Ohio Memorial Day Tornado Outbreak Coverage

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in this obviously it's it sounds scary and this is a dangerous situation and that's why we're trying to make sure that we get you alerted if you're in Franklin County right now you've got a little bit of time in Franklin County even in Madison County Union County it's right on your doorstep at this time and you notice we've got multiple we've got a newly issued it looks like tornado warning up in that area as well I'm gonna look at that Ben if you could do you know what that newly issued tornado warning it looks like there's a second tornado warning box that had been issued up in Logan in Union County do you see that on the northern part of that six confirmed tornado large and destructive tornado over Trotwood moving east at 35 miles per hour that's in Montgomery County so that's that's what just came across here so that would be the storm that we're tracking out by tip City and Huber Heights in Urbana just shows you how many of these storms Dave are spinning and we had over a dozen reports of tornadoes in Indiana so I'm gonna take a wider view now and first of all dave has been talking about the tornado warning until 11:15 that goes into west central Union County look on this one and because there's two of them here that are showing up that song yeah it looks like and I'm waiting to see if the National Weather Service says anything additionally right now a funnel cloud was cited in Preble County but tornado emergency for Montgomery County so that's what's off to the west and that's the scary part it's because that's right along that cell has been riding right along 70 we saw earlier with that cell that Ben was just mentioning and over in Montgomery County we actually saw on radar about 1025 this evening we actually saw a debris signature showing if so the radar could actually indicate not only when there's rain or winds it could indicate when there's actual debris in the air or different sized matter in the air and it was indicating that just near Laura and over by tips between Laura and tip city well off towards our West but this cell been is this is moving at about 30 to 35 miles an hour correct that'll be in - yeah everything's really 30 to 35 and David I think the question to answer your question it's Hardin County is now under tornado warning till 11:30 Hardin County include cancer that is the very newest warning that just if you can click on that just the tornado warning up in Hardin County here so we can let folks at home know if you're in Hardin County this does include the city of Kenton right here you notice this cell basic this is the same cell that earlier did produce a tornado near Salina we had damage confirmed along us 33 power lines were down wind damage reports in that area that's moving through Wayne's field now towards round head it'll be crossing 68 and about the next seven to nine minutes or so so if you're in Kenton if you're over by Indian Lake down to the South you notice that is passing right north of you near Belle center from Kenton towards Bell Center down towards Bellefontaine over towards West Mansfield mountain victory you need to get to your safe spot immediately if you're in these locations because this has been a cell that did weaken a little bit as it was coming out of Indiana strengthen again when it came back into Ohio and did produce a dangerous tornado over a near Salina north of Grand Lake st. Mary just a few about an hour ago or so about 45 minutes to an hour ago and that cell is moving right in towards Kenton right now Ben's got a tract here at 11:17 this evening at Kenton so you've got about 15 minutes or so until that cells in your backyard you need to take precautions immediately getting to that safe spot this cell has been one been that has been a very dangerous one along with the other cells down the line that have produced a couple of confirmed tornadoes so far this evening right and Dave I'm going to show you a couple of other looks here this indicates the purple and the red that we've indicated with our threats button those are the cores of these storms have taught if we could zoom in on these and I'm going to interrogate those storms because those purple cores tell us where there is undoubtedly rotation and we've been focused on this particular area here up to the north of Bellefontaine now this is where we have the one of the tornado warnings and this is a particularly strong storm the red indicates we have a wind shear going on probably of about 60 miles per hour so I've been periodically checking this and let me see if I have bright reds near 70 and the right let's see if I can get right over that yeah there we go so 70 mile-per-hour winds so whether that's tornadic or not that's an indication of what we're dealing with and that's in southeastern a Logan this is the hail core here click on that shear track right the orange shear track underneath the 70 there now we're gonna put on this button here so you can see I'm gonna slide this over it's a little hard sometimes to move them all over but hail about an inch in diameter the cell is moving east David 33 miles per hour and again with 70 mile per hour winds so this is pretty impressive the other storm which I'm gonna let me slide this tracker over the core of this storm over Union County is heading into western Delaware County and Dave these storms are really moving quickly now so Ostrander in five minutes saiute in ten minutes delaware in 16 minutes that storm again has a pretty strong indication of hail throughout this entire purple zone here and as we look at their saw so shear up to the north by Wapakoneta up around 70 mile-per-hour winds and we also have the storm heading into Marysville out of Bellefontaine and Logan County in the next 15 to 30 minutes so I mean there it's just amazing having so many storms to track over such a short period of time but all of these have potential and then we go down into West Jeff and this storm of the core of the storm will be in Hillier in the next 15 minutes not that at least the most dangerous part of the storm winds here estimated at about well 36 mile per hour is the movement on the storm but the wind shear has been up around 40 miles per hour when I've checked that so there are just a lot of things going on here and as this particular storm works its way east into Franklin County from the West that's just one more concern with a storm line and let me also put back on the traditional view radar so you can kind of get oriented here and let me back this out just a bit you can see powerful storms now in western Delaware County throughout Union County in northern portions of Madison County all the trackers are off to the northeast at about 35 miles per hour these are thunderstorm warnings but the tornado warning continues for Western Union County until 11:15 so that's for another 10 minutes and that goes down into Champaign County and been there is some I'm seeing right here that amateur radio reports storm spotters on the ground are reporting a large tornado right now north of downtown Dayton so back in the control room if Eric if you could maybe find out some of those ODOT cameras and see if we could see anything on those near the Dayton metro but we're watching that cell very closely that Ben's tracking right there near Huber Heights north of Dayton because that cell is going to continue to basically push right off towards the east and that's going to be making its way possibly into our backyard before midnight tonight then also we could zoom in to this cell right here near Union County line Logan Union County line down here that's where we've got a little bit of a rotational marker showing up as well that's where the tornado warning is active here and that extends until 11:15 tonight that cell if you are in north of Marysville if you're basically near the Honda plan if you know where that's at well I'm 33 north of Marysville in that area you want to take caution immediately if you live north and Marysville north of 33 and the curve there even in downtown Marysville south of there you're not under the warning technically in Marysville right now but you are so close to that self we can move that up a little bit so we don't have to crawl on the bottom they're been in the way to thank you for doing that you'd see that rotation right now if we can click on that marker right there bend that orange marker and look at the information on that cell because that is moving pretty quick showing magnetic Springs at 11:30 Ostrander at 11 33 tonight that is going to be moving very close to Marysville obviously so you want to be careful you notice our tornado index right here showing a 4.5 we've been watching this throughout the night tonight when it's tipped at between about 4 & 5 this has been a good indicator so far tonight of showing the potential of a tornado so far we've had a couple times that this number is tipped 5 and both times there was a tornado confirmed with that you see the sheer number at about 80 miles per hour so minimum you're still gonna see some very strong gusty winds with this cell as it continues to move down now the tops of this cell at about 30,000 feet the base showing up at about 15,000 again so we're seeing the rotation is aloft a little bit a mile or two above the ground but that wind is still gonna translate down to the ground I would still expect to see hail in this area of Union County near Marysville at about one inch plus diameter hail with that cell again if you are near Marysville magnetic Springs Ostrander over towards Delaware County we start to move into Dell you are now basically on the clock so if you're in Delaware County you want to get to your safe spot soon get some preparations possibly grab your cell phone charger your phone so you can go down to your basement if you've got one or that innermost room of the house away from doors and windows you want to get as many walls outside walls between you and that innermost room if you do not have a basement it's possible for safety from winds and any possible hail but you notice this rotational tracker showing up right there that's where it's showing just north of North Lewisburg and if we can inch that up just a little bit to get under above this banner right here thank you very much you see this is moving away from Valley High basically Crossing 33 near the Honda plant right now and that's gonna continue across the northern part it looks like this will move just north of Marysville but if you are close to downtown Mary's ill or North you want to make sure that you are in your safe spot right now down to the South Milford Center got some strong thunderstorms down towards Unionville Center and then moving over towards Ostrander you notice a pretty strong thunderstorm here Crossing 42 and that's going to be moving into Delaware any minute now if you're off towards the east even more along 36 37 over towards Sunbury Galena you are also under the clock now so you have a warning you do not have an active tornado warning right now our thunderstorm warning but you have time to get prepared you have about 20 minutes to get ready and that safe spot and again we will alert you immediately Ben is tracking this cell right south of Ostrander here you notice this one's moving to the east northeast at about 39 miles an hour and it is showing the potential of a small potential the severe hail here that's one inch or larger diameter most likely is about nickel sized hail and the tornado index a lot lower on this but again these cells are starting to pull to the east northeast and been we've been watching that because that cell down by Dayton was basically moving east but everything else is starting to turn a little bit right and Dave I'm going to call your attention we the tornado warning and just check with a National Weather Service is now including Delaware County so I've changed modes here and if we can zoom in Todd on this red and green couplet we have this is exactly what we look for for danger because that means you have air going in inbound and air going away but when green and red are in close proximity and that's near Jerome that's a strong indication of rotation and that's why the National Weather Service you see how at a Delaware County if you follow this the red box here in at least Western Delaware County into the tornado warning and these are all tornado warnings extending all the way back to Logan County so what's happening is we're getting rotation some vortices as we call them essentially where there's a strong rotation in the clouds and it's usually we look at one supercell I mean there are multiple areas of concern here here's another again red and green coming together very tightly that indicates a strong couplet in other words rain both moving toward and away from the radar site in a spiral this is the notch in here we look for where air is flowing in here's where rain cooled air is flowing out so if there's a tornado it would be spinning west-northwest of Marysville let me come in a little tighter here and you can see just northeast of North Lewisburg so there are a couple of areas of concern serious concern right now based on that now wind shear also helps us pick out the strongest cores of these storms no one near New Look North Lewisburg and again that's an indication of where we're getting some pretty high winds so let's see if we can interrogate that storm and see if we can get the winds out and go to this year this year swath on there because you could actually see the path of this and that'll give you a good indication of where we've had that that's a look at that I'm switching modes here today via there this should help a lot 80 mile-per-hour winds with the storm and that that could be part of the rotational velocity of this storm and this would be again just so we're clear this is northwest of Marysville 70 mile-per-hour winds this is now north of 33 so this is all coming out of Logan County of course we have hail so let me clear those again once again this is the most dangerous part of this storm and when we put on the rotational velocity it has just moved a little bit to the east so this is right over 33 maybe ten miles from Marysville we can show that track I'm going to do something else here so you can see the dangerous part of this storm again moving east at about 35 miles per hour so there is magnetic Springs in 20 minutes Oh stranded in 24 minutes so again what we're doing here is showing the cores of these storms but also notice we've got some strong wind shear in Delaware County and this is actually a little bit to the south of the tornado warning so 60 mile-per-hour winds this is west of us 23 this would be the hail core to the west hail has not been particularly large but very clearly at any of these two spots with strong rotation and of course we have tornado warnings to at least 11:30 there is a danger that one of these storms could touch down and you can see Delaware and eight minutes Berkshire in 16 minutes based on the rotating part of this storm when shear indicated just under 60 miles per hour so this is a you know getting multiple storms that are very dangerous right now let me switch back to more standard radar view that you're accustomed to seeing first of all to give you perspective and let me back out a little bit most of the these storms are just north of Franklin County but we also have some strong storms moving into western Franklin County Lincoln village upper arlington Clintonville and no warning here on those but as we go a little bit to the south or a little bit to the north you can see where the warnings are off to the north so they are flashing in red these are all tornado warnings day from Delaware through magnetic Springs back to Valley high in Zanesville the North Lewisburg because there are multiple centers of rotation in each of these cells yeah and if we can go back to three over on the wall here for a minute Todd there was something that I was watching very closely and Ben if you could if you could follow this cell right here this one that's moving away from North Lewisburg as you were talking just a minute ago I was watching this part of this cell right there if we could turn back on the storm threats for a second you will notice that we've got some very strong winds showing up in this cell this part of the cell that's crossing 33 and that will be moving into Marysville at minimum at the absolute minimum there is going to be damaging winds with this cell as it continues to move off towards the east one of the things we've been looking for is debris showing up I don't see that showing up here right now if we could just go back to the radar that's that's fine been on the radar here from the Wilmington radar thank you very much and you can see this cell right here in north and Marysville that's going to continue to track right across Union County who you put the stats on this that orange line tube and that would be very helpful I appreciate it that's going to continue to push off towards the east at 36 miles an hour notice that tornado index Ben we are talking about that a minute ago at 4.2 that has actually gone up a little bit at 4.5 right now so it's showing a little bit better possibility of tornadic a minimum a funnel cloud or possibly a tornado involved with this storm that'll be near Marysville at about 11:25 so in about 11 minutes from right now it's showing that part of the cell near Marysville again you've got very strong thunderstorms right over Marysville at this time we've turned the Lightning off just because there's so much it kind of decluttering the map here magnetic Springs 11:37 Ostrander 1139 those are the times that the core this one particular part of the cell is going to be near your backyard you need to be in your safe spot right now even if you are still 9 12 15 minutes away if you're an Ostrander if you're over in Delaware if you're in Sunbury you need to start thinking about getting to that safe spot right now you're not under the tornado warning yet in Delaware or Sunbury but it is coming right in towards your backyard then let's go down a little bit and show folks that are living here also in Franklin County what's going on because we've got some heavy rain coming in to Franklin County as well near Hilliard right here if we can go back to the Barron button and show the threats out there because I want to show what we're looking at as far as threats and what we're looking at the possibility of hail the possibility of hail strong gusty winds that we're watching with these cells and again you notice this one cell that's moving over through Delaware County this one's gonna have some gusty winds this is what we've been watching very closely here near Marysville so you notice the hail path right now not showing a lot locally and the hail path most of it's over by date and at this time that is a decent indicator I guess I would still expect that we're gonna have some hail here's the wind shear rate so this is showing the possibility of where we see a possible tornado we would see the the shear rates starting to pick up most of this shear is weak still at this time it's showing up in the weak category but as most of us know weak tornadoes still here in Ohio can produce significant damage and be very dangerous and you notice most of that's clustered basically in an area from Union County into Delaware County right now that's starting to move over from Marysville over towards Delaware so that's the area that that tornado warning is in and that's going to extend through a and thirds is 11:30 Boehner's at 11:45 tonight 11:30 but these are being extended yes constantly so I think we're gonna be on the alert at least through yeah 11:45 tonight for that one I thank you for helping me out on that so again we are watching a lot of these cells that are just pushing off towards the east at 30 to 35 miles an hour I mentioned this earlier if you're a mile or two if you're two miles from the storm that means you've got four minutes that's it that is not a lot of time to get to that safe spot so if you're in Marysville right now if you're in Delaware you're not technically under the tornado warning in Delaware but you are going to see those storms eventually so you need to get prepared right now get the kids up get the pets whatever you need and get to that safe spot if you're over in Delaware because this cell has had an indication Doppler radar indication of tornado you notice just north of Powell here some of these red colors with Ben look at this boy this is moving in and this was scanned a couple of this was the scan just came in a few minutes ago so that's cell right there that yellow and the red showing 60 to 80 mile per hour winds and that's continued that's a good sign that that yellow went away here it's moving north towards Marysville but that is still a very dangerous cell right there moving in towards Marysville if you're in Mary's little magnetic Springs you need to be at that safe spot immediately because that cell is moving basically over your backyard at this time and that tornado warning Bend that extends still for another half hour across Union and into Delaware County western portions of Delaware County so Ostrander Radnor not Delaware downtown yet but if you're on the west side of Delaware you are under that tornado warning until 11:45 and Ben I don't see any indication why this would not be extended across the northern part of it at least the northern half of Delaware County past midnight tonight once the cell moves into the county and you're right I mean all these storms that I continue do to query when you look at each one of these as we interrogate them they continue to have strong rotating cores they have some hail hail is not actually the biggest threat here as it turns out but each of these storms as we click through whether the one heading into Ostrander at 11:40 or off to the southeast heading into Delaware at 11:36 in the next 15 to 30 minutes every single one of these continues to show a not only deep but also some very strong winds we're looking at some of the storm threatens new tornado warning issued for Fairfield Franklin and Pickaway counties until 11:45 tonight so if you can zoom into that yeah we're gonna switch here let me start with our traditional radar view looks like there you go there's a new tornado warning in Piqua County and the southeastern portion of moved that up a little bit on the map because the banners in the bots there we go perfect yeah that's all down there yes so that's a newly issued severe thunderstorm warning a warning that is for that is for South Eastern Franklin County west central Fairfield County and northern Pickaway County that extends until 11:45 tonight for this cell right here it is located near Mount Sterling moving to the east at 20 miles an hour circle you are not technically under this tornado warning this cell is close by enough you do not want to go outside and look at it if you are in the line of this cell continuing across I 71 between mile markers basically 89 and 91 in between mile markers 94 and 97 that's where it's crossing it will be crossing US 23 here in Pickaway County southern Franklin County is under the tornado warning Ben they sound the warning the alarms for the entire county correct well actually they've gone to quadrants okay so your your but southern part of the county is gonna hear your tornado party as well and Dave the cell movement is east at 20 miles an hour so that would be about like so South Bloomfield for the Boyd County portion of the storm Asheville at 11:30 so the storm is not moving all that quickly no tornado warning here goes till midnight so that gives you an idea of the storm motion off to the southeast but you know so many of these they just start rotating very quickly there's also strong cell moving through Franklin County over by Hilliard we're going to zoom in a little tighter in just a moment Clintonville 1125 minerva Park 11:30 it's been booming outside so we're basically focusing on the the core of these storms in other words the strongest portion so we need to come in a little tighter here on several of these I don't see any real strong hook pattern that we often see with more significant storms but I'm going to guess right here it looks like there this is here's your inflow notch again airs going in rain cooled air is flowing this way but unfortunately it's not cutting off that notch so in other words this is where a spin is certainly possible let me clear that and let me move off to the north so that's the pick away County supercell and then we have a very powerful storm right over Franklin County Upper Arlington over by Clintonville let me put some tracker information slide this off to the side so the dangerous part of the storm will be over Hillier at 11:25 see the tracker just updated let me slide that out of the way Grandview Heights 11:35 Clintonville 1138 Worthington 11:40 that's got a hail core with that as well and then of course we have the Delaware County storm and this is where we have the tornado warning I believe Dave until 11:45 just west of Delaware and that extends back into Union County so all of these storms then are spinning and I'm going to check that out with our storm wind and again this is how we write so here again here's where red and green come together we worry about that here's where red and green come together so north of Marysville maybe broad rotation around Delaware and just or not Delaware but Paola and Dublin but also this is concerning to there's a little bit there's a green red connection here over by Hilliard so this is the problem every one of these that we're tracking and we can even see another down by Mount Sterling again green right that's the one that knew it that boy all of these yeah are indicating at least transient rotation Ben is zoom out for a minute look at that cell over by Beaver Creek right now that cell we've got any move up the map a little bit so we get onto that banner but that's all outside of Dayton that cell already has had a large tornado confirmed with it and that's moving off towards the east I believe about 35 miles per hour that cell is going to continue this one right here this thing's going to continue to the east at 35 miles an hour moving through parts of Greene County near Xenia eventually into southern Madison County northern Fayette County so if you're in this area Ben if we pull this tracker up just a little bit so we can see again near Xenia it's 11:37 Cedarville at 11:40 ford new Jasper at 11:47 and that basically the northern half of Fayette County you need to be on high high alert right now this has been a very dangerous cell and I see no indication of why this would not be an in a very dangerous cell as it moves through southern Madison and northern Fayette County and that it's basically looks like it's taking a little bit of an East southeasterly track and eventually will be making its way into that area just after midnight tonight this is not something you want to go outdoors and look at you want to make sure that you get to that innermost room of your house away from where you can be in danger so I want to toss it over to Colleen for a minute just real quickly Dave I know you guys have been following this and I'm sitting here with Danielle and we're trying to look on Twitter we have had a report that a building has collapsed in Dayton they're reporting that a tornado was down there on Salem Avenue was at the balaam Avenue in Westbrook a building collapse they said a tornado hit the area about six miles ago yeah so and we've also as you know it's Memorial Day a lot of people are camping out this week yes there's a lot of concern about that there was some fishing tournaments today I know in Grand Lake st. Mary's so we're hoping that if you had someone out in the elements that you somehow got a warning to them because it looks like it's pretty bad yeah and that cell that you're just talking about down by Dayton that cells also had hail in that area over by wright-patt had hail not too long ago as well so that cells are very dangerous when we've got tornado warnings that extend until 11:45 tonight for this cell near Marysville right now if you're in Marysville you need to be in that safe spot immediately same thing for Ostrander Delaware you're not going to see this cell coming in also notice on the radar here there is a ton of rain showing up so there's going to be a very difficult time seeing anything that is coming towards your backyard if you're driving in a vehicle you know someone that is driving you want to make sure they get out of there immediately away from this cell because this is we just got a power flash here at the station as well this is going to be a very dangerous cell this part of the cell right here near Mary so then also look at this cell coming down into Madison County that looks like that is going to be the next spot that we could potentially see another tornado warning possibly covering the southern portion of Union over into Delaware counties as well I think all of this area if you're from Powell over towards Delaware Sunbury near New Albany Clintonville north you're gonna want to make sure you take cover soon because this is pretty much immediately because this is going to be a very dangerous cell moving off towards the east at about 30 to 35 miles an hour that means it's taking a mile about every two minutes to go a mile so if it's five miles away it's only about ten minutes or so from the dangerous part of that cell you also notice there's a potential of a little bit of hail starting to develop outside of Hilliard right here that's going to continue to move over towards Worthington in about the next five to seven minutes we've also got it appears this is that's that tornado warning down to the south right there for the southern part of Franklin County so if you hear the thunder star the tornado sirens going off in the east or the south part of the county that is for that cell in Ben look at the colors on that cell north of Xenia the hail and the winds right and David I'm gonna switch modes here so again we can zoom in on the most important portions of the storm so Todd if you can come back to our big screen here right now we have several areas that that are highlighted in purple so this indicates and some of the strongest wind shear is on southern over southern Franklin County the red dot all right zooming I'm going to highlight a couple of elements for you all so as the storm works its way across the city of Columbus so first of all in Delaware County we do have a particularly powerful wind here that's about 60 miles an hour by Hilliard and let me move this over we're getting some very strong winds also let me slide this over so you can see also the tracker times while we take a look at this particular cell but there are several cores in here the hail again has not been all that impressive but the wind shear has 69 mile-per-hour winds with the cell 60 mile-per-hour winds in the vicinity of Hilliard so that's where you have strong wind shear up in Union County North of Marysville 60 mile-per-hour winds let's go back to I'm going to switch back to a rotation concerns and I don't see any really strong rotation here but when we switch modes again we do have some I'm gonna zoom in tight again red and green kind of broadly spaced so this is where the storm continues to rotate again in flow green moving in right moving out so this little notch in here just and I'm gonna have to come a little bit tighter so we can see that a little more clearly probably so at least very strong winds between Powell and Westerville and also up Arlington and Hilliard Colleen yeah I just wanted to once again we continue to follow what's coming over most of this is coming to Danielle and me over social media it looks as if there are numerous reports that sir tornado went through some heavily populated areas that it went right over I 75 yep that they're having a lot of heavy damage power lines are reported to be downed trees are reported to be down Montgomery County says their fire departments are having trouble keeping up with the number of questions once one second one second we've got a new issued tornado warning for Clark fade green in Madison counties until 12:15 the tornado warning for delaware in union county has been expired that's that one that's near Marysville to Delaware that has been expired but again there's a newly issued a tornado warning out for Clark Fayette Greene Madison counties until 12:15 also a newly issued tornado warning for Hardin County until midnight tonight Colleen as you're mentioning the hail over by Montgomery County Huber Heights quarter-sized hail now they're saying Springs Clifton Yellow Springs Clifton Cedarville Wilberforce all of them are reporting heavy damage and Danielle I know you've been looking at yes and ODOT is actually saying to avoid i-75 north of Dayton right now a likely tornado has left debris on the interstate I know a lot of people are traveling and trying to leave this area because of the tornado but they're saying avoid this area because there is a lot of debris on i-75 and thankfully that area now is for the most part is a little bit more safe than it was earlier that the worst of the storm has passed that so folks aren't using 75 to escape now but again if you are out right now we've got multiple tornado warnings across our area from Hardin County now that one extends until 12:15 so Ben let's go back to a full map here if we can just of our area so we can kind of run through all the different tornado warnings that we've got because there are a lot of them out there and we want to make sure that we've got you covered here even in Franklin County we've got tornado warnings as well but you notice up towards the north in Hardin County that tornado warning extends and midnight tonight Doppler radar indicated near Bell Center moving to the east at 35 miles per hour so that's this tale and Ben if we could zoom into the cell right here in Hardin County up by Kenton right here and to the south you see right along 68 here heading down to the south and then that this part of the self we can zoom in even closer right here Ben and you'll see from mountain victory and then down 68 there that's the worst part of that cell and that's going to continue to move over towards LaRue and prospect in the next 15 to 20 minutes and eventually move into Marion counties as well we've got additional tornado warnings now in effect for the southern part of Franklin County so let's go down to southern Franklin County now the tornado warnings have been canceled for Union and Delaware counties but as a note I would not let your guard down yet if you are in Union or Delaware County this cell has gone back and forth strengthening weakening a little bit I see no indication why it's still not a very dangerous cell as Ben was just showing a minute ago so broad rotation near Galena right there there is the possibility of seeing some strong gusty winds if you get a little bit of hail blowing in it that that could damage or break a window we've still got that tornado warning down to the south it looks like been from this that the worst for Franklin cuts southern Franklin County should be okay on this part of the cell it's mainly pick away County down to the south from commercial point towards Asheville if we can move that map up a little bit to get out of the bet thank you very much down to Circleville right here that's the area you need to be at your safe spot right now it's Telles moving away from Darby Ville if you're near Asheville walnut expects possibility of quarter-sized hail very gusty winds and the possibility of a tornado you notice in the share rate here showing that some weak shear from up near commercial point and then down towards Darby Ville that's gonna continue to cross 23 and move in towards Asheville and Walnut over about the next orders at 11:31 so between about 11 37 in about 11 44 you notice the hail tracker here that Benz put up here showing possible the probable a hail that's been falling from near Mount Sterling over towards Darby Ville this is gonna sell that we've been watching very closely and then Ben I also want to zoom out again to show the other tornado warning that's now been issued this is the cell that we were talking about if we can move this map just up a little bit here Ben we got thank you we got the tornado warning box there this has been the cell that we've been watching very closely and Ben this one is a most concern right now because we know this self from what we heard Danielle and Colleen talking about the reports through parts of Dayton through Greene County through Yellow Springs near Xenia we've had reports many reports in that area of seeing tornadic possible tornadic damage and a confirmed tornado near Dayton so Cedarville 11 37 South so linear 11 54 South Charleston 1155 and then moving into Fayette County just after midnight that tornado warning extends over towards Jeffersonville until 12:01 tonight and Ben that's that has basically been the most dangerous part of this entire line that we have seen tonight across the state of Ohio yeah Dave we've even looked for some debris and with these storms and this is yet another indication of trouble that you know we have some blue in here that could be a debris ball associated with perhaps a tornado on the ground I know that's a little bit cluttered but this is what we don't want to see either when you have blue and green embedded within red so that would appear to be southeast of Springfield so I just had to show you that and this is our terminal Doppler out of pataskala so this gives us a little closer view of what's going on in the Columbus metro area it golf ball sized hail near Yellow Springs okay so that particular storm and let me go back to Wilmington's view this is Cedarville you saw the moment ago there was an indication of debris in the air and that was over here so that would be a strong indication of a tornado in progress coming out of Green County so just a lot of and I'm going to switch gears again to look for the blue green couplets again this is an area that we're seeing where red and green come together over by Cedarville and Xenia so that storm is heading toward Jeffersonville let me clear that here's the storm by Asheville which is another storm that's had rotation heading to south bloomfield at 11:40 and walnut about 1157 let me clear that as well now in Franklin County there was a indication of some very strong winds as the storm moved across Hilliard and this is right in here so let me back that out let me go back to traditional radar the constant look at different views you can see obviously some very very heavy rain and hail indicated as we go street level here just east of Clintonville East London and Mifflin Ville but also just the configuration that we're seeing this is rain cooled out flow going this way so some strong winds here's the hail core this is an area where we were watching for a hint of rotation but that is not showing at this time which is a good sign over the city so I'm going to back that out Dave again because we're tracking multiple storms all rotating storms multiple tornado warnings and tornado warning tornado or in Lincoln County until midnight so what the Weather Service is saying on that one 11 33 severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado near Polaris moving east at 25 so that was exactly the storm I was just zooming in on remember I said there was a bit of a couplet indicating indicated some very strong winds and we can see some wind shear right there so that's where the storm is headed Colleen yeah then we just again we keep following it we're going getting all of these weather alerts from Dayton as Danielle found out on one of hers one of mine said that the tornado was on the ground for some time again these are social media posts we do not know we've had a couple of weathers yes exactly we're also hearing that police are going door-to-door in downtown Dayton knocking on doors making sure that people are okay we're hearing that people are trapped in different areas in the downtown Dayton area it looks as if the tornado that went through that area hit some very populated neighborhoods and as you know that's always a danger so we're gonna keep you up-to-date on what's going on there we're also hearing reports from different parts of central Ohio where people are saying we're getting it hit hard we're getting hit hard here but we haven't heard those kinds of catastrophic reports yes elsewhere pictures of hail from Fairburn but as far as pictures go right now we're searching and we can't seem to find any pictures everyone down hang in there safe place which is good exactly that is the best advice you want to stay indoors one of the things I wanted to know we obviously we've got this newly issued tornado warning for Delaware County that extends near the polaris Area one ask Eric if you guys are taught in the back if you guys can look and see about the cameras traffic cameras I know there's a couple them right at polaris parkway there none of them are you they just rain rain driven across okay so what our directors telling us is that those cameras in that area you can't see anything blinding rain that is a good indication that's kind of what we're telling you guys you have to get indoors you have to stay away from this windows doors you don't want to look outside at this because you're not gonna see anything you're not going to see it until it's there and this cell right here near Polaris Ben if we can zoom in on that also click on that orange thank you very much so that's showing 11:45 into Galena for that cell that will push basically just south of Sunbury 1147 if you're in Sunbury you need to take cover right now you should have been taking cover already tornado warning extends through southern Delaware County Johnstown 1203 Center Berg over to the east at 12 old fortunate if you could pop that back up for a second Ben I want to look at the stats on this from this you notice the hail size showing it about a half-inch diameter about nickel sized hail and tornado index on this about a two and a half that's not something to take lightly that is the possibility of a little bit of rotation and Ben if you notice if we could zoom it a little bit more is there any of the red on there is that just the shield of this I 71 think that we're looking at there yeah I'm gonna zoom it a little tighter here I wanted to see if we can clear that first and get back to ya especially where you see Dave obviously the bright red this is an indication of some very very strong a wind shear in two spots and also notice over by Jerome near pal we have winds of 70 miles an hour potentially rotational winds on the backside of this storm so there's just so many areas again the hail has been generally around 1/2 inch let me clear those again since they all tend to pop up but you know the red really indicates what we're dealing with here Galena Sunbury Harlem and John's Johnstown 1204 let me clear this because we're going to go back to another view and I need to and been doing that Ben let's let's uh let's give Ben a second to get that set up tadka weber got that shot over there by polaris this is the Oh doc camera that's over by polaris parkway you can see the obviously the camera is mounted and it's shaking around like crazy there are sheets of rain coming down there on the highway right now we don't see indication we don't see any light flashes anything like that you see the lightning flashes but you see the power is on everywhere around here that is a good indication that there's nothing on the ground at this moment but again if you're in the Polaris area for these folks that are driving through a very dangerous right now if you're a near hotel in that area there's many hotels around the Polaris area it's a holiday weekend if you're in a hotel you want to get to that safe spot in the hotel as well the lowest floor you want to get away from those westward facing windows if you've got a room that faces to the west or the south you want to get away from that because obviously big windows in the hotels is again hail that's driven into those wind windows that could break that as well again if you're in Westerville over towards Sunbury the Polaris area you want to take cover right now you are under a tornado warning that extends past midnight tonight for that area again Ben you can see that cell pretty dangerous-looking cell crossing alum Creek right now near Berkshire Township that'll be crossing i-70 one just north of Polaris heading in towards Sunbury we've also got some heavy rain that's falling across most of Franklin County right and David and I'm literally I don't know that we've ever had quite so many warnings at once in a long time so I'm kind of rotating around because folks are in different areas dealing with different storms by the way tornado confirmed near Vandalia and that would be this cluster of storms that's right now that's one of these cells heading toward Jeffersonville and the other by Huber Heights so these could get into Fayette County and they're moving at about 35 miles an hour those are dropping to the southeast again we have the tornado warning until midnight for the storm rotating near Polaris Galena 1147 for the core of that storm for the cells over Franklin County and Dave while you were showing uh cameras I was looking for rotation signatures I don't see that the way we saw earlier so perhaps the the rain cooled outflow which is so extensive now in other words there's just so much rain going on here that is essentially cutting off air that might be trying to come in and spin on the other hand when you see storms off by themselves and that would be the storm in Pickaway County also the one of the tornado warning which includes Franklin County that's a different story because that one has unimpeded inflow in other words the air can rotate and in fact I'm gonna go in tightly on this over by Asheville and if you look just to the south this is this is an area of concern right here again where the air may be spinning across the South Central and central portions of Pickaway County the tornado warning of course goes up into Franklin County but it looks like the majority of this storm is going to push into western fairfield county near and south of Canal Winchester and over toward Carroll so that storm because it is freer to tap energy from the south where we haven't had rain potentially that supercell has more danger as do these literally back to back her twin supercell storms rotating storms by Cedarville and Huber Heights and again as quickly as they are moving gotta watch northern Fayette County they're gonna pass a little bit south of Madison County but northern fayette northern green counties as this cluster of storms works its way south east sliding back to the north and trying to keep an eye also I'm with the National Weather Service reports are I haven't seen any additional indications of a ground truth in other words where we have a ground confirmation put the tracker on the core of these storms again moving through Franklin County and it's pouring of course across the northern portion of Franklin County the storm that had rotation near Polaris is now the lead storm but there's just so many cells here here's the Polaris Storm Deline 11 46 Johnstown 1203 so that's why the tornado warning goes until midnight four into Lincoln County by the way the tornado warning includes Johnstown so you're hearing sirens not only in in Delaware County but also in portions of Licking County here's another strong storm over by pataskala so that newly issued shortened tornado warning for Franklin and Lincoln County that does include a cell that's basically directly overhead right now of Ohio State University so right over campus at this time that's this storm right here I just had a tracker on it so now the and we which we had shown a little bit of rotation I don't know if we can see that in the radar winds it's kind of tough sometimes but this is what I'm let me clear this because here again there there are two areas of concern where we have red and green Dave right here so this is near Ohio State here's another one how Dublin and here's another up around Sunbury so all these little vortices this is where there's some spinning at least in the atmosphere where potentially and that's in case you're wondering that's why the the tornado warning boxes are where they are so we have we located three different centers of spin and Franklin and Delaware counties each one of these and that's not even including what's happened to Southwest Colleen you know you guys have been talking about so far here in Franklin County we aren't saying anything that's been confirmed on the ground but I can tell you I'm hearing from viewers all over the place who are heating these tornado warnings from Dublin Reynoldsburg blacklick doublet Hillier doesn't heard some earlier but people say they are hearing the warning so hopefully they've got that storm team for weather app on their phone so they can get to a safe place and not worry about watching us on TV right now stay safe get where it's safe going off in Grandview right because in Franklin County now that that changes the perspective both of the storms Dave we're moving east at 35 miles an hour so we're looking really at the eastern half of Franklin County will be the recipient and putting on different trackers here this says we said the storm is right over Ohio State and of course we're just north of Ohio State here at Indiana we could probably use our tower cam if possible Todd and see what the tower cam looks like out back in the backyard right now let's see if we could see anything to the west or the southwest of us right now it's obviously a good indication stills you can see a lot of light on the ground a lot of electricity still in the ground right now so we're not having power flashes anywhere on the ground showing up this is we're scanning around in the skies you notice obviously there's there could be a couple of spots that looks like right in that spot where there's some power missing there because we're in a fairly populated area around here and we bring the radar back up again Dave we should say that we've heard and it was like a 99% power outage in the city of Dayton I think they've had some day has 4500 customers are without power right now 40 4,500 you said over in Montgomery County now the southern the southern storm airfield Franklin and Pickaway on the South that has been allowed to expire by the National Weather Service but the northern northern part of Franklin County didn't read the cell that was right over us Ohio State which is probably now poor she's behind the Polaris Storm that is still a tornado warned storm into Lincoln County and that's and that's basically near the Linden neighborhood right now that's gonna continue to move so if you're in Linden if you're in Minerva Park if you're near Clintonville New Albany Gahanna you want to make sure blacklick you want to make sure you are in your safe spot right now between highway 70 near Downey ratna to 161 you will in this corridor basically you want to get to your safe spot immediately you're under a tornado warning that extends past midnight tonight for this area and this is a very dangerous cell this is going to have very strong gusty winds frequent lightning the possibility of hail and also obviously with a tornado warning we have the possibility of a tornado with some rotation showing up with this cell so again that is a very dangerous cell also bent off towards the east that same cell that we've been watching coming out of Dayton now they've issued a severe thunderstorm warning for it as well but that's gonna be a cell that into Fayette County in the near future we are gonna have to watch very closely because that is going to be a very dangerous cell you notice we've got very heavy rain and thunderstorms all the way up 71 from Galena towards Sunbury back down towards Westerville parts of Westerville basically all around you is under a tornado warning right now you've got two clusters one to the north of Westerville near Galena right now that's moving up basically parallel to Lewis Center Road up in that area that we moving towards Johnstown we've got another cluster of storms crossing i-71 right now between Clinton Bill and Lyndon this is going to continue to move just south of Minerva Park is very close though so you need to be in that safe spot immediately if you're in Minerva Park if you're over in to do Albany the National Weather Service is looking at this storm to and indicating that this is part of the Polaris rotation it is now in the vicinity of Sunbury but but whatever it is is pretty broad here because I think there's just so much rain out there that's kind of consuming and swirling but it also makes it dangerous because rain-wrapped storms can't be seen of course everyone should be in their safe place right now in Franklin Delaware and western Lincoln counties but essentially these storms are moving east northeast at about 35 miles an hour so the now it doesn't mean the storm is over the portion that's rotating but you're still dealing with potential heavy Wayne rain frequent cloud-to-ground lightning and the small hail the hail size has not been overly impressive and we don't want to lose track of these storms I'm going to slide this way up to the north here because the storm heading into Fayette County has a tornado warning also this is until 12:15 for Fayette and southwestern Madison County so this is also a brand new so we will we'll add that to our crawl information but you can see the tornado warning in the red box has gotten into Southwest Madison and western portions of Fayette County as I mentioned earlier the the this was part of one or two storms that had tornadoes on the ground including around Vandalia which is on the back edge by ubirr heights and and Dayton there's just so many storms here and each one of these develops rotation boy you can really see here what's happening right in there this is the area I'd be concerned about as that storm moves in to the northwest corner of Fayette County so not not the front end here but this is where there is undoubtedly some rotation I mean this is what we call almost it let me put that back on a classic hook echo here in other words air spiraling in like this you have the rain coming out this way and then you have the inflow and you know this area and I'll zoom in a little tighter for right now that we've identified it this is between Cedarville and south so on so that's moving into Northwest Fayette County and again just we can just keep going just so many different storms no longer tornado warned a storm east of Circleville heading into fairfield county but still a very powerful storm and that's I'm gonna move into Lancaster there's no warning also for Fayette and Madison County so and that's the storm we were just looking at yeah that's it so again starting from top to bottom here we have tornado warnings in southeastern Delaware County just south of the city of Delaware includes Sunbury where the Weather Service was picking up rotation that goes into northwestern Lincoln County tornado warning number two which goes until 12:15 as I click on the boxes is for the eastern portion of Franklin County and it looks like the threat has for the moment ended in western and southern Franklin County but Eastern Franklin County into western Licking County again no longer tornado warned a storm in Pickaway but still a powerful storm and then and Dave and I've been talking about this one because this is how to confirm tornado Southwest Madison Northwest Fayette County's coming out of Green County to the north and east of Xenia so every one of these and if you were in the red boxes you should be in the basement or lowest floor and taking cover and here's the other thing too Ben as you've been talking about getting alerts and looking at radar and stuff I got home weather stations I've got a home weather station mine showing four inch per hour rainfall rates I live up in Sunbury in Delaware County so the other thing that you've got to be very careful of is if you're trying to drive away from this storm you're not going to be able to we are seeing blinding rains heavy amounts of rain so roadways are going to be flooded over when you're getting two three four inch per hour rainfall rates that are dumping an inch and a half to two inches of rain this is very intense rainfall and that's going to continue to push off towards the east of here in Lincoln County if you're over in Johnstown that is going to be a very dangerous part of the storm there's a newly issued tornado warning now for Fairfield and Pickaway counties down to the South Fairfield Pickaway County for a storm sir right near Circleville you see that right there then you can see it right here they just reissued so here's they drop the warning and now they've reissued it and when we kept saying this still looks like a pretty potent storm move that up just a little bit though toward Lancaster so now if you're in the city of Lancaster you need to be heading for your safe place because this is yet another storm that that's rotating if we look at radar wind here let me and let me find a better way to look at that there are there there's the core of the storm right now which is now moving into western Fairfield County and again you see all these kinks and twists in the wind shear so that's an area that we worry about let me go back to the traditional view again or the conventional view of radar reflectivity as we call we were looking at velocity mode to look at the spin but so again the back edge of these storms Dave in every case it's been the back edge where we see rotation the then we get the hail and of course out ahead of it the heavy rain and that's because to the south of these storms there isn't much going on so the inflow or feed of warm moist air which is undisturbed is coming up in this direction that's feeding into all these cells that are rotating but where the rain has gotten more spread out over say Licking County and Franklin County that starts to cut off some of that inflow but but these storms are still dangerous and I want to look at the storm up by New Albany because that core is pretty strong it's hard I'm trying to keep this above the banner but let's go over to Colleen for more information you know we are now seeing some pictures that are coming in from the Dayton metro area walls collapsed it looks like one home is sustained at least in the video I'm looking at a sustained heavy heavy damage and we continue to get reports that people are trapped in the Trotwood area in the Dayton area the places that you guys have been showing us where the worst of these storms went through within the last hour or so it looks as if there is some catastrophic damage that's going to be left behind from these storms and Danielle I know you've been seeing reports of multiple structures that have collapsed with people trapped right now around Dayton as I said we're also just hearing from people here right here in the core of Central Ohio but they're just saying heavy wind damage some trees down that sort of thing not a lot of power outages yet here and calmly to what you just said I've just zoomed in on an heightened wind speed just to the northeast of Ohio State and over in the Lyndon area so our radar is showing 70 mile - maybe 80 mile per hour winds in here so this storm Dave and I'm gonna have to slide this up has actually gotten a little bit stronger and that's a very concerning yes and what we're doing folks is fun we're finding we have all these tools which you know we're looking at broadly at these powerful storms we can really zoom in street-level and find where the radar algorithms are picking up either rotation or strong winds so Dave I'm going to move this around a little bit yeah northeast to east Columbus basically a 5th Avenue over towards Taylor Station black lick this area is going to be right in the concern again that's 60 to 80 mile-per-hour winds showing up as the storm threat the purple color on the backside the potential of seeing quartered and nickel sized hail as well been one of the other areas I wanted to look at was down near Green Fayette Matt in county line it appears that cell was looking at it on radar a minute ago that's that same cell that was coming out yeah it's down here we move the map there we go perfect you can see in this area this cell is getting stronger again so if you're near Jeffersonville in Fayette County if you're a near South sole in Jeffersonville Midway range blooming burg you have minutes minutes that is it to get to that safe spot immediately notice the colors it here we've got red and yellow indications showing very strong winds the possibility been I almost think I see an orange indicated right inside there for zooming close enough that is an indication possibly of 100-plus mile per hour winds yeah in this orange color right here you can see just south of to the south and southwest of South Solon here this orange color right here that's going to indicate I think 80 to 100 mile-per-hour winds possible right in that area and you notice that is also showing that the BTI are the tornado index number at a five when we've seen that number at a five or larger this evening that has been at a confirmed indication of a tornado so again this cell is getting stronger if you're near South Solon if you're near range Midway over towards Jeffersonville you need to be in Fayette County in your safe spot immediately this cell is moving to the east at 33 miles per hour 100% possibility of hail very likely that we have half-dollar sized hail falling with this so at minimum you're gonna have extremely strong gusty winds the large hail and I think the possibility of a tornado is this cell seems to be getting stronger again this was the same cell earlier that did produce a tornado near the Dayton metro and that is produced damage all the way since through parts of Greene County and then continuing over into Fayette County right now so again that tornado warning extends until 12:30 tonight for Fayette County been we've still got that strong cell that's moving out of Franklin County into Lincoln County that's another one the tornado warning is continuing now until 12:15 that cell near Gahanna that is moving to the east at 35 miles per hour that Sellner Gahanna that is a very dangerous cell as well that will continue to move into Licking County so if you're near let's say the Easton area also moving over towards Etna Whitehall New Albany just south of New Albany is going to be really bad just south of New Albany and then eventually moving into Licking County by the night just after midnight tonight towards Granville that's gonna be a spot and then eventually towards Newark a spot that you're gonna need to take cover as well so if you're in Lincoln County right now if you're in Newark if you're in Granville you're not technically under this warning yet but again you just have minutes to get ready and get to that safe spot if you're in pataskala you need to get to your safe spot at this time as well you are right on the edge of that tornado warning and this cell right here very dangerous cell that's going to continue to move to the east at 35 miles per hour not only could it potentially produce a tornado also up to quarter-sized hail and on some of these like that cell that's moving in a Fayette County man that's showing the possibility of up to golf ball-sized hail today we have a tornado on the ground by Fairborn so that would be the second of these two cells moving essentially into Fayette County so it's it's really two super cells here and here at the side the one behind it we know has a tornado in it and this one again has a pretty strong signature just to the west northwest of Jeffersonville Gatorade across interstate 71 of course you're hearing sirens over eastern sections of Franklin County this is the tornado warning and I'm going to zoom it a little tighter 1215 for Franklin and licking counties and then down to the south the tornado warning until 12:15 I'll have to move this up for Lancaster this is Fairfield County easternmost piccoli counties just about cleared of that storm but Fairfield County Franklin County Lincoln County I mean they were talking about core populous areas that are under tornado warnings where you need to seek shelter in addition to the storms and these are moving off to the northeast the storms with confirmed tornadoes north and west of Fayette County are moving to the southeast and been that northern tornado warning for Delaware and Licking County up by Johnstown the northeast corner of licking cotton northwest corner of Lincoln County that has been expired so that tornado warning you will see this one right up here this will be popping off any minute now it still does not mean that you're out of the danger zone we have to keep an eye out if you're in northern Licking County obviously you see how this cell right here is shaped that's going to continue to push towards the east northeast that will be crossing highway 13 here through Newark moving up towards Utica you need to be careful if you are in that area because that is still a very dangerous cell this moving away from Sunbury now towards Johnstown and Utica I still expect to see frequent lightning heavy rain and hail possible with this but as Ben was mentioning these are going through very populated areas some of these cells and as Danielle and Colleen talked about earlier the cell to move through Dayton you know there's not a lot of spots for folks to get around to and and to hide especially if you're out on the roads so you need to if you're out to the east of these cells you need to take caution now realize that if you're in Coshocton County Muskingum County down into Perry counties you're gonna have these cells in your backyard soon you can see down into Fairfield County we've got this very strong cell Bend that's not moving into basically right into Lancaster we've got that cell and that should be in there any minute now right and some of the particulars Dave of the heart of the storm moving into Lancaster here in the next 10 or 15 minutes Thurston in the next half hour Pleasantville the same so I want to do several things here and then throw it to Colleen a real tight look at the storm in Fairfield County where you can see the hail core the heaviest part of the rain and then Colleen we're gonna zoom back into Franklin County to see the powerful part of the storm by New Albany and Gahanna but it's raining hard in so many places and so windy it's hard to tell and we've got to hope that the tornado doesn't touch the ground as it has done in Dayton we are now getting reports of catastrophic damage there buildings on fire people trapped the roadways are covered with debris so they're having trouble reaching people who are dealing with very heavy damage it sounds as if a tornado hit a heavily populated area of that city Danielle and I have been following these reports people are reporting police scanner information about all of the trapped people and the fires the sparks that they can't get to them the tornado was apparently on the ground there Danielle for quite some time yeah it says that people although people took cover and they're in their basements they're now trapped in their basements and their houses are now sparking fire and it says that police cannot get to that area because of the power lines on the road and it says people are trapped between Salem and Westbrook streets a lot of people are just naming the neighborhoods where this really hit hard and it seems to be like you said a very populated area catastrophic damage there so we are also hearing as I said from people here in central Ohio who have been watching you following the line of this storm and telling us they are hearing the sirens they're then going for cover so far though what we're hearing here is downed power lines we're hearing about some trees some minor property damage so far but nothing like a tornado on the ground at least so far from what we're hearing from our viewers Ben and Dave and the reason why Coleen I've just circled again we're going into some higher technology that we normally don't tap a velocity mode showing broad rotation in the northeastern corner of Franklin County red and green not too tightly intertwined but boy Dave this is not good right here and I'll zoom in tighter you know Lancaster Fairfield County the rotation is quite a bit broader but we want to come back and I'll put back on the traditional view to see if we can pick up what's happening so this is where again the rotation can be aloft it doesn't mean a tornado will come down but it just really highlights where the danger is where the most dangerous part of the storm even without some classic tornado signatures but from what we just indicated where we see the course here the purple some of the deeper red so that's New Albany heading over by havens coroner there was some definite rotation on we thought it was getting a little tighter so that's why the tornado warning continues until 12:15 for Easter at least at Eastern Franklin County in western Lincoln County and that'll be extended through Licking County most likely absolutely yeah then if we go back to that cell that's down to the south of the same one that that's Colleen and Danielle we're talking about that cell down to the south in Jeffersonville right now that cell again you notice all of these we have thunderstorm warnings from the Dayton metro tornado warnings through parts of Green County also through Clark County and then southern Madison County into Fayette County we have got tornado warnings in this area this cell has shown an indication of getting a little bit stronger again as it's moving towards Jamestown right now so if you're near Jeffersonville if you're in there Milledgeville and West Lancaster these are areas that you need to be very very careful and head to that safe spot immediately because this is going to be a very dangerous cell as it's moving right into Fayette County right now north of Jeffersonville you need to be at that safe spot immediately as Colleen and Danielle we're talking about about an hour and 20 minutes ago when this cell moved through Dayton it caused catastrophic damage we're getting reports in from the Dayton area of a lot of major damage to well-built structures buildings that are in that area and you notice right here been look at this north of Jeffersonville we're showing almost a straight-line path right there of 80 plus mile per hour winds possibly in that area and that's going to continue to push off basically to the east southeast at about 3035 miles per hour and boy again this shows you how the how tight the rhythm is here or at least the algorithms let me a clear that again you can see where the strongest winds are over Gahanna right now so that storm over the eastern portion of Franklin County has some wind shear just past the airport that's the strongest wind that we have in the Metro now not all this wind maybe make it to the ground of these speeds that's what's rate radars detecting of did you see the way the Pickaway storm was tornado warning was canceled for Pickaway County but it was continuing now for Fairfield County until 12:15 also continuing for Fayette and Madison counties the possibility with that storm that one down in Fayette County possibly up two and that's this cell right over here that self showing the potential of up to golf ball-sized hail with that that's the same cell that has been very dangerous through the night tonight with tornadic activity being confirmed off towards the west with that so if you are in Fayette County the northern half of Fayette County north of Washington courthouse basically the northern half of the county you need to be in that safe spot immediately this is a very very dangerous cell it does have the potential of producing some very large hail and a tornado with it a large tornado possible with it as well as it does appear that cells getting a little bit stronger as it is pushing off towards the east we've got another cell moving across 33 right now in Fairfield County near Lancaster that's going to continue right up 22 basically that'll be in Thurston at 12:29 towards Pleasantville at 12:30 but again you need to get to that safe spot now we are warning now to give you time to get to that spot so you can be safe this cell should continue to travel south of Buckeye Lake but between Buckeye Lake basically near pataskala right now and at now we've got another strong cell that's moving out of Gahanna and that's going to continue to move over towards Granville pataskala Newark and then eventually crossed 113 and continue down 161 and 16 here over in towards Coshocton County so again we have tornado warnings that continue until 12:30 for Fayette Madison counties we've got another tornado warning a second tornado warning that's been issued to the West in Clark and Greene counties have been another cell that has been closely watched off towards the west and other cells so once this cell moves out of Fayette County then there's another one so it and that's why I'm basically going around just showing you each of the different time frames for the rotation in these storms and that storm near Yellow Springs has a deep rotation and the threat of a tornado here and then we jump over to Fairfield County and you can see again by putting the tracker while the storms heading into Fayette County or moving southeast the storms in Fairfield and out of Franklin County counties into Lincoln County are moving slightly north of East but there are some different time frames to look at so there are the tornado warnings until 12:30 for Fayette County until 12:15 for Fairfield County and again I'm using a slightly different radar so it's less messy and either does easier to see where the worst portion of the storm is and we're still hearing the sirens outside our studio so most of Franklin in Franklin County you are hearing the tornado sirens also up in Lincoln County you can see the storm moving off to the east and about 26 miles per hour so every one of these is intense but the the core here of this storm which is in western Lincoln County now moving out of Franklin County is got the strongest wind so that's crossing the Franklin County line so right in here and it's pretty obvious where you see some the strongest winds but also some of the colors so again the will go back to our regular radar position and if you're in western Franklin County the storm threat is moving off to the east the but there's just so many embedded storms that have been rotating consistently right through here in eastern Franklin Western looking over by Lancaster and these two are even stronger because again you have unimpeded inflow warm moist air from the southwest so Dave yeah that is gonna be a tornado warning for the Licking County until 12:30 the storm was located over summit station moving east at 35 so let me clear the screen again and then I'll let you point that out but there's summit station and I'm going to put that up high so we've been following this storm wall away from Ohio state across Minerva Park south of New Albany into western Licking County over by pataskala yeah so you see right here this tornado warning this newly issued tornado warning until 12:30 for Licking County Doppler radar indicated rotation obviously been watching this very closely this rotation basically near pataskala right now crossing up 16 up near Grandville this box extends from the Lincoln County line all the way through Granville newer Keith Hebron down towards Buckeye Lake you are under the tornado warning not over to Hanover yet Alexandria you are under the tornado warning if you are in this region you need to get to that safe spot immediately gusty winds possible tornado hail to the size of possible quarter-sized hail one-inch diameter hail and the radar is indicating out of Columbus radar indicating a possible tornado right to the west of pataskala so Ben if we could turn on that Columbus the CMH radar right there on the top here and see right in this area if we click on that it's kind of difficult to see just to the west of Columbus right in this area we're looking at our west of pataskala and that's just south of New Albany down to 161 and that's gonna continue to push off towards the east and Dave check this out here two up by blacklick yeah that appears to be possibly that's on the bits of reflectivity right in there that we're looking at it's a very very intense angle and now now I'm going to give you the rotation yeah you can see it you can see it right there West and pataskala right there right along 16 comes real odd Street right there it's a very small zone let me draw that again and zoom in this is how we again identify where there's no right there with the items and the colors right in there is what we're looking for and you can see that little I mean we're going basically about a mile and a half off towards the east-northeast north of summit station and what is this Taylor right here yeah havens corner just north of Broad Street just south of Taylor Road you know and just yeah going up 16 and it's going right up 16 towards the terminal Doppler radar site so if you're in pataskala you need to be in your safe spot immediately right this minute because this cells continuing to push to the east northeast at about 30 to 35 miles an hour that's gonna go right up broad here and right up towards pataskala that is showing rotation we could see it right here on radar so you need to get to your safe spot immediately if you are in pataskala you need to it's that lowest room of the house possibly or an innermost room if you do not have a basement a bathroom a closet something that does not have windows to the outer portion of the house and David definitely helps to use radar this radar is in pataskala yes the terminal Doppler radar so that's why we're getting such a great view here which again that here that yeah you could see more of a more of a straight-line wind but still very dangerous right along here you can see the little tiny blurbs of red here that's where we've got little Eddie's or little circulation spots that are starting to pick up right along this line and we have to watch very closely obviously that's why we're watching this for that rotation and start to pick up a little bit more and that would start to bring that right into Lancaster so again very dangerous sell down towards the south in Fairfield County as well and David take a look at Mount Sterling and here again we're seeing irritation yeah that's the that's that same cell that we've been watching for the last couple of hours now and in fact that cell has produced some very large damage off towards the west I want to toss it back over to Colleen Marshall for a minute you've got some of the pictures that are being shown right now on social media keep in mind this is just along i-75 near Dayton we're hearing there is catastrophic damage there in fact the Montgomery County Sheriff has said he's never seen damage worse in his entire career this is just some of the highway damage and I know Ben when you go out and look to try to determine whether or not it's a tornado you look for signs of tation there is debris wrapped around a pole here along i-75 lots of damage we're being told most of that highway is closed right now oh I made that a little bit too big now if I can make it smaller but again these are nighttime pictures so we're going to show you as best as we can what we're seeing and I saw another one down here as well this thing I keep making it too big here we go more damage along the highway as you can see the roads are closed a lot of emergency vehicles are out there and Danijela visible has been as we have a sister station in Dayton wDTN Daniela visible has been trying to get some information from them we've been told they have crews on the way there's one reporter though that has been posting some things on Twitter Danielle did you find something from her they're either reporter on scene right now saying we can't we can't play this video in the browser but we do want to let you know that we've had reports in Dayton that people are trapped that there are fires burning there that they've had heavy damage again the Montgomery County Sheriff saying David's the worst damage he's seen in his career that is unbelievable and I mean we watched this tornado move across the Dayton metro in Montgomery County we saw this earlier why don't alert folks now we have a bend right in here a newly issued tornado warning now we've got two newly issued tornado warning so let's wrap these up first off we've got one down in Fairfield in Hocking County this extends until 12:45 this evening this is for the same cell we have been watching very closely if you're in Lancaster if you're down in Brenham over towards Rushville Pleasantville basically Somerset Junction City all of these locations down to the South northern Hocking County if you're moving in to Somerset in parts of Perry County you're not under the warning yet but you need to take caution immediately the cells continue to push to the east they are dangerous cells they have been producing very strong gusty winds hail also the possibility of Doppler radar indicated tornadoes with these as well so rotation showing up this cell possibly some smaller nickel to quarter-sized hail Ben we've also got a newly issued tornado warning for Fayette Madison Pikul in Ross - that's a large and it's a fast it's that's another part of that cell the back part of that cell that's starting to move through go ahead yeah I was going to say where as the National Service have initially indicated that there was some indication of weakening of the super cells coming out of you know the the the the tandem storms coming out of a Greene County into Fayette County but they're ramping up again because they're getting some renewed energy up from the south keep pointing out these little notches are very important because they tell us we're not only rotation is but to the south where it has not rained it's warmer and more humid so I'm label right and we also have a warm front which is a boundary that's sitting right off to the north here and so that boundary is is kind of where everything comes together and and the storms follow it like a highway so while storms to the north are probably weakening gradually to the north and east of Columbus except for Fairfield County everything to the southeast has a free rein here because it's got open air in other words warm moist air nothing to block it so these storms are being refueled as it were just sort of like an Indy 500 these storms are tanking up again and so we're gonna see them pulse up and down and continue to rotate apparently because they're along that boundary the air or the wind shear you've got air coming in from the southwest but you also winds from the Northwest overhead so you know that's where things begin to spin and so it makes sense that these warnings to the south have reappeared you know the new ones we just talked about in Fairfield County Ross pick away Madison counties in bother for Ross County it is the northernmost portion of Ross County in the warning so not Chillicothe right now but Circleville yes and also Washington courthouse and this one of course was the tornado at Fairborn but you may continue to hear sirens and bother the same for Eastern Franklin County the tornado warning is still in effect it's now 12 to 13 so that should access that just appears like it just expired so right now we could take that banner off guys in the back there there are no more tornado warnings for Franklin or Delaware counties as soon as I say that though again we have a newly issued another tornado warning that's been issued for Clark Fayette Greene and Madison counties until 12:45 so right along this same line but again Delaware in Franklin County are now not under a tornado warning we have active tornado warnings for Licking County this is basically the western portion of Lincoln County extends all the way through Newark we've got tornado warnings in Fairfield County including Lancaster and then down to the northern portion of Hocking County that extends all the way up to basically butts up to the eastern edge or the western edge I'm sorry of Perry County here and that extends that tornado warning extends I believe until 12:45 you notice the speed on this at about 45 miles an hour off towards the east we've got very high likelihood of hail generally about the nickel-sized hail tornado index at about a two and a half on this meaning there's a low chance of a tornado in here but again still good enough of a chance that we are watching for broad rotation and here we've seen it near Lancaster's that's moving away right now in fact you notice then we've got additional severe thunderstorm we had a severe thunderstorm warning now they're all just tornado warnings in that cluster and Ben that's gonna be a very dangerous line of storms because not only is you know in Fayette County and in Ross Northern Ross County and in southern most of Pickaway County now are you under the tornado warning in this area but you notice those tornado warnings extend like 65 miles back to the west so you've got a train not only training of heavy rainfall but you're training of multiple very dangerous storms back-to-back-to-back moving into parts of northern Fayette County southern Madison over into Pickaway County so if you are not there already or if you've gone back upstairs for a few minutes you've gotten out of your safe spot you need to head back there immediately especially if you're in Fayette and Pickaway counties Benz that is gonna be a very dangerous area for the next couple of minutes I want to toss it back over to Colleen for a minute Colleen you've got some more video I take it well I think Danielle was able to call up this is a reporter Kristen ESCO and Danielle what are we looking at here I know you've been looking following this it looks like right now we're seeing a lot of storm damage in the Trotwood area they say that neighbors say there are structural damage right now you're looking at a lot of debris there's fire fighters in the area and if another video where you could just see a lot of police presence in this area we're told that people are being told to park and then walk to the affected area you can see the bridge it covers the roadways right there a lot of toppled trees we know there's also widespread power outages as we said i-75 at least for some time this evening was closed debris scattered everywhere I know Ben you and Dave are going to be here for the next several hours following this but we wanted to let you know in our newsroom we also have crews who were headed to the heaviest damaged areas we will be following this through the night not only with you on the air but at NBC for Icom as well so good luck you guys tonight yeah Coleen oh we're gonna I want to put the time-lapse on this because I think we all need to see the direction that these storms are moving they're kind of moving off to the southeast at about 35 miles per hour but here we go now just kind of get a sense you can see the storms are starting to pull away from the I 71 corridor in the Columbus metro area now let that lapse a few times so you get oriented think about where you're watching us from and because not all the storms are moving exactly in the same direction there may be an easterly track up around Columbus but southeasterly down into Washington courthouse they're almost there almost turning back to the east just a little bit here they're kind of flattening out a little bit right in this area you know what you could do grab the pen tool and just draw a line on all these and kind of show the direction where they've been tracking because as Ben was mentioning it's difficult I mean there is a lot to look at on here and they're all kind of moving in slightly different directions the stuff through Lincoln County is basically pulling off towards the east northeast these cells down by Fairfield County those are generally pushing east and then these cells are sliding a little bit more east south east and it's tough up in Delaware County that's starting to pull north as well a little bit more northeast tonight so we've got a lot of different motions on these and it's not as simple as just looking at a radar and just saying hey all this is moving east or northeast it's not all moving in one uniform direction right and David I think the answer to that is I believe from doing analysis while we've been talking there's a low-pressure area in the mid levels here so what that's doing it's got a broad counterclockwise turn so there we call them there's a fancy term convective vortices but they're essentially up in the mid-level the ears turning broadly and then you get these mezzo or many scale rotation centers off to the southeast so I'm gonna raise that a little bit higher for you but that's what's happening that's why you see this broad circulation so you have the air is turning over a good portion of Central Ohio and kind of a one big merry-go-round and within that again things begin to to spin on a smaller scale and that's where the tornado warnings are and then it the rest depends upon smaller boundaries so again just to reiterate we have us I mean so many warnings here 12:30 and I'm gonna have to go in tighter so you want you want to take over and you can just you can just point out among yeah why don't you a second around the corner here okay with Lincoln County so over here in Lincoln County we've got this tornado warning that extends until 12:30 tonight so for about another 10 minutes in Lincoln County this does includes Johnstown this does include Alexandria and newer down to the south here in Fairfield County this tornado warning extends until 12:45 not as big of a concern for hail with this mainly nickel sized hail possible again that extends all the way through Northern the basis of the northern hat right there of Hocking County and then over towards the edge of Perry County if you're in Perry County new lacs over towards Somerset you need to take caution - you need to take extreme caution with this storm because that is gonna be moving into your backyard basically it extends till 12:40 12:45 after 1:00 o'clock tonight I know it's late but you want to make sure that you get to that safe spot better safe in this indication then down to the south here and bed we're have to move this map up just a little bit here to get it out of that boundary there but you notice we've got multiple tornado warnings with this cell we've got one it looks like one two three at least three different tornado warnings here the farthest edge basically covering this would be pick away County northern Ross County that's until it bent quick thank you very much back on this one this is a one o'clock tornado warnings that extends for another 39 minutes there for Fairfield County and northern I'm sorry Pickaway County and northern Ross County the Fairfield County tornado extends until 12:45 then in Fayette County hear that tornado warning extends until about another nine minutes or so eight minutes 12:30 tonight although the stress behind it yeah Western Fayette till 12:45 yeah it's a train of super cells a rotating storm and I know that sounds confusing why ones until 12:45 basically what's happening as these storms are getting warned on each one of these cells individually and they're issuing tornado warnings for the amount of time that it's gonna be in that box and so they keep issuing new warnings we're gonna continue to track basically this corridor from outside of Dayton north of Yellow Springs all the way north of Washington courthouse just to the north over towards Circleville to the north of circle bill you're gonna continue to see very strong storms if we could sue min right here down into a pick away county bed if we could settle Center that up a little bit thank you very much you basically noticed this line north of us 22 here worst part of the storm right here near Mount Sterling right now that's pushing almost due east that's gonna be Mount Sterling commercial point Asheville you need to get to your safe spot immediately as that is a very dangerous Elm that's going to continue to push to the east right now at 36 miles per hour minimum I would expect that you are going to see some very strong gusty winds and some hail with this you know as the hail size and about 3/4 inch diameters to nickel to quarter-sized hail roughly the tornado index pushing near a three here so there is rotation showing up Mount Sterling right about now darby ville again darby ville 12:40 tonight commercial point 12 46 and south Bloomfield at 12 51 as we back on this line you notice very strong storms all the way down near bloomin burg along 62 here Jeffersonville we've got another strong sell between Jeffersonville and Cedarville here been if we get turn on the Barron button the storm threats there cuz I want to see if what that's showing as far as the hail indication the possibility of seeing some very strong gusty winds there we go and you notice from dear Mount Sterling this cell right here that pink color that is about one inch diameter hail notice the red shadings here that severe winds 50 to 60 mile per hour winds we've got the same thing and as Ben was mentioning on the back edge of a lot of these cells that's where we've seen that rotation you can see it just south of Cedarville here and north of us 35 that's where we've got that soaring up a little bit of an indication of us some a rotation right there and that's gonna be moving right into Jeffersonville Ben this is an area that has been hit multiple times I've just never seen so many storms follow the same path but with rotation I'm going to point out a few more here this one is the Fairfield County warning first of all Rushville 12:30 heading into Perry County Junction City 12:45 70 mile-per-hour wind shear and rotation indicated just northeast of Lancaster Northwest of Bremen but then we also the National Weather Service has highlighted the cell in Lincoln County near Beachwood true tornado warning for Morgan and Perry counties we'll definitely look at that in just a moment there's Licking County near Beachwood Trails Dave that's got still some rotation the warning there will go to 12:30 so let's follow the one that Dave just mentioned down into a Perry County boy look at this this and that's the storm we were just tracking out of out of spotters have observed rotation with this storm and I bet if we look at a rotation signature and again I got a constant clear what elements to see another here but this is the rotation I'm gonna have to probably slide this up in just a moment for you guys that storm will be near Somerset though 1235 is you're getting that set up new Lexington Perry State Forest around 12:40 this is the same cell that we've been watching and you can see a crossing u.s. 22 there been is you've got that set up here you can see this cell right in here so if you're in Somerset new Lexington Perry State Forest you need to be on alert immediately as this is a very dangerous cell it does go all the way into the northwest corner of Morgan County as well that is under the tornado warning that extends now until 1:15 this evening now again as we mentioned storm spotters that are following this have observed rotation with this storm it doesn't necessarily mean the rotation is touch the ground yet but that is a very good indication that you need to be in your safe spot immediately again we have tornado warnings that extend through Lincoln County this evening now from Fairfield County over into Perry and Morgan counties we have tornado warnings we have a thunderstorm warning over in Noble County as well for the cell that's near on north and McConnelsville that will be moving in as well in the next up 15 to 20 minutes and then we've got additional very strong thunderstorms that have had a history of producing rotation and tornadoes from Fayette County all the way back into parts of Greene County and into southern Madison County we're also under that Tornai warning down here and that continues until I believe it was our tilt while there until multiple times 12:30 12:45 1 o'clock right in here and that does extend from northern Madison northern Fayette that's I'm sorry and southern Madison counties over into Fayette County and over into Pickaway County again if you're in this area if you're near Mount Sterling if you're near circle they'll Amanda Asheville you need to be in your safe spot if you have family friends in that area grab your phone grab whatever you can a flashlight a blanket head to that safe spot a basement a lowest level of your house if you do not have one of those we're looking at something that's inside most interior room that you can get to without the outside doors and windows so that way if something does hit even if it's wind damage or hail hits the outside you have more walls between you and more space between you and the outside of your home these have been very dangerous cells very dangerous cells that have been moving out of the Dayton metro and across basically south of i-70 this evening and been I mean we have still have active right now it appears on this map six active tornado warnings in our backyard it's almost like a crescent-shaped Franklin County just to be clear is no longer under the tornado warning but everybody from Madison County to the south and through Pickaway and to the east and looping back into Lincoln County under tornado warnings for again this train of rotating thunderstorms and we're also going to go to a tighter view here a rather a wider view just to give you the perspective but this particular storm cluster continues to move east at 35 miles an hour the southern portion of this line is moving off to the southeast and the northern portion so I mean it just depends where you are but generally there's there's an easterly trend in all of these let's see if I couldn't have back this up a little bit for you to show you what I'm talking about just so many elements here this is the Fairfield County storm wind shear 80 plus maha's per hour this is now in eastern fairfield county heading into perry county the core of the storm somerset in new Lex in the next 10 to 15 minutes so that that's one of the storms we've really been highlighting and now we're going to look at live pics from wDTN and Dayton where we've had major damage catastrophic damage due to one probably multiple tornadoes that have touched down in the Dayton area and that's where we had storms that were confirmed on the ground and you can see vehicles have been flipped there's there's a great deal of structural damage here power flashes are continuing Dave I mean a lot of reports of no power in that area and in darkness it is just so hard to tell but with Fairfield in Hocking counties are under tornado warning now until 12:45 because the storm is near Hebron so these are live pictures from D yeah you know while they get that shot and we need to come back to radar here and let me zoom in this is the newest a tornado warning until 12:45 and also actually now we have another for Clark Fayette Greene Madison that's a continuation until 12:45 but it's the it's the southern storms that are strongest because they are running along a boundary with the ax warmest and monkeyest air to the south confirmed tornado was near Bell Center moving southeast at 35 miles per hour so that's why the tornado warning continues in Clark Fayette green and Madison counties let's go back to those live pictures for one minute here we're getting some good indicate yeah look at the damage people look at that Dave look at that Mehta sheetmetal just wrapped around that pole right there and that's a bit that's what's scary right now that's that cell that's down to the south that line of cells near Mount Sterling back towards Jeffersonville that is very dangerous that's what on radar right now there is indication of some debris in this area Bend that's that debris was near would you said near Bell Center right now moving east at southeast at 35 miles an hour not only that but we also could see the potential of up to half dollar sized hail so we're looking at one and a half inch diameter hail down in this area and again that is very dangerous this is a very dangerous cell a line of cells I should mention we've got multiple tornado warnings right now one coming into Fayette County that one been is until 1:00 o'clock I believe and then the other one isn't this one's until 1:15 that's for Perry County right what about the Fayette in Pickaway County storm that's until 12:00 1:00 o'clock and then 12:45 both of those cells very dangerous near the Deer Creek State Park right now you see that very dangerous cell in that down in Pickaway County so again if you're in these areas we've been mentioning this you should have been in your safe spot already you want to get to that safe spot you want to keep a phone with you possibly bring a phone charger until you lose power if that doesn't in fact happen but again we are streaming on air online as well so you guys can keep us on air you can watch this over NBC for i.com and we'll continue to update you this through this situation also if you're our Storm Team 4 weather app it has been alerting me I've got my phone right over here it's been alerting me with every new tornado warning and it is a great tool to have even when there's dangerous or rotating storms near you so a great tool to have now you by the way the tornado warning will continue for Pickaway and Ross until 1:00 at 12:30 National Weather Service radar showing storm capable of producing a tornado near Williamsport that's in southern southwest Pickaway County moving east at 35 by the way Franklin and Lincoln counties of course no longer under tornado warnings just to bring you up to date so it's south of Interstate 70 where all the most powerful storms are and that makes sense so it is this storm here where the tornado warning will continue for a little while longer we're gonna see if we see anything in terms of some wind shear and storm winds see some strong outflow don't see let me let me come back over here anything although again where the radar maybe three or four thousand feet above but this is the better indication of where we have strongest wind shear so that's the moving through western portions of Pickaway County there's your hail track for these storms probably about a five mile swath of intermittent hail but not large hail the path of the strongest winds showing up like so so again that's this corridor of Jeffersonville Blooming Berg Circleville you guys have been hit a couple of times now and this is the overall path of the storm let me back this out so we can all see the time frame darby ville about 12:40 10:00 that's that's that's a great map right there if you could zoom it it's clear this out for one second so what this shows and I apologize here but this is an excellent indication right here this wind shear path shows weeks tweaked to strong to extreme wind shear you notice this path right here this where we started tracking this around ten o'clock tonight and this path right here through Montgomery County into this Greene County right here that's where we had look at this it's showing up as strong to severe you can see the colors up here this red to yellow colors right in here that's showing most likely right that path of the tornado as it made its way through here and that's gonna be a large tornado and then it continued through near Cedarville you notice it got a little bit more broken here and that shear path is a little bit weaker but still showing some strong shear through parts of Fayette County possibly showing that that rotation is lifted maybe a little bit but it's not a guarantee so you need to be in your safe spot if you're in Fayette County if you move over into Pickaway County you notice those shears pretty weak in this area right now so possible broad rotation that we're watching but not something that's real tightly packed yet but again this is where these storms are right now if we turn the traditional radar back on Ben you'll see where those storms are right there and then starting to move into Pickaway County and that's what we're starting to see that weak rotation that weak shear showing up and where that tornado warning is that's a great indicator of where all of this activity has just been training tornadic activity training over the same area it's May one of the be the most dramatic events that we have seen in a long long time funnel cloud over Greene County right now Dave or at least reported in the last 15 minutes so that just I mean it's at night too which makes it very difficult to see in a lot of folks or without power now that's another thing and we talked about this with you know anytime you don't want to be indoors or you don't wanna be outdoors when there's a tornado warning a severe thunderstorm warning winds could be dangerous Hales could be dangerous but again at night a lot of this has a lot of rain around it we've seen very impressive rainfall rates some spots have picked up one to two inches of rain already tonight as well and I would expect in this line where we've seen very strong storms there could be multiple inches of rain on the ground as well making it difficult for first responders to get around if you need emergency services in this area that could make it very difficult especially if there's wind damage from power lines down something you never want to cross into you've got to keep that in mind as well if you are in an area that is damaged you don't want to go venturing out especially if there's a downed power line that's sitting in a puddle that can be an extremely dangerous situation as well and a lot of these cells been have been producing hail as well that's one of the indicators but again when we were talking nickel the quarter-sized hail and a normal day that's a big deal but today because we've had so many other this evening we've had so many other things going on that's kind of been a back story so yeah and Dave to your point there's the hail tracker form area look at this and that is consistent with the most powerful updrafts that have been spinning that's consistent with the wind shear and then of course our storm winds which are a little less clear however to funnel clouds merged into a wedge shape back here so there's been some strong rotation and that's the Jeffersonville area storm again the storm coming into Fayette County so while here this whoops this indicates a rain cooled outflow in other words strong winds pushing out I don't see the the the signature that we had before that indicate a rotation then you see right in here and in Pickaway County though this is something we've got to still watch out for absolutely that's one of those things in that agile you were talking about that earlier because not just exactly yeah and and by notches again and then let me clear this and we that means that you've got air flowing in to the storm now this would be indicative of a notch here and initially you know I don't see the usual tightrope job I would say I would estimate in this area to the west of Circleville is the greatest concern but I do want to point out something else this is really important let's go over consider how far away the radar is if we're seeing this red and green couplet again red wind is moving away green moving toward radar between Somerset in New Lexington there's definitely a rotation and there there's another pass and other it could be elevated at that point too absolutely so this is a very dangerous storm working its way across Somerset New Lexington reminds me of 20 the fall of 2010 when we had a tornado outbreak in this area where we thought well it's very hilly and that's a shield but not necessarily we learned that time that that storms can go up and downhill so while this may be an entrance to a hilly region we've got to watch every one of these rotating storms you need to be in the base they're all tornado warned there's no question what's happening here and again but as they mentioned been out of Charleston the spotters had met had witnessed rotation with that cell in the dark yes so in between the lightning flashes there is incredible usually you don't see it yes and that's not a situation for folks to get out and try to look for that tonight you know yeah I mean you're not gonna see it but you know you don't want to be caught off guard and in a dangerous situation so the rotating part of the storm will be over Somerset at 12:48 Kirksville at 106 so that's the northeastern portion of Perry County for that that's they don't want to extol 1:15 and then we slide a westbound and again Franklin and and Lincoln counties are now out of the woods so we're all south of 70 on the importance storms that are still producing wind shear a pretty strong outflow here coming through pick away and Fayette and back into a green counties at least eastern most Greene County so keep that picture in mind now I switch back to what we call our regular radar reflectivity and see how it all matches up with this again something that you guys are most familiar with seeing storm number one with rotation storm number two with rotation and then storm number three and they continue to feed off the air to the south where it has not been raining that's what so essentially the southern storms cut off the energy from the activity in Franklin and Lincoln counties they're still potent by the way and guys are still getting a pounded with heavy rain and some small hail from pataskala to heath Alexandria I know we haven't paid as much attention up to the north give you a quick view some very heavy rain to the west of Mount Vernon so that's in southern moral County these storms are not warned so that means we're not getting unusual wind shear just heavy rain errs maybe some pea-sized hail I know we've been focusing heavily on the rotating storms to the south but it's just I'm gonna take that wide view real quickly because again it gets back to what we talked about earlier I mentioned there's a big call like a vortex of sorts and a mid-level low-pressure area that's spinning counterclockwise through Central Ohio and that's what the Storm Prediction Center in Norman Oklahoma indicated and then on the southern end you get these rotating the super cells and they just keep triggering warning after warning after warning earlier have them in Franklin County in Lincoln County of course even earlier still up here but you see how that area is being cut off by the rain to the south so the inflow in other words being blocked so the storms can't spin they're still heavy rayner's so checking in the National Weather Service does not put out any new statements yet it's 12:40 of course we've been on the air since about 10:40 when the tornado warnings have been coming like dominos yeah and Dave by then storms had already ravaged Montgomery County and the areas around Dayton and these cells just continue to propagate off initially to the southeast if you are in this area all the fringing on Ross County but a little bit to the east northeast Perry County so that strong storm could impact southern Muskingum and Morgan counties because that one's moving a little bit more north of East and that's why we leave these arrows up again the that the times are on the core of the storm not the beginning of the storm but the most dangerous part of the storm Circleville closer to 1:00 in the morning and and and for good reason here because I bet if we put on the storm wind again you can see it right here right here it's just amazing I mean to thing right here there's a little bit of rotation here and and maybe back toward Jefferson SL almost looks more like it's starting to blow out a little bit more right out here with just straight line yeah this is more outflow dominant another which is what you want you want the rain cooled air to cut off the influence another one after another it should one of the other concerns too has been zooming into the storm in Perry County off towards the west like near Dayton they've already got flash flood warnings two to three inches of rain have fallen and some of those areas down to the south of Fayette Madison southern Madison County that's the same thing you could see some broad rotation here again one of the things that Ben was looking at and Ben if we can click on this little skit marker right here the orange one for me want to see the indication of what's going on here so this storm and again this isn't the front of the store cell this is the core of it right here Junction City 12 47 new Lexington 12:55 crooks fell at 106 this is also showing hail potential and a hundred percent generally smaller hail nickel a quarter sized hail and about a three on the tornado index so showing some rotate in this area I mean most days we don't have tornado indexes a number showing up more than about one or two on a severe weather day so we've seen multiple three four and five the fives typically have yielded tornadoes so far this evening you notice wind shear showing weak wind shear in this area between Somerset New Lexington moving across central Perry County this evening this cell has basically moved from Fairfield County back into Perry County with that tore tornado warning and you notice right here just south of Somerset we've got the purple color here that's about half inch diameter hail sohbat nickel the penny sized hail somewhere in that range and then looking at these little red spots here that's where showing a little bit stronger wind shear wind gusts that are starting to pick up they're even trying to get down towards the ground we've got another little cell that's over in Pickaway County a little bit larger hail core showing up here with the potential uptick quarter sized hail here in the light pink and right along 22 here moving basically into Circleville that's what we're showing some of that stronger peak wind showing up and in the cell in Fayette County where we've also got a tornado warning I believe a brand let's see Fairfield and Hocking County tornado warnings have expired those have expired and what time is this this tornado warning goes into 1:15 here north of Washington courthouse for this cell here but again this is a okay indicator but it is showing that there's hail right now we're not really getting those wind the red and the yellows and the oranges showing up for the wind threat however this has been a very dangerous corridor of cells just because it's not showing it in this one scan it doesn't mean that the cells not you know getting a little bit stronger in between scans and we're and it's just being missed right now so once we get that next scan we may have some more wind indicator showing up there in Fayette County so again you cannot let your guard down if you're in northern Fayette County north of Washington courthouse that cell will be crossing 62 by about by about 105 in the morning or so and then continuing into parts of Pickaway counties have been for them it's gonna be another round of storm starting to move in tonight but the good news for folks to the north I'm noticing some of the tornado watches are starting to be kind of peeled away in the north and west because the cells are not as strong to the north and west anymore most of the strongest cells are south of i-70 at this time they continue to move Dave off to the east we've been looking at so many of them Somerset in crooks Ville all right so I'm gonna come back to the the bigger map here again first just for the broadest of perspective south of north of 70 in fact the rain is pretty much clear Franklin County that's pretty much done so hopefully the rest of us from Columbus north and west will get some sleep here and the tornado warned of course has been expired for the past half hour or 20 minutes anyway in Lincoln County but still getting some very heavy rain all right let's go southbound again over to Somerset in New Lexington crooks Ville not seeing quite the the strong rotational signatures that we had earlier which would be a really good sign because it's been just a really rough pattern but what we can do of course is interrogate the storm near new Lexington winds of 60 miles an hour north of New Lexington approaching Krux Ville and about 1/2 inch hail again hail has not been the big deal here with these storms that sometimes is it was yesterday when we had 3 inch hail and this very same corridor folks have really had it rough across basically from Laurel Ville in this direction this was the hail corridor yesterday where we had three inch hail today it's a little all the way over to Athens a little different story but again let's come up here and look at some of these whit max winds where we have the tornado warning first of all for Pickaway County until 1:00 in the morning so if I question that cell it's winds up close to 60 miles an hour and half inch hail so that would be for the storm in Piqua County right behind it we have a powerful storm at Fayette County not seeing the red so in other words we're not seeing the wind shear and I keep moving this up above the banner I apologize if it takes a second to get that we'll see get a clearer view minutes away moving southeast at 35 so the tracker there would indicate the storm is gonna pass a little to the north of Washington courthouse but it's and you see the new serie thunderstorm warning they've elected to keep that as a thunderstorm warning for that same cell you were just trying yeah Fairfield Hawking pick away and Ross until 1:30 is a thunderstorm warning they've canceled a tornado warning just when Ross yeah thanks Dave for that that's that's that's good to hear so what in the big picture that tells us the the rotation is weakening in all of these storms and again choosing a radar that you know it's broader but it draws your eyes right to where we have our biggest concerns and the other of course is still getting some strong winds in central to north central Perry County overall let me give you some storm motion here and get you back to traditional radar mode they back this off first of all because we all need to the geography perspective to see that it's still raining up to the north now let's put that in motion and take a look I'm gonna give this a time loss of about one hour that's good enough for now but the the storm track has been off to the southeast southeast and then farther east it's to the east northeast in fact we can see how far these storms have traveled let me go back for hours and you'll see the tornadic storms right here moving into the date and error we looked at wDTN and the very serious damage so this is the path around 10-30 that's when the tornado struck near it looks like just to the north of Dayton and then the outflow generated some storms that began to produce tornado warnings through the heart of the Columbus area and let me slide that down just a bit and and also to the south and as we get deeper into the evening the energy has shifted a little bit farther south and east which you would expect because of the arraign cold air to the north so that's been the path so we've been the recipient of storms that came out of the Dayton area a little bit earlier and I'm going to stop the tracker now go back to a real time I mean it's just been unbelievable the Train of storms that we've had to deal with so here's the traditional view let me get this underneath so you can see still getting some heavy rain around Buckeye Lake south of Newark still a potent sell over Circleville tornado warning continues for Fayette County until 1:15 the storm near Jeffersonville is moving southeast at 35 so that's still Dave Wilmington believes is blooming there until they produce a tornado you're right over by Bloomberg and again while not not as dramatic you see occasion of these little kinks in the line with these storms probably little transient two circulations as they move east but notice it's orange so just a thunderstorm or not I want to say just but a thunderstorm warning for pick away Hockey and Fairfield indicating and you can tell by immediately by looking at radar these storms are starting to weaken a little finally that is that is good news though still the cell right now in been before you look at that the one also in Perry County that one has been and go to the bearing button on that to show the storm threats here because I've been noticing I was looking as you're dissecting the other storms this one still between Somerset and New Lexington was showing the possibility could see right on the edge there then you can see that's 50 to 70 mile an hour wind corridor right through there as well and that could be straight line winds actively yes and and you're starting to get some of that larger hail possibly coming out of this but if you're between the Somerset New Lexington over towards crooks Ville southern Muskingum County you're not technically under the warning right now but you're still under the gun for these very strong storms we've got a couple of them possible hail showing up up here in Lincoln County again no warning up in that area right now but down to the south as Ben was mentioning there's two other areas we're watching one near Circleville you can see the tail end of this right along 22 there that if Ben if we could zoom into this area sure and while I'm zooming in I'll tell you that we have a tornado warning for Fairfield hocking Pickaway and Ross now to 115 at 12:48 a thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was over Logan Elm village moving southeast at 40 so this is this cell right there that you're on so that's brand new Dave so yeah I mean these just keep coming up and as we mentioned even when their history severe thunderstorm warnings that's basically to cover between you know possibly if one of these tornado warnings does expire but you notice right here in Circleville near what did you say no logon alum village it's moving southeast at 40 this one's moving southeast at 40 we can click on that little orange marker right there been on that skit to show the the line there and to get some information on this so Circleville right now 12:55 it's saying I'm at 12:54 now stouts Ville 104 Dolf I at 1:16 Laurel Ville 1:16 and that makes its way into the Hocking Hills as Colleen mentioned earlier a lot of folks it is a holiday weekend folks still may be out at the Hocking Hills State Park if you know somebody that is camping in that area you need to get a hold of them immediately they need to get to a safe spot right away as this is going to continue to move through Laurel ville and eventually into Hokkien county again you notice the winds is starting to pick up real strong in that area it's showing pretty high shear about 80 miles an hour right there we could see surface winds 50 to 70 miles per hour pretty good likelihood of seeing Hale and Hale sighs any we're looking at about will pry it about a quarter sized hail and again possible rotation with that cell near Logan Elm Village moving to the southeast at 40 miles per hour so if you're in Circleville Kingston Hocking Hills State Park low Logan Elm Village stouts to Laurel ville Tarleton down towards blooming Ville Pickaway County Airport area basically Rock Bridge Hallsville all of these locations you need to get to your safe spot immediately as this has been a very dangerous storm as it has been moving off towards the southeast and it's moving a little quicker now than they were earlier now at 40 miles per hour yeah and David it's interesting how we briefly went down to a thunderstorm warning as we said and and five minutes later we're back up to a tornado warning so there's these storms pulse up and down a little bit what we call the they cycle in other words the rotation cycles so it can break down a little and then redevelop and that's why you know we have had to stay with these for so long but it they've been remarkably persistent and resilient on the southern edge in particular again I'm going to back this out so you can see the tornado warning well the tornado warnings with multiple counties and this this atmosphere has basically been primed through the evening hours for this development wasn't all that warm today but the humidity rose in the evening a warm front set up along the northwest of i-70 and us 33 and then that became the highway for storm after storm after storm and now of course with us as you normally see a southward trend in in the storm motion so back to the reflectivity mode or no there was a conventional radar picture with the warning superimposed I'm gonna have to widen that out a little bit and again up to the north sorry I know we haven't spent as much time on the heavy rain in Mount Vernon heading into Coshocton but again that's not severe that's I mean that's one of the reasons heavy rain yeah we have to really because such a dangerous situation normally we're dealing with maybe one tornado warning at a time but not four or five six and you can see again from Circleville into a Logan Hocking County and I'll put a couple of trackers on these and Dave and I've been watching all the numbers coming here boy about 80 miles per hour hail potential up to one inch in diameter of course yesterday we had two to three inch diameter hail Laurel ville in the path of this storm at 120 so that's that one and then of course the the trailing a storm which had tornado on the ground at least once if not twice and had to funnel clouds form a wedge according to a spotter in the dark they could see blooming Berg 12:55 so we know it has been tornadic at times and then of course we've been looking at the Perry County storm over and over again over by crook so but I'm seeing so much rain Dave around this yes that's gonna cut off the inflow and just a heavy I still think that that Selmy or circle bill is definitely the most dangerous one that we're gonna be dealing with right now and you could see if we could zoom in to that pretty close you could see that cell that's the one that's had the new severe thunderstorm warning that's been issued just to the southwest you can see that cell right there just southwest of Circleville basically a mile mile and a half to the southwest and that's gonna move just south of downtown Circleville it does appear this is getting a little bit stronger so if you are in Circleville right now if you're in stouts ville you need to be in your safe spot you do not need to be going outside you do not need to be looking out those windows facing to the south and southwest this is a very dangerous cell there could likely be a tornado right in this area just south of Circleville and that's going to continue to move to the south and east at about 40 very quickly sit into Tarleton before about 105 this evening again this is showing movement right now 36 to the east southeast hail size between a nickel and a quarter size and a tornado index pushing three so that number has gone up a little bit again it's gonna be right into or just south of downtown Circleville in the next couple of minutes in this cells going to continue to push off towards the east southeast at 36 that would take it near stouts Vil and at 111 Laurel Ville at 122 so Tarleton you're looking at about for this part of the cell about 116 but again Ben if you could put on a distance tracker right over here for me real fast and do Tarleton right to the front edge of this right here in this cell and you're looking at about eight nine miles away right now so you're picking up at about 15 16 minutes away so about 1o 109-113 range that you're gonna see the worst part of this cell moving right into Tarleton again we could have very strong gusty winds we could have nickel sized to quarter sized hail and possibly a tornadoes you can see this not starting to develop right now okay this is scary right here yes see this I mean there's there's your hook echo so again I know we talked about it a lot you have inflow here and again red moving away green moving toward the radar site but what's important is that that means air is coming in rather strongly this is the rain-cooled outflow that's going in this direction so this is where and I'm gonna draw that it's right over Logan L village right over it right so what happens with these cells is that the the rain and the cooler air is pushing out but the interface is right here where it's running to air going in so by nature that's going to begin to spiral and the tighter the column and I bet if we look at this in another mode we're going to see let me see if I find another view out there doesn't get any clearer than that so this is a pick away County this is very dangerous situation because just south of Circleville you probably have moderate rotation going on and this is going to be something that obviously everybody needs to be in their safe space here in just especially Logan L village right I mean it is right it doesn't get any tighter this may be one of the tightest were a couple it's we've seen again green and red coming it's coming right over that Walmart just south of downtown Circle go along two right three that's over on the the east side of 23 right there not far from where the the watt that the pumpkin water tower is in that area right now or Wilmington is somewhere over here a little bit off to the to the left so if red is away that means the wind is blowing this way and then in this corridor here air is coming back toward the Wilmington radar side along the length of the radar beam so again that is and I'm gonna have to zoom in a little tighter so we can see where this storm is strongly rotating if we go street level again just south of downtown Circleville dave was giving you some parameters it's obviously east of Williamsport north of Kingston but south-central Pickaway County and again this would be the overall motion toward Adelphi and Laurel ville this storm is trouble it's got deep rotation and I know Dave earlier we had and let me clear this and back it out we also had a funnel cloud reported by spotters here Berg so again that different cells same idea you know it's just it's amazing again I'll go back to the rule looking at radar the way we usually see it so you can see those two cells you know lined up back-to-back but you know in each case you know there there's obviously a very clear-cut hook echo there's a little bit of a notch there that's where I would suggest the spin is so that's again that doesn't mean there is a tornado but it means the tornado could be hiding in these spots or it could be developing it may not reach the ground maybe just a funnel cloud but either way but it would happen so quickly as we saw in the Dayton area you wouldn't have time to take cover that's why you need to be taking cover now I want to also a recheck because there been some changes here in Muskingum County yeah those are all thunderstorm warnings over into over two noble counties thunderstorm warnings a tornado warning still extends here I believe in Perry County until that's it's a 1:15 so for another 15 minutes actually yeah one 15 year right Dave and the thunderstorm warning till 1:30 grenoble County and just to reiterate the thunderstorm warning into a Hocking County until 1:15 and 1:30 tornado warning till 1:15 in Pickaway County the tornado warning for Fayette is until 1:15 that tornado bearing storm potentially is over blooming burg moving east at 35 miles an hour so again just so many to track all at once so let's keep really close eye on this one Ben because this one just seems extremely dangerous right here south of Circleville right now that's crossing near Logan Elm Village that's going to be going down County Road 16 right there as Ben was mentioning this is showing obviously this scan right here near Haysville right here the circle Hills neighborhood right along county highway 16 Washington Meadows that cell obviously as Ben was mentioning the radar scans up so this could be right above the ground that we're seeing this at a thousand 1,500 feet that we're seeing this rotation showing up but it has been showing up right just to the south of Circleville just to the north of Logan Elm village if we can click back on that orange one again for a second there and you notice that the tornado index still showing at about a three a 2.8 right now but very likely that we have hail least small to moderate sized hail with this and it's going to continue to move to the east southeast at 36 miles per hour that tornado warning extends until 1:15 tonight but again if you're along County Road 16 if we could zoom back into this area right in here Ben if you're in County Road 16 circle Hills neighborhood moving over towards basically off towards the east right along state highway was that 150 right there we've got very strong at 159 I'm sorry 159 right there over towards Tarleton this area really you need to be on very high alert because this does show good indication that we have rotation showing up here at a minimum with strong gusty winds moving right through pick away County south of circle bill south of stouts Ville but some very strong thunderstorms moving into that area yeah and Dave the National Weather Service's a radar indicates a probable tornado right here so whether it's on the ground or not is impossible to tell this moment but but your rotations showing up even more on velocity you could start see if the the velocity look how the velocity looks that because you can see that rotate yeah it just I mean it's unending I mean this storm just continues to rotate as it works its way into southeast Pickaway County away from the city of Circleville but you know we keep going in on this because this is a dangerous storm this could this could wind up on the ground as a tornado we just don't know it's dark you can't really see it it may just happen but the spiral inbound and read inbound green so this this just continues to rotate back here this is a broader rotation but that I mean this is just unbelievable how strong that particular storm is I'm going to have to back this out again be also you can see the weaker of the two sells out by bloomin burg in Fayette County so I mean if the National Weather Service I mean they feel strongly there could very well be a tornado if not on the ground very close to being on the ground and this is good Dave we're gonna look at possible debris ball yeah write it right in this area if you could yeah that's actually lofted debris when you see a blue green speck just to the east of a hook echo in this area right there the fancy term correlation coefficient but what that means is a radar is seeing something that's not range so these are solid targets not not liquid I know again it's very hard to interpret it doesn't mean there's a tornado on the ground but we have to presume the worst here that this this is again of just now the south of Township highway 16 Caldwell Road heading into the vicinity of Kingston we get you back to the view so to orient you again that storm continues to exhibit a strong rotation possible tornado we have to assume the worst here adèle file Auroville about 120 on the timing of that storm it continues to show every every single check every box for trouble when you see an inflow knotch again that matched up where we saw a possible debris in the we looked at another mode the dual pol as we call it let me get back to a couple of other ways of looking at this storm wow look at the wind so again in Pickaway County this is the very dangerous storm I hope you have a basement or lowest floor away from walls and windows because this storm is is just not winding down at all the shear here is indicating about 70 miles per hour a little bit less to the southeast but again these markers if nothing else don't worry so much about the numbers it tells us where to be concerned in other words where the strongest winds are whether they're rotating or or outflow winds or both and that is the case you can see also back behind this what we're dealing with with a storm that maybe it's weakened a little bit but Hill producer near bloomin burg that had a funnel cloud and maybe as a possible tornado coming into Northwest Fayette County but right now we know it's just a hail or everything else including the Perry County storm has weakened there's some indications of hail up by Buckeye Lake and also some strong winds up by Buckeye Lake too by the way so that storm well it's no longer a warned storm you're still getting some good outflow out by thorn Ville and Miller support against everybody in this cluster of storms which is clearly making progress to the southeast I mean you you just you have to be on guard but we do have to really focus on a possible tornado here southeast or Circleville that'll pass near and a little bit to the north of Laurel Ville radars giving great indication of a tornado a minimum rotation wind shear continues to climb upwards of 80 miles an hour that's rotational wind by the way now it's above the ground but but still you know a very scary situation in the sense that we we treat these and it's moving right towards Tarleton right now I mean that's that's if you're in Tarleton you need to get to that safe spot immediately I mean that's that is a very dangerous cell that's moving it's gonna be moving right up a highway 159 basically in that area it may just clip to the south of Tarleton but if you're in Tarleton you know someone that lives along 159 crossing 56 right in that area you need to get to that you need to tell them to get to that safe spot you notice the hail path not showing a lot of hail continuing over past Circleville with this cell but we've been watching very closely and the tight rotation showing up in this we can click on the shear rate button right here or the shear path now but that one the shear path there been that's that's told us yes everything you need to know and remember we showed this a little while ago and you can see how it kind of broke up a little bit across northern Fayette County and into Pickaway County now we're starting to see the shear and 92 miles per hour Dave yeah and that's the highest it's been so far inside of this storms it's intensifying and you notice the shear path right here south of Circleville starting to get into this - nearly extreme area right here that could end up putting down a pretty good sizable storm with a tornado with it again moving in towards Tarleton it's moving right along highway 16 state highway state or county highway 16 at this time through Pickaway County so the Fayette County storm that has expired that is expanded County and we showed that one had weakened - as has the Perry County storm weakened so really you know and and let me get you back - gonna be the one we've got to watch this is yeah I mean everything else because the rain has cut off the storm the the inflow to storms Perry County although to point out perry county is still under tornado warning I don't wanna but that I mean it 115 yes but the bulk of that storm has moved in the southern Muskingum 4 and also into northern Morgan County a bit the tornado warned does include Northwest Morgan but I mean the storm of the hour here is well the tornado warning for the moment only goes to 115 that's 8 more minutes but I don't see that's tornado warning going away anytime soon and the story the trailing storm as we mentioned as Dave said - that and still some concern it's moved out of Fayette County into Southwest Pickaway County cities still have two very potent storms moving across south of us 22 through Fayette County it's just amazing how these storms have maintained their integrity even running through some rain cool there but of course they it may be building in from the south at Delphi and Laurel Ville same areas that have the 3 inch hail yesterday you're directly in the path of this storm which is moving very clearly off to the southeast at about 25 miles per hour we also have a flood advisory for Delaware Franklin Licking Madison and union counties for all the heavy rain tornado warning for Fairfield Hocking and pick away now until 1:45 107 that storm was producing a tornado near Tarleton moving east at 30 so that's why the polygon has expanded into a southern Fairfield County and also to include Hocking County this is all for the same storm Dave and we're looking at again to see if we have a debris ball it's kind of it's difficult to tell them they're very difficult to tell if there is yeah I don't see any but the rotation marker you know that has matched up at least some version that numbers gone up to 1/4 that's dangerously high yes that is so we've been looking at these tornado markers you could turn back on the traditional radar believe this data on for a second here want to show you guys again this cell that's moving away from Circleville away from Logan Elm Village this evening east southeast at 36 shear at 80 here's the thing that both Ben and I were just mentioning the tornado index number here 4.8 we've seen this number throughout the night tonight every time it has gotten at least to this high we have had a tornado confirmed on the ground so far to go along with that so this marker showing it goes up to a 10 is the highest and that is a good indication of a tornado of rotation possibly producing a tornado here in Pickaway County that's starting to make its way over to Hocking County so if you're in Hocking County you need to take cover immediately this is a very dangerous cell if you're near Tarleton again that is a very dangerous cell moving right in towards your backyard again Logan the Hocking Hills State Park star laurel ville Tarleton Buena Vista and Hocking County hayden ville Lake Logan State Park Union Furness Rock Bridge so we're starting to move over towards the East a little bit more this is a very very dangerous selling bent this is about the most dangerous one that we have seen locally tonight it looks like in our area outside of the cell that we saw the indicator and date and a couple of hours ago right it's that kind of storm and Dave the Sheriff's Office and local police in Circleville said two semis were flipped over near loves one of the station's I know we are just out there i-23 as that storm crossed again we don't know the full nature of the damage what every straight line and it could be straight line and it won't be till the light of day but at this point it doesn't matter we treat this as a potentially dangerous storm because we've seen tremendous damage in the Dayton area so we know we have the winch here put on the rotation marker to see it's about seven miles east of circle though the strongest rotation is we're coming right into Tarleton oh yeah it's moving away from the side of river the trailing storm by the way north of Clarksburg is also of some concern right here although it hasn't shown quite the wind shear it certainly has the a hail core though right there and I'm going to have to look at that again but let me basically take a couple of things off here so you can really see it is just to keep it simple there's the storm by Tarleton and Amanda and the other storm Southwest at Williamsport the red boxes are the tornado warnings so that kind of gives us these multiple tornado warnings across I mean bottom line this cell right here you have to be you have to be on alert if you're in Laurel ville if you're in Tarleton if we could turn off that shear marker there Ben that's basically right over Tarleton though right there we're showing a rotation with this cell and it's moving to the east southeast thank you very much - about 35 miles per hour on your Laurel Village in you need to take caution right now Ben and look at those winds starting to pick up showing some hail potential and winds in excess of possibly 70 miles per hour on the ground again the bigger concern obviously is of the factor that we could have a tornado you're starting to get into Hillier areas out there as well and it's going to make it more difficult obviously and just a minute and as we've said I've said many times it doesn't matter if it's a tornado or straight-line winds 70 80 90 mile per hour winds are gonna do a lot of damage whether rotating or coming out in a straight line or both because we've had both so we treat all of these as dangerous situations we knew it was going to be a very rough night and even before the storms hit the date here we talked about this earlier in the newscast that we were none usually high an enhanced risk area which has been extended farther and farther southeast but these storms have shown remarkable resilience to regenerate this particular storm again is that it's have deep rotation is now approaching Tarleton so we got to go street level on that just down south of stouts Ville Talent I know these are really small Township highway 65 44 State Route 158 have been on all of these and they are small roads of course you can't see this stuff going on at night still getting 80 plus mile per hour wind shear a rotational wind you know at least at least above the ground storm tops around 36,000 feet is Dave mentioned a BT I so it's a nearly 50% risk of a tornado that's very very high actually this is the path of the storm let's go back you can see it be nice if some of this outflow came around and cut off the inflow but that hasn't happened yet so you still have an inflow notch as we call it a notch in the storm actually a cup although it may be starting to cut off a little bit here trying to come in but hopefully the the rain cool rain cool they're wrapping around the storm will cut off the inflow which which if you're wondering what that means that would start to ease up on the rotation it does look like from the velocity starting to it's starting to you know it's starting a week it's showing a little bit oh yeah it has it has but we should also know that this cell has had a history of doing that where it's gotten a little bit weaker remember about 40 minutes ago we had this severe thunderstorm warning that was issued for this cell only because the cell had been weakening and again that's a big deal still severe thunderstorm warnings are big deals but tonight we have had multiple tornadoes and tornado warnings across our area so we've been watching this you notice the wind shear has gone down a little bit normally we look for the colors in the red and the yellow here in that wind shear to really be picking up possibly for rotational winds therefore tornadic activity that has weakened a little bit I'm not convinced yet that this cell has not produced a tornado and is not producing one on the ground at this time near the Tarleton area because of that rotation we've seen but this is a little bit of a good indicator that Ben was just showing a second ago that that rotation possibly is weakening a bit as we're starting to see those shear rate numbers go down a little bit in that path as you notice here but there's still some broad rotation showing up North allure oval heading into Hocking County and into the Hocking Hills this evening so if you know people that are camping there please just keep calling them keep doing whatever you can to try to get a hold of them and to tell them if they don't know already and hopefully they will be able to get to safer spots this is a very hilly area in here it's nighttime it's raining a lot it's going to be impossible to see anything coming through the hills here you're just gonna hear that roar and that's going to be it so again a line from Tarleton north of Laurel Ville over towards Logan that is the area is still under a tornado warning and that extends until 1:00 thirty tonight right in severe thought one forty five I'm sorry one forty-five to severe thunderstorm warning for Fairfield Hocking pick away at Ross until 1:30 that still doesn't rule out by the way a tornado it just means that the storm is a little bit weaker again in other portions of Fairfield hockney pick away in Ross counties so you know it's these we're really zooming in tight it's the southeastern corner of Pickaway County the northwestern corner of Hocking County so it's actually getting a little bit past Charlton not seeing again the signature the tight rotation as we both have been we're just calling this as we see it now again there's still something going on here yes and we do not want to obviously we don't want to over alarm but we don't want to say we're always good here because that's we're seeing all the indicators that we see in tornadoes in the Midwest and that where we have storms on the ground that look a lot like this now again the rotation may be overhead it may be near the ground we know according to the sheriff's office a couple of semis were flipped on us 23 by loves service station south of Circleville that's all the same storm we don't know what other damage may have occurred with the storm be it straight-line winds or tornadic tornado warning until 1:45 but there's no indication here that this threat is over look behind them they've got another cell coming right I mean that loves that loves the truck stop it's just south of Logan Elm village by about a mile mile and a half along 23 and they've got another cell crossing us 22 right now in the southwest corner of the state you can see that right here you can see that moving across the southwest corner of the state the county of county and that's going to continue to move right in back towards that same area so that station is right about in this location and this cells gonna pull right back into here and it looks like a very heavy rain gusty winds possible with this again that'll be in a Kingston at 143 this cell even is showing a tornado index at about a four and a half right now on that cell that is not warned yet we'll have to keep an eye on that number occasionally you get a weird a little bit of a wonky number that'll show up from one scan to the next but again this is still a very dangerous cell it's be coming across so if you're near Logan Elm village you're going outside to assess damage you want to see what just happened you need to get back inside to that safe spot right now because it is not clear to go out yet in Pickaway County we've got another thunderstorm another very strong thunderstorm that's going to be moving through Pickaway County and following that severe tornadic saw that's moving into a Hocking County at this time and again that is a tornado warned cell we've got a severe thunderstorm warning down in parts of Pickaway County for that cell that's moving out of Fayette County right now and you notice that's kind of the back edge we're seeing showers and stuff some thunderstorms up by Marion County down into Delaware Franklin County but all of this is not as strong as what we are seeing down to the south in fact been we have not had many warnings in the northern north of i-70 pretty much since Lincoln County that was at about an hour ago though yeah 12:30 when they expired the Licking County warning and just you know that was also the Franklin County tornado warning and at different times portions of Fairfield and Delaware counties also but again there were so many storms ongoing at once so again as i zoom in here the Perry County storm is now a thunderstorm warning it's got much less wind but they're all moving southeast at 30 but still potentially 69 mile-per-hour wind gusts at least rotationally the storm is as the first storm the lead storm that we think was tornadic has moved into a Hocking County and it looks like it's weakened a little bit and then as Dave and I've been talking about just when one storm leaves there's another one but this is that train of storms that came out of the date and era were where each one have tornadoes on the ground whether it be in Montgomery County the funnel clouds in Greene County that came together into a wedge possibly a tornado on the ground and we may not know all that until tomorrow when the weather service begins the multiple ground surveys but this storm looks like it is kind of congealed into a heavy rain event from Circleville to Williamsport not looking as severe as it has and I don't see any couplet in other words green and red there this is broad rotation here because although still you know again every time we think things are tamp down a little bit it's cycling it just keeps getting straight weakens unbeliev ones on energy then it picks up another a little bit of energy again and again this is moving through a little bit less populated area now moving away from Tarleton but again Ben if we could click on this orange of sheer marker here and see what the BTI is on that one again remember that was yes still at a four point eight so still showing some pretty tight rotation possibly about a fifty percent chance of a tornado contained within that also the possibility of nickel two quarter sized hail that'll be in towards Logan at one forty nine but again moving right across the hockey hills and there's a lot of homes inside of the hills in that area it's going to be extremely difficult to know something that's coming around the corner but this is an area that if you are in Hocking County right now southern Fairfield County you're basically you're kind of in the very northern fringe of this storm it's basically Hocking County that we're dealing with now for this part of the storm we've got another strong storm that's moving out of through southern Pickaway County south of us 22 now 22s right there from Circleville on south over towards courthouse this cells gonna continue to slide South Laurel Wilier and for another round Logan Elm village Circleville you're in for another round of storms and this cell even though it is only under storm warned right now still has the potential thunderstorm warned cells still have the potential of producing tornadoes as does this cell so we've got to keep a very close eye on that cell that's a very dangerous cell as well but this is the most dangerous one that we are watching north of Laurel ville right now and Ben this one winds are really gonna be an issue with that and possible rotation we were watching that kind of picking up the last couple of scans again Dave thank you for those great and I do want to give you an update the tornado warning has been canceled for Fairfield and Pickaway okay we'll continue for Hocking County until 1:45 a confirmed tornado two miles southeast of Tarleton that's when we were zooming in on Tarleton moving east at 30 tornado confirmed on radar again just southeast of Charlton moving into Hocking County so this is the this is the message from the National Weather Service because they're the ones issuing the warnings and that's how we we have the inside view as to what they are looking at with their many scans and multiple radar sites but but it all is about the storm it has obviously moved east of Charleston now and it is in Hocking County just north of Laurel but like north north north east of Laurel yeah this is a pretty rural area Dave this is awful I believe us 56 and I'm gonna come in a little bit there's 374 state route 374 we see the hail now watch this will do storm winds again and you can see a picking right back up again it's again this indicates at least storm level rotation it's impossible to know if this is on the ground or not but if it is we're down to township highways 146 State Route thirty six so we're east of Louisville a very rural area let me clear that move this over come back and restore charlton south Perry Buena Vista on the north and south but the rotating part of the storm is now moving southeast and you see the arrows here going to back this up a little bit so we're in a very rural Western Hockey County and I've covered flooding here but it's not normally a zone that sees tornadoes because of the hills but we learned that again in 2010 that's not always the case and we continue to see that couplet that broad red green intertwining of inbound and outbound as I put the red arrow in this way I mean yeah it's a little wider in shape which makes a little less likely the storm would be would reach the ground but you don't know and you have to be in your safe place in Hocking County which is the only ongoing tornado warning right now in our viewing area and for that matter in this in the state of Ohio but the markers and Dave keeps very correctly pointing out the BTI four-point-eight consider that Dave what about a 50% chance of a tornado on the ground we've seen and so far tonight well we've had that number show up here we've had tornadoes confirmed with all of the every time we've had one of these storms show up with a marker at 4.8 or higher we have had a tornado show up in that spot tonight so that has been a very reliable indicator so far where there's been rotation obviously we're not here to try it Ben and I have not been trying to scare anyone with this we're trying to make sure that everyone is properly prepared for whatever is coming your way and we've had multiple tornadoes out the night tonight across the state many large tornadoes as well that caused significant damage over in the western portion of the state and this is basically the end of that line that's continuing these last couple of cells right here through parts of Hocking County tonight and not only a you know we're talking about the possibility of tornadoes but one of the other things you're gonna deal with possibly some hail and some very heavy rains we've had these cells training over the same areas to two to three inch rainfall rates would not be unbelievable to hear about and as Ben was mentioning a very hilly area drainage rolls down flooding is going to be a potential as well that's gonna be a secondary concern but again the big concern and this number been notice is up to a four point nine now so it does indicate that this cell is getting a little bit more tightly wrapped again strengthening potentially between Laurel ville and Logan right now that's right basically along state highway 180 heading over towards the Cantwell cliff so basically the northern part of the Hocking Hills right in this area that's where that part of the cell is just outside of Laurel Ville and this is going to continue to move right through the Hocking Hills just south of Logan you know the exit is there where the Walmart is right in that to exit head against the Hocking Hills that's gonna move across there down 33 towards Nelsonville and again very curvy area here a lot of hills you're not gonna see what's coming across the road there so if you live in this area I know it is the middle of the night you want to give yourself a good you know carve out 45 minutes to an hour to get to that safe spot go there right now if you're down here you're down near 33 you want to get in that safe spot right now until the back edge of these storms out by Circleville crosses and moves across because we are going to continue to see very potentially very gusty winds hail and possibly two cells that could potentially produce a tornado moving across this area and Ben that's that's a little bit concerning that that cell is getting a little bit stronger it appears again as it's moving over towards Logan but as you mentioned this could be elevated above the ground and not necessarily we go out and that's the thing at night we don't know if it was daytime we would have spotters help me so we come back to me here in the here in the Weather Center at the larger board I want to point out this particular storm I mean I'm gonna zoom in but tighter and I'm going to also now we'll take that fullscreen so we're going to go back just a little bit because I've been tracking essentially where that storm has been rotating the most let me come all the way back out to a wider view here that's the eastern edge that's Haydon Ville South Logan that's Ewing this is Gibsonville so that's the leading edge of the storm and so I'm essentially following the path there is still a suggestion here that the air is flowing in and this is definitely the out the what we call rear flank downdraft or the air flowing around the back edge of the storm so if we come all the way back clear this again to get everybody oriented again you can see much less in the way of active weather all the still some heavy rain around Marion and Delaware and Zanesville but they're the last two cells that have been really causing us trouble in terms of rotation off to the south and south of a circle ville and south of logan so let me slide this back up to make sure that's above our banner severe thunderstorm warning by the way has been issued for Hawking piccoli and Ross now until 2:00 in the morning so this is essentially a continuation of every everybody around this supercell storm is at least warned in some capacity remember you can get a tornado in a within the bounds of a thunderstorm warning and that's even indicated in the messaging but you know this storm continues to work its way east so remember this is where it came from it essentially worked its way just to the south of Circleville and Williamsport so let me and need to give you a little more space here so you can see the path of this storm has been like so it's been very consistent and all along this we may find out there were one or more tornado touchdowns and it is moving a due southeast at about 35 miles per hour so it is now heading through Central portions of Hocking County the hail size indicating around one inch east southeast at 31 Logan in about 24 minutes tornado warning continues until 1:40 five is currently 128 so the tornado warning will continue until 1:45 for Hakeem County a confirmed tornado 4,000 or so with damage yeah so what Dave when we were seeing all those really strong markers between Circleville and Laurel ville just southeaster Circleville this storm was clearly on the ground at least you know for a unknown period of time yeah because the National Weather Service saying yes that has been an ongoing - that's going right through the Hocking Hills so if you're Logan Nelsonville star Hocking Hills State Park around that area you live around there you need to get to that safe spot immediately because we have had reports now of damage with this cell as it was near Laurel ville so that damage is an indication that there was minimum very strong winds we talked about you know 70 80 mile an hour winds that's still EF 1 - EF 0 EF 0 EF one tornado strength winds in a straight line fashion possibly a tornado damage as well that's something else be assessed afterwards speaking of damage to a Fayette County we have some video in just in from oh yeah Wow remember this is the storm that came from Fayette County into Pickaway County and you can really see here and as we get a little bit closer to the monitor with the sky being illuminated by lightning it seems the funnel right cloud on the baby the funnel on the gun and free yeah I mean it looks like a cone-shaped tornado in Fayette County this one of course would have been here right now yet an hour ago or day that's a pretty dramatic yeah that was about and I'm guessing that was that you said about an hour ago right there yeah but based on I did a time lapse on that and I'm thinking that's the storm that moved over Circleville so yeah continuing to put down ahead tornadic rotation all the way yeah yeah you can see it in that video right Wow yeah that's you know night you know this word a lie we'd have a lot more information but if we're seeing illuminated by lightning that's and if that width that looks like maybe a quarter of a mile wide maybe an eighth of a mile wide it's hard to tell but incredibly strong storm that's when it was in Fayette County so you know I'm going to go back on time-lapse so we can follow that storm and let me get some of these markers out of the way I'm gonna have to change up maybe two hours here to watch that storm right there move through Fayette County North of Jeffersonville just north of Washington courthouse that's where that video was from that's the storm that indeed has made it to Circleville Amanda give us more positives here in these time lapses go ahead and set that up Ben we've got also video coming in from the Dayton area I believe this evening of damage that was caused earlier and Dayton you can see the damage to structures here oh my gosh look at all the video that from this video all the this building that was just basically torn off now the difficult part is telling what strength of a tornado this is but obviously we had confirmed reports of a tornado on the ground earlier and Dayton and what's scary about this you could see the lightening still flashing in there and the background there a lot of rain fell in this area anywhere from two to three inches of rain you can see all the windows smashed by all the debris this is why we always tell folks you want to make sure you get away from those doors and windows because notice even though a tornado possibly hit this structure or very strong straight-line winds the outer walls of that home did take most of the force and took all of the damage so if you're inside of that house you're in that innermost room or a basement you can start to escape some of that damage and just keep it confined to the outer portions of that house but again this does appear to be at least very strong winds if not tornadic damage that was coming in did I don't know if we've confirmed that that was with tornado per se but again very strong winds damaged over in the Dayton area we did have reports confirmed of tornadoes on the ground a tornado on the ground near Dayton earlier this evening about three hours ago that produced a lot of damage in that area and those cells have basically traveled down through Fayette County through parts of Pickaway County now down into the Hocking Hills where we have had damage through the Hocking Hills already reports near Laurel Ville of a tornado that has caused damage in that area so again if you're in the Hocking Hills if you're in Logan if you're in Nelsonville this is the time that you need to be in your safe spot right now we've also got a strong cell trailing this that's moving across 23 right now same area that we had a couple of trucks flipped over along 23 just south of locust Logan Elm Park Logan village that is and that was down near truck stop there a couple of trucks got flipped over on their sides possibly from straight-line winds or tornadic damage that was the cell we were following towards Tarleton and then eventually towards Laurel Ville that did produce a confirmed reports of tornadoes in that area and that cells now down into Hocking County that's gonna be moving just it appears just south of Logan if it continues on this track to the east southeast at about 35 and then eventually moving into Nelsonville and then Athens County it's going to have to deal with this same cell so Ben just turn on the storm threats here purple shading that's showing the possibility of some small hail this is showing half-inch diameter hail so about nickel - maybe or dime - quarter sized hail possible with this BT I in this bottom of this back solid about 2.7 that's our tornado index that's lowered or weakened from a couple of scans ago this other cell this one that we've been watching the tornado warned cells still a BT I showing up at 4.9 with that cell as it continues to push off towards the east southeast at about 31 miles per hour with that cell this latest track right here Ben that's this which cell is this right here this is a 2.9 the one near Laurel bill yes I'm gonna draw your attention to another I saw that one it's just this one is cycled up to the this was the Perry County tornado warning now a thunderstorm warning and Muskingum in Perry counties but that's got some strong wind shear as it heads into a Philo Brush Creek and South Zanesville BTI 2.8 so it's a moderate threat 69 mile per hour hilly area though Ben how do you how do you see something that you cannot spot these and in fact radar doesn't spot them as much as tell us the area where something's happening overhead it's gonna be next to impossible until either we get reports of damage or we get something illuminated by lightning to see that's why these are so dangerous during the day at least we would have a vantage point to see but this is this storm again to the north in Perry County is not giving up its strength completely either and you can see as I run a couple of elements of information essentially interrogating the storm so when's there rotational winds are near 60 miles per hour rather Windsor near 60 miles per hour as approaches Brush Creek Philo and Blue Rock in the next 10 to 25 minutes so again just to orient you guys I'll have to clear that out just a little bit that's the storm in western Muskegon County that has moved out of or virtually out of northeastern Perry County thunderstorm warning storms and that thunderstorm warning by the way for hulking Ross and Pickaway will continue until 2 o'clock and that's where our other storm which is not as strong as it had been thankfully but it's been doing it's been doing that tonight - yeah it'll go down and then ten minutes later we'll see its cycle again but you notice if you if you go back to the velocity on that's on that cell that one has it is weakened a lot we've noticed that over the last couple of cycles here of scans that this cell has weakened they're still showing a little bit a little bit a little bit of rotation with that and again it's been and higher looting - here you do not want to you know go oh it's it's weakening that's it if I'm in Logan right now or Laurel bill or Starr you want to make sure that you keep on alert because this cell has had a history of being a dangerous cell and near Laurel Ville we had damage reports possibly with a tornado with this cell and that's going to continue to push off towards the east southeast at about 30 to 35 miles per hour so still a dangerous cell that been circling right in here and that's going to continue basically to move right in towards Starr just south of Logan so if you're near Cedar Grove near Black Jack you're South Blooming bill again this is the Hocking Hills area right down in that area near the State Park entrance that's going to be an area that's going to be right under the gun for this strong storm that's moving overhead right now and again that cell has had a history of becoming a little stronger weakening a little bit and it did pulse up and about 15 minutes ago and it possibly had produced a tornado near Laurel villas it pop and and probably in Fayette County and certainly back in green and Montgomery counties and even farther back that's what we call a tornado family that worked its way southeast still some powerful storms out by Kingston that's a thunderstorm warning currently for the coming into the back edge you've been companion storms which is unusual at least an hour part of the country to see such fierce storms riding piggyback but they you know there's that much energy that much wind shear in rotation aloft to sustain these storms but also feeding off areas to the south where it hasn't rained yet but everything has made a tremendous progress to the southeast not not a rapid rate but we've cleared areas to the north outside of a little bit of rain around Franklin County Fairfield County Lincoln County pick Wake County except for the extreme southeast corner all in much better shape anything to the north is just going yeah rain cooled air in beds here to your point they actually expired not that it really matters because they were expiring at two but Fairfield Hawking pick away Ross Delaware Fayette Franklin licking and Madison they have canceled or expired the tornado watches for those areas so this is this is it you know the back edge rain and thunderstorms to the north but that's not gonna have the severe threat to them I'm gonna give David a broader perspective yeah there's some pockets of rain but clearly you know the threat is outlined by the thunderstorm warnings and the one remaining tornado warning in the red box where polygons for Hocking County that story again is now over Hocking Hills State Park at a south of Logan it is not showing all the classic signatures that we've seen over and over again tonight this is some broad rotation here Perce a problem almost certainly aloft and again rotation doesn't insure tornadoes on the ground but it certainly has matched up with the touchdowns that we've confirmed those that we will find out tomorrow morning by light of day and that's why all these different indices that we've been looking at have helped immensely in terms of pinpointing exactly what what is the most dangerous part of these storms because you know in the old days we didn't have Doppler radar we just saw a bright colors and you know that didn't really tell us whether it was just heavy rain or if there was a unless we had a clearly defined hook echo we even had that tonight where the air you know it's literally circling around but we don't you know before we were seeing currents like these we're not seeing that kind of rotation anymore but it's it's worth reviewing there's still you know inflow outflow I think in this case you've got ere going this way and that way but where it's no longer coming back are still maybe a hint of rotation in the southwest corner of Hocking County so we'll go back to our roof reflectivity mode and it kind of makes sense here you know it's the last vestige of where there's some rotation but we've got to be careful we don't rule anything out especially in an ongoing tornado warning and the trailing storm Kingston the core of the storm in about five minutes to Adelphi in 20 minutes and tool Auroville knew it newly issued tornado warning for hulking pick away in ross counties until 2:15 tonight they're just services because of the history of these storms is not going to let this go good hulking pick away in ross counties until 2:15 and that's gonna be that's that trailing cell that you were just showing then there is there's i was waiting for the red box to come up so so both storms are tornado warned storms and you know we're not seeing che see a little bit better rotation near Kingston with that second that back cells West one you know what happens Dave I think we think you know this kind of fills in a little bit because you have all this rain out here however for this storm it's this storm is sitting off by itself so it's got warm moist air to flow in it may be one of the last of the powerful storms but it almost it gains as the storm in front of it weakens just a bit and I'm not saying it's even that weak in southern Hocking County but absolutely in northeastern Ross County heading into Western Hocking County a very potent storm so as Dave mentioned that tornado warning blow the East East movement of 55 miles per hour is much faster than the storms have been moving earlier they were around 35 miles per hour although this month this marker says it's still closer to 30 and that's hard to tell but it's adjusting right now for you know as that storm did also there's the tornado warning until 2:15 try to get that up where you could see that oh yeah we're definitely gonna do that Kingston that's where we've got a little bit of that rotation showing up right in that area and this is a betta cell that Ben and I have been watching for the last couple of you know our hour and a half in this area because it's been trailing that other stronger cell initially but now this one Ben does appear to be showing a little bit more of that rotation again that is right near Kingston at this time as you mentioned it does appear to be moving east at about 35 miles per hour although depending on which radar scan you're getting in there it is showing a little bit quicker speed than that I always would rather assume that it's gonna be going a little bit faster so radar scans picking up 50 to 55 that's okay as well because you want to just be prepared so if you're in Kingston if you're in Laurel Ville again this is an area that just was hit 15 20 minutes ago with potentially another tornado just north of Laurel Ville and now you know you think about it folks in that area you have to go back indoors even if you have damage to your home that's gonna be your safe structure to be in you know and and you know hopefully you haven't had damage but the problem is you may not even know what's happened around you and you don't know if there are any trees down or wires down because we know we've had powerful winds rotation near the ground maybe on the ground in spots so it's it's a very difficult situation you want to be walking around outside in darkness and not not sure what you're literally stepping on or what you're going to come across a relative to any bits of debris that sometimes can be carried miles away from where a storm actually touched down so we're continuing to track this latest series of tornado warned storms coming out of Ross County and into ok Hocking County and newly issued tornado warning for Athens Meg Meigs and Vinton County down to the south so that's a new issued final warning yeah that's the same cell we were just tracking how but it's the exact same cell see how it's down from Nelsonville now down to yes yeah so they're sending it you're right into the North Charleston just extended that all the way down to the South Wilmington and Charleston we so we have multiple offices that have different areas but they're they're linking up because Wilmington is responsible for Hocking County Charleston for Athens County so they're coordinating that tornado warning but you know until this storm shows signs of losing rotation so let's zoom in right here Ben it's right near Lake Hope State Park it may be difficult to see here if we move this map up a little bit should be right in this area here in the southern Hocking Hills where we've got that storm right now and again if you've been through this area I've spent most of us have spent time down there at some point you know it is very hilly roads are very curvy it's difficult to see anything in this area so this is very concerning moving through the southern Hocking Hills that will be moving through Starr and then eventually as we zoom back out a little bit here Ben you will notice that we've got that tornado warning box that does extend through Nelsonville down to Athens that does include Ohio University down in that area is now under the tornado warning and that extends until 2:00 2:30 tonight extends all the way until 2:30 for this cell moving to the southeast at 40 miles per hour so Ben that cell earlier was moving east southeast and it is now starting to turn just a little bit which gives me an indication that possibly this cell behind it near Laurel bill that the earlier cell this one right here to the east that moved just north of Laurel bill this one near Kingston DeLauro Ville that may move just to the south of Laurel Ville with a potential another tornado moving into the southern part of the Hocking Hills in the Hocking County noticed hail numbers ninety percent likelihood of hail severe hail at about 30 percent looking at about nickel two quarter sized hail with this as it is moving off towards the east southeast at about 33 miles per hour then this other cell that's just off towards the south of Logan that'll begin to start about 19 minutes yeah that would put you at about two o'clock ish and Nelsonville at about 30 minutes but again you're already seeing some strong thunderstorms out ahead of this cell moving into star at this point so you need to be at your safe spot I know we keep talking about this but the importance of that cannot be stated you need to get to that lowest point of your house as possible take a look at this southeast of Kingston that's that there you go there there's again we didn't have this before in this storm there is the infamous couplet of green and red indicating air curling around and a spiral aloft at least so they're you know again that helps us nail down and and certainly from the standpoint of the National Weather Service in Wilmington they reissued for Hocking County until 2:15 also and this is why this is the tight red green indicating a tight circulation counterclockwise circulation at least a cloud level what we call that it may be a mesocyclone that's no be used at 40 they're starting to move a little faster now that one's located near the Hocking Hills State Park a tornado near the hog Doppler radar indicated tornado near the Hocking Hills State Park so newly issued a tornado warning does extend for Southern Hocking County until 2:15 and that extends all the way down into Athens County Vinton County the northeast corner of Vinton County look at that yeah look at that rotation they're moving right just like you said it's cycles over and over and over again so it weakens perhaps briefly and then it encounters a more favorable environment and of course we're getting a little bit out of the range of Cleveland you know I'm going to switch to our Charleston West Virginia just to get a another take on these storms because really now we've been we've been focusing on Wilmington radar of a Charleston should get a better view coming into the foothills of the Appalachians so with that in mind let me go back over what I just did this is from the perspective of Charleston again you know back here these are these are probably strong outflows but this is the area we're watching for rotation but let's go up a little bit and see if we have a any other views of a wind shear right there indicating the strongest winds are south of Logan as Dave said over the Hocking Hills State Park it appears the Wilmington radar still got a better track in that Kingston storm it actually does you're right so we'll go back to Wilmington radar at least we can the old days we couldn't make all these swaps and go back and forth and look at different radar systems or different radar sites so Wilmington as Danny Davis correct has a much better view of the Laurel ville storm tornado warned storm Charleston will start to this will come into play I think Charleston as it gets into Athens County but these two storms and it would be helpful I'm going to show you this right here to been right lapse also to show you a movement and let me put a little bit of emotion on this off to the east southeast and I need to back this up a little bit so you can see the track of these two storms I mean I mean they are it is one following the other one going south of Laurel Ville just as quickly as right behind the previous Louisville tornado so these two storms now there's a lot of rain off to the east and Athens County that may make it a little less likely that the storm entering Northwest Athens County will be quite as strong but you can see those two cells both tornadic that have one move past Louisville and now another one approaching Laurel Ville and just to the south of Laurel Ville in the northwestern portions of Hocking County just amazing I'm going to stop the tracker for a moment but that gives us perspective it looks like Dave everything is still moving that zoom in southeast if you can zoom into that Kingston area and then put on the velocity for this that would that sell so here's here's the Kingston storm let's go to move that map up a little bit we get the banner in the bottom yeah yeah so much you could see just a little bit just a little bit that last skin actually cleared cleaned up a little bit can you turn on the bass velocity for a second and see if that gives us a little bit better indicator one storm relative filters out storm motion this is a weak looking right bill just a little bit of a couplet right here that still indicates we might have some rotation aloft but like that last one the last one went just north of Laurel though this one's going just south of fines maybe a little better in flow from the south and and suddenly perks up so we have not been able to take our eyes off any of these storms for any length of time even as they move east southeast at about 33 miles an hour to Adelphi and Laurel Ville that's the Kingston storm and then separately we have the Athens County a storm heading into Athens County now from the Northwest heading into star in in the next 12 minutes it is just about cleared southeastern Hokkien County but not quite Nelsonville Chansey Athens will see this storm it remains to be seen what the weather service does here after two o'clock but right now there are tornado warned storms in other words they're capable of producing a tornado with the one moving in to Athens County of course over Hocking Hills State Park moving east at 40 miles an hour according to the latest National Weather Service scan and but that's the overall track on both of these you know they're in tandem I wanted a little bit to the west both have had a history of producing tornadoes certainly strong rotation which comes and goes but I think the storm Dave is gonna be in Athens shortly yes I think the bigger the biggest concerns obviously that cells moving out of is basically moving out of Pickaway County now but if you're in north the northeastern corner of Ross County that's gonna be a dangerous spot in northeastern Ross County also southern Hocking County and most of Athens in part of Vinton County in north east corner of Vinton County all under tornado warnings for this cell that's continuing to push off towards the east and again we're showing storm threats here you notice the purple indications that's a small hail about half inch diameter so you're looking at about nickel sized hail may be dime two nickel-sized hail possible in both of those pockets the bigger concern obviously is gonna be rotation showing up with these possible storms that are possible possibly produce or drop a tornado out of them as we've been tracking these moving off towards the east southeast southeast at about 40 miles per hour so as Ben turns on the storm winds this basically will give us an indication of the rotation of the winds that's what we've been watching throughout the evening hours tonight and these are the two cells this one's got the big tornado warning cone that goes all the way down into Athens County it's just north of Starr between Starr and Logan we've got another one just south of Laurel Ville right now that's the new newest tornado warning that we've gotten that's also gonna follow the same path basically into the southern part of Hocking County also northern Vinton County then eventually back into Athens County this evening so along 33 it is going to be a mess from 33 on South this cell that's moving in towards Nelsonville right now has had a history of producing a tornado near and Laurel ville earlier or at least damage was associated possibly with wind damage to a structure was associated with a tornado that possibly moved right through the northern part of the Hocking Hills in the northwest corner and that's gonna start to move down 33 right now from Nelsonville towards Athens there's the hail path Dave 2 which matches up with the stronger that have been rotating what does that shear swath look like right now this is Dave is referring to what has helped us a lot tonight first of all this is the shear rate where the strongest winds are first of all currently so near lore oval and Hawking Hills State Park there's another tornado warning that was just issued for Hawking pick away in Ross counties until 2:15 that same cell that was near Kingston I see that moving east southeast at 40 miles an hour and Hawking a pick away and Ross so there's a shear path so let's go back to our classic mode and again we're it's the same two storms Dave they just congestion do we call these rolling warnings because once they've had a history of producing tornadoes and we continue to find small areas of rotation and and who knows what kind of damage we may find hopefully we won't tomorrow morning with a light of day but it's hard to imagine these storms have not been on the ground in spots whether it be straight-line winds or rotation reaching the ground but to still very potent storms again with this storm is off by itself a little bit supercell thunderstorm this storm is off by itself so that they have unimpeded warm moist air flowing in from the south following a boundary that's essentially a warm front which is the leading edge of the warmer tropical air running right through here so that's been the pathway that's why we knew where these storms were going they started out in the Dayton area but we can we knew where the front was lying we talked about that earlier this evening at 4 or 5 6 & 7 o'clock and all the shows and that said watch that boundary as storms came out of Indiana and they have just run down that same highway over and over again and the broader view is showing the feature that probably started that caused us our biggest problem was this broad low-pressure area in the mid levels of the atmosphere so there's the broad rotation and then that comes down into the low levels in the form of small little vortices and we and that's where all the super cells have been on the leading edge by supercell again a rotating updraft and not all produce thunderstorms tornadoes maybe 25% but they have been doing so tonight because the rotation has been tight you know like a figure skater spiraling around faster and faster and yeah they're feeding off each other and that that's what's been so rough tonight one maybe the outflow from one the leading edge feeds into the next storm of scale so there is a Laurel ville that's one of the tornado warnings or tornado warned storms and there is a Nelsonville Chauncey star in Athens the tornado warning goes down to guys ville in Athens County there is Nelsonville so too potent storms we continue to go back to some of our indicators not seeing one right here yeah why they're just little elements but but they're very important they're very telling I mean it indicates very small rotation but Dave you and I you know occasion will go back after a storm has moved through and we try to analyze why a tornado touched down word did and what was the signal it can be something that's subtle yes and Ben I've been watching trying to look for these cells like the one near Laurel though that's just the south to see if we're seeing any debris because that's one of the indicators a really good indicator that there's a tornado girl via radar is if you could see the debris in there and I've not noticed that in the last 15 minutes or so with some of these scans I'm not seeing that it's a difficult thing to pick up on the radar sometimes especially when you've got a hilly location like this you know the way the radars cleaned up a little bit it's difficult to pick up in this area but again just I'm gonna put that on for you it's difficult to see and yeah we don't see anything I know you see some colors here but that's not so much what we really usually will see when we saw earlier blue dot or dot within an area where we had or basically where we had rotation so this is a relatively new a component of live VIPRE radar in Doppler radar around the country came in I think around 2014-2015 but we did see a debris ball at one point yes and I believe it was measure was of the pick away or the Fayette County storm but that was an indication of tornado on the ground and that may have been the Fayette County storm that produced where we saw the video of the tornado illuminated by lightning about 15-20 minutes ago they came in to NBC for better I think for this cell this cell starting to move of Pickaway County which is good news Pickaway County I noticed just a minute ago that the severe thunderstorm warning for Hawking pick away in Ross County as if that matters a lot because we still got tornado warnings covering this area but they have expired the severe thunderstorm warning for that okay yeah that's that's expired but we're still watching the tornado warnings that extend basically from near Laurel Ville right now just south of Logan and then all the way down into Athens we'll 215 exactly with a tornado warning and it's for these two cells that we've been tracking and you notice we've got rain that extends thunderstorms all the way up towards Logan but again that's the tornado warning that we are watching that's we've still got a couple of strong thunderstorms to the north of that up in you notice up in Muskingum Morgan County's I believe we've got thunderstorm warnings right in this area as well and then as we move up the map a little bit you notice in Perry County from new Lexington over towards crooks ville we've got severe thunderstorm warnings as well and all this extends back off towards the east near Guernsey County too but then as you get further to the west things get a lot more quiet we've got scattered showers a few thunderstorms up into parts of northern Lincoln County Delaware Counties Knox County but none of this is severe like what we are seeing down to the south so once we can get all this stuff to exit to the south this evening it is gonna be a significantly more quiet night for the rest of us I think Ben if you're north of us 22 you're fine yes yeah the u.s. 22 that line from Zanesville to Washington courthouse Lancaster 20 to connect Circleville the same so for folks we've been on it of course you know your home areas and you know clearly it's the front end and it's not just the front end of these storms but the tail end when you think things should be winding down actually those storms are the most potent you get the although earlier tonight of course we saw even up to the north some super cells going in this direction they came out of Union County across Franklin County across Union and Delaware Counties just one after another the storms off to the south of us took more of a southeasterly course like this coming out of the Dayton area we saw multiple trains of super cells going from Dayton down through Pickaway County we have confirmed tornadoes in case you if you're tuning in Laurel ville or rather in the south of circle and Louisville as well could almost certainly tornadoes in Fayette County based upon video we have confirmed tornadoes were all this started and large and devastating damage in spots out in the Dayton area again that may not be sorted out till morning and of course so we'll be on at 4:00 in the morning with NBC for today it will be gathering in from our other affiliates just to the west of the Miami Valley exactly what transpired as these storms wind down but this last corridor of severe weather is is it as Dave said it is I'm gonna have to back this up a little bit again to try to stay above the banner these warnings will still go for a little while longer I'm going to switch modes to see if we could pick up anything again every now and then we still catched a little tiny fares here if we could Todd if we could show real fast go back to WG 2 3 for a second I want to show you guys the storm threats and look at this while Ben's investigating over there this cell south of Laurel Ville right here these light pink shadings or the purplish color right here is showing about half-inch diameter hail this is one-inch diameter hail in here but then you're looking at 50 to 70 and looking up and that's gotten a little bit stronger that last scan right there called stop yet again just south of Laurel Ville and that cell is moving to the east southeast at 33 miles per hour shear markers showing it about 80 miles an hour right now and again surface winds you can see 50 to 70 mile per hour surface winds in that area just south of Laurel Ville and this storm is getting stronger Ben I noticed the BTI number on this has gone up to a 4.9 again we've been talking about this throughout the night that's about a 50% chance of having a tornado associated with in that's based on our radar technology here and that's showing that picking up just a little bit south of Laurel Ville so earlier cell that was north of Laurel Ville produced at damage consistent with the tornado now we're watching this one moving to the south and that extends that tornado warning basically for the southern part of Hocking County into the Hocking Hills and then down into Athens in Benton County through 2:30 tonight for that cell so again that is that tornado is that possible tore not Excel near Laurel Ville is moving off towards the east southeast at about 35 miles per hour so very danger storm near delphi this evening that will be moving right into South Blooming Ville that's right near the Hocking Hills State Park an area that's been hit already I mentioned that earlier this evening and that cell been does appear to be getting a little bit stronger so if you're near the Hocking Hills State Park if you're near star that is a very dangerous cell yeah and the National Weather Service is saying that they have keyed in on the storm 10 miles southeast of Kingston as you said right here that's why the tornado warning will continue for Hawking pick wait Ross until 2:15 that's one of two tornado warnings that's not the only one of course we have all of this going on through Eastern Hocking County and down through Athens County until 2:30 the signatures are not as strong it seems like the back edge is catching the most potent portion of the storm a hail about a half inch in diameter to the northwest of Nelsonville and same and the hail is not that all that impressive surprisingly but it's it's been south of Louisville but I'm heading it to MacArthur so that's in Vinton County 233 wind shear a rotational shear at about 80 miles per hour that's quite strong that's above the ground hail one and a quarter inches in diameter you know just I mean all these parameters have been very concerning back this up and give you the traditional view again showing the cell midway between Louisville and MacArthur so in terms of orientation you're heading into Sutton northern portions of Benton County now and again that's that's supercell number one this one Dave looks a little bit weaker as it heads into Athens and I think that's the case because it's kind of stretched out here yeah I you know we don't see see how compact this one is compared to tornado want a new tornado warning was just issued for Athens Jackson begs Benton County until 2:45 see they're gonna follow this storm all the way to do however see it extended out through Vinton County basically yeah McArthur know yeah I think obviously we're now in Charleston's range in terms of the National Health Service warnings but they you know they're they've taken this storm and just figured it's not going to stop either storm rotating completely until it may be across this into West Virginia so consider as Dave said 245 for this portion of the warning 234 northern Athens County 245 for Southwest southwestern Athens County including the city of Athens 215 on the tornado warning north and west of Nelsonville into Hocking County Laurel villas 215 in terms of expiration time Benton Counties to 45 and that goes into the northeastern corner of Jackson County so you know we just figure the storms are moving east at about Oh 35 miles per hour and when they finally clear they clear but we still have issues Starr inventin at least past 234 not the leading edge but the most of the dangerous part of that storm and of course so you can see the storm that continues to work its way down 33 between Elson Ville and Athens let's see if anything shows up on a wind not there let's try another vantage point nothing spectacular there but but if anything it's the Laurel Ville portion of the storm and I've got to clear that move that back up that continues to show rotation and if you're wondering it's right there you see again a little bit of red and green coming together so that's where the stronger rotation is it's it's more diffuse in Athens County indicating and Windsor going away and and toward radar but not and that nothing like this particular storm which again was that's why I said the storm in Athens County appears to be a little bit weaker than the storm coming into Northwest North Central Vinton County let's go back to radar as you're used to seeing it there the potent storms between Logan and Athens so a trip down 33 now not advised for getting off work you gotta let these storms go through and doesn't matter even if rotation weakens they can still be putting out torrential rain high winds and and cause damage so again the tornado warning for Hawking pick away in Ross County until 2:15 so we're gonna see happens it's 2:05 now with now that would be the the back end or caboose you want to call it of this cell but it has still been a long night of potent storms with deep rotation numerous tornado touchdowns starting in Indiana I counted I think 15 day when Dave and I started on the air and those storms were just crossing Interstate 75 and then within around 10 o'clock and then it's just been dominoes storm after storm after storm and I brought I brought for another map behind you there we've been looking at the shear path we can bring that up over here on wg5 in the background here this is something we look at to see where you know the shears this year was more likely to see a tornado less likely you know you look for the shear typically and the strong to extreme rate we're starting to see rotation so that red to yellow color that we're seeing here and that was the track of that one cell you notice a couple of spots here just off towards the west of Jeffersonville we had a couple of yellow spots there that's where we had tornadoes that were possibly on the ground in that area along 35 and that track continued toward Circleville that's where we had reports of trucks that were overturned at the pilot gas station the truck stopped there just south of Logan L village and in that continuing in the Hocking Hills you notice that's all kind of weakened a bit and we're not seeing the same shear that we had earlier on the marker path here but to the south that cell then popped up near Kingston kind of not popped up but started to grow a little bit more towards East at Kingston that has gotten stronger as it's moved into the Hocking hills and into the southern part and we're noticing a lot more shear potential across that cell so been that really looks like that's gonna be the next cell that we're gonna have to obviously which the Weather Service offices are out of Charleston West Virginia watching that very closely moving in to Vinton County so to the Zaleski forest or in that area down towards McArthur eventually towards Albany Athens so if you're in those areas you need to get to that lowest part of your home as possible if you're on campus you need to get to a safe spot somewhere away from doors and windows we saw video earlier off towards the west of some of the damage that these storms have caused and also earlier we had a lot of hail as well getting blown into them but any of that is going to cause significant damage and it's very dangerous especially towards your look towards the west or northwest part that's where the storm is coming in from so you want to get to that basement or the innermost room of the house you notice this is going through southern Hocking County right now into northern Vinton County so that's gonna be just north of McArthur we've also got additional thunderstorms that are moving from Nelsonville over towards Athens then it's it's difficult to tell because we're getting further away from the radar sites and we're kind of between two different radars in a very hilly Appalachians which even for Charleston is a vantage point now the the portion of the tornado warning for hulking Ross counties essentially and the Northwest that portion will expire 215 hulking Ross and pick away so let's show that real fast that's this portion right over here by Laurel ville that that portion is going to expire that's blowing away in seven minutes that should be going away that should be expired that that is good news that and there on the back end they have had a really really rocky night tonight in that area with multiple storms possibly producing tornadoes or rotation in that area so that is good news that they are going to start to get in the clear a little bit but you notice that cell that's moving out of that area into Vinton County that is a pretty strong cell moving into Vinton County this evening what are the one of the BTI numbers the orange markers yeah this is a good time to to see what we can ascertain here first of all let's let me see if we can find a graphical look of Charleston number one because we're starting to get a little bit farther away yeah the it's basically north ATAR Hall of State Forest right up in that area works out I'm actually on 327 which gears here to do it this way yeah look at the red on the back of that though again yeah so there's still this what Dave was referring to I said BTI which is 5.0 which is higher than it's been all night which isn't a strong indication right right in here rotation you know a couple of things are going to happen David I think if you would agree there's a lot of rain here yeah so that's that's going to that cell is not going to survive going through here very well now there's a little bit of a gap I suppose in southern portions of western portions of Athens County but that may force the more sips the more severe portion of this storm which has tornado potential a little bit farther to the south east another was a little bit below the rain so you see right there in fact it just did that in this last motion you know it can't it's not going to probably run right through this rainy corridor because it's being fed by this there's your inflow right there it's being fed by you some warm moist air coming around this way so most likely it is worth a check let me again state with a Charleston let's go to a velocity mode and of course lob I could still see a little bit of that rotation it's amazing how persistent and we don't see that in Athens County again I don't want to let our guard down because you can't see everything and if you're under tornado warning you know we don't know precisely we just know that the stronger rotation is with the trailing storm because you don't have all the rain fanning out as we do across Athens County down 33 so the worst of this storm Dave is definitely a boy shows up there there's a hail core it's definitely moving into Vinton County so it's right on the county line there and and so that's that's where this goes next out of Hocking County into Vinton County it's not apt to push into the back of the Athens County storm but for now they are tornado warned storm so here we go this this is the the hail core let me see if I can give you a couple of other things that are helpful the path of the hail which has been intermittent there's the hail core right there the shear rate the wind shear showing where the strongest winds are right on the county line now that's going to be difficult to pick up out of the Charleston one because it's further it's yeah it's a lot more difficult but but at best you know we continue to get a pretty good indication I wonder if I can ask a question of radar here see winds about 58 miles per hour let me of course you gotta constantly clear this to see underneath half of tail I still think the winds are probably stronger than that in that red core right here but but I think it's right on where the tracker pops up Zaleski inventing this is all Vinton County in about 20 minutes on the the core portion of the storm let me clear that off the screen for you but just obviously we know where the strongest part of this cell is we're not seeing that kind of color in Athens capital there's a little bit of purple here but and Dave also don't to lose sight of our folks in Morgan County some strong winds in northeastern Morgan County they're still under thunderstorm warning yeah exactly there you go so there that's that would be until 2:30 tonight also and again we're I'm using Charleston for guidance here to see to get a better a little better radar view through the hills that's heading into Noble County there Stockport southern Morgan County that the cell definitely down 33 is spread out so the what will constitute it more of a discrete cell with with potential rotation is definitely beginning to drift south into Vinton County at about 35 miles an hour so at least the hockey pick away Ross portion of the storm you know that that part has expired up by Laurel ville and I think here shortly for the most part Hocking County is going to be behind the storm but but not if you live along the border the county line or within about 10 miles so parallel to zoom in here I didn't get a better look at where we are again this is pretty rural and the storm is headed toward invention and Zaleski but the I mean we're going to get down into township roads here county roads 184 we're just below State Route 56 if there's hail it's right here there's severly county highway 33 and 63 just north of stella so now we're getting into Vinton County if we go back up at the Hocking County then just south of South blowing Ville and to the west of Mount Pleasant is the core of this storm and it's still pretty nasty it probably still has some very subtle rotation in it and again I'll have to back this up to give you a better view and Dave's probably good idea that would show everybody they're always fine to the north and west yes example minute for the by the radar to scroll back bear with me but you can see that we're just dealing with showers in Newark north of Delaware Marysville there's no threat for Columbus nothing else coming in circle the Lancaster Zayn's when we're all done this is all in the southeast now that's where it all it came in from the West we had a rough go over between 11:00 and midnight and then south between midnight one o'clock tornadoes on the ground undoubtedly a Fayette and pick away in Ross counties we'll know more tomorrow morning but you know up by McConnelsville that thunderstorm warning extends until 2:30 tonight and Dave still got our tornado polygons up into Vinton County again I think Hakeem County is just about out of the woods yeah 15 we should start now at about 2:15 we should start to see some of these going away like in Laurel Ville like you were just mentioning and I think from Nelsonville down towards the plains and Athens gusty winds associated with this but I wonder you know the biggest concern is going to be the cell north and MacArthur right here and if that continues off towards the east southeast towards Albany and Athens this evening that's going to be the area's also there are flood advisories in effect as well I know that's not a severe thinking as this but flooding kills lots of folks every year and that's always a major concern you seen this Union Road in Laurel ville it looks like took a hit we think that's where they're one of the many tornado touchdowns there significant damage and that would that was from that probably this cell it's hard to tell I've been there too some 19 that would have been that that first cell that northerners the more northern one no one in Athens County you know it was the one that near Laurel Ville had a potential tornado also you're right because the southern cell got under it went south of Laurel Ville so the this one here this guy here that storm caused you know and again we probably can't possibly know the extent of the damage in Laurel ville around Union Road and we also as I mentioned earlier we had semis blown over here by loves south of Circleville and I guess and we also had a touchdown or based on video here so you know this this these two cells especially this one producing numerous weather it's brief touchdowns we hope only spotty damage we don't know yet or not but it's been a very long night the storms we don't know if there's any damage in Franklin Delaware Licking counties when we have tornado warnings we had rotation but the signatures were not as strong but that's also going to take a little time we have not received any reports we'll know a lot but everybody with the rainfall was intense so that's why we have flood advisories saw the hella where Franklin licking Madison and union counties until about daybreak about 5:45 in the morning so again if you're an early riser obviously you're not getting any sleep tonight because you're still with us right now but if roadways especially those rural roadways could have flooding over them from a couple of inches of rainfall that we saw earlier this evening and we heard it pounding on our rooftop during the 11 o'clock show right after the Stanley Cup playoff game ended and I mean it was absolutely it was pouring and I'm guessing an inch or two of rain fell in some of the cores and you know normally we worry about that but I think we've been so concerned about the so many storms rotating we focused almost entirely on the damaging wind and tornado threat which by the way continues in Vinton County it looks like Hocking County is being cleared of the tornado warning altogether and that makes sense because that's what we suspected it's pretty much Athens and Vinton counties now thunderstorm warning after warning with the yellow flashing polygons is up in Morgan County but Athens County I mean still even the radar looks better in Athens County the other thing you got to consider though is this cell is going to move into southwestern Athens County by Albany so well it may not look so bad here based on radar this cell has a shot at continue to spin through this portion of southwestern Athens County so coming out of northeastern Vinton County there's still a threat for southwestern Athens County you know on the other side of O you so you know the still these warnings are in effect for a little while longer and we can query them again but they run till at least two thirty to forty five on southwest side of Athens essentially city of Athens our portion of it is in the tornado warning so till 2:45 especially down around State Route 50 I know that area very well where my son went to school and also a little bit to the south the tornado warning to the north to about 2:30 so not much difference in time but you know as we continue to size these things up you know as they come and go and get stronger weaker cycle developed stronger rotation weaker rotation I mean there's no contest between cells that this one has got the energy and and and the threat of rotation I guess we should confirm that though with a look at a velocity mode and so here again what we we ascertain is turning out to be the case there is some weak rotation at least this is in north well right just south of Hocking County into a Vinton County not seeing anything like that anywhere in Athens County so that's still a pretty is all we gonna watch for that one last cell right there but you know the fact Doppler radars allows it and our technology which we've watched it improve over the years and even in the last few years has really helped us we have big storms but we can say what part of the storm you have to worry about exactly I mean we know every part of the storm is important but but every time we've zoomed in and then we find out after the fact that that's where the damage if their husband damage has occurred so that's the advantage of all these different markers you know again a lot of this is overhead it doesn't mean it's on the ground but when the markers are strong and Dave continues to reference the the BTI when we've had that when it gets up around near between 4 & 5 sure enough that's where we've gotten reports of a storm damage but quite possibly tornadic damage so for that Dave I'm going to move one of the things I wanted a note real fast Ben is and if we can maybe zoom out just if we could go back and show a rainfall rate I don't know if we one of those that you can cue up you may have to actually go through the menu who itself can get it to get it up but um yeah might be under the hydro there for ya rainfall rates that would be perfect and zoom it back out of for a second here I'll check what that is how about that 3.8 five inches per well that's it so that's the point and if we could switch this over to the Isle annex I think we have the I think we have the other rainfall but here's iln well that which being wilmington but if i have to go over to this is the rain rate let's look at the also three hour accumulation yeah there we go that's okay that's fine look at these paths right here you know you're looking at one to three inches of rain possible in those areas and we have several counties right now that are under flood advisories Delaware Franklin Licking Madison Union Fairfield Hocking Pickaway Ross there's reports down in Fairfield County near stouts Ville of Creek starting to flood over the roadways in that area because of all of this heavy rainfall Ben I mentioned earlier I've got a weather station I live up in Delaware County and Sunbury I picked up 2.75 inches of rain this evening in a short amount of time 2.75 inches of rain Dave this could be conservative because this is in the past three hours and some of these storms are and there's hail so I'm clicking around all these areas you've mentioned and you can see the minimum we've had two maybe two and a half inches of rain so that's gonna be the next concern going forward because that's going to be starting to funnel its way down into those low-lying spots and fill them up overnight tonight and it's the morning tomorrow that along with damage that's been caused and that you know even if it's minor damage tree damage limb damage something gets blown into the storm drains and clogs them up as they're trying to drain that water away that is gonna be an additional concern tomorrow morning so once this last couple of counties down in Athens and Vinton counties are under the tornado warning the next concern is going to be all the runoff from the rain that we had this evening and that's gonna potentially cause flooding concerns as we head into the day tomorrow at least in the morning hours for sure and you know we're after you watching out for rivers and creeks and it's still dark for early rise exactly I'm worried about folks taking a rural roads not knowing for they hook up with a 33 or 70 you know where we've had two to two to three inches of rain it looks like just in the last several hours and maybe a little bit more on saturated soils just getting back to full circle here tornado warning continues till 2:45 for the area essentially the area I've circled southwestern Athens County northeastern Vinton County Hocking counties in the clear Ross pick away all done and everybody to the north we're not looking up there because there is nothing more happening overnight tonight still a strong storm tore a thunderstorm warning for Morgan County still some heavy rain here so that gets to what Dave was talking about you know with persistent heavy rain some ponding and flooding of creeks and streams for persistent areas but some of these cores have just been very prolific in terms of rain producers there's the less keen about 10 minutes knocks in 20 minutes Albany and that's now into Athens County about 28 minutes on that particular storm Lee moved the tracker out of the way BTI 2.8 that's half of what some of the other storms have shown for so that's indicating the tornado threat is cut in half but it doesn't mean it's it's nonzero in other words we still have a threat here although there's nothing outstanding in that particular scan compared to what we had dealt with before well we can go back and look at velocity incredible that it still shows a little bit of suggestion of rotation this is in Vinton County and we follow this storm with rotation this one came south of Laurel ville the Athens storm came right through Laurel Ville taking slightly different pathways east south east and southeast it was actually the lead storm that caused the tornado damage think on Union Road and Laurel probably many other locations that storm is not as strong as it moves through Athens County this one still a problem for Vinton County and and the reason why it's a problem is because it's going to wind up right back into Athens County in the corner right here so that storm is still a rotating thunderstorm rotating updraft it's still capable again the hail has been unimpressive which is good suppose but the f drafts have been sustained by some pretty strong winds that have been changing direction with height Nelsonville athens and by that I mean this happens when winds change direction with height it's like turning your steering wheel so we think the core of the rotation with the storm is in Vinton County now but it could work its way back into Southwest Athens County flash flood warnings in Clark we switch over to wg3 I'll show that because that's that's what I was taught yeah thank you very much Todd so you can see right here this is 12-hour rainfall estimates on radar here and you can see much of our area running between one to two three two to three inches of rain in some of these corridors we've had these heavier rain bands that have moved through you can see another one of them through Franklin County near New Albany Gahanna over towards into Licking County pataskala that could be a two to three inch rainfall band right in there again I mentioned I actually picked up 2.75 inches up in my house so already there's confirmation of that and we're gonna watch is that cell that Ben was just tracking moving through moving through Vinton County over Athens County over Albany that's where the airport's out over there we have a state weather station right there so we'll get a good sampling of that wind speed as it crosses over there but again that is gonna be our last big dangerous cell that we'll be watching for the rest of the night tonight and then the flooding concern is gonna be the next one in fact basically everything that you can see in this map right here in this big square is under some sort of flood advisory flood warning flood flash flood warning for that area basically the central and southern part of Ohio right down 23 here this 23 corridor it's all under flood advisories and warnings from all of the rainfall that we have had through the evening and overnight hours last night and it's the early morning hours so again we have a couple of we could switch back over back to wg5 right now because we'll get all the flood stuff on there we've still got tornado warnings that extend for most of Athens County this one expires in about three minutes this northern flank from Nelsonville basically north of 33 here to Athens but then this other cell that's the southern part that's the one that's going towards Albany and Ben I think this cell does appear if it stays on that track it is going to miss a thing but go down towards Albany crossing 50 with again strong gusty winds we've hook up the velocity on that and see what the winds yeah let's see what we have and we're on our I guess our wg5 mode so let me take just a second to make a couple of switches there is the velocity mode first of all but I do want to as they've asked about this mode gives us our this way of interrogating the storm tells us for a bt i 2.8 which is lower but still significant risk of rotation let me clear that half inch hail indicated north of macarthur Zaleski in about five minutes to athens in 28 minutes on the fringe one-inch hail the one-inch diameter hail possible also with the storm were we see it just a little bit of a more of a lavender core right there so just very impressive again the as dave said this is going to pass just to the south west of the city of athens and through alba knee and Knox and Benton County all being in Athens County that's the strongest of the two again in the apparent storm or the the one that was out front in Athens County is much weaker the trailing storm continues to be a problem for the next roughly 15 minutes at least we'll see if the tornado warning will continue after 2:45 but you know obviously a Charleston national weather service's picked up the ball here from Wilmington as the storm has crossed over through an east of and southeast of the hockey Hills but you know again we leave this up for just a moment so you get a pretty good idea of the track I need to pull this over there's your tornado warning till 2:45 some of the indicators that Dave and I've been using all night indicate about a 58 mile-per-hour wind shear again that doesn't mean that surface winds are that strong but that's powerful and we've been doing looking at this a long time hail size coming down to a half-inch BTI 2.8 roughly you know a lower-end threat of a tornado more likely just indication that rotation continues as the storm pushes through southeastern Ben I don't know if it's gonna remain as strong as it gets into southwestern Athens County that remains to be seen but this is the back edge and if there's any doubt about that we're near the end of fortunately a very rough night there's gonna be a lot of damage by light of day severe damage in the Dayton area and I'm sure damage all the way through Fayette pick away and maybe Hocking counties we don't know any touchdowns occurred there and and then upstream horrible area of course Laurel ville we mentioned with the first storm that's this one the Union Road we know there's a tornado damage here National Weather Service confirmed tornado on the ground radar base but anywhere along this back this up just a little bit we've had reports of tornadoes on the ground whether it's video confirmation or by other means in a couple of corridors about like so now we're just going to have to see you know we'll have a reporters on the ground to checking out some of this damage it could it also be straight-line wind damage we don't know that that's where the National Weather Service will do tomorrow or later today send out survey teams and to see exactly what it looks like at ground level Zaleski in about six minutes to Athens at 30 minutes they noticed that northern northern tornado warning now for Chauncey has been canceled so on yes it's expired so you know we kept saying the the bulk of the athens county warning at least i'll called the u.s. 33 part of the warning that storm clearly had weakened so i think dave we are down literally to one storm that's that's a troublemaker in the sense that it still could be a potentially damaging storm looks like what moved out of Morgan County in a noble County by the way is much much weaker than we saw earlier so coming back up this is the last of the we'll call the really dangerous cells the one that you have to find a safe place sound but even though the tornado warning polygon goes just about to the city of Athens at least the west side of owe you the real threat there is going to be Albany and Knox and essentially in front of this storm and I would suspect we talked about the CERN I thought with all this rain here the rain cooled air the storm would not continue to to move east southeast but it would start to shift more to the south southeast and in fact has done that tell by the direction of the polygon so that will nip southwestern Athens County then it will head a little bit farther south into Meigs County and Eastern Benton County of course Northeast especially still under the gun here for a tornadic storm but I would suspect you know we're seeing weaker weaker rotation still a potential issue right there we've seen this all evening with these storms still get those tight couplets of red and green so still a probably at least storm level or cloud level rotation that doesn't absolutely mean there's a tornado on the ground fact often most cases it isn't but if there is gonna be a touchdown or at least some strong winds that at least Keys us in you know when you're looking at a broad tornado warning with multiple counties we held that this kind of stuff helps us and helps you know where the most dangerous part of the storm is and of course the problem is we've had a storm after storm after storm and and we had several at a time moving through the metro area between about 11 and 12 and then move south of us 22 between 1 & 2 o'clock but just an incredible display of resilience of a power of these storms to rotate at night when you can't really see them we always invoke the nighttime cooling aspect of these though I didn't work for us tonight no nighttime cooling didn't do us any good at all usually that diminishes the instability if it did it was overcome by incredibly strong wind shear very potent system that spun its way probably into the upper Ohio Valley now in other words to to the past our past us but still they a lot of moisture with it too yes a lot of moisture and it's gonna be very interesting tomorrow morning as we get the light of day to actually see what kind of damage it's been done with some of these storms it looks like there's probably a minimum of 5 different areas that the Weather Service is gonna have to go out and grade storm damage tomorrow starting from the Dayton area all the way back towards Laurel Ville at a minimum as of right now basically in that track were that we've seen a couple of the tornado warnings earlier now we've had storm damage and strong gusty winds between the western portion of the state down to the south and east and we've still got this one cell that we are continuing to watch it does Bend I've been watching this as well from different radars looking at the different ones it does appear that that cell is weakening a little bit but again it's still a dangerous cell this is but this has been the case through the evening tonight we've seen some of these cells weaken and pulse back up again so we are gonna continue to watch this you can see though on that last scan it did look like it weakened just a little bit more the hail core with it but again if you're near Albany you're gonna see that basically where does that right down highway 681 that's going to continue to travel right in towards Albany down in the southeast corner or southwest corner I'm sorry of Athens County so from NOx which is in Benton County from the Zalesky area over towards NOx and Albany that's gonna bring that cell in that cells going to has still have gusty winds with it it's still gonna have heavy rain it's gonna have lightning the Lightning has gone down significantly as these cells have continued to traverse our area and I expect that most of this should start to make its way out of the state after three o'clock this morning but again left behind is gonna be storm damage that we've had from these storms with gusty winds not even tornadic winds but just gusty winds that have caused damage of frequent lightning that we've had earlier today with some of these understory a stir day I should say overnight with some of these storms and very heavy rainfall and you're gonna notice there's gonna be storm drains that are clogged in neighborhoods you're gonna flooding in some roads some of these spots in the hills that have seen several inches of rainfall that is also going to cause the potential flooding and Bend it does appear that this cell is weakening a bit as it's making its way towards Knox and Albany significantly in dayton by the National Weather Service sent a statement the tornado touched down in Dayton at 11:02 11 okay that's by then we had already been on the air and that one of those super cells undoubtedly was the one that hit Laurel ville went through Fayette County so I think we're gonna find a storm path not continuous of course but the same storm had spun off multiple tornadoes a lot of this information will come across later on tonight or first thing tomorrow morning we'll have our crews on the scene again we've got a crew in route right now down in Pickaway County aboard love's truck stop we have some video two semis are flipped along us 23 you know I've been down that area that says the storm went south of Circleville a strong rotation a possible tornado touched down we don't know that for sure but I think we're that was a cell that also at Laurel build it does sound like had a tornado near Laurel Ville where the weather will be doing damage assessment tomorrow an upscale in Fayette County that tornado video Washington courthouse a damage Dave take a look at this this was earlier from this watch closely the Lightning is illuminating a funnel Dave's gonna point it out but you can see right there every time the lightning flashes all of a sudden you see this cone-shaped storm right there on the ground who knows maybe an eighth of a mile wide maybe a quarter mile wide or at least the funnel it's here right here don't know precisely but we can certainly assume it was earlier I should mention this is earlier this is not right now this is earlier this evening this video that we got in earlier this evening and that was part of the same cell that continued to move across Pickaway County later on that same cell it did weaken a bit and then it got strength it strengthened a bit more that one did cause some damage later on as it moved down the line and again we're gonna lot of us are gonna be waking up down to the south and kind of picking up the pieces looking at what had happened from overnight last night and it's early this morning as these cells continue to push to the south and east you can see this is the last big cell that we are tracking moving back from Vinton County into Athens County basically down state highway 681 right there moving in towards Albany and Knox that is going to still have the potential of some strong thunderstorms in that cell but if we turn the Lightning back on and see if there's a lot of lightning inside of this cell I don't know how much is it actually left right now how much we've got left in some of these thunderstorms you notice we don't have a whole lot showing up here right now that is a little bit of an indication that some of these cells have weakened just a little bit because earlier today we had two last night I should say we had a declutter a lot of this by turning the Lightning off because there is so much lightning and of positive strike very loud lightning that we were hearing across the area that eight strikes Dave that's not a lot at all this bad day yeah and that was you know we were getting 500 lightning strikes within many of these within 15 minutes within many of these zones Bo there's another cell up here that that's strong not a severe storm along the Perry County line so that's over by crooks ville so getting some very heavy rain here so and that K that gets back to what Dave and I were talking about the threat of some flooding and in rural areas a heavy rain still moving through or at least moderate rain moving out of Licking County these are not strong storms at all that you don't know they are disappearing yeah but but these areas were worked over with one to two inches of rain so you can bet there's going to be some high water and spots I do see a lightning bolt by itself right there east of Newark so the storms there's still a little bit of lightning with these and then down 93 and 13 some pretty heavy rain that will clip by northern portions of Morgan County but the tornado warning and now it's coming up on to 39 six minutes left in that tornado warned Sal down in Athens Cousy I would suspect that will either probably revert to a thunderstorm warning or not but I don't see any indication we can look at it one more time we're losing you know this but there might be a little bit of broad rotation here but we've definitely lost what we had before in terms of a tight couplet or tight banding of obviously yeah and we've seen that all night with many of these storms but there's it's not said this storm still doesn't have gusty winds with it possibly some small hail with it right and heavy rainfall so that's what we've got to be very cautious of tonight again if you're down in southern Athens County if you're in mag's County if you're in Benton County you want to make sure that you keep a very close eye on this cells it continues to push off towards the south and east this evening that it's going to be a very very strong cell at minimum that's going to continue to move into that area tonight again this tornado warning you this basic triangle that we've got right there that extends for about another five minutes or so until 2:45 this evening we wanted to make sure that at this point we've been staying on the air since after 10 o'clock this evening tracking tornado warned cells across our area several reports of tornadoes across the region starting from the Dayton metro all the way back to near Laurel Ville this evening that we had reports of possible tornadoes so we've had multiple tornadoes lots of gusty winds reports of hail multiple reports of hail heavy rainfall this evening so we're gonna stay on the air and continue for at least the next five minutes see what happens with this cell right here but again if you're in the far southwest corner of Athens County you've got a pretty strong little cell right there that's moving through right now that has had a history of being a very dangerous cell we've also got additional rain showers right now from Marion through Delaware County you know areas that have had a lot of rain already and then back into Knox County not as much strong storms in Knox County earlier but you've still got the showers and a couple of rumbles of thunder up in that area and then it's in North the eastern corner of Lincoln County most of the northern half of Muskingum County the most of Coshocton County also some rain and then moving back into eastern portions of Cambridge County that is just over to the east of Quaker City in Cambridge and then again these are the two cells that we're watching down in Athens County both of them were tornado warned earlier this evening now we just have one tornado warning left and that extends until 2:30 to 2:45 tonight and then this cell will continue to push down into Meigs County and been I think a minimum with that cell we're probably gonna end up seeing maybe a thunderstorm warning out of that cell yeah I doubt they'll go from tornado warning to no warning at all it is we the cell does show indications of weakening though we don't see that rotation as much anymore with that self earlier spreading itself out and as we might expect here after this time and and there's no and that's not to say this isn't a potent storm but it's not looking like it did before our wind shear path very clear with and you now you can actually see again the two parallel super cells that we tracked see that both had separate wind shear paths and the hail again was not significant but the the wind shear and this is where we think this storm was definitely tornadic I don't know about that one we won't know until tomorrow morning but this actually was tornadic all the way back in Fayette County so I think all this where the windshear was most intense is where we're going to find the tornado touchdowns and we are gonna be wrapping up at 2:45 the tornado warning for Athens meg is Meg's in Vinton County will be expired in three minutes at 2:00 for two minutes at 2:45 tonight remember it's not well we came on the air 10:00 as the storms began to cross interstate 75 uh you and I had this conversation between 9 o'clock easily 15 tornadoes in Indiana 10 or 15 in Iowa and Illinois this has been one long chain of storms maybe 60 70 tornadoes will have come out of this particular storm in this a very bad night for some I'm going to spread this out a little bit yeah this kind of gives us that last look at what has transpired and Dave joining me now here at the weather switch with this time-lapse which says first of all that we're out of danger obviously there's gonna be some localized flooding this has to be one of the worst tornado outbreaks that I've ever tracked in terms of just the sheer volume of warnings we don't know about the damage obviously we've had some bigger tornadoes no damage we've heard about a lot of big damage and date that may wind up being an EF 2 or larger possibly possibly I mean we'll have to see I mean I heard stuff from social media and everyone knows that you know sometimes things tend to get a little over exaggerated sometimes on social media but we saw some of the pictures and video on Twitter of just the sheet metal just wrapped around you know and that could be straight lines sometimes but we had reports of confirmed tornadoes in that area and we have some of that Dayton damage yeah you can see from some of this in this appears to be a home out in that area near Dayton and you can see the damage that was structural damage that was done now again you know without knowing it just looking at video it's difficult to assess whether it's a 0 1 2 or 3 this looks like somewhere in the range of about a 1 to a 2 ef-2 possible tornado just based on the roof being ripped off in this house you notice a lot of tree damage in the yard and then windows obviously smashed in again if you have you know this will be something that the storm survey crews go out tomorrow because tomorrow because there's so many areas I've seen a few events like this where it is taking two or three days to count 1015 tornadoes and date behind us before we wrap up here in the next minute that's the date but just watch I'm going to get my hand out of the way and just watch everything moved of course we had tornado warnings in Franklin County Delaware County Union I mean there were multiple lines or clusters of storms and now it's starting to weaken here after 1:30 2 o'clock in the morning in our time lapse but it's taken that many hours not counting the six hours or more as the storms come out of Illinois and Indiana Chicago Peoria so you know this is it's been a while that the ratio but these are tornadoes I mean in terms of just this year you know we're talking six seven hundred miles of storm damage overnight tonight obviously we've got our four o'clock newscast starting in an hour in 24 minutes or hour 14 minutes from right now meteorologist Bob Nunnally is right behind us getting ready for the four o'clock show we are going to have crews out throughout the area assessing and getting video and pictures in from damage you could always send those in you could use our Storm Team 4 weather app there is a sharing feature right inside the app so you can share pictures via that again just one of the things I want to stress you know with flooding that's gonna be a concern starting in the morning hours starting right now but again when folks get up also downed trees down power lines you can't possibly see now if you're coming out before sunrise and you're in a rural highway or Road or your driveway you may not even know something is down you're gonna have to really be aware of your surrender you can you put you have a big flooded area and you have a downed power line it's like putting you know a blow dryer into a bathtub it's that kind of danger you don't want to be around that so you've got to take extra caution if you're gonna be out early in the morning and then tomorrow is gonna be a clean up day a warm clean up day and we think again yeah it should be dry Fayette County Pickaway County Ross County these areas in the Hocking County took hard hits the Dayton area and maybe some more so Dave and I are gonna wrap up here it's about 247 it's been a long four or five hours hopefully we've conveyed information using all our technology and we appreciate all the spotter reports and Bob will be back in at about an hour and 13 minutes and update you on the forecast for the rest of Tuesday and the rest of this warm week ahead thanks again everyone for joining us this evening hopefully everyone had a safe evening and we'll join you back here in about an hour for NBC 4 at 4 o'clock have a good night
Channel: cbehr91 2.0
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Length: 229min 10sec (13750 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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