the south especially along i-40 Goodlettsville 359 Hendersonville 407 so about ten minutes for you Nashville 4:15 Franklin putting it into your neck of the woods right around 435 and potentially Smyrna around the 450 time frame so that severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 4:15 yes 4:15 for us out there as it continues to slide II so it would be northern Davidson southern Robertson southern parts of the Sumner County area back near let's fill them back over near the Hendersonville area I say we can hear the Thunder rumbling outside the station right now so that thunderstorm activity the heavy rain this is when I look at one of our Skynet cameras this was actually one of the first cameras that we spotted the storm coming through we saw the power flashes water disco you see the lightning flashes now so for folks that are listening that might be feeling a little frightened
Channel: StormSpotterMike
Views: 177,430
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Id: C5XMnwzKu9E
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Length: 200min 58sec (12058 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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