Day of Atonement

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I'm gonna try not to be too emotional I can't guarantee anything in trying to prepare for tonight I've had my own personal little revival in my little room in my desk [Music] I was beginning to give up hope that I would ever see a community like this one that embraced the whole council of the word of God and really understood the heart of God for the whole earth but yes obviously especially to Israel as well this is a unique place I don't know of another place on the face of the earth that set aside today a church the synagogue's were full and they were praying all day prayers like this I mean page after page after page after page with no assurance in fact for the last 10 days our Jewish friends and family have been saying to one another may your name be inscribed not I'm confident that your name is inscribed or I'm sure that I'll see you again in heaven it's may your name be inscribed in the book of life and then from last night at sundown with the Kol Nidre prayer which is basically asking God to forgive our people for making holes that they didn't really mean to keep which comes from pressed conversion all oaths all promises that we made saying that we believe this and we renounce that that's what last night was in the synagogues and then all day today the Alpha prayer and wearing all white and and no leather shoes because that reminds us of the sacrifices of the temple and praying and repenting but as the sunset tonight as they are leaving the synagogues they don't have that assurance that you have because we serve a great high priest because this Day of Atonement and I I just I want you to see just just really quick what we just stepped into a few minutes ago in Exodus 19 the Lord speaks to Moses and he went up to God and the Lord called him from the mountain and said this is what you're to say to the house of Jacob and want you to tell the people of Israel you yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt when he judged the false gods all those plagues judge God was saying who you think the son is God he blotted it out of the sky he say you think the Nile is God the Nile gives you life for your crops he turned it to Branson to blood everything and it died he said you saw what I did to those false gods do not put your trust into anyone but me he said you yourself see what I said to Egypt and how I carried you on eagle's wings and I brought you out by myself now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant than out of all nations you will be my treasured possession although the whole earth is mine you will be for me a kingdom of priests a kingdom of priests God has in his heart that he will have a family a whole nation that are priests and what does a priest do he intercedes he stands in that middle right he stands in between heaven and earth and he makes intercession he's the one that priest is the one who connects heaven and earth this is what Yom Kippur is all about connecting heaven and earth so that there is a place for the people a straight place not a crooked place that what they hear from heaven they can trust and he proves it in in first Peter chapter 2 Peter is now speaking to the people of God out of every tribe tongue people nation and this is what we've stepped into here as we intercede and as we repent and you say well I'm not guilty of all that stuff no but you're a priest now and you're functioning the way you're supposed to demonstrating the declaration of God you are his physical demonstration to the earth of what he says he will do and so just like Moses you know there was a point in this this hope this whole thing back there at the exodus and and God calls to Moses and he says I am so fed up with this people they continually rebel against me they do all that stuff that we just said we repented for it says continually said I'm gonna wipe them out and I'm gonna start all over again again first it was Adam then it was Abraham now we've got Moses and he's gonna do it all over again Moses as whoa whoa wait a minute you can't do that he's reasoning with God imagine he says you can't do that because the whole earth knows now that you judged all those false gods [Music] and they're watching to see what you do now and the promises that you made to this whole nation if you don't keep them they're gonna say that you're not strong enough to keep your own word and they won't trust in you and God repents he changes his mind and he says you know what you're right when we stand in that place this Yom Kippur and we repent as the priesthood listen listen to this I was gonna get to this here's Peter speaking first Peter chapter 2 but you say me yeah that was pretty weak but I that's better okay but you are a Chosen People a royal priesthood and a holy nation of people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of him whose called you out of darkness into his marvelous light does that mean I still oh thank God I still have five minutes that's what this day is all about it's a pattern we fit a pattern and that's why we know that we can trust that what Jesus said he will do he fits the pattern how do we know that he's the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world he fits the pattern the patterns of Scripture we are we are invested in engaging in these in these these Kingdom patterns that lead us into truth and keep us on the straight and narrow way in ancient Israel this day was an ominous day because there was a system there and what is the system in place for like all the other things that we see in its pointing not to some thing it's pointing to some one pointing to some one and so the Bible even calls these feasts rehearsals they were rehearsals for our ancient friends the Israelites and in biblical times these were rehearsals and patterns because as Israel walked in them and established them as the ways of God then when the reality shows up they would say AHA now I see and so Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement the high priest would wash at least five times and change his clothes five times because he was going behind this veil one time once a year and he would not enter without blood there were two goats and there was one and there were lots drawn one of them was for the Lord and it would be immediately sacrificed and that blood was put in a bowl and he would carry that in he would come back out and there was a young bull standing there before the the temple and his he would be sacrificed and the blood was carried in and there was incense and the two is mixed together but there was a purpose for that what was the purpose the sins of God were continually being sent up to him because behind that veil that 12 inch thick curtain was a box made of gopher wood and it was covered with pure gold inside that box there were three articles that were called testimonials they were the tablets that Moses brought down the second time from the mountain remember the first time he saw them worshiping he smashed the tablets and he got angry he had to go back up and another 40 days of prayer and faith Majan that 80 days on the mountain with God and he had no food and he had no water now do you see why we don't need all the stuff all we need is his presence his presence his life itself and so in this box there are there he's three testimonies the two tablets the ones that Jesus wrote Yeshua scribed with his finger and gave them to Moses I believe it was him on that mountain the manifestation of Yahweh in the flesh his finger wrote those words there was also the golden jar of manna what was that that was the supernatural bread that showed up every day and twice the amount on Friday so they wouldn't have to go out and work on Shabbat for their food there was that jar with the manna and there was also a walking stick a big it's called a staff you know from Psalm 23 you rod and your staff they covered me it was what you would take care of sheep with you would guide them this way and that way sheep are not the most brilliant animals in the world it's not really a high compliment when God calls a sheep smelly and they're not that smart so but anyway that's what he calls us and those three testimonies are in that Ark of the Covenant they are continually before it now remember everything that we see in the earth has been directed by God and it's a shadow of a reality in heaven and so there is this ark before the presence of God in heaven and these three articles continually say they're guilty they're guilty they're guilty they're guilty they rebel against your law they rebel against your ways they do this they do that all that stuff we repented for and the jar of manna reminding that God is our provider and that jar says they don't trust you they're guilty they're guilty they're guilty and the staff they rebel against your leadership they rebel against Authority they did and that testimony goes up before the presence of God day by day by day that High Priest takes the blood Leviticus 17:11 says without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins and so the priest takes the blood he goes in to the most holy place and as he goes in he takes the blood he pours it on these embers these coals from the altar where the sacrifices are burned smoke goes up and on top of that box is a lid called the mercy seat and over that mercy seat there are two angels two cherubim and their wings are spread out over top of that box and as the high priest comes in and he presents that blood before the presence of God and the incense goes up the testimony is that the manifest kavod the presence of the Living God comes on top of that box and speaks to him face to face what an ominous thing there are so many types here I can't take the time the two goats one for the Lord the other is the scapegoat and they took a ribbon a large piece of cloth it's crimson deep red like blood in the color part of it was wrapped around one of the horns of that scapegoat and the high priest would place his hands on the goat and then they would put that red ribbon on him and take him outside the camp take him outside the city and send him away that the sins of the people were carried away with that but another cord part of that cord is wrapped on the handle of the doors of the temple that are 70 feet high and 50 feet wide two of them and when the high priest would go in year after year and he would bring a worthy sacrifice that red ribbon would turn white saying your sins are forgiven something very strange happened with this pattern year after year after year that would be the same and the ribbon would turn white it's recorded in two different Talmud's there's one from Jerusalem there's one from Iraq - these are rabbi comments about what happened at a special time in Jerusalem year after year after year that blood was accepted and that ribbon turned white until thirty ad and after that date until the destruction of the temple 40 years the ribbon never changed color again another thing happened every night the large temple doors would swing open by themselves the curtain that was about 12 inches thick was torn in two you remember when that happened remember when Jesus said it is finished and he poured out his blood on that hill that huge thick curtain was torn into the temple doors after that time after the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world that red ribbon never turned white again saying I received these blood sacrifices no more because the perfect blood has been offered in heaven [Music] but it was a pattern so that we could see so what happened what happened one day one day in the heavenlies after he said it is finished there was a stirring in the throne room there was a stirring in the throne room and then there appeared a redeemer and in he strode he was pierced in his hands and feet he had a ball of blood but not the blood of bulls and goats he was coming with his own blood pure and holy the Son of the Living God Yahweh in the flesh and he went into the most holy place in heaven he entered behind that veil and he presented the blood not of bulls and goats but of himself and he presented it before his father the creator Yahweh and the testimony was still saying they're guilty they're guilty they're guilty they're guilty they're guilty and he took the bowl of that blood blood has a voice remember God calls to Cain and he says where's your brother Abel his blood is calling to me from the earth blood has a voice and so Jesus walked into that most holy place pierced hands and feet and side with his own blood and that crown on his head and the testimony is going up before Yahweh they're guilty they're guilty and I can see him take his hand in that bowl for all those who call upon my name not guilty not guilty not guilty not guilty not guilty the blood talks of a better covenant with better promises the blood not of bulls and goats the blood of the living king of all kings Yeshua Jesus our Messiah not guilty not guilty not guilty not guilty say it with me not guilty not guilty not guilty one more thing is that Reggie back there come on not guilty how do we know that's true how do we know that his blood has that power because he was raised from the dead just like he said the resurrection is the proof positive that his blood has the authority and power and we're about to receive it in just a minute one more thing we do these things these feasts because it's all about him this is not Jewish don't make any mistakes we're not becoming a Christian synagogue this is not a Church of God we're not a Messianic Gentile we're talking about the kingdom of God the kingdom of God we're talking about the ways of Yahweh we're talking about the paths that he has made for us to demonstrate who he is to a lost suffering person earth and we by his power and grace are the solution listen to this and then we're gonna partake together we do these things because they all point to him we fasted and prayed to dare today and we repented because it points to him and we are a priesthood we're just doing what we've been made to be this is who we are listen to this verse Hebrews chapter 2 both the one who makes men holy who's that come on don't go to sleep on me here the one who makes men holy what's his name thank you and those who are made holy who's that turn to someone nuts you tell him he's talking about you yeah [Music] listen to this the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy listen are of the same family same family [Applause] Hebrews two and so Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers he I must have read that a hundred times when I read it today it got me to the quick the king of all kings the one who identified with us who took on our infirmities carried our sorrows who paid the price he is not ashamed of you he's not considering what you might have said or did today that missed the mark because his blood says if you'll confess your sin I'm faithful and just and I will cleanse you out forgive your sin purify you from all say all all unrighteousness and he says when when you bleed now in me your DNA is the same as mine we are family and I am not ashamed to call you my brother pastor Stovall Jesus is not ashamed to call you his brother the one before whom we bow and call Lord of all King of Kings he calls you his brother you think about all the times that maybe you're embarrassed what that scripture says is Jesus is not embarrassed of you you you he's not ashamed of you he's not embarrassed of you he's proud of you he's proud to call you brother and then there's there Satan who's accusing us day and night but that blood keeps crying out not guilty not guilty hey if someone has ever ashamed of you if someone's ever embarrassed you you always remember what the scriptures say Jesus is not embarrassed of you Jesus is not ashamed of you and he calls you his brother and his sister yeah there's there's so much more of it that's probably enough for us where we are now about if we can are ushered and those who are helping us serve would you come forward and take your place at the station and I'll just take another minute to remind you that on the night that our King was betrayed he took bread three loaves on the table placed together he took the middle loaf out the middle one the three loaves the triune nature of God revealed in Jesus our King he took the middle loaf out he broke it part of it remained on the table this part he wrapped and put it aside it gets a new name off he Coleman which means I will come again at the end of the meal Jesus took this bread the I will come again bread bruised striped pierced he said this is my body this is the veil through which you come in to the most holy place I'm offering it to you take it and eat of it all of you and then with his disciples and his friends he took the cup you know it Passover there's four cups each of them has a name he waited till the third cup the third Cup has a name it's called Redemption I will purchase you back from where you have been I know where you've been I'm paying the price and I'm bringing you back home I'm carrying you in my arms I'm cleaning you up I'm putting a ring on your finger and a robe on your shoulders because you are mine you belong to me he said this cup this is my blood remember without the shedding of blood there's no forgiveness of sins he said this is my blood not balls not goats not sheep holy pure and by this blood I declare over you not guilty not guilty father we thank you Jesus we thank you that you are not ashamed of us to call us your family your brothers and sisters and so Lord now as we partake of this meal of this feast a feast of forgiveness and redemption thank you for the blood that speaks to us better covenant better promises eternal life with you never separated from you and your love and your table again Lord we receive it now with Thanksgiving Bholu qatar doha Eloheinu melech ha-olam boray we hug often blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who brings forth the fruit of the vine and the bread from the land Jesus you are our food and drink and we thank you on this yom kippur we celebrate you amen
Channel: Paul Wilbur Ministries
Views: 8,773
Rating: 4.9568968 out of 5
Keywords: paul wilbur, wilbur ministries, jewish, messianic, celebration church, stovall weems, jerusalem, communion, jesus, yeshua, paul wilbur message
Id: iwHbq_tMegY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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