Palace Of Versailles - France - Full Tourist Guide - Travel & DIscover

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Oh the Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of louis xiv to lure the sixteenth embellished by several generations of Architects it provided Europe with a model of the ideal royal residence for over a century the first mention of acai appeared in 10:38 in the deeds of sin / RB at Chartres which bore among others the signature of a certain Hugo de Visayas the foundation of the scenery and of the parish church dedicated to San Julian most probably dates back to this period Louie xiv rarely visited versailles but once married he brought the queen in the court there the first gateway is flanked on the right by the statue of the victors of Luud xiv over the empire by gasps bad mercy [Music] on the left by the statue of the big to blue the 14th of a Spain by Francois Girard on [Music] you [Music] visitor enters through the forecourt with the minister's wings on either side and by an iron gateway [Music] when louis xiv set his sight on Versailles he was already familiar with the area indeed his father Louis de 13 had built a hunting lodge there where he enjoyed the serenity of the somewhat wild surroundings but louis xiv wanted to make Versailles the most beautiful palace in the world a symbol of his almighty power as well as the official residence of the kingdom [Music] the Chapel Royal at Versailles is consecrated to st. Louis that's to say Louie the 9th of France the French monarchies Crusader King [Music] the chapel's architecture simultaneously gothic and baroque its floorplan loftiness it reaches over 25 meters high stained-glass pointed roof and gargoyles all hark back to medieval cathedrals this bold compromised was the work of jewel hardw in Monza even though the chapel wasn't consecrated until 1710 two years after the architects death [Music] the man's arts royal gate which disappeared following the French Revolution once again stands in the palace courtyard restoring its original double enclosure replicas of the 80 metre steel gate decorated with 100,000 gold leaves were unveiled after two years of painstaking work to recreate the Baroque style piece by jewel Hadron Monza [Music] this royal gate which stands at the entrance to the core donor provides an essential element of Versailles historical identity it returns to this area in front of the Chateau all its impressive symbolic force experts studied 17th and 18th century archives and information from archaeological digs before deciding on the final installation the adornments which not yet been added and made of plate iron and bronze casting it took over two years to replicate the original gilded wrought iron fence and gate the structure was reworked to obtain the finish of the former gates all of the iron work on ornaments were gilded on-site with gold leaf under covered scaffolding 15 tons of iron were necessary for this project which mobilised ornamental ists wrought iron craftsmen found German and guilders 100,000 sheets of gold leaf were crafted onto fleur-de-lis designs crowns masks of Apollo cornucopias and the crossed Capitol ELLs representing the sun king louis xiv the gate is the centrepiece of a secure double enclosure separating the court on earth from the royal courtyard at the very heart of the palace the side was the king's residence and the whole layout aimed to demonstrate that one was approaching his sacred person the palace courtyard were to store to its original appearance in 1789 prior to the French Revolution on the right is the Statue of abundance created by antoine kosovo on the left the Statue of peace by jean-baptiste to be [Music] from 1661 work commenced to rapidly transform the retreat of a man in search of solitude into a pleasant residence suitable for the royal family the colored facades are typical of the period their elevations were to establish the building norms at the end of the 18th century according to robert cots regulation of 1715 house owners should respect the symmetry regulated by his majesty house heights were strictly limited to a ground floor a piano nobile a and an attic story with mansard windows two large buildings of red brick and stone with dark blue slate roofs were added facing each other and formed the new quarter aisle the brick and stone castle was further embellished the facades were adorned with rance marble columns gilt watt iron balconies busts placed on brackets and allegorical statues on the balustrade [Music] it strictly obeyed the rules of French classical architecture as seen in its colonnaded pavilion the Museum of French history founded in 1837 during the period of restoration overseen by Louis Philippe was consecrated to all the glories of France however it's 6,000 paintings in 2,000 sculptures are largely closed to the public [Music] the Gabriel vestibule leads to the great staircase beyond which is a states-general hall and the hercules room at the entrance to the king state apartments this staircase was intended to replace the Ambassador staircase which was pulled down in 1752 to comply with Gabriel's plans operations on the original project was soon interrupted though it was only in recent times that they've been resumed and were completed in 1985 [Music] the Chappell room is situated above the Chapel of St Byul and opening directly onto the Royal Tribune it shares the same architecture as that of the chapel a floor paved with marble Corinthian columns and figures of the virtues above the doors and windows the stucco work in the angles of the ceiling represent the four parts of the world the statues are placed in their niches in 1730 [Music] you the Royal Chapel is the fourth chapel to be built for the Chateau the three preceding ones having been merely temporary work began in 1699 according to the plans of a jewel Hut one man saw and was completed in 1710 under the direction of his brother-in-law Robert to cut in accordance with the tradition of Palatine chapels it consists of two floors the main Tribune above the entrance was reserved for the royal family the site Tribune's for the royal princes and the principal court dignitaries while the rest of the congregation remained on the lower floor the high altar in gilt bronze is entirely due to Van Cleave he carved the glory with the name of Java shining forth the Angels in adoration and the bas-relief representing the dead Christ on his mother's knees [Music] the fine organ is situated in the tribune above the high altar with the mechanism due to clicker and the magnificently carved chest of drawers gilded by Lagoo peeled the entire decoration clearly illustrates the parallelism existing between the old and the New Testaments [Music] the luminosity of this majestic name the nobility of the architecture and the exceptional quality of his decoration make this Chapel one of the great masterpieces of religious art the pallor of the stone is discretely heightened by the goals of the high altar and the organ as well as by the polychrome marble paving and the painting on the arched ceiling the decoration of the hercules room was undertaken in 1712 under the direction of Robert dekat but was interrupted first by the death of Luther xiv in 1715 and then by the Regency and only resumed in 1729 and completed in 1736 the marble casing in twin pilasters foreshadow the decoration of the Hall of Mirrors [Music] the repast at Simon's house executed by the great Venetian artist Paolo Veronese a for the refectory of the survey convent was offered to lure the 14th in 1664 by the Republic of Venice [Music] this sealing one of the largest in the world is also one of the great masterpieces of French decorative painting Francoise Lemoine who painted it between 1733 in 1736 depicts the apotheosis of hercules the exceptional quality of the marbles and the splendor of the bronzes on the chimney-piece chisel by Antoine Bizet contribute to making this room one of the most beautiful in the palace [Music] the room of abundance arranged in 1684 long served as a vestibule to the collection room or room of rare objects reached by the door at the end after mounting five steps the ceiling was painted by Rayleigh Antoine who us who depicts in the background the most valuable pieces in the room of rare objects in particular the kingship an ornament symbolizing sovereign power the walls in the Venus room a cased in marble with our net columns in Rantz marble on either side of the doors at the end the same columns painted in prompt loyal are repeated in the fake perspectives with which Jacques Rousseau decorated the narrow sides of the room and which appeared to increase its dimensions in the recess at the end stands a statue of louis xiv in antique attire by jean warren [Music] the ceiling was painted by Hawass in the center he represents Venus on either side there are two imitation medallions and gilt bronze depicting the rape of Europa and a vamper tried [Music] in the corners a couple's of famous lovers [Music] the Dhyana room like the preceding one provided access to the State Department and the door on the far right opened onto the second flight of the Ambassador staircase on a pedestal adorned with bronze cast by the Keller brothers stands the bust of louis xiv made by lorenzo bernini in 1665 the brilliant execution of this sculpture makes it one of the masterpieces of this great Roman artist and without doubt the finest portrait of the king in his youth he was 27 at the time [Music] in the center of the ceiling Diana accompanied by the night hours and the fresh morning hours presides over hunting and navigation by Gabriel and shot in the corner is a composition of fleur de lis Lee's flower the symbol of royalty [Music] the Mars room was really the first room at the state apartment during the odd ten years that the King lived there each of the imitation gilt bronze bas reliefs in the kuving's is an allusion to the reestablishment of discipline and to the king's military justice in the corners there are some magnificent gilt stucco works two trophies evoke the alliance between the Holy Roman Empire Spain and Holland against France it was the guard room and this destination explains its warlike character and the subjects of the decoration the mercury room was an antechamber which later became the state bed chamber in which stood the parade bed embroidered entirely with gold the rest of the furniture was in silver jean-baptiste de Champagne was given the task of painting the ceiling in the center mercury on his chariot with the morning star Arts and Sciences on the crimson Damus hangs the porter tableau with the 15 painted by hyacinth regal in 1730 the clock with automata made by the clock maker Antoine Moran and offered to lure the 14th in 1706 stood in this room in the 18th century [Music] the bed on display was ordered by Louis Philippe for louis xiv room it's a ceremonial bedchamber these are found in many royal residences nobody slept in them [Music] on the crimson Damus also hangs a portrait of Marilla since Kerr painted by Louis okay in 1740 [Music] the apollo room used to be the most sumptuous room of the whole state department it still retains important vestiges of its former splendor particularly the marbles as well as the ceiling [Music] the portrait of louis xiv in royal regalia was painted by riga in 1701 [Music] this ceiling is without doubt charles de la forces masterpiece and it illustrates the colorist talent in the center we see Apollo and his chariot accompanied by the figure of France and the procession of the seasons in the corners around giri's of the four continents [Music] the war room was the council room or the Jupiter room where louis xiv health council originally it was decorated with pictures related to the story of jupiter and to the restraint of princess it's decoration and that of the peace room symmetrical to it closely resemble that of the hall of mirrors separating them these three rooms occupy the entire west front of the main building of the chateau forming a homogenous ensemble so that the whole enfilade of the state department ends in the veritable apotheosis the walls were entirely cased in precious marbles adorned with gilt bronze trophies and mirrors shelf Lebrun took charge of the Declaration of the arch ceiling in the Hall of Mirrors and the two reception rooms the great gallery or Hall of Mirrors built in 1678 by Jules hardware Manso was cased in marble in 1679 the sculptors completed their work in 1680 and LeBron painted the arch ceiling between 1681 and 1684 [Music] opposite the 17 arched windows the 17 corresponding arcades adorned with mirrors separated by engraved gilt copper baguettes [Music] the gallery is decorated with eight busts of Roman emperors in porphyrin rants marble and eight statues seven of them antique the eighth one is a molding of the famous Diana the Huntress [Music] the pilasters are in Rantz marble on a background of white marble with capitals adorned with fleur de lis and Gallic [Music] the vaulted ceiling is child LeBrons masterpiece he gave free calls to his inventive genius multiplying the allegories the Trump loyal the fake perspectives the realer imitation stucco work the great paintings evoke the most glorious episodes from the Dutch war while the painted or fake bronze medallions on a gold background recall victors of the war of devolution as well as the main administrative and economic reforms carried out during the early years of the reign [Music] today the furniture consists of some large porphyry long spaces for tables with porphyry vases and 24 pedestal tables faithful copies of the original ones of 1769 [Music] the second antechamber is also called a Bassano antechamber because it was adorned with pictures by masters of the siliceous venetian family of artists [Music] this louis xvi bust was by who doll the louis xiv bust was by kosovo this room is also called the Bassano antechamber because it was adorned with pictures by this illustrious family of Venetian artists this large room owes all its charm to this frieze where numerous artists have carved a graceful ring of laughing children on a mosaic background the Kings bedchamber was a central salon separating the Kings private apartment from that of the Queen in those days it had three French windows opening onto the terrace which became doors when the hall of mirrors was built the decoration of the gilded pilasters dates from this alteration in 1684 the room became the king's dressing room but in 1701 louis xiv decided to make it his bedchamber [Music] in louis xiv day the furniture here was incredibly splendid in winter the alcove was lined with crimson velvet embroidered in gold and in summer there was gold and silver brocade on a background of crimson damask [Music] it was in this bedroom that louis xiv sometimes gave audiences and where he dined in private the ceremonies of the kings getting up in the morning and going to bed at night were also held here with their succession of entrances and strict rites here on the 1st of September 1715 he died with a serenity and nobility which even his enemies admired after reigning for 72 years you you [Music] the peace room was the Queen's large drawing room and it was completely transformed at the same time as the war room it's redecoration was finished in 1686 it was in fact the benefits of peace that LeBron was determined to evoke in the paintings of the cupola it's also peace that lured the 15th office to Europe in the charming picture above the chimney piece painted by Francois Lemoine in 1729 [Music] in the Queen's bedchamber no trace remained to the decoration created for Maria Torres the present admirable decoration was carried out for Marilla since qey the alcove curtain in figured silt with bouquets of lilac and peacock feathers on a white background was rewoven at the Leon silk works which had produced the original material in 1787 the bed alla Dukas was scrupulously copied from documents in the archives with the exception of the quilt which is original the wood paneling is the work of degwee or Lagoo peel and the bark and the mirror frames and over door panels are particularly remarkable [Music] the stuccoed corners showed the arms of France and Navarre alternating with the two-headed Eagle of the holy Empire the antechamber of the great dining hall was originally the queensguard room you [Music] you [Music] the guardroom corresponds to the Dhyana room in the King State Department and was sometimes used as a drawing room the paintings on the ceiling at the work of no kuyper and were brought from the former jupiter room in the corners a charming fancy inspired the artist to represent the lords and ladies of the court leaning over pretend balustrade to admire the Queen passing by in procession near the door is the bust of the emperor vespasian [Music] three large pictures covering the walls of the coronation room are particularly famous [Music] on the left the coronation or rather the crowning of the Empress Josephine had not redeemed a body on the 2nd of December 1804 by Jacques Louie de vide on the right the army swearing allegiance to the Emperor in the center of the ceiling there's an allegory of the 80 the far end is the Battle of Abu QIR commissioned from gross by Hakeem Murad [Music] here the allegory of broom air is by Calais Louis Philip decided to devote this room to the glorification of Napoleon the first and gave it its present decoration [Music] the 1792 Room symmetrical to the Hercules room served to communicate between the central building of the Chateau and the south wing [Music] the three rooms the 1792 room devoted to war the Battle gallery which evokes the main Victor's of French history in the 1830 room concerned with the theme of national reconciliation we're all conceived by Louis Philippe as a triptych [Music] the princess staircase with this beautiful decoration dating for the most part from the 17th century links the ground floor and the first floor at the south wing or the princes wing were the apartments of certain members of the royal family the royal children of France and some princes of the blood was situated [Music] the vaulted ceiling which originally captured was important replaced in the reign of Louis Philippe by heavy coffered ceiling [Music] you you the south wing gallery is adorned with statues and busts representing famous figures of the Revolution and the empire you [Music] you [Music] [Music] the gardens are usually reach to the princess passage [Music] when the King wished to further enlarge the castle which had become too small he asked Louisville to draw up plans Laveau submitted several different projects some required the former castle to be pulled down and replaced by a palace in the Italianate style others were in favor of keeping it while merely adding a new wing in stone at each end [Music] [Music] as for the gardens the considerable extension of the buildings had tripled the surface of the castle and huge embankments had to be made with the result that the original small mound was increased to the size of a vast platform in order to support the new buildings [Music] you a new Orangery of cyclopean dimensions replaced that of liver which had become too small [Music] [Music] the new Orangery is situated below the parterre du Midi garden to the left of the terrace King Louie wrote his own guide to the gardens and suggested that a tour should always commence from the terrace [Music] The Orangery is dug into the slope below the Chateau flanked by the great 100 step staircase it anchors the slope and remains perfectly sheltered because it faces due south and is double glazed the temperature remains stable between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius even in winter built to nurture 2000 orange trees the temperature is regulated to accommodate these warmth loving trees on drill allatra then produced a definitive design for the gardens the flower beds and lawns were enlarged to match the scale of the immense palace [Music] [Music] the perspectives were increased the Grand Canal and the ornamental Swiss pool at the end were dug innumerable groves were planted fountains were installed all at a great cost and requiring extensive canalization the grounds were laid out geometrically around the main axis secondary axis radiating pathways and circular or semicircular pools known as basins the [Music] water garden stretches in front of the main central body of the Chateau at the foot of the Hall of Mirrors in 1683 the water garden acquired its present aspect when the south wing was completed and the construction of the north wing gave the facades of the Chateau their final appearance in front of the terrace a to long rectangular basins with marble rims adorned with bronze statues their beautiful faces elegant shape the delicate chiseling and the quality of the bronze casting attributed to the caliber others all make this monumental ensemble one of the great masterpieces of 17th century statuary [Music] [Music] on the longer sides eight water nymphs can be seen there are groups of children the corners and on the sides reclining figures which harmonize perfectly with the immensely long horizontal front line of the chateau [Music] the masterpiece known as the shadonna la francaise came into being and the greatest sculptors at the time contributed to its decoration [Music] from 1678 onwards the garden front was renovated the central Terrace disappeared and a new facade was erected between the two pavilions behind which the Hall of Mirrors was built the peace at nish Meighan which certainly ensured the supremacy of the king in europe and marked the zenith apollo at the 14th reign provided the impetus for further enlargements it was now that jewels hard win Monsod erected two long wings of the south and north ends to accommodate the princes and courtiers [Music] the facade overlooking the gardens is the only true expression of the wishes of louis xiv and his architects a vast palace in the italian at manor with flat roofs concealed by a balustrade bristling with trophies and flame ornaments and facades punctuated by saline evanka with columns surmounted by statues you [Music] [Music] the western terrace of chateau de versailles comprises four bronze statues caused by the Keller brothers from classical works in 1684 to 1685 the letona Basin represents the mother of Apollo and Diana protecting her young children from the insults of lycian peasants and imploring Jupiter to avenge her all these works are due to the Marcy brothers who found their inspiration in Ovid's metamorphoses an illusion can be supposed here to the turbulent frond uprising in the Regency of Andale Trish the mother of louis xiv the labyrinth in the Bosque designed and planted by leonora from 1665 has a precious declaration imagined by Charles Perrault [Music] until 1688 the parterre suit was known as the parterre of love or the Queen's Potter [Music] every turn in a pathway presents new vistas new fountains new statues trellis Tabas and trees trained and pruned into unusual shapes all varieties of marble can be found in Versailles it's the king of building material and was the King's favorite most of the marble came from the Pyrenees and only the white marble was imported from Carrara in Italy the quality of which could not be matched by any French [Music] you thousands of men participated in the vast undertaking sublimated by numerous representations of greco-roman mythology through the magic of the fifty fountains and 620 waterworks the extraordinary beauty of the gardens was used to represent the Kings power the King entertained distinguished guests in the gardens [Music] on an island the goddess with the twins at her side is praying Jupiter to pour his anger upon the rough people who scattered about in the water below her spurting Jets upon her which rise out of human bodies with mouths of frogs or from actual frogs the gardens of Versailles occupy part of what was once the domain Royale de Versailles situated to the west of the palace the gardens cover some 800 hectares of land much of which is landscaped in the classic French garden style [Music] [Music] the gardens are adorned with over 300 statues and terms busts and vases in marble bronze or LED making them the most important outdoor museum of sculpture in the world among the statues there are about 20 original antiques and some 30 copies from the antique executed by pupils of the French Academy in Rome all the rest original works due to the greatest sculptors of their day some of these statues damaged by pollution or vandalized have been removed for safety to the galleries of the great stable generally the sculptures are placed around the ornamental gardens and along the Royal Avenue [Music] on either side of the principle compositional axes these bas gas provided the stroller with shade and privacy in their enclosed spaces an appropriate complement to the vistas and the grand part heirs with their sunny passages [Music] the colonnades a wooded grove was planted in 1684 under the supervision of Jules hard one man sir until 1685 the site of the present colonnade was occupied by Linares grove of springs with its narrow twisting paths weaving their way through the wood and crossing several little streams the triangular spandrels between the archways are decorated with bas-reliefs depicting children playing musical instruments [Music] the carving on the arcade spandrels representing young satyrs forms nymphs my ads and back homes was entrusted to the finest sculptors from Kosovo or rain nailed on to flow men and money in the center Louie the 14 that plays Pluto abducting Proserpine symbolizing fire this masterpiece by Jared daun is now safely installed in the galleries of the great stable and has been replaced here by a plaster cast [Music] without any plant life the perfect circular peristyle measures 32 meters in diameter 32 marble columns of ionic order support the archways and a white marble cornice upon which there are 32 urns fountains in the form of large marble basins are under each archway water from which flows into a channel [Music] the garden has many features numerous fountains jetson waterfalls a vast amount of sculptors and statues water partiers and formal gardens all these aspects have made it the most famous garden in the world along with its size and grandeur [Music] [Music] the fountain of Apollo was constructed on the site of a rectangular Cuadrilla bait pond dug in 1636 during the reign of Louis the 13th the story of Apollo illustrates the Solar myth and governs the subjects of statues and fountains along the main axis of the gardens the large basin at the western end is adorned with Apollo's Chariot the Sun God can be seen emerging from the waves at dawn beginning his daily path the lead sculpture from which the fountain took its name was executed by jean-baptiste to be in 1668 and depicts Apollo and his chariot drawn by four horses and surrounded by four titans and four sea monsters the sculpture was brought to Versailles from the goblins works in 1670 and was gilded and installed the following year the Grand Canal was the scene of Louis boating parties the boats were brightly painted gondolas complete with real-life gondoliers presented to louis xiv by the Doge of Venice it's in the form of a cross a mile long the north transverse arm leads directly to the Grand Trianon [Music] the Tryon Palace was planned to resemble a French mansion standing between a courtyard and a garden but its architecture is more in the Italian style a single-story covered with a flat roof concealed by a balustrade facades and light stone delicately carved with climbing flowers are punctuated by language marble pilasters [Music] the courtyard is enclosed on the outer side by a haha and very low railings the left-hand side wing hides the kitchens court and the one on the right the King's garden the main building improperly called the peristyle by louis xiv himself is in fact a lodger opening onto the garden through a colonnade this peristyle ensures communication between the two groups of buildings one of the south and the other a far more important one at the north [Music] the garden front is surprisingly long and asymmetrical [Music] the large greenhouse has been replaced by mountains a large rock and never have to a KERS of land been so totally changed in order to create her landscape garden mary antoinette changed everything between 1776 and 1783 architect richard meek built her a chinese tilting ring a temple of love the rock pavilion a theater and then the hamlet receptions and nocturnal celebrations followed one after another restoring to the Petit Trianon the spirit of the festivities that marked the early years of Versailles between 1661 and 1700 250 acres of land were turned into intricate gardens and parks by leonora the grounds are a perfect example of classic French formal gardens the Belvedere or the rock pavilion was erected on a mound overlooking a small lake its octagonal in shape [Music] the ornamental fronts of the doors are adorned with attributes of hunting and gardening the chateau de Petit Trianon was built to enable lure the fifteenth to make lengthy stays in his favorite domain begun in 1763 it was completed in 1768 a comparison with the French pavilion shows how rapidly the style of an Jacques Gabriel had evolved the garden front is surprisingly long and asymmetrical the neptune fountain was designed and dug out in the shape of a hemicycle resembling antique theaters armed with a strident Neptune the ocean God sends up graceful Jets of water into the sky every year it became the scene of a splendid Versailles festivities Versailles monumental pools moats grottoes and a mile-long Grand Canal required a sophisticated hydraulic system to bring water from the sin as well as to drain area lakes and reveal its in its heyday the site had 1400 working fountains today there are mere 300 [Music] you [Music] the chateau palace was further epitomized grace to the spectacular garden the fifty impressive fountains the most dramatic and innovative being the dragon fountain the dragon is scented in a vast reflecting pool and poised as if to strike this goldleaf mythical beast spouts 27 metres of water into the sky creating a plume of foam and Misty aura of rainbows the splashing cascade makes a jingling symphony while the sheets of water seemed to animate the dragon's webbed wings wreathing scaled body and fierce talons the dragon basin was built by Tony Noel Balthazar and gasped art Massey between 60 and 69 and 1689 [Music] the pyramid fountain is an elegant work by Jared on who's also responsible for the fine bass relief of the baths of Diana's nymphs the chateaus interiors and exteriors have undergone continual restoration and reconstitution since the early 20th century [Music]
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Keywords: PLAYaudio, Playaudio, Versailles Virtual Tour, Versailles Palace, Palace Of Versailles, Château de Versailles, Travel & Events, Travel & Discover, Paris Tourism Video, France Best Place, France Tourism Attraction, France Tourism Documentary, Tourism (Interest), Tourist Destination, UNESCO World Heritage Site, France Places To Visit, France Best Cities, France, france historical places, France Tourism Guide, France Documentary
Id: tMI3jcgtEas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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